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Cantilever Sheet Pile Walls

In cantilever sheet pile wall construction, heavy steel sheet piles are driven into the
ground prior to excavation taking place. When excavation is carried out, the soil
behind the sheets is retained by their cantilever action.

Cantilever sheet pile walls tend to be prone to movement and are generally only
used for temporary structures or for permanent walls of low height in sands and

Figure 1 After Craig – Figure 6.22

Additional Design Requirements

In addition to the above, there are also two other important criteria that are adopted
in practical design of sheet pile walls as follows:
1. An additional depth is allowed at the front of the wall to allow for the possibility
that an accidental excavation may occur here. BS 8002 (Earth Retaining
Structures) suggests that this allowance should be 10% of the retained height up
to a maximum allowance of 0.5 m.
2. A surcharge load is applied behind the wall to allow for loading in this area. The
applied surcharge will depend on the load that might be expected, but general
practice allows for a minimum nominal surcharge of 10 kN/m .

Design of Cantilever Walls by Moment Balance

Design of cantilever walls is carried out by finding a moment balance about the
assumed point of fixity, which is shown as point C in Figure 1(c).

As has been discussed previously, generation of full active and passive pressure
requires a certain strain to develop in the soil. Generation of full passive resistance
will, in particular, require quite significant strains to develop.

Several different design methods have been proposed for cantilever retaining walls
depending on different assumptions of precisely what earth pressures are

The four main design methods are described below:

Gross Pressure Method (CP2 Method)

This method commences with the

assumption that full active pressure will
develop behind the wall and full passive
pressure in front of the wall.

The approach requires that there is a

factor of safety against failure and this is
obtained by dividing the calculated
moment due to the passive earth
pressure by a factor, Fp, and then
equating this to the moment due to the
active earth pressure plus the net
moment due to any water pressure acting
on the wall.

Moment from Passive Pressure

 Moment from Active Pressure  Net Water Pressure moment

Net Pressure Method (British Steel Method)

This method was developed by British

Steel and adopts the pressure distribution
shown bounded by the solid lines in the
diagram opposite, where the net pressures
acting on the rear and front of the wall are
calculated by subtracting the pressures
acting on one side of the wall from those
on the other side, with the effects of water
pressure included in these calculations.

As for the Gross Pressure method, a factor

of safety is applied to the moment due to
the passive pressure in order to ensure
that the wall design is safe. In this case:

Moment from Net Passive Pressure (Earth  Water)

 Moment from Net Active Pressure (Earth  Water)

As a supplier of steel sheet sections, British Steel contributed significantly to the

literature on steel sheet pile design and produced a Piling Handbook, which went
through a number of editions. The part of the business dealing with sheet piles was
subsequently sold to Arcelor, whose web site includes a lot of data relevant to sheet
pile design. In particular, see under documentation,
where a copy of the current Piling Handbook can be downloaded.
Net Available Passive Resistance Method (Burland and Potts)

This method was developed by Burland

and Potts and adopts the pressure
distribution shown bounded by the solid
lines in the diagram opposite.

The active pressure is assumed to reach a

maximum value at the level of the ground
in front of the wall. This value of active
pressure is then maintained to the base of
the wall while the net active pressure is
calculated as the gross passive pressure
less the drop in active pressure below the
theoretical hydrostatic value.

As for the previous methods, a factor of

safety is incorporated in the moment balance in order to ensure that the design is
safe, as follows:

Moment from Modified Passive Pressure

 Moment from Modified Active Pressure  Net Water Pressure moment

Factor of Safety on Soil Strength Method

This method differs from the previous three methods in that the factor of safety for
the wall is applied to the soil strength rather than to the moments induced by the

Using this method for a granular soil and effective stress analysis, the soil strength
for design will be determined as:

tan(’design) = (tan measured’) / Fs

The unfactored gross soil pressures based on the factored soil strength are then
used in the analysis, so that:

