Optimal Protection of Twodegreeoffreedom System From Shock and V

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of Two-Degreekof-Freedom System
from Shock and Vibration
Sergey.V. Purtsezov
RadioPhysics Faculty
Nizhny Novdorod State University
23 Gagarin ave., 603950 N.Novgorod, Russia

Abstract 2 Statement of the Problem

I'roblem of shock and vibration isolation :for Consider a mechanical system shown in Fig. 1. A body
rcctiliiiearly moving isolation system with two in4spes being isolated (upper body) is attached to a base by
and passive isolators consisted of dampcr and stifftiess means of an isolation system. The isolation system
elements with linear characteristics is investigated. :As consists of a lower body, a lower isolator and an uppcr
performance criteria pcak forccs transniitted to the njass isolator. Denote by rn, and m 2 the masses of the lower
being isolated for shock and vibration extchial and upper bodies, respectively. The base moves
disturbances and maximums of rclative displaceniqnts rectilinearly. The bodies can move relative to the base
of the masses arc used. Calculation of parameters of so that the line of motion of the bodies coincides with
isolation system for parabolic type of external shock that of the base. The basc and the bodies are regarded as
disturbance is fulfillcd. absolutely rigid bodies.

1 Introduction
4 7 Upper body

In modern enginecring we are kequcntly faced withlthc

need for protection from shock and vibration. fvlo\Eing
vehicles are subjected to shock and vibration due tojthe
interaction bctwcen the vehicle and the environment.
Shock. and vibration transmitted to equipmcnt placcd un
vehicies can affect the functioning of the cquipmcnt and Base
in somc cases render it inoperable. To reduce level of
shock and vibration thc cquipmcnt is attachcd to t$eir Figure I : The mechanical model of rhe shock and
hascs with systems callcd shock and vibration isokitors. vibration isolation system
Isolators rcdct to external dynamic disturbances j by
regu~;ltlngthe ilnfavorable cffccts n i thesc disturb;lnccs 'The lower and upper isolators are regarded as passive.
11.21. The control force h (the isolator characteristic) of the
lower isolator is assumed to depend on the displacement
Often it is necdcd to protect the object from both shock of the lower body relative to the base x, and its relativc
and vibration. In some cases single-degrce-of-frer:dom velocity x',. Thc control forcefj of the upper isolator is
system, protecting thc objcct from vibration, cadnot assumed to depend on difference between the rclative
protcct it from shock. Two-degree-of-freedom system displacements of thc upper and lower bodies x2 - x, and
has more coniplcx construction, hut due to ;the diffcrence between thcir relative velocities x '2 - x 5. It's
additional isolator it can bc optimized to protect :the assumed that each isolator consists of a coil spring and a
objcct from both shock and vibration. From :the damper with lincar characteristics. The lower and uppcr
technical point of view it is important to minimize jthe isolators chwactcristics are given by equations (1)
overall dimensions of thc shock and vibration isolajion
systcni. It is proved these dimensions are depend' on f,(x,,~~)=~,.r,+k,x,, (1)
type of external shock disturbance, provided the furcc f>(&- -r,, X ! ~ i , )= C ? (x,- x , )+
transmitted to thc object being isolatsd docs not exceed
thc admissible level. t - k , ( i ,-X,).

0-7803-7939-X/03/$17.0002003 IEEE I206 PhysCon 2003,St. Petersburg, Russia

I-Icrc, L.,>O, c p 0 and k p O . h,>O are the stiffness and At the external shock disturhance the most important
damping coefficients of the Iowcr and upper isolators, criteria charactel-izing the quality of shock isolation are
respectively. the inaximum absolute value o f thc acceleration of. the
body being isolated with respect to an inertial reference
Ilenote by z the displacement o i t h c base relative to an frame (absolute acceleration),
inertial reference frame. In the case of presuibcd base
displacenient (kinematic external disturbance), where J ; ( C , , K , )= ;$$ IC>(l>(I)F.~,(fW (5)
the tirnc histoiy of the acceleration ?’TI) of the base is -t K,(i?(O- X,(f))I,
known. the equations governing the rclative motions of the maximum absolute value of the relative
thc lower and upper bodies are given by displacement of the lower body,
ili.C>(X2-“,)+Ki(.i> --.t,)=-t(l), (2) .J:(C,,KO = ytz IX,(O I, (6)
-MC?(r2 - . Y , ) - ~ M K 2 ( X :-X,)-+
and the maximum iibsolutc value of the displacement of
+ Cb.r,+ ~ ,=i-i(/:~.
, the upper body relatively to the lower body,
Here, C,=c,/niJ, C2=.-c2/m, and Ki=kl/mJ,K2=kjm2 are
the relative stiffness and damping coefficitnts of the .I,(C,,K,)= max / . r , ( ~- )x , ( t )
/dIJ.Z 1
I. (7)
lower and upper isdators, rzspectively; M=m2/ml. The The absolute acceleration characterizes the force
coefticients C, K. and M are’ defined: C,=700 I/?, transmitted to the object being isolated which can
K2=5 JLs, M-0.5. To determine uniquely the inntion of deteriorate normal functioning of the object. The
the system from’ the equalions (2). prescribe initial relative displacements of the bodies influence the
conditions at time instant 1-0: overall dimensions of the shock isolation system. At the
external vibration disturbance the most important
~r,(O)=x?(O)=:O. (3)
criterion characterizing the quality of vibration isolation
.tl(0)= .e3(0) =: 0. is the maximal (amplitude) value of the absolute
acceleration of the body being isolated when this body
It’s assumed that the external disturbance occurs at the performs steady-state oscillations J+,(C,,Kl).
initial time iiisvant t=O. Consider externdl shock
disturbance of parabolic t y p , shown in Fig. 2. The I’arametcrs of lower isolator are assumed to satisfy the
parabolic shock impulse consists of two parabolas with constraints C,>C, K p K , where C, K are the constants.
different signs. The magnitudes of the first and second Thc small value of the coefficient C, corresponds to the
parabolas A,=SOg aud A>=] 7g, respectively, the large statical displacement of the lower isolator and,
durations 7;=10 ms and T2:=30ms, respecdvely. The hence, to the large overall dimensions of the isolation
magnitudes of the parabolas are chosen so that the system. The small value of the coefficient K,
velocity of the external disturbance at the time insPant of corresponds to the long time of attenuation of the
its finish ( ~ 4 m0 . ~is) e q u I to zero. external shock disturbance.
N17~ ~ ~ ~ - . i- ~
: 1 Thus, the problem of calculation OS the parameters of
the shock and vibration isolation system can be
formulated as follows. Let the motion of the mechanical
i2”1/~. .\’... : . . . ~ .L . . .~. . : . 1
,..... system be governed by equations (2) with the initial
conditions equations (3). It is required to find the region
of parameters of the lower isolator Y=((C,,K,):C,>C,
Kl>K) such that

