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Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:


Prof . Kadambini Kumari
Analytics Professional &Research Scholar at DPU, Pune
Mobile: +919850970119


This study report throws light on the reasons behind customer’s decision of choosing
Pantaloons for purchase of Apparels and various other products from Pantaloons. It also
describes the satisfaction of customer and their attitude towards various touch points in the

The work was accomplishedat Pantaloons store, for conducting survey and fulfillment of
questionnaires. A sample size of 100 was selected& research was conducted. Among those
who were interviewed consist of housewives, professionals, and even college going students.
Though the sample size considered was small but it was so varied in order to overcome all
the odds. Convenience sampling method was considered to be best suited to fulfill the study
report. A structured questionnaire was constructed in order to measure the responses of
respondents on suitable scale so that they can be analyzed on SPSS. Primary data collection
was done through questionnaire and interviews and secondary data collection through
company websites and various previous research reports.

Through survey effect of various factors like ambience of store, low prices and convenience
which is also known as customer’s touch point came in light and the reason of people
choosing Pantaloons over other retail outlets became clear.These surveys can provide
management with the information they need to determine their customer's level of
satisfaction with their products and with the services associated with those products.
Employees and the management of the store can use the survey information to identify
opportunities for ongoing process improvements and to monitor the impact of those
improvements. Respondents gave many suggestions for Pantaloons like they should have
more Staff especially during Sales, more Sitting area, more variety, etc. Feeding the data into

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

SPSS for analysis gave interesting results which have been compiled and tabulated in this

Dissatisfied customers will tell seven to 20 people about their negative experience. A
satisfied customer will only tell three to five people about their positive experience. So a
retailer should always think in that way to satisfy their customer and delighting them with the
services which competitors never think of.

Key words: Consumer Behavior, Touch Points, Retail, Customer Satisfaction


Sector Overview

The Indian Retail sector has come off age and has gone through major transformation over
the last decade with a noticeable shift towards organized retailing. A T Kearney, a US Based
global management consulting firm has ranked India as the fourth most attractive nation for
retail investment among 30 flourishing markets.The retail market is expected to reach a
whooping Rs. 47 lakh crore by 2016-17, as it expands at a compounded annual growth rate of
15 per cent, accordingly to the ‘Yes Bank - Assocham’ study.

The retail market, (including organized and unorganized retail), was at Rs. 23 lakh crore in
2011-12. According to the study, organized retail, that comprised just seven per cent of the
overall retail market in 2011-12, is expected to grow at a CAGR of 24 per cent and attain
10.2 per cent share of the total retail sector by 2016-17. In terms of sheer space, the organized
retail supply in 2013 was about 4.7 million square feet (sq. ft.). This showed a 78 per cent
increase over the total mall supply of just 2.5 million sq. ft. in 2012. “Favorable
demographics, increasing urbanization, nuclearisation of families, rising affluence amid
consumers, growing preference for branded products and higher aspirations are other factors
which will drive retail consumption in India,” said DS Rawat, Assocham Secretary General.

Consumer Behavior

Consumer behavior is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes
they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to
satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society. It blends
elements from psychology, sociology, social anthropology, marketing and economics. It
attempts to understand the decision-making processes of buyers, both individually and in

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

groups such as how emotions affect buying behavior. It studies characteristics of individual
consumers such as demographics and behavioral variables in an attempt to understand
people's wants. It also tries to assess influences on the consumer from groups such as family,
friends, sports, reference groups, and society in general.Customer behavior study is based on
consumer buying behavior, with the customer playing the three distinct roles of user, payer
and buyer. Research has shown that consumer behavior is difficult to predict, even for experts
in the field.

Source: “Marketing Management: A South Asian Perspective (14th edition)” by Kotler,

Keller, Koshy, Jha. Pg.-140

Model of consumer behavior (Black box model)

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

Consumer behavior is highly influenced by their attitude. “Attitude is a feeling, belief, or

opinion of approval or disapproval towards something”. Behavior is an action or reaction that
occurs in response to an event or internal stimuli (i.e., thought).

Behavior can be influenced by a number of factors beyond attitude, including preconceptions

about self and others, monetary factors, social influences (what peers and community
members are saying and doing), and convenience. Someone may have strong convictions
about improving the public school system in their town, but if it means a hefty increase to
their property taxes, they may vote against any improvements due to the potential for
monetary loss. Or, they may simply not vote at all because their polling place is too far from
their home,or the weather is bad on Election Day.

Attitude and behavior are woven into the fabric of daily life. Research has shown that
individuals register an immediate and automatic reaction of "good" or "bad" towards
everything they encounter in less than a second, even before they are aware of having formed
an attitude. Advertising, political campaigns, and other persuasive media messages are all
built on the premise that behavior follows attitude, and attitude can be influenced with the
right message delivered in the right way.

o Affective component: this involves a person’s feelings / emotions about the attitude
object. For example: “I am scared of spiders”.
o Behavioral (or conative) component: the way the attitude we have influences how we
act or behave. For example: “I will avoid spiders and scream if I see one”.
o Cognitive component: this involves a person’s belief / knowledge about an attitude
object. For example: “I believe spiders are dangerous”.

The another main concept in retail industry which needs to be studied is customer touch
points. “Customer touch points are your brand's points of customer contact, from start to
Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

finish”. For example, customers may find your business online or in an ad, see ratings and
reviews, visit your website, shop at your retail store, or contact your
customer service.Wherever the customer comes in either Physical or mental contact with the
store, can be termed as customer touch points. The customer touch points arekey in defining
as well as sustaining the relationship between the retailer and its customers.They create
‘WOW’ and bring them backagain and again or can sometimes be the single biggest
factor is chasing away clients to competitors. The ‘touch points’ are thus the single most
important factor in customer service. The multiciplity as well the sensitivity involved keeps
retailors challenged at all times and a superior customer service invariably involves great
customer experience within and outside the store. Therefore identifying the touch points is
the first step toward creating a customer journey map, and making sure your customers are
satisfied every step of the way.

Touch points in retail store

It All Begins with Touch Points

A customer experience does not begin and end at a transaction, visit to a website, or
conversation with customer service. The customer experience process encompasses the
moment the customer becomes aware of your company and is comprised of multiple
independent interactions, transactions, and contacts along the way. Ron Shevlin, author of
Everything They've Told You About Marketing Is Wrong and an analyst at Aite Group, LLC,
suggests the following definition for customer engagement: "Repeated interactions that
strengthen the emotional, psychological or physical investment a customer has in a brand."

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

All these repeated interactions are actually touch points. For our discussion, we will define a
touch point as any customer interaction or encounter that can influence the customer's
perception of your product, service, or brand. A touch point can be intentional (an email you
send out) or unintentional (an online review of your product or company). As the stories at
the beginning suggest, touch points begin long before the customer actually makes a purchase
and long after they have made their first transaction. The goal of every company interested in
leveraging customer experience as a competitive advantage is to create a positive and
consistent experience at each touch point. Your touch points need to include every encounter
in the attraction process, such as your website, blog, email, newsletter, press coverage,
articles, industry events, webinars, brochure, product literature, advertisements, etc. to
samples, white papers, product demos, initial calls, sales presentations and meetings, to your
contract, product deployment or delivery process to your customer service, invoice, trouble
ticket, to a loyalty card or referral program in your retention process. As you can see for most
companies this is going to fairly long list.

Inventory Your Touch Points

Before you can begin measuring the effectiveness of each touch point we have found that it
helps to take an inventory of all the touch points encountered by your customers. When you
inventory your touch points you will want to know at least the following:

1. Where the touch point is typically encountered in the customer life cycle.

2. The operational purpose of the touch point. On the operational side a touch point may
be designed to identify a prospect, resolve a problem, accelerate conversion or support
executing a transaction.

3. The role of the touch point should in the customer experience such as influencing
perception, building preference, or creating loyalty.

4. Who owns the touch point. For example, appointment scheduling may be owned by
pre-sales, invoicing by accounting, and the website by marketing.

5. The touch point’s value. While all touch points matter, they are not equal. A bad
experience on one touch point may be enough to make a customer leave you but a bad

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

experience on another while irritating and potentially damaging if fixed in time can be

Assess Each Touch Point's Effectiveness

Now that you have a complete inventory of all of your touch points, and you understand the
impact of each touch point in the experience as well as operational purpose and customer
experience role for each touch point, you can assess the effectiveness of each touch point in
terms of achieving its intended purpose against both operational and customer experience
objectives. Although overarching metrics such as customer satisfaction and customer
advocacy are quickly becoming standard metrics today, attempting to measure the customer
experience with a single metric can be overly simplistic and risky. Effectively managing the
customer experience requires effective measurement and management of a portfolio of
metrics, including touch point effectiveness, to gain the insights into what is and isn’t


The objectives of this study are as follows:

1. To know the customer’s attitude towards pantaloons for various customer touch points.

2. To know why people prefer visiting pantaloons over other retail outlet.

3. To measure the satisfaction level of overall shopping experience at pantaloons.

4. To know the type of customer or behavior of the consumer on the basis of various key

of customers at the time of buying.

Benefits of the study:

1. This research will help Pantaloons to identify their competitors in Pune and above all the
areas in which they can have an edge on them.

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

2. Pantaloons gives various discounts and offers. This report will also help in knowing

Various discounts and offers given by Pantaloons are enough for attracting customers or not.

3. This research will also be helpful in knowing the loyalty of customers towards Pantaloons.
By Green card status we can get an idea about it.

4. Very general attributes of customers like visits per month, importance given to attributes
like ambience, parking also become clear.

5. This study will also help them to know the different types of customer on the basis of the
factors that influence their purchase and according to that make strategy to satisfy them.

6. It also help the management to capture the occasion, customer buying from the pantaloons
so that they can provide promotional offers or better discount or they can clear their stock on
that occasion.


This study report suffers from following limitations:

1. Questionnaires were filled in evenings, when most of the people are in hurry and they
might not have responded truly to all the questions.
2. Our research is limited to only one store of Pantaloons at S.B Road and sample size is of
100 respondents so errors may crop in while generalizing the results.
3. Time of two months is only provided for doing the research.
4. Those who came out of Pantaloons Store after shopping were chosen for getting the
questionnaires filled but they held bulky polyethylene bags due to which they found it
difficult to stand for long and answer the questions.
5. Most of the retail outlets mentioned in our questionnaire may or may not be visited by
respondents; this affected their response to various questions.
6. Female customers were so busy in shopping so mostly male customers are approached for
filling the questionnaire and harder attempt was made to take the response proportionately.

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:


Research process is a series of systematic steps that are followed to solve a business problem.
Itis the framework of the entire plan-of-action. It clearly describes crucial issues like the
purpose and objectives, the type of data needed, the technique to be used for selecting
samples,data collecting method, analyzing it, managing costs and other aspects that are
essential forconducting business research.

A descriptive research design has been followed for this marketing research which highlights
both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the identified problem. ‘Descriptive
research’ is a study designed to depict the participants in an accurate way. More simply put,
descriptive research is all about describing people who take part in the study.

There are two ways a researcher can go about doing a descriptive research study, and they

 Observational, defined as a method of viewing and recording the participants

 Survey, defined as a brief interview or discussion with an individual about a specific

Observational studies are all about watching people, and they come in two
flavors. Naturalistic, also known asfield observation is a study where a researcher observes
the subject in its natural environment. This is basically what Jane Goodall did; she observed
the chimpanzees in their natural environment and drew conclusions from this. This makes the
observations more true to what happens in the chaotic, natural world. But it also means you
have less control over what happens.

The other flavor is laboratory observation, where a researcher observes the subject in a
laboratory setting. This gives the researcher a little more control over what happens so they
don't have to fly out to some tiny little island in the middle of a war zone to observe
something. However, it does ruin some of the naturalness that one might get from field
observation. An example of a laboratory observation in psychology would be done to
understand something about children at a certain age, such as the process of how a child
learns to speak and mimic sounds.

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:


A survey comes in different flavors, be it interviewing people face to face or handling out
questionnaire to fill out. The main difference between surveys and observations is that in a
survey, you don’t watch people; you ask them about themselves.

Sampling is an essential part of the business research process. Sampling is the technique
of selecting a representative part of a population for the purpose of determining the
characteristics of the whole population. During the research, Non Probability convenience
sampling is used to collect data from the shoppers.
Primary Data: -It is original, problem or study specific and collected for serving a particular
purpose. Its authenticity or relevance is reasonably high. To collect the primary data the best
way is to interact with people directly or it can be through direct interviews and
questionnaires. Both these methods have used for collection of primary data.