Moment from Passive Pressure  Moment from Active Pressure  Net Water Pressure moment

Factors of Safety to be used in the above Analyses

The appropriate factors of safety for the above analyses will depend on the
circumstances of the particular problem. The following table summarises the
relevant factors for a number of cases:
Method Effective Stress Analysis

’ ≤ 20° 20° < ’ ≤ 30° ’ > 30°

Factor on Strength, Fs 1.2 1.2 1.2
Gross Pressure Factor, Fp 1.5 1.5 – 2.0 2
Net Pressure Factor, Fnp 2 2 2
Net Available Resistance,
2 2 2
Burland and Potts, Fr

Example – The Design Procedure – Gross Pressure Method

Design follows a set procedure in which the following steps need to be taken:
1. Adopt the simplified model shown in Figure 1(c), above
2. Find the appropriate design values of Ka and Kp
3. Determine the lateral earth pressures in front of and behind the wall, making
allowance for groundwater as necessary. Note that the design is almost always
carried out on the basis of an effective stress approach
4. Use a moment balance to find the depth to the point of fixity
5. Increase the proposed embedment of the pile by 20% to provide the necessary
force, R, at the rear of the wall
6. Find R
7. Check that the increase in depth allowed in step 5 is adequate to provide R

The following two examples illustrate the procedure. Example 1 is a basic illustration
and excludes the standard assumptions for overdig and surcharge. Example 2 is a
more general example, including these and the presence of groundwater. This is,
however, a special case where the groundwater levels in front of and behind the
wall are the same, in which case the water pressures on the front and the back of
the wall are equal and can be ignored in the calculation.
Example 1
Consider the case of a wall with a 2 metre retained height of fill constructed in a soil
for which ’ = 30° and bulk = 18kN/m
The groundwater table is well below the level of the base of the wall and ignoring
any allowance for accidental overdig or surcharge load but taking a factor of safety
of 2.0 on the passive pressure (Gross Pressure Method)
Assuming there is no wall friction:
Ka = (1 – sin(1 + sin) = 0.333
Kp = (1 + sin(1 – sin) = 3.0
Taking moments about point C

Moment due to active force:

Mmt. = 0.5 Ka bulk (h+d) x (h+d)/3
= 0.5 x 0.333 x 18 x (2 + d) /3
2 3
= 8 + 12 d + 6 d + d
Moment due to passive force:
Mmt. = 0.5 Kp bulk d x d/3
= 0.5 x 3.0 x 18 x d /3
= 9d

Then, equating the active and passive moments and allowing for a factor of safety
of 2.0 on the passive gives:
3 2 3
4.5 d = 8 + 12 d + 6 d + d

Which can be solved by trial and error to give d = 3.07 m

The final embedment is then taken as 3.07 x 1.2 = 3.68 metres

It is then required to carry out a force balance to calculate the required value of R
for horizontal stability:
2 2
Active force = 0.5 Ka bulk (h+d) = 0.5 x 0.333 x 18 x 5.07 = 77.11 kN
2 2
Passive force = 0.5 Kp bulk d /2 = 0.5 x 3.0 x 18 x 3.07 /2 = 127.24 kN

Hence, R= 127.24 – 77.11 = 50.13 kN

This force must be generated in the additional length of pile below point C

The two force elements generated will be due to the passive load on the back of the
wall and the active force on the front of the wall (see figure 1(b), above). In each
case there will be two elements – one due to the effective surcharge imposed by the
fill above the level of point C and one due to the soil self weight below level C.
Overall, the lateral effective stress profile will be as shown below:


0.2 d 1

Active Pressure Passive Pressure

Passive Pressures:
Force 1, due to overburden surcharge = Kp x bulk x (h+d) x 0.2 d = 168.1 kN
Force 2, due to soil self weight = 0.5 x Kp x bulk x (0.2 d) = 10.18 kN

