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Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

Evidence against Anup Joseph

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Dr Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam

The HUB Forensics corruption investigation continues…

After seeing Anup Joseph at the Woolloongabba Community Health


Anup Joseph loses his temper:`

Anup Joseph voice for Biometric Data Analysis (BDA) and Holistic
Psychological Profile (HPP):

Threat to lock me up again:
Phone call with Ian McKenzie who replaced Nigel Lewin while he was on holiday in London
and Italy. We discussed AIDS and the fact that I was diagnosed as 'schizophrenic' by Mark
Taylor at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne for saying that HIV was developed and spread as
a biological weapon to kill black Africans who were accused of breeding too fast by white
racist population experts in the 'First World'.

He told me that if I refused to see the new psychiatrist Anup Joseph they would contact the
police and take me back to the PA hospital. I attended the appointment under duress and
Joseph increased to dose of the abusive Paliperidone (Invega) injection. During the 45
minutes he spent with me the whole time he was reading the 'clinical report' for the MHRT
by the previous psychiatrist Tarun Sehgal, who is also Indian and junior to me. Joseph
bought his degree in 2003 from the Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) and is
HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

negligent and corrupt to say the least. After refusing to speak to me on the phone he
insisted that I come in an see him "face to face" and then didn't pay attention to what I was

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Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam
1 October 2019·

Consequences of the Injection

As I had predicted I am suffering from debilitating adverse effects from the
abusive injection of Paliperidone that I was given two weeks ago on the orders
of Anup Joseph and dispensed at the cost of $400.00 by Saneil Chand's
Chempro shop.

I am drooling such that my trousers and shirt are wet and stained and saliva is
falling from my mouth as I type. I am also slurring my speech and have lost my
usual articulateness. In addition I have no libido. On the lower dose I still had
these symptoms as well as no ejaculate but the hypersalivation and slurred
speech have got worse.

I rang the PA Hospital's executive office to speak to Shaun Drummond the new
CEO (since Stephen Ayre was sacked) but the woman who answered the phone
said "I can't understand you" when I said my name and put me through to

The medical profession talks about the problem of stigma but the drugs
themselves make you seem mad. Stained clothing from saliva falling from your
mouth is routinely seen as a sign of self neglect and mental illness. In addition,
I am developing a peripheral neuropathy with numb toes and today when I
tried to play an egg shaker in time to my music I couldn't keep the groove.
It is nothing less than torture.

HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam
30 October at 13:12 ·

Nigel Lewin refused to inject me again with the bigger dose of Paliperidone
depot. He reported to Anup Joseph that I was drooling and slurring my speech Page | 3
but the abusive Indian shrink refused to lower the dose at first.

Raghavan Raman who came around to my house with Lewin three weeks ago
told me that he also "spoke up" for me. I rang Anup Joseph but he refused to
speak to me and lost his temper when I wouldn't tell him how I got his number.
The man behind the abuse is an old psychiatrist by the name of Paul Schneider
who is in his late sixties but refuses to retire, though he has been demoted. He
was previously the Clinical Director of the PA Hospital and was the main person
who stopped me from earning a living as a doctor, after locking me up 5 times
in 4 months in 2002 on the request of my father, Brian and sister Shireen both
of whom worked at the PA Hospital and knew him personally. It so happens
that he went to school with Shireen's partner Peter Adams.

Beginning in 2013 Schneider started sending his registrar to my house every

month when Nigel Lewin came to inject me. This guy's name is Sagir Parkar and
he had just arrived in Australia after training in Britain. You can see my debate
with Sagir Parkar and Nigel Lewin on YouTube:

The Paliperidone (Invega) injections were started in 2013 on the instigation of

Schneider but ordered by a psychiatrist called Falih Al-Sudani who was
nominated as my "treating psychiatrist" when I was locked up again for saying
that my father was a supporter of the Tamil Tigers. Al-Sudani told me at the
time that he had discussed me with Schneider and it was Schneider himself
who ordered the abusive 150 mg injection that I was given after I was last
discharged in January 2017.

I reported Schneider to the Crime and Misconduct Commission in 2003 and he

has not forgiven me. I told Nigel and Raghy that Schneider has had a vendetta
against me since I reported him in 2003 by Lewin defended him saying that he

HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

had always found him "straight and honest" and didn't think he'd run a
vendetta. I didn't argue the point.

Since 2013 I have been put under a series of junior psychiatrists who are junior
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to Schneider and Balaji Motamarri who used to be Executive Director of
MSAMHS (Metro South Addiction & Mental Health Services) but has also been
demoted. Motamarri was at the co-author of a paper with Mark Taylor and
their registrars promoting the use of depot antipsychotic injections saying they
are "stigmatised and under-used". In the small print at the end of the paper
Motamarri and Taylor admit to having accepted "fees and hospitality" from
several drug companies, including Janssen-Cilag, the Belgian company that
markets Paliperidone as "Invega Sustenna" and has a long history of
developing neurotoxins and marketing them as "medicines".

These drugs shorten the life by blocking receptors for the essential
neurotransmitter dopamine. This is the mechanism by which they cause a wide
range of adverse effects and long term risks. To counter these known and
accepted adverse effects the psychiatrists at the PA Hospital and elsewhere
add further drugs rather than stopping the abusive "antipsychotic" drugs.
These drugs do have an effect in reducing auditory hallucinations but that is
the only reason they should be used. They do not help with delusions and
should not be used as chemical restraints, as they are.

In the past two years the abusive Paliperidone injections have been continued
by 4 psychiatrists, none of whom graduated in Australia, as I did. The one
psychiatrist (Kelly Schilling) who was an Australian graduate took me off the
ITO (involuntary treatment order) in July 2015 saying that I was "eccentric, not
psychotic" and that the ITO could not be justified legally. It did not take
Schneider and Motamarri to get rid of her.

The MHRT report that forms part of the CIMHA electronic record mentions
that the ITO was revoked in July 2015 but it doesn't say by who or why. It
continues with a long section on my "history since ITO reinstituted" beginning
with a readmission only 3 weeks after Dr Schilling took me off the ITO. What
happened is that my father got my mother to ring the hospital saying that she
was very unhappy about my being taken off the involuntary order and that i

HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

was "again" saying that my father supported the LTTE (Tamil Tigers). I was
admitted for a few days though I have been saying this for decades (and it is
true). I was also put back on the ITO and the injections were started again.
Nigel Lewin has been my "case manager" all this time except when he has gone
overseas on holidays or long service leave. He claims to be a Christian, a Page | 5
clinician and a nurse but he functions as a character assassin and poisoner. His
job is to "care" for about fifteen "clients" of the MSAHMS and he has a duty of
care, but his role is to give the injections ordered by Schneider and the other
"consultants" and registrars without dissent. This is the first time he has
refused to inject me and he seemed proud of himself. He still injected me, but
with the lower dose of 75 mg rather than 100 mg.

15 November 2019, 2.00 pm

The Abuse Worsens

I have just returned from an appointment with 'Dr' Anup joseph at the
Woolloongabba Community Health Centre. I don't live in Woolloongabba
and am not part of the Woolloongabba community, but this is really an
outpatient clinic of the Princess Alexandra (PA) hospital that has been
defaming, harassing and poisoning me for years.

Joseph told me he had discussed me with the "team" and when pressed
told me the name of the new Medical Director, who I had not heard of (it
used to be Balaji Motamarri who is also Indian). He told me the new
director is Dr Manan Karray (i asked him to spell it). I checked on
Linkedin and YouTube and found the names 'Manaan Kar Ray' and
'Mannan Kar Ray', which are the same person and he used to work in
Cambridge in England but graduated in India from the University of
Calcutta (in 1998).

There is a clip of Dr Kar Ray speaking in Brisbane about problems with

coercive treatment. I have been subjected to coercive treatment for 24
HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

years and have been seriously abused and chemically assaulted. I have
sent Dr Kar Ray a connection request on Linkedin. We have about 10
mutual connections, mostly in the UK.

