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Listening Comprehension



Group 6:


Mhd Khinan Akbar

Deri Rahma Riska

Universitas Muhammadiyah Riau

Fakultas Ilmu Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

T.A. 2018-2019



All praise and gratitude, we pray to the presence of Allah SWT. for
all the pleasures of health and opportunity and his blessings and
guidance which are always poured out upon us that is infinite. Our
prayers and greetings are offered to the lord of our great Prophet
Muhammad and his family, his best friend, along with his followers
until the end of the age, am robal alamin.


2.1 The Meaning Of Transportation

Transportation is a means of transferring people or goods from

one place to another using a vehicle driven by humans or
machines. Transportation is used to make it easier for humans to
carry out daily activities.

Basic Transportation Elements

There are five main elements of transportation, namely:

a) Humans, who need transportation

b) Goods, which are needed by humans
c) Vehicles, as a means of transportation
d) Roads, as transportation infrastructure
e) Organizations, as transportation managers

Basically, the five elements above are interrelated for the implementation of
transportation, namely guaranteeing passengers or goods transported to reach
their destination in good condition, such as when they were first
transported. In this case, it is necessary to know the characteristics of
passengers and goods, the condition of facilities and construction of
infrastructure, and the implementation of transportation.

2.1 Types of transportation

According to transportation experts, the types of transportation are divided
into three, namely,

• Land transportation: motorized vehicles, trains, carts drawn by animals

(horses, cows, buffaloes), or humans. The land transportation mode is chosen
based on factors such as vehicle type and specification, travel distance,
travel destination, mode availability, city size and settlement density,
socio-economic factors.
• Water transportation (rivers, lakes, seas): ships, barges, boats, rafts.
• Air transportation: airplanes.
• Air transportation can reach places that cannot be reached by land or sea
mode, besides being able to move faster and have a straight track, and are
practically free of obstacles.

2.3 Functions and Benefits of Transportation

According to expert, transportation has functions and benefits that are
classified into several important parts. Transportation has a function that
is divided into two, namely to smooth the flow of goods and people and to
support the development sector (the promoting sector). While the benefits of
transportation are three classifications, namely:

1. Economic benefits
Economic activities aim to meet human needs by creating benefits.
Transportation is one type of activity that involves increasing human needs
by changing the geographical location of goods and people so that there will
be transactions.

2. Social benefits
Transportation provides various facilities, including:
a) services for individuals or groups,
b) exchange or delivery of information,
c) A trip to relax,
d) Shorten the distance and
e) Disseminate the population

3. Benefits of Politics
Transportation creates unity, broader service, state security, overcoming
disasters, etc.

4. Regional Benefits
Meet the needs of residents in cities, villages, or inland.


3.1 The Types of Types of Land Transportation are:
1. Road Transportation
Transport is the transfer of people and / or goods from one place to another
using a vehicle. Based on the Decree of the Minister of Transportation No. 35
of 2003 concerning the Implementation of People Transportation on Roads, then
Road Transportation is classified as follows:

a) Bus
A bus is any motorized vehicle equipped with more than 8 (eight) seats not
including four driver seats, both with and without luggage transport

b) Taxi
Taxi is public transportation that uses cars to transport passengers. Taxis
generally use sedan type cars, but in some countries there are also van taxis
that can carry more passengers or cargo.

c) Mikrolet
Mikrolet is a term that refers to a public vehicle with a predetermined
route. Unlike buses that have stops as designated stops, mikrolets can stop
to raise or lower passengers anywhere.

d) Bemo
Bemo is a three-wheeled motorized vehicle that began to be used in Jakarta in
the early 1960s. At first the bemo was expected to replace the role of the
becak which was considered inhuman because it used human power as its driver.
Because it is a transport vehicle that is originally in its home country
Japan is used to transport goods.

e) Pedicab
Rickshaw (from Hokkien: be chia "horse-drawn carriage") is a three-wheeled
transportation mode commonly found in Indonesia and also in parts of Asia.
Becak is an environmentally friendly transportation tool because it does not
cause air pollution and does not cause noise. Even so, the presence of becak
in urban areas can disrupt traffic because of its slow pace compared to cars
or motorbikes.

