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Topic 1: Advertising

Part 1
1. Are there many advertisements in your country?
2. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?
3. What are the various places where we see advertisements?
4. How do you feel about advertisements?
Part 2
Describe an advertisement you like.
You should say:
 what type of advertisement it is
 what product it advertises
 where you first saw it
And explain why you think this advertisement is effective.

Part 3
1. What makes an advertisement effective?
2. What is the purpose of advertising?
3. How have advertisements changed since you were a child?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of advertising?
5. Do you think that advertisements should be strictly regulated?
Topic 2: Holidays
Part 1
1. Do you like traveling?
2. What kind of holiday do you like?
3. What do you like to do when you’re on holiday?
4. Do you have many tourists in your country?
Part 2

Describe a beautiful place you once visited. You should say:

 when you went to this place
 where it was
 who you went with
and say why you liked it so much.

Part 3
1. What do you think has led to the growth in the tourism industry?
2. How do people tend to choose a destination?
3. What kind of transport do you prefer on holidays? Why?
4. People sometimes say flying is the most glamorous form of travel. Do you agree?

Topic 3: Email
Part 1
1. Do you email people often?
2. Do you chat with friends or family more with email?
3. Do you think people prefer to receive an email or a letter?
4. Do you think it's easier to write an email or a letter?
5. Do you think email will eventually replace letter writing?
Part 2
Describe an important email you have received.
You should say:
 Who sent it to you.
 When you got it.
 What was it about
And explain why this email was important to you.

Part 3
1. Do you send and receive email regularly?
2. Who do you usually communicate with?
3. How often do you check your email?
4. Do you think writing emails has strengthened or weakened people’s writing skills?
5. What are some of the disadvantages of mails?

Topic 4: Technology
Part 1
1. Do you enjoy using technology?
2. Do you use the Internet for your studies?
3. How often do you use internet?
4. Do you have your own computer?
Part 2
Describe an item of technology you have that is very important. You should say:
 what the technology is
 when you got it
 how often you use it
and say how different your daily life would be without it.

Part 3
1. What do you think are the important things people need to learn when they start using computers?
2. What kind of technological developments have made the biggest impact on our lives?
3. Do computers make it much easier to study?
4. How computers affect our everyday life?

Topic 5: The Sea

Part 1
1. Do you like to go on holiday by the sea?
2. Are there many hotels by the sea in your country?
3. What kind of activities can people do by the sea?
4. How long do people normal visit the sea for when they go on holiday?
Part 2
Describe a lake, a river or a sea you have visited.
You should say:
 Where the lake, river or sea is
 How often you have visited it
 What activities you do there
Explain why you like this particular place.
Part 3
1. Is water pollution a problem in your country?
2. What are some of the causes of water pollution?
3. What can individuals do to try and ensure water is kept clean?
4. Do you think problems with the cleanliness of water will improve in the future?

Topic 6: Flowers
Part 1
1. How you ever given anybody flowers?
2. Is it popular to give flowers to people in your country?
3. On what special occasions do people give flowers in your country?
4. What kinds of flowers would you like to receive as a present?
Part 2
Describe an important plant or flower from your country.
You should say:
 which plant/flower it is
 where it grows
 what it looks like
and explain its importance for your country.

Part 3
1. Why do you think most countries have a national flower/plant? What purpose does it serve?
2. How important are flowers in your culture? When do people normally give flowers to other
3. Which flowers are most popular to receive as gifts? Why do you think that is?
4. If you had to buy some flowers, where would you choose to buy them? Why?

Topic 7: Ceremony, festival, and celebration

Part 1
1. What is the most important festival or celebration in your town or country?
2. Are there any festivals at this time of year?
3. How do people usually mark the New Year?
4. What was the last festival you went to?
5. When did you last meet up with your extended family?
Part 2
Describe a wedding ceremony where you enjoyed a lot
You should say:
 Whose wedding this was
 Where it was held
 Who attended this wedding
Explain why you enjoyed this wedding a lot

Part 3
1. How important are ceremonies in our lives?
2. Do you see the role of private and public ceremonies changing in the future?
3. Have attitudes to marriage changed in recent years?
4. In what ways do men and women feel differently about marriage, in your opinion?
5. What sort of national events make headlines in your country?
6. Does the media in your country pay more attention to global or national events?
Topic 8: Weather
Part 1
1. What kind of weather do you like the most?
2. Does the weather affect the way that you feel?
3. Do people like the weather in your country?
4. Do the kinds of outside activities people do in your country change when the weather changes?
Part 2
Describe a bad weather experience you have had.
You should say:
 what sort of bad weather it was
 when it happened
 where you were when it happened
and explain how it affected you.

Part 3
1. What types of weather do people in your country dislike most?
2. What jobs can be affected by different weather conditions?
3. Are there any important festivals in your country that celebrate a season or a type of weather?
4. How important do you think it is for everyone to check what the next day’s weather will be?
5. What is the best way to get accurate information about the weather?
6. How easy or difficult is it to predict the weather in your country?

Topic 9: Hometown
Part 1
1. Where is your hometown?
2. What was it like growing up there?
3. Has it changed much since you were a child?
4. What do you like most about living there?
5. What kinds of things can visitors to your hometown go and see?
Part 2
Describe the place where you grew up.
You should say:
 Describe the town or city where you grew up.
 Do you still live there now?
 Does your family still live there?
and say if you think the place has changed much since you were young.

Part 3
1. Why do people have a very strong bond with their hometown?
2. In what ways can you improve your hometown?
3. Some people want to live in their hometowns for the rest of their lives. Why?
4. Which affects a person’s personality more, the hometown or the current city? Why?
5. Most people in this world do not live in their hometowns. Why?
Topic 10: Free time
Part 1
1. What type of activities do you like to do in your free time?
2. How long have you been interested in these activities?
3. Do you like to do these activities alone or with other people?
4. Do you think people have enough free time?
Part 2
Describe what you usually do in your leisure time.
You should say:
 What you do
 Who you do it with
 Where you do it
And explain why you like to spend your free time this way.

Part 3
Do you think it’s important for people to do outdoor activities?
What benefits can it have?
Have the kind of free time activities people do in your country changed in recent years?
Can you explain why you think these changes have happened?
Technology has changed what many people now do in their free time. Do you think this change is
positive or negative? Why?

Topic 11: Respect

Part 1
1. Is being late acceptable in your culture?
2. Are you ever late for appointments?
3. What type of excuses do you think are alright for lateness?
4. How do you feel when someone is late for an appointment with you?
Part 2
Describe someone you respect.
You should say:
 who the person is
 how you know about this person
 what this person does
 what this person is like
explain why you respect this person.
Part 3
1. Which type of people are respected most in your society?
2. Do you agree with this situation?
3. What happens when young people lack good role models?
4. What standards of behaviour should teachers set?
5. Do you agree that you should never meet your heroes?
Topic 12: Language
Part 1
1. Do you ever use a dictionary?
2. Do you prefer paper or electronic dictionaries?
3. Are dictionaries used a lot in schools in your country?
4. Do you think dictionaries are useful for learning a language?
Part 2
Describe a language you have learned.
You should say:
 what it is
 when you started learning
 how you learned it
 what was difficult about it
why you decided to learn that language.
Part 3
1. Do you learn a foreign language? Why?
2. Do you want to became a foreign language teacher in the future? Why?
3. Why some people learn fast while others are slow?
4. Do you think grammar is important when you learn a foreign language? Why?
5. Why there are strong demand for language skills?