Active Pressures:
Force 3, due to overburden surcharge = Ka x bulk x d x 0.2 d = 11.31 kN
Force 4, due to soil self weight = 0.5 x Ka x bulk x (0.2 d) = 1.13 kN
Available force = Passive – Active = 168.1 + 10.18 – 11.31 – 1.13 = 165.84 kN
Required force = 50.13 kN < Available Force of 165.84 Hence, OK
Example 2

A sheet pile wall is to be installed to support a 3m high cut in sand of bulk density
3 3
18kN/m and ’ 30°. If the saturated bulk density of the sand is 20kN/m and a factor
of safety of 2 is to be applied to the passive earth pressure, find the required length
of sheet piles required if the groundwater level is 4 m below the existing ground

In carrying out the design, the following points should be considered:

10% of the wall height is 0.3m, so the design height will be 3.3m
A 10kN/m surcharge must be applied behind the wall

The effective vertical stress due to the soil below the water table can be taken as
(sat – water), i.e. 20–9.8 = 10.2kN/m

In the absence of other data, take:

Ka = [(1-sin)/(1+sin)] = 0.333 Kp = [(1+sin)/(1-sin)] = 3.0

The required wall and the effective earth pressures acting on it will then be as
shown below, where d is the depth of embedment below the water table and is what
we are required to determine:

Surcharge = 10kN/m


0.70m 1 2

d 3

7 6

R 4

Passive Earth Pressures Retaining Wall Configuration Active Earth Pressures

Figure 2: Design Example 2 – Configuration and Active and Passive Earth Pressures

By considering the earth pressures shown in Figure 2 and by taking moments about
point C, the following values are obtained:
Calculations all per metre width

Force (kN) Lever Arm (m) Moment (kNm)

(1) 0.333 x 10 x (d + 4.0) = 3.33d + 13.33 d/2 + 4.0/2 1.665d + 13.32d + 26.64
(2) 0.5 x 0.333 x 18 x 4.0 = 47.95 d + 4.0/3 47.95d + 63.94
(3) 0.333 x 18 x 4.0 x d = 23.976d d/2 11.988d
2 2 3
(4) 0.5 x 0.33 x 10.2 x d = 1.689d d/3 0.566d
(5) – (0.5 x 3.0 x 18 x 0.7 ) / 2 = – 6.62 d + 0.7/3 – 6.62d – 1.544
(6) – (3.0 x 18 x 0.7 x d) / 2 = – 18.9d d/2 – 9.45 d
2 2 3
(7) – (0.5 x 3.0 x 10.2 x d ) / 2 = – 7.65d d/3 – 2.547 d
Note – densities below the groundwater table are taken as (sat – water) in order to obtain soil effective vertical and lateral

Table 1: Design Example – Calculated Bending Moments

Balancing the moments then gives:

3 2
– 1.981 d + 4.203 d + 54.65 d + 89.036 = 0
3 2
Giving: d = 44.94 + 27.59 d + 2.12 d
Which is best solved by trial and error to find d = 7.0 m

Depth of Embedment
As noted above, the depth of embedment should be increased by 20%
In solving the problem, the actual depth of embedment is 0.70 m + d = 7.7 m.
i.e. actual required embedment = 1.2 x 7.7 = 9.24 metres (1.54 m increase in length)

Required Value of R
R is the force generated by the passive soil pressure on the back of the wall below
point C, where the wall tends to rotate back into the soil.
For horizontal equilibrium:
Total passive Force = Total Active Force + R
So R = Total Calculated Passive Force – Total Calculated Active Force
Hence, R = – ([(5)+(6)+(7)] – [(1)+(2)+(3)+(4)])

Substituting d = 7.0 into the values calculated in Table 1, allowing for the necessary
changes of sign then gives:
R = [6.62 + 132.30 + 374.85] – [36.63 + 47.95 + 167.83 +83.22] = 178.13 kN

