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Types of Rating Errors  Training efforts need to be aligned with

organizational strategies and organizational

Leniency/Strictness Error
objectives must be taken into consideration
 Define Anchors (Dimensions) 2. Impact other HR areas such as
 Force A Curve  Hiring and selection
 Performance-rating error in which the appraiser tends  Rewards management
to give employees either unusually high or unusually  Retention
low ratings  Performance Management
3. Complement the process of selecting the best qualified
Central Tendency employees with effective programs to reduce the gap
 Reluctant to Give High/Low between employees’ competencies and skills and their
 Explain Need for Variability positions’ required competencies.
 Performance-rating error in which all employees are Training Framework
rated about average.
o Training can be prepared systematically by using a
Recency Error framework as follows
 Last Action Halo
 Encourage Frequent Evaluation
 Performance-rating error in which the appraisal is
based largely on the employee’s most recent behavior
rather than on behavior throughout the appraisal

Steps in the framework

1. Selection leads to best qualified employee with skills,
competencies, and values from previous work
environment being hired
2. Onboarding
- process allows the newly hired employee to blend in
the new environment seamlessly.
Similar to me Error a. Orientation
Performance-rating error in which an appraiser inflates the b. Socialization - process allows the employee to
evaluation of an employee because of a mutual personal understand the culture and values of the company
3. Training process provides new employee opportunities
to learn specific skills and competencies needed in the
assigned job
TOPIC 5 4. Evaluation of training result is conducted based on
Employee Training efficiency, skills, and behavior learned by the newly
trained employee which will be guided by the
Importance of Employee Training and Development company’s objectives and strategies
5. All activities must be carried out with the company’s
Why are employee training and development programs key goals and objectives in mind
components of human resource management?
1. Training and development programs can motivate
employees to perform and succeed in their jobs and  Organizational Objectives and Strategies
companies are able to achieve their business o Training can be classified as 1) learning and
objectives 2) re-learning new skills, attitudes, and
competencies specifically needed to achieve Time consuming
business objectives
o Time is always a constraint in company training either
o Training programs MUST be designed to
too short to cover all needed material or too few topics
support the organizational objectives defined
to be taught given a set time duration
by management through the competent and
well-trained employees Impact of training on business objectives can be hard to
 Onboarding (Orientation and Socialization Activity) assess
o Orientation and socialization activities MUST be
provided to new employees to allow them to o Training process is complex and it takes time for
understand the culture, values, and skills used in trainees to absorb and apply the material to their work
the hiring organization which are likely different to make significant impact; it also requires excellent
from their previous work environment. trainers to ensure the quality of training which fits the
business objectives.
Training Process
Training Program Development
o It starts with analyzing and identifying operational
and strategic training needs of the organization What are the key factors in developing training programs?
and the employees 1. Knowledge of how individuals learn
o Training objectives and training programs are a) Classical conditioning
designed, developed, validated, and implemented  Passive form of learning due to the
using various training methodologies based on the fact that individuals master first task
results of the analysis and second task naturally already;
Evaluation of Training Efforts when they apply their skills of first
task and second task
o Success of the training programs is being assessed simultaneously to a new task – third
based on the evaluation of outcome of the trainees’ task – they learn this new task
competencies against expected competencies needed automatically
to achieve organizational objectives b) Operant conditioning
 Learning through the experience of
Benefits of Training
either positive or negative
What are the benefits of training and development? consequences
c) Modeling
Develop new and specific skills which can help the  Learning through observation and
employees succeed in their jobs and in the future and which can imitation of how others perform
become competitive advantage for the organization  Social Learning Theory of Bandura
Develop skills to work “effectively in a team” can help raise (1977)
the employees’ awareness and understanding of team Attention to details, retention of
members’ roles, company’s culture, and the expectation from all received information, motor
departments of the organization reproduction of the information, and
motivation are critical factors to the
Help organizations achieve business goals when the training success of modeling
programs are designed to increase the degree of knowledge d) Cognitive learning
and skill transfer to the on-the-job performance  New information received, stored
Problems of Training and retrieved successfully to
perform a new task or use a new
What are the problems of training and development? efficient and effective method to
perform an existing task
Cost of the training process can be substantial
Five key factors that are critical to Adult learners when
o Hiring experts to teach; Trainees are paid to learn
conducting training
instead of producing at work; Sending trainees to
seminar outside of the company A. They need to know why they should learn something
o new
 For example: They want to be promoted to manage the new environment so that they can achieve the
teams of junior associates; learning how to lead is goals set out for them in a short period of time
Steps of onboarding process
B. They must have strong belief in self-directing
 For example: They are ambitious to be promoted and I. Job fit (pre-orientation) should be done during the
initiate to learn other tasks which are done by their hiring and selection stages
peers or even their supervisors II. Employee orientation is a proactive approach to
C. They expect to be treated with respect because of their provide insights of the company practices, policies, and
great volume and different quality of experience than values and objectives to the new hires to ensure they
the youth start with the right attitude and practices in their
 For example: Instructors of training session must not positions
treat like students in college; instead, use their III. Post-orientation includes socialization and
experience to lead the sessions and link their acculturation activities in which the new hires are
experience to the objectives of the sessions formally and introduced to different teams gradually.
D. They are eager to learn when life-changing situations Evaluation may be conducted to gauge the
exist and force them to perform effectively effectiveness of the orientation as well
 For example: During economic crisis employees are
more willing to learn new tasks because they are What are the purposes of conducting orientation?
concerned about their job security a. Provide clarity of company expectations and reduce
E. They are more problem- or task-oriented anxiety which new hires may have
 For example: There is a complaint about how our b. Let new hires feel wanted and needed before probation
customer representatives answer phone calls. Training ends to reduce the possibility of costly high turnover
should be created based on the actual recording of the rate
calls and target the problematic behaviors such as c. Introduce on-job mentors to new hires who can count
angry tone of voice, inconsistent conversation speed, on when they need help in future to save them and
or appropriateness of the answers given by the company time when problems arrive
customer representatives d. Align the new hires’ personal expectations with the
2. Knowledge of what trainees contribute in the training organization expectations to ensure they are setting
setting practical and realistic expectations.
o The learners’ goals towards the training
sessions impact the outcomes of the training The Training Process
a. Mastery- Develop and master a new skill or
Steps of training process
b. Performance - Apply newly learned skills or I. Analyze the needs of the organization
competence and score higher in performance  Needs assessment to determine if training is
evaluations required to close the performance gaps
o Intelligence level of the participants in the This assessment includes
training sessions is important to the success a. Organization analysis which studies the
of the training and this identified level can company’s statements and resource
develop the training sessions effectively availability, and determine the type of training
3. Knowledge of the learning environment. program needed to achieve these goals
o Minimize the gap between training setting and b. Task analysis which studies the jobs in the
the actual work setting so that learners can organizations and identify job-related duties,
apply what they learn skills and behaviors through detailed
 On-job training information such as job descriptions
 On Site, but not on-the job ; and c. Person analysis which studies the
 Off Site training personnel’s readiness level and identify the
personnel to receive training
Orientation and Onboarding
II. Determine objectives and instructional design of a
What is onboarding process? training program
 List the specific training objectives for each
 Prepare new hires to adapt to new work environment, program to address identified training needs
equip them with the right mindset and skills needed in
It can be done by breaking down the Tools: Pre- and Post-tests, simulations
organizational training objectives
Pros- Simple to set up and easy for measuring quantifiable skills
into several objectives
III. Develop program Cons- Can be short-term memory only.
Did the participants change their behavior and apply newly
learned skills on the job?
Tools: Use of control groups (employees who did not attend
training programs versus those who did) and survey or/and
interview; line managers are usually involved in assessment
IV. Choose the appropriate delivery methods and validate
Pros- Can really see the effectiveness of the application of the
the methods
participants in actual job setting
 Validate the method using pilot test among a
mixed of new and experienced employees Cons- Take time to observe results.
and heads of the requesting departments and
adjust according to feedbacks. LEVEL 4 – RESULTS
V. Evaluate the effectiveness of the training program To what extent did the change in behavior affect the
 Prepare trainees to pay close attention to organization?
learning outcomes expected
 Assessment outlines the evaluation criteria Tools: Key performance indicators
and the means for measuring the results.
Pros- Can measure output, quality, costs, time, and non tangible
Actual skills and behavior vs.
Expected outcomes.
 Tool to use. Kirkpatrick’s and Phillips’ model of Cons- Difficult to measure the increase of organization’s
learning analytics. performance because of the new skills obtained by one
employee only.
Compute the return on investment
Tools: Estimate or obtain measurements of expenses and
benefits connected with training program and compute ROI
Pros- Quantifiable and see the real effectiveness of the program
on organization
Cons- Difficult to compile the data and isolate the data
accurately to reflect the effects of the program.
Training Methods
-How to identify the right methods to use?
Level 1- REACTION: How did the participants feel about the
training program?  Depend on the needs of the trainees and goals of the
Tools: Surveys or feedback forms
 Depend on training budget and resources available
Pros- Quick and very easy to obtain and not expensive to gather and time allocation
or to analyze  No one method can fit all purposes

