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Surname: First Name: Middle Name: DOB

Patient # use 24 hours Location : > Retreatment

Time > Incident > Arrival > Depart > Employee # Yes >
Date Incident > mm / dd / yy > Sex > Male Female No >
Type of Accident > MVA Fire Landslide Illness Spill Work Acc Disaster False Alarm Others :
Personal Protective Equipment > Glove Mask Face Shield Gowns Eye Glass Class > A B C D Suit

Gas > Yes No Electricity > On Off O2 Level > OK SCBA Power > On Off

Hazardous Material Spilled Type : Gasoline Gas Diesel Chemical Reagent Others :

Chief Complaint:

Number of Patients (circle) > Patients Version of Incident:

> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 X >>> Above 10

Additional Help > Hospital Security Police Dept Other Dept :

Injury Code (Mark on figure) Main Condition/Problem

F > Fracture Abdominal Pain/Problem Fitting Convusing
L > Laceration > Allergies & Medical Reaction Headache
A > Abrasion Altered Level of Conciousness Heat/Cold exposure
H > Haemorrhage Back Pain OD/Ingestions/Poisonings
T > Tenderness Breathing Problems/Asthma Obstetric
C > Contusion Burns Stroke/C.V.A
D > Dislocation Cardiac Arrest Trauma
B > Burms Chest Pain (non traumatic) Trauma Penetrating
P > Pains Diabetic Problems Other (Non Specific)
R > Rigidity Electrocution/Electric Shock
S > Swelling Eye Problems/Injuries

Patient Status > Lying Sitting Standing

Airway Level of Conciousness Skin & Temperature Equipment
Breathing A Alert Normal Warm Cervical Collar
Circulation V Respond to Voice Pale Sweaty Spine Board
P Respond to Pain Cyanotic Hot Scoop Stretcher
Vital Signs
U Unresponsive Flushed/Red Cold S.K.E.D
Blood Pressure Respiration Pupils Breath Sounds K.E.D
Time Pulse
Systolic Diastolic Rate Size React Size React Airway
R l R L R l R L Manual Position
Oral Airway
S Signs and Symptoms : Follow up Treatment/Referral O2 Therapy :
A Allergies : Medium Concentration
M Medication : Ambulance/Hospital High Concentration
P Pertinent History : Doctor 100% on Demand
L Last Oral Intake : Sent Home Litre / Minute
E Events prior to Incident : Further Re Treatment > 2- 6 6-10 12-15
Return to Work Other :

Initial/Call Sign

Team Name: Time All Clear by OSC > Team Captain >

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