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M. J. Lewis An Elementary Analysis for
Abteflung fur die Sicherheit der Kernanlagen,
Wurenilngen, Switzerland
Predicting the Momentum- and
Heat Transfer Characteristics of a
Hydraulicaily Rough Surface
A simple model is presented which approximates the turbulent shear flow over a well-
defined rough surface as a series of attached and separated flow regions. An elementary
analysis applied to the model provides values for the well-known momentum- and heat-
transfer roughness functions R(h+) and g(h+, Pr), respectively. In order to use the calcu-
lation method the exact shape^ and distribution of the roughness elements are required
together with a form drag coefficient and a characteristic separation length. These may
be found in the literature for many roughness shapes of interest.

Introduction unity or greater, provides local heat transfer coefficients in the at-
tached flow regions. Empirical information from cavities and steps
The purpose of this paper is to present an analytical model for [12-16] supplies coefficients in the separated flow areas.
the flow over a rough surface. This model complements the work of Attention is restricted to the steady, incompressible, turbulent
Kays [I], 1 Kacker [2], Lavalee and Popovitch [3], and Perry, et al. flow of a constant property, single-phase, Newtonian fluid in a
[4]. It fills the gap between the wholly empirical treatment of channel of constant cross section with rough walls. Any curvature
rough surfaces [5, 6] and the extensive investigations on single ele- of the channel is small and a constant mean heat-flux is applied at
ments [7]. The analysis provides a quick and simple means of eval- the surfaces. Extensions of the simple model to other roughness
uating or optimizing rough surfaces [8], it should help to avoid un- shapes and to other flow situations, and a fuller development of
necessary and costly experiments [9], and it will provide a frame- the equations presented here, may be found elsewhere [17].
work for more sophisticated methods.
A simple surface—equally spaced, rectangular ribs—is consid- T h e Physical Nature of the Flow Over a Rough
ered and the flow is represented by a series of attached and sepa- Surface and an Approximate Flow Model
rated flow regions. For widely spaced roughness the flow reattach- We consider a fully developed channel flow and ribs with h « D.
es between the elements, but for closely spaced roughness the flow The flow may be divided into two layers; one of thickness 5, which
does not reattach in the gaps and each element shields the one is of order h and which envelopes the roughness elements, and the
downstream. Wall shear stresses for the attached flows are deter- other the core between the roughness elements and the channel
mined from an assumed velocity profile, a logarithmic law-of-the- center line. We are concerned solely with the former layer. T h e
wall [10] for a smooth surface, which also provides the dynamic basic pattern of the flow over the ribs is illustrated by Pig. 1(a).
pressure for the form drag [11] of each element. This dynamic The channel Reynolds number is assumed to be high enough and
pressure is reduced by the shielding effect of closely spaced ele- the ribs widely spaced such that the separated flow regions shown
ments. A modified Reynolds analogy [10], which restricts the heat- are formed. Separation and reattachment imply that the shear
transfer analysis to fluids with Pr (see Nomenclature) of order stress, wall temperature, and velocity profiles are cyclic functions
of z in the vicinity of the roughness.
To simplify the problem the physical flow in Fig. 1(a) is re-
placed by the model of Fig. 1(b), where four regions 1, 2, 3, and 4
are indicated. The separation "bubble" on top of each rib in region
Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper. 1 is now completely ignored. Separated flow regions are specified
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division for publication in the JOUR-
NAL OF HEAT TRANSFER. Manuscript received by the Heat Transfer by characteristic separation lengths C3 and e 4 . The flow is assumed
Division May 29,1974. Paper No. 75-HT-JJ. to remain attached to the top of the rib giving a mean wall stress

Journal of Heat Transfer Copyright © 1975 by ASME MAY 1975 / 249



Fig. i(a) Physical flow over roughness elements, not to scale—HP
High Pressure, LP = Low Pressure

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Fig. 1(b) Approximate model p - b > ca + c4