Topic 13: Animals

Part 1
1. What is your favourite animal?
2. What types of animals do you have in your country?
3. What types of animals are kept as pets in your country?
4. Do you think animals should be kept in zoos?
Part 2
Describe a place with animals.
You should say:
 where it is
 how you heard of it
 what animals can be seen
explain why it might be an interesting place to visit.
Part 3
1. Endangered animals in your country
2. Young people’s awareness of conservation issues in your country
3. Opinions about zoos
4. Opinions about national parks and wildlife reserves
5. Protecting wild animals

Topic 14: Life experience

Part 1
1. Could you tell me your full name please?
2. How can I address you?
3. Does your name have any special meaning?
4. Do people like changing their name? Why?
5. Have you ever changed your name? Why or why not?
Part 2
Describe a positive experience you have had when you were a teenager.
You should say:
 what it was
 when you had it
 how you had it
and explain why this experience was positive for you.

Part 3
1. Do you agree that we learn best from our mistakes?
2. What’s the best way to gain experience in life?
3. Can we gain life experience from books and movies?
4. Which is more important, experience or potential?
5. What experience do you wish you had gained?
Topic 15: Writing
Part 1
1. Do you enjoy writing?
2. What age do children normally learn to write in your country?
3. Did you used to write a lot when you were a child?
4. Do you ever write letters?
5. Do you prefer writing letters or sending emails?
Part 2
Describe a writer you would like to meet.
Please say:
 who the writer is
 what you know about this writer already
 what you would like to find out about him/her
and explain why you would like to meet this writer.
Part 3
1. Do you think that computers might replace handwriting?
2. What do you think we can learn about a person from his handwriting?
3. Do you think that it is important to have a good handwriting?
Topic 17: Books and films
Part 1
1. Do you like watching films/movies?
2. What kinds of films do you enjoy?
3. Do you prefer watching films at home or at the cinema?
4. Is it easy to get to a cinema where you live?
5. How often do you watch films / go the cinema?
6. Have you seen any good films recently?
7. What kind of movies did you like to watch when you were a child?
8. Has your taste in films changed as you've got older?
Part 2
Describe a book you have read or a film you have seen. You should say:
 what this book or film was
 when you read or saw it
 why you decided to see the film or read the book
and say if you enjoyed it and why.
Part 3
1. Is reading as pleasurable in digital format?
2. Do you think bookshops will survive the digital revolution?
3. Statistics show that visits to the cinema are up despite the availability of DVDs and online
downloads. Why do you think this might be?
Topic 18: Accomodation
Part 1
1. Do you live in an apartment or a house?
2. Is it a large apartment/house?
3. Who do you live there with?
4. What is your favourite room in your apartment/house?
5. Is it a quiet or noisy place to live?
Part 2
Describe your ideal home or place to live.
You should say:
• where it would be
• how big it would be
• what it would contain
And explain why this kind of accommodation would attract you so much.
Part 3
1. How easy is it to find a place to live in your country?
2. Do you think it's better to rent or to buy a place to live in?
3. How are people wasting energy at home?
4. Do you agree that there is a right age for young adults to stop living with their parents?
Topic 19: Television and people
Part 1
1. How many hours a day do you spend watching television?
2. What type of television programs do you like to watch?
3. Do you think children in your country watch too much television?
4. Do you think television is useful for education in schools?
Part 2
Describe someone you respect.
You should say:
 who the person is
 how you know about this person
 what this person does
 what this person is like
explain why you respect this person.
Part 3
1. Which type of people are respected most in your society?
2. Do you agree with this situation?
3. What happens when young people lack good role models?
4. What standards of behaviour should teachers set?
5. Do you agree that you should never meet your heroes?
Topic 20: Exercise
Part 1
1. Do you do much exercise?
2. Do you do more exercise now than when you were a child?
3. Do people in your country do a lot of exercise?
4. What do you think is the best exercise to keep fit?
5. Have the types of exercise people like to do changed since you were a child?
Part 2
Describe an exercise you know.
You should say:
 what it is and how it is done
 when you first tried it
 what kind of people it is suitable for
explain why you think it is a good exercise.
Part 3
1. Why do you think people often like doing new things?
2. What problems can someone have when they try new activities for the firsttime?
3. Do you think it’s best to do new activities on your own or with other people?
Topic 21: Music
Part 1
1. What kind of music do you listen to?
2. Do you play any instruments?
3. Have you got any hobbies or interests?
Part 2
Describe a song you like to listen to
You should say:
 what the piece of music is called
 how long you have liked it
 when you like to listen to it
explain why you like it so much.
Part 3
1. Is the Internet a good or bad thing for the music industry?
2. Should music be treated as seriously as subjects like maths or sciences at school?
3. Where do people usually enjoy listening to music?

Topic 22: Shopping

Part 1
1. Do you like shopping?
2. Do you often go shopping for personal items?
3. Do you often go shopping for personal items?
Part 2
Describe a time whtn you bought something for someone.
You should say:
 When this was
 What is was you bought
 Who you bought it for
And say how you felt about buying it for them
Part 3
1. Do you think we will stop using paper money in the future?
2. How do companies encourage the consumer to spend their money?
3. What do you think shops need to do to create a positive shopping experience?
Topic 23: Pet
Part 1
1. Do you have a pet?
2. What types of animals do you think make the best pets?
3. Why do people have pets?
4. Should dogs be left in the house alone while their owners are at work?
5. Is there any types of animals that you think should not be kept as a pet?
Part 2
Talk about a pet that you or someone you know once had.
You should say:
 what kind of animal it was
 what kind of care it needed
 what you liked/ disliked about it
and explain why this is a popular type of pet.
Part 3
1. Do you think some people are too attached to their pets?
2. Why do some people not like pets?
3. Is it morally right to spend hundreds of dollars on pets?
4. Pets are considered to be a burden to most of the city dwellers. To what extent do you agree?

Topic 24: Photograph

Part 1
1. Do you enjoy taking photographs?
2. Do you prefer to take photos with a phone or with a camera?
3. Do you take many photographs when you travel?
4. Do you like looking at photographs of yourself?
5. Have you put any photographs you have taken on the walls in your house?
Part 2
Describe a photograph you like.
You should say:
 what can be seen in the photo when it was taken
 who took it
and explain why you like it.
Part 3
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking photographs?
2. How has modern technology changed the way we take photographs?
3. How has sharing photographs changed since your grandparents’ time?
4. How well do photographs capture special moments?
5. Do you think that people nowadays spend too much time taking photographs?
Topic 25: Health
Part 1
1. Do you have any unhealthy habits?
2. What do you do to stay healthy?
3. In your opinion, what is more important, eating healthy food or doing exercises?
Part 2
Describe your (or your friend's) illness or injury experience. You should say:
 What was it
 When did it happen
 How did you (or your friend) handled it
and say how do you feel about it now.

