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s-PUBLICOF THE PHILIPPINES 4 -—AuToxomousrectoxiy must mivoasao eae OFFICE OF THE REGIONAL GOVERNOR Cotabato City PROVIDING AMENDMENTS TO EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. ee Ws nae “PROVIDING FOR THE ORGANIZATION OF THE REGIONA\ HOUSING AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (RHRDA), AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES” WHEREAS, the Regional Government issued Executive Order No. 14, s. 2005, organizing the Regional Housing and Rural Development Authority (RHRDA) pursuant to Article Ill, Section III, and Article IX, Section 1 both of Republic Act No. 9054, and Executive Order No. 461, S. 1991; WHEREAS, supervening developments require the amendment of | Executive Order No. 14, s. 2005; NOW, THEREFORE, I, MUJIV S. HATAMAN, OIC Regional Governor | of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, by virtue of the powers vested in me by law, do hereby order: SECTION 1. Section 2 of Executive Order No.14, series of 2005, is hereby amended to read as follows: “Section 2. Composition. - The Regional Housing and Rural Development Authority (RHRDA) shall be composed of the following: 1) Regional Treasurer, ORT 2) — Cabinet Secretary, ORG 3) Attorney General, OAG 4) — Regional Secretary, DPWH 5) Regional Secretary, DILG 6) _ Regional Secretary, DENR 7) Executive Director, HLURB 8) Executive Director, RPDO SECTION 2. Section 3 of E.O. No. 14 is hereby amended to read as follows: “Section 3. Subject to existing laws, the Authority shall perform the following functions. “Watuuid na Pananakala Tings sa ARMM na PYasagana't Yapayapa” : Chairperson = Vice-Chairperson E Member 4 Member i Member : Member - Member . Member” 1) Develop and implement comprehensive and integrated Housing Program for the ARMM; 2) Formulate and enforce general and specific policies for housing development and resettlement; 3) Prescribe guidelines and standards for the reservation, conservation and utilization of public lands identified for housing and resettlement; 4) Develop and undertake housing development and/or resettlement projects through joint ventures or other arrangements: with public and private entities; 5) Regulate the relationship between the owners and lessees of the residential properties in conformity with such rules and regulations as may be promulgated; 6) Invest its funds in bonds and securities issued and guaranteed by the government or by the Central Bank; 7) Discharge all responsibilities of the Autonomous Regional Government as may arise from treaties, agreements and other commitments on the housing and resettlement to which it is a signatory, including the determination of the forms and assistance for the housing development or bilateral assistance programs; 8) Receive donations, grants and bequests and utilize the same for the attainment of its objectives; 9) Develop and implement comprehensive and integrated rural development plans and programs for the ARMM in close coordination with the Local Government Units (LGUs); 10) Institute mechanisms for the proper management of the growth and development of rural communities; 11) Such other functions as may be provided by law or executive issuance, A. The Office of the Regional Treasury (ORT) shall: 1) Assist the Authority in the preparation of its budgetary proposals for the implementation of its projects and programs; 2) Maintain accounts of the financial transactions of the Authority; 3) Manage the cash resources of the Authority and perform banking functions in relation to receipts and disbursements of its funds; 4) Certify as to the availability of funds or expected funding sources of the Authority; and 5) Release directly, in a prescribed and authenticated format, to the Authority its funding in accordance with the approved Regional General Appropriations Act. B. The Office of the Regional Cabinet Secretary shall: 1) Provide secretariat support and technical assistance to the Authority; 2) Coordinate the schedules of regular meetings; and 3) Submit updates to the Regional Governor on the status of the implementation of all programs and projects of the Authority. C.. The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) shall: 1) Act as the legal counsel and consultant of the Authority; 2) Assist the Authority in the preparation of legal documents necessary in the implementation of the programs and projects; and 3) Represent the Authority in court litigations and in any legal proceedings arising from the performance of the Authority's functions. D. The Regional Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) shall: 1) Provide technical assistance for the planning, design, construction, maintenance, or operation of infrastructure facilities relative to the implementation of the Authority’s programs and projects; 2) Ascertain that all work plans and project implementation designs of the Authority are consistent with current standards and guidelines; and 3) Supervise all work constructions of the Authority and ensure that actual constructions are done in accordance with approved government plans and specifications. 