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First, we want to thank god for permitting us to stand to achieve our goals and be

able to realize this social projection. In second place, to thank our parents for their

unconditional support and finally to thank our teacher Maritza Peñaran Flores for

guiding us in the preparation of this project.

The Authors


Cover page

Professor and students

Picture of the executing team




Description of the typical Peruvian dish. (Ingredients and preparation)

Origin of the typical dish

Objectives achieved (Peruvian cuisine )

Theoretical framework (Peruvian product explanation)


General results (to value the effort it takes to prepare a Peruvian dish)





Peruvian cuisine has around 500 typical dishes today. The cuisine of Peru is the

result of a fusion with Spanish cuisine, some customs brought by the slaves of

sub-Saharan Africa and the Chinese, Japanese and Italian immigrants that were

arriving during the 19th century.

In the region of Ica there is a typical dish that can not be missed in any meeting,

whose taste is spicy, which takes pork, which is accompanied with green noodles,

I'm talking, nothing more and nothing less than the rich and exquisite Carapulca

or carapulcra with its dry soup, a dish representative of Chincha.

The dish is called dry soup because the noodles are cooked together with the

dressing, and during the cooking process in the pot, it gives the impression that

the soup had drie.




• 1 lb of freeze dried potatoes

• 2 lbs of boneless pork meat
• 3.5 ounces of peanuts. (the peanuts need to be toasting and processed
o coarsely)

• 2 tablespoons of crushed garlic

• 3 tablespoons of aji panca molido (sundried red aji paste)
• 2 tablespoons of aji mirasol (sundried yellow aji chili)
• ¼ cup of red vinegar
• 1 cup of a dry white wine
• 3 crackers
• ½ teaspoon of pepper
• 1 tablespoon of cumin
• 4 cups of chicken bouillon
• ¼ cup of port wine
• Salt


 1 taza de perejil
 1/2 taza de albahaca
 1/2 taza de agua
 Aceite
 1 unidad de cebolla picada en cuadraditos
 1 unidad de tomate picado en cuadraditos
 3 dientes de ajo
 3 cucharadas de achiote
 1 litro de caldo de pollo + sal
 1 kilo de fideos
 Perejil a gusto


• In a medium sized skillet brown the freeze-dried potatoes. The place the
potatoes in a bowl and cover with water and let sit for 30 minutes.

• With ¾ of the pork meat cut into large pieces. Then with the remaining ¼
you will want to cut into small pieces.

• Marinate the meat in a mixture of the following ingredients: vinegar,salt

and pepper, cumin, white whine, aji and garlic

• Fry the large pieces of pork in ½ cup of oil and remove when done.

• In the same oil fry the small pieces of pork.

• When done frying the meet pour the leftover oil into another pan, add
another ½ cup of oil pour in the marinade and cook for 2 minutes.

• Add the bouillon and freeze dried potatoes. Mix all the contents.

• Reduce the heat of the pan and continue to cook for 1.5 more hours. You
will want to stir the contents in the pan frequently then add the meat and continue
to cook for another 30 minutes. Add the toasted peanuts after 30 minutes along
with the crackers and port wine.

• Serve this dish a long side a side of steamed white rice.

Preparation Instructions: Dry soup

Add oil in a pot.

Add the onion and fry for a couple of minutes.

Add the tomato and mix for a couple of minutes.

Add the garlic and hot pepper powder.

Add the basil and parsley smoothie.

Mix and let cook for about 3 minutes.

Add the water with salt.

Mix and let cook for about 30 minutes.

Add the noodles.


Let cook for about 25 minutes.

Add the chopped parsley to taste.



Serve accompanied by the carapulcra.


In my region of Ica there is a typical dish that can not be missed in any meeting,

whose taste is spicy, which takes pork, which is accompanied with green noodles,

I'm talking, nothing more and nothing less than the rich and exquisite Carapulca

or carapulcra with its dry soup, a dish representative of Chincha. But right in my

mind I come some questions such as: What is its origin ?, What is its history ?,

How did it reach our homes ?, For that reason I decided to investigate a little, the

history of the Carapulcra.

«The Carapulcra, a dish of humble origin that conquers the most demanding

palates«, many will ask themselves Why of humble origin? It is said of humble

origin because in ancient times this dish was considered a dish for the poor, it

was also a meal prepared by slaves, but over time has combined the flavor of the

Inca, Spanish and African.