TI, over b. Similarly T2 is defined for region 2. Both TI and r<i are
smaller than the total average wall shear stress rw which contains
contributions from the form drag of each element. ; u(6)
i ^
As the pitch of the ribs is reduced the flow will no longer reat- 8
!© ©
tach between the ribs and a cavity will be formed. This occurs ! +y
when p — 6 5 C3 + C4. The dynamic pressure acting on the front-
face of each element is reduced, as well as the area over which this
pressure acts, by the shielding from each upstream element. Flow
777Y. bmjraa^

in the cavity is approximated by the model of Fig. lfcj where re-

gion 2 is now lost altogether. A solution of the Navier Stokes equa-
tions for the separated flows would provide the dimensions C3 and
c 4 as well as the cavity flow. Here we specify these regions and lin-
Fig. 1 (c) Approximate model p — b < 03 + c4
early approximate the flow dipping into the cavity by the dimen-
sion k which is assumed to be directly related to C3 and c 4 as indi-

Basic Analysis, p - b > c 3 + c 4 . A force balance over a length small compared with Df. Contributions to TW from the shear stress-
L of channel of unit width containing a large number of ribs gives es in the separated flow regions are assumed to be incorporated in

(1) We need to relate Df and the shear stresses to characteristic ve-

A„rw = S^in + 2^2T2 + S2),
locities and dimensions of the flow field in each region. We define
a form drag coefficient CD through Df = Copu2Apl/2. The dy-
where Aw, defined as Aw = L X 1, is an overall mean surface area namic pressure term arises naturally from momentum balance
X indicates a sum over L, and the drag, caused by any change in considerations over a control volume enclosing a roughness ele-
the channel flow static pressure across each element, is assumed ment:

A _- surface area, or constant (2.5) L length of channel thickness of rough surface

in log-laws m exponent v = kinematic viscosity
b = width of roughness element n exponent P = density
B = constant in log-laws P pitch of roughness elements T = mean surface shear stress
c = C3 + d, characteristic separa- Pr Prandtl number 2 = sum over L
tion length Pr, turbulent Prandtl number
C = specific heat q" heat flux per unit area
Co = form drag coefficient R momentum transfer roughness
d Subscripts
= p - b for p - b < c 3 + c 4 and function
c otherwise T temperature 1, 2, 3, 4 = regions 1, 2, 3, 4, mean quan-
D = hydraulic diameter T+ (T„, - T)pCu,w/qw", dimen- tities
Df = form drag sionless temperature a = adiabatic wall
8 = heat-transfer roughness func- u velocity c = cavity empirical information
tion UT (r/p) 1 ' 2 , friction velocity e = effective
h = height of roughness element u u/u r,dimensionless velocity F = projected frontal area
h+ = hu-rw/i>, roughness Reynolds u average velocity i = 1, 2, 3, 4, R, or S
number £/» velocity upstream of cavity R = mean over rear of element
k = conductivity coefficient, or W empirical function S = mean over effective front of
length characterizing the X characteristic length element
flow dipping into the cavity y distance from surface SA = perturbed hydraulically smooth
I = viscous or laminar sublayer y+ y UTW jv, dimensionless y wall
thickness z flow direction SM = unperturbed hydraulically
I* = liir/v dimensionless sublayer a heat transfer coefficient smooth wall
thickness 5 characteristic displacement w = overall mean surface quantity

250 / MAY 1975 Transactions of the ASME

hu' f ' M22rf>'2 (2)
*2= FLOW.
The definition of shear velocity ur = ir/p)l/2 enables us to rewrite
equation (1), for uniformly distributed elements, as 7
u\ = n\ b/p + u\\p - b - (c 3 + c,)]/p +
CDpW h/2p /,
(3) 7f77/, V7777/-
The layer adjacent to the wall, which encloses the roughness ele-
Fig. 2 A rough wall and its origin uncertainly
ments, is of thickness 5 with a mean velocity u(5) at its edge. It is
not possible to define the origin for y and <5, Fig. 2, but we can as-
sume that, in the physical flow over the elements, Fig. 1, u(<5) is Velocity Profiles
To evaluate the integrals in equation (2) and (7) and to deter-

