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Polygraphy Definition of terms

1. AC power receptacle – power cords connects here; international standard

design for easy cord replacement.

2. Admission- is a statement of facts, partial acknowledgement of guilt and usually given

with some justification or exemption in admitting.
3. Average Tracing Segment – a segment within a tracing that shows no
physiological evidence in the emotional level within the stress area on the
polygraph chart – polygrams.

4. BENIGN OR WHITE LIE. The kind of lie that is used to maintain the harmony
of friendship, relationship in the home and or office.

5. BLACK LIAR. Is a person who always pretends. It also refers to those persons
who keep on adding remarks to themselves.

6. CARDIO SECTION-To record the galvanic skin response (electro dermal response) or the
degree of the subject’s sweatness.
7. Cardiosphymograph – This system records changes in mean blood pressure,
rate and strength of pulse beat.

8. Card Test- The subject is presented with seven (7) previously numbered cards face
down.Confession- direct acknowledgement of guilt or a statement of guilt.
9. Chart drive roller lever – lifts chart drive roller for paper change and chart

10. Chart marking is the process of writing standard and customized signs on the
polygraph chart to denote the subject’s reactions and other circumstances that
occur during the actual polygraph test.

11. Control questions- questions on which all subjects will be potentially untruthful.

12. Deception- is the act of deceiving or misleading usually accompanied by lying.

13. Diastolic blood pressure- refers to the downward blood pressure representing the
low pressure to the closing of the valves and heart relaxed.

14. Diacrotic notch- refers to the short horizontal notch in a cardio-tracing located at the
middle of the diastolic stem.
15. Direct Denial- direct denial of the act in question that creates emotional sense of disturbance.

16. Distortion tracing Segment – a segment within a tracing that departs from the
average emotional level but lacks physiological evidence of either sympathetic or
parasympathetic activation

17. Electro dermal response- it refers to human body phenomenon in which the skin
changes resistance electrically upon the application of certain external stimuli. Also
referred to a Psycho galvanic skin reflex or galvanic skin response.
18. Emblems- expressions made with the body whose meaning are clearly understood
nodding of head and shrudding shoulders.

19. Emotion- it refers to an emotion response to specific danger that appears to be beyond
a person’s defensive power.

20. Evidence connecting question- intended to stimulate and focus his attention on the
probability of incriminating truth.

21. Environment- is the sum total of the dissimulation that a person acquired from the
time he was conceived and his exposure to his surroundings.
22. ETHOLOGICAL LIAR. Is one who was taught not to be a squealer.

23. Foam Pen Hold-Down – keeps pens in place when instrument is being

24. Galvanic Skin Response Module – recording part of GSR channel.

25. Galvanograph – The electrodes are attached to the index finger and the ring
finger of the left hand, or to the palmar and dorsal surfaces of the left hand.

26. General Question Test- Consist of series of relevant and irrelevant questions in a
planned order.

27. Guilt complex test- Used primarily for overly responsive subjects

28. Heredity- is the transmission of physical and mental traits of the parents to their
offspring through the genes.
29. Interview- simple questioning of one who is willing and cooperative.

30. Interrogation- forceful questioning of one who is reluctant to divulge information.

31. Irrelevant Questions- Is a question from information about the subject will not
normally lie, which does not pertains
32. Knowledge question test- intended to prove whether the subject possesses information
regarding the identity of the offender.

33. Kymograph – this is the chart recording unit of the instrument.

34. KYMOGRAPH SECION-: to move the chart paper at a uniform rate of speed under the
35. Lie or Fabrications- the most difficult lie an individual can use in an interview.

36. Lie of minimization- indiviaual will accept that something has occurred but downplays the

37. Lie of ommision- tells the truth but ommiting details that creates possible trouble.

38. Lying- is the act of uttering or conveying falsehood or creating a false or misleading impression
with the intention of affecting wrongfully
39. MALICIOUS LIE. The kind of lie that has the purpose of misleading the justice
in favor of himself or towards other persons

40. Mechanical cardio module – recording part of mechanical cardio module.

41. Mechanical Pneumo Module – recording part of mechanical Pneumo Channel.

42. Mixed Test- Consist essentially of an arrangement of the first and third test questioned.

43. Non-verbal clues- encompasses patterns in the body movements, gestures, facial expressions,
body posture, positioning and movement use to explain chosen words.

44. Narco-Analysis Test/Administration of Truth Serum- Use of narcotic or anaesthetic drug.

45. Normal response- refers to any activity or inhibition of a previous activity of an organism or part
of the organism resulting from stimulation.

46. OCCUPATIONAL LIAR. Is someone who has lied for spare years. He is the kind
of person which is called a practical liar and lies when it has higher “pay off”
than telling the truth

47. Ordeal- refers to the oldest form of crime detection done by subjecting a subject to an obstacle
or trial and sometimes even involving third degree.

48. Ordeal by Balance- This ordeal is makes use of a scale of balance wherein he
accused and accuser shall be placed in both ends of the balance

49. Ordeal by Boiling Water- The subjects plunged their right arms into the boiling
pot to the elbow and step to the other side of the fire.

50. Ordeal by Combat-The accuser and accused shall convene a duel or fight
where the winner shall be adjudged as innocent, the looser to be guilty of the

51. Ordeal by Rice Chewing. The ordeal is used to determine who is telling the
truth or lying.

52. Ordeal by the Eucharist. This ordeal is reserved for the clergy and
administered with pomp and ceremony in the European Countries.