Secondary Data: -It is not topical or research specific. It can be economically and quickly
collected by the decision maker in a short span of time. It has been collected and compiled by
some other researcher or investigative body. Secondary data is collected from company
websites and various Literature reviews. As Pantaloons is daily in news because of its
expansion plans,and its recent merge with forever 21. So I benefited a lot from articles on net


Primary Data Interview

Questionnaire survey
Data Collection

Secondary Data
Company Data

Sampling Plan:-

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

Convenience sampling was chosen for my research. ‘Convenience sampling’ is used to

obtain information quickly and inexpensively. The only criterion for selecting sampling units
in this scheme is the convenience of the researcher or the investigator. Mostly the
convenience samples are neighbors, friends,family,colleagues and ‘passers-by’. So, the
customers who walked in for shopping are interviewed and questionnaire was given to them
to respond which I felt convenient to approach.

 Sample size: A sample size of 100 respondents was chosen because of time
constraint. Though small size is sample but it consists of varied type of respondents so
as to overcome any error at the time of generalization of result.
 Contact Method: Questionnaire method was used to establish direct contact with

Q1. Where do you buy most of your Apparels from?


Frequenc Valid ive
y Percent Percent Percent
Vali Nearby Garment 11 11.0 11.0 11.0
d shops
Pantaloons 49 49.0 49.0 60.0
Unorganized Retail 15 15.0 15.0 75.0
Central 11 11.0 11.0 86.0
others 14 14.0 14.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

Apparels bought from

Near by
Central 11%


This pie chart shows that 49% of people prefer pantaloons to buy their most of the apparels.
However 15% prefer unorganized retail like FC road in pune,Karolbagh in Delhi,
shivajinagar in Bangalore. 11% prefer Central and nearby garment shops and 14% others.
This means that still there is a huge untapped market for pantaloons. They can convert all the
customers who prefer to buy their most of apparels from other places. This also shows that
51% of the people are not their loyal customers.

Q2. How many of the following outlets you have visited?

Shopper’s stop Max Westside Central Big Bazar


Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid Visited 43 43.0 43.0 43.0
Only 4 22 22.0 22.0 65.0
Only 3 21 21.0 21.0 86.0
Only 2 7 7.0 7.0 93.0
Only 1 6 6.0 6.0 99.0
None 1 1.0 1.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:


30 21
7 6
10 1

Visited Only 4 Only 3 Only 2 Only 1 None
others outlet visited

This bar graph shows that most of the respondents (around 43%) have visited all 5 Retail
outlets. There are 22% and 21% of the respondents who have visited only 4 and only 3
respectively. This question was included in the questionnaire in order to gauge the awareness
among customers of Pantaloons regarding other retail outlets. Spss analysis shows that
respondents are much aware of other outlets. Among these Big Bazar is the most aware
among respondents, 87% of the respondents have visited it.

Q3. How often you visit Pantaloons in a month?

a. 1-3 times b.4 times c. 5 times d. 6 and above

No of times Pantaloons Visited

Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid 1-3 times 57 57.0 57.0 57.0
4 times 30 30.0 30.0 87.0
5 times 9 9.0 9.0 96.0
6 and above 4 4.0 4.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

1-3 times
4 times
40 30
5 times
6 and above
20 9
10 4

1-3 times 4 times 5 times 6 and
No of times pantaloons visited in a month above

This bar graph shows that around 57% of respondents visit Pantaloons 1-3 times in amonth
and around 30% of respondents visited Pantaloons more than3 times in a month.It was
observed that respondents, who buy APPARELS from Pantaloons, visit Pantaloons 1-3 times
a month because people are in a habit of buying APPARELS collectively for some months.
Those who visited more than 3 times a month were there to buy for themselves of for family
shopping as they were green card holders and those who visit 6 and more times are the most
loyal customers of pantaloons.
Q4. Do you think following are the most important reason of visiting Pantaloons?

Reason Count
Range of products Yes 52
No 48
Nearness to Yes 24
Location No 76
Low price Yes 24
No 76
Quality of products Yes 45
No 55

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

The above graph shows that 52% of the respondents said that their reasons for visiting
pantaloons is range of products and 45% said quality products as their reasons for visiting
pantaloons. Very less respondents (24% each) agreed that nearness to location and quality
products as their reasons for visiting pantaloons. This means that pantaloons have varied
range of quality products which helps them in attracting and retaining their customer and also
turning them into loyal customer.Customers don’t visit because of nearness to location or low
Q5. On what occasion you purchase from pantaloons?

