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Hardrock Seismic


Editedby David W. Eaton,Bernd Milkereit,

and Matthew H. Salisbury

SeriesEditor.'Stephend. Hill

GeophysicalDevelopmentsSeriesNo. 10
Societyof ExplorationGeophysicists

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Library of CongressCataloging-in-Publication

Hardrockseismicexploration/ editedby David W. Eaton,Bernd Milkereit, andMatthew H. Salisbury.

p. cm.- (Geophysicaldevelopmentsseries;no. 10)
ISBN 1-56080-114-X (alk. paper)
1. Seismicprospecting. I. Eaton,David W., 1962- II. Milkereit, Bernd, 1955- III. Salisbury,MatthewH.
(Matthew Harold), 1943- IV. Geophysicaldevelopmentseries;v. 10

TN269.8.H37 2003
62T. 1592-dc21 2003043442

ISBN 0-931830-41-9 (Series)

ISBN 1-56080-114-X (Volume)

Societyof ExplorationGeophysicists
P.O. Box 702740
Tulsa, OK 74170-2740

¸ 2003 Societyof ExplorