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Constitution and By-Laws

of the
Shiloh Cemetery Association of Robertson County

Article I: Purpose
The Shiloh Cemetery Association is a non-profit, tax exempt (under section
501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code) organization. Created to maintain and
preserve the Shiloh Cemetery for all purposes deemed necessary by the Board of
Officers for the proper protection and safeguarding of the premises and the principle
plans and ideals for which the association was organized.
The Shiloh Cemetery is a unique and sacred place, created by our ancestors in order
to memorialize the lives and sacrifices of our loved ones. It remains today as a
testimony of the many generations that have assisted in the care and preservation of
this piece of property. Shiloh Cemetery is a private cemetery and does not conduct
commercial burials. It is a sacred ground that honors those who have passed on
before us. The cemetery is run by an association of volunteers.

Article II: Membership

Section 1: Shiloh Cemetery is a family burying ground. No lots may be sold to
the public. Interments are restricted to persons related to each other by blood or
marriage. Membership shall be restricted to the founding families of the cemetery.
Section 1a: Founding families are as follows:
▪ Connor, Duncan, Perry and Yardley are the original Board of Trustees
▪ Cobb, Hardin, McDonald, Moore and Parker
Section 2: Each Member shall be eligible to cast one vote in the Association
elections, or appoint a voting representative to cast your vote in your absence.

Article III: Meetings

Section 1: The Shiloh Cemetery Association shall hold one annual general
meeting each year. The meeting date is the last Saturday of April beginning at
11:00am. Printed notice of each meeting shall be mailed to known members, not less
than fourteen days prior to the meeting.
Section 2: Board of Officers shall meet as necessary to discuss pressing matters
regarding the Shiloh Cemetery.

Article II: Officers

Section 1: The officers of this association shall consist of four members known
as the “Board of Officers”. Positions to be held are President, Vice-President,
Secretary and Treasurer. The term of office is not limited, but officers must be re-
elected annually. Except for the power to amend the Articles of Incorporation and
By-laws, the Officers shall have all the powers and authority of the Shiloh Cemetery
Association. The election shall be held at the regular annual meeting in April.
Officers shall not receive any compensation for their services.
Section 1a: Resignation of any member of the Board of Officers shall be
made in writing and shall become effective at the time specified therein or at the
time the notice is delivered to the President. A vacancy in any office because of
death, resignation or otherwise may be filled by a majority vote of the Board of
Officers for the unexpired portion of the term.
Section 1b: An officer may be removed from their position for
dereliction of duties or by the remaining officers if in their judgment the best interest
of the cemetery would be served thereby. No officer of the Association shall be
expelled without an opportunity to be heard and notice of such motion of expulsion
shall be given to all officers in writing at least twenty (20) days prior to the meeting at
which motion shall be presented, setting forth the reasons of the officers for such
expulsion. Removal will be by an affirmative vote of the remaining three officers.
Section 2: The President shall:
▪ preside over all meetings and execute the Associations purpose,
▪ have general superintendence and direction of all other officers of this
corporation and see that their duties are properly performed,
▪ Historical Notebook should be brought to all annual meetings. It will be
updated by the Secretary as needed.
▪ any historical or legal documentation received, should be forwarded to the
Secretary as soon as possible.
Section 3: The Vice-President shall:
▪ in the absence of the President, possess all the authority of the President and
shall preside over meetings and conduct association business until the President
▪ Historical Notebook should be brought to all annual meetings. It will be
updated by the Secretary as needed.
▪ any historical or legal documentation received, should be forwarded to the
Secretary as soon as possible.
Section 4: The Secretary shall:
▪ keep a record of all votes and minutes at the annual general meeting in a
book kept for that purpose,
▪ in concert with the President, make the arrangements for the annual
meeting of the organization,
▪ assisted by a member, he/she shall send notices of all meetings to the
▪ conduct all necessary correspondence and archive all such records,
▪ maintain the four Historical Notebooks that are in the care of each Officer,
▪ Historical Notebook should be brought to all annual meetings,
▪ keep Record of Burials updated.
Section 5: The Treasurer shall:
▪ have charge of the funds of the association, and keep accurate record of all
receipts and disbursements,
▪ keep receipted bills of all expenditures and shall make no disbursement
without the approved signature of another officer,
▪ deposit all such monies in the name of Shiloh Cemetery with the bank
designated by the Officers of the Shiloh Cemetery Association,
▪ be responsible for developing the annual budget. The board must approve
the budget and all expenditures must be within budget. Any major change in the
budget must be approved by all officers,
▪ the financial records of the organization are public information and shall be
made available to the membership and officers at the annual meeting in April,
▪ Historical Notebook should be brought to all annual meetings. It will be
updated by the Secretary as needed.
▪ any historical or legal documentation received, should be forwarded to the
Secretary as soon as possible.