f) Delman
Delman is a traditional two-wheeled, three- or four-wheeled transportation
vehicle that does not use engines but uses horses instead. The name of this
vehicle comes from the name of the inventor, namely Charles Theodore
Deeleman, a lithographer and engineer in the days of the Dutch East Indies.

g) Trains
Trains are wheeled vehicles that are part of a series of trains and are used
to transport passengers. Trains are generally equipped with electrical
systems, audio-visual entertainment systems, and toilets. In certain regions
or countries trains are equipped with beds for night trips. At first the
train was only given a seat and was not given a roof (for economy class) or
given a roof (for special classes). trains are generally closed and not
equipped with separate cabins / rooms as trains are common today in
3.2 Negative Impacts Caused By Land Transportation
The development of land transportation causes negative impacts as well as
positive impacts for humans and for the environment. The negative impacts
caused by the development of land transportation are as follows:

1). Air pollution

Along with the development of the land transportation system, one of the
impacts caused is increasing air pollution. In general, the definition of air
pollution is the difference in the composition of actual air with normal air
conditions where the composition of the actual air does not support human
life. Material or air pollution substances themselves can be in the form of
gases and particles. There are many sources of air pollution, one of which is
the biggest from the transportation sector such as:

a. Quality of Oil Fuel

Availability of unleaded gasoline and diesel oil with low sulfur content is a
key factor in reducing vehicle emissions, because this type of fuel is a
prerequisite for the use of advanced vehicle technology that can
significantly reduce vehicle emissions. The specifications of available fuel
in Indonesia follow the current fuel specifications in accordance with the
Decree (SK) of the Director General (Oil and Gas) Director General No. 108. K
/ 72 / DDJM / 1997 which allows lead content up to 0.30 grams / liter and
steam pressure (Reid Vapor Pressure) 62 kPa at 37.8 C for gasoline fuel.
Decree of the Director General of Oil and Gas No. 113.K / 72 / DJM / 1999
also allows sulfur content of up to 5000 ppm and a minimum setana number of
48 in diesel fuel. With the quality of fuel in accordance with these
specifications it is difficult to require motor vehicle manufacturers to
install emission reduction equipment (catalysts) on vehicles. Although
unleaded gasoline has been available in several regions in Indonesia, the
unavailability of unleaded gasoline in almost all parts of Indonesia has not
been able to support the application of this technology.

b. Motorized Vehicle Emissions

Motorized vehicles are one of the important sources of air pollution in urban
areas. The condition of motor vehicle emissions is strongly influenced by the
fuel content and combustion conditions in the engine. In perfect combustion,
the most significant emissions produced by motorized vehicles based on mass
are carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor, but this condition is rare. Almost
all fuels contain pollutants with the possible exception of cell fuel
(hydrogen) and light hydrocarbons such as methane (CH4). Pollutants produced
by motorized vehicles that use fuel include CO, HC, SO2, NO2, and

3.3 Air Transportation Facilities:

Airplanes or airplanes or airplanes or enough planes are vehicles that can
fly in the atmosphere or air.

3.4 Air Transportation Infrastructure:

Airport or airport is a facility where airplanes can take off and land. The
simplest airport has at least a runway but large airports are usually
equipped with various other facilities, both for flight service operators and
for users.

3.5 Types of aircraft

Types of aircraft
Various types of aircraft used in transportation are used for sports
activities, mapping surveys, passenger and goods commercial transportation
and for military purposes which can then be grouped into two groups, which
are lighter than air and heavier than air.

