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Repaso de Examen 1 Fisica I

Capítulo 1: Introducción, mediciones y estimaciones

1.1 How many significant figures do each of the following numbers have:
a. 214,
b. 81.60,
c. 7.03,
d. 0.03,
e. 0.0086,
f. 3236, and
g. 8700?
1.2 Write the following numbers in powers of 10 notation:
a. 1.156,
b. 21.8,
c. 0.0068,
d. 328.65,
e. 0.219, and
f. 444.
1.6 Time intervals measured with a stopwatch typically have an uncertainty of about 0.2 s, due to
human reaction time at the start and stop moments. What is the percent uncertainty of a hand-timed
measurement of
a. 5.5 s,
b. 55 s,
c. 5.5 min?
1.8 Multiply 3.079×102 m by 0.068×10−1 m, considering significant figures.

1.11 What is the area, and its approximate uncertainty of a circle of radius 3.1×104 cm?
1.12 Write the following as full (decimal) numbers without prefixes on the units:
a. 286.6 mm,
b. 85 μV,
c. 760 mg,
d. 62.1 ps,
e. 22.5 nm,
f. 2.50 gigavolts.
1.14 One hectare is defined as 1.000×104 m2. One acre is 4.356×104 ft2. How many acres are in
one hectare?

1.24 A standard baseball has a circumference of approximately 23 cm. If a baseball had the same
mass per unit volume (see Tables in Section 1–5) as a neutron or a proton, about what would its
mass be?

1.27 Estimate how many hours it would take to run (at 10 km/h) across the U.S. from New York
to California.

1.31 Estimate the number of dentists

a. in San Francisco and
b. in your town or city.
1.36 What are the dimensions of density, which is mass per volume?
1.39 The smallest meaningful measure of length is called the Planck constant, and is defined in
terms of three fundamental constants in nature: the speed of light c=3.00×108 m/s, the gravitational
constant G=6.67×10−11 m3/kg.s2, and Planck’s constant h=6.63×10−34 kg.m2/s. The Planck length
lP is given by the following combination of these three constants:
Show that the dimensions of lP are length [L], and find the order of magnitude of lP. [Recent
theories (Chapters 32 and 33) suggest that the smallest particles (quarks, leptons) are "strings" with
lengths on the order of the Planck length, 10−35 m. These theories also suggest that the "Big Bang,"
with which the universe is believed to have begun, started from an initial size on the order of the
Planck length.]