a. Festival b. Marriage c. Party d. Regular use e. Others

Frequenc Valid Cumulative

y Percent Percent Percent
Valid Marriage 1 1.0 1.0 1.0
Festivals 16 16.0 16.0 17.0
Party 20 20.0 20.0 37.0
Regular use 60 60.0 60.0 97.0
other 3 3.0 3.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

3% Occasion for visiting pantaloons


Regular use
60% other

The above pie chart shows that 60% of respondents visit pantaloons to buy apparels for
regular use, 20% visit to buy for marriage purpose, 16% visit to buy for festivals and
remaining for others. This question is included in questionnaire in order to know the occasion
for visiting pantaloons so that they can frame better promotional and discount offers on the
occasions. Spss analysis shows that most people shop for regular use clothes. So, the

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

company must have to think upon the power pricing clothes (basic clothes) and increase the
product range of ZONE 1.

Factor analysis is a multivariate statistical technique in which there is no distinction between
dependent and independent variables. In factor analysis all variables are analyzed together to
extract the underlined factors. It is a very useful method to reduce a large number of variables
resulting in data complexity to a few manageable factors. These factors explain most part of
the variation of the original set of data.
1. Scale construction
2. Establish antecedents
3. Psychographic profiling
4. Segmentation analysis
5. Marketing studies
Conditions for a factor analysis
 Factor analysis exercise requires metric data. This means data should be either
interval or ratio scale in nature.
 The size of sample respondents should be 4 to 5 times more than the number of
 The basic principle behind factor analysis is that the initial set of variables should be
highly co-related.
 The value of KMO statistics should be greater than 0.5.
Correlation Matrix
Variet Servi Green ue Nearn
Pro y of ce card Am for ess to Store
Bran Pric mo Produ Size/ qualit discou bien mo Locat experi
d e offer cts color y nt ce ney ion ence
Correlati Bran 1.000 .493 .483 .455 .497 .374 .212 .225 .45 .354 .366
on d 2
Price .493 1.00 .405 .483 .476 .359 .197 .142 .50 .390 .370
0 7
Pro .483 .405 1.00 .513 .411 .300 .403 .395 .50 .402 .491
mo 0 8

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

Vari .455 .483 .513 1.000 .747 .446 .327 .381 .51 .482 .415
ety 2
Size/ .497 .476 .411 .747 1.000 .466 .294 .326 .50 .468 .434
color 5
Servi .374 .359 .300 .446 .466 1.000 .453 .455 .33 .430 .492
ce 4
Gree .212 .197 .403 .327 .294 .453 1.000 .443 .31 .310 .330
n 6
Amb .225 .142 .395 .381 .326 .455 .443 1.00 .40 .469 .560
ience 0 0
Valu .452 .507 .508 .512 .505 .334 .316 .400 1.0 .520 .535
e for 00
Near .354 .390 .402 .482 .468 .430 .310 .469 .52 1.000 .597
ness 0
Store .366 .370 .491 .415 .434 .492 .330 .560 .53 .597 1.000
expe 5
From table 1 we observe multi co-linearity
Brand at 1.000
Price at 0.493
Promo offer at 0.483
Variety of products at 0.455
There is not much high co-linearity at most of the values are near to 0.5 and less than 0.5,
similarly we can infer it for other variables also. The applicability of factor analysis is
determined by KMO and Bartlett’s test.

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

Component Extraction Sums of Rotation Sums of

Initial Eigenvalues Squared Loadings Squared Loadings
% of % of % of
Tota Varian Cumulati Tota Varian Cumulati Tota Varian Cumulati
l ce ve % l ce ve % l ce ve %
1 5.24 47.670 47.670 5.24 47.670 47.670 3.50 31.831 31.831
4 4 1
2 1.22 11.108 58.777 1.22 11.108 58.777 2.96 26.946 58.777
2 2 4
3 .802 7.294 66.071
4 .747 6.791 72.862
5 .644 5.858 78.720
6 .562 5.111 83.831
7 .435 3.957 87.788
8 .433 3.940 91.728
9 .372 3.386 95.113
1 .318 2.894 98.007
1 .219 1.993 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
From table 4 of total variance explain we observe that the cumulative % of variance for 1 st
two component is 58.777 and the scores of 1st and 2nd component is 5.244 and 1.222 which is
highest, means that total variance of the 11 variables can be explained by 2 components to the
extent of 58.77% and hence the process of component has stopped after 2ndcomponent i.e. 10
variables can be combined in 2 component.

