Eexam Question Bank

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Type  Question  A  B  C  D  Answer  Remark 

e Exam
FBQ In instrumental Reward
conditioning theory the
response must be made

is given

e Exam
FBQ Individuals endeavour to Defense
protect their ego from mechanisms
embarrassment by using
various forms of

e Exam
FBQ An indepth study of a Case
single subject is
described as


e Exam
FBQ If a child psychologist Questionnaire
wants to study the
prevalence of drug
abuse among Nigerian
adolescents, a useful
technique to collect data
would be

e Exam
FBQ The female X or sex Father
chromosome which
defines the sex of the
child is contributed by

e Exam
FBQ Abnormalities in body Chromosomal
organ function that are
inherited are referred to


e Exam
FBQ The resultant cell from Zygote
this fusion of gametes is

e Exam
FBQ Fertilization 1/12
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_is the fusion of the
male sperm cell and the
female egg cell

e Exam
FBQ The Nature-nurture

_controversy has been

a major point of
argument amongst

e Exam
FBQ One major factor that Heredity
controls human
development from
'nature' point of view is

e Exam
FBQ A child will normally sit Sequence
before crawling; crwl
before standing; and
stand before walking.
This tendency illustrates
the principle of

e Exam
FBQ Proximodistal
_developmental law
describes the tendency
of development to
proceed from trunk to

e Exam
FBQ Maturation
_is the biological
unfolding of human

e Exam
FBQ The field of human Developmental
development is
regarded as


e Exam
FBQ The unit of inheritance Gene
is called

e Exam
FBQ Survey
_method of studying the
child focuses on the
prevalence of given
attitudinal behaviour
within a period

e Exam
FBQ Oedipus complex Castration

_anxiety a child habours

for nursing to steal the
mother's love for the

e Exam
FBQ Sigmund Freud Psychosexual
postulated that a child
passes through five 2/12
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major progressive
stages of


e Exam
FBQ Displaced
_aggression describes a
situation where a person
redirects their frustration
on others who did not
cause their frustration

e Exam
FBQ When an individual Projection
ascribes their
unacceptable behaviour
to others to justify self
defence, they are said
to be employing a type
of defense mechanism
known as

e Exam
FBQ What establishes Association
conditioned behaviour in
classical conditioning is

_of previously unrelated

events or stimuli

e Exam
FBQ In Erickson's theory of socio-cultural
development, the major
determinant of
behaviour is


e Exam
FBQ The deprivation of Mistrust
affection, contact,
comfort and
nourishment in early
infancy may lead the
child to

the caregiver

e Exam
FBQ Among the observable primary
physical characteristics
of the adolescent period
of development is
appearance of

_sexual characteristics

e Exam
FBQ Among the observable Spurt
physical characteristics
of the adolescent period
of development is

in physical growth

e Exam
FBQ Adolescence is a period Identity
of development
characterized by
individual search for 3/12
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e Exam
FBQ Learning to take solid Developmental
foods and learning to
eliminate body waste
appropriately are

tasks at infancy

e Exam
FBQ The name given to a Neonate
newborn aged 0-2
weeks is

e Exam
FBQ Development
_is the result of
interaction of growth,
maturation and learning

e Exam
FBQ Scheme
_is an organized pattern
of actions that the child
constructs to interprete
their experiences

e Exam
FBQ Children with Down Father
syndrome receive their
“extra” chromosomes
from their

e Exam

_chromosome of the
father results to male

e Exam
FBQ In social learning theory, Representational
the models are
classified as real life,
symbolic and

e Exam
FBQ Classical conditioning Passive


e Exam
FBQ In Classical

_conditioning, behaviour
is elicited by stimulus

e Exam
FBQ In Operant

_conditioning, behaviour
is emitted by the

e Exam
FBQ Trust versus Mistrust Sensori motor
stage of psychosocial
corresponds to
Piagetian 4/12
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e Exam
FBQ Erickson’s autonomy Pre-operational
versus shame and
doubt stage of
corresponds to