Part 3
1. How can people be encouraged to stay healthy?
2. What is the best way of helping people with an addiction?
3. Do you think people start worrying more about their health as they become older?
Topic 26: Internet
Part 1
1. Do you use the internet?
2. Are children allowed to use the internet at school in your country?
3. Do you think that the internet is useful for study?
4. Have you ever used the internet to buy something?
5. Are there any dangers of buying things online?
Part 2
Describe a useful website. You should say:
 what it is
 how often you visit it
 what kind of site it is
 what kind of information it offers
explain why you think it is useful.
Part 3
1. Do most people have a computer at home in your country?
2. Do you think all information on the internet is true?
3. How can people find reliable information on the internet?
4. How has the internet changed the way we live?
5. How has the internet changed the way we work?
Topic 27: Musical instruments
Part 1
1. Do you think it's important for children to learn to play a musical instrument?
2. Do children have to learn to play a musical instrument at school in your country?
3. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?
4. What do you think is the best age to start to learn to play a musical instrument?
5. What do you think would be the most difficult musical instrument to learn to play?
Part 2
Describe the role that music plays in your life.
You should say:
 What type of music or musical activities you enjoy
 How often you listen to music or play music
 What effect music has on you
And explain why music is important or unimportant to you.
Part 3
1. Do you think music is getting better as time goes on?
2. Where do you think people enjoy listening to music the most?
3. Is it better to go to a live concert or to listen to a CD?
4. Do you like the same music as your parents?
Topic 28: Garden and park
Part 1
1. Do you like trees?
2. Are there many trees in your hometown?
3. Do you think there are enough trees in most cities?
4. What are the benefits of planting more trees?
Part 2
Describe a garden you remember visiting.
You should say:
 where it is
 what it looks like
 what people do there
and explain why you remember it.
Part 3
1. Why do you think it is important for cities to have parks?
2. Do you think the government should be responsible for maintaining parks?
3. How can we as citizens help maintain parks?
4. What would happen if we did not have any parks?

Topic 29: Humour

Part 1
1. What type of programmes do you find funny on TV?
2. Which types of programmes are most popular in your country?
3. What kind of things make you laugh?
4. Do you like to make people laugh?
5. Do you think it is important to have a sense of humour? (Why)?

Part 2
Talk about a funny incident that happened to you.
You should say:
 what it was
 why it was funny
 who was there with you
and what you remember most about it.
Part 3
1. What is the difference between comedy on TV and comedy in books?
2. Are there comedy shows (either live or on TV) in your country?
3. Can someone use humor to learn another language?
4. Can humor be translated from one language to another?
5. Are there jokes in your language that sound different in another language? Why do you think this
is so?
Topic 30: Fashion
Part 1
1. Were you interested in fashion when you were a child?
2. Is fashion important to you now?
3. What types of clothes are fashionable for young people in your country these days?
4. Does fashion change for people as they get older?
Part 2
Describe the type of clothes you prefer to wear.
You should say:
 What the clothes look like
 When you prefer wear them
 Where you like to buy them
Explain why you like wearing these clothes.
Part 3
1. Is shopping a popular activity in your country
2. How have shopping habits changed over recent years?
3. To what extent do you think advertising affects the way people shop?
4. Do you think shopping habits are likely to change in the future?
Topic 31: Birthday
Part 1
1. What did you usually do on your birthday when you were a child?
2. How do you normally celebrate your birthday now?
3. Is your birthday now still as important to you as when you were a child?
4. Do you think it's important to give someone a card when it's their birthday?
5. Do you think the price of a gifts/presents is important?
Part 2
Describe a present you have given someone.
You should say:
 Who you gave it to
 What kind of present it was
 How it compared to other presents you have given
Explain why you decided to give this particular gift.

Part 3
1. Are birthdays really important?
2. In your country, how have birthday celebrations changed over the years?
3. What are the best birthday presents for children?
4. What are the best birthday presents for adults?
Topic 32: Education
Part 1
1. Are you studying English at a school?
2. Would you say you are a good student?
3. When you were younger did you enjoy your time at school?
Part 2
Describe a time during your education that you really enjoyed. You should say:
 when this period was
 where you were
 what you were studying at the time
and say why you were so happy.
Part 3
1. Has education in your country changed in the last 10 years?
2. What changes do you think will happen in the future?
3. What changes would you recommend to improve the education system
4. How do the ambitions of current school leavers compare with those of the previous generation?
5. What is the role of the school in modern society?

Topic 33: Daily routine

Part 1
4. Tell me about your daily routine.
5. Has your daily routine changed since you were a child?
6. Is your daily routine different at the weekend to during the week?
7. What would you like to change about your daily routine?
8. Do you think it's important to have a daily routine?
Part 2
Describe a time of the day you like.
You should say:
 what time of day it is
 what you do at that time
 who you are usually with
explain why you like it.
Part 3
1. Do you like to plan what you will do each day?
2. What do you usually do at this time of day?
3. Do you usually do the same things at the same time each day?
4. How do you organize your study time?
5. Do you ever change your plans?

Topic 34: Sport

Part 1
1. Do you do any sports?
2. How do you spend a typical weekend?
3. Have you got any hobbies or interests?
Part 2
Describe a place you like going to in your leisure time. You should say:
 what this place is
 when you go there
 what you do there
and say why you enjoy it there so much.
Part 3
1. Should people be encouraged more to take up sport?
2. Why do some people enjoy participating in sport more than others?
3. Which sports do you think are best for people who aren’t used to physical activity?
Topic 35: Food
Part 1
1. Do you enjoy cooking?
2. What type of things can you cook?
3. What kinds of food are popular in your country?
4. Is it an important part of your culture to have dinner parties?
5. Do you prefer to eat with other people or on your own?
Part 2
Describe a place you like to eat at.
You should say:
 Where is it
 What kind of food it serves
 Why do like its food
and how often do you eat there
Part 3
1. Tell me about the types of food that people eat in your country.
2. How are the eating habits now in your country different from eating habits in the past?
3. How healthy is your country’s food?
4. Why do you think different cultures have different table manners?
5. How may eating habits change in coming decades?

Topic 36: Neighbours

Part 1

1. Do you know the people who live next door to you?

2. How often do you see each other?
3. What kind of relationship do you have?
4. How can neighbours be helpful?
5. What kind of problems can people have with their neighbours in a big city?
Part 2
Describe one of your neighbours.
You should say:
• When you two become neighbours
• how often you meet him/her
• State whether your neighbour is a good person
and explain why you like/ dislike this neighbour.
Part 3
1. Do you think neighbors are important?
2. Do you think it’s important to have a good relationship with one’s neighbors?
3. Do you think people’s relationships with their neighbors today is the same as it was in the past?
4. What are the benefits of belonging to a community?