Component Matrixa
1 2
Brand .648 -.398
Price .637 -.478
Promo offer .702 -.040
Variety of Products .773 -.223
Size/color .755 -.272
Service quality .667 .247
Green card .543 .469
Ambience .624 .575
Value for money .746 -.127
Nearness to .722 .132
Store experience .743 .254

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

Extraction Method: Principal

Component Ana
a. 2 components extracted.

Component Score Coefficient Matrix

1 2
Brand .308 -.164
Price .349 -.214
Promo offer .122 .064
Variety of Products .231 -.040
Size/color .255 -.073
Service quality -.037 .236
Green card -.175 .357
Ambience -.220 .432
Value for money .175 .015
Nearness to .033 .172
Store experience -.030 .250

Form table 5 gives component matrix before extraction, the table of rotated component
matrix and component score coefficient matrix gives the combination after rotation. From
above two table Brand (0.750), Price (0.794) , variety (0.728),promo offer(0.554),size/color
(0.747), value for money (0.645) will be combined in one component and named as “Brand
conscious, trendy and value based” . service quality (0.340),green card (0.100),ambience
(0.920),nearness to location(0.457) and store experience (0.392) will be clubbed into one
component and named as “store appearance and quality based”. So on the basis of above
factor analysis the customer of pantaloons are categorized as (i) Brand conscious, trendy and
value based (ii) store appearance and quality based.
Q.6 How much satisfied are you with the Ambience of Pantaloons?
Satisfaction towards Ambience
Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid very 12 12.0 12.0 12.0
Dissatisfied 10 10.0 10.0 22.0
Indifferent 15 15.0 15.0 37.0
Satisfied 47 47.0 47.0 84.0
very satisfied 16 16.0 16.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

Satisfaction towards ambience



This pie chart shows that majority (63%) of respondents are satisfied including very satisfied
with the ambience while 12% are highly dissatisfied and 15% of respondent are indifferent.

Q.7How much satisfied are you with the Location of Pantaloons?

Satisfaction towards Location
Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid very 9 9.0 9.0 9.0
dissatisfied 14 14.0 14.0 23.0
indifferent 10 10.0 10.0 33.0
satisfied 42 42.0 42.0 75.0
very satisfied 25 25.0 25.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

Satisfaction towards Location

25% very unsatisfied

10% indifferent

42% very satisfied

This pie chart shows that majority of respondents 42% are satisfied and 25% are highly
satisfied and only 9% are highly dissatisfied. The reason for highly satisfied is that this store

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

is opposite of JW Marriot hotel and it is near the center of the city easily accessible from the
every part of the central pune.
Q8. How much satisfied are you with the Service of Pantaloons?
Satisfaction towards Service quality
Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid very 7 7.0 7.0 7.0
dissatisfied 7 7.0 7.0 14.0
indifferent 14 14.0 14.0 28.0
satisfied 44 44.0 44.0 72.0
very satisfied 28 28.0 28.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

Satisfaction towards service Quality


14% 44% indifferent

7% 28% satisfied

very satisfied

The pie chart shows that majority of respondents i.e. 72% are satisfied with the service of
pantaloons while 14% are indifferent and 7% are highly dissatisfied with the service. This
might have happened because of the specific issues like pram kept for children out of order or
limited no of pram or wheel chair for old age people or lack of sitting places inside the store.

Q9. How much satisfied are you with the Promo offer/green card discount of

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

Satisfaction towards Promo offer/green card discount

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid very 11 11.0 11.0 11.0
dissatisfied 19 19.0 19.0 30.0
indifferent 31 31.0 31.0 61.0
satisfied 29 29.0 29.0 90.0
very 10 10.0 10.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

Satisfaction towards Promo offer

very satisfied very
10% unsatisfied



The above pie chart shows that 31% of respondent have no opinion or they are indifferent
towards the promo offer. This is because pantaloons don’t launch much promo offer for the
customer. Therefore almost equal no. of people are satisfied and dissatisfied with promo
offer. There is a great chance of attracting customer by launching exciting promo offer for the
Q10. How much satisfied are you with the staff assistance of Pantaloons?
Satisfaction towards Staff assistance
Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid very 6 6.0 6.0 6.0
dissatisfied 15 15.0 15.0 21.0
indifferent 32 32.0 32.0 53.0
satisfied 35 35.0 35.0 88.0
very satisfied 12 12.0 12.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