J , ( C , , K 1, 5 U ,J,(C, K , 15 D ,
I (8)
. / , ( C , , K , ) < B ,J < ( C , , K , ) S R ,
Figure 2: I’arabolic external shock.disturbnnce
where U, D, B, R are the constants. The external
The equation governing an extcrnal vibration vibration disturbance is governed by equation (4), the
distiirbance is given by equation (4) external shock disturbance is parabolic shock impulse.
The parameters U, D, B, R. C and K are defined: U=3g.
z ( t ) = Lsin(o1t .tp,,) ( 4 ) D=0.05m, B=0.043m, R=0.2g, C=200 /h2,K=10 / / S .
Here, 1.- the amplitude of the acceleration the base This statement corresponds to such requirement that the
vihration, o - the frequency i>f the base vibration, qo - force transmitted to the object being isolated does not
the phase of the base vibration at the time instant t=O. exceed the admissible Ievcl U under the constraints o n
Coefficients L, io, ylli are definecl: f.=lg, m==62.8rud/s, the overall dimensions of the isolation system, time of
ti1,,=0. attenuation o f lhc shock and quality of vihration
isolation. This requirement is intended to ensure the
reliable funclioning of the object.

3 Computer Simulation Kerults and vibration. The restilts show that for parabolic
exlernal shock disrurbancc .there are linear coil spring
'file problem of calculation of the p&r:imetersof shbck and linear damper which can be used in the described
and vibration isolation system was solved by mean; of shock and vibration isolation system to meet all
numerical simulation of equations (2) with the inkial requirements of'thc problem.
conditions equations ( 3 ) by means of sofiwarc
MATLAB. Computer siinulation results iirc represcntcd
by the constant level curves for the functionais .I,,.I.; ,I3 References
and ,/~,,plotted on the plane of parameters C,, K,. li is [ I ] N.N.Holotnik, Optimiza/ion ofShock and Vihrrrrion
formed thc rccgion .Sy.rlt?mn,Naoka,
~.SO/ulilJn I981 (Russian).

= C,',,, + iAC,,
G = ((C,,, K , , ) : C!, (9) Bslandin, N.N. Bolotnik, and W.D. Pilkey, Op-
121 I).\'.
K,]= K,,,i~,jAK,, i,j = 0,1, ...)IO) limo/ Prateclion From Impact, Shock, arid l'ihmtion,
Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 2001.
where e,,), AC,. K,(!. A K , xrc defined constants: c',o=I
lLs2, dCi-100 I k , K,n=l //s, dKl=lO //S. In eiich
poini of this region (C,;, K,J values of the functioials
f,.Ij and .laare calculated and Ihcn the consfaill
level curves for thc each functional. Thc constant lqvel
curves of all functionals are plotted on the plane, of
parameters (C,. K,). The constaiii Icvcl curves of'the
and J,, for parabolic shock impulse

Relative darnpiiig coefficiciit K, ( l k )

Figurc 3: Constant level curves of funclionals ,Il>.I1,

and .I,,

'The chosen region D of pnrameters (C,, K,), which

inects requirements of the problem (see inequalities (S)),
is marked by grcy color. Thc functional J,(Cl.lKI)
monotonically increases and ,J2(Cl,Kl) decreases when
moving away froin the origin along any ray issuing
from the origin and lying in the first quadrant (CgO,
K 2 O ) of the parameter plane (C,K,-plane). 'rhus,
niiriiinurn of !lie maximum absolute value of the relativc
displacement of the lower body J2 is equal to 0.q3m
under constraint that the force transmitted to the body
bciiig isolated .I f not exceed the admissible level

7 Conclusions

Software is created to analyzc and choose paramcturs o l

IwL.-de~rces-of-freedomsystem, protecting from shock


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