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Diagnosis memory data field

The diagnosis memory data field for every event consists of following data:


Vehicle / TCU number.... : 075 / 1

[vehicle number to be adjusted by monitor-command „USER IV:InpVeh-no“ / TCU-number = 1]

CPU software version.... : 208.01

[CPU software revision level]

Time of last memory delete. 10.05.99 8:22:20

[Time when diagnosis memory was deleted last]

Event code... 720

[Event code number]

Number of events... 1
[Number of events of this code occurred since last memory deletion]


[Event description]

Time event occurred/disapp. 12.12.00 17:38:26 / 12.12.00 17:38:33

[Time when event occurred and disappeared]

Memory event number... 32

[Diagnosis memory event counter]

Time of event reset... 12.12.00 17:38:33

[Time when event was reset by special action; same time as time when event disappeared, if no special action
for reset is required]

Vehicle status... 0004 H |0000|0000|0000|0100|

[Vehicle status identifier:
Bit 0.7: status when event occured
Bit 0: vehicle status PROPEL
Bit 1: vehicle status RETARD
Bit 2: vehicle status IDLE
Bit 3: inverter test mode
Bit 8...15: last status before status when event occurred
Bit 8: vehicle status PROPEL
Bit 9: vehicle status RETARD

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Bit 10: vehicle status IDLE

Bit 11: inverter test mode]

status time (last/actual) : 0 ms / 1131000 ms

[Time duration for status when event occurred and last status before]

TCU switch OFF/ON time. : 926319795 s / 1131120 ms

[Time duration TCU was running and TCU was off before]
Environment group 1:

"Internal" status info 1: 003C H |0000|0000|0011|1100|

[Internal status information 1:
Bit 0: internal command „FORWARD“
Bit 1: internal command „REVERSE“
Bit 2: rotation direction motors 1 „FORWARD“
Bit 3: rotation direction motor 2 „FORWARD“
Bit 4: vehicle movement direction valid
Bit 15: crowbar IPM command by software ]

"Internal" status info 2: 0180 H |0000|0001|1000|0000|

[Internal status information 2:
Bit 3: command RETARD derived from pedal positions, cruise control and automatic speed
Bit 4: command PROPEL derived from pedal positions, cruise control and automatic speed
Bit 5: Internal command RETARD for motor control
Bit 6: Internal command PROPEL for motor control
Bit 7: status inverter A IDLE
Bit 8: status inverter B IDLE
Bit 9: pulse-enable inverter A for test
Bit 10: pulse-enable inverter B for test
Bit 11: start-up sequence running
Bit 12: power-down sequence running
Bit 13: transition to „drive shutdown“ active
Bit 14: transition to „standby idle“ active
Bit 15: IPM firing sequence active]

Status word TCU-selftest: FFE1 H |1111|1111|1110|0001|

[Status word TCU-selftest:
Bit 0: test stopped because of ADC-conversion fault IO
An error occurring during the plausibility check of the hardware port signals
CH1-CH4 regarding the address (xx340,xx342,xx344,xx346) is displayed by
means of the error signal ERR.
The waiting time for conversion of the analog values is 40 us and is monitored
internally. If the waiting time is exceeded, the error signal ERR is set.
During subsequent conversion within the waiting time, the error signal is reset
again and the values are output.
See program HDWV page 10
Bit 1: test stopped because of ADC-conversion fault UWS A

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Three phases motor A current and DC link voltage A/D conversion wrong.
See program HDWV page 12
Bit 2: test stopped because of ADC-conversion fault UWS B
Three phases motor A current and DC link voltage A/D conversion wrong.
See program HDWV page 12
Bit 3: reserved
Bit 4: fault of hardware comparator 1 IO
DC-LINK voltage monitoring, 3000V to 3200VDC range, CPU send out a ref. Under this
range, then compare hardware A/D reading with comparator reading. The input voltage
should be zero, this can check out if the transducer output is zero when there is no dc voltage.
Bit 5: fault of hardware comparator 2 IO
DC-LINK voltage monitoring, 3300V to 3500VDC range, CPU send out a ref. Under this
range, then compare hardware A/D reading with comparator reading.
Bit 6: fault of hardware comparator 3 IO
DC-LINK voltage monitoring, 2900V to 3100VDC range, CPU send out a ref. Under this
range, then compare hardware A/D reading with comparator reading.
Bit 7: fault of hardware comparator 4 IO
Chopper A current transducer, 1925 to 2075A range, CPU send out a ref. Under this range,
then compare hardware A/D reading with comparator reading. . The input current should be
zero, this can check out if the transducer output is zero when there is no current.

Bit 8: fault of hardware comparator 5 IO

Chopper B current transducer, 1925 to 2075A range, CPU send out a ref. Under this range,
then compare hardware A/D reading with comparator reading. . The input current should be
zero, this can check out if the transducer output is zero when there is no current.
Bit 9: fault of hardware comparator 9 IO
Trolley line current transducer, 1925 to 2075A range, CPU send out a ref. Under this range,
then compare hardware A/D reading with comparator reading. . The input current should be
zero, this can check out if the transducer output is zero when there is no current.
Bit 10: fault of hardware comparator inverter currents GW3 UWSA
Three phase motor A current transducer, 1850 to 2350A range, -2350A to –1850A, CPU send
out ref. Under these range, then compare hardware A/D reading with comparator reading. .
The input current should be zero, this can check out if the transducer output is zero when there
is no current.
Bit 11: fault of hardware comparator inverter currents GW5 UWSA
Three phase motor A current transducer, 2400 to 2500A range, -2500A to –2400A, CPU send
out ref. Under these range, then compare hardware A/D reading with comparator reading. .
The input current should be zero, this can check out if the transducer output is zero when there
is no current.
Bit 12: fault of hardware comparator DC-link voltage GW5 UWSA
DC-LINK voltage monitoring, 3520V to 36800VDC range, -3680V to –3520V, CPU send out a
ref. Under this range, then compare hardware A/D reading with comparator reading.
Bit 13: fault of hardware comparator inverter currents GW3 UWSB
Three phase motor B current transducer, 1850 to 2350A range, -2350A to –1850A, CPU send
out ref. Under these range, then compare hardware A/D reading with comparator reading. .
The input current should be zero, this can check out if the transducer output is zero when there
is no current
Bit 14: fault of hardware comparator inverter currents GW5 UWSB

