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Name: _______________________________________ Date: _______________________

GenBio2 Chapter 41 Practice Mastery Test (ANSWERS SHOULD BE HAND WRITTEN OR DRAWN)

Vocabulary (10pts). Supply the terms being described on the space provided. (No Erasures)

______________________1) The intake of food, then the breakdown of it in the digestive system and the
absorption of the small molecules into the body

______________________2) Organisms which eat animals as well as plants or algae.

______________________3) Preassembled organic molecules and minerals

______________________4) Amino acids which must be obtained from the diet in prefabricated form

______________________5) Alternating waves of contraction and relaxation in the smooth muscles lining the

______________________6) Ringlike valves formed by the muscular layers which act like drawstrings to close
off the alimentary canal

______________________7) The mouth, where ingestion occurs

______________________8) Glands that deliver saliva through ducts to the oral cavity.

______________________9) An enzyme found in saliva that hydrolyzes starch and glycogen into smaller
polysaccharides and the disaccharide maltose

______________________10) Passageway that connects to the stomach

Multiple Choice (10pts). Write the letter of the best answer on the space provided. (No Erasures)

_________1) To maintain adequate nutrition, animals require dietary access to certain amino acids. An amino
acid that is referred to as "nonessential" would be best described as one that
A) can be made by the animal's body C) must be ingested in the diet.
from other substances. D) is not readily absorbed by the
B) is not used by the animal in gastrointestinal tract.
biosynthesis. E) is not found in many proteins.

_________2) Which pair correctly associates a physiological process with the appropriate vitamin?
C) blood clotting and vitamin C F) protection of skin from cancer and
D) normal vision and vitamin A vitamin E
E) synthesis of cell membranes and G) production of white blood cells and
vitamin D vitamin K

_________3) Fat digestion yields fatty acids and glycerol, whereas protein digestion yields amino acids; both
digestive processes
Q)are catalyzed by the same enzyme.
R) are excludible intracellular processes T) require the presence of hydrochloric
in most organisms. acid to lower the pH.
S) add a water molecule to break bonds U) require ATP as an energy source.
_________4) Ingested dietary substances must cross cell membranes to be used by the body, a process known
V) ingestion. Y) absorption.
W) digestion. Z) elimination.
X) hydrolysis.

_________5) Salivary amylase digests

A) protein. D) glucose.
B) starches. E) maltose.
C) monosaccharides.

_________6) Among mammals, it is generally true that

L) all types of foods begin their enzymatic digestion in the mouth.
M) after leaving the oral cavity, the bolus enters the larynx.
N) the epiglottis prevents swallowed food from entering the trachea.
O) the esophagus is a key source of digestive enzymes.
P) the trachea leads to the esophagus and then to the stomach.

_________7) A group of animals among which a relatively long cecum is likely to be found is the
J) carnivores. M) heterotrophs.
K) herbivores. N) omnivores.
L) autotrophs.

_________8) The adaptations suited to a carnivorous diet include

G) broad, flat molars. J) bile salts.
H) a rumen. K) amylase.
I) ingestion of feces.

_________9) PKU (phenylketonuria) is a hereditary condition in which infants and young children who ingest
the amino acid phenylalanine risk serious neurological damage. However, the risk of damage can be
substantially reduced by the severe restriction of phenylalanine in the diet. Which of the following is the
nutritional concept that forms the basis for this preventive treatment?
H) enzymatic hydrolysis K) dehydration synthesis
I) essential nutrients L) structural anatomy of the brain
J) symbiosis

_________10) When the digestion and absorption of organic molecules results in more energy-rich molecules
than are immediately required by an animal, the excess is
A) eliminated in the feces.
B) stored as starch in the liver. D) oxidized and converted to ATP.
C) stored as glycogen in the liver and E) hydrolyzed and converted to ADP.
Visualization (10 pts).
Draw a pathway on how food travels through the alimentary canal, including the accessory organs.
 Should be concise
 Parts are properly labelled
 Colors are used to highlight/differentiate parts
Critical Writing (10pts).
 Answer within 100-200 words
 Should use appropriate vocabulary
 Concepts from the lesson should be evident
 Answers are written in clear and complete sentences
 Hand writing should be legible and neat
 Additional points if supported by:
o Diagrams/illustrations
o Proper citations

Identify the four stages of food processing in animals and what state the processes that occurs within each

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