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Readopoly Rules:

• This is your take home log that you will use to track your reading! Bring it back with you every time you stop in to log your reading.

• Readopoly is for ages 2 years old to 5th grade.

o 2 years old to 1st grade--Each book you read can only count for 1 square on your board.
o 2nd to 5th grade--Each book you read can count for no more than 2 squares on your board. For example, if you read a book about
friends who travel back in time to the civil war and experience what it was like to live back then, you could count that book for both
the “A book about Friends” square and “Historical Fiction square.”

• Each square tells you a specific type of book you must read to earn a ticket for the prize raffle. When you’ve completed a square, mark it off
on your board.

• For every full color you complete, you earn an additional 5 tickets on top of each ticket you earn for every square to put toward the prize

• If you complete the whole board, you get an additional 50 tickets to put toward the prize raffle.

• Each time you come to log your reading, you can choose to pull a Chance card. These cards will have tasks you must complete to earn
additional raffle tickets.

• The program runs from Monday, Dec. 3 to Saturday, Feb. 23. Any reading you want to record must be submitted by Saturday, Feb. 23 at 2
p.m. to be entered in the prize raffle. Prizes will be drawn the following week. Winners will be called shortly after. All prizes earned during
Readopoly must be picked up by Saturday, April 6 at 2 p.m.

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