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Three phase motor B current transducer, 2400 to 2500A range, -2500A to –2400A, CPU send
out ref. Under these range, then compare hardware A/D reading with comparator reading. .
The input current should be zero, this can check out if the transducer output is zero when there
is no current.
Bit 15: fault of hardware comparator DC-link voltage GW5 UWSB]
DC-LINK voltage monitoring, 3520V to 36800VDC range, -3680V to –3520V, CPU send out a
ref. Under this range, then compare hardware A/D reading with comparator reading.

Note: fault code 397, 697, 797 will be come out if one of the above bits is 1. First thing, it should check the

Status word inverter test: 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|

[Status word inverter test:
Bit 0: GTO test stop during start-up sequence
Bit 1: GTO test stop because of power-down sequence running
Bit 2: reserved
Bit 3: test stop because field regulator status is not disabled
Bit 4: reserved
Bit 5: reserved
Bit 6: test stop because DC-link contactor K104 is not open
Bit 7: test stop because DC-link voltage is not lower than 50V
Bit 8: test stop because gate unit power supply status is not ON
Bit 9: test stop because of totallock during inverter test A (start-up sequence)
Bit 10: test stop because of totallock during inverter test B (start-up sequence)
Bit 11: test stop because of totallock during test (after IPM firing)
Bit 12: reserved
Bit 13: reserved
Bit 14: reserved
Bit 15: reserved

Note: fault code 1330 will be come out if one of the above bits is 1. First thing, it should check the reason why
testing is stopped.

Information word initial. DSP A : 0020 H |0000|0000|0010|0000|

[initialization information DSP A]
EI1 ==> Error in base address
EI2 ==> DSP does not respond
EI3 ==> Wrong software identifier
EI4 ==> Error in LCA1 loading
EI5 ==> Error in LCA0 loading
EI6 ==> Error in initialization of DSP
EI7 ==> Error in communications RAM test of DSP

Note: fault code 51 will be come out if one of the above bits is 1.

information word initial. DSP B : 0010 H |0000|0000|0001|0000|

[initialization information DSP B]
EI1 ==> Error in base address

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EI2 ==> DSP does not respond

EI3 ==> Wrong software identifier
EI4 ==> Error in LCA1 loading
EI5 ==> Error in LCA0 loading
EI6 ==> Error in initialization of DSP
EI7 ==> Error in communications RAM test of DSP

Note: fault code 101 will be come out if one of the above bits is 1.

control word 1 DSP A .... : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|

control word 1 DSP B .... : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|
[DSP control word status 1]

Bit 0: 0
Bit 1: Impulse release / BIMPFSP
Bit 2: Impulse release Test / BIMFTSP
Bit 3: Engine teeth number
Bit 4: Peak-current-operator-action
Bit 5: Voltage stability required
Bit 6: SPH-Controller release / BFSPHSP
Bit 7: Desired-direction forward
Bit 8: 0
Bit 9: du/dt acknowledgement
Bit 10: 0/1, DSP number, 0=DSPA, 1=DSPB
Bit 11: 0, Trolley application?
Bit 12: Motor configuration, 1=Small motor, 0=big motor
Bit 13: Chopper duty cycle control by ZR
Bit 14: 0
Bit 15: Vehicle status in Propel

Control word 2 DSP A.... : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|

control word 2 DSP B.... : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|
[DSP control word status 2]
Bit 0: 0/1, Voltage stability, 0=DSPA, 1=DSPB, required by DSP interface
Bit 1: 0
Bit 2: 0
Bit 3: Enable Ud-Compensation
Bit 4: 0
Bit 5: Trigger software traco
Bit 6: Motor Teeth number
Bit 7: 0
Bit 8: 1, speed sensor invertered
Bit 9: 0
Bit 10: 0
Bit 11: 0
Bit 12: Speed sensor OK
Bit 13: 0
Bit 14: 0
Bit 15: 0

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Status PT100 open circuit : 00D6 H |0000|0000|1101|0110|

[Status of open circuit for each of PT100:
Bit 0: Inverter module A101
Bit 1: Inverter module A102
Bit 2: Inverter module A103
Bit 3: Chopper module A104
Bit 4: Inverter module A201
Bit 5: Inverter module A202
Bit 6: Inverter module A203
Bit 7: Chopper module A204
Bit 8: Inv Compartment
Bit 9: Snubber A resistor
Bit 10: Snubber B resistor
Bit 11: Motor A Stator
Bit 12: Motor B Stator
Bit 13: Grid A
Bit 14: Grid B
Bit 15: Alternator

Note: Either fault code 871 or 872 will be come out if one of the above bits is 1.
Status temp. APRS system : 00D6 H |0000|0000|1101|0110|
[Status of automatic power reduction system (APRS) due to component temperatures:

Bit 0: APRS due to inverter module overtemperature active

Bit 1: APRS due to chopper module overtemperature active
Bit 2: reserved
Bit 3: APRS due to traction motor overtemperature active
Bit 4: APRS due to retard grid overtemperature active
Bit 5: APRS due to alternator overtemperature active
Bit 6: APRS due to inverter compartment overtemperature active
Bit 7: reserved]

Please note: These bits cab be used to verify the setting for APRS.