This force has to be generated on the back of the sheet piles by the extra 20%
length added above – i.e. between point C and a point 1.54 metres below this.
The situation is shown in Figure 3, where forces 8, 9 and 10 will be passive earth
pressures and 11 and 12 will be active pressures

Surcharge = 10kN/m


0.70m 1 2
5 W.T.

d 3

7 6
R 4

0.2 d 8 9

Figure 3: Design Example2 – Active and Passive Earth Pressures below point of fixity

Force (kN)

(8) 3 x 10 x 1.54 = 46.2

(9) 3 x [(4.0 x 18) + (d x 10.2)] x 1.54 = 662.508

(10) 0.5 x 3 x 10.2 x 1.54 = 36.29

(11) 0.333 x [(0.7 x 18) + (d x 10.2)] x 1.54 = 43.12

(12) 0.5 x 0.333 x 10.2 x 1.54 = 4.03

Note: In this case no reduction factor is applied to the passive earth pressures as owing to
where they are generated they are more reliable

R available = 46.2 + 662.508 + 36.29 – 43.12 – 4.03 = 697.85 kN > 178.13 kN OK

Eurocode 7 Check

Considering design example 2 as above but adopting a Eurocode 7 analysis using a

factor on strength approach.
 Eurocode 7 does not require any allowance for surcharge
 Eurocode 7 requires the same allowance for over-excavation in front of the
Hence, in this case there is no surcharge to be considered but the overall depth of
excavation for design will again be 3.30 metres (3.0 metres + 10%)


0.70m W.T. 1

6 5 C

Passive Earth Resistances Retaining Wall Configuration Active Earth Pressures

Figure 4: Design Example 2 – Configuration for Eurocode 7 Design

As before:
The bulk density of the sand above the water table is 18kN/m
The saturated bulk density of the sand is 20kN/m
And the angle of internal friction for the sand, ’ is 30°.

We now consider the two load combinations to be considered for Eurocode 7

Design approach 1 as follows:

Load combination 1 (A1+ M1 + R1)

Load combination 2 (A2 + M2 + R1)
Load Combination 1 (A1+ M1 + R1)

Partial Factor
Action Type
Case A1
The thrust due to the retained
Permanent – unfavourable G, dst = 1.35

Partial Factor
Material Property
Case M1
Coefficient of shearing resistance (tan ’) ’ = 1.0
Weight Density  = 1.0

Partial Factor
Case R1
Earth Resistance R; e = 1.0

For ’ = 30º and ’ = 1.0:

tan ’ design = tan 30º / 1.0 and ’ design = 30º


Ka design = (1 – sin 30) / (1 + sin 30) = 0.5 / 1.5 = 0.3333

Kp design = (1 + sin 30) / (1 - sin 30) = 1.5 / 0.5 = 3.0

3 3
For bulk density of retained fill = 18 kN/m  design = 18 / 1.0 = 18 kN/m

3 3
For bulk saturated bulk density of fill = 20 kN/m  design = 20 / 1.0 = 20 kN/m

Effective unit weight of soil below water table = (20 – 9.8) = 10.2 kN/m

So, as  = 1.0, again for this value:  design = 10.2 kN/m

The partial load factor for the action due to the active earth pressure behind the
wall, G, dst = 1.35, will be applied to the force due to the active earth pressure
behind the wall.

The partial factor for resistance R; e = 1.0, which will be applied to the force due to
the passive earth pressure in front of the wall.

The calculations are then as follows:

Calculations all per metre width

Force (kN) Lever Arm (m) Moment (kNm)

