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Date of Issue: July 2014

Affected Publication: API Standard 1104, Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities, 21st Edition,
September 2013

(incorporates changes in Errata 1, April 2014 and Errata 2, June 2014)

Page 12, Section, second sentence, replace:

Groupings are shown in 6.2.2 d) and 6.2.2 e).
Examples of suggested groupings are shown in 6.2.2 d) and 6.2.2 e).

Page 27, Figure 12, replace the figure:

Page 49, Section 10.3.4 h), replace:
h) Time delay, if any, before final inspection. The time delay specified in 10.3.3 is not required for
repair welding.
h) Time delay, if any, before final inspection.

Page 52, Figure 25, replace the figure:

Page 57, Section 11.1.5, replace the NOTE with:

NOTE For purposes of IQI selection, when the SWE/SWV or DWE/SWV technique is used, the thickness of
the weld means specified wall thickness plus the weld reinforcement (internal plus external combined). When the
“elliptical” DWE/DWV technique is used, the thickness of the weld means twice the specified wall thickness plus
the single weld reinforcement (internal plus external combined). When the “superimposed” DWE/DWV technique
is used, the thickness of the weld means twice the specified wall thickness plus twice the weld reinforcement
(internal plus external combined).

Page 85, Section A.3.3, replace:

…multiple pipe materials as defined by A.3.1 b) may…
…multiple pipe materials as defined by A.3.2 b) may…

Page 90, delete Section A.3.4.4.

Page 103, Section B.1, 6th paragraph (continued from previous page), replace the second sentence:
The previously mentioned thermal analysis computer models 7 or other proven…
The previously mentioned thermal analysis computer models 20 or other proven…

Page 103, Section B., delete the second paragraph.

Page 105, Figure B.2, replace the value on the arrow:
45, 5
45° ±5°

Page 105, Figure B.2, NOTE, replace:

NOTE This test position qualifies the procedure for all positions. Tests may be performed in other positions
that qualify the procedure for that position only.
NOTE For a single in-service welder qualification, this test qualifies the welder for all positions. Tests may be
performed in other positions which will qualify the welder for that position only.

Page 109, Section B., second sentence, replace:

The face bend specimens should be bent in a guided-bend test jig similar to that shown in Figure 9.
The face bend specimens should be bent in a guided-bend test jig similar to that shown in Figure 8.

Page 110, Figure B.6, NOTE 1, replace:

Test specimens may be machine cut or oxygen cute oversized and machined (see B.
Test specimens may be machine cut or oxygen cut oversized and machined (see B.

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