I told Anup Joseph that I was in excellent mental health and my physical Page | 6
health is improving as the effect of the dopamine blockers is reducing. I
said that my speech was clearer, I am not salivating as much and have a
little bit of ejaculate and told him how distressing the slurred speech and
drooling from the 100 mg dose of Paliperidone was. He had ordered this
dose when I saw him 10 weeks ago and it was so bad that the case
manager Nigel Lewin refused to inject me with it again and convinced
Anup Joseph to reduce the dose back to 75 mg, which is unnecessary
and abusive but I can tolerate (though not as articulate as I am when not
on dopamine-blocking drugs).

His response was to order an increase in the dose of Paliperidone again

to 100 mg in what he called a "reloading dose" and that he plans to give
me another 100mg in 10 days time. This, he said, was because I was
late for the monthly injection.

I asked if Joseph had checked out my work on Google, YouTube and

Linkedin and he said he hadn't because it wasn't "relevant". He then
accused me of having schizophrenia and psychosis and claimed that I
would rate highly on a PANSS score (Positive and Negative Syndrome
Scale - a rating scale for schizophrenia used by the drug companies to
test out their drugs). Nigel Lewin has admitted to me that I wouldn't rate
highly at all.

I showed Joseph a folder my original work on music neuroscience and

he said he wasn't a "music person". He glanced at the pages as I turned
the pages, through his thick glasses. I also asked him if he had read the
publications I had sent to his work email, and he said he hadn't. This
included four publications, on schizophrenia, music neuroscience, the
pineal and eugenics. His excuse for this gross negligence is that he
didn't think them relevant.

HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

Joseph accused me of being "preoccupied" by the mental health system,

and used this as his excuse to increase the dose of the poison. He also
said that I might need to be "admitted" again to stabilise the "medication".
Nigel Lewin refused to inject me with the higher dose because of my
drooling and hypersalivation, but this evil, arrogant man wants to inject Page | 7
me again in 10 days time. He said he'd have to check with the pharmacy.
When I was in hospital in 2015 the hospital pharmacy refused to
dispense one of the injections the psychiatrists ordered because it was
so huge. (They gave it to me two weeks later).

I have written about a cabal of crooked Indian psychiatrists at the PA

Hospital. This just confirms my allegations .

Criminal Cabal of Indian Psychiatrists

Anup Joseph, who increased the abusive injection of Paliperidone when I saw
him on Wednesday (4 September) is a member of a criminal cabal of corrupt
psychiatrists working in Queensland. The president of the Queensland branch
of the Royal Australian and New Zealand Psychiatrists (RANZCP) is a crooked
Indian shrink by the name of Mohan Gilgotra who has been facilitating young
Indian psychiatrists getting jobs in the public hospital system but the problem
of gangs of Indian shrinks drugging Australians and locking them up has been
going on for decades, since the corrupt Varghese Family from Kenya (originally
from Kerala in South India) rose to power in the 1970s.

I have known the Varghese family since 1978, when I entered the University of
Queenland (UQ) to study medicine in the same batch as Paul Varghese, the
youngest of seven siblings, six of whom were boys. Their father, George
Varghese was a history lecturer at the University of Queensland (during the
White Australia Policy when he covered up the history of racism and genocide)
and they lived in a large house close to the university that I have visited on
many occasions including for meals with several of brothers, two of whom
were psychiatrists (John and Thomas who goes by the name of 'Frank" though
this is not his real name). One brother (Basil) is a Catholic priest and Peter
Varghese is now the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Queensland after
working as a diplomat and spy (he was involved in the Australian invasion of
Iraq and was head of one of Australia's spy agencies as well as working as the
HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

Ambassador to India). Paul has been the Director of Geniatrics at the Princess
Alexandra Hospital (PAH) for many years and "Frank" (Thomas) was the
corrupt director of psychiatry at the same hospital for some years. His son,
Daniel was also employed as a psychiatrist by the PAH and was put in charge of
locking me up and chemically torturing me between 2009 and 2012, when he Page | 8
left the hospital to go into private practice with other members of his powerful
family (called "Varghese Psychiatry")

Daniel Varghese locked me up on the instigation of my father Brian

Senewiratne who worked at the PAH from the time we arrived in Australia in
1976 until he was sacked in 2001. He first got me locked up when I was
working as a family doctor in Melbourne (in 1995) with the help of his
childhood friend Dr Chelvarayan Barr Kumarakulasinghe who is married to my
mother's cousin Nirmalini (Nirma). Nirma was my piano teacher in Sri Lanka
when we lived in Kandy. She was an appalling teacher and had the effect of
stopping me playing piano for 20 years, I hated my tuesday evening music
lessons which were held in their small house at the Peradeniya University. Barr
is trained as a general surgeon and operated in me as well as both my
grandparents when we lived in Sri Lanka. He was a member of what my father,
Brian Senewiratne, called his "war council" and was one of what he called his
"Tamil brothers" (along with Mutthiah Kanagarajah, Victor Benjamin and
Arthur Sinnathamby all of whom migrated to Australia). These were the real
bosses - the professional bosses of the Eelam Wars in Sri Lanka, which they
orchestrated from Australia and London, with finance from the USA and
Canada. I have published some of the results of my investigations into the
LTTE's international operations on the HUB Forensics page.

The bosses and architects of the Eelam Wars were led by my father, who is of
Singhalese ethnicity but hates the language, culture and people. He makes
much of being a "rare Sinhalese who campaigns for the Tamils" but the truth is
that he also hates the Tamil people of whom he is jealous. He is a very
competitive, ambitious man who wanted to be made the first professor of
medicine in the new country (Tamil Eelam) if his side (the Tamil Tigers) won
the war. He harboured the ambition secretly for many years (as well as the
ambition to be made the president of Tamil Eelam) but declared it openly on
stage in Canada (Toronto) in 2008 at the Tamil Pongu event organized by the
Tamil Tigers in Canada when they knew they were going to lose the war.

HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

Anup Joseph said that I have "persecutory delusions", "preoccupation" with my

father and a "paranoid delusion" that my father supported the Tamil Tigers.
"The Tamil Tigers are long gone" he said. He said that it seemed "far-fetched"
to believe that my father got me locked up for going against him. He cited this
as justification for a "working diagnoisis of schizophrenia" and for increasing Page | 9
the dose of the injection despite my complaints to him and to the previous
shrinks of side-effects and lack of clinical justification for the use of
antipsychotic drugs. These shrinks include Tarun Sehgal who is also Indian and
said I had not only 'paranoid schizophrenia' but 'personality disorders' as well.

Throughout the 45 minute interview that I was forced to attend under threat
of being locked up again, Anup Joseph was reading the notes made by a series
of psychiatrists and psych registrars for the Mental Health Review Tribunal
(MHRT) called a "clinical report". This was originally written in 2009 by Daniel
Varghese's registar Steven Bower who did what can only be called a character
assassination. Since then the report has been amended and added to by Daniel
Varghese, Subramanian Puroshothaman (who is an Indian Tamil and a
supporter of the Tigers as well as my father and kept me locked up for several
weeks in 2012), Jo Loftus (a clueless woman in high-heeled boots who saw me
a few times an outpatient), Justin O'Brien (a thick and corrupt Australian
Mormon with a degree from Ireland and a business degree from Melbourne
who locked me up for several weeks in 2015 while my father ransacked my
possessions and destroyed my businesses), Jumoke Banjo (an arrogant
Nigerian woman with a degree from the University of Ibadan who kept me
locked up for a couple of weeks, again on the instigation of my father, in 2017)
Ghazala Watt (a youngish Pakistani shrink that I have written about and has
now left the "service" who asked me what I had against the Tamil Tigers and
had never heard of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative and insinuted that my
interest in it was pathological) and Tarun Sehgal (who took over from Watt and
continued to keep me on an illegal treatment authority and refused to stop, or
even reduce, the abusive Paliperidone injections).

