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Submitted by:
Mary Joy E. Malagueno
Chilzzy Marie L. Bucane
Nicole Ann G. Saguin
Arvin Luke R. Dumalay

Submitted to:
Mrs Mae D. Carizon
15 types
of rice in
Philippines .

When cooked, basmati rice grains are long,

dry, and separate. They impart a pleasant, nutty
aroma and flavor in any dish. It is common in
Indian and Asian cuisine, but it can be used in a
variety of flavorful recipes. Serve it plain or
with fresh herbs, green onions, coconut, or
vegetables for a signature pilaf.
2. Brown

Brown rice grains have a chewy texture when cooked.

They impart a pleasant, slightly nutty flavor in any
dish. The nutritious bran layers are left on brown rice
so it can retain its natural goodness and tan color. Rich
in vitamins and minerals, brown rice is a 100% whole
grain food. It is a versatile rice that becomes light and
fluffy when cooked, ensuring it won't stick together.


Cultivated in Thailand, jasmine rice will bring

an exotic flair and flavorful accent to any dish.
It develops a pleasant jasmine aroma while it is
cooking. Use it when making a variety of
traditional Asian dishes, including curries and
stir-frys. The moist, soft texture is ideal for
soaking up spices and flavors.
Due to the starch composition of white long
grain rice, it has a slightly sticky consistency
that's useful in stuffing, casseroles, and stir-fry
dishes. It is arguably the most familiar and
easily recognizable rice in traditional American
recipes, and it's also popular in Asian and
Mexican cuisine. Compared to other varieties of
rice, it has a mild flavor and light and fluffy texture when cooked.
5.Minaangan rice
is a thin, red rice grain in Ifugao,
propagated by the Hundungan who
inherited the seeds from ancestors
past. It's so nutritious, it's even said to
be medicinal, helping with ulcers and
dizzy spells. Its slight stickiness
makes it perfect for champorado.

6.Ominio rice
is very dark purple rice, which is why it's also
called black rice. It has to be grown 700
meters above sea level, which is why it's found
in the Mountain Province. It has a fruity and
chocolatey aroma that lends itself perfectly to
champorado. It's also very sticky, making it
perfect for black sushi and dark to purple rice
7.Balintanaw rice
just like Ominio rice, is found in the
Mountain province. This deep purple
rice flecked with brown is a bit sticky
but firm when cooked.

8.Tinawon Rice
has large grains with a pinkish tint. It's clean
and light on the palate with a slight sweetness
at the end. The flavorful grains don't stick
together and have a firm bite.

9.Adlai rice

is cultivated in Philippine highlands

where rice is not commonly grown. It has
a higher fat and protein content, has anti-
inflammatory properties and is good for
blood sugar levels. It has a nutty taste
that's perfect for breakfast bowls,
champurado, and more.
is an indigenous variety of rice grown in the
Palakkad district of Kerala, India.[1] It is
known for its coarseness and health
benefits. It is popular in Kerala and coastal
Karnataka in India and Sri Lanka where it is
used on a regular basis for idlies, appams
and plain rice; it is different from brown
11.Black rice
Also known as “forbidden rice” or
“emperor’s rice,” was an exclusive food
fed only to emperors in China. It owes
its color to its high level of
anthocyanin, the same antioxidant
found in eggplant, blueberries, and
purple corn.
12.Chong-Ai rice

are grown by the Kalinga who hold it sacred,

serving it at their ceremonies and festivals to
please their god Kabunyan. The Kalinga enjoy
it for its enticing aroma and how it gives them
strength and protection from illnesses.
13. Miponica Rice
is another hybrid rice variety developed by Doña Maria.
It's a combination of the Philippine Milagrosa and
Japanese rice. When cooked, it's fluffy and sticky,
making it perfect for making sushi, paella, and risotto.

14. Jasponica Rice

is a hybrid variety of rice developed by Doña
Maria. It brings together the fragrance of Jasmine
rice with the slight stickiness of premium Japanese
rice. When cooked, it's soft, fragrant, and fluffy. It's
available in white, brown, special (a mix of brown
and white qualities), and congee (alternative
to malagkit).

15. Dinorado/Denorado Rice

is the traditional Filipino favorite which usually
fetches at a premium price. They're usually
meant for special occasions because of their
high quality. Uncooked, these rice grains have a
slight pinkish tinge that really set them apart.
Cooked, they are fragrant, fluffy, soft, and
slightly sticky.

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