Year 8 - Flash Animation Project Name

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Year 8 – Flash Animation Project

Name: ___________________

In this project you are going to be developing an animation about a super hero
of your choice. The story must be aimed at primary school children, and must
have a positive message at the end.

Design your super hero
Draw your super hero in the space below. Annotate it to explain which super
powers they have

Super Hero’s Name: ___________________________________________

Brief summary of the plot:


What other characters will you need?


Story board
Your animation will be made up of several scenes. Plan them here using the story
board. Each scene should be a separate box.

Scene 1:

Scene 2:

Scene 3:

Scene 4:

Scene 5:

Scene 6:

Success Criteria
Complete the table of success criteria. You will use this to judge your animation
against once it is finished.

Criteria Achieved? (Y or N)

You can now start creating your animation


Allows you to what you editing to

either main or of your or symbol you
symbols wish edit.

to add new
click on k in
name to to add

Don’t forget!
If you want parts of a picture to move separately they must be
in separate layers

Peer Assessment
Show your animation to a friend and ask them to answer the
following questions


Give the following a rating. Circle  or  or 

Overall Quality   

Suitability for audience   

Storyline   

Choice/range of animation   

Use of characters/images   

What did you like most about the animation?

What do you think could be improved for next time?

Go back to your success criteria on page 5 and tick the ones you
have achieved.
Answer the following questions to evaluate your animation:
1. Do you think the animation was long enough?

Yes No
2. Did you include enough information in the animation?

Yes No
3. Are you pleased with your animation? (give reasons why/why not)

4. Does the animation match your designs? (explain and give reasons for any

5. Does your animation meet the target audience? (give reasons why/why not)

6. Make a list of sensible improvements you could make:

7. Overall, how would you rate the effort you put into making your animation, out
of 5? (1 = Poor, 5 = Excellent)
1 2 3 4 5

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