Satisfaction towards Staff assistance

very satisfied unsatisfied
12% 6% unsatisfied


The above pie chart shows that mostly respondents are satisfied with staff assistance also we
can see that 32% of respondents are indifferent so, these are the customers who don’t want
any assistance in their shopping. Therefore they don’t give any importance to it.
Q11. How much satisfied are you with the billing of Pantaloons?
Satisfaction towards Billing
Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid very 7 7.0 7.0 7.0
dissatisfied 14 14.0 14.0 21.0
indifferent 16 16.0 16.0 37.0
satisfied 43 43.0 43.0 80.0
very satisfied 20 20.0 20.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0

Satisfaction towards Billing

very unsatisfied unsatisfied indifferent satisfied very satisfied



This pie chart shows that majority of customer are satisfied with the billing procedure. As
most of the customer in pantaloons are loyal and there is an exclusive counter for 5 star and 7
star customer which make the billing procedure very easy, less time consuming and hassle

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

Q12. How much satisfied are you with the price of products in Pantaloons?

indifferent Satisfaction towards Price

11% 48%

19% Andere
very very satisfied
unsatisfied 17%

The above pie chart shows that 65% of respondents are satisfied with the price of products
which consist 48% of satisfied and 17% of very satisfied. However 11% are indifferent, 19%
are dissatisfied and 5% are highly dissatisfied.
Q12. How much satisfied are you with the Range of products in Pantaloons?

Satisfaction towards Range of products

very unsatisfied

41% very satisfied

This pie chart shows that 22% of respondents are highly satisfied and 41% are satisfied with
range of products which make them to visit the store multiple times because of wide range of
products so that with multiple visits all range could be accessed. However 14% are
indifferent and 8% are dissatisfied.
Q13.How much satisfied are you with the exchange policy in Pantaloons?

Satisfaction towards Exchange policy


32% indifferent

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

The pie chart shows that 14% of respondents are very satisfied and 32% are satisfied. While
27% of respondents are indifferent this means that these customers have never tried exchange
policy or haven’t taken it seriously till now.
Q14. How much satisfied are you with the size availability in Pantaloons?

Satisfaction towards Size availability

very satisfied

Majority of the respondents are satisfied with the size availability 46% are satisfied and 18%
are highly satisfied. However 10% are highly dissatisfied and 13% are dissatisfied. Since size
availability is crucial in retaining the customer.
Q15. How much satisfied are you with the parking facilities in Pantaloons?

Satisfaction towards Parking

very unsatisfied unsatisfied indifferent satisfied very satisfied
7% 10%



The pie chart shows that 54% of respondents are dissatisfied with parking and 10% are highly
dissatisfied with parking since, parking is the first touch point for customer proper parking
facilities. In case of ICC they have proper parking facilities but maximum space is covered by
other companies’ employees and therefore very few parking space is available for customers.
Q16. How much satisfied are you with the cleanliness/ hygiene in Pantaloons?

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

Satisfaction towards Cleanliness/hygiene

unsatisfied unsatisfied
5% 5%
very satisfied
27% indifferent


From the above pie chart we can see that 27% of respondents are very satisfied and 37% are
satisfied. Very few respondents are dissatisfied with cleanliness and hygiene factor.
Q17. How much satisfied are you with the AC in Pantaloons?
Satisfaction towards AC/Lighting/Music
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid very 18 18.0 18.0 18.0
dissatisfied 37 37.0 37.0 55.0
indifferent 7 7.0 7.0 62.0
satisfied 23 23.0 23.0 85.0
very satisfied 15 15.0 15.0 100.0
Total 100 100.0 100.0
The table shows that majority of respondents are dissatisfied with the AC/Lighting and music
of the store. 18% are highly dissatisfied and 37% are dissatisfied. The reason for this is that
the AC is not working properly in ground floor which has affected the satisfaction towards
music and lighting. The same thing is presented in pie chart.

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

Satisfaction towards AC/Lighting/Music

very unsatisfied unsatisfied indifferent satisfied very satisfied

15% 18%



Q17. How much satisfied are you with the Visual Merchandising in Pantaloons?

Satisfaction towards Visual merchandising

very unsatisfied unsatisfied indifferent satisfied very satisfied


39% 13%


This pie chart shows that 39% are satisfied and 37% dissatisfied and also 9% are highly
dissatisfied. This shows that equal no of respondents are there who are satisfied a dissatisfied
with it. The dissatisfaction has occurred because in evening time most of the dresses are not
kept nicely on table because of repetitive trial of products by customers.
Q18. In which area you feel Pantaloons has an edge over other retail outlets?