Status temp. SHTS system: FD34 H |1111|1101|0011|0100|

[status of automatic inverter shutdown system (SHTS) due to component over.temp:

Bit 0: SHTS due to inverter module overtemperature active for PROPEL

Bit 1: SHTS due to inverter module overtemperature active for PROPEL and RETARD
Bit 2: SHTS due to chopper module overtemperature active for PROPEL
Bit 3: SHTS due to chopper module overtemperature active for PROPEL and RETARD
Bit 4: SHTS due to snubber resistor overtemperature active for PROPEL
Bit 5: SHTS due to snubber resistor overtemperature active for PROPEL and RETARD
Bit 6: SHTS due to traction motor overtemperature active for PROPEL
Bit 7: SHTS due to traction motor overtemperature active for PROPEL and RETARD
Bit 8: SHTS due to retard grid overtemperature active for PROPEL
Bit 9: SHTS due to retard grid overtemperature active for PROPEL and RETARD
Bit 10: SHTS due to alternator stator overtemperature active for PROPEL

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Bit 11: reserved

Bit 12: SHTS due to inverter module overtemperature active for PROPEL
Bit 13: SHTS due to inverter compartment overtemperature active for PROPEL and RETARD
Bit 14: reserved
Bit 15: reserved]

Please note: These bits cab be used to verify the setting for SHTS.

status temp. superv. INVA : 00FF H |0000|0000|1111|1111|

[status information temperature supervisions for inverter A:

Bit 0: overtemperature level 1 module A101

Bit 1: overtemperature level 1 module A102
Bit 2: overtemperature level 1 module A103
Bit 3: overtemperature level 1 module A104
Bit 4: overtemperature level 2 module A101
Bit 5: overtemperature level 2 module A102
Bit 6: overtemperature level 2 module A103
Bit 7: overtemperature level 2 module A104
Bit 8: undertemperature module A101
Bit 9: undertemperature module A102
Bit 10: undertemperature module A103
Bit 11: undertemperature module A104
Bit 12: reserved
Bit 13: reserved
Bit 14: reserved
Bit 15: reserved]
Status temp. superv. INVB : 00FF H |0000|0000|1111|1111|
[status information temperature supervisions for inverter B:

Bit 0: overtemperature level 1 module A201

Bit 1: overtemperature level 1 module A202
Bit 2: overtemperature level 1 module A203
Bit 3: overtemperature level 1 module A204
Bit 4: overtemperature level 2 module A201
Bit 5: overtemperature level 2 module A202
Bit 6: overtemperature level 2 module A203
Bit 7: overtemperature level 2 module A204
Bit 8: undertemperature module A201
Bit 9: undertemperature module A202
Bit 10: undertemperature module A203
Bit 11: undertemperature module A204
Bit 12: reserved
Bit 13: reserved
Bit 14: reserved
Bit 15: reserved]

Environment group 2:

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contactor commands ...... : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|

[status contactor commands:
Bit 0: command “RAISE pantograph” active
Bit 1: 0, reserved
Bit 2: command “CLOSE K301 main circuit breaker” active
Bit 3: 0, reserved
Bit 4: command “CLOSE K303/K304 Contactor” active
Bit 5: 0, reserved
Bit 6: command “CLOSE K104 DC-link contactor” active
Bit 7: command “OPEN K104 DC-link contactor” active
Bit 8: command “CLOSE K141 auxiliary inverter contactor” active
Bit 9: command “CLOSE K142 auxiliary inverter contactor” active
Bit 10: command “CLOSE K105 preheat contactor” active
Bit 11: command “CLOSE K143 auxiliary inverter contactor” active
Bit 12: 0, reserved
Bit 13: 0, reserved
Bit 14: 0, reserved
Bit 15: 0, reserved]

contactor feedback ...... : 8FFF H |1000|1111|1111|1111|

[status contactor feedback signals:
Bit 0: feedback „pantograph position UP“ active
Bit 1: feedback „pantograph position DOWN“ active
Bit 2: feedback „main circuit breaker K301 CLOSED“ active
Bit 3: feedback „main circuit breaker K301 OPEN“ active
Bit 4: feedback „line contactor K303/K304 CLOSED“ active
Bit 5: feedback „line contactorK303/ K304 OPEN“ active
Bit 6: feedback „DC-link contactor K104 CLOSED“ active
Bit 7: feedback „DC-link contactor K104 OPEN“ active
Bit 8: feedback „auxiliary inverter contactor K141 CLOSED“ active
Bit 9: feedback „auxiliary inverter contactor K142 CLOSED“ active
Bit 10: feedback „preheat contactor K105 CLOSED“ active
Bit 11: feedback „preheat contactor K105 OPEN“ active
Bit 12: feedback „auxiliary inverter contactor K143 CLOSED“ active
Bit 13: 0, reserved
Bit 14: 0, reserved
Bit 15: feedback „control power supply contactor K101 CLOSED“ active]

device commands ......... : 0010 H |0000|0000|0001|0000|

[status device commands:
Bit 0: command „ENABLE auxiliary inverter“ active
Bit 1: command „ENABLE gate unit power supply“ active
Bit 2: command „ENABLE field regulator“ active
Bit 3: command „RELEASE park brake“ active
Bit 4: command „LATCH, ignition ON“ active]
device feedback ......... : 7FFF H |0111|1111|1111|1111|
[status device feedback signals:
Bit 0: feedback „auxiliary inverter status OK“ active
Bit 1: feedback „gate unit power supply status OK“ active

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Bit 2: feedback „field regulator status OK“ active

