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Unilever is one of the world's leading multinational companies specializing in personal care, home
care and food products. Unilever is currently operating in over 190 countries and territories with a
commitment to improving the quality of life of people around the world through its products and

Unilever products touch the lives of over 2 billion people every day – whether that's through
feeling great because they've got shiny hair and a brilliant smile, keeping their homes fresh and
clean, or by enjoying a great cup of tea, satisfying meal or healthy snack. (

In our company, there are four pillars of vison:

1. We work to create a better future every day

2. We help people feel good, look good and get more out of life with brands and services that
are good for them and good for others.
3. We will inspire people to take small everyday actions that can add up to a big difference
for the world.
4. We will develop new ways of doing business with the aim of doubling the size of our
company while reducing our environmental impact. (

Unilever’s Mission Statement

The mission of our company is “ to add vitallty to life. We meet everyday needs for nutritlon,
hyglene and personal care with brands that help people feel good, look good and get more out of
life” (Yuong,2017). 3 main of Unilever’s mission statement:

1. Adding vitality to life

2. Meeting everyday needs for nutrition, hygiene, and personal care
3. Helping people feel good, look good, and get more out of life

Purpose core business objective

Unilever's Sustainable Development plan: A breakthrough action plan and through the entire
supply chain to all parts of the global Unilever Group, which aims at three key global objectives ,
as of 2020
Grow a large group of doubles, while 1/2 reducing the impact on the environment

Using 100% raw agricultural raw materials from sustainable raw materials

Helping over 1 billion people in the world improve hygiene, health and living

Unilever has been committed to helping Vietnamese people improve their lives through solid
business growth, contributing to the country's economic and social development, as well as
continuously investing in social development programs. , community, and efforts in environmental


2.1 The nature and scope of HRM Unilever

Accoding to Will Kenton, Human resources or HR is “ the company department charged finding,
screening, recruiting, and training job applicants, and administering employee-benefit programs.”
Human resource management is one of the important and fundamental functions of the
governance, because people are the core part, the most important resource and also the center of
the development of a company business.

The purpose of HR funcition :

A better business, a better world, and a better you. That's what we thrive on, and the creative
approach and human minds of our HR team do this happening by attracting, developing and
keeping the best talent; As well as collaborating with professionals working in open talent
economies. The HR team is the key to allowing the people at Unilever to bring their purpose to
life through the work they do.(

Objective of HRD in Unilever (UKEssay, 2018)

1. The main objective is to ensure that Unilever managers across the globe are equipped with
a consistent set of skills and a common language that enable them to effectively tackle the
business challenges they face.
2. Prior to the initiative there were as many as 650 different suppliers providing management
training, so the achievement of consistency was a key driver.
3. Following a complex selection process TACK International was selected by Accenture as
a key partner to develop the management capability for Unilever globally over a 5-7 year
4. TACK was one of the few partners able to offer the consistency, breadth and depth of
training portfolio Unilever needed.
5. TACK’s proven track record with global blue-chip companies and a robust infrastructure
and delivery capability in close to 40 markets and 25 local languages was vital to managing
this global solution.

2.2 Human resource planing

Human resource Planning (HRP) is a continuous process of pre-systematic planning to achieve the
optimum utilization of an organization's most valuable asset — quality staff. Human resource
planning to ensure the best fit between employees and work while avoiding a shortage of labour
or surplus ( Kenton, 2019).

Labour market, also known as job market, refers to the supply and demand of labor. In Vietnam,
Since 2008, labor productivity in Vietnam has increased by 22, 5%. According to 2017, the
estimated yield is VND 93.2 million/worker ($4.159 USD), up 10 million VND so with 2016.
(Das, 2018). In Unilever, we focus to policies and plans for sustainable living, regular dialogue
with the global Union and published a report on human rights. Job and salary are ensure. The three
biggest priorities for the future:

1. Business practices
2. Gender equality
3. Systemic barriers to decent work

In fiscal 2017, Unilever achieved net revenue of more than US $1 billion, up 5% over the year
2016. “In 2017, the company spent about $317.3 million on sales costs, which was equivalent to
2016. Thanks to steady cost control, Unilever witnessed a sharp jump in profits last year with the
after-tax profit of roughly $165 million, up 40 per cent year-on-year.”(Anh, 2018).

2.3 Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and selection is a core process in human resource management as it provides an

organisation with a staff of adequate quantities and qualities. The composition of human resources
in and organization is the main factor determining the performance and capacity of the
Organization. In this regard, highly competitive organizations such as Unilever strives to maintain
recruitment and competitive selection to obtain, maintain, and maintain a team of qualified
personnel (Olivertambo, 2013). The recruitment and selection process in Unilever adheres to the
regular recruitment procedures; The first stage in the process is to define the requirements. In this
process, Unilever's HR managers perform job analysis, a process in which the number and type of
people needed is created. As a result, job descriptions is developed, then guide the recruitment and
selection process. Internal recruitment has a positive impact on the company as it is less expensive;
It also retained valuable employees and created opportunities for organizations to use their training
investments on staff. However, this does not mean that internal recruitment is the best method of
choice, it also has limited parts, the first thing is that it attracts a limited number of applicants, in
addition it is possible to ignore a qualified candidate than the appropriate job. External recruitment
in Unilever is also done through advertising, mainly available in professional newspapers and
magazines. Job ads are designed to attract the attention of talented candidates, strengthen the
creation and retention of interest, and ultimately increase stimulation for action.

The objectives of the company require careful evaluation of the good use of human resources to
gain benefits to the company. With different business needs, recruitment helps Unilever to search
and organize personnel for the company's goals.

At Unilever, we have a range of recruitment programs such as the Talent Services Recruitment
Program – Customer Development Fresh (CDFRESH). Facilitating students and experienced
people with the opportunity to work in a company. (
Anh, T. (2018). [online] Available at:
its-first-vietnamese-female-president-1531392312077.htm [Accessed 27 Oct. 2019].
Das, K. (2018). Labor Market Trends in Vietnam - Vietnam Briefing News. [online] Vietnam
Briefing News. Available at:
WsLaKqewlCo [Accessed 27 Oct. 2019].
Kenton, W. (2019). How Human Resource Planning (HRP) Works. [online] Investopedia.
Available at:
[Accessed 27 Oct. 2019].
Kenton, W. (2019). What You Should Know About Human Resources (HR). [online]
Investopedia. Available at:
[Accessed 27 Oct. 2019]. (2013). Recruitment and selection process: Case study of Unilever. [online]
Available at:
process-case-study-of-unilever.aspx [Accessed 27 Oct. 2019].
Unilever global company website. (2019). Unilever global company website | Unilever Global.
[online] Available at: [Accessed 27 Oct. 2019].
Young, J. (2017). Unilever’s Vision Statement & Mission Statement (An Analysis) - Panmore
Institute. [online] Panmore Institute. Available at:
statement-mission-statement-analysis [Accessed 27 Oct. 2019].
Young, J. (2018). Unilever’s Organizational Structure for Product Innovation - Panmore
Institute. [online] Panmore Institute. Available at:
organizational-structure-product-innovation [Accessed 27 Oct. 2019].
UKEssays. November 2018. Objectives and HRM in Unilever. [online]. Available from:
assignment.php?vref=1 [Accessed 27 October 2019].

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