Article IV: Quorum

Section 1: A quorum for a meeting will consist of the members present, but
must include at least three of the elected officers in order to conduct business.
Article V: Amendments
Section 1: Any Amendment to these Bylaws shall be proposed by resolution in
writing. Such resolution may be discussed, amended, or otherwise altered in
accordance with parliamentary procedure, and when called for a vote, shall be voted
upon at the annual meeting. If the Resolution or amended Resolution be adopted by
a 2/3 majority vote of the officers present, the same shall become effective. No vote
shall be taken unless the Secretary has given written notice to all Association
members, including the proposed changes, not less than fourteen days prior to the
annual meeting.

Article VII: Liability

Section 1: The Shiloh Cemetery Association will take reasonable precautions to
protect all monuments, markers and other structures. The Association, it’s members,
officers, past members or past officer’s will not be held liable for any loss or damage,
without limitation (including damage by elements, Acts of God or vandals) to any lot,
plot, mausoleum, crypt, monument, marker, or other article that has been placed in
relation to an interment, save and except for direct loss or damage caused by gross
negligence of the cemetery.
Section 2: Monuments, markers, plaques, etc. are owned by the interments
rights holder. The Association is not responsible for loss or deterioration. These
memorials should be protected by the interments rights holder’s own insurance

Article VIII: Right to Re-survey

Section 1: The cemetery has the right at any time to re-survey, enlarge,
diminish, change or remove plantings, grade, close pathways or roads, alter the shape
or size, or otherwise change any part of the cemetery, subject to approval of the
appropriate authorities and notice given at the annual general meeting.

Article IX: Donations

Section 1: Shiloh Cemetery does not sell burial spaces. The cemetery is
operated and maintained by officers of the Shiloh Cemetery Association. They are
dependent upon donations. Donations are used to maintain, secure and preserve the
cemetery grounds and markers. Services that may be provided by this fund are:
▪ re-leveling and sodding of grounds
▪ maintenance of cemetery road, perimeter fence and landscaping
▪ repairs and general upkeep of cemetery pavilion
▪ caring for neglected markers

Article X: General Rules of Operation

Our unique cemetery allows many wonderful privileges that are not available in
public locations. The ability to create personalized memorials that commemorate the
lives of an individual or family is something that we encourage.
Section 1: A lot size is 8x5 feet and a double lot being 8x10 feet
Section 2: Any Member seeking a burial lot in the Shiloh Cemetery must
contact an association officer to arrange for approval and lot selection. The
association officer will then contact the Burial Committee.
Section 2a: The Burial Committee will consist of no less than two
members. Their duties include:
▪ meeting with a family member and marking where the grave is to be
▪ if possible, be at the cemetery during the funeral. Open both gates.
Answer any questions the family may have.
Section 3: The Association reserves the right to determine the maximum size
of monuments, their number and their location on each lot or plot. They must not be
of the size that would interfere with any future interments.
Section 4: No monument, marker or memorial of any description shall be
placed, moved, altered or removed without permission for the Shiloh Cemetery
Section 5: No grave digger shall throw dirt on the grave or lot of another
without first spreading a tarp or other proper material in order to control the loose
dirt and rock to allow for easy clean-up of the dirt and rock during and following the
burial. All surplus dirt shall be removed within 10 days. No trash is to be left in the
cemetery. If this procedure is not followed, the Association shall clean up the area
and send the grave digger a bill for that clean up. Said grave digger will not be
allowed to dig additional graves until that bill is paid and the grave digger agrees to
abide by the rules of the Shiloh Cemetery Association.
Section 6: Funeral home, vault companies and monument companies shall
take care not to damage burial areas, stones, plantings or ornamental decorations.
They will strive to not drive over existing graves. Stones or monuments shall not be
moved or pulled up for any reason. Damage to existing graves, monuments, stones,
plantings, etc., will be repaired by the Association and the persons doing the damage
will be billed as previously stated in the by-laws.
Section 7: The Shiloh Cemetery Association shall contract with persons to
mow, trim and maintain the Shiloh Cemetery.
Section 8: Minor scraping of the base of an upright monument, is considered
normal wear and tear.
Section 9: Should any monument or marker present a risk to public safety
because it has become unstable, the Association shall do whatever it deems
necessary by way of repairing, resetting or laying down the monument or marker or
any other remedy to remove the risk.
Section 10: Weathered silk and live flower arrangements or any other debris
that diminishes the appearance of our cemetery will be removed without any notice
to the owner.
Section 11: Existing trees and shrubs may be pruned, trimmed or removed by
the cemetery if deemed in the best interest of the cemetery.
General Agenda for Meetings

Unless otherwise ordered, the order of business of all Association general meetings
shall be as follows:
1. Roll call
2. Reading the minutes of the previous meeting
3. Treasurer’s report
4. Committee reports (if needed)
5. Old business
6. New business
7. Concerns of the members
8. Election of officers
9. Adjournment
We, the undersigned, are all of the initial officers or incorporators of this

corporation, and we consent to, and hereby do, adopt the foregoing By-laws,

consisting of the 7 preceding pages, as the By-laws of this corporation.

ADOPTED AND APPROVED by the Officers of the Shiloh Cemetery Association on

this ______ day of ______________, 20____.

______________________________________ Frank Moore , President

______________________________________ George Lee McDonald, Vice-President

______________________________________ Elizabeth Conlin, Secretary

_____________________________________ Regina McDonald, Treasurer

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