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Prepared by: Adrian Al Erquiza

Distinguish between summative and formative evaluation, criterion-referenced and

norm-referenced evaluation.
 Summative evaluation focuses on the student’s outcome in a program while
formative evaluation summarizes the student’s development at a particular
 Criterion-referenced evaluation is the process of evaluating the learning of
students against a set of pre-specified qualities or criteria, without reference
to the achievement of others while norm-referenced yields an estimate of the
position of the tested individual in a predefined population, with respect to
the trait being measured.
1. What if:
 We remove evaluation as part of the lesson plan?
 Removing evaluation as part of the lesson plan would lead to
educators having no knowledge as to how much their students learned
and improved in class and it is a big thing to know how much they’ve
 We only practice summative evaluation?
 It really helps to know the student’s development at a particular
amount of time given to them and also be able to focus on their
outcome in the program. These two, summative and formative
evaluation, go together. You don’t just get the results of your students
and leave when you think you did a good job, you’d also want to
know how much they’ve developed during a course of time because
as educators, you should care about your student’s improvement and
wellbeing not just how you look on the outside based on their
 We limit ourselves only to written test for evaluation purposes?
 Everyone knows that it is better to put into action what is written or
said, that’s how we learn, through experiences. If learners were to be
limited to only writing, that’s not enough for them to know all the
possibilities out there.
2. What is a more authentic way of testing whether the students have learned
 Compose and deliver an inspirational message for graduates?
 The most authentic way is to have them do their speech in front of
even a small crowd so that they’ll get a glimpse of what its like and
maybe standing before all those people could help them deliver a
more raw message rather than a scripted one.
 Teach a lesson inductively?
 Same as the answer above, the most authentic way of testing whether
your students have learned to teach lessons inductively is to have
them do it themselves but also with the educator’s guidance. But all of
these wouldn’t be possible if educator’s themselves are not able to do
these tasks accordingly
Why is formative assessment also known as assessment for learning, summative
assessment as assessment of learning and self-assessment as assessment as
 Formative assessment is also known as assessment for learning
because it evaluates the knowledge that students learned from a
program. It evaluates their improvement.
 Summative assessment is also known as assessment of learning
because focuses on the outcome of what the students learned. It shows
whether a student got good or bad grades in class.
 Self-assessment is also known as assessment as learning because both
assessment and learning happen at the same time. With self-
assessment, you don’t have any educators involved hence the word

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