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also, to a first approximation, the velocity at ,yi = y 2 = &. This
gives the coupling between the physical flow and overall surface mine the surface mean parameter u+(<5) from equations (4) or (8),
quantities. velocity profiles u i + , u 2 + , and it 3 + are required. An assymptotic
Defining the velocity u+ = u/uT and dividing equation (3) by profile, for very widely or closely spaced elements, is a smooth wall
[u(<5)]2 gives one, typically [10]

k ( 6 ) ] " 2 = k * ( 6 ) ] - V / > + l V ( 5 ) H / > - b - (c-3 + ct)]/p / = Alny* + B s

+ CDp[it/u{S)fh/2p (4) Subscript SM indicates that we are referring to a smooth wall in
We see that u + (5) is a velocity in a dimensionless form suitable for the presence of a turbulent shear flow in which no artificial distur-
characterizing the average properties of the whole surface, while bances are introduced, for example, by upstream separated flows.
u i + and u 2 + are velocities for the smooth wall regions 1 and 2. We assume that equation (10) remains representative for regions 1,
u+(S) may be related to the well-known roughness function R(h+) 2, and 3 (for y3 > k) except that BSM is modified because of turbu-
[18]. lence generated by the separated flows. Thus a representative ve-
locity USA+ is introduced as
A heat balance over the length L may be written

Ajlu," = SArf!" + S A ^ z " + SAtf3" + W / 4 " uSA* = Alny* + BSA = ufiyi) = u2*(y2) = u3%y3) (11)
+ T,AFqs" + ^AFqR" (5)
with the origin for u 3 taken from y 3 = k.
where q{' are mean wall heat transfer rates per unit area in regions To determine BSA we recall that BSM is defined in terms of a
1, 2, 3, 4, and over the front S and rear R faces. Defining the tem- laminar sublayer thickness ISM^ i~ 11.63)
perature T+(6) = [T,„ - T(S)]pCurJqw", where Tw - T(S) is the
temperature difference a t y i = <5 a n d y 2 = <5, and introducing T+(<5) Bstt - ^sti Alnlsil ~ 5,5 (12)
into equation (5) gives
and, by analogy,
pCuT /T + (5) = afi/p + ot2(p - 6 - c 3 - cA)/p + a,c 3 //> B
SA = lSA*-AlnlSA* (13)
+ afjp + ciji/p + aRh/p (6)
where ISA is representative of the laminar sublayer thickness in
where m is an average heat-transfer coefficient for each region, de- regions 1 and 2. We assume that any increase in local turbulence
fined by at = qi"l[Tw - T(<5)], and the convective transport intensity, generated by the separated flows, is reflected by a de-
through the ends of the control volume is neglected. crease in ISA+ and that this decrease is given by
T+(<5) is a parameter suitable for characterizing the average
heat-transfer properties of the whole rough surface and may readi- hA* = hn\SA/Urw = W«W«s/(5) (14)
ly be related to the roughness function g(h+, Pr) [18]. The a; are
determined from empirical relations for cavities and steps. T h e H e a t T r a n s f e r C o e f f i c i e n t s «,•
Employing the modified Reynolds analogy [10] to the layer be-
M o d i f i c a t i o n s f o r p - b < c3 + c 4 tween ISA+ and 8 in each region 1 and 2, we obtain
We extend the foregoing equations to this case by simply assum-
ing that each element shields its downstream neighbor, reducing
a , = a 2 =pCuT u*(5)/{Pvt[us/{5)f
its effective frontal area. Also, because the flow outside the sepa- IV

rated flow region 3 is a shear layer, the dynamic pressure acting on + Zs/Ms/(6)[PrM~Prt]} (15)
the effective area is reduced. For the flow field of Fig. 1(c), the ef-
fective height he of each element is he = (h - k), and u now takes For regions 3, 4, and for R and S, we use Seban's [12-14] experi-
the form: mental information for rectangular cavities, which is summarized
in Fig. 3. The variation of etc in the cavity is given by
(/, - k)u = / ' " Vrfj-3 (7)