_stage of Piaget’s
cognitive developmental

e Exam
FBQ Erickson’s theory of Eight
development of an
individual undergoes

_stages of psychosocial

e Exam
FBQ Piaget assumes that Functional
intelligence is made up invariants
of two divisions namely,
structure and

e Exam
FBQ Erikson's 'identity versus Formal
role confusion' operational
corresponds to Piaget's


e Exam
FBQ As a result of Storm and stress
adolescents' heightened
emotional tension,
psychologists refer to
adolescence as a period

e Exam
FBQ The longest period of Adulthood
the lifespan is

e Exam
FBQ Erikson's 'identity versus Genital
role confusion'
corresponds to Freud's


e Exam
FBQ Social learning theorists Imitating
posit that children learn
by observing and

_a model

e Exam
FBQ The experimental Cause and effect
method offers

_relationship through
manipulation of
dependent and
independent variables 5/12
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e Exam
FBQ Nature is to Environmentalists
hereditarians as nuture
is to

e Exam
FBQ Freud is to Psychosocial
psychosexual as Erikson
is to

e Exam
FBQ Vicarious learning is Albert Bandura
associated with

_(write full name)

e Exam
FBQ Another name for XYY Super male
syndrome is syndrome

e Exam
FBQ Instrumental Classical
conditioning is to conditioning
Skinner as

_is to Pavlov

e Exam
FBQ Another name for Operant
conditioning is


e Exam
FBQ Id operates on Pleasure


e Exam
FBQ Heredity involves a Genetic
number of


e Exam
FBQ Ego operates on Reality


e Exam
FBQ Ego defense
_are mental devices mechanisms
used by individuals to
protect themselves from
distortion of reality

e Exam
FBQ The conscience part of Super ego
the mind that helps
individuals to develop a
moral code and ideal
behaviour is called

e Exam
FBQ Development is critical Learning
and plays significant
role in maturational and

e Exam
FBQ A child whose mental Concrete
activities centre on 6/12
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objective reality or the
"here and now" is
operating at the


e Exam
FBQ The biological factors Heredity
which contribute to the
development of the
individual through the
process of cell division
is known as

e Exam
MCQ Piaget identified four Heredity Equilibration Maturation Experience A
basic elements in
development which
include all of these

e Exam
MCQ The main difference While growth While growth Both refer to All of the above D
between growth and refers to refers to changes and
development is that quantitative increase in the processes
changes size height are interrelated
development and weight and
refers to both development interdependent
qualitative and is the on each
quantitative progressive
changes sequence of

e Exam
MCQ which of these is not a Growth Maturation Learning Curriculum D
concept mostly used in

e Exam
MCQ Which of the following Vicarious Imitation Observational Positive D
terms is not associated learning learning reinforcement
with social learning

e Exam
MCQ Which of these In instrumental In instrumental In both in neither of the A
statements is correct conditioning the conditioning instrumental conditioning
behaviour is the behaviour and classical systems is
emitted while in is elicited conditioning behaviour
classical; while in behaviour emitted or
conditioning it is classical emitted elicited
elicited conditioning it
is emitted

e Exam
MCQ Select the correct option The id, the ego, the ego The id appears, The id Appears D
the superego appears then superego followed by ego
appear before the id before the ego then the super
simultaneously ego

e Exam
MCQ Two concepts Right and left Horizontal and Proximodistal Head to foot C
associated with the law directional vertical and directional
of the development development directional cephalocaudal development
direction are: development directional

e Exam
MCQ At what stage of Oral stage Genital stage Phallic stage Latency stage C
development does
Oedipus complex occur

e Exam 7/12
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e Exam
MCQ The focus of Mouth Anus Breast Genitals D
pleasurable body zone
at the phallic stage of
development is at the

e Exam
MCQ Which of these options Development There are there are Growth and B
is incorrect proceeds from variations in growth spurts in development
general to development development are continuous
specific such that
some children
follow orderly
others do not

