Being On Time

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Why should I always be on time

Being on time is extremely important. Ancient people invented time. Even at that time they
realized the necessity of controlling their life by the factor of time, that is measured not only by sun –
daytime or nighttime – but also by smaller periods of time. Sand watch is a genius idea. It is hard to
imagine how thousands years ago people could come to it. At that time first philosophers started thinking
of the nature of the time and the origins of the earth in connection. Even now these issues preserve their
actuality and reading works of those philosophers is still interesting in the 21 st century and the content
does not seem old and irrelevant because these themes are eternal.

Nowadays, all people wear watch. It is so because of many reasons.

First of all, the rational spending of the time – is the premier goal for most of the people in the
today’s world. Urbanization, globalization, extension of business, growth of consumer’s needs and many
other things make people consider the time to be of a great value. And the aim is one and only nearly for
everyone – money. All these processes are turned towards getting more and more profit out of everything.
That is why people are very anxious about traffic, car/metro incidents, rush hours – it stops them,
prevents from being in the places they need to be in on time. And in many cases being late for some
negotiations automatically means that you will not work in the direction you should have negotiated
about. It is clear that all serious and high ranked law firms will not accept a lawyer who cannot use his
time properly, because it is a matter of their reputation as well as money. In many situations the client’s
life depends on the lawyer’s punctuality: none is going to wait for attorney in court. If he is late and he
does not obey the rules judge may decide the case following his own discretion. And the outcome of that
is pretty tough to predict.

Secondly, wearing watch on your hand, besides showing that you are a responsible and punctual
person or pretending to be so, demonstrates your social status. The richer person gets the classier watch
he is buying. Sometimes for women who are searching for a wealthy husband is enough just to take a
look at man’s hand with watch on it to understand whether this man is worth her acquaintance with him
or not.

All in all, it is obvious that our life is nearly the synonym of time, but time is even a wider term
because life is just some period of it. So it is necessary to understand that being on time is not just the
indicator of one’s education, cultural level, responsibility but also the way of how to make your life
brighter and how to let you enjoy your living without much stress and hurries.

In the conclusion I would like to say that people have always tried to manage the time but none
has ever succeeded in that. So one should always take his time and do everything on time: not earlier, not
later, but just when it is supposed to be done.

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