Topic 37: Family

Part 1
1. How many people are there in your family?
2. Do you all live in the same house?
3. What things do you like doing together?
4. Who is your favourite family member?
Part 2
Describe someone who has had an important influence on your life.
You should say:
 Who the person is
 How long you have known him/her
 What qualities this person has
Explain why they have had such an influence on you.
Part 3
1. What type of people influence the young in your country?
2. Why it is important to have role models?
3. Do you think the education system in your country influences young people’s behavior?
4. What type of person (parents, teachers, friends etc) are best to influence young people’s behavior?
5. What do you think young people will be most influenced by it the future?

Topic 38: Leadership and politics

Part 1
1. What is a leader?
2. Who are the first leaders who come to your mind?
3. What makes those people great leaders?
4. What are the qualities or characteristics that every leader should have?
5. Are some people natural leaders and other people natural followers? Why?
Part 2
Describe a leader or politician who you admire.
You should say:
 Who is s/ he?
 What is so appealing about him?
 What type of leader is he/ she
and explain why do you admire him /her.

Part 3
1. Do you think people are born to be leaders?
2. Can leadership skills be taught?
3. Why are elected politicians often so unpopular?
4. What should a leader do to remain popular?
5. Do you think unelected heads of state are a good idea?
Topic 39: Favourite place
Part 1
1. What place do you most like to visit? How often do you visit this place?
2. Why do you like it so much?
3. Is it popular with many other people?
4. Has it changed very much since you first went there? In what way?
Part 2
Describe a beautiful place to visit in your country.
You should say;
 Where it is
 How to get there
 What there is to do when you are there
explain why you recommend this place

Part 3
1. Why do you think people like to travel to different places in their free time?
2. How do you see tourism changing in your country in the future?

Topic 40: Study

Part 1
1. What are you studying?
2. Why did you choose that particular course?
3. What is your favourite subject?
4. Are you friends with many other students on your course?
5. What job would you like when you have completed all your studies?
Part 2
Describe a classroom that you study or have studied in.
You should say:
 What part of the school or college it was in
 What it looked like
 What things were in it
And say if you think the people who study there liked it or not.

Part 3
1. How are education priorities today different from those in the past?
2. What is your opinion on the way languages are taught in schools?
3. How can the type of school you go to affect career success?
4. What changes do you think will happen in the classroom in the near future?
Topic 41: Mobile Phones
Part 1
1. Do you have a mobile phone?
2. At what age did you first get a mobile?
3. What do you most use it for?
4. Is it a nuisance if people use mobiles in public places such as trains and buses?
Part 2
Describe your first mobile phone.
You should say:
 How you when you got it
 When you bought it
 why you bought it
and explain how you felt when you first got it.
Part 3
1. Do you like having a mobile phone?
2. Is it a good or a bad thing to have a mobile phone? Why?
3. What can you do with a mobile phone?
4. Do old and young people use mobile phones in the same way?
5. What can be done to avoid children becoming inattentive in class?

Topic 42: Environment

Part 1
1. Are there any environmental problems in your country?
2. Do you take an interest in nature?
3. Do you or your family take steps to help the environment?
Part 2
Describe an environmental problem that has been in the news. You should say
 when this was
 where the event happened
 what actually took place
and say how you felt about this problem.
Part 3
1. What do you consider to be the world’s worst environmental disaster caused by humans?
2. Why do you think environmental disasters caused by humans happen?
3. Do you think there will be more environmental disasters caused by humans in the future?
4. Why do some people not consider environmental problems to be serious?
5. Do you think that governments around the world are doing enough to tackle the problems?

Topic 43: Cinema

Part 1
1. Do you like watching films/movies?
2. What kinds of films do you enjoy?
3. Do you prefer watching films at home or at the cinema?
4. Is it easy to get to a cinema where you live?
5. How often do you watch films / go the cinema?
Part 2
Describe a film you found interesting.
You should say:
 when you saw this film
 why you decided to see this film
 what happened in the film
and explain why you found this film interesting.
Part 3
1. Is cinema a popular form of entertainment in your country?
2. How has the cinema experience changed in recent years?
3. Do you think that films should always have an educational value?
4. Is it important for governments to support film-making in their countries?
5. In what ways do you think that entertainment media may develop in the future?
Topic 44: Magazine and newspaper
Part 1
1. Which do you prefer reading, newspapers or magazines?
2. What type of stories do you like to read about?
3. Do you think reading a magazine or a newspaper can help you learn a language?
4. Why do you think some people prefer magazines to newspapers?
Part 2
Describe some good news you recently received.
You should say:
 what the news was
 how you received the news
 who gave it to you
explain why this was good news.
Part 3
1. What’s the difference between a newspaper and a magazine?
2. Why do you think some people only skim read a newspaper
3. Do you think headlines are important
4. Which is more important – domestic or international news?
5. How have newspapers changed over the last few decades in your country?

Topic 45: Dreams

Part 1
1. Do you dream much at night?
2. Do you often remember your dreams?
3. Do you think we can learn anything from dreams?
4. Do people in your country talk about their dreams?
5. Do you think that dreams can come true?
Part 2
Describe an important choice you had to make in your life.
You should say:
 When you had this choice
 What you had to choose between
 Whether you made a good choice
explain how you felt when you were making this choice

Part 3
1. Do dreams have meanings?
2. What can we learn from dreams?
3. Can dreams af ect our health?
4. Can dreams make people do things?
5. Do you think that science can explain dreams?
Topic 46: Free time
Part 1
1. What type of activities do you like to do in your free time?
2. How long have you been interested in these activities?
3. Do you like to do these activities alone or with other people? (Why)?
4. Do you think people have enough free time?
Part 2
Describe what you usually do in your leisure time.
You should say:
 What you do
 Who you do it with
 Where you do it
And explain why you like to spend your free time this way.
Part 3
1. Do you think it’s important for people to do outdoor activities?
2. What benefits can it have?
3. Have the kind of free time activities people do in your country changed in recent years?
4. Can you explain why you think these changes have happened?
5. Technology has changed what many people now do in their free time. Do you think this change is
positive or negative? Why?
Topic 47: Work
Part 1
1. What work do you do?
2. What do you enjoy most about your work?
3. What are your main duties?
4. Is there any other work you would like to do in the future?
5. What do you normally do when you finish work everyday?
Part 2
Describe a piece of advice you recently received.
You should say:
• when this happened
• who gave you the advice
• what the advice was
explain how you felt about the advice.
Part 3
1. Do you think job satisfaction is more important than salary when choosing a job?
2. What skills do you think are needed to get a good job these days?
3. Do you think women should be able to do all the same jobs that men do?
4. How has technology changed the way we work
5. What is the difference between white collar and blue collar jobs? What jobs do you think are most
valuable to society?
Topic 48: Home
Part 1
1. Do you live in an apartment or a house?
2. Is it a large apartment/house?
3. Who do you live there with?
4. What is your favourite room in your apartment/house?
5. Is it a quiet or noisy place to live?
Part 2
Describe your ideal home or place to live.
You should say:
 where it would be
 how big it would be
 what it would contain
And explain why this kind of accommodation would attract you so much.
Part 3
1. How easy is it to find a place to live in your country?
2. Do you think it's better to rent or to buy a place to live in?
3. How are people wasting energy at home?
5. Do you agree that there is a right age for young adults to stop living with their parents?
Topic 49: Public transport
Part 1
1. What kinds of public transport do they have in your country?
2. What kinds of public transport do most people use?
3. What is your favourite type of public transport?
4. What do you do when you are travelling on public transport?
5. How could public transport in your country be improved?
Part 2
Describe a trip that you took by public transportation.
You should say:
 When and where you went
 What kind of transport you used
 How was your trip
and explain why did you choose to use public transport.
Part 3
1. How do most people travel long distances in your country?
2. Have the types of transport people use changed much over the last few decades?
3. What kinds of improvement have there been in transport in your country in recent years?
4. Do you think transport is likely to continue to improve in the future?
Topic 50: Relationship
Part 1
1. Do you see your friends very often?
2. What do you like about your close friends?
3. Have you known each other long?
Part 2
Describe a person you are very close to. You should say:
 who this person is
 when you met them
 where you met them
and say what it is about them you like so much.
Part 3
1. Do you think marriage is still as important as ever?
2. What do you think is the ideal time to get married?
3. Is it important to keep in contact with our friends when we’re in a relationship?

