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Roll No. …………………….. DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A.LL.B/I Sem./2016-17/ET/ Eng.

Time - 03 Hours Max-Marks :- 70
November - 2016
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section - A and Section - B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 4 (four) questions from Section-A and 2 (two) questions from Section-B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (04X15)
1. How is International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) relevant in the usage of Dictionary?
Illustrate with a few examples from existing sound system in English language.
2. Justice is a dire indictment of the English Penal Code and the prison system. Discuss
with relevant references from ACT II and ACT III of Galsworthy’s Justice.
3. Which of the models developed with the passage of time, best illustrates the process
of communication? Supplement your answer with a note on Barriers to
4. Discuss any seven figures of speech with examples.
5. Discuss any three methods of expanding or developing an idea/topic into a
paragraph or a composition.
6. Discuss the issues of discrimination and professional ethics with special reference to
the movies Philadelphia or The Great Debators.
(SECTION – B) (02X05)
Write short notes on any two of the following:-
7. Thematic concerns in Gertrude Jenning’s Five Birds in a Cage.
8. Syllable
9. Characteristics and Conventions of Conversation
10. Decoder

Enrollment No. …………………… DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A.LL.B./Ist Sem./2016-17/ET/Pol. Sci.-I
Time - 03 Hours Max-Marks :- 70
November - 2016
Political Science-I
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section - A and Section - B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 4 (four) questions from Section-A and 2 (two) questions from Section-B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (04X15)
1. Discuss politics as ‘Compromise and Consensus’ and ‘Power and struggle for scarce
2. Describe the philosophical, empirical and the scientific traditions to the study of Politics.
3. Discuss the social contracts theory of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau.
4. “India is facing a crisis of governibility”. Comment.
5. Describe the main features of Liberalism. Also discuss the different types of Liberalism.
6. What are the main functions of Legislature? Give arguments for and against

(SECTION – B) (02X05)
7. Rule of Law
8. Post-Modernism
9. Judicial Review
10. Referendum and Recall.

Enrollment No. ………………… DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A. LL.B./Ist Sem./2016-17/RT/SBCL(R)
Time - 03 Hours Max-Marks :- 70
November - 2016
Study of Basics of Case Law
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section-A and Section-B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 4 (four) questions from Section-A and 2 (two) questions from Section-B.
Question No. 1 is compulsory.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (04X15)
1. What are the main contents of a Case Law? Point out any ten contents of the annexed
2. Compare the jurisdiction of the High Court under Article 226 with the jurisdiction of the
Supreme Court of India under Article 32.
3. Discuss circumstances in detail which increase or decrease the binding value of a
4. Write a detailed note on “Law Reporting” in India.
5. What do you understand by “Scholar’s Brief”? Explain in detail?
6. What are the legal requirements of a Judgment? How an ideal judgment should be
written? Express your views. Give legal provisions and judicial decisions.

(SECTION – B) (02X05)
7. Importance of “Minority Opinion” in a Judgment
8. Binding value “Judicial Dicta”
9. “Locus Standi”
10. “Concurring Opinion”

Enrollment No. ……………………. DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A. LL.B./Ist Sem./2016-17/ET/WLS.
Time - 03 Hours Max-Marks :- 70
November - 2016
World Legal System
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section - A and Section - B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 4 (four) questions from Section-A and 2 (two) questions from Section-B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.
(SECTION – A) (04X15)
1. Discuss the judicial structure of United States of America at federal level. Briefly narrate
the steps which are involved in a civil and criminal trial in the legal system.
2. “South Africa has a ‘hybrid’ legal system formed by distinct legal traditions.” Keeping
the statement in mind provide a detailed analysis of the South African Legal System.
3. Give a brief overview of the German Legal System. How is legislation done in this legal
4. How is Civil legal system different from Common Legal System? According to you
which system has an advantage over the other, Justify, giving reasons.
5. What are the sources of law for the Saudi Arabian Legal System? Discuss the post-2007
judicial reforms which have been introduced in the legal system.
6. Elaborate upon the legal system of United Kingdom and provide a critical review of the
(SECTION – B) (02X05)
7. Personal Laws of Sri Lanka.
8. Felonies ,Infractions, Misdemeanors.
9. Cour ‘d Assise.
10. Crown Prosecution Service of UK.