53. Ordeal by Using Red Hot Needle- the ordeal used to determine if the accused
or any person is telling a lie or not.

54. Ordeal by Waxen Shirt. The accused is dressed with cloth covered with wax
and required to walk in barefoot over burning coals.

55. Ordeal of the Cross. The ordeal that lets the accuser and accused to stand
with arms crossed on their breasts infront of atleast 3 designated adjudicator.

56. Ordeal of the Bier- applied to a mystery death of a person. The corpse will be
brought on a bier of boughs after which the natives will ask the corpse he/she
has been bewitched.
57. Ordeal of the Donkey’s Tail- a donkey is placed in a room alone and it will be
observed. If the donkey cried or made noise inside the room, a judgment of guilt
in the commission of crimes is presumed.

58. Ordeal of the Tiger. This is the ordeal that makes use of a tiger to be set loose
towards the accused and the accuser placed together.

59. PANIC LIAR. Is one who lies in order to avoid the consequences of confession
for he believes that confession will just make the matter worst.

60. Paper storage compartment – holds two spare rolls of chart paper or other

61. Paper tear bar – provides cutting edge for convenient removal of charts.

62. PATHOLOGICAL LIAR. Refers to a person who cannot really distinguish right
from wrong.

63. Peak of Tension Test-Consist of only one relevant and a series or irrelevant questions.

64. Pen and Inking- used to record the test permanently

65. Pen lifter – it raises or lowers pens to 3 positions.

66. Pneumograph – this occupy the two top/upper pens of the instrument which
records the thoracic and abdominal breathing patterns of respiration.

67. PNEUMO SECTION- To record the thoracic and abdominal of the subject

68. Polygram- compete record of the pneumograph, cardiograph and galvanograph

tracings from the moment the actual questioning of the subject starts until it

69. Polygraph- several instruments combined to simultaneously record changes in

blood pressure, pulse, respiration and skin resistance.

70. Polygraph Examiners- referred to as polygraphists and lie detector


71. Polygraph machine- is a sensitive machine which is likened or compared to an X-ray,

which requires proper interpretation for validation and its accuracy is said to be directly
proportional to the knowledge, skills, education, desire, competency and integrity of the
72. Power analyzer – automatically indicates whether wall outlet is properly wired
and grounded for proper instrument operation and subject safety.

73. Power switch and circuit breaker – applies power to instrument. Built-in
resettable circuit breaker protects instruments and eliminates need for fuses.
To reset simply press OFF and then ON again.

74. Preliminaries – the mere observation made by the examiner to the subject
upon his/her arrival until the subjects is brought to the examination room.
75. PRE-TEST INTERVIEW- This includes all considerations bearing on examination up to
the time of actual activation of the examination.
76. Program pacer – a programmable cueing device for question and answer
77.Psychological method – evaluation of the emotional, behavioral and cognitive
reactions of a person.

78. PSYCHOPATHIC LIAR. The type of liar that is considered the most difficult one
for the person has no conscience and shows no regret for dishonest and no
manifestation of guilt

79. Reaction- activity aroused in an organism by a stimulus.

80. Reaction Tracing Segment – a segment within a tracing that shows

physiological evidence

81. RED LIE. The kind of lie of a person that has something to do with communist
propaganda that is against the government of the country.

82. Red Hot Iron Ordeal- The accused places his tongue to a hot iron nine times
(9) unless burned sooner.

83. Relevant questions- formulated from information pertaining to the object of

examination and to determine the subject ’s knowledge or complicity and/or truthfulness
or deception regarding the issue in question.
84. Relief Tracing Segment – a segment within a tracing that shows physiological
evidence that the parasympathetic subdivision of the autonomic nervous
system has become active

85. Sachee- rice used in chewing ordeal

86. Secondary or weak relevant – deals with secondary element of the crime and
probe mostly on guilty knowledge and partial involvement.

87. Silent Answer Test- Subject in instructed not to give any verbal answer, the subject will
only answer in his mind

88. Specific response- refers to the response given by the subject which considered a
deviation from the normal tracing or norms of the subject.
89. Sphygmomanometer Dial – reads operating pressure of cardio channels.

90. Stimulus- refers to any force or motion coming from the environment and which reach
an organism has the tendency to arouse.
91. Stimulus marker – marks significant events on the chart.

92. Stimulus marks are short vertical lines (normally about 1/8 of an inch) placed
below the descending stroke of the cardio tracing denoting exactly the beginning
and at the end of the stimulus question.
93. Stress- psychological response to any demand

94. Strong or primary relevant – having an intense and specific relationship to the
offense or problem being considered.

95. Symptomatic Questions – are questions that relates about the subject trust in
the examiner regarding confinement to the original issue under investigation.

96. Systolic Blood pressure- the upward blood pressure as the apex of the curve caused by
the contraction of the heart, valves are open and blood is rushing into the arteries
97. TOURNAMENT LIAR. This is the type of liar where the person lies because it is
the only weapon remaining to defend his side

98. TEST EXECUTION OR QUESTIONING PHASE- All considerations bearing on

polygraph examination from the time the instrument is placed on the subject until the
instrument is deactivated.
99. Vebal Clues- words that are spoken speed of delivery of words choice of words tone, and tense
of language.

100. Word Assciation Test- Group of words, objects or photographs will be presented

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