Topic 51: Important event

Part 1
1. Who does most of the shopping in your household?
2. What type of shopping do you like?
3. Is shopping a popular activity in your country?
4. What type of shops do teenagers like best in your country?
Part 2
Describe an important event in your life. You should say:
 When it happened
 Who you were with
 What happened
And explain why you feel it was important
Part 3
1. What days are important in your country?
2. Why it is important to have national celebrations?
3. How is the way your national celebrations are celebrated now different from the way they were
celebrated in the past?
4. Do you think any new national celebrations will come into being in the future?
5. Are there any celebrations from other countries that you celebrate in your country?
6. What are the benefits of having events that many people around the world are celebrating on the
same day?

Topic 52: Possession

Part 1
Let’s talk about your hometown.
1. What kind of place is your hometown?
2. What do young people do for entertainment in your hometown?
3. What is the worst thing about living in your hometown? (Why?)
I’d like to move on and ask you some questions about tourism in your country.
1. What should a visitor see and do in your country?
2. Are there any traditional art or music that you would recommend? (Why?)
3. Tell me about the kind of visitor who come to your country.
Part 2
Describe something you own which is very important to you.
You should say:
 What you use it for
 How long you have had it
 Where you got it from
And explain why it is so important to you.
Part 3
We've been talking about something you own which is very important to you, and I'd now like to ask you
some questions related to this. First, lets consider values and the way they change.
1. What kinds of possessions give status to people in your country?
2. Has it always been the same or were different possessions thought of as valuable in the past?
3. Why do you think people need to show their status in society?
Now we'll discuss the role of advertising.
1. Do you think advertising influences what people buy?
2. Do advertisements give correct information, or do they encourage people to buy things that they
may not need?
3. Is advertising really necessary in modern society?

Topic 53: Education

Part 1
Now, in this first part of the test I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself.
1. What is you favourite food? (Why?)
2. What kind of restaurants do you like to eat out at?
3. What would your perfect meal be?
I'd like to talk now about your hobbies.
1. Tell me about any hobbies you have.
2. Are there any hobbies you would like to have in the future?
3. Do you think hobbies should be relaxing or should they be exciting? (Why?)
Part 2
Describe a course you have done that you found useful:
You should say:
 What you learnt
 What you enjoyed about the course
 What you didn't enjoy
And explain why it was useful to you.
Part 3
We've been talking about a course you have done that you found useful and I'd now like to ask you some
questions related to this.
First, let’s consider homework.
1. Do you think it is important that children are given homework?
2. How much homework should they be given?
3. Do you think parents should help their children with their homework or should it be done alone?
Now we'll discuss the relationship between education and work.
1. How important is it to have a university education to get a job in your country?
2. Does having a degree from another country enhance employment opportunities in your country?
3. What impacts do students who have studies abroad have on their country of origin when they
come home?

Topic 54: Teaching and education

Part 1
Now, in this first part of the test I'm going to ask you some questions about yourself.
First I'd like to ask some questions about your family.
1. Do you have a large or small family?
2. How much time do you spend with members of your family?
3. What sort of things do you like to do together?

Now let's move on to talk about food.

1. What kind of food do you like?
2. What are some of the typical foods in your country?
3. In your country, do men or women have the main responsibility for cooking?

Let’s talk about where you live.

1. Tell me about the house or apartment you live in.
2. What are some of the bad things about living there?
3. What kind of place would you like to have in the future?
Part 2
Describe a teacher who has influenced you in your education.
You should say:
 Where you met them
 What subject they taught
 What was special about them
And explain why this person influenced you so much.
Part 3
We've been talking about a teacher who has influenced you in your education, and I'd now like to ask you
some questions related to this.
First we'll look at developments in education.
1. Has education in your country changed in the last 10 years?
2. What changes do you think will happen in the future?
3. What changes would you recommend to improve the education system?

Now let's look at the national education system.

1. How do the ambitions of current school leavers compare with those of the previous generation?
2. What role do you think extracurricular activities play in education?
3. What is the role of the school in modern society?

Topic 55: Environmental

Part 1
1. What is the climate like in your country?
2. Are there any problems with the climate in your country?
3. What is your favourite type of weather?
4. What kind of weather do you dislike?
5. Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold country?
6. What is the best/worst weather for travelling in?
Part 2
Describe an environmental problem. You should say:
 what it is
 how long it has existed
 how it affects people’s lives
and explain how you think the problem will develop in the future.
Part 3

1. Which environmental problems are people most concerned about in your country?
2. What are the main causes of these environmental problems?
3. Do you think it is the responsibility of governments alone to protect the environment?
4. What measures can individuals take to protect the environment?
5. Do you think large companies and business organisations should be more environmentally
friendly? Why? How?
6. How can we teach children about the importance of protecting the environment?

Topic 56: Good law

Part 1
1. What international law should be applied all over the world?
2. Are policemen popular in your country?
3. Who are more popular, the lawyers or the police?
4. Why we should follow the rules strictly?
5. What can be done to motivate people so that they abide by the rules and law?
Part 2
Describe a good law in your country
You should say:
 What the law is
 How you first learned about this law
 Who benefits from this law (who is affected by this law)
And explain why you think this is a good law
Part 3
1. Is there any situation people disobey the law? = Do you think that people obey the law all the
2. Do people like being a policeman in your country?
3. What qualities should a police officer have?
4. Why some people prefer to be a lawyer?

Topic 56: Healthy lifestyle

Part 1

1. What do you do in your free time?

2. Do you have a busy social life?
3. Do you lead an active life?
4. Has your life changed much in the last year?
5. What would you like to change about your lifestyle?
Part 2
Describe a healthy lifestyle you know
You should say:
 what it is
 how you know it
 what one would do to live this healthy lifestyle
and explain why it is healthy
Part 3

1. Do women pay more attention to their health than men?

2. Could governments do more to promote healthier lifestyle options?
3. Do you think most people worry more about their health as they get older?
4. What do old people in your country do to keep fit?
5. What else people can do to keep fit besides sports?