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

80 70
60 69
60 69
40 30 40
20 31
Yes No Yes No Yes No
Ambience Yes
Range of No
products Location
Discount offers

The above graph clearly shows that 60% of respondents have said that pantaloons is having
range of products as an edge over otherretail outlets. Similarly 30% have said ambience, 31%
have said Location and 31% have said discount offers which are much less than respondents
who said ‘yes’ to range of products as an edge.
Q19.Define your overall shopping experience at Pantaloons on a 5 point scales.

29 30 29 28
30 27
25 22
20 18
15 13
10 6
5 3
satisfactory value tiring

Strongly Agree Agree Can't say Disagree Strongly Disagree

The above bar graph shows the overall shopping experience at pantaloons. From the graph
we can see that majority of customer i.e. 60% of customers are overall satisfied with
shopping at pantaloons whereas around 50% of respondents find shopping at pantaloons
value for money and majority disagree that shopping at pantaloons is tiring i.e. more than
54%. Hence we can infer that the consumer are overall satisfied with the touch points in
pantaloons which make their overall shopping satisfactory and value for money.

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

Research Findings:

Based on the study, my findings are as follows:

1. There are only 49% of the respondents who prefer to buy most of their apparels from
pantaloons. Still there are 51% of the respondents (consolidated) who prefer to buy from
nearby garment shops, unorganized retail and from the competitors.
2. The respondents are much aware of other outlets, around 43% of the respondents have
visited all five (shopper’s stop, Max, Westside, Central, and Big Bazar). There is
challenge for pantaloons to retain their customer to face and survive the competition.
3. The reason for visiting pantaloons is found. Majority of the respondents visit pantaloons
for range of products and quality of the products. Also we come to know the occasion for
shopping at pantaloons. 60% of the respondents visit pantaloons to buy apparels for
regular use, 20% for party, and 16% during festivals.
4. The factor analysis gave two consumer groups on the basis of the factor which influence
their purchase. The two groups are (i) Brand conscious, trendy and value (ii) Store
appearance and quality.
5. Majority of respondents are satisfied with location of the store. Since it is located in
central part of Pune and moreover it is located opposite to J.W Marriot HOTEL.
6. The company is having very efficient billing procedure. The satisfaction with billing
experience is very high. The standard billing time is 30 sec.
7. After the launch of WOW PRICE the satisfaction of respondents are high with price.
8. Pantaloons is having varied range of products with size availability due to which very few
customer comes for exchange and it also reflects in data that 27% of respondents haven’t
used the exchange policy and are indifferent to it.
9. Many customers are dissatisfied with parking facilities provided by the ICC store. The
reasons is that most of the parking places are used by the various companies employees
due to which very less spaces are there for customers also it is chargeable and way from
parking to store is not convenient.
10. Many customers were complaining about ‘AC’ as AC was not working in the ladies
western section ruining their shopping experience and also making employees uneasy to
11. Customer were also found complaining about signage’s as offers were not shown on
signage and visual merchandising was also not maintained properly.

Journal of Management Research and Review ISSN:

12. Pantaloons is having ‘Range of products’ as an edge over other retail outlets.
13. The overall satisfaction with shopping at pantaloons is high; also they don’t find shopping
tiring here, the environment is joyful but not much economical.
14. 40% of respondents don’t find pantaloons as a complete retail outlet.
15. The respondents are highly ready to recommend pantaloons to others as well as they are
more likely to continue their purchase from pantaloons because of satisfaction with key
touch points are high and their loyalty to pantaloons.

This research report aims to study consumer attitude towards Pantaloons and highlights its
strengths and weaknesses in order that Pantaloons can fight the competition in a better way.
Though Pantaloons captures a different market and is giving competition to big players like
Vishal mega mart and big bazaar.Retail in India is a booming sector nowadays and
Pantaloons should try to benefitmore from it. Recommendations given should be considered
by Pantaloons in order to emerge as a winner in long run.
Books ISBN Author

 Marketing Management 14th edition 978-81-317-6716-0 Philip Kotler

 Marketing Research 10:93-392-2334-9 G C Beri

 Business Research Methods Deepak Chawla



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