1) The Regional Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) shall provide technical assistance in the implementation of the Authority's programs and projects in the municipal and provincial level E. The Regional Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) shall: 1) Ensure that all environmental laws, rules and regulations are faithfully complied with in the implementation of projects and programs of the Authority, and issue certificate of compliance to that effect; 2) Provide technical assistance in the determination of the status of all lands to be utilized in the implementation of the projects of the Authority; and 3) Provide technical assistance in the application for individual land titles in favor of the beneficiaries of the housing projects of the Authority. F. The Regional Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) shall: 1) Provide technical assistance to the Authority by ensuring compliance with policies, plans, standards and guidelines on human settlements; and 2) Review, evaluate and approve or disapprove comprehensive land use development plans and zoning components of the projects of the Authority by ensuring that they have complied with the zoning and other land use control standards and guidelines; G. The Regional Planning and Development Office (RPDO) shall provide technical assistance in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of programs and projects of the Authority. SECTION 3. Repeal. - All laws, rules, regulations and other issuances or parts ‘thereof contrary to or inconsistent herewith are likewise repealed or modified accordingly. SECTION 4. Effectivity. - This Executive Order shall take effect immediately after fifteen (15) days following its publication in a regional newspaper of general circulation in the ARMM. DONE in the City of Cotabato, this __day of November, 2012. JIMS. HATAMAN IyO1c Regional ae all nek arty, Anwar A.MA cutive Secretary vy By the Regional Ce r REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES AUTONOMOUS REGION IN MUSLIM MINDANAO, OFFICE OF THE REGIONAL GOVERNOR Cotabato City PROVIDING FOR THE ORGANIZATIQN 8: = REGIONAL HOUSING AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT*A\ (papa), AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. "4ea70 © WHEREAS; Article Il, Section Ill, Republic Act No. 9054 (Organic Act for the ‘Autonomous Region and Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) mandates that the Regional Government shall provide, maintain and ensure the delivery of, among other things, basic and responsive hearth programs, quality education, appropriate services, livelihood opportunities, affordable and progressive housing project and water resources development; WHEREAS; Article XI, Section 1, of R.A. 9054 also provide ~ that the Regional Government shall promote and formulate comprehensive and integrated regional urban and rural evelopment policies, plans, programs, and projects responsive to the needs, aspirations, and Values of the people in the Autonomous region; WHEREAS; Executive Order No. 461 s. 1991 (Devolving certain powers and functions of the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board and National Housing Authority to the Autonomous Regional Government of the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, and for other purposes) have devolved certain powers and functions of the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board and National Housing Authority to the Autonomous Regional Goverament, ARMM; WHEREAS; the Regional Legislative Assembly (RLA) has as yet to pass a regional law creating a body to absorb the devolved powers of the National Housing Author NOW, THEREFORE, I, DR. PAROUK §. HUSSIN, Regional Governor of the Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Organic Act (R.A. 9054) and other related laws, do hereby Order: Section |, CREATION, - ARMM_ REGIONAL HOUSING AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (RHRDA). ~ There is hereby created and organized a Regional Housing and Rural Development Authority Section 2, Composition. ~The Authority shall be managed and administered by a seven (7) man Board composed of the following: Chairman - Chief of Staff; Vice Chairman — Regional Treasurer; and the following as members: The Attorney-General, Secretary of the Department of Public Works and Highways, Secretary of the Department of Interior and Local Government, Cabinet Secretary, Office of the Cabinet Secretariat, and Executive Director of Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board. Section 3. The Authority shall assume and performed the devolved powers and functions of the National Housing Authority (NHA). The RHRDA shall prescribe policy directions on Regional Housing and serves as an appellate body as regards the Quasi ~ judicial functions of the HLURB. Specifically, the Authority shall: @. Formulate regional housing development policies and programs/strategies that are consistent with conditions and demands of the time and to provide clear policy directives; Unit $02 RCI Bide. 10 b. Prescribe general program guidelines and standards and set parameters and indicators for housing development; Draw up support mechanisms e.g. vertical and horizontal coordination system, feedback and monitoring mechanisms, capability building programs, mechanism for active multi-sectoral participation; 4. Coordinate and monitor urban and rural development and related programs; Provide feedback on urban/rural development efforts to the executive and legislative branches of the Regional Government; and {Provide the local government units with the necessary support in the implementation of local development A, NHA POWERS (as devolved) Develop and implement the comprehensive and integrated Housing Program for the ARMM; 5. Formulate and enforce general and specific policies for housing development and resettlement; ©. Prescribe guidelines and standards for the reservation, conservation and utilization of public lands identified for