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Bank Guarantee for Tender Security (Form W-3)

[this is the format for the Tender Security to be issued by a commercial Bank of Nigeria in
accordance with ITT Clause 15]
Invitation for Tender No : FMWR/WS/CPS/2019
Date: 2nd October, 2019
Tender Package No: A14
To: Federal Ministry of Water Resources represented by Director Water Supply
We have been informed that [Dordam Contracting Nigeria Limited] (hereinafter called "Dordam
Contracting Nigeria Limited ") intends to submit to you its Tender dated [26th August, 2019] (hereinafter
called " Construction Of Solar Power System For Sabke, Dutsi & Mashi Water Supply Schemes In
Katsina State " for the execution of the Works of [Water pump Installations, Water Treatment Plants
and Solar Installations] under the above Invitation for Tenders (hereinafter called "the 1FT").
Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions tenders must be supported by a Tender
At the request of the Tenderer, we [name of bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you, without
cavil or argument, any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of Naira (1,436,547.00; One
Million, Four HUNDRED AND Thirty Six Naira, Five Hundred and Forty Seven Naira only) upon receipt
by us of your first written demand accompanied by a written statement that the Tenderer is in breach of
its obligation(s) under the Tender conditions, because the Tenderer:
(a) has withdrawn its Tender during the period of Tender validity specified by the
Tenderer in the Form of Tender ; or
(b) does not accept the correction of errors in accordance with the Instructions to
Tenderers ITT ; or
(c) having been notified of the acceptance of the Tender by the Employer during the period of
Tender validity, (i) fails or refuses to furnish the performance security in accordance with the ITT,
or (ii) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Form,
This guarantee will expire
(a) if the Tenderer is the successful Tenderer, upon our receipt of a copy of the Performance
Security and a copy of the Contract signed by the Tenderer as issued by you; or
(b) if the Tenderer is not the successful Tenderer, twenty eight days after the expiration of the
Tenderer's Tender validity period, being [date of expiration of the Tender].
Consequently, we must receive at the above mentioned office any demand for payment under this
guarantee on or before that date.
Signature:_________________________ Signature:______________________

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