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Kaushalganj, Bilaspur, Rampur (UP), 244923

No. Unemployment survey form for the students Agree Disagree Neutral
1 Would you prefer to be working, or are you unemployed by choice?
Do you feel you have all the education and skills you need in order to be competitive in the current job
2 market, or not
3 The presence of foreigners in our country increase unemployment?
4 Many of those receiving unemployment insurance could get a job if they wanted?
5 Would you consider moving to find work?
6 Would you consider moving to find other work?
7 Have you ever refused a job that was offered to you?
8 Is there a minimum level of wage per month below which you would not accept a job
9 Are you personally afraid of unemployment?
10 Unemployment rate increases?
11 Are you looking for work or trying to establish your own business?
12 Did you want to work during the past week?
13 Is there a minimum level of income per month below which you would not accept a job?
14 Have you received any advice/help/assistance from the employment services?
15 What have you mainly been doing while looking for job ?
16 Since you started looking for work, how many jobs have you applied for
17 Since you started looking for work, how many interviews have you been to
18 Do you feel the education/training you received in the past is useful in getting a job
19 Do you plan to continue your education/training at a later stage?
Even though you were not working, did you have a job, business or a landholding to which you will
20 return to work?
21 Do you hope to change your main job in the future?

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