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Spring Arbor University Department of Exercise and Sport Science

HES 345 Principles of Exercise Prescription

Personal Training Client – Case Study

Name _____Meredith Basnaw__________ Date ______________12-12-17_______________

Client History:

K.H. has had two pregnancies resulting in 2 sons. These have been the only hospitalizations she

has had. She has had no other medical complications. However there is a family history of heart

issues, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and stroke. She has not been smoking or

drinking alcohol. She has only been on one medication during this program. That medication was

used to treat depression.

Risk Factor Profile

Risk Factors Yes or no?

Age No
Family history No
Cigarette smoking No
Sedentary life style Yes
Obesity No
Hypertension No
Dyslipidemia No
Prediabetes No

ACSM Risk Stratification

Based on the table above K.H is at low risk for cardiovascular disease.

Fitness Assessment Data:

Pre program

Days of aerobic activity per week 1

Weight 161lbs
BMI 27.6 (overweight)
Resting BP 124/100mm
Body fat % 29.38% (poor)
Waist circumference 34in
Hip circumference 42.5in
VO2 max 31.44 (below average)
Submaximal bench press 35 reps (excellent)

Post Program
Days of aerobic activity per week 3
Weight 167lbs
BMI 28.7 (overweight)
RHR 68 bpm
Resting BP 120/70mm
Body fat % 22.06% (good)
Waist circumference 34in
Hip circumference 43in
VO2 max 31.39 (below average)
Submaximal bench press 60 reps (excellent)

Exercise Prescription:

Based on the information above K.H was prescribed 3 or more days of physical activity per

week. She worked at least 45 min per session at moderate to vigorous intensity. Aerobic activity

was included in each session to help improve her VO2 max. Resistance training was done once a

week with weights and twice a week using body weight. On the weekend K.H was prescribed an

aerobic activity in efforts to improve her VO2 max.

Progress Achieved:

K.H has lowered her resting heart rate by 4 bpm . She also has a slightly lower blood pressure

that is healthier. Her body fat percentage has decreased significantly by about 7 percent. Her
submaximal bench pressed score also improved by 25 reps. She did not lose weight like

intended, but she did lose fat. In 4 weeks K.H had increased her reps from 7 to 8. By the 4th

week she had also improved in every weight lifting exercise she had done. On week 7 the

improvement was noticeable. She was able to lift weights easier, and heavier than when she had

first started. Although K.H VO2 max did not improve she found it occasionally easier to perform

the aerobic workout as we increased them in difficulty. Although her VO2 max did not improve

she did gain strength and she toned her muscles. She did not lose weight like she had intended to,

but she did gain muscle.


From this experience I learned how to communicate with clients. I also learned that they need to

be motivated, because if they are not they are less likely to improve. Although my client did not

achieve her goal, I think that I did help her make progress, however I could have made her do

harder aerobic activities. It was a good idea to get to know my client and what they like and do

not like regarding exercise. I used this information to create exercises that she would enjoy doing

and I asked for her feedback. Once we figured out what she liked we put it into practice, and

started making progress.

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