where y 3 is measured from the base of the cavity and uz is the pro- «c s Q«"/{T« - Ta) = iu„x/vnm/X)iPr/ (ie)
file in region 3. Strictly, a separated flow profile should be em-
where, following Presser [16], the Prandtl number is introduced to
ployed for U3, but we retain simplicity by assuming us = u% with
generalize Seban's results in air. [/», X, and Ta define a flat plate
U3 = 0 for 0 < yz < k. Equations (4) and (6) now take the form:
heat-transfer coefficient upstream of the cavity itself, and the vari-
[H*(5)]-2 = [«, + (6)]-V/> + CDp\uVu(6)]Vij2p (8) ation of ac is determined from the given variation of W. From Se-
ban's information it is difficult to estimate the effect on ac of the
cavity length d = (p — b). We infer this effect from the results of
pCuryT*(5) = afi/p + a3c3he/hp + otiCihe/hp Charwat, et al. [15], where a linear approximation gives ac a (0.5 +
0.5d/c) until the flow reattaches in the cavity, that is, until p — b>
+ ashjp + aRh/p (9) C3 + C4. We have anticipated the result that ac is a maximum when
with he = (h - k) = hip - fe)/(c3 + c 4 ). The contribution to the d = c. This, in fact, contradicts Charwat's measurements for d > c
heat transfer of the frontal area between 0 < y3 ^ k is assumed and is a weakness of the present model in which region 2 is sud-
negligible. denly introduced. Combining Charwat's and Seban's results gives

Journal of Heat Transfer MAY 1975 / 251

ac = (£/ = o X/t/)"(Pr/0.71)'"(W£/X)(0.5 + 0.5d/c) (17)
DATA FROM 1 2 1 ]
where d = c for p — b > c.
We make the transformation from the single cavity experiments h / b = 1 p / h = 61.5'
to the present rough surface model by assuming that the heat-
transfer coefficient distribution is the same in both cases when £/«,, h/b=2.7 p/h=29,7
X, and Ta are replaced by u(d), 5, and T(8), respectively. Then,
taking the average values for W from Fig. 3, we obtain D <H n — ———_?

h/b =1 p/h = 6
a3= Ui = 0.025(fe/o)(M(6)6/i;]"(Pr/0.71)" , (0.5 + 0 . 5 d / e )
(18) CD= 1.2
" X\
c/h= 8.5 -
^ *xtun,

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with cvR = 0.8«3 and as = 2a 3 , and d = c for p — b > c. Equation
(18) may be written with more convenient variables as 10
a^pCiir 0.025[« + (6)l n (0.5
+ 0.5d/c)/[0.'llmPrUm(h+&/h)1-*] (19)
again, d = c for p — b > c.
THEORY -• h*
Roughness Functions
The fundamental parameters controlling the momentum- and 10 100 1000
heat-transfer properties of a rough surface are R(h+) and g(h+, Fig. 4 Comparison with experiment, rectangular rib
Pr), respectively [18]. We have expressions for surface average pa-
rameters u+(&) and T+(<5), at some mean distance & from an unde- From equation (11), after substituting for S/h from (21), USA+(&) is
fined mean origin for the surface. We need to relate these to the given by
roughness functions. The mathematical representation of a rough
surface in terms of R(h+) and a log-law « s / ( 6 ) =Alnh*a*(8)/uSA*(6) + A + Bs (24)

: Alny/h + R(h*\ (20)

