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Technological Literacy skill &

Scientific Literacy Skill

Introduction : Technological literacy is the ability to
use, manage, understand and assess technology.
Technological literacy is related to digital literacy in that
when an individual is proficient in using computers and
other digital devices to access the Internet. Digital
literacy is use information via various digital platforms,
such as web browsers, online journals, magazines,
newspapers and social media sites.
Scientific literacy is the knowledge and
understanding of scientific concepts and processes
require for personal decision making, participation in
civic and cultural affairs, and economic productivity. It
also includes specific types of abilities. It is important
because it provides a contest for addressing societal
problems, and because a science literate populace can
better cope with many of its problems and make
intelligent and informed decisions that will affect the
quality of their lives and those of their children.

Objective : A student who has completed the general

education program be able to do in the way of writing,
critical thinking, speaking, using information technology,
quantitative analyzing and researching. The general
education program has six skills areas with the following
purposes and student objectives.

These are :-
i) demonstrate the capacity to use various writing forms.
Example- journals notebooks etc.
ii) Demonstrate the capacity to effectively integrate
multiple sources into the writing assignments of the
iii) Clearly state questions, concerns and ideas so that
both the instructor and other students can understand
the internet.
iv) Identify and state arguments.
v) Translate problems into mathematical form.
vi) Draw inferences from data that could be incomplete
under conditions that are uncertain.
vii) utilize credible resources as a tool for academic
viii) determine the extent of information needed.
ix) Use information effectively to accomplish a specific
x) Understand many of the ethical, legal and social
issued surrounding the use of information sources.
Analysis :- Entry level technical skills that allow a non
computer user to being using technology effectively and
that serve as a starting point for the development of more
advanced skills.

Scientific Literacy recognizing and analyzing the use

of methods of inquiry that led to scientific knowledge and
the ability to organize, analyze, and interpret quantitative
data and scientific information.
Interacting elements of scientific literacy

Conclusion :-Literacy is a strong the weapon

which can root out the social issues like dowry,
corruption and child labour. Literate population
contribute manifolds in the economic, social,
Technical and scientific development of a nation. If
India wants to be a developed and powerful nation,
then literacy is the key. The government should
introduce new schemes and policies and should
allocate special funds to promote literacy. High
literacy rates in developing countries, the devices
uses image and should as primary input. So
Science and technical literacy is desirable not only
for individuals, but also for the health and well
being of communities and society.

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