Topic 57: Clothes

Part 1

1. Do you often buy clothes?

2. Are clothes important to you?
3. What kinds of clothes do you prefer to wear?
4. What kinds of clothes do you wear most days?
5. Would you ever spend a lot of money on clothes?
6. Do you think men and women have the same view of clothing?
Part 2
Describe an occasion that you wore formal clothes
You should say:
 What occasion it was
 When it was
 Where it was
And explain why you wore it
Part 3

1. What kinds of clothes do people wear after work?

2. Do you think it is necessary for children to wear school uniforms?
3. Where do people in your country buy clothes?
4. When do people wear formal clothes?
6. Will the way we dress influence the way we behave?
Topic 58: Money
Part 1
1. How much money is enough?
2. Why do people care too much about money?
3. Is money important to you?
4. What do people in your country save money for?
Part 2
Describe a time when you received money as a gift
You should say:
 Who gave it to you
 When it was given to you
 Where it happened
And how you felt about it
Part 3
1. In your country, when (on what occasions) do people give gifts to others?
2. What sorts of things do they give?
3. Do people today still give the same kinds of gifts that people used to give, many years ago?
4. Why do people like to receive gifts?
5. Do you think it’s suitable to give money as a gift?
Topic 59: Person
Part 1
1. Describe yourself physically!
2. Describe yourself emotionally!
3. In which ways are you similar to your friends?
4. Are you similar or different to your brother(s) / sister(s)?
Part 2
Describe a person you have seen who is beautiful or handsome
You should say:
 where you saw this person
 when you saw this person
 what the person looked like
why you think this person is beautiful or handsome
Part 3
1. Do you think beauty only relates to a person’s appearance?
2. Do you the media influences our idea of beauty?
3. How has people’s idea of beauty changed over the last few decades?

Topic 60: Film

Part 1
1. Do you often watch films?
2. What kind of films do you like?
3. Are foreign films popular in your country?
4. Do men and woman usually like the same kinds of films?
Part 2
Describe a film or TV show that made you laugh a lot
You should say:
 What it was
 When it happened
 Who was with you?
And explain why it made you laugh
Part 3

1. Do young people like to watch TV nowadays?

2. What kind of TV programs do young people like?
3. Do you think TV will be replaced by computers?
4. What do you think about TV advertisements?
4. Why do people like watching television?
Topic 61: Alone
Part 1
1. When was the last time you were alone?
2. What do you like to do when you are alone?
3. Do you wish to have more time alone?
4. Is it important to have some time alone?
Part 2
Describe an activity you would do when you are alone in your free time
You should say:
 What do you do
 How often do you do it
 Why do you like to do this activity?
How do you feel when you do it?
Part 3
1. How do people in your country spend free time?
2. Is there any difference in spending free time now with the past?
3. Does this change bring any advantage?
4. How does finance affect the way people spend free time?
5. Is it important to have a hobby?

Topic 62: News

Part 1
1. Are you very interested in the news?
2. Why do you want to know the latest news?
3. How important is it to you to get the news every day?
4. What sort of news are you most interested in?
5. How do you usually find this news?
6. Do you prefer to read newspapers or watch TV to get your news?
Part 2
Describe a piece of good news you heard (from TV or the Internet)
You should say:
 what the news was about
 when you got this news
 where you got this news from
and why you think it was good news
Part 3
1. Do you think that news is censored in some countries?
2. Will newspapers disappear in the future?
3. What would the world be like without news?
4. How has it changed over the years?
5. Do you think people need to know all of the news?

Topic 63: Business

Part 1

1. Do you work or study?

2. What do you do?
3. Why did you choose this kind of work?
4. Do you enjoy your work?
5. What are your responsibilities?
6. What will you do in the future
Part 2
Describe a business you know that you admire.
You should say
 what this business is
 what the business sells
 how long you have known about the business
and say why you like it so much.
Part 3
1. Why do some people decide to set up their own business?
2. What are some of the dangers involved in starting a business?
3. What are some of things you have to do when running your own business that might not appeal to

Topic 64: Party

Part 1

1. How do children celebrate birthdays in your country?

2. How did you celebrate your last birthday?
3. What kinds of birthday gifts do you like to receive?
4. Is there a difference between the way you celebrate your birthday in the past and in the present?
Part 2
Describe a party that you joined
You should say:
 When it took place.
 Where it was.
 Who were there.
 What you did I here.
And how you felt about the party.
Part 3

1. What are the things the old and the young like doing in their free time?
2. Should parents spend much money on children’s party?
3. Why some people dislike attending parties?
4. Why do people throw parties?
Topic 65 : Book
Part 1

1. Do you enjoy reading?

2. Do you like watching movies?
3. What is the last book you read? And did you like it?
4. How often do you go to the cinema with your friends?
Part 2
Describe a book you want to write
You should say:
 when you had this idea
 what kind of book you want to write
 what the book is about
and why you want to write this kind of book
Part 3

1. What kinds of books that old people like to read?

2. Are you a good story teller?
3. How do you think people will read in the future?
4. Do you think that the internet and television will eventually make books obsolete?
5. Do you think that it is more valuable to read a book than to watch television?

Topic 66: Market

Part 1
1. Do you currently live in a house or a flat / apartment?
2. Are street markets common in your country?
3. What is usually sold there?
4. Do you think people like street markets? Why?
Part 2
Describe a time you received horrible service
You should say:
 when it happened
 where you received
 what happened
and why the service was horrible
Part 3
1. Why some people choose to buy in the street market rather than the shopping mall?
2. Do you think the discounted goods have good value?
3. How often do people in your country go shopping?
4. What kinds of places are popular for shopping in your country?
5. Do you think online shopping will replace shopping in reality?

Topic 67: Cities

Part 1
1. Do you like the city where you are living now?
2. Do you prefer the city or the countryside?
3. What kind of cities do you like?
Part 2
Describe a beautiful city you’ve visited/ Describe an interesting part of your country
You should say:
 Where is it?
 When did you go there?
 What did you do there?
And explain why you like it
Part 3
1. Do you think modern life give people enough time for leisure?
2. What’s the most important factor for a tourist attraction?
3. Do you think we should have more public holidays?
4. What do people need before travelling to another country?

Topic 68: Party

Part 1

1. How do children celebrate birthdays in your country?

2. How did you celebrate your last birthday?
3. What kinds of birthday gifts do you like to receive?
4. Is there a difference between the way you celebrate your birthday in the past and in the present?
Part 2
Describe a party that you joined
You should say:
 When it took place.
 Where it was.
 Who were there.
 What you did I here.
And how you felt about the party.
Part 3

1. What are the things the old and the young like doing in their free time?
2. Should parents spend much money on children’s party?
3. Why some people dislike attending parties?
4. Why do people throw parties?

Topic 69: Foods (2)

Part 1
1. Is food important to you? Why?
2. What kind of food do you particularly like?
3. Is the any food you don’t like?
4. What kinds of food are most popular in your country?
5. Who usually does the cooking in your home?
Part 2
Describe a kind of food people eat during a special event
You should say:
 what it was
 what event people usually eat it
 how it is cooked/made
and explain why it is for the special event
Part 3

1. Are there many vegetarians in your country?

2. Why do you think some people choose to be vegetarians?
3. Is the food that people eat today in your country different to the food that people used to eat in the
past? (if yes, in what ways has it changed?)
4. How do you think the way we eat will change in the future?
5. Is American-style ‘fast food’ popular in your country? (Why? Popular with whom?)
6. What do you think of this popularity- is it as good thing?

