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Raven Auriesh C.

Reyes | World Literature | MWF 17:00-18:00

“Why Literature” by Mario Vargas Llosa reminds me of how literature affects my personality and
my paradigm in life. I remember how our Filipino teacher in high school taught us to love Filipino
literatures; she even described every phrase that cannot easily comprehend and tell how those
narratives and proses affect our daily lives. I did not imagine how those requirements to read
long writings became my passion. Her influence caught me in living with literatures that resulted
also to neglect the lessons in English. Dr. Jose Rizal made me to decide that no matter what
happened I will use my own dialect in getting the endeavour I take. How can I stop the rotation
of the ideas in my county, when the formal way to talk with my fellow Filipinos is through
Literature has a transparent ideas that provides an organize structure of sentences that can
lead to the main objective of both the reader and author. It gives me the right words to put into
my thoughts, a lucid understanding to the question in life and a friend who can describe what
I’m going through. What Llosa stated “We become citizens of a timeless land and in this way
immortal” expresses that as long as there’s a reader the author is alive. The remarkable thing is
that even the barrier of cultures and time, the reader and the author builds a relationship having
common interests and views in life.
My foundation in literature is yet to contravene since I read “Why Literature”. I’m amazed on
how the writer explains and gives figuratively definition of Literature. It grants me to become
aware on how my life is running per revolution of the changes in the ways of living. Stagnant
and living in a patterned life, that’s how it works to the people who do not read. Reading is
fundamental in the lives of human. We exist with our mind working base on what we see. But
the scenarios we see will convey to our mind and will create imagery and provides languages
that only through reading make it conclusion and organize it maybe it will form to an illusion or
fantasy to hide us from the pattern of this world. Above all, Literature gives the essence of life.

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