Anup Joseph graduated in Manipay in India in 2003. I told him that I am very
much senior to him, having graduated at the University of Queensland in 1983.
he admitted that he had not written any books or recorded any music and
does not even have a Linkedin profile or any publications. He said that it's not a
question of seniority, because I am "under the Mental Health Act".

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Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

It takes a lot to make me angry but this corrupt, incompetent, arrogant fool
made me furious. As a result of the injection I am dribbling on knees while I
type. The injections cause hypersalivation, which is socially embarassing. It is
an example of cruel Belgian chemical warfare by Janssen-Cilag from whom I am
claiming $500 billion compensation. I plan to use the money to provide free Page | 10
education through the Holistic University Network. I told told Anup Joseph of
my intention to sue and report his actions to the police. The problem is that
the Australian police, both State and Federal are both incompetent and
corrupt. The AFP investigation into my father, which lasted a few months in
2009 found that there was no substance to the allegations that he supported
the Tamil Tigers!

Dr. Anup Mathew Joseph , Udupi, Karnataka

Dr. Anup Mathew Joseph


4-143 I, Amba Road, Ambalpady Post, Udupi, Karnataka - 576103


+(91) (0820) 2922217 +(91) (0820) 2524581

+(91) 9886216512

Dr. Anup Joseph is a Specialist psychiatrist practicing at Bundaberg Hospital in
Bundaberg West.

Bundaberg Hospital , 273 Bourbong St, Bundaberg West, QLD 4670

HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

Indian character-assassins
Ashish Srivastava, K Sreejayan, Anup M Joseph, P. S. V. N. Sharma
Department of Psychiatry, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, Page | 11
Karnataka - 576 104, India


The objective of this paper is to provide a review on the psychiatric

comorbidity research in India based on the data published in the last six
decades. The comorbidity data world over reflects that it is a much more
common phenomenon than observed in routine clinical practice. In India,
research into this domain of psychiatry has been limited, with
comorbidity reported to be as high as 60%. In the few publications in this
area, most of the authors have looked into substance related
comorbidity. Small numbers of studies have looked into comorbid
conditions in child psychiatry, especially mental retardation and very few
studies have looked at other comorbidities. The landmarks in the studies
in the area of psychiatric comorbidity have been highlighted in this
review article.

Keywords: Comorbidity, India, last six decades, Psychiatry

A six-to-ten weeks' follow-up study on the effects of olanzapine on abdominal

fat and other metabolic parameters in patients with psychoses - an imaging-
based study with controls

HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

East Asian Archives of Psychiatry

Volume 21 Issue 1 (2011)
Joseph, Anup Mathew1; Venkatasubramanian, Ganesan2; Sharma, Podila Satya Venkata
Page | 12
Abstract: Objectives: To measure the changes in subcutaneous and intra-abdominal fat and
other metabolic parameters in patients with psychotic disorders, who were newly started
on olanzapine treatment and in drug-free controls. The correlation between changes in
visceral fat and other metabolic parameters were also studied. Methods: Using a
longitudinal open-label design, the 2 studied groups included patients with psychoses (n =
23) [diagnosed as per the 10th edition of the International Classification of Diseases criteria]
and drug-free controls (n = 11). Fasting sugar, lipid profile and glycosylated haemoglobin
levels were collected at baseline and follow-up. Computed tomographic scans were used to
determine changes in the various abdominal fat parameters. Results: The patients were
significantly younger than the controls, and the former had higher mean subcutaneous fat
at baseline. There were statistically significant increases in the subcutaneous fat,
intraabdominal fat, weight, waist circumference, hip circumference and body mass index in
patients but not in controls. The mean dose of olanzapine (mg/day) correlated significantly
with change of intraabdominal fat at follow-up. The change in intra-abdominal fat did not
correlate significantly with any of the metabolic parameters studied. Conclusions:
Olanzapine produced significant increase in weight and fat parameters. This increase
correlated with the dose of olanzapine.

To cite this article: Joseph, Anup Mathew; Venkatasubramanian, Ganesan and Sharma,
Podila Satya Venkata Narasimha. A six-to-ten weeks' follow-up study on the effects of
olanzapine on abdominal fat and other metabolic parameters in patients with psychoses -
an imaging-based study with controls [online]. East Asian Archives of Psychiatry, Vol. 21, No.
1, 2011: 10-16.
Availability: <;dn=942967018203076;res
=IELHEA> ISSN: 2078-9947. [cited 14 Nov 19].
Personal Author: Joseph, Anup Mathew; Venkatasubramanian, Ganesan; Sharma, Podila
Satya Venkata Narasimha;
Source: East Asian Archives of Psychiatry, Vol. 21, No. 1, 2011: 10-16
Document Type: Journal Article ISSN: 2078-9947
Subject: Weight gain; Olanzapine; Antipsychotic drugs--Physiological effect;
Peer Reviewed: Yes
Affiliation: (1) Department of Psychiatry, Kasturba Medical College and Hospital, Manipal
University, Manipal, Karnataka State, India 576104, tel: (0091) 9886216512, fax: (0091)

HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

(2) The Metabolic Clinic in Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, National Institute of Mental
Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore, India
(3) Department of Psychiatry, Kasturba Medical College and Hospital, Manipal University,

Manipal, India
Page | 13

It is common knowledge that olanzapine (Zyprexa)

manufactured by Eli Lilly causes unhealthy weight gain as
well as diabetes. This ‘research’ is abusive both in terms of
the diagnoses, the treatment and the investigation, which
involved unnecessary irradiation (they did CAT scans
which are also expensive). Who funded the research?

1. Dept & Faculty
2. Faculty List

PSVN Sharma | Department of Psychiatry - KMC

Manipal, Manipal University

HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

Dr PSVN Sharma
Department of Psychiatry
0820-2922778 Page | 14



Dr PSVN Sharma teaches and trains undergraduate and postgraduate students.

He also trains
o Post graduates in rehabilitation of people with chronic mental illness.
o Post graduates in clinical psychiatry.
o Undergraduates in clinical psychiatry.
Subject Subject code Year / Semester

Psychiatry MBBS

Psychiatry MD

Psychiatry MPhil Clinical Psychology

Psychiatry DPM


Year of
Degree Specialisation Institute passing

MD Psychiatry PGIMER, 1984


HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

Year of
Degree Specialisation Institute passing

DPM Psychological NIMHANS, 1981

Medicine Bangalore
Page | 15

Attitudinal impediments in the practice of consultation-liaison psychiatry.


Full-text available

 Apr 2012

Nilamadhab Kar

PSVN Sharma

Context: Psychiatric morbidity in the medically ill prolongs hospital stay of these
patients and influences the prognosis of many medical conditions. However,
utilization of consultation liaison psychiatric services is marginal in general hospitals.
Aims: We attempted to study the attitude of non-psychiatric medical professionals
and 30 nurses compared with that of psychiatrists to reflect upon the factors
associated with inadequate utilization of psychiatric liaison services. Settings and
Design: It was cross-sectional study in a teaching general hospital attached to a
Medical College. Methods and Material: A self-rated, semi-structured 13-item, 5-
point scale was used. Perceptions of the psychiatrists on the attitude of physicians
and surgeons were also assessed. Statistical analysis: Percentages, Chi-Square and
t-tests Results: Most clinicians felt that having a psychiatric label is disadvantageous.
Physicians and surgeons were aware of their lack of awareness regarding
psychiatric problems. Psychiatrists more often than physicians and surgeons felt that
the poor physical health status of patients precluded referral reflecting their own
uncertainty in assessing and handling physical illness. Poor working relation
between psychiatrists and the physicians and surgeons was also reported. The
HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

patients’ emotions were perceived as difficult to handle by considerable proportion of

non-psychiatric professionals. They also believed that psychiatric disorders were
incurable, and reported that many patients refused psychiatric referral. Conclusions:
There was a concern how the physician and surgeons perceived psychiatric
illnesses and interventions. It is also worrying to observe how psychiatrists perceived Page | 16
the attitude of their colleagues in general hospital. Need for interactive multi-
disciplinary physician education in liaison psychiatry can not be overemphasized.