Respuestas a las Preguntas sugeridas del libro
1.1 (a) A particular person’s foot. Merits: reproducible. Drawbacks: not accessible to the general
public; not invariable (size changes with age, time of day, etc.); not indestructible.
(b) Any person’s foot. Merits: accessible. Drawbacks: not reproducible (different people have
different size feet); not invariable (size changes with age, time of day, etc.); not indestructible.
Neither of these options would make a good standard.
1.2. The distance in miles is given to one significant figure, and the distance in kilometers is given
to five significant figures! The value in kilometers indicates more precision than really exists or
than is meaningful. The last digit represents a distance on the same order of magnitude as a car’s
length! The sign should perhaps read “7.0 mi (11 km),” where each value has the same number of
significant figures, or “7 mi (11 km),” where each value has about the same % uncertainty.
1.3 The number of digits you present in your answer should represent the precision with which
you know a measurement; it says very little about the accuracy of the measurement. For example,
if you measure the length of a table to great precision, but with a measuring instrument that is not
calibrated correctly, you will not measure accurately. Accuracy is a measure of how close a
measurement is to the true value.
1.6 The correct number of significant figures is three: sin 30.0° = 0.500.
Preguntas de “MisConceptual”
1.1 One common misconception, as indicated by answers (b) and (c), is that digital measurements
are inherently very accurate. A digital scale is only as accurate as the last digit that it displays.
1.2 The total number of digits present does not determine the accuracy, as the leading zeros in (c)
and (d) are only placeholders. Rewriting the measurements in scientific notation shows that (d)
has two-digit accuracy, (b) and (c) have three-digit accuracy, and (a) has four-digit accuracy. Note
that since the period is shown, the zeros to the right of the numbers are significant.
1.5 The word “accuracy” is commonly misused by beginning students. If a student repeats a
measurement multiple times and obtains the same answer each time, it is often assumed to be
accurate. In fact, students are frequently given an “ideal” number of times to repeat the experiment
for “accuracy.” However, systematic errors may cause each measurement to be inaccurate. A
poorly working instrument may also limit the accuracy of your measurement.
1.6 This addresses misconceptions about squared units and about which factor should be in the
numerator of the conversion. This error can be avoided when students treat the units as algebraic
symbols that must be cancelled out.
1.8 This addresses the fact that the generic unit symbol, like [L], does not indicate a specific system
of units.
CAPÍTULO 2 Cinemática en una dirrección
2.1 If you are driving 95 km/h along a straight road and you look to the side for 2.0 s, how far do
you travel during this inattentive period?
2.3 A particle at t1= −2.0s is at x1=4.8 cm and at t2=4.5 is at x2=8.5 cm. What is its average velocity
over this time interval? Can you calculate its average speed from these data? Why or why not?
2.7 You are driving home from school steadily at 95 km/h for 180 km. It then begins to rain and
you slow to 65 km/h. You arrive home after driving 4.5 h.
a. How far is your hometown from school?
b. What was your average speed?

2.11 A car traveling 95 km/h is 210 m behind a truck traveling 75 km/h. How long will it take the
car to reach the truck?
2.13 Two locomotives approach each other on parallel tracks. Each has a speed of 155 km/h with
respect to the ground. If they are initially 8.5 km apart, how long will it be before they reach each
other? (See Fig. 2–35.)

2.17 A sports car accelerates from rest to 95 km/h in 4.3 s. What is its average acceleration in m/s2?
2.21 A car moving in a straight line starts at x=0 at t=0. It passes the point x=25.0 m with a speed
of 11.0 m/s at t=3.00 s. It passes the point x=385 m with a speed of 45.0 m/s at t=20.0 s.
a. the average velocity, and
b. the average acceleration, between t=3.00 s and t=20.0 s
2.23 A car accelerates from 14 m/s to 21 m/s in 6.0 s. What was its acceleration? How far did it
travel in this time? Assume constant acceleration.
2.24 A light plane must reach a speed of 35 m/s for takeoff. How long a runaway is needed if the
(constant) acceleration is 3.0 m/s2?
2.28 In coming to a stop, a car leaves skid marks 65 m long on the highway. Assuming a
deceleration of 4.0 m/s2, estimate the speed of the car just before braking.
2.38 An unmarked police car traveling a constant 95 km/h is passed by a speeder traveling 135
km/h. Precisely 1.00 s after the speeder passes, the police officer steps on the accelerator; if the
police car's acceleration is 2.60 m/s2 , how much time passes before the police car overtakes the
speeder (assumed moving at constant speed)?
2.39 A stone is dropped from the top of a cliff. It is seen to hit the ground below after 3.55 s. How
high is the cliff?
2.43 A kangaroo jumps straight up to a vertical height of 1.45 m. How long was it in the air before
returning to Earth?
2.44 The best rebounders in basketball have a vertical leap (that is, the vertical movement of a
fixed point on their body) of about 120 cm.

a. What is their initial “launch” speed off the ground?

b. How long are they in the air?

2.55 Figure 2-42 shows the velocity of a train as a function of time.

a. At what time was its velocity greatest?

b. During what periods, if any, was the velocity constant?
c. During what periods, if any, was the acceleration constant?
d. When was the magnitude of the acceleration greatest?



