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Microstructure recognition of steel using Machine Learning

Abstract we are developing a automated machine learning assisted

Metallography is a field of study focused on metal analysis of system which will detect the microscopic structure of steel and
classify it.
microstructure, defects, etc, and material identification. ASTM To develop a System which processes the microscopic images
of the Steel and
International provides E112 protocol to support material
observation based on average grain size. This method requires classify them into different types as:
counting total of grain cut on a circular area of 645 mm2 or 1  Martensite
inch2 and following directions to identify the material. However,
 Ferrite
this process demands high accuracy and knowledge, it is very
 Ferrite-Pearlite
handwork and subject to human errors. Moreover, previous
knowledge about the material is required to choose the most
 Spheroidized

suitable protocol. In this work we present an approach for

metallographic specimen identification based on imaging
 To develop a machine learning system for classification
classification with classic machine learning algorithms.
of different types of steel metal based upon their
microscopic images.
We have prepared specimens following ASTM for different
 To use a image processing algorithm which provides
microstructure of steel and collected sample images on a
the maximum accuracy and least cases for errorneous
microscope. We are comparing K-Nearest Neighbor, Decision
Tree and Linear Discriminant Analysis algorithms, using flatten
 To detect the defects present in the microscopic
raw pixels, gray histogram and GLCM features as input
structure such as pores, cavities, impurities and display
data. Our experiments will be performed with numerous patch
the purity percentage of the given sample.
samples with different structures reaching higher accuracy of
microstructure identification. Thus, the proposed approach
presents a path toward automated metallographic studies.

Keywords— Metallography;

Material alloys, or even pure materials, present different
structure, since they can have specific grain boundaries, phase
boundaries, inclusion distribution, and so forth. Thus, during
microscope observation, material engineer has to focus on
many details to get a better identification. However, observing
material structure is hard even for the most trained engineer,
since different materials have different characteristics and
specific protocol. Learning the whole set of protocols and
procedures for all materials, is not just almost impossible, but
also useless since, protocols are reviewed frequently. Since
metallography studies relies on imaging observation and
decision making by observers, this work presents an approach Fig. Architectural Design
for metallography of commercially available materials by
image classification with machine learning algorithms. Hence
The inner structure of a material is called microstructure. It
stores the genesis of a material and determines all its We used different problem Solving
physical and chemical properties. While microstructural
characterization is widely spread and well known, the methodologies for our project:
microstructural classification is mostly done manually by
human experts, which gives rise to uncertainties due to 1 –Split large complex goals into small, simpler ones.
subjectivity. Since the microstructure could be a
The ability to split work into tasks is natural to humans,
combination of different phases or constituents with
and a required skill to get most things done. Making the above
complex substructures its automatic classification is very
list doesn’t require any particular study or practice other than
challenging and only a few prior studies exist. Prior works
knowing how to make coffee. In other words, more or less
focused on designed and engineered features by experts and
anyone can do it.
classified microstructures separately from the feature
extraction step. Recently, ,Machine Learning methods have
shown strong performance in vision applications by learning However, the difference between a practical everyday
the features from data together with the classification step. problem like making coffee and a more complex challenge
like software building is that the steps to build software are
Algorithm: rarely heavily rehearsed. To be able to list what tasks are
In this work, we compared K-Nearest Neighbors necessary to build a particular piece of software requires
(KNN),Decision Tree (DT) and Linear having done it many times before. That is not very common in
software building. That’s why experienced software engineers
Discriminant Analysis (LDA) algorithms on don’t jump immediately to writing a task list. Instead, they
metallographic specimen classification.Euclidean split the overall problem into more straightforward ones.
distance is used as metric for K-Nearest
Neighbors,as on Equation 5, Engineers refer to the problems to resolve as the “what,”
and as the tasks to accomplish as the “how.”

Note how these are not descriptions of tasks or actions.

They are descriptions of results that need to be obtained and
their dependencies.

Planning subgoals allows us to abstract results from

actions, and that is a critical difference
where, d is the distance between S and T input
feature vectors. For mode classification evaluation 1. Think parallel:
a 5-fold cross validation was applied, and A. The subgoals presented above could be done one at the
performance parameters such as accuracy, time, sequentially, in the order listed. However, that would
sensitivity, recall and F1-score were calculated. not be optimal. The dependencies give us a clue on how
what needs to be done in a specific order and what doesn’t.
Three sets were used, 3/5 for algorithms training,
Note how the ordering of tasks doesn’t affect the list of
1/5 for KNN k-value tuning, and 1/5 for final subgoals. It depends on it, and it’s guided by it, but it
testing. Since LDA and DT has no parameter to doesn’t change it. Tasks that are not dependent can be re-
be adjusted, they were tested with same samples ordered in whatever way; that allows to maximize
parallelism of execution.
of KNN, but tuning data set was ignored. Score of
each classifier varies in each run, thus algorithms B. Additionally, thinking about the subgoals first can be done
without having to decide how to accomplish any of them.
were run 50 times on each dataset in order to
That further splits the overall problem into smaller ones
obtain an average score. Experimentation code to that can be tackled in isolation.
perform classification was developed with python
3.6 and Scikit-Learn 0.19, which includes all
necessary code to build KNN, LDA and DT Conclusion
algorithms and train and validate them. In this paper, we presented an approach for
metallographic specimen identification by
imaging classification. We made samples of microstructures using statistical learning
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128 dataset. We are planning to experiment on
classification of specimens of same material such
as, 1020, 1030, 1045 steel, and so forth, which
can present itself an even more challenging
problem. However, our experiments presented
very promising results, showing that approach has
very potential to classify the selected material
with right feature format and patch size.


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