Cons- Cannot tell if participants have learned the new skills -Objective of any methods chosen is to empower the learner to
gain the required knowledge and skills, improve his/her job
LEVEL 2 – LEARNING performance, and eventually drive results aligned with
Is there an increase in knowledge – before versus after training? organization objectives.
Two main methods o Learners join different project teams to be
exposed to different parts of the business and
1) Instructor-led
learn through team setting
 Lecture
 Off-the-job training
o Classroom format
o Learning outside the scope of their job
o Used to teach information, policies, and
o Distance learning, graduate school, online
courses, vocational training courses
Pros- Fast and cost-effective
Pros- Wider range of skills or qualifications can be
Adjust pacing of learning depending on the obtained
level of training needs
Learn from outside experts
Most effective when interactive approaches
Build confidence
such as discussion and problem analysis are
Cons- Expensive
employed May need induction training before taking up
Cons- Boring
the specific off-the-job training
Passive participants may not learn as much Lost the employees after they go through
and as fast as active participants; outcomes
training successfully
 Outdoor training 2) Technology-based Training
o Activities conducted outside company
o Used to build team and leadership
Pros- Sharing of insights and learning experience is
Encourage teamwork to solve problems
Cons- Distractions
 Training simulations
o Use technology to imitate real-life work
experience when real work system cannot be
accessed or be dangerous to practice in real
Pros- Safe and can achieve various levels of training
closed to real work difficulties
Cons- Can be expensive
 On-the-job training
Carry out the actual work
o Demonstration method – learners observe
and learn from a colleague
o Coaching method – experienced employee
to train learners intensively on job skills
o Mentoring method – experienced employee
to guide learners job skills and provide
personal support
o Job rotation method – learners experience
a wide range of tasks in different departments
and learn through hands-on experience
Pros- Skills learned and remembered by performing
the task repeatedly in an actual work situation. No
additional cost added
Cons- Quality of work depends on the ability of trainer
and time availability
Bad habits can be learned
Potential disruption to work processes
 Project assignment

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