Bit 3: feedback „park brake RELEASED“ active
Bit 4: feedback „ignition power ON“ active
Bit 5: feedback „request block heater ON“ active
Bit 6: feedback „dump body DOWN“ active
Bit 7: feedback „service brake ON“ active
Bit 8: feedback „load/dump brake ON“ active
Bit 9: feedback „differential oil pressure OK“ active
Bit 10: feedback „trolley position limit LEFT“ active
Bit 11: feedback „trolley position limit RIGHT“ active
Bit 12: feedback „main blower pressure OK“ active
Bit 13: feedback „grid blower pressure OK“ active
Bit 14: feedback „overtemperature battery charger“ active
Bit 15: reserved ]

device feedback ......... : BFFF H |1011|1111|1111|1111|

[status device feedback signals:
Bit 0: feedback „bus-bars inverter A connected“ active
Bit 1: feedback „bus-bars inverter B connected“ active
Bit 2: feedback „shift lever position FORWARD“ active
Bit 3: feedback „shift lever position NEUTRAL“ active
Bit 4: feedback „shift lever position REVERSE“ active
Bit 5: feedback „dumpbody OVERRIDE“ active
Bit 6: feedback „payload status UNLOADED“ active
Bit 7: feedback „trolley command ENGAGE“ active
Bit 8: feedback „drive shutdown request“ active
Bit 9: feedback „grid dry mode ON“ active
Bit 10: feedback „torque boost request ON“ active
Bit 11: feedback „ENABLE propel“ active
Bit 12: feedback „engine speed boost request“ active
Bit 13: feedback „cruise control ON (wired)“ active
Bit 14: feedback „derate engine“ active
Bit 15: feedback „fault reset“ active]

environment group 3:

status ESH 1 ............ : 0707 H |0000|0111|0000|0111|

[internal status information power start-up unit 1]
Bit 0: reserved
Bit 1: reserved
Bit 2: reserved
Bit 3: total lock from power supply(G163)
Bit 4: FPGA block fault (G163)
Bit 5: +5V Power supply undervoltage fault
Bit 6: -15V Power supply undervoltage fault
Bit 7: +15V Power supply undervoltage fault
Bit 8: reserved
Bit 9: reserved

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Bit 10: reserved

Bit 11: hardware fault from power supply (G163)
Bit 12: FPGA block fault (G163)
Bit 13: +24V Power supply undervoltage fault
Bit 14: -24V Power supply undervoltage fault
Bit 15: Power supply input undervoltage fault

status ESH 2 ............ : 0007 H |0000|0000|0000|0111|

[internal status information power start-up unit 2]
Bit 0: reserved
Bit 1: reserved
Bit 2: reserved
Bit 3: total lock from power supply(G163)
Bit 4: FPGA block fault (G163)
Bit 5: Power supply primary side fault
Bit 6: Reset signal
Bit 7: Clock failure (G163)
Bit 8: reserved
Bit 9: reserved
Bit 10: reserved
Bit 11: reserved
Bit 12: reserved
Bit 13: reserved
Bit 14: reserved
Bit 15: reserved

Note: Either fault code from 30 to 37 should be come out if one of the above bits is 1.

status IO xxx0C / xxx08 . : FFFF H |1111|1111|1111|1111|

[internal status information IO-module addresses xxx0C and xxx08]
Bit 0: COO3 card clock failed
Bit 1: CO11 card clock failed
Bit 2: front plug monitor
Bit 3: total lock from UWSA
Bit 4: total lock from UWSB
Bit 5: GND
Bit 6: Watchdog from CPU
Bit 7: Reset signal from CPU
Bit 8: Watchdog from DSPA
Bit 9: Watchdog from DSPB
Bit 11: C019 card clock failed
Bit 12: EN_TOT_K102
Bit 13: RES_KS
Bit 14: RES_GW1
Bit 15: GND

status IO xxx0E / xxx0A . : FFFF H |1111|1111|1111|1111|

[internal status information IO-module addresses xxx0E and xxx0A]

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Bit 0: ABIN1F
Bit 1: ABIN2F
Bit 2: front plug monitor
Bit 5: GND
Bit 6: WDCF
Bit 8: WDAF
Bit 9: WDBF
Bit 10: CBAF
Bit 11: ABIN3F
Bit 12: GND
Bit 13: GND
Bit 14: GW1SP
Bit 15: KSSP

status IO xxx12 / xxx10 . : FFFF H |1111|1111|1111|1111|

[internal status information IO-module addresses xxx12 and xxx10]
Bit 0: GW1, DC LINK comparator
Bit 1: GW2, DC LINK comparator
Bit 2: GW3, DC LINK comparator
Bit 3: GW4, Chopper A current comparator
Bit 4: GW5, Chopper B current comparator
Bit 5: GW6, DC link current comparator
Bit 6: GW7, Trolley Line voltage comparator
Bit 7: GW8, GND
Bit 8: GW9, Trolley line current comparator
Bit 9: GW10, GND
Bit 10: GW11, DC link current comparator
Bit 11: LS
Bit 12: LOCK1
Bit 13: TOT
Bit 14: FE
Bit 15: KS

status IO xxx16 / xxx14 . : FFFF H |1111|1111|1111|1111|

[internal status information IO-module addresses xxx16 and xxx14]
Bit 0: GWF1
Bit 1: GWF2
Bit 2: GWF3
Bit 3: GWF4
Bit 4: GWF5
Bit 5: GWF6
Bit 6: GWF7
Bit 7: GWF8
Bit 8: GWF9
Bit 9: GWF10
Bit 10: GWF11

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Bit 11: FEPCLK

Bit 12: FEQCLK
Bit 13: LSF
Bit 14: KSF
Bit 15: TOT

status IO xxx98 / xxx96 . : FFFF H |1111|1111|1111|1111|

[internal status information IO-module addresses xxx98 and xxx96]
Bit 0: VREG_CPU_1
Bit 1: VREG_CPU_2
Bit 2: K301_CPU_1
Bit 3: K301_CPU_2
Bit 5: GND
Bit 6: GND
Bit 7: GND
Bit 8: C027 card clock failed
Bit 9: C035 card clock failed
Bit 10: GND
Bit 11: GND
Bit 12: ABIN4F
Bit 13: ABIN5F
Bit 14: GND
Bit 15: GND