(1) 1.35 x 0.5 x 0.333 x 18 x 4.0 = 64.8 d + 4.0/3 64.8d + 86.4

(2) 1.35 x 0.333 x 18 x 4.0 x d = 32.4d d/2 16.2d

2 2 3
(3) 1.35 x 0.5 x 0.333 x 10.2 x d = 2.295d d/3 0.765d

(4) – 1.0 x (0.5 x 3.0 x 18 x 0.7 ) = – 13.23 d + 0.7/3 – 13.23d – 3.087

(5) – 1.0 x (3.0 x 18 x 0.7 x d) = – 37.8d d/2 – 18.9 d

2 2 3
(6) – 1.0 x (0.5 x 3.0 x 10.2 x d ) = – 15.3d d/3 – 5.1 d

2 3 2 3
Which gives: 64.8 d + 86.4 + 16.2 d + 0.765 d = 13.23 d + 3.087 + 18.9 d + 5.1 d
2 3
Which simplifies to: 83.313 + 51.57 d – 2.7 d – 0.765 d = 0, from which d = 3.82 m

The pile penetration is then increased by 20 % to ensure stability

Actual pile penetration is taken as (d + 0.7) metres = 4.52 m

Required penetration length calculated from actual pile length but increased by 20% = 1.2 x 4.52 = 5.42 m

Overall pile length required = 3.0 + 5.42 = 8.42 metres

Load Combination 2 (A2+ M2 + R1)

Partial Factor
Action Type
Case A2
The thrust due to the retained
Permanent – unfavourable G, dst = 1.0

Partial Factor
Material Property
Case M2
Coefficient of shearing resistance (tan ’) ’ = 1.25
Weight Density  = 1.0

Partial Factor
Case R1
Earth Resistance R; e = 1.0

For ’ = 30º and ’ = 1.25:

tan ’ design = tan 30º / 1.25 and ’ design = 24.8º


Ka design = (1 – sin 24.8) / (1 + sin 24.8) = 0.5805 / 1.4195 = 0.409

Kp design = (1 + sin 24.8) / (1 - sin 24.8) = 1.4195 / 0.5805 = 2.445

3 3
For bulk density of retained fill = 18 kN/m  design = 18 / 1.0 = 18 kN/m

3 3
For bulk saturated bulk density of fill = 20 kN/m  design = 20 / 1.0 = 20 kN/m

Effective unit weight of soil below water table = (20 – 9.8) = 10.2 kN/m

So, as  = 1.0, again for this value:  design = 10.2 kN/m

The partial load factor for the action due to the active earth pressure behind the
wall, G, dst = 1.0, will be applied to the force due to the active earth pressure behind
the wall.

The partial factor for resistance R; e = 1.0, which will be applied to the force due to
the passive earth pressure in front of the wall.

The calculations are then as follows:

Calculations all per metre width

Force (kN) Lever Arm (m) Moment (kNm)

(1) 1.0 x 0.5 x 0.409 x 18 x 4.0 = 58.896 d + 4.0/3 58.896 d + 78.528

(2) 1.0 x 0.409 x 18 x 4.0 x d = 29.448 d d/2 14.724 d

2 2 3
(3) 1.0 x 0.5 x 0.409 x 10.2 x d = 2.086 d d/3 0.695 d

(4) – 1.0 x (0.5 x 2.445 x 18 x 0.7 ) = – 10.78 d + 0.7/3 – 10.78d – 2.515

(5) – 1.0 x (2.445 x 18 x 0.7 x d) = – 30.807 d d/2 – 15.404 d

2 2 3
(6) – 1.0 x (0.5 x 2.445 x 10.2 x d ) = – 12.47 d d/3 – 4.16 d

2 3 2 3
Which gives: 58.896 d + 78.528 + 14.724 d + 0.695 d = 10.78d + 2.515 + 15.404 d + 4.16 d
2 3
Which simplifies to: 76.013 + 48.116 d – 0.68 d – 3.465 d = 0, from which d = 4.27 m

The pile penetration is then increased by 20 % to ensure stability

Actual pile penetration is taken as (d + 0.7) metres = 4.97 m

Required penetration length calculated from actual pile length but increased by 20% = 1.2 x 4.97 = 5.96 m

Overall pile length required = 3.0 + 5.96 = 8.96 metres

Hence the design is governed by Load Combination 2 and the overall required pile length will be 8.96 metres

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