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Page | 17

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Page | 18

Profile of Psychiatric and Physical Morbidity of Elderly Patients Attending Psychiatric

Department in a General Hospital in India: Reflecting Service Needs


Full-text available

 Jan 2009

Nilamadhab Kar

Paramjeet Singh Khurana

HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

Psvn Sharma Page | 19

Information on the psychiatric and physical morbidity of the elderly in developing

countries is sparse. This study aimed to find out the profile of psychiatric and
physical morbidities in the 450 consecutive elderly persons who attended psychiatric
department for one year and followed up for two years in a medical college hospital
in South India. Majority (94.2%) of elderly had diagnosable syndromal psychiatric
disorder and 10.8% had psychiatric co-morbidity. Almost half (54.9%) had the onset
of illness between 50-64 years of age. Mood disorders were common followed by
anxiety disorders. Psychotic and organic mental disorders and substance use were
also present in considerable proportions. Most of the patients (73.7%) had physical
morbidity; in which hypertension, metabolic, cardiovascular and central nervous
system disorders predominated. Results of this study reaffirm reports of higher
physical morbidity in elderly psychiatric patients, suggest proactive evaluation for
these and may help in developing specific services.


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Mental Health Consequences of the Trauma of Super-Cyclone 1999 in Orissa


Full-text available

 Jul 2004
 Indian Journal of Psychiatry

HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

Nilamadhab Kar
Page | 20

Jagadisha Thirthalli

Psvn Sharma

 [...]

Seema Mehrotra

A super-cyclone hit 12 coastal districts of Orissa in October 1999 and caused over
20,000 deaths and a considerable damage to property. The psychiatric sequelae of
the super-cyclone was studied using a semi-structured proforma for disaster
experience, Self Reporting Questionnaire, Impact of Event Scale, Post Traumatic
Symptoms Scale, Hopelessness Scale, Suicidality Screening Questionnaire,
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and Presumptive Stressful Life Event Scale.
The coping style of the victims was also studied. It was observed that 80.4% of the
subjects had probable psychiatric disorder. Posttraumatic stress disorder was found
in 44.3%; anxiety disorder in 57.5% and depression in 52.7%. A considerable
proportion (63.4%) of cases had comorbidity. Children and adolescents, elderly
persons, lower socioeconomic status, lower educational levels, unemployment,
physical injury, degree of exposure, need for evacuation, death in the family, fear of
imminent death during the event, hopelessness, increased stress before disaster
and past psychiatric history were associated with adverse psychological sequelae.
Increase in suicidality was observed. Implications of these findings are discussed.
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Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)


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Page | 21


Predictors of outcome following alcohol deaddiction treatment: A prospective

longitudinal study for one year


Full-text available

 Jul 2003
 Indian Journal of Psychiatry

Nilamadhab Kar

S Sengupta

Psvn Sharma

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Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

Gunasagari Rao Page | 22

The factors influencing the short-term outcome of alcohol dependence patients

psychiatric set up were studied prospectively in an Indian population. Consecutive 60
patients with alcohol dependence syndrome according to the ICD 10 criteria, were
studied. Positive outcome was noted in 55%, negative in 35%; and 10% were lost to
follow up at the end of one year. There was no difference between the groups on
educational level, marital status, economic status, religion, social support, associated
physical or psychiatric diagnoses, type of treatment for deaddiction, age of regular
drinking, days of previous abstinence and inpatient treatment days. However the
negative outcome group were younger, and their average age for problem drinking
was significantly less than the other group. They achieved many mile-stones of
drinking career like onset of day drinking, development of dependence, diagnosis of
dependence earlier. The negative outcome group also had higher psychosocial
problem index, family history of alcoholism, more follow-up days using the mental
health services. They did not come for follow up as quickly as the abstinent group
after initiation of pathological drinking.The study suggested many clearly identifiable
variables, which may distinguish prospectively patients with probable positive and
negative outcome one year after the alcohol deaddiction treatment.


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... However, clinicians' (of all types) views on mental illness and mentally ill patients
contribute to the care paths they pursue for their patients and outcomes. Views
about mental illness and psychiatric interventions have been shown to vary across
the health professions and clinicians' stage of career, including medical students,
[5-7] medical and surgical specialists, [8] and nurses. [8] It has been observed that
the views of psychiatrists and medical physicians in other ...

Reference: Views of Practitioners of Alternative Medicine toward Psychiatric Illness and

Psychiatric Care: A Study from Solapur, India

Attitudinal impediments in the practice of consultation-liaison psychiatry.

Citing article
HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

 Apr 2012

Page | 23

Nilamadhab Kar

 Psvn Sharma

View full-text

... The literature suggested an increase in the prevalence and symptomatology of

PTSD among disaster-affected population in India. Many investigators have
estimated the prevalence of PTSD in different natural calamities such as
cyclones [3,4,5], tsunami [6,7], earthquakes [8,9,10], and fires [11]. Based on earlier
Indian studies, the incidence of PTSD in major natural disaster varies considerably
depending upon the magnitude of event, with the highest rates reported of around 70%
[3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19]. ...

Reference: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among the Flood Affected Population in Indian

Mental Health Consequences of the Trauma of Super-Cyclone 1999 in Orissa

Citing article

 Jul 2004
 PubMed

Nilamadhab Kar


HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

 Psvn Sharma
 N Murali

Page | 24

Seema Mehrotra

View full-text

... Co-existence of psychiatric illnesses along with alcoholism makes the treatment of
these individuals more complex from the perspective of treating psychiatrists [11] . It
is important to elicit history of alcohol consumption in patients presenting with
psychiatric condition so that appropriate de-addiction measures can be taken [12] . It
Is equally important to diagnose psychiatric co-morbidities in individuals coming or
being brought for de-addiction so as to be able to give appropriate treatment. ...

Reference: Psychiatric Co-Morbidities in Individuals with Alcohol Dependence: A

Prospective Observational Study

Predictors of outcome following alcohol deaddiction treatment: A prospective

longitudinal study for one year

Citing article

 Jul 2003
 PubMed

Nilamadhab Kar

 S Sengupta
 Psvn Sharma
 Gunasagari Rao

View full-text

... There is a high prevalence of mental disorders in the old age. Predominant among
these are mood disorder especially depression (Kar et al, 2009). In terms of global
disease burden, unipolar major depression has been projected to become the
HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

second leading cause in the disease burden after ischemic heart disease in the year
2020, especially in highincome countries (WHO, 2001; Wig, 2001). ...