e Exam
MCQ Which of these Havighust Piaget Freud Bandura A
personalities is
associated with
developmental task

e Exam
MCQ Identify the correct abcde acbed cabde cdabe B
sequential order of
psychosexual stages of
human development [a]
Oral [b] Phallic [c] Anal
[d] Genital [e] Latency

e Exam
MCQ The best method to Longitudinal Experimental; Cross-sectional Observational A
study the physical approach approach approach approach
emotional, mental
language and social
characteristics of
children is through

e Exam
MCQ Heredity refers to the Implantation Individual Cell division Chromosomal C
biological factors which differences division
contribute to the
development of the
individual through the
process of

e Exam
MCQ Which of these is the Both terms mean Both terms Both terms Growth refers C
correct option regarding the same thing are used have different to changes
growth and development and go hand in together to meaning while
hand mean the though used development
same thing interchangeably does not

e Exam
MCQ The id is known as the Pleasure Reality Conscience a and b A
Principle Principle principle

e Exam
MCQ The Modern stand on Heredity interacts Heredity alone Environment Behaviour is A
nature-nurture with environment determines alone determined by
controversy is that to produce behaviors determines other multiple
behaviors behaviour causes and not
hereditary nor

e Exam
MCQ According to If your father is a If your father If your father is Only a and c A
environmentalist genius, you are is a genius, a genius, the are correct
automatically a you may or same
genius may not be a hereditary traits
genius are transmitted
to you

e Exam
MCQ In addition to nature- Heredity vs Maturation vs Innate vs Proximodistal D
nurture controversy, environment learning acquired traits vs
other areas debated cephalocaudal 8/12
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have been all of these

e Exam
MCQ Which of these is They are They are They are used They are used C
incorrect about ego activated when mental to protect the id to protect the
defense mechanisms an individual devices used that children ego that
confronts serious by individuals develop as part children
anxiety and to protect of personality develop as part
emotional conflict themselves development of personality
from distortion development
of reality

e Exam
MCQ At which stage of concrete formal pre-operational sensorimotor B
cognitive development operational stage operational stage stage
does a child make use stage
of hypothetico-deductive
method of reasoning

e Exam
MCQ Children suppress most genital stage latency stage oral stage phallic stage B
of their infantile sexual
feelings at

e Exam
MCQ The conscience part of ego id conscience ego super ego D
the mind is

e Exam
MCQ Developmental task task that each social task that each task that each B
refers to child should expectations child should child should
accomplish at for each accomplish at accomplish in
home developmental school the community

e Exam
MCQ which of these describes accommodation equilibrium assimilation enculturation C
the process by which
the child interpretes new
experience by
incorporating it into its
existing scheme

e Exam
MCQ Which of these ages 12 -18 years 6 -12 years 18 months -3 3 -6 years A
corresponds to Freud's years
genital stage of

e Exam
MCQ Which of these is typical control of indepth study large sample small sample A
of the experimental variable

e Exam
MCQ Which of these sex XX XY XXY AB B
genotype belongs to a
boy child

e Exam
MCQ Which of these data questionnaire interview anecdoctal case history A
collecting instruments is record
most suitable in a large
scale survey

e Exam
MCQ Which of these multiple birth twin birth identical twins fraternal twins C
describes the birth that
results when fertilized
ovum splits into two
before cell multiplication

e Exam
MCQ Which one of these is a genes determine genes instruct genes genes carry B
function of genes? human behaviour chemicals that determine chromosomes
determine human
human misbehaviour
behaviour 9/12
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e Exam
MCQ Every human cell bone marrow red blood cells white blood germ cells D
contains 23 pairs of cells cells
chromosomes except

e Exam
MCQ Heredity refers to land inheritance family trait cultural C
relationship transmission transmission

e Exam
MCQ A child first cries when general to individual language developmental A
hungry, then they specific difference development continuity
indicate hunger by
saying ''mummy food'',
then later ''mummy i
want tea''. This pattern
illustrates the principle

e Exam
MCQ The superego operates pleasure reality both pleasure none of the D
on principle principle and reality above