RESPUESTAS A preguntas sugeridas del capítulo 2

2.2 If the velocity of an object is constant, then the speed and the direction of travel must also be
constant. If that is the case, then the average velocity is the same as the instantaneous velocity,
because nothing about its velocity is changing. The ratio of displacement to elapsed time will not
be changing, no matter the actual displacement or time interval used for the measurement.
2.5 Yes. For example, a car that is traveling northward and slowing down has a northward velocity
and a southward acceleration.
2.9 If the two cars emerge side by side, then the one moving faster is passing the other one. Thus
car A is passing car B. With the acceleration data given for the problem, the ensuing motion would
be that car A would pull away from car B for a time, but eventually car B would catch up to and
pass car A.
2.11 (a) If air resistance is negligible, the acceleration of a freely falling object stays the same as
the object falls toward the ground. That acceleration is 9.80 m/s2. Note that the object’s speed
increases, but since that speed increases at a constant rate, the acceleration is constant.
(b) In the presence of air resistance, the acceleration decreases. Air resistance increases as speed
increases. If the object falls far enough, the acceleration will go to zero and the velocity will
become constant. That velocity is often called the terminal velocity.

2.14 Yes. Any time the velocity is constant, the acceleration is zero. For example, a car traveling
at a constant 90 km/h in a straight line has nonzero velocity and zero acceleration.
2.16 The slope of the position versus time curve is the object’s velocity. The object starts at the
origin with a constant velocity (and therefore zero acceleration), which it maintains for about 20
s. For the next 10 s, the positive curvature of the graph indicates the object has a positive
acceleration; its speed is increasing. From 30 s to 45 s, the graph has a negative curvature; the
object uniformly slows to a stop, changes direction, and then moves backwards with increasing
speed. During this time interval, the acceleration is negative, since the object is slowing down
while traveling in the positive direction and then speeding up while traveling in the negative
direction. For the final 5 s shown, the object continues moving in the negative direction but slows
down, which gives it a positive acceleration. During the 50 s shown, the object travels from the
origin to a point 20 m away, and then back 10 m to end up 10 m from the starting position.
2.17 Initially, the object moves in the positive direction with a constant acceleration, until about t
= 45 s, when it has a velocity of about 37 m/s in the positive direction. The acceleration then
decreases, reaching an instantaneous acceleration of 0 at about t = 50 s, when the object has its
maximum speed of about 38 m/s. The object then begins to slow down but continues to move in
the positive direction. The object stops moving at t = 90 s and stays at rest until about t = 108 s.
Then the object begins to move in the positive direction again, at first with a larger acceleration,
and then with a lesser acceleration. At the end of the recorded motion, the object is still moving to
the right and gaining speed.
RESPUESTAS de preguntas de “MisConceptual”
2.1 (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) All of these actions should be a part of solving physics problems.
2.3 Since the velocity and acceleration are in opposite directions, the object will slow to a stop.
However, since the acceleration remains constant, it will stop only momentarily before moving
toward the left.
2.5 Since the distance between the rocks increases with time, a common misconception is that the
velocities are increasing at different rates. However, both rocks fall under the influence of gravity,
so their velocities increase at the same rate.
2.7 A common misconception is that the acceleration of an object in free fall depends upon the
motion of the object. If there is no air resistance, the accelerations for the two balls have the same
magnitude and direction throughout both of their flights.
2.8 Each of the given equations is based on Eqs. 2–11a–d. Answer (a) has the acceleration replaced
properly with –g, but the initial velocity is downward and as such should be negative. Answer (d)
is incorrect because the initial velocity has been inserted for the average velocity. Answers (b) and
(c) have the correct signs for each variable and the known values are inserted properly.
2.9 Increasing speed means that the slope must be getting steeper over time. In graphs (b) and (e),
the slope remains constant, so these are cars moving at constant speed. In graph (c), as time
increases x decreases. However, the rate at which it decreases is also decreasing. This is a car
slowing down. In graph (d), the car is moving away from the origin, but again it is slowing down.
The only graph in which the slope is increasing with time is graph (a).
CAPÍTULO 3 Cinemática en dos dimensiones; vectores
3.1 A car is driven 225 km west and then 98 km southwest (45∘). What is the displacement of the
car from the point of origin (magnitude and direction)? Draw a diagram.
3.3 If Vx=9.80 units and Vy=−6.40 units, determine the magnitude and direction of 𝑉
3.8 An airplane is traveling 835 km/h in a direction 41.5 west of north (Fig. 3-34).

