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MBJV sequenced the overlay work so that eight “hinge-to-hinge” spans remain open on the World Way
North (Phase 1) and World Way South (Phase 2) alignment at any time. This also affords MBJV to have
sufficient available work fronts for its overlay crews and to maximize the efficiencies of the crews. At
any given time within a phase, four lanes will be available to MBJV to work within. A similar sequencing
and logic philosophy was applied for Phases 3C and 4C.

The light band structural steel elements will be modularized with a conduit bridge built into modularized
sections. This work will be completed off-site with only minor interconnecting pieces to be installed in
the field. This will eliminate the amount of time spent installing conduit with manlifts and adjacent to

Four crews electrical crews will begin work at the power centers and the electrical room in the parking
garage. These crews will complete the modifications to existing power centers and the electrical room,
as well build the new power centers. These same crews will then be used to complete the remaining
scope of work at the CTA.

MBJV will progress with work at the CTA under four separate operational headings. Each heading will be
composed of a structural steel crew, an electrical crew, a light band crew, and a demolition crew. The
first heading will be located at Terminal 1 and progress with traffic towards Terminal 2. The second
heading will begin at Terminal 3 and then mobilize to Terminal 4. The third heading will commence
work at Terminal 5 and will progress with traffic towards Terming 6. The fourth heading’s scope work is
solely located at Terminal 7. The intent is that at any given time, there will always be a terminal with no
ongoing work (or work has been completed) between each heading.

It should be noted that some residual, conduit work at the hinges will need to be completed after the
light band is installed. However, due to the early delivery of the light band, it was assumed that the
removal of temporary conduit supports and installation of permanent conduit at these locations is
under the SLR scope of work. This is because the hinges must be fully repaired prior to removing the
temporary conduits and supports. The current contractually required phasing plan does not allow for all
applicable hinges to be completed well before the 31 May 2015 milestone. This assumption has been
incorporated into the project schedule.

MBJV has scheduled this work to begin after the substantial completion of the NFCTA. This will allow
construction to begin after the first quarter of 2015 and to be finished prior to Christmas of 2015, which
takes advantages of the low traffic seasons at LAX.

2.4 Longest Path to Completion Analysis and Risks

Longest Path to Completion Analysis

The longest path to completion is primarily held within Phase 3 and 4 of SLR project, with little to no
inclusion of WWS/CW or NFCTA activities.

Page 9 of 29 Rev 0, 21 March 2014

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