Reference: Validity of WHO-Five Well-Being Index for Screening of Depression in an

Elderly Indian Population.
Page | 25
Profile of Psychiatric and Physical Morbidity of Elderly Patients Attending Psychiatric
Department in a General Hospital in India: Reflecting Service Needs

Citing article

 Jan 2009

Nilamadhab Kar

 Paramjeet Singh Khurana

 Psvn Sharma

View full-text

Ashish Srivastava


Year : 2018 | Volume : 60 | Issue : 6 | Page : 236-238

Historical aspects of the Institute of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Goa

Ashish Srivastava, Bramhanand Cuncoliencar, Yvonne Da Silva Pereira

Institute of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Bambolim, Goa, India

HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

Correspondence Address:
Dr. Ashish Srivastava
Institute of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Bambolim, Goa

Page | 26

Organized delivery of mental health services in Goa had its origin during the
Portuguese regime. From the inception of a mental asylum in the 1500s, mental
health services have come a long way. In post liberation period, after 1961, under
the guidance of a WHO Consultant, Dr. Govindaswamy, a new mental hospital was
built at Panaji, Goa and it was named as the Abbe de Faria Institute. The
Department of Psychiatry in Goa Medical College was established in 1968, and
unlike in most parts of the country, where Psychiatry was a part of Medicine; here in
Goa, it enjoyed an independent departmental status. With the merger of Department
of Psychiatry with the mental hospital, an independent Institute of Psychiatry and
Human Behavior emerged in 1980, a status it continues to retain till date. In 2016,
the Institute of Psychiatry and Human Behavior has been identified to become a
“Centre of Excellence” by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of

Sreejayan K
Unknown affiliation
No verified email

Psychiatric evaluation in dermatology: An 28 2013


HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)


S Ghosh, RV Behere, P Sharma, K

Sreejayan Page | 27
Indian journal of dermatology 58 (1), 39

Mania associated with Usher syndrome 15 2012

type II

SK Praharaj, M Acharya, A Sarvanan, S

Kongasseri, RV Behere, ...

Turk Psikiyatri Dergisi 23 (3), 219

Toluene associated schizophrenia-like 11 2009


NP Rao, A Gupta, K Sreejayan, PK

Chand, V Benegal, P Murthy

Indian journal of psychiatry 51 (4), 329

Indian research on comorbidities 10 2010

A Srivastava, K Sreejayan, AM Joseph, P


Indian journal of psychiatry 52 (Suppl1),


Mirtazapine for antipsychotic-induced 8 2015

acute akathisia: a systematic review and
meta-analysis of randomized placebo-
controlled trials

SK Praharaj, S Kongasseri, RV Behere,

PSVN Sharma

Therapeutic advances in
psychopharmacology 5 (5), 307-313

HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)


‘Look Beyond Skin’: Psychogenic 7 2013

Excoriation-A Series of Five Cases Page | 28
B Nirmal, SD Shenoi, S Rai, K Sreejayan,
S Savitha

Indian journal of dermatology 58 (3), 246

Bupropion precipitating acute psychosis: a 6 2014

case report

RN Munoli, S Kongasseri, SK Praharaj,

PSVN Sharma

American journal of therapeutics 21 (2),


Naphthalene addiction 6 2012

SK Praharaj, S Kongasseri

Substance abuse 33 (2), 189-190

Anesthesia during electroconvulsive 6 2010

therapy: importance of dosage

S Anand, J Thirthalli, A Gupta, S

Kongasseri, BS Tharayil, VH Keshavan, ...

The journal of ECT 26 (2), 145

Outcome of mood stabilizer 4 2014

discontinuation in bipolar disorder after 5
years of euthymia

P Sharma, S Kongasseri, SK Praharaj

Journal of clinical psychopharmacology 34

(4), 504-507

HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)


Paroxysmal perceptual alteration: drug- 2 2012

induced phenomenon or schizophrenic Page | 29

SK Praharaj, K Sreejayan, M Acharya

Psychopharmacology bulletin 45 (1), 44

Integrated Approach To Sensitise Medical 1 2016

Students On Management Of Tobacco
And Alcohol Use Disorders

MM Kulkarni, GP Jacob, K Sreejayan, SK

Praharaj, V Thippeswamy, ...

National Journal of Community Medicine 7

(2), 92-96

Myoclonus Associated With Disulfiram 1 2013

K Sreejayan, SK Praharaj

The Journal of neuropsychiatry and

clinical neurosciences 25 (2), E37-E39

Carisoprodol-induced amnestic state 1 2008

A Gupta, K Sreejayan, P Chand, V

Benegal, P Murthy

Indian journal of psychiatry 50 (1), 72

Psychodermatology liaison clinic in India: 2018

a working model

N Goyal, S Shenoi, SS Prabhu, K

Sreejayan, R Munoli, S Rai

Tropical doctor 48 (1), 7-11

HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)


Prevalence of Depression Among 2016

Residents of An Industrial Township Page | 30
Attending The Psychiatry Clinic

M Kaja, K Sreejayan, P Sharma, SM Bhat


(5), S144-S145

Effect Of Life Events On Psoriasis 2015

S Kongasseri, A Gouri, S Rai


(5), S24-S25

Body Image Concerns In Patients With 2015

Schizophrenia Who Are Overweight-Cross
Sectional Study

A Karikala, K Sreejayan


(5), S22-S22

Clinical features and comorbidities of 2014

depression among inpatients in a tertiary
care centre

R Munoli, P Sharma, S Kongasseri, R

Bhandary, S Praharaj

Archives of Mental Health 15 (2), 193-193

Russell’s Sign in Persistent Delusional 2014

Disorder: A Case Report

SVRR Manoharan, RV Behere, SK

Praharaj, S Kongasseri, P Sharma

The Journal of neuropsychiatry and

HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)


clinical neurosciences 26 (3), E4-E5

Articles 1–20 Page | 31

These guys are guilty of serious corruption and Crimes

Against Humanity.

Translations: Igbo
Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam
2 hrs ·

Mmegbu Ahụ Ọjọọ

Alaghachitela m na 'Dr' Anup joseph na Woolloongabba Community Health
Center. Adịghị m ebi na Woolloongabba, esoghịkwa m na obodo
Woolloongabba, mana nke a bụ ụlọ ọgwụ na-elekọta anya nke ụlọ ọgwụ
Princess Alexandra (PA) nọ na-emebi, na-akpagbu m ma na-egbu m ọtụtụ afọ.
Joseph gwara m na ya na ndị otu 'kparịtara ụka ma mgbe a gwara m agwa m aha
Onye Ọgwụ Ahụike Ọhụụ, onye m na-anụbeghị (ọ bụ Balaji Motamarri onye
bụkwa onye India). Ọ gwara m na onye isi ọhụụ bụ Dr Manan Karray (ajụrụ m
ya ka ọ dee ya). Enyochala m na Linkedin na YouTube wee chọta aha 'Manaan
Kar Ray' na 'Mannan Kar Ray', nke bụ otu onye ahụ ọ na-arụbu ọrụ na
Cambridge na England mana gụsịrị akwụkwọ na India site na Mahadum
Calcutta (na 1998).
Onwere ogwu nke Dr Kar Ray na-ekwu okwu na Brisbane maka nsogbu di
iche-iche. Enwere m ọgwụ mgbochi ruo afọ iri abụọ na anọ. Ezigara m Dr Kar
Ray arịrịọ njikọ na Linkedin. Anyị nwere ihe njikọta mmekọrịta iri, nke kacha
na UK.
I told Anup Joseph that I was in excellent mental health and my physical health
is improving as the effect of the dopamine blockers is reducing. I said that my
speech was clearer, I am not salivating as much and have a little bit of ejaculate
and told him how distressing the slurred speech and drooling from the 100 mg
dose of Paliperidone was. He had ordered this dose when I saw him 10 weeks
ago and it was so bad that the case manager Nigel Lewin refused to inject me
with it again and convinced Anup Joseph to reduce the dose back to 75 mg,
HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