Another very interesting part was the following:

In his "Peruvian Traditions", Ricardo Palma tells that "the tasty carapulcra was

part of the feasts" in the popular celebrations. In addition, in another of his stories

the traditionist says that little by little the wealthiest classes were left to conquer

for the taste of this dish.

This part of the information seemed very important because it highlights those

writers who knew and tasted this dish as it is in this case Ricardo Palma, who

also shared it in his book: TRADITIONS PERUANAS.

The word carapulcra comes from the Aymara qala phurk'a, which means stew

made from hot stones. It was called hot stones, because the potato was made to

air dry in a high place, and after a while, the potato was split forming a kind of

small stones, which when placed in boiling water was crumbled new. In the same

way before it was customary to prepare it with llama meat, alpaca, etc., but with

the arrival of the Spaniards it was exchanged for other meats and when the

Africans or slaves arrived, that spicy flavor was incorporated which is

distinguished today. . The carapulcra went from the food for the poor to one of

the most important meals of the Creole cuisine and since a good time it has been

served in exclusive restaurants.

"It does not matter where it comes from, but a dish of humble origin can conquer

the most demanding palates."

It is a typical dish in the area of Cañete, Chincha and Ica south of Lima. The dish

is called dry soup because the noodles are cooked together with the dressing,

and during the cooking process in the pot, it gives the impression that the soup

had dried. There are many people who attribute the origin of this dish to a fusion

of cultures. This is because Cañete, Chincha and Ica received Spaniards,

Indians, Africans, Italians and coolies on their lands. In those times many arrived

to work in the haciendas and also in the collection of the guano of the islands that

was in apogee.

According to the researcher on gastronomic issues and sociologist Isabel Juárez,

the dry soup is a recreation of the dish of Creole noodles, but that differs from this

in the way of its preparation. There are some variations of the dry soup in some

parts of the south such as the raw soup in Mala and the chola soup in Lunahuana,

which are also found south of Lima. It is very popular to eat the dry soup

accompanied by the carapulca, another traditional dish. This custom began in the

different social gatherings, mainly in the baptisms and marriages, where it was

common for people to stain their breasts when consuming it. in this way it became

known as "chest-stained" or "combined".





Peru achieved its independence in 1821 and during this new stage various

cultures arrived in Peru. As the preparation of the food "carapulcra" or "dry soup",

since, it is possible to make a custom of Aymara people. At that time, the

preparation of the Andean settlers were characterized by being simple.


Thus, as the carapulcra, so, it comes from the old stews and thick soups of llama

or alpaca meat and cooked dry potatoes, since they have to be pre-heated inside

a pot.

However, the Italians were already in Peruvian lands since the viceroyalty, for the

reason that they maintained a close relationship with the Spaniards, but it is after

independence that they arrive with more boom due to the situation in Italy at that

time and the growing Peruvian economy moved by those years by guano.

Thus, the dish evolved from the conquest, so that it can be incorporated little by

little into the criollo tables.

In Peru in the viceregal years, his name was castellanized to carapulca and

carapulcra (the latter, by the similarity with the words of Latin origin expensive,

'dear', and pulchra, 'beautiful').

But by the seventeenth century, it was widely consumed by the popular class and

considered as food for the poor, but by the middle of the 19th century it was

already considered the daily dish of the Lima middle class.




"Carapulcra con sopa seca" is a dish that involves hours of work, this because of

its preparation, because this makes you move the pot constantly and make sure

that it has not stuck, then if this is the case, all the plate will be ruined. In addition,

this dish is composed of two parts, which must be treated in the same way since

each one is a different work that will make the final dish have a magnificent result.


We have understood that gastronomy goes beyond a simple dish of food or

knowing how to cook and copy recipes; the gastronomy of our country involves

innovating seasonings and recipes, knowing our culture and experimenting with

flavors and colors.


The carapulcra is a traditional dish of Peru, consumed more popularly in the small

south of the country, particularly in Chincha, which is considered a nutritional food

as it helps to reduce the load of sugars and carbohydrates, but it is also important

to remember that dried potatoes It is a tuber that gives us an energy as well as




 The carapulcra con sopa seca is one of the typical dishes of Peru, which

undoubtedly is recommended to taste for its exquisite flavor.

 It is recommended to respect the quantities indicated in the ingredients to

be successful in the preparation of the carapulcra con sopa seca.



Preparation of the dressing of the carapulcra.


Preparation of sopa seca.

Carapulcra con sopa seca

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