with BSA evaluated from equations (13) and (14). For a given ge-
ometry, Co and c, equations (23) and (24) may be solved for u+(S),
does not allow us to specify the origin for y. We avoid the origin then equations (15) and (19) for the <*;, giving T+(S) from equation
problem by assuming that R(h+) is a mean velocity found by inte- (6). R and g are readily evaluated from equations (21) and (22).
grating equation (20) over the surface mean control volume of When p - 6 < C3 + c 4 , equations (7) and (8) give, after substi-
thickness <5. This gives <5 the character of a displacement thickness tuting for u from equation (11) and integrating,
for a rough surface. Integration gives
[uSA*(6)/u*(6)Y = b/p + CD[{MSA*(6) - 2A
u*(S) = R(h*) + A and AlnS/ft = A (21)
+ Alnip - b)/cf + A2]h(p - b)/2pc (25)
It immediately follows from the modified Reynolds analogy that
which, together with equations (13), (14), and (24), may be solved
T*(6) = g{h+, P r ) + PrtA (22) for u + (6). Equation (19) is solved for 0:3. The remaining a; are de-
termined as above and T+(6) is given by equation (9). R and g
Our solution procedure for p — b > a + c± is to substitute equa- readily follow from equations (21) and (22).
tion (11) into (2). Equation (4), after substituting for u and multi-
plying by [us,i+(i5)]2, becomes Comparison With Experiments and Discussion
+ J 2 2
When the geometry p , h, and 6 of the ribs is given, values of R
[«SJ1*(6)/M (O)] = l-c/p + CD[(USA*(5) - 2A) + A ]h/2p
and g may be determined as functions of h+, from the equations
(23) presented, provided Pr ( , m, n, c/h, and Co are known. We follow
Seban and choose n = 0.8. A mean value of Presser's measure-
/IW AIR \ ments gives m = 0.5. An acceptable mean value for Pr ( is 0.9 [10].
0,06 - Hoerner [11] gives Co = 1.2 for rectangular ribs with sharp edges.
SPR From Abbott and Kline [19] we estimate C3//1 » 7.5 and from Lu-
\w\vc E A D OF
0,05 ^\\\ INFORMATION zhanskiy and Solntsev [20] cjh « 1.0. These and the cavity mea-
surements suggest that c/h = 8.5 is a representative value. Both

^ $ ^ r\
CD and c/h are expected to be functions of some local Reynolds
number and, possibly, of the rib width [10], but we assume here
that they are constants. The constants A, BSM, and ISM+ are cho-
sen 2.5, 5.5, and 11.63, respectively.
Predicted values of R are compared with some representative
measurements [21] from an annulus test rig in Fig. 4. This compar-
-A 1jA 1
ison is typical of the discrepancy between theory and experiment
with good agreement at high values of h+, but too high values of R
at lower values of h+. Correct trends are shown: R increasing with
decreasing h+ for closely spaced elements but decreasing with h+
for widely spaced elements. The reason for this behavior is not
clear. To give some idea of the discrepancies over a very wide range
of roughness shapes a comparison is made in Fig. 5 between pre-
dicted values of R and a correlation of experimental information
[22]. Considering the approximations in the theory and the wide
scatter (not indicated on the correlation) in the experiments the
Fig. 3 Heat transfer distribution in a shallow rectangular cavity 2 < d/h <
5, after Seban, ei al. [12-14] agreement is very reasonable. The theory indicates R ^ R(b) for p

252 / MAY 1975 Transactions of the ASME

9 _ 1 i i l l i r~ ~i 1—r
8 - tI R A h * = 1000 Pr= 37.6
7 B B \ 140

^ -
cC\Nx\\ „
b v \ \ \ \ \ y^X
**""~~- *-**'

40 a = 11.63 P r 2 / 3 _ 2 . 5 Prt[17
20 c/h = 8.5

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EXPERIMENT //// ll||||| S^ [ 251 . + _|
J l_l 1 i i i i i ~T* I
10 100
Fig. 7 Comparison with experiment, rectangular rib

