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Disorder Nature/Characteristics Classification Symptoms Causes Treatments

Paranoid Individuals with paranoid personality Cluster A  believing that others have  partial genetic  Cognitive–Behavioral
Personality disorder have a pervasive Personality hidden motives or are out transmission Treatment
Disorder suspiciousness and distrust of others, Disorders  high levels of antagonism  Rational Emotive
to harm them
leading to numerous interpersonal and neuroticism Behavior
difficulties. They tend to see  doubting the loyalty of  parental neglect or abuse Therapy (REBT)
themselves as blameless, instead others  exposure to violent adults  Cognitive Therapy
blaming others for their own mistakes  Multimodal Therapy
and failures—even to the point of  being hypersensitive to
ascribing evil motives to others. criticism
Such people are chronically tense and
 having trouble working
“on guard,” constantly expecting
trickery and looking for clues to with others
validate their expectations while  being quick to become
disregarding all evidence to the angry and hostile
contrary. They are often preoccupied
with doubts about the loyalty of
friends and hence are reluctant to
confide in others. They commonly
bear grudges, refuse to forgive
perceived insults and slights, and
are quick to react with anger and
sometimes violent behavior
Disorder Nature/Characteristics Classification Symptoms Causes Treatments
Schizoid Individuals with schizoid personality Cluster A  inherited traits  Psychotherapy
 avoidance of social
Personality disorder are usually unable to form Personality  childhood experiences  Group Therapy
Disorder social relationships and usually lack Disorders  Parenting
much interest in doing so.  do not express any strong  Education
Consequently, they tend not to have feelings  social interactions
good friends, with the possible  little interest in or desire
exception of a close relative. Such for sexual relationships
people are unable to express their
feelings and are seen by others  emotional coldness and
as cold and distant. detachment
 experience confusion
about how to respond to
normal social cues
Disorder Nature/Characteristics Classification Symptoms Causes Treatments
Schizotypal Individuals with schizotypal Cluster A  a lack of close friends  Chronic Stress  Psychotherapy
Personality personality disorder are also Personality  Psychological trauma  Cognitive Behavioral
Disorder excessively introverted and have Disorders  extreme social anxiety  Environmental Therapy
pervasive social and interpersonal  paranoia  Biological
deficits (like those that occur in
schizoid personality disorder), but in  strange thinking or
addition they have cognitive and
perceptual distortions, as well as
oddities and eccentricities in their  unusual beliefs
communication and behavior Although
contact with reality is usually
maintained, highly personalized and
superstitious thinking is
characteristic of people with
schizotypal personality, and under
extreme stress they may experience
transient psychotic symptoms.
Disorder Nature/Characteristics Classification Symptoms Causes Treatments
Histrionic Excessive attention-seeking behavior Cluster B  Self-centeredness, feeling  Personality Traits  Psychotherapy
Personality and emotionality are the key Personality uncomfortable when not  childhood events  Cognitive Behavioral
Disorder characteristics of individuals with Disorders the center of attention Therapy
histrionic personality disorder. These
 Constantly seeking
individuals tend to feel unappreciated
reassurance or approval
if they are not the center of attention;
their lively, dramatic, and excessively  Inappropriately seductive
extraverted styles often ensure that appearance or behavior
they can charm others into attending
to them.  Rapidly shifting emotional
states that appear
shallow to others
 Is highly suggestible
(easily influenced by
Disorder Nature/Characteristics Classification Symptoms Causes Treatments
Narcissistic Individuals with narcissistic Cluster B  Grandiose sense of  Parenting Styles  Psychotherapy
Personality personality disorder show an Personality self-importance  Sexual abuse  Cognitive Behavioral
Disorder exaggerated sense of self- Disorders  Lives in a fantasy  Physical abuse Therapy
importance, a preoccupation with world that supports  Emotional Abuse
being admired, and a lack of their delusions of
empathy for the feelings of others grandeur
 Needs constant
praise and admiration
 Sense of entitlement
 Exploits others
without guilt or
Antisocial Individuals with antisocial personality Cluster B  Be able to act witty and  Genetic factors  Psychotherapy
Personality disorder (ASPD) continually violate Personality charming  child abuse  Cognitive Behavioral
Disorder and show disregard for the rights of Disorders  Be good at flattery and  environmental factors Therapy
others through deceitful, aggressive, manipulating other  alcoholic parent
or antisocial behavior, typically people's emotions  psychopathic personality
without remorse or loyalty to anyone.
They tend to be impulsive, irritable,  Break the law repeatedly
and aggressive and to show a pattern  Disregard the safety of
of generally irresponsible behavior. self and others
This pattern of behavior must have
 Have problems with
been occurring since the age of 15
substance abuse

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