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Challenges and Opportunities for Organizational Behavior

1.Responding to Globalization

2.Managing Workforce Diversity

3.Improving Quality and Productivity

4.Improving People Skill

5.Empowering people

6.Stimulating Innovation and Change

7.Coping with "Temporariness"

8.Improving Ethical Behavior

Organizational Behavior Challenges

Since organizational behavior depends on how people in the organization interact, it can be said that
there are different challenges facing the organizational behavior challenges of an organization, in this
case the banking sector . One of the known banks that have major issues and problem is Prime Bank. It
can be said that one of the organizational behavior aspects that challenge the bank is the relationship of
their leaders, specifically those who handle their financial matters. For instance, one of the controversial
leaders for the organizational crisis of the Prime Bank.

Conceptual Skills

Conceptual skills involve knowing how to and being able to formulate ideas. Individuals who have strong
conceptual skills typically have excellent cognitive abilities to think creatively and solve problems.

Responding to Globalization

a. you are increasingly likely to find yourself in a foreign assignment

b. you are going to find yourself working with bosses, peers, and subordinates who were born and raised
in different countries.
Managing Work Force Diversity

a. Organizations are becoming more heterogenous in terms of gender, race, and ethnicity, encompasses
anyone who varies from the ‘norm’.

b. Managers need to recognize differences and respond them.

c. Traditional melting pot approach is applied.

d. If positively managed diversity can increase creativity and innovation in organization.

Improving Quality and Productivity

A. By using self-directed work teams, streamlining processes and implementing continuous

improvement programs must be a model of manufacturing efficiency.

B. By implementing programs such as TQM and reengineering programs that require extensive
employee involvement.

Improving people skills

a. People skills are critical to managerial effectiveness.

b. There are specific people skills that managers can use on the job

Empowering People

 The reshaping of the relationship between managers and employees.

 Decision making is being pushed down to the operating level.
 Managers give up control, employees control their work themselves, make appropriate
 Using of self-managed teams.

Stimulating Innovation and Change

a. must foster innovation and master the art of change

b. maintains the flexibility, improve quality

c. to stimulate employee creativity and tolerance to change

Declining Employee Loyalty

Employees used to believe that their employers would reward loyalty, generous benefits, and steady
pay increases.

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