ADC-failure ............. : 001F H |0000|0000|0001|1111|

[status information ADC-failures:

Bit 0: failure ADC-conversion IO 1

Bit 1: failure ADC-conversion IO 2
Bit 2: failure ADC-conversion IO 3
Bit 3: failure ADC-conversion IO 4
Bit 4: failure ADC-conversion IO 5

Note: This is from HDWI package A/D error bit, which is from hardware on I/0 card. This information similar
to TCU self-test byte bit 0.

environment group 4:

status words UWS |UWSB G079|UWSA G071|

status UWS B/A xxx20 .... : FFDF H |1111|1111|1101|1111|

[internal status information UWS B/A address xxx20]
Bit 1: M
Bit 3: TOTBLOCK_PSU, fault code 603
Bit 5: M

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Bit 9: GND
Bit 11: CROWBAR Fired

status UWS B/A xxx22 .... : BFD6 H |1011|1111|1101|0110|

[internal status information UWS B/A adress xxx22]
Bit 1: M
Bit 5: M
Bit 9: GND
Bit 11: CROWBAR Fired

GTO-commands SAV xxx24 .. : BEBD H |1011|1110|1011|1101|

[internal status information UWS B/A adress xxx24, GTO-commands latched]
Bit 0: AN1SP
Bit 1: AN2SP
Bit 2: AN3SP
Bit 3: AN4SP
Bit 4: AN5SP
Bit 5: AN5SP
Bit 6: AN6SP
Bit 7: AN7SP
Bit 8: AN1SP
Bit 9: AN2SP
Bit 10: AN3SP
Bit 11: AN4SP
Bit 12: AN5SP
Bit 13: AN6SP
Bit 14: AN7SP
Bit 15: AN8SP

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GTO-commands ONL xxx26 .. : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|

[internal status information UWS B/A adress xxx26, GTO-commands]
Bit 0: V1UW, RP INVA
Bit 1: V2UW, RN INVA
Bit 2: V3UW, SP INVA
Bit 3: V4UW, SN INVA
Bit 4: V5UW, TP INVA
Bit 5: V6UW, TN INVA
Bit 7: KSA
Bit 8: V1UW, RP INVB
Bit 9: V2UW, RN INVB
Bit 10: V3UW, SN INVB
Bit 11: V4UW, SN INVB
Bit 12: V5UW, TN INVB
Bit 13: V6UW, TN INVB
Bit 14: V7UW, CHOPPB

GTO-feedback ONL xxx2C .. : FFFF H |1111|1111|1111|1111|

[internal status information UWS B/A adress xxx2C, GTO-feedback]
Bit 7: M
Bit 10: FB_SP_INVB
Bit 11: FB_SN_INVB
Bit 12: FB_TP_INVB
Bit 13: FB_TN_INVB

GTO-feedback SAV xxx2E .. : BF0F H |1011|1111|0000|1111|

[internal status information UWS B/A adress xxx2E, GTO-feedbacks latched]
Bit 7: M

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status limiter B/A xxx30 : F4B0 H |1111|0100|1011|0000|

[internal status information UWS B/A adress xxx30, status limiter GW5]
Bit 0: GW51, Inverter A U101 Current greater than?
Bit 1: GW52, Inverter A U102 Current
Bit 2: GW53, Inverter A U103 Current
Bit 3: GW54, DC link voltage, U105
Bit 4: GW51SP, latched signal
Bit 5: GW52SP
Bit 6: GW53SP
Bit 7: GW54SP
Bit 8: GW51, Inverter B U201 Current
Bit 9: GW51, Inverter B U202 Current
Bit 10: GW51, Inverter B U203 Current
Bit 11: GW51, DC link voltage, U105
Bit 12: GW51SP
Bit 13: GW52SP
Bit 14: GW53SP
Bit 15: GW54SP

Note: fault code 642 to 645, 742 to 745 will come out if either bit is 1.

GTO-switch.-failure xxx32 : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|

[internal status information UWS B/A adress xxx32, GTO-switching-failures]
Bit 0: L1 UP
Bit 1: L1 BOTTOM
Bit 2: L2 UP
Bit 3: L2 BOTTOM
Bit 4: L3 UP
Bit 5: L3 BOTTOM
Bit 6: Chopper
Bit 7: 1
Bit 8: L1 UP
Bit 9: L1 BOTTOM
Bit 10: L2 UP
Bit 11: L2 BOTTOM
Bit 12: L3 UP
Bit 13: L3 BOTTOM
Bit 14: Chopper
Bit 15: 1

Note: fault 620 to 626, 720 to 726 will come out if either bit is 1.

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status UWS B/A xxx34 .... : FCFC H |1111|1100|1111|1100|

[internal status information UWS B/A adress xxx34]
Bit 0: FEPCLK, bus-clock, fault code 646
Bit 1: FEQCLK, PCB clock, fault code 647
Bit 2: TOTSP,
Bit 3: WRSP
Bit 4: KSA
Bit 5: LOCK
Bit 6: SIPSP
Bit 7: TOTL
Bit 9: FEQCLK, fault code 746
Bit 10: TOTSP, fault code 747
Bit 11: WRSP
Bit 12: KSA
Bit 13: LOCK
Bit 14: SIPSP
Bit 15: TOTL

status UWS B/A xxx36 .... : 4909 H |0100|1001|0000|1001|

[internal status information UWS B/A adress xxx36]
Bit 0: FEXT9SP
Bit 1: FEXT9
Bit 3: INT7874
Bit 4: GW4SP
Bit 5: SSESP
Bit 6: SSEGW
Bit 8: FEXT9SP
Bit 9: FEXT9
Bit 10: WAGEST
Bit 11: INT7874
Bit 12: GW4SP
Bit 13: SSESP
Bit 14: SSEGW
Bit 15: SSPESP

status UWS B/A xxx1A .... : B5FC H |1011|0101|1111|1100|

[internal status information UWS B/A adress xxx1A]
Bit 0: SRSP
Bit 1: TSP
Bit 2: HKS
Bit 3: SSE4
Bit 4: SF1
Bit 5: SF2#
Bit 6: GW4
Bit 7: FEXT5