Topic 70: Medicine

Part 1
1. In what ways do you try to stay healthy?
2. Is it easy to keep fit where you live?
3. What part of your lifestyle would you most like to make healthier?
4. Are you careful about what you eat?
5. How important is a healthy lifestyle for you?
Part 2
Describe a time that you took medicine
You should say:
 When it happened
 Who gave it to you
 Why you had it
How you felt about it
Part 3

1. Do women pay more attention to their health than men?

2. Could governments do more to promote healthier lifestyle options?
3. Do you think most people worry more about their health as they get older?
4. What do old people in your country do to keep fit?
5. What else people can do to keep fit besides sports?

Topic 71: Subject interest in

Part 1

1. Do you like reading?

2. Do you usually read for leisure or for work purposes?
3. What was your favourite book or story when you were child?
4. Do you think it’s important that children read regulary?
Part 2
Describe a subject you used to dislike but now have interest in
You should say:
 what the subject is
 why you disliked it
 what you are interested in now
and explain why you become interested in it
Part 3

1. Can computers help us in math areas?

2. What it the first subject learned by children in childhood?
3. What methods can be applied to make math class more interesting?
4. How do schools teach math in your country?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using calculator?
Topic 72: Festival and life in the city
Part 1

1. What is your favorite festival?

2. How do you celebrate the festival?
3. What is the most popular festival in your country?
4. Do you like western festivals?
5. Where do people usually go during festivals?
Part 2
Describe a newly built public facility (such as parks, cinemas.) that influences your city
You should say:
 where this facility is
 when it was built
 what people can do there
and what influences this facility have
Part 3

1. What are the advantages of living in the countryside?

2. What are the disadvantages of living in the countryside?
3. What kinds of people live in the countryside?
4. What do people living in the countryside like to do?
5. How has life changed over time in the countryside?

Topic 73: Teenagers

Part 1

1. Do you like to spend time with teenagers?

2. Do you know anything about the kinds of fashion that teenagers like?
3. What are the best thing of being a teenagers?
4. How do teenagers entertain themselves?
Part 2
Describe a teenager you know
 Who she/he is
 What she/he looks like
 How you got to know him or her
 Why do you like him/her
And explain how you feel about him or her
Part 3

1. How much freedom should parents give to their teenagers?

2. What do you think are some of the greatest problems facing teenagers today?
3. How does media affect the thinking patterns of the teenagers of today?
4. Do you think teenagers today should show more respect for adults?
5. What’s the difference between teenage girls and teenage boys?

Topic 74: Games

Part 1

1. What games are popular in your country?

2. Do you play any games?
3. How do you people learn to play games in your country?
4. Do you think it’s important for people to play games?
Part 2
Describe a game you played in your childhood
You should say:
 What the game was
 When you played it
 Who you played it with
How you felt about the game
Part 3

1. Do you think playing with electronic toys has a good influence on kids?
2. Which do you think is better, for children to play with toys alone or with other kids?
3. Are there differences between toys for girls and for boys?
4. Why do parents buy lots of toys for their children?
5. What are the differences between today’s toys and old toys?

Topic 75: Language (2)

Part 1

1. Do you like learning languages?

2. How did you learn the languages that you know?
3. Why do people learn more than one language?
4. Do you think that all children should learn foreign languages at school?
Part 2
Describe another language (not English) you would like to learn
You should say:
 What language it would be
 How you would learn it
 What difficulties you think you would have
And explain why you would choose to study this language
Part 3

1. What kind of quality should a language teacher have?

2. Why people want to learn a foreign language?
3. Which language is likely to become dominant in the future?
4. Do you think that disappearing languages should be protected or should we just let them fade
5. What are the advantages & disadvantages of being monolingual?
6. Should foreign language study be required?
Topic 76: School
Part 1

1. How old were you when you started school?

2. Where did you go to school?
3. How did you get to school each day?
4. What were some of the most popular activities at primary school?
5. Have you ever returned to see your old school again?
Part 2
Describe something interesting happened in your school
You should say:
 What it was
 Where it happened
 Who was there
And explain how you felt about it
Part 3

1. Should schools teach both arts and science?

2. What school activities are good for schoolchildren?
3. What kinds of courses are useful for university students?
4. Are there good colleges in your country?
5. Why do some students dislike studying at school?

Topic 77: Sports (2)

Part 1

1. Do you like swimming?

2. How often do you swim?
3. Do you like to go swimming on holiday?
4. Should everyone learn swim? Why?
5. What activities would you do if you were spending some leisure time at a beach or near the
Part 2
Describe an outdoor sport you played for the first time
You should say:
 what it is
 when you first played
 how you learned to play the sport
and how you felt about the sport
Part 3

1. What kinds of sports are popular in your country?

2. What else people can do to keep fit besides sports?
3. Do you think young people should play dangerous sports?
4. What do parents do to make their children like sports?
5. What do you think of the current competition program?

Topic 78: Travel (2)

Part 1

1. Do you like to travel?

2. What kind of places have you visited in your life?
3. Which place would you really like to visit? Why?
4. What’s the best place you’ve ever visited?
5. How do you prefer to travel on long journeys?
Part 2
Describe an interesting place in your country that not many tourists get to
You should say
 Where it is located
 Why it is interesting
 What you can do there
Why are few people go there
Part 3

1. What kinds of tourist sites are popular in your country?

2. What can governments do to prevent pollution in tourist sites?
3. What are the advantages of visiting less known places?
4. What are the disadvantages when there are too many tourists in one site?
Topic 79: Appointments
Part 1

1. Is being late acceptable in your culture? Why?

2. Are you ever late for appointments? Why?
3. What type of excuses do you think are alright for lateness?
4. How do you feel when someone is late for an appointment with you?
Part 2
Describe a time when you arrived early for an appointment
You should say:
 when and where it happened;
 why you arrived early;
 what you did while waiting;
and explain how you felt about arriving early.
Part 3

1. What is the main reason people cannot have enough time to do?
2. Do people nowadays have more pressure time than before?
3. Do people can control their time wisely when they are older?
4. Is it important for people to relax during a day?
5. Modern technologies make people use time up or reduce time?

Topic 80: Museum

Part 1
1. Are museums popular in your country?
2. Did you visit museums when you were a child?
3. Do you like to visit museums nowadays?
4. Do you think you should pay to visit museums?
Part 2
Describe a piece of art you like.
You should say:
• what the work of art is
• when you first saw it
• what you know about it
explain why you like it.
Part 3

1. Do you think history can be learned in museums?

2. What is the effect of technology on history?
3. Many children these days don’t like museums. Why is that?

Topic 81: Personality

Part 1
1. How would you describe yourself?
2. In which ways are you similar to your friends?
3. Are you similar to your brother(s)/sister(s)?
Part 2
Describe a teacher you once had who you enjoyed being taught by. You should say:
• Who this person was
• When they were your teacher
• Which subject they taught you
And describe what it was about their character that you liked.
Part 3

1. Which personal qualities do you think we most want to pass on to our children?
2. Which characteristics do you think are the least appealing in a person?
4. Which personality types do you think are less likely to suffer from stress or anxiety?