corresponds to region 1. The experiments indicate that a separa-

tion bubble forms near D and after this bubble reattachment oc-
curs. Not only will such separated flows influence the separated
flow regions 3 and 4, but high heat-transfer rates may be associ-
ated with the reattachment. These mechanisms are not considered
2 4 6 8 10 20 30 in the theory.
Fig. S Comparison with experiment, rectangular rib The minimum in g that occurs for high values of Pr and at h+ ~
20, Fig. 7, is not predicted by the theory. This is because Seban's
correlation is for a fully turbulent separated flow. As the local
Reynolds number is reduced the separated flow probably becomes
— b > c and this appears to be qualified by the experiments. Fur- transitional then laminar and corresponding changes in the heat
thermore, both theory and experiment suggest that R ^ R(D), al- transfer mechanism occur. A transition from a turbulent to a lami-
though Baumann [23] has shown that this is true only when h « nar separated flow, with decreasing h+, offers a possible explana-
D. tion for a rough wall acting like a thermally smooth wall before it
Most measurements of R and g have been performed in annuli, becomes hydraulically smooth. The concept of a low local Reyn-
which has introduced unknown errors when transformations are olds number also leads to the suggestion that a hydraulically
employed [18]. Consistency of results [24] has indicated that trans- smooth wall is one at which the flow at the surface is a Stokes flow.
formation errors in R are small, so that experimental results in This is also supported by the work of Richardson [27].
Figs. 4 and 5 may be considered representative of both circular Improvements to the model can be envisaged. The attached flow
tube and annulus measurements. However, significant errors [24] regions need not be treated as regions of constant shear stress, al-
are indicated in transformed values of g. Therefore predicted though the type of boundary layer formed in the turbulent shear
values of g are compared only with those measured in circular flow is not clearly understood. Better velocity profiles could be em-
tubes. Representative results [25] are given in Figs. 6 and 7. The ployed for the attached and separated flow regions. A region 5
agreement is very reasonable at Prandtl numbers of order unity could be introduced to encompass the separation bubble at the
but discrepancies occur at higher Prandtl numbers, probably be- front of the sharp edged elements, but all turbulent separated
cause of the very simple power law used for the Prandtl number flows [28] are extremely difficult to analyze. The influence of up-
dependency. stream and downstream separated flows on the attached flow re-
Some idea of why discrepancies occur may be obtained from Fig. gions is not clearly understood—it was very crudely included in
8, where a comparison is made between the measured [26] and pre- the analysis. Solution of the turbulence energy equation will pro-
dicted local heat-transfer coefficient a;. The a distribution was re- vide useful information on these influences. Significant progress
covered from the average values of W by scaling Fig. 3. There is will only follow detailed local measurements of the basic phenome-
evidence that by taking average values some discrepancies cancel. na.
The greatest discrepancy occurs over the top of the rib DA which

30 p/h h/b THEORY C D c/h 4£L_ THEORY
i#SSS 10 1-4 1.2 8.5 r
SM H^j EXPERIMENT '////////,[ 261
7" y////,. 20 2 1.2 8.5 h/b = 1
llll 40 2 1.2 8.5
Pr = 0.71 p/h
m h h/b

,r \
i I
A A'
D" D A
g= 0 6 3 P r 2 / 3 - 2.5 Pr t [171 A it. D A
— h+
-J 1 I
V77777777777777777777T/. 3 O T XMr #7/7777//' W77
10 100 A' D'
Fig. 8 Comparison with experiment—local heat-transfer coefficient ratios
Fig. 6 Comparison with experiment, rectangular rib over rectangular ribs

Journal of Heat Transfer MAY 1975 / 253

Concluding Remarks 11 Hoerner, S. F., "Fluid Dynamic Drag," Published by the Author, 148
The main purpose of this paper has been to lay some founda- Busteed Drive, Midland Pk., N. J., USA, 1958.
12 Seban, R. A., and Fox, J., "Heat Transfer to the Air Flow in a Surface
tions for analyzing the momentum- and heat-transfer characteris- Cavity," International Deuel, in Heat Transfer, ASME, 1962, pp. 426-431.
tics of rough surfaces. Simple equations have been developed to 13 Seban, R. A., "Heat Transfer to the Turbulent Separated Flow of Air
account, in a rather crude fashion perhaps, for the separated flows Downstream of a Step in the Surface of a Plate," JOURNAL OF HEAT
and turbulence phenomena found on rough surfaces. Although the TRANSFER, TRANS. ASME, Series C, Vol. 86, No. 2, May 1964, pp
present analysis is for evenly spaced rectangular-ribs, its extension
14 Seban, R. A., "Heat Transfer and Flow in a Shallow Rectangular
to nonrectangular ribs has been carried out [17]. Further exten- Cavity With Subsonic Turbulent Air Flow," International Journal of Heat
sions to unevenly spaced elements, to three dimensional elements, and Mass Transfer, Vol. 8,1965, pp. 1353-1368.
to flow situations other than fully developed pipe flows [29], and to 15 Charwat, A. F., Dewey, C. F., Jr., Roos, J. N., and Hitz, J. A., "An In-
vestigation of Separated Flows—Part II: Flow in the Cavity and Heat
variable property situations [30] are readily envisaged. The pres-
Transfer," Journ. Aerospace Scs., Vol. 28, No. 7, July 1961, pp. 513-527.
ent model cannot be used where large adverse static pressure gra-

