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1AR – Afropess

Extend 2AC #1 – Disrupt Humanism Link Turn

Our reorientation of an ontology of being disrupts the western model of the human by removing it from
its essentialist underpinnings which has colonized non-white peoples and dehumanized their own
conceptions of self. Our poetic politics creates a multiplicity in the interpretation whereby the human as
subject is no longer centered in gaining its subjectivity from the slave, but can do so in an affirmation of

Extend 2AC #2 – We still beat your Method

Our poetic politics is the best method in the round because we have empirical evidence of resistance
such as Enersto Cardenal’s poetry which allowed the Sandinistas to disrupt Colonial White Supremacist
Discourse imposed on Nicaragua, and resist warfare engaged by the US and Contras by creating a
meaningful ontology of self, and create a successful revolution against these forces.

Extend 2AC #3 – Ontology pre-req

The western model of human as metaphysical comes from the Aristotelian great chain of being which
models Western man as above the dehumanized Black Body demarcated as slave

Extend 2AC #4 – No Link

A. Cross Apply the Link of Omission FW to the Link Debate
B. No Link to Fluid Identity – Our Fluid Language means we are able to find a mew meaning to our
identities, like the affirmation of Blackness, and not a so-called transcendence of identity, like a
Postmodern line of flight. Our Multiplicity of Interpretation in language allows us to be able to
encounter personal affirmation through different methods of resistance and revolution.
C. No link to Ethics – Our Ontological Reorientation
D. No link to Elitist ontology – Ontological thinking is accessible to everyone because it’s predicated on
the ability to look reflexively towards oneself and be able to act upon one’s thoughts, and this allows us
to see the relation of being through colonialism

Extend 2AC #5 – Perm #1: Do the Aff as a way to endorse an interrogation of the static symbolic
representations both in the resolution and those upon people of color within civil society

WE SOLVE B/C Our Black Poetry breaks down the static notion of the political that is predicated on the
exclusion of the ‘Other’ by creating a multiplicity of relations with the political which can incorporate the
position of Blackness through a Affirmation of Black ontology away from the zero point category
imposed by civil society which also breaks down the state which depends on these imposed static
categories to remain to create a liberal humanism for White and People of Color

Extend 2AC #12 Resistance DA

And even if they Black People can’t access Civil Society, they can still create revolutionary communities
amongst themselves
1AR – Framework
Extend 2AC #1: Counter Interpretation: The affirmative gets to question the grounds of the resolution

Our interpretation returns agency to the debaters and allow us to actively challenge the violence of
instrumentalization embedded within the needs to extract resources in the resolution.
The impact is Gneocidal war and Racism because people of color because the colonial impositions of
western being allows us to commit a genocide towards those who resist an instrumnetalized being, and
an eco-racism for those who have their homes destroyed, and their children deformed from pollution
Which is justified under how a liberal politics needs to universalized
THAT’S CHWASTIAKA can find a topical version of the Aff,

And a T-version of the AFF fails because the state’s policy is predicated on enframing the ocean and
people as exploitable resources, which means that it

Extend 2AC #6
They role play as policy makers like a child plays as a firefighter, that child can’t stop a fire, and these
kids can’t pass a bill, and like that kid, they will grow bored with their case and remove themselves from
the violence and the implications that results from the policy, the violent fire that burns like white
phosphorus on the Brown Kids in Darfur will be viewed from an Apple Laptop, it’s a gruesome Youtube
video on repeat, and they’ll just close their computer after the round without knowing that after they
got their names on that ballot, they still got people’s names on tombstones, turns their Solvency

Extend 2AC #7
Switch Side

Extend 2AC #8 – Impact Turn Fairness

Extend 2AC #9 – Enframing DA

These kids got tunnel vision with Policy debate, they enframe debate as a space for only policy making
which excludes a radical education which questions the effectiveness of policy making which creates an
‘other’ through their inability to resist participating in a game bent on their societal exclusion.
Impact Turn: Their education is predicated on excluding our poetic discoourse which creates
revolutionary action out of the debate round like the Ernesto Cardenal’s poetry circumventing
reactionary state power against the Sandanistas
And even if we don’t create concrete action, they don’t either because they’re not senators, they’re just
rich kids in a classroom, and our discourse can create new ways to affirm a value to life which is net
better than the nothingness that they accomplish
1AR – Anthro
Extend 2AC #1: No Link

Extend 2AC #3: Mindset Shift Link Turn

Our re-orientation of ontology finds the intrinsic value of non-human animals with humans through a
mindshift away from instrumentalized view of the non-human animal and the human, and finding this
value in existence in itself. This shift removes the value imposed on animals as consumable flesh and the
value imposed on humans predicated on controlling the animal which allows for an equitable relation
understanding the role of all these peoples.

Extend 2AC #4: Institutions Link Turn

An ontological inquiry returns agency to the self to be able to challenge the

Extend 2AC #5: Double Bind

Either the alternative is so strong that the alt can withstand one instance of the Aff or is too weak to
solve for the Aff which means it fails

Extend 2AC #6: Baudillard thinks you’re specieist too Perm

Their discourse is predicated on their speech act helping the animal in the round, rather than have the
non-human animal speak for themselves. Their sentimentality creates the patronizing image of the
animal as unable to speak for themselves, so they plead for their saviors to save them from the humans
and even themselves, which strips them of their agency, and the ability to find resistance against
anthropocentric violence because their survival is only predicated on them revoking their agency like the
serf does to the lord for Protection and the castle becomes the Zoo

Extend 2AC #8: Thinking With the Non-Human Animal Perm

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