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Bit 8: SRSP
Bit 9: TSP
Bit 10: HKS
Bit 11: SSE4
Bit 12: SF1
Bit 13: SF2#
Bit 14: GW4
Bit 15: FEXT5
status swit.freq.prot. 0 : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|
[internal status information UWS B/A, GTO switching frequency protection class 0]
Bit 0: Counter Z1
Bit 1: Counter Z2
Bit 2: Counter Z3
Bit 3: Counter Z4
Bit 4: Counter Z5
Bit 5: Counter Z6
Bit 6: Counter Z7
Bit 7: Counter Z8
Bit 8: Counter Z1
Bit 9: Counter Z2
Bit 10: Counter Z3
Bit 11: Counter Z4
Bit 12: Counter Z5
Bit 13: Counter Z6
Bit 14: Counter Z7
Bit 15: Counter Z8

status swit.freq.prot. 1 : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|

[internal status information UWS B/A, GTO switching frequency protection class 1]
Bit 0: Counter Z1
Bit 1: Counter Z2
Bit 2: Counter Z3
Bit 3: Counter Z4
Bit 4: Counter Z5
Bit 5: Counter Z6
Bit 6: Counter Z7
Bit 7: Counter Z8
Bit 8: Counter Z1
Bit 9: Counter Z2
Bit 10: Counter Z3
Bit 11: Counter Z4
Bit 12: Counter Z5
Bit 13: Counter Z6
Bit 14: Counter Z7
Bit 15: Counter Z8

status swit.freq.prot. 2 : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|

[internal status information UWS B/A, GTO switching frequency protection class 2]
Bit 0: Counter Z1

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Bit 1: Counter Z2
Bit 2: Counter Z3
Bit 3: Counter Z4
Bit 4: Counter Z5
Bit 5: Counter Z6
Bit 6: Counter Z7
Bit 7: Counter Z8
Bit 8: Counter Z1
Bit 9: Counter Z2
Bit 10: Counter Z3
Bit 11: Counter Z4
Bit 12: Counter Z5
Bit 13: Counter Z6
Bit 14: Counter Z7
Bit 15: Counter Z8

status swit.freq.prot. 3 : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|

[internal status information UWS B/A, GTO switching frequency protection class 3]
Bit 0: Counter Z1
Bit 1: Counter Z2
Bit 2: Counter Z3
Bit 3: Counter Z4
Bit 4: Counter Z5
Bit 5: Counter Z6
Bit 6: Counter Z7
Bit 7: Counter Z8
Bit 8: Counter Z1
Bit 9: Counter Z2
Bit 10: Counter Z3
Bit 11: Counter Z4
Bit 12: Counter Z5
Bit 13: Counter Z6
Bit 14: Counter Z7
Bit 15: Counter Z8

Note: switching fault 662 and 762 will come out if either bit of last 4 word is 1.

status uC UWS B/A ...... : 1010 H |0001|0000|0001|0000|

[internal status information UWS B/A, microcontroller status]
Bit 0: CRC error in the uC-ROM
Bit 1: Incorrect SW version in the uC
Bit 2: uC watchdog test not started
Bit 3: uC watchdog has not responded
Bit 4: uC initialization error
Bit 5: CRC DATA error (after table loading)
Bit 6: Free
Bit 7: Free
Bit 8: CRC error in the uC-ROM
Bit 9: Incorrect SW version in the uC

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Bit 10: uC watchdog test not started

Bit 11: uC watchdog has not responded
Bit 12: uC initialization error
Bit 13: CRC DATA error (after table loading)
Bit 14: Free
Bit 15: Free

Note: This is still related to switching fault, UWS A/B page 5.

status peak-curr. prot. 1 : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|

[internal status information UWS B/A, peak current counter protection status class 1]
Bit 0: SSE Phase 1
Bit 1: SSE Phase 2
Bit 2: SSE Phase 3
Bit 3: SSE Phase 4
Bit 4: Free
Bit 5: Free
Bit 6: Free
Bit 7: Free
Bit 8: SSE Phase 1
Bit 9: SSE Phase 2
Bit 10: SSE Phase 3
Bit 11: SSE Phase 4
Bit 12: Free
Bit 13: Free
Bit 14: Free
Bit 15: Free

status peak-curr. prot. 2 : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|

[internal status information UWS B/A, peak current counter protection status class 2]
Bit 0: SSE Phase 1
Bit 1: SSE Phase 2
Bit 2: SSE Phase 3
Bit 3: SSE Phase 4
Bit 4: Free
Bit 5: Free
Bit 6: Free
Bit 7: Free
Bit 8: SSE Phase 1
Bit 9: SSE Phase 2
Bit 10: SSE Phase 3
Bit 11: SSE Phase 4
Bit 12: Free
Bit 13: Free
Bit 14: Free
Bit 15: Free

status peak-curr. prot. 3 : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|

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[internal status information UWS B/A, peak current counter protection status class 3]
Bit 0: SSE Phase 1
Bit 1: SSE Phase 2
Bit 2: SSE Phase 3
Bit 3: SSE Phase 4
Bit 4: Free
Bit 5: Free
Bit 6: Free
Bit 7: Free
Bit 8: SSE Phase 1
Bit 9: SSE Phase 2
Bit 10: SSE Phase 3
Bit 11: SSE Phase 4
Bit 12: Free
Bit 13: Free
Bit 14: Free
Bit 15: Free

Note: switching fault 669 and 769 will come out if either bit of last 3 word is 1.