which is unnecessary and abusive but I can tolerate (though not as articulate as I
am when not on dopamine-blocking drugs).
Nzaghachi ya bụ ịtụ iwu ịbawanye elu nke Paliperidone ọzọ na 100 mg n'ihe ọ
kpọrọ '' reloading dose '' nakwa na ọ na-ezube inye m 100mg ọzọ n'ime ụbọchị
iri. O kwuru na nke a bụ n'ihi na m abịaghị n'oge maka ịgba ọgwụ ọnwa. Page | 32
Ajụrụ m ma Joseph enyochala ọrụ m na Google, YouTube na Linkedin ma ọ sịrị
na ọ bụghị n'ihi na “esighi ya”. O boro m ebubo na m na-arịa schizophrenia na
psychosis ma kwuo na m ga-akwụ elu n'ihe PANSS (Positive and Negative
Syndrome Scale - ọkwa maka schizophrenia nke ndị ụlọ ọrụ ọgwụ na-eji
enyocha ọgwụ ha). Nigel Lewin ekwupụtala m na agaghị m enwe ọkaibe ma ọlị.
Egosiiri Joseph folda nke mbụ m na egwu neuroscience ma kwuo na ọ bụghị
"onye egwu". O lere anya na peeji ndị ahụ ka m na-atụgharị peeji ndị ahụ, site
na nnukwu iko ya. Ajụrụ m ya ma ọ gụọla mbipụta ndị m zigaara na email ọrụ
ya, wee sị na ọ gụbeghị. Nke a gụnyere akwụkwọ anọ, na schizophrenia,
neuroscience egwu, pineal na eugenics. Ihe ngọpụ ya maka ileghara nnukwu ọrụ
a anya bụ na o chereghị na ha dabara adaba.
Joseph boro m ebubo na “usoro ahụike iche echiche” na-elebara m anya, ma
were nke a bụ ihe ngọpụ ka ọ nwekwuo ọgwụ ọjọọ ahụ. O kwukwara na ọ ga -
adị mkpa ka m "kwenye" ọzọ iji mee ka "ọgwụ ahụ" dịkwuo mma.
Nigel Lewin jụrụ ịgba m ọgwụ ọ higherụ higherụ n'ihi m nke nkụda mmụọ na
hyperalivation m, mana ihe ọjọọ a, onye mpako na-achọ ịtụtụ m ọzọ ụbọchị
iri. Ọ sịrị na ya ga-aga ịchọ ụlọ ahịa ọgwụ. Mgbe m nọ n’ụlọ ọgwụ n’afọ 2015,
ụlọ ọgwụ ọgwụ jụrụ inye ha otu inje nke ndị isi mgbaka ahụ nyere n’iwu n’ihi
na ọ bara nnukwu ụba. (Ha nyere m ya izu abụọ ka e mesịrị).
Edeela m banyere obere ụlọ ọgwụ ndị isi mmụọ India gbagọrọ agbagọ na PA
Hospital. Nke a na-akwado ebubo m.


The Abuse Worsens

Saya baru saja kembali dari janji temu dengan 'Dr' Anup joseph di
Woolloongabba Community Health Center. Saya tidak tinggal di
Woolloongabba dan saya bukan bagian dari komunitas Woolloongabba,
tapi ini benar-benar klinik rawat jalan rumah sakit Princess Alexandra

HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

(PA) yang telah mencemarkan nama baik, melecehkan dan meracuni

saya selama bertahun-tahun.
Joseph memberi tahu saya bahwa dia telah mendiskusikan saya dengan
"tim" dan ketika ditekan memberi tahu saya nama Direktur Medis yang
baru, yang belum saya dengar (dulu Balaji Motamarri yang juga orang Page | 33
India). Dia mengatakan kepada saya direktur baru adalah Dr Manan
Karray (saya memintanya untuk mengejanya). Saya memeriksa di
Linkedin dan YouTube dan menemukan nama 'Manaan Kar Ray' dan
'Mannan Kar Ray', yang merupakan orang yang sama dan ia dulu
bekerja di Cambridge di Inggris tetapi lulus di India dari University of
Calcutta (pada 1998).
Ada cuplikan dari Dr. Kar Ray yang berbicara di Brisbane tentang
masalah dengan pengobatan paksaan. Saya telah menjalani
pengobatan paksaan selama 24 tahun dan telah mengalami pelecehan
serius dan secara kimiawi diserang. Saya telah mengirim permintaan
koneksi ke Dr Kar Ray pada Linkedin. Kami memiliki sekitar 10
hubungan timbal balik, kebanyakan di Inggris.
Saya memberi tahu Anup Joseph bahwa kesehatan mental saya sangat
baik dan kesehatan fisik saya membaik karena efek penghambat
dopamin berkurang. Saya mengatakan bahwa pidato saya lebih jelas,
saya tidak banyak mengeluarkan air liur dan memiliki sedikit ejakulasi
dan mengatakan kepadanya betapa menyedihkan pidato yang tidak
jelas dan air liur dari dosis Paliperidone 100 mg. Dia telah memesan
dosis ini ketika saya melihatnya 10 minggu yang lalu dan itu sangat
buruk sehingga manajer kasus Nigel Lewin menolak untuk menyuntik
saya lagi dan meyakinkan Anup Joseph untuk mengurangi dosis
kembali menjadi 75 mg, yang tidak perlu dan kasar tetapi saya dapat
mentolerir (meskipun tidak mengartikulasikan seperti saya ketika tidak
menggunakan obat penghambat dopamin).
Responsnya adalah memesan peningkatan dosis Paliperidone lagi
menjadi 100 mg dalam apa yang disebutnya "dosis reload" dan bahwa ia
berencana memberi saya 100mg lagi dalam waktu 10 hari. Ini, katanya,
adalah karena saya terlambat untuk injeksi bulanan.
Saya bertanya apakah Joseph telah memeriksa pekerjaan saya di
Google, YouTube dan Linkedin dan dia mengatakan dia tidak
melakukannya karena itu tidak "relevan". Dia kemudian menuduh saya
menderita skizofrenia dan psikosis dan mengklaim bahwa saya akan
memberi nilai tinggi pada skor PANSS (Skala Sindrom Positif dan
Negatif - skala penilaian untuk skizofrenia yang digunakan oleh
HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

perusahaan obat untuk menguji obat-obatan mereka). Nigel Lewin telah

mengakui kepada saya bahwa saya tidak akan menilai tinggi sama
Saya menunjukkan kepada Joseph sebuah folder karya asli saya
tentang ilmu saraf musik dan dia berkata dia bukan "orang musik". Dia Page | 34
melirik halaman ketika aku membalik halaman, melalui kacamata
tebal. Saya juga bertanya kepadanya apakah dia telah membaca
publikasi yang saya kirim ke email kantornya, dan dia bilang dia
belum. Ini termasuk empat publikasi, tentang skizofrenia, ilmu saraf
musik, pineal dan eugenika. Alasannya untuk kelalaian ini adalah bahwa
dia tidak menganggapnya relevan.
Joseph menuduh saya "disibukkan" oleh sistem kesehatan mental, dan
menggunakan ini sebagai alasannya untuk meningkatkan dosis
racun. Dia juga mengatakan bahwa saya mungkin perlu "dirawat" lagi
untuk menstabilkan "obat".
Nigel Lewin menolak untuk menyuntik saya dengan dosis yang lebih
tinggi karena air liur saya dan hypersalivation, tetapi orang jahat,
sombong ini ingin menyuntikkan saya lagi dalam waktu 10 hari. Dia
bilang dia harus memeriksa dengan apotek. Ketika saya berada di
rumah sakit pada tahun 2015, apotek rumah sakit menolak untuk
memberikan salah satu suntikan yang diperintahkan psikiater karena itu
sangat besar. (Mereka memberikannya kepada saya dua minggu
Saya telah menulis tentang komplotan psikiater India bengkok di Rumah
Sakit PA. Ini hanya mengkonfirmasi dugaan saya.


