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Isabel Canil

J. Schoshinski


When it comes to media news there is always going to be a strong-sided opinion into which you

are lead to believe. There are many controversies all around the world that show how ineffective/affective

our government react to these problems. Social issues and policy making are vital to us, the government

should be able to attend to our needed issues. As a society we might not see eye to eye in some of the

issues needed to be resolved. The media tends to divide how we react to a certain issue, to choose one side

of the argument does not mean you are right or wrong, it simply defines how you connect to that issues on

a personal level. Climate change has recently been one of the main topics to be brought up by the media.

Many believe that the EPA is there to resolve many of these global issues while others believe that this

program is a waste of time. Another form of media spotlight is our trust in the government, as americans

we have the freedom to chose who we believe should be worthy of running our country. But lately there

has been a turnout on polls about our trust in the government and how there inefficiency to resolve social

problems are affecting us.

In TheHill “climate change fake news is old news” by Tim Lydon explains how climate change

has become a matter of political beliefs and misinformed media as well as fake news according to our

current president. “Increasingly, science and fact-based journalism show industry has long promoted a

blend of fake news and biased reporting to undermine acceptance of climate science.” This has led many

americans to reject the basic science proven fact that greenhouse pollution is real and currently happening.

Underreporting and media bias against climate coverage is why fossil fuels is still a dominant form of

energy. Yes, resistance is growing and U.S cities have been suing several fossil fuel companies for

climate change adaptations but with the lack of acceptance, american is second in worst pollution right

after china.“Ongoing globalization and technological change are now further weakening people’s trust”

suggests Richard Edelman.

The Economist “Why America Has A Trust Problem” by C.K goes onto explain why the trust in

american government has decreased immensely in recent years. “Bill Bishop, commentator and author of

"The Big Sort: Why the Clustering of Like-Minded America is Tearing Us Apart," He suggests that low

trust in government is linked with the decline of social capital (blame television), globalization and the

cult of the individual.” The trust in American government has decreased and only 21% of individuals

trust television news, this is the cause of politicians not properly fulfilling their role. “Trust in political

systems is negatively related to self-reported income difficulties, unemployment, age, and education,

amongst other factors.” Lately on social media for example Facebook, theres been videos going around

showing multiple clips of news broadcasts and its being labeled as propaganda pro Trump into accepting

his hidden agenda. As Trust in television news decreases, the trust in social media increases and more

people rely on them for news. Turning to different news sources for example MSNBC or Fox can be very

different, both report things really different and are either for against, no middle ground. This has caused a

increased mistrust increase on the U.S Government as well as news outlets.

Both articles provide to be very knowledge able and have several sources to back it up but TheHill

“Climate Change Fake News is Old news” has more detailed and informed opinion as well.

Lydon, Tim. “With Climate Change, Fake News Is Old News.” TheHill, 5 Apr. 2018,

K., C. “Why America Has a Trust Problem.” The Economist, 25 Apr. 2017,

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