e Exam
MCQ The observation that retardation prococity individual abnormality C
one 12-month old child difference
takes the first step while
another 12-month old
child is unable to stand
without support

e Exam
MCQ Which of these is not maturation learning experience maturity D
involved in development

e Exam
MCQ Developmental economic educational changes in all of the above C
psychology is development of development development
concerned with the the nation of the nation from birth to
study of death

e Exam
MCQ Which one of these is a search for occurence of rapid physical appearance of A
social characteristic of identity menstral growth pubic hair
adolescents period

e Exam
MCQ Which of these is not a economic ego identity developing life eliminating D
developmental task of independence philosophy body waste
adolescents appropriately

e Exam
MCQ Erik Erikson psychosoial 6 months - 1 year 3-6 years 12-20 years 1-3 years D
stage of development
called 'Autonomy and
Shame and doubt'
corresponds to which of
these ages

e Exam
MCQ When an individual mesmerization projection Rationalization aggression C
exhibits a convincing
reason for doing
something that is
unacceptable, they are
employing a defense

e Exam
MCQ Which one of these is a hypothesis egocentric consevation assimilation A
mental characteristic of testing

e Exam
MCQ According to Piaget, the organization adaptation assimilation accommodation A
process by which a child
combines existing
schema into new and 10/12
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more complex cognitive
structures is known as

e Exam
MCQ When a child has three Down's syndrome Turner's Klinefelter's chromosomal A
chromosomes at the syndrome syndrome syndrome
21st pair, the child
exhibits an abnormality

e Exam
MCQ The boy child genotype the grandparents the mother both the mother the father D
for sex is described as and the father
XY. Which of these
determines the sex of
the child

e Exam
MCQ Which of these explains direct abstract classical radical B
the process of learning reinforcement modeling conditioning behaviourism
in social learning

e Exam
MCQ Which of these is not an hypothesizing classifying conservation seriation A
activity that a child in the
concrete operational
stage will perform?

e Exam
MCQ Which of these made it punishment Reinforcement salivation all of the above B
possible for the
organism to learn in
Skinner's experiment

e Exam
MCQ Age appropriate task a cognitive task developmental psychomotor socialization B
child is expected to task task task
perform at specific
stages of development
is termed

e Exam
MCQ Which of these mental regression rationalization repression denial D
devices is an individual
using when they reject
the existence of reality

e Exam
MCQ Which of these personality behaviour defence defensive C
describes the mental disorder disorder mechanism mechanism
device individuals use to
protect themselves from
distortion of reality

e Exam
MCQ Which of these oral stage anal stage anus stage phallic stage B
describes the stage in
development when the
pleasurable body zone
is the anus

e Exam
MCQ Which of these conceptual chronological developmental human C
describes the branch of psychology psychology psychology psychology
psychology that is
concerned with the
study of changes in
development from
conception to death

e Exam
MCQ Which of the following is to understand to shape to direct human to examine A
the major objective of and predict behaviour of behaviour human
psychology behaviour animals behaviour

e Exam
MCQ Which of these best the behaviour of the behaviour the science of the C
describes psychology? human beings of animals human and understanding
animal of human 11/12
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behaviour behaviour

e Exam
MCQ Erik Erikson’s ‘initiative 1-3 years 3-6 years 6-12 years 12-20 years B
versus guilt’ stage of
development occurs at

e Exam
MCQ Skinner is to Operant Theory of Observational Classical C
instrumental conditioning connectionism theory conditioning
conditioning as Bandura
is to

e Exam
MCQ Projection defense An individual an individual An individual An individual C
mechanism occurs when exhibits a protects ascribes his protects himself
convincing himself from unacceptable against
reason for doing unpleasant behaviour to recognizing
something reality by not others aspect of his
unacceptable perceiving its personality that
existence he would find
by developing
the opposite

e Exam
MCQ Heredity refers to the Maturation Genes Equilibration Chromosomes B
biological transmission
of traits from parents to
offspring through

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