Romesh Senewiratne-Alagaratnam
2 часа ·

Злоупотребление ухудшает
HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

Я только что вернулся с встречи с доктором Анупом Джозефом в

общественном медицинском центре Вуллонгабба. Я не живу в
Вуллонгаббе и не являюсь частью сообщества Вуллонгабба, но это
действительно амбулаторная клиника больницы Принцессы Александры
(Пенсильвания), которая годами оскорбляла, изводила и отравляла меня. Page | 35
Джозеф сказал мне, что он обсуждал меня с «командой», и, когда меня
нажали, назвал имя нового медицинского директора, о котором я не
слышал (раньше это был Баладжи Мотамарри, который тоже индиец). Он
сказал мне, что новым директором является доктор Манан Каррэй (я
попросил его записать это по буквам). Я проверил на Linkedin и YouTube и
нашел имена «Manaan Kar Ray» и «Mannan Kar Ray», которые являются
одним и тем же человеком, и он работал в Кембридже в Англии, но
окончил в Индии Университет Калькутты (в 1998 году).
Есть клип доктора Кар Рэя, говорящего в Брисбене о проблемах с
принудительным лечением. Я подвергался принудительному лечению в
течение 24 лет, подвергался жестокому обращению и химическому
насилию. Я послал доктору Кар Рэю запрос на подключение к Linkedin. У
нас около 10 взаимных связей, в основном в Великобритании.
Я сказал Анупу Джозефу, что у меня отличное психическое здоровье, и
мое физическое здоровье улучшается, так как эффект от применения
блокаторов допамина уменьшается. Я сказал, что моя речь была более
четкой, у меня не так много слюноотделения, у меня немного эякулята, и я
рассказал ему о том, как огорчает невнятная речь и слюнотечение от дозы
100 мг палиперидона. Он назначил эту дозу, когда я видел его 10 недель
назад, и это было так плохо, что ведущий дела Найджел Левин отказался
снова вводить мне ее и убедил Анупа Джозефа снизить дозу до 75 мг, что
не нужно и оскорбительно, но я могу терпеть (хотя и не так ясно, как я,
когда не принимаю допамин-блокирующие препараты).
В ответ он приказал снова увеличить дозу палиперидона до 100 мг, что он
назвал «перегрузочной дозой», и что он планирует дать мне еще 100 мг
через 10 дней. Это, по его словам, потому что я опоздал на ежемесячную
Я спросил, проверял ли Джозеф мои работы в Google, YouTube и Linkedin,
и он ответил, что нет, потому что это не было «актуально». Затем он
обвинил меня в шизофрении и психозе и заявил, что я буду высоко
оценивать баллы по шкале PANSS (шкала позитивных и негативных
синдромов - шкала оценок для шизофрении, используемая
фармацевтическими компаниями для тестирования своих

HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

лекарств). Найджел Левин признался мне, что я бы вообще не высоко

Я показал Джозефу папку мою оригинальную работу по музыкальной
нейробиологии, и он сказал, что он не был "музыкальным человеком". Он
посмотрел на страницы, когда я переворачивал их сквозь толстые очки. Я Page | 36
также спросил его, читал ли он публикации, которые я отправил, на его
рабочий электронный адрес, и он ответил, что нет. Это включало четыре
публикации, посвященные шизофрении, музыкальной неврологии,
шишковидной железе и евгенике. Он оправдывает эту грубую
небрежность тем, что не считает их уместными.
Джозеф обвинил меня в том, что я «озабочен» системой психического
здоровья, и использовал это в качестве предлога для увеличения дозы
яда. Он также сказал, что мне, возможно, придется снова «допустить»,
чтобы стабилизировать «лекарство».
Найджел Левин отказался вводить мне более высокую дозу из-за моего
слюни и гиперсаливации, но этот злой, высокомерный человек хочет
сделать мне инъекцию снова через 10 дней. Он сказал, что должен будет
проверить с аптекой. Когда я был в больнице в 2015 году, больничная
аптека отказалась сделать одну из инъекций, которую заказали психиатры,
потому что она была очень большой. (Они дали мне две недели спустя).
Я написал о клике изогнутых индийских психиатров в больнице ПА. Это
только подтверждает мои утверждения.


2 小时 ·


HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

Motamarri))。他告诉我,新主任是 Manan Karray 博士(我请他拼写)。
我在 Linkedin 和 YouTube 上查看时,发现名字“ Manaan Kar Ray”和
“ Mannan Kar Ray”是同一个人,他曾在英国剑桥工作,但 1998 年从印度 Page | 37
Kar Ray 博士在布里斯班有一段有关强制治疗问题的演讲。我已经受到了
强制性治疗 24 年,受到了严重的虐待和化学攻击。我已向 Kar Ray 博士
发送了关于 Linkedin 的连接请求。我们大约有 10 个相互联系的地区,大
我告诉阿努普·约瑟夫(Anup Joseph),我的心理健康状况很好,由于多
清楚,我没有流口水,有点射精,并告诉他 100 毫克帕潘立酮对口齿不清
糕了,病例经理奈杰尔·莱文(Nigel Lewin)拒绝再次给我注射,并说服
安纳普·约瑟夫(Anup Joseph)将剂量降低到 75 毫克,这是不必要的,但
他的反应是命令将帕潘立酮的剂量再次增加至 100 毫克(他称之为“补充
剂量”),并且他计划在 10 天之内再给我 100 毫克。他说,这是因为我每
我问约瑟夫是否已经在 Google,YouTube 和 Linkedin 上签出了我的工作,
病,并声称我会在 PANSS 评分(正负综合症量表-药物公司用来测试其药
物的精神分裂症的量表)中给予很高的评价。奈杰尔·莱文(Nigel Lewin)
奈杰尔·莱文(Nigel Lewin)因为流口水和唾液过多而拒绝给我注射更高
剂量,但是这个邪恶,自大的人想在 10 天后再次给我注射。他说他必须

HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

去药房看看。当我 2015 年在医院住院时,医院药房拒绝分发精神科医生

我写了关于 PA 医院一群歪曲的印度精神科医生的文章。这只是证实了我
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අපයයෝජනය නරක අතට හැයේ

මම දැන් වුල්න්න්ුන්බා ප්රජා ස ෞඛ්ය මධ්යස්ථානසේ ‘වෛද්ය’ අනුප්
සජාස ප් මඟ හමුවීසමන් ආපසු පැමිණිසයමි. මම වුල්න්ූන්ගබ්බා හි
ජීෛත් සනාෛන අතර වුල්න්ූන්ගබ්බා ප්රජාසේ ස ාට ක් සනාසෛමි,
නමුත් සමය ැබවින්ම ඇසෙක් ැන්්රා කුමරියසේ සරෝහසල්න් බාහිර
සරෝගී ායනයකි. එය ෛ ර ගණනාෛක් තිස්සස් මට අපහා කිරීම,
හිරිහැර කිරීම හා ෛ වි කිරීම සිදු ර ඇත.
සජෝ ප් මට පැෛසුසේ “ ණ්ඩායම” මඟ මා ා ච්ඡා ළ බෛත්,
එබූ විට මා අ ා නැති නෛ වෛද්ය අධ්යක්ෂෛරයාසේ නම මට පැෛසූ
බෛත් (එය ඉන්ියානු ජාති බාොජි සමාටමාරි විය). ඔහු මට කිේෛා
නෛ අධ්යක්ෂ ෛරයා ෛන්සන් ආචාර්ය මනන් සර් (මම එය
උච්චාරණය රන සෙ ඉල්න්ො සිටිසයමි). මම ලින් ඩින් හ යූ ටියුබ්
හි පරීක්ෂා ර බැූ විට 'මනාන් ාර් සර්' හ 'මන්නන් ර් සර්' යන
නම් එ ම පුද්ගෙයා ෛන අතර ඔහු එංගෙන්තසේ සක්ම්බ්රිජ් හි
සස්ෛය ළ නමුත් ඉන්ියාසේ ල්න් ටා විශ්ෛ විද්යාෙසයන් උපාධිය
ෙබා ගත්සත්ය (1998 දී).
බෙහත් ාරසයන් ැෙකීසම් ගැටළු පිළිබඳෛ බ්රිස්සබ්න් හි වෛද්ය
ාර් සර්සේ ථාෛක් තිසබ්. මම ෛ ර 24 ක් තිස්සස්
බෙහත් ාරසයන් ප්රති ාර ෙබා ඇති අතර බරපතෙ සෙ
අපසයෝජනයට ෙක් ර ර ායනි ෛ පහර දී ඇත. මම ආචාර්ය ාර්
සර්ට ම්බන්ධ ඉල්න්ීමක් ලින්ක්ඩින් සෛත යෛා ඇත. අපට
අන්සයෝන්ය ම්බන්ධතා 10 ක් පමණ ඇත, ෛැඩි ෛශසයන් එක් ත්
රාජධානිසේ ය.

HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

මම අනූප් සජෝ ෆ්ට පැෛසුසේ මා විශිෂ්ට මානසි ස ෞඛ්යයකින්

පසුෛන බෛත් සඩාපමයින් අෛහිර රන්නන්සේ බෙපෑම අඩු ෛන
බැවින් මසේ ශාරීරි ස ෞඛ්යය යහපත් ෛන බෛත්ය. මසේ ථාෛ
ෛඩා පැහැිලියි, මම එතරම් ෙෛණ සනා රන අතර මඳක් ශුක්රාණු
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ඇති අතර, පැලිසපරිසඩෝන් මිලිේරෑම් 100 මාත්රාසෛන් ගිලිහී ගිය
ථාෛ ස තරම් දුක්ඛදාය ද යන්නත් ඔහුට පැෛසුෛා. ති 10 ට
සපර මා දුටු විට ඔහු සමම මාත්රාෛ ඇණවුම් ර ඇති අතර එය
ස ාතරම් නර ද යත් සිද්ධි ළමනා රු නයිජල්න් ලුවින් මට නැෛත
එන්නත් කිරීම ප්රතික්සෂ්ප ළ අතර අනුප් සජෝශප්ට මාත්රාෛ
මිලිේරෑම් 75 දක්ෛා අඩු රන සෙ ඒත්ු ගැන්වීය. එය අනෛශ්ය හා
අනිසි ය. ඉෛසිය හැකිය (සඩාපමයින් අෛහිර රන .ෂධ භාවිතා
සනා රන විට මා තරම් පැහැිලිෛ සනාකියන නමුත්).
ඔහුසේ ප්රතිචාරය වූසේ පාලිසපරිසඩෝන් මාත්රාෛ නැෛත මිලිේරෑම්
100 දක්ෛා ෛැඩි කිරීමට ඇණවුම් කිරීමයි. ඔහු “රීසෙෝඩින් මාත්රාෛක්”
සෙ හැඳින්වූ අතර ින 10 ක් ුළ මට තෛත් මිලි ේරෑම් 100 ක් ෙබා
දීමට ැෙසුම් ර තිසබ්. සමය මා පැෛසුසේ මාසි එන්නත ප්රමාද වූ
නි ාය.
ගූගල්න්, යූ ටියුබ් හ ලින් ඩින් හි මසේ ෛැඩ ටයුු සජෝ ප් විසින්
පරීක්ෂා ර ඇත්දැයි මම විමසූ අතර ඔහු පැෛසුසේ එය “අදාළ
සනාෛන” නි ා සනාෛන බෛයි. භින්සනෝන්මාදය හ මසනෝ ේයාධිය
ඇති බෛට ඔහු මට සචෝදනා ළ අතර, මම PANSS ෙකුණු මත ඉහළ
අගයක් ගන්නා බෛ කියා සිටිසයමි (ධනාත්ම හා ෘණ සින්්සරෝම්
පරිමාණය - ch ෂධ මාගම් ඔවුන්සේ .ෂධ පරීක්ෂා කිරීම ඳහා
භාවිතා රන භින්සනෝන්මාදය ඳහා ෛන ශ්සර්ණිගත කිරීසම්
පරිමාණය). නයිජල්න් ලුවින් මට පිළිසගන ඇත්සත් මම කිසිසස්ත් ඉහළ
තක්සස්රුෛක් සනා රන බෛයි.
ංගීත ස්නායු විද්යාෛ පිළිබඳ මසේ මුල්න් ෘතිය මම සජෝ ෆ්ට
සෆෝල්න්ඩරය ට සපන්වූ අතර ඔහු පැෛසුසේ ඔහු “ ංගීත පුද්ගෙසයක්”
සනාෛන බෛයි. මම පිටු සපරෙද්දී ඔහුසේ thick න ණ්නාඩි හරහා
ඔහු පිටු සද බැලුසේය. ඔහුසේ ෛැඩ ඊසම්ල්න් පණිවුඩයට මා යෛා ඇති
ප්ර ාශන ඔහු කියෛා ඇත්දැයි මම ඔහුසගන්
විමසුසෛමි. භින්සනෝන්මාදය, ංගීත ස්නායු විද්යාෛ, පයිනල්න් හ
ඉයුසජනික්ස් යන ප්ර ාශන හතරක් සමයට ඇුළත් විය. සමම දැඩි

HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

සනා ැෙකිලිමත් ම ඳහා ඔහුසේ නිදහ ට රුණ නම් ඔහු ඒෛා

අදාළ යැයි සනාසිතීමයි.
සජෝ ප් මට මානසි ස ෞඛ්ය පද්ධතිසයන් “පීඩා විඳින” බෛට
සචෝදනා ළ අතර, විෂ මාත්රාෛ ෛැඩි කිරීම ඳහා සමය ඔහුසේ
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නිදහ ට රුණක් විය. "Ation ෂධය" ස්ථාෛර කිරීම ඳහා මා නැෛත
"ඇුළත්" ළ යුු බෛ ඔහු පැෛසීය.
නයිජල්න් ලුවින් මට අධි මාත්රාෛක් එන්නත් කිරීම ප්රතික්සෂ්ප
සේ මසේ අඩුවීම හ හයිපර් ාෙයිවී රණය නි ාය, නමුත් සම්
නපුරු, අහං ාර මිනි ාට ින 10 කින් නැෛත එන්නත් කිරීමට
අෛශ්යය. ඔහු කිේෛා ඔහුට ෆාමසිසයන් පරීක්ෂා රන්න සෛනෛා
කියො. මම 2015 දී සරෝහසල්න් සිටියදී මසනෝ චිකිත් යින් විසින්
නියම රන ෙද එක් එන්නතක් ෙබා දීම සරෝහල්න් ෆාමසිය
ප්රතික්සෂ්ප සේ එය ඉතා විශාෙ නි ාය. ( ති සද ට පසුෛ
ඔවුන් එය මට දුන්නා).
පීඒ සරෝහසල්න් ෛංචනි ඉන්ියානු මසනෝචිකිත් යින්සේ ල්න්ලියක්
ගැන මම ලියා ඇත. සමය මසේ සචෝදනා නාථ රයි.


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வவவவவ வவவவவவவவ "வவவவவவவவவ" வவவவவவவவவவவவவவவவவவவவ,
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HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

'வவவவவ வவவவ வவ' வவவவவவவ 'வவவவவவ வவவவ வவ' வவவவவவவவவவ

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வவவவவவவவவவவவவவவவவ (1998 வவவ) வவவவவவவவவவவ வவவவவவ
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வவவவவவவவவவவவவவவவவவவ, வவவ வவவவவவவவவவ வவவவவவவ வவவவவவவ,
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வவவவ "வவவவவவவவ வவவவ" வவவவவ வவவவவவவவவ, வவவவவவ 10
வவவவவவவவவ வவவவவவ வவவவவவ 100 வவ.வவ. வவவ, வவவவ வவவ வவவவவவவ
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வவவவவவவவ, வவவவ வவவவ வவவவவவவவவ வவவவவ வவவவவவவவ.
HUB Forensics
Holistic University of Brisbane (HUB)

வவவ வவவவவவவவவ வவவவவவ வவவவ வவவவ வவவவவவவ வவவவ

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"வவவ வவவவ" வவவவ வவவவவ வவவவவவவவ. வவவவ வவவவவவவவவவவ
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