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16 Presser, K. H., "Empirische Gleichungen zur Berechnung der Stof-
dients are imposed which might cause overall flow separation with- fund Warmeiibertragung fur den Spezialfall der abgerissenen Stromung,"
out reattachment. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 15, 1972, pp. 2447-
17 Lewis, M. J., "An Elementary Analysis for Predicting the Momen-
tum- and Heat-Transfer Characteristics of a Hydraulically Rough Surface,"
Acknowledgments EIR Wurenlingen, CH, Report TM-IN-569,1974.
The author expresses his grateful thanks to the E I R for allowing 18 Lewis, M. J., "Roughness Functions, the Thermohydraulic Perfor-
mance of Rough Surfaces and the Hall Transformation—an Overview," In-
him sufficient time to complete this work. Many thanks are ex- ternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 17,1974, pp. 809-814.
tended to P. Buettiker, friend and colleague, for his constructive 19 Abbott, D. E., and Kline, S. J., "Experimental Investigation of Sub-
criticism and advice throughout the course of this work. sonic Turbulent Flow over Single and Double Backward Facing Steps,"
Journal of Basic Eng., Vol. 84, Sept. 1962, pp. 317-325.
20 Luzhanskiy, B. Ye., and Solntsev, V. P., "Experimental Study of
Heat Transfer in the Zone of Turbulent Boundary Layer Separation Ahead
References of a Step," Heat Transfer—Soviet Research, Vol. 3, No. 6, Nov.-Dec, 1971.
1 Kays, W. M„ "Compact Heat Exchanger," AGARD-LS-57-72, Heat 21 Dalle Donne, M., and Meerwald, E., "Heat Transfer From Rough
Exchangers, J. J. Ginoux, editor, Von Karman Inst., Belgium, Jan. 1972. Surfaces, Latest Results," Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe report, pre-
2 Kacker, S. C , "Estimation of Friction Factor of Rough Surfaces sented at the heat transfer specialist meeting, Windscale, May 1972.
From the Pressure Distribution Around a Roughness Element," CEGB, 22 Maubach, K,, "Rough Annulus Pressure Drop—Interpretation of Ex-
Berkeley, RD/B/N1967, Apr. 1971. periments and Recalculation for Square Ribs," International Journal of
3 Lavallee, H. C , and Popovitch, A. T., "Fluid Flow Near Roughness Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 15,1972, pp. 2489-2496.
Elements Investigated by Photolysis Method," Chem. Eng. Sc, Vol. 29, 23 Baumann, W., "Pressure Drop Performance of Artificial Roughness
1974, pp. 49-59. as a Function of Roughness Geometry," International Meeting on Reactor
4 Perry, A. E., Schofield, W. H., and Joubert, P. N., "Rough Wall Tur- Heat Transfer, Karlsruhe, Oct. 1973.
bulent Boundary Layers," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 37, Part 2, 24 Lewis, M. J., "Errors that Arise When Estimating the Heat-Transfer
1969, pp. 383-413. Characteristics of Rough Surfaces From 'Bulk' Measurements in Annular
5 Nikuradse, J., "Laws of Flow in Rough Pipes," VDI Forsch. 361, 1933 Channels," EIR Wurenlingen, CH, TM-IN-535, May 1973.
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8 Lewis, M. J., "Optimising the Thermohydraulic Performance of 27 Richardson, S., "On the Non-Slip Boundary Conditions," Journal of
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254 / MAY 1975 Transactions of the ASME

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