Enrollment No. …………………. DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A.LL.B./Ist Sem./2016-17/ET/Socio.-I
Time - 03 Hours Max-Marks :- 70
November - 2016
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section - A and Section - B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 4 (four) questions from Section-A and 2 (two) questions from Section-B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (04X15)

1. Culture tends to be both static and dynamic in nature. Explain what is meant by this
statement. Identify the important components of culture that comprise the fabric of all
human societies.
2. Ethnocentrism encourages admiration of certain behaviour when it occurs within the ‘in-
group’ but defines the same behaviour as bad when it is practiced by the ‘out-group’.
Explain how this occurs and give an example.
3. The sociologist should be objective when doing sociological research. Define objectivity
when it is used with reference to scientific research in sociology.
4. What do you understand by social stratification? Explain how one’s life chances are
affected by prevailing educational attitudes and existing educational facilities within
one’s social location.
5. Almost everyone during a lifetime belongs to a family of orientation and a family of
procreation. What does each type of family consists of? What is a nuclear and an
extended family?
6. Role conflict can occur in many social situations. Give two examples of role conflict and
explain how this occurs?
(SECTION – B) (02X05)
7. Define matriarchy, patriarchy and pediarchy
8. Explain ‘id, ego and superego’.
9. Explain the concept of cultural lag
10. Define two areas of study that Comte expected sociology to pursue.
Enrollment No…………………………. DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A.LL.B./Ist Sem./2016-17/ET/SBLCL
Time - 03 Hours Max-Marks :- 70
November - 2016
Study of Basics of Legislation and Case Law
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section - A and Section - B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 4 (four) questions from Section - A and 2 (two) questions from Section - B.
Question no. 1 is mandatory.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (04X15)
1. Find out five salient contents from the case given- Devika Biswas v. Union of India and
point out their importance and legal validity.
2. Point out five leading contents of a legislation and mention their legal importance with
case law, if any.
3. How far the doctrine of stare decisis and its binding nature have been recognized in the
Constitution of India? Do you agree with the point that this doctrine is not an inflexible
rule of law? Elucidate its legal position with the help of legal provisions and judicial
4. Discuss the role of following(any three):
a) Departmentally related Standing Committee
b) Committee on Private Members Bill
c) Select Committee
d) Committee on Petition
5. What do you understand by constituent and legislative powers with respect to law making
procedure by Parliament? Discuss differences in the law making procedure among an
Ordinary Bill, Money and Finance Bill, Appropriation Bill and the Constitution
Amendment Bill.
6. What are the essentials of a judgment? Discuss the tools and techniques for an effective
judgment writing.
(SECTION – B) (02X05)
7. Importance of minority or dissenting opinion in a judgment
8. Marginal Note
9. Obiter Dicta
10. What is a sub silentio precedent?

Enrollment No. ………………… DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A. LL.B./IstSem./2016-17/ET/Found. L. (R)
Time - 03 Hours Max-Marks :- 70
November - 2016
Foundation of Law
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section-A and Section-B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 4 (four) questions from Section-A and 2 (two) questions from Section-B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (04X15)
1. Write a detailed note on the concept of Rule of law.
2. Whether judicial guidelines given by the Supreme Court of India in several cases amounts
to breach of separation of powers principle? Write a critique of the Separation of Powers
Principle in this regard.
3. Critically examine the merits and demerits of Common Law and Continental Law
4. Examine the merits of the definition of law propounded by the different schools of law.
5. Write a detailed note on the different sources of law.
6. Explain the Golden and Mischief Rule of statutory interpretation with the help of suitable

(SECTION – B) (02X05)
7. Alternative dispute resolution mechanism.
8. Different forums of adjudicatory dispute resolution.
9. The inquisitorial system of law.
10. Distinguish Public law from Private law.