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environment group 5:

status 2. fault reg. 4 .. : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|

[internal status information UWS B/A, second fault register address 4]
Bit 0: A38_0
Bit 1: A38_1
Bit 2: A38_2
Bit 3: A38_3
Bit 4: A38_4
Bit 5: A38_5
Bit 6: A38_6
Bit 7: A38_7
Bit 8: A38_0
Bit 9: A38_1
Bit 10: A38_2
Bit 11: A38_3
Bit 12: A38_4
Bit 13: A38_5
Bit 14: A38_6
Bit 15: A38_7
status 2. fault reg. 5 .. : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|
[internal status information UWS B/A, second fault register address 5]
Bit 0: A38_0
Bit 1: A38_1
Bit 2: A38_2
Bit 3: A38_3
Bit 4: A38_4
Bit 5: A38_5
Bit 6: A38_6
Bit 7: A38_7
Bit 8: A38_0
Bit 9: A38_1
Bit 10: A38_2
Bit 11: A38_3
Bit 12: A38_4
Bit 13: A38_5
Bit 14: A38_6
Bit 15: A38_7
status 2. fault reg. 6 .. : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|
[internal status information UWS B/A, second fault register address 6]
Bit 0: A38_0
Bit 1: A38_1
Bit 2: A38_2
Bit 3: A38_3
Bit 4: A38_4
Bit 5: A38_5
Bit 6: A38_6
Bit 7: A38_7
Bit 8: A38_0

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Bit 9: A38_1
Bit 10: A38_2
Bit 11: A38_3
Bit 12: A38_4
Bit 13: A38_5
Bit 14: A38_6
Bit 15: A38_7
environment group 6:

environment DSP A
fault status ............ : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|
[fault status word from DSP A]
Bit 0: Time Overflow in T1, fault code 57
Bit 1: Initialization error, fault code 56
Bit 2: Overcurrent, fault code 70
Bit 3: Parameter fault braking chopper frequency, fault 71
Bit 4: Voltage transducer U13 not OK, fault code 72
Bit 5: Voltage transducer U23 not OK, fault code 73
Bit 6: reserved
Bit 7: sum of three phase current not zero, fault code 76
Bit 8: communication with DSPB error, fault code 74,
Bit 9: reserved
Bit 10: Failure V/F card, L055, fault code 77
Bit 11: reserved
Bit 12: Unbalance current protection, >215A, fault code 85
Bit 13: Time Overflow in T4, fault code 60
Bit 14: Time Overflow in T3, fault code 59
Bit 15: Time Overflow in T2, fault code 58

status word 1 ........... : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|

[status word 1 from DSP A]
Bit 0: Control locked up because of the fault, fault code 82
Bit 1: du/dt too high
Bit 2: Frequency-limitation
Bit 3: Lock by DSPA, shutdown machine without fault
Bit 4: Active Current control in Limitation, fault code 79
Bit 5: Active Current reference in Limitation, fault code 80
Bit 6: Brake-control-limitation, fault code 81
Bit 7: Added-Synchronize is done for flux, see SWPA page 5
Bit 8: reserved
Bit 9: reserved
Bit 10: software traco triggered, code 107
Bit 11: reserved
Bit 12: dn/dt is over the limit, fault code 1788
Bit 13: reserved
Bit 14: dn/dt is over the limit, fault code 1790
Bit 15: reserved

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program counter ......... : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|

[program counter from DSP A]

It counts the address where the program is interrupted when there is Time slice overflow T1.
This can help to analyze the fault code 57

pulse pattern identifier : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|

[pulse pattern identifier DSP A]

environment DSP B
fault status ............ : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|
[fault status word from DSP B]
Same as DSPA

status word 1 ........... : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|

[status word 1 from DSP B]
Same as DSPA

program counter ......... : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|

[program counter from DSP B]
Same as DSPA

pulse pattern identifier : 0000 H |0000|0000|0000|0000|

[pulse pattern identifier DSP B]
Same as DSPA

values DSP DSPB G027 / DSPA G019

duty cycle inverter ..... : 0.0 % / 0.0 %
[duty cycle inverter B/A]

stator frequency reference: 0.0 Hz / 0.0 Hz

[stator frequency reference inverter B/A]

speed signal control loop : 0.0 1/s / 0.0 1/s

[motor speed value for inverter control]

current component flux .. : 0.0 A / 0.0 A

[magnetizing current component inverter B/A]

current component torque : 0.0 A / 0.0 A

[torque-producing current component inverter B/A]

calculated torque ....... : 0.0 % / 0.0 %

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[calculated torque percentage traction motor B/A:

100% = 26975 Nm for traction motor 1TB2830
100% = 22756 Nm for traction motor 1TB2826]

calculated flux ......... : 0.0 % / 0.0 %

[calculated flux percentage traction motor B/A]

duty cycle braking chopper: 0.0 %

[duty cycle braking chopper]

environment group 7:

voltage/current/speed values:
trolley voltage/current : 0.0 V / 0.0 A
[trolley voltage (transducer U301) / trolley current (transducer U108)]

$UN / $IN

engine speed setpoint/act.: 12.5 1/s / 0.0 1/s

[engine speed setpoint / measured engine speed]]


DC-link voltage setp./ch. : 0.0 V / 0.0 V

[DC-link voltage setpoint for alternator control / for chopper control]

$UDS / $UDSCHSA (Chopper setpoint)

DC-link voltage / current : 0.0 V / 0.0 A

[DC-link voltage (transducer U105), DC-link current filtered (transducer U107)]


excitation current setp. : 0.0 A

[excitation current setpoint (field regulator reference)]


ground-voltage : 0.0 V / 0.0 V

[filtered voltage values for ground fault detection: ground voltage (transducer U106), DC-link voltage
(transducer U105)]


chopper currents (B/A) .. : 0.0 A / 0.0 A

[smoothed current values chopper B/A (transducer U204 / U104)]