housing and resettlement; 4, Develop and undertake housing development and /or resettlement projects through joint ventures or other arrangements with public and private entities; ©. Prescribe and enforce guidelines, standards and rules in the manner provided for in such rules and regulations promulgated by the NHA designed to protect home and lot buyers through the regulation of the real estate trade and business; 1 Regulate the relationship between the owners and lessees of the residential Properties in conformity with such rules and regulations as may be promulgated; 8 Invest its funds in bonds and securities issued and guaranteed by the government or by the Central Bank: h. Receive donations, grants and be quests and utilize the same for the attainment ofits objectives. Such donations and grants shall be exempt from Payment of transfer taxes and be fully deductible from the gross income of the donor for the income tax purposes; and ‘Perform such other acts consistent with this Executive Order, as may necessary to effect the policies and objectives declared. Subject to national policies and confirmation from the Regional Legislative” Assembly, the RHDA shall likewise have the following functions: suance of bonds or contracts, lebtedness, including suppliers credits or any deferred a Recommend to the cziom! Governor the loans, credits or payment arrangements with any person or entity, domestic or foreign, for the implementation of its housing programs; and b. Discharge all responsibilities of the ARG as may arise from treaties, agreements and other commitments on the housing and resettlement to which it is a signatory, including the determination of the forms and assistance for the housing development or bilateral assistance programs. 4, Ensure the compliance with the policies, plans, standards and guidelines on the human settlements; b. Promote, encourage, coordinate and assist private enterprises and government agencies and instrumentalities in planning, developing and coordinating human settlements plans and programs by furnishing, legal, technical and professional assistance; © Develop and implement prototype projects supportive of its. regulatory functions either by itself or as part of an inter-agency group or by contract with such appropriate public and private entities as it may deem power, d._ Issuance of permits and licenses for the projects within the ARMM except for the national interior regional plans; ©. Conduct public hearing relating to its functions; f. Issue orders after conducting the appropriate investigation for the cessation or cloure of any use of activity and to issue orders to vacate or demolish any building or structure that it determines to have violated or failed to comply with any laws, presidential decrees, letter of instruction, executive orders and other issuances and directives, either on its own motion or upon compliant of any parties; 8 Promulgate zoning standards and other land use control standards and guidelines for the region in accordance with the national standards and Policies, which shall govern land use plans and zoning ordinances of the local governments; the zoning components of civil works and infrastructure projects of the national, regional and local governments; subdivision or estate development projects of both the public and private sectors; and urban renewal plans, programs and projects; Provided, that the zoning and other land use control standards to be promulgated shall respect the classification of public lands for forest purposes as certified by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources; 4h, Issue rules and regulations, taking into account the peculiarities of the ARMM, to enforce the land use policies and human settlements so long as the same do not contravene with national rules and regulations already enforced at the national level; 1. Review, evaluate and approve or disapprove comprehensive land use development plans and zoning components of the civil works and infrastructure of local government (municipal and provincial), subdivisions, condominiums or estate development projects including industrial estate, of both the public and sectors ad urban renewal plans, programs and projects with the ARMM; Provided, That the general welfare is not contravene; and j. Perform such other functions and activities, which are necessary for the effective accomplishment of the above-mentioned functions. Section 4. Disposition of Ageney. — The existing Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB), ARMM, its structure, personnel, and budget will remain an autonomous attached agency of RHRDA subject only to the conditions that decisions of the Executive Director of HLURB ARMM in the exercise of its quasi-judicial functions shall be appealable to the Authority and finally to the Regional Governor. Section 5. Appropriation, ~ An amount of five million pesos (P 5,000,000.00) is allocated from the local funds share of the ARG to support the initial operationalization of the RHRDA, Section 6. Separability Clause. - If any provision of this Executive Order is declared unconstitutional or contrary to the Organic Act or Law, the validity and effectivity and the other provisions hereof shall not be affected Seotion 7. Effeetivity. ~ This Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in a regional newspaper of general circulation in the ARMM. Done in the city of Cotabato, this _ th day of bey in the year of our lord, two thousand five ah DR. HAMOUK S. HUSSIN ReGional Governor

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