Enrollment No. ………………………. DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A. LL.B./Ist Sem./2016-17/ET/Hist.-I
Time - 03 Hours Max-Marks :- 70
November - 2016
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section-A and Section-B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 4 (four) questions from Section-A and 2 (two) questions from Section-B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (04X15)
1. Account for the rise of the heterodox sects in the sixth century B.C. What were the
similarities that ran through the two most prominent amongst these? Why could they
not sustain their initial appeal and declined?
2. What was the nature of the Mauryan City/Municipal administration and the judicial
set-up? Why did the dynasty peter out soon after the death of Asoka?
3. What legal rights did the women enjoy in terms of inheritance in the Ancient period?
What was the status of the widows? Comment on the institution of prostitution in that
4. Write a note on the judicial organization during the Sultanate period. What was the
nature of punishments inflicted in the medieval period?
5. What were the ideas and institutions that governed the Mughal Administration? What
was the nature of the administration with special emphasis on the administration of
6. What are the etymological origins of the word Sufi? What were their main teachings?
How did the Bhakti saints influence the Sufis?
(SECTION – B) (02X05)
Write short notes on any two of the following:-
7. Popular Assemblies in the Vedic Period.
8. Asoka’s Dhamma as a regulator of social conduct.
9. Impact of the Arab invasion of Sindh.
10. Rationale for the orientation of Balban’s policy of administration.
Enrollment No. ………………………. DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A. LL.B./Ist Sem./2016-17/ET/Psy-I
Time - 03 Hours Max-Marks :- 70
Psychology I
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section-A and Section-B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 4 (four) questions from Section-A and 2 (two) questions from Section-B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.
(SECTION – A) (04X15)
1. “Psychology is both an art and a science.” Elucidate.
2. Examine how perceptual expectancies and past experiences shape an individual’s
appraisal of the world. How do perceptual processes sometimes lead to false
interpretations of sensory information? Give examples.
3. Memory distortion and failure can occur at several levels of cognition. Examine these
underlying processes and their implications for eyewitness testimony.

4. What do you understand by learning? Explain how human behavior is acquired through
associations giving relevant examples.

5. “Humans are not instinctually aggressive. Aggression is learnt through socialization.”

Critically evaluate in light of the nature-nurture debate.
6. “Attempts to alter the attitudes of people are often unsuccessful when the persuader
fails to take into account the multitude of factors that interact with each other to
determine the effectiveness of a persuasive message.” Elaborate.

(SECTION – B) (02X05)
Differentiate between any two of the following:
7. Bottom-up perception and top-down perception

8. Escape learning and avoidance learning

9. Maintenance rehearsal and elaborative rehearsal.

10. Anger and aggression

nrollment No. ………………….... DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A. LL.B./I stSem./2016-17/ET/Tort
ime - 03 Hours Max-Marks :- 70
Law of Torts
Note: I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section-A and Section-B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 4 (four) questions from Section-A and 2 (two) questions from Section-B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

(SECTION – A) (04X15)
1. “Tort is a civil wrong which is redressible through unliquidated damages.”
2. Explain the doctrine of Injuria sine damnum and Damnum sine injuria with the help
of illustrative case law.
3. What do you understand by ‘Negligence’ under the law of tort? Also explain the
contributory negligence.
4. Explain the ‘False Imprisonment’. Point out the defences pleaded by the defendant.
5. Explain the ‘Malicious Prosecution’ with the help of Judicial pronouncements.
6. Write an essay on Defamation and its defences under the law of tort.
(SECTION – B) (02X05)
Write short notes:
7. Innuendo
8. Nature of tort
9. Necessity as a defence
10. Act of God as a defence
Enrollment No. ……………… DR. RMLNLU, LKO B.A. LL.B./Ist Sem./2016-17/ET/.Eco.-I
Time - 03 Hours Max-Marks :- 70
November - 2016
Note: - I. The question paper is divided in 2 parts i.e. Section-A and Section-B.
II. The Examinee is required to attempt 4 (four) questions from Section-A and 2 (two) questions from Section-B.
III. Figures in the margin indicate the marks.
(SECTION – A) (04X15)
1. ‘One factor is variable and others are constant’. This is one of the assumptions of a law
of production. Name and explain the law with definition, assumptions and suitable
2. Explain the equilibrium of a firm under perfect competition when a firm incurs losses
in the short run. What are the conditions under which firm decides whether to shut
down or continue to operate? Explain with diagrams.
3. What is Economics? Explain clearly through various definitions of economics given by
various economists.
4. What are Indifference Curves? Explain the breakup of price effect into income and
substitution effect with the help of relevant diagrams.
5. What do you mean by ‘demand’ in economics? Explain the various exceptions to the
law of demand.
6. Explain the equilibrium of a firm under monopolistic competition in the long run. How
is it different from equilibrium of a perfectly competitive firm in the long run?

(SECTION – B) (02X05)
7. Oligopoly models
8. Cost curves and their relationship with each other
9. Giffen goods
10. Elasticity of demand


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