Common types of aircraft

There are several types of aircraft commonly used including:

Airplanes are aircraft that are heavier than air, fixed wing or also known as
fixed wings, and can fly with their own power. Wright brothers (Wright
brothers). Orville (August 19, 1871 - January 30, 1948) and Wilbur (April 16,
1867 - May 30, 1912) were two Americans who were recorded as inventors of
aircraft because they managed to build airplanes that were first successfully
flown and controlled by humans on December 17 1903. Two years after their
discovery, second

the brothers developed their 'flying machines' into an airplane that used
wings that we now know. Although they were not the first people to make an
experimental or experimental plane, the Wright brothers were the first to
find control of the aircraft so that aircraft with rigidly mounted wings
could be controlled.

Airplanes are a very popular mode of traveling between medium and long
distances. Certain commercial aircraft can even fly up to about 18 hours. The
most popular commercial aircraft currently in use are from Boing 737 made in
the United States from various series, including series 200, 300, 400, 500,
800 and 900, followed by Airbus aircraft made by several European countries
from series 319, 320 and 330.

Helicopters are airplanes that are heavier than air, swivel wings or also
called Rotary wings whose rotors are engine driven. The word helicopter [2]
comes from the Greek helix (spiral) and pteron (wing). As the name implies,
Helicopters are rotating wing planes that can move up and down vertically and
maneuver in the air utilizing power produced by one or more large horizontal
propellers. A new era of helicopter development took place in September 1939,
the first American helicopter designed by Igor Skorsky of Russian descent
born in America through the Vought-Sikorsky Company. This helicopter, called
Sikorsky's VS-300, is the first successful helicopter to use a Tail Rotor
which serves to neutralize the rotational power produced by the main
Rotating rotor or wing on the helicopter functions to lift the plane up and
to advance the plane then given a rotating wing slope which results in the
aircraft being able to walk forward or backward. Because the rotating wing
rotates in one direction, it must be equipped with the rotor placed in the
Air balloon
Hot air balloons are being developed with burners before launch
Hot air balloons were the first flight technology by humans, invented by the
Montgolfier brothers in Annonay, France in 1783. The first flight with humans
was held on November 21, 1783, in Paris by Pilâtre de Rozier and Marquis
d'Arlandes. Hot air balloons can be controlled and not only carried by the
wind known as airship or thermal airship.

3.6 Advantages and Weaknesses of Water Transportation

Water transportation with its terrestrial transport field characteristics
also has its own advantages and disadvantages. The following are the
advantages of using water transportation.

1. Transportation costs are relatively cheap;

2. Allows using any route to reach the destination;
3. The resulting pollution is low;
4. Suitable for the number of loads of people;
5. Suitable for long distance trips.

Water transportation then has weaknesses which include:

• Not suitable for items that are not durable because of the generally long
travel time;
• The cost of making and maintaining expensive sea transportation canals;
• Not suitable for short distances.

3.7 Types of Water Transportation

a) Boat
b) Barges
c) Cargo ship
d) Cruise ships

chapter IV


4.1 Conclusions
Transportation is the heart of National Development to smooth the flow of
human goods and information to support the achievement of optimal allocation
of economic resources for which transportation services must be sufficiently
available and affordable for people's purchasing power. Land transportation
facilities develop following phenomena that arise. The selection of the wrong
transportation system can lead to problems for society and the environment.

Problems that can be caused by the rapid development of land transportation

include air pollution, noise pollution, congestion, and the increasing number
of traffic accidents. As for overcoming various problems caused by the land
transportation sector, it is necessary to consider several things, including
the effects on the environment and humans. As for the effects on the
environment and humans need to be controlled by looking at all aspects in the
transportation system, starting from the transportation system planning,
including transportation models, facilities, traffic flow patterns, vehicle
engine types, and fuel used. In addition, support from the cross sectional is
also needed. Because actually the government as the regulator has implemented
several regulations to overcome or minimize the negative impacts caused by
the land transportation system.

3.2 Suggestions
Transportation should be available to provide convenience in human life. But
in its development this transportation can also have a negative impact on the
environment and humans themselves. Therefore, we as humans should be wise in
using transportation, so that the problems or negative impacts of land
transportation can be minimized as little as possible.

It is fitting that we are aware of the importance of transportation in this

life. But we also need to be aware of the various negative effects it causes.

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