English 2

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English 2: Periods 2 & 3

Your assignment: 12 points

Create a graphic novel page from one passage of Franz Kafka’s “The
Metamorphosis” we have read so far. You can use a piece of copy
paper, or you can choose one of the templates I have printed out.


1. Look at the examples from Peter Kuper’s graphic novel based on Kafka’s story. Use
these for inspiration, but your page does not have to look like the samples.

2. However, your drawing needs to reflect certain things. Here is the rubric:

You must
 Include the quote from the story that is legible and is written in a way that reflects the
tone of the quote: like this, or this, or this
 Reflect the feeling of the story at that moment by including details that reflect Gregor’s
mindset (how does the graphic novelist show what is going on in Gregor’s head)
 Include a visual that communicates an idea from the story that Gregor focuses on (being
late for work, hating his job, his boss being a tyrant, his family outside his door, the door
that isolates him, figuratively and literally from his family)
 Use the space in the paper (Don’t just draw a tiny picture.)
 Uses shading or color to enhance the drawing

The assignment is worth 12 points. Each item is worth 2 points, and two points are left
to teacher discretion.

This is due at the end of class. If you find you are developing an
artistic masterpiece than you can finish it during the weekend
and turn it in on Monday morning.

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