a. Find the components of the velocity vector in the northerly and westerly directions.
b. How far north and how far west has the plane traveled after 1.75 h?

3.9 Three vectors are shown in Fig. 3-35. Their magnitudes are given in arbitrary units. Determine
the sum of the three vectors. Give the resultant in terms of
a. components,
b. magnitude and angle with the +x axis.

3.12 For the vectors shown in Fig. 3-35 (VER EJERCICIO 9 ES = FIGURA), determine
⃗ − 3𝐴
a. 𝐵
⃗ + 2𝐶
b. 2𝐴 − 3𝐵
3.13 For the vectors given in Fig. 3-35 (VER EJERCICIO 9 ES = FIGURA), determine
⃗ +𝐶
a. 𝐴 − 𝐵
⃗ − 𝐶 , and
b.𝐴 + 𝐵

c. 𝐶 − 𝐴 − 𝐵

3.17 A tiger leaps horizontally from a 7.5-m-high rock with a speed of 3.0 m/s. How far from the
base of the rock will she land?

3.20 A ball is thrown horizontally from the roof of a building 7.5 m tall and lands 9.5 m from the
base. What was the ball's initial speed?
3.23 A fire hose held near the ground shoots water at a speed of 6.5 m/s. At what angle(s) should
the nozzle point in order that the water land 2.5 m away (Fig. 3-36)? Why are there two different
angles? Sketch the two trajectories.
3.26 Extreme-sports enthusiasts have been known to jump off the top of El Capitan, a sheer
granite cliff of height 910 m in Yosemite National Park. Assume a jumper runs horizontally off
the top of El Capitan with speed 4.0 m/s and enjoys a free fall until she is 150 m above the valley
floor, at which time she opens her parachute (Fig. 3-37).

a. How long is the jumper in free fall? Ignore air resistance.

b. It is important to be as far away from the cliff as possible before opening the parachute.
How far from the cliff is this jumper when she opens her chute?

3.38 A person going for a morning jog on the deck of a cruise ship is running toward the bow
(front) of the ship at 2.0 m/s while the ship is moving ahead at 8.5 m/s. What is the velocity of the
jogger relative to the water? Later, the jogger is moving toward the stern (rear) of the ship. What
is the jogger's velocity relative to the water now?
3.39 Huck Finn walks at a speed of 0.70 m/s across his raft (that is, he walks perpendicular to the
raft's motion relative to the shore). The heavy raft is traveling down the Mississippi River at a
speed of 1.50 m/s relative to the river bank (Fig. 3-42). What is Huck's velocity (speed and
direction) relative to the river bank?

3.44 An airplane is heading due south at a speed of 688 km/h. If a wind begins blowing from the
southwest at a speed of 90.0 km/h (average), calculate

a. the velocity (magnitude and direction) of the plane, relative to the ground, and
b. how far from its intended position it will be after 11.0 min if the pilot takes no corrective
action. [Hint: First draw a diagram.]

3.51 Two cars approach a street corner at right angles to each other (Fig. 3-47). Car 1 travels at a
speed relative to Earth v1E=35 km/h, and car 2 at v2E=55 km/h. What is the relative velocity of car
1 as seen by car 2? What is the velocity of car 2 relative to car 1?






RESPUESTAS de preguntas “MisConceptual”








CAPÍTULO 4 Dinámica
RESPUESTAS a las preguntas sugeridas
RESPUESTAS a preguntas de “MisConceptual”

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