Topic 82: Role models

Part 1

1. Who is your favourite celebrity in your country?

2. Do you like any foreign celebrities?
4. Would you like to be a country?
Part 2
Describe a person who you would like to be similar to/role models. You should say:
• Who this person is?
• How you know this person?
• What impresses you about this person?
And explain why you would like to be similar to this person.
Part 3
1. Which type of people are respected most in your society?
2. Do you agree with this situation?
3. What happens when young people lack good role models?
4. What standards of behaviour should teachers set?
5. Do you agree that you should never meet your heroes?

Topic 83: Travel and transports

Part 1

1. Do you travel very often?

2. Have you visited many foreign countries? What was your favorite place?
3. What countries would you like to visit in future?
4. Would you like to live abroad?
5. When do you think will you next travel abroad?
Part 2
Describe a long distance journey you have been on. You should say
• Where you went
• What kind or kinds of transport you used
• What the good things and bad things about the journey were
And say whether you would like to go on the same journey again and why

Part 3

1. How easy is it to travel around your country?

2. Which method of travel do you consider safest?
3. Has travel become safer in recent years?
4. What are the pros and cons of low-cost air travel?
5. How do you think people will travel in the future?
Topic 84: Age
Part 1

1. Are you happy to be the age you are now?

2. When you were a child, did you think a lot about your future?
3. Do you think you have changed as you have got older?
4. What will be different about your life in the future?
Part 2
Describe the age/stage you enjoyed the most in your life. You should say:
 what the age/stage was
 what did you like to do back then
 who enjoyed spending time with mostly back then

Part 3

1. What are some of the benefits of getting older?

2. Do you think humans will ever be able to stop aging?
3. Is aging more difficult for men or women? Why?
4. Are older people actually wiser?
5. How are older people viewed in your country?

Topic 85: Sing

Part 1

1. Did you enjoy singing when you were younger?

2. How often do you sing now?
3. Do you have a favourite song you like listening to?
4. How important is singing in your culture?
Part 2
Describe your favourite song. You should say:
 Which song is it?
 Why you like it?
 When you first heard it?
And explain why you feel attached to it?

Part 3

1. At what age can people go clubbing in your country? (Is that the right age limit?)
2. Do you think it is possible to judge someone’s personality from their taste in music? (Why/ Why
3. Do you think it is true that anyone can sing with the right training? (Why?)
4. Do you think pop stars can be a bad influence on young people? (Can you give some examples?)
5. Do you think that allowing more buskers in this city is a good idea?

Topic 86: Saving money

Part 1

1. Are you good at saving money?

2. How would you teach kids to be better with their money?
3. Do your parents teach their kids about money?
4. Is money important to you?
5. How much money is enough?
Part 2
Describe a time when you saved up some money to buy something special.
You should say
 what you wanted to buy
 why you wanted it
 how you saved your money
and explain how you felt when you finally bought the item.

Part 3

1. Could human beings live without money?

2. In your opinion, why do many people derive pleasure from spending money?
3. Who do you think save more money, men or women?
4. Which do you think is better for the economy of a country or area, people saving money or people
spending money?
5. Do you think the government should let people know how it spends money?

Topic 87: Art

Part 1

1. Do you like art?

2. Do you think art classes are necessary? (why?)
3. How do you think art classes affect children’s development?
4. What benefits can you get from painting as a hobby?
5. How often do you visit art galleries?
Part 2
Describe a piece of art (a painting, drawing, sculpture or decorative object) that you like.
You should say
• what the piece of art is
• where and when you saw it
• what it looks like or what it shows
and explain why you like this piece of art.

Part 3

1. What are the tradition art forms in your country?

2. What makes a good painting?
3. Do you think children should study art at school?
4. How has art changed in the last few decades in your country?
5. How can children benefit from learning art?

Topic 88: Entertainment

Part 1

1. When do you usually like to go out?

2. Do you like entertaining friends in your home?
3. Do you like going to other people’s homes for entertainment?
4. What is your favourite type of online entertainment?
5. Do you ever feel you spend too much time online?
Part 2
Describe a place of entertainment (e.g. theatre, cinema, sports centre) that you would like to have
where you live.
You should say
 what this place would be
 where it should be
 whom it would be for, or who would use it
and why you think this place of entertainment is needed

Part 3
1. What forms of entertainment are most popular in your country?
2. Do you think men and women have different tastes in entertainment?
3. What kinds of entertainment do young people like?
4. What kinds of entertainment do children like?
5. Do you think children (or young people) can learn anything from entertainment?

Topic 89: Countryside

Part 1
1. Would you like to live in the countryside in the future?
2. Do you often visit the countryside?
3. If so, who do you visit in the countryside?
4. Do you have family/friends living in the countryside?
5. Have areas of countryside in your country changed since you were a child?
Part 2
Describe an enjoyable day out in the countryside that you had.
You should say
 where you went on this day out
 who you were with
 what you did
and explain why you enjoyed the day

Part 3
1. What advantages does living in the countryside have, compared to living in a city?
2. Do you think that visits to the countryside should be something that schools offer to their
3. What’s the difference between living in the city and living in the countryside?
4. What do people living in the countryside like to do?

Topic 90: Time management

Part 1
1. Do you manage your time effectively?
2. Do you like making detailed plans?
3. Do you use any special tools, such as a computer, to help you draw up plans?
4. Do you keep a diary?
5. What are the advantages of making plans?
Part 2
Describe a time when you were really busy. You should say
 when this was
 why you were so busy
 how you managed the situation
and explain how you felt at the time.
Part 3
1. What’s the best way to deal with stress?
2. What kind of lifestyle is suitable for people in modern society?

Topic 91: Season

Part 1
1. What is your favourite season?
2. Tell me about the different seasons in your country.
3. How do the clothes people wear in your country change with the seasons?
4. Do any types of jobs people do in your country change with the seasons?
5. Is tourism popular in a particular season in your country?
Part 2
Talk about your favourite season in your country.
You should say:
• what it is and when it comes
• Why you like it
• Changes that happen and things you like to do during this season.
And explain the season in brief.

Part 3
1. Describe the seasons in your country.
2. What is the most comfortable season in your country?
3. What's the necessity of clothes in a particular season?
4. What are the seasons you have in your country but other countries do not.

Topic 92: Walking

Part 1

1. Do you like walking?

2. Do you think walking is important?
3. Do you think walking in the countryside is better than walking in the city?
4. What could be done to improve the experience of walking in cities?
Part 2
Describe a long walk that you enjoyed.
You should say
• when you went on this walk
• where it took place
• what you saw while you were walking
and explain why you enjoyed the walk.

Part 3

1. Do many people in your country go for walks?

2. How do you think walking is beneficial to health?
3. Do you think that playing sports is better for your health than walking?
4. Do you think people in the past walked more than people today, or less?
5. What is the relationship between standard of living and the amount of walking people do?

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