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blower setpoint frequency : 0.0 Hz

[main blower setpoint frequency (auxiliary inverter reference)]


flux reference (B/A) .... : 0.0 % / 0.0 %

[flux reference percentage for DSP motor control B/A]


torque reference DSP (B/A): 0 Nm / 0 Nm

[torque reference for DSP motor control B/A]

$MS1B / $MS1A

torque reduction SSC (B/A): 0 % / 0 %

[torque reduction factor slip/slide control motor B/A]


truck speed ............. : 0 mph

[truck speed derived from traction motor speed values]


motor currents ph.1 (B/A) : 0 A / 2 A

[motor current phase 1 B (transducer U201) / A (transducer 101)]

motor currents ph.2 (B/A) : 1 A / 0 A
[motor current phase 2 B (transducer U202) / A (transducer 102)]

motor currents ph.3 (B/A) : 0 A / 2 A
[motor current phase 3 B (transducer U203) / A (transducer 103)]


LEM current/percentage....: 3.8 A / 200.0 %

[Grid Blower circuit current (transducer U171) / Grid blower circuit percentage ( within 88-115 % is OK)]


RG1/RG3 resistance........: 5.0 ohm / 5.0 ohm

[Setting of RG1 resistance / Setting of RG3 resistance (setable in User - parameters)]


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RG2/DC motor Resistance...: 6.0 ohm / 3.2 ohm

[Setting of RG2 resistance / Setting of DC motor resistance (setable in User - parameters)]


DC Grid Blower Type.......: 50.0 Hp

[Setting of Grid blower motor type, used in determination of circuit precentage(setable in User – parameters)

$BDCMOT (1 = 100 Hp, 0 = 50 Hp)

environment group 8:

module temperature values inverter B / inverter A

invert. modules A201/A101 : 22 øC / 23 øC

[inverter module temperature phase 1 B/A]

invert. modules A202/A102 : 23 øC / 22 øC

[inverter module temperature phase 2 B/A]

invert. modules A203/A103 : 21 øC / 21 øC

[inverter module temperature phase 3 B/A]

chopper modules A204/A104 : 24 øC / 21 øC

[chopper module temperature B/A]

snubber resistor ........ : 20 øC / 19 øC

[snubber resistor temperature B/A]

inverter compartment .... : 21 øC

[inverter compartment temperature]

motor temperature B/A ... : 25 øC / 26 øC

[traction motor temperature B/A]

retard grid temperat. B/A : 27 øC / 27 øC

[retard grid temperature B/A]

alternator stator/bearing : 26 øC / 60 øC
[alternator statorand bearing temperature]

Trac Motor Bearings...... : 70 øC / 73 øC

[Wheel motor bearing temperatures B / A]

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5 Appendix

Chapter Error! Reference source not found.).

Those functions are supported which are implemented on the following computer modules:
x Central Processing Unit 6FH9263-3C, -3D, -3E, -3F
x Signal Processing Unit 6FH9265-3A, -3B
Note: The 6FH9320 and 6FH9388 Transient Recorder modules can also be operated with the
customer monitor. Special information on how to use them can be found in the documents for
these modules. The system software for the Transient Recorder modules and their
documentation is not included in the scope of supply of the customer monitor.
An overview of the monitor commands available on the processor modules

5.1 Background Commands

For each background program, the configuration engineer must assign menu titles and subtitles
which the customer monitor can add to its menu when the program or the "Applic. Menu" is called.
The documentation for these project-related calls is not a component of this description.
When a "Background" command is called, the operating system hands over control of its
background to this user program. The customer monitor switches automatically to a terminal mode
in which it sends all signs received via keyboard to the target processing unit and where it displays
all signs received from the target processing unit in the Work window. In "Background" mode, a user
can also transfer control characters to the customer monitor.
The following control characters are available to the user of the monitor:
Ctrl C : Cancels the "Background" program
Ctrl S : Stops or re-starts a text output
Ctrl L : Outputs line by line (faster output)
Ctrl A : Each ASCII is output individually
It is also possible to specify a file name when a "Background" program is called. This causes the
outputs in the Work window to be recorded in this file.
A special kind of recording supports the reading-out of large amounts of data - such as the plain-text
records of the diagnostics memory - and their storage in the record file. With regard to the data flow
rate, this special mode is improved by the serial connection. Displays in the Work window of the
customer monitor and elements of the flow control between the service interface of the Central
Processing Unit and the PC are no longer needed. The data are merely stored in the specified file.
This mechanism is activated when the control character ‘#’ is appended to the file name when the
background program is called. This operating mode is only possible with baud rates of 57.6 Kbaud
and requires that the PC has sufficient computing power in order to be able to read out the
characters quickly enough under "Windows".
The following factors are important for the functioning of this operating mode:
x the baud rate at which data are transmitted (max. 57.6 Kbaud)
x the computing power of the PC

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x the installed "Windows" system.

In the event of a fault (e.g. loss of data due to a possible receive overrun), an "Overrun" message is
displayed. The computing power of the PC is not sufficient for the baud rate selected and the user
should try it at a lower baud rate.

5.2 Overview of the Commands of the Customer Monitor

Monitor Commands for the Central Processing Unit

Window Set Applic. Hardware Graphic
Work open Port Func.Package User Flash Load
Lines open Baud rate Connector Clock Position
Bars open String View DSP Time/Div
Tile Make Signal BCD Unit/Div
Cascade Execute Observer RESET Display
Set Record Report Sys. Flash Color
Close DIN-Bus Legitimation BOOT DSP Format
Close All TCN Menu
Exit Timeout

Monitor Commands for the Signal Processing Unit

Window Set Applic. Hardware Graphic
Work open Port Flash Load
Lines open String ZR Position
Bars open Make BOOT ZR Time/Div
Tile Execute Unit/Div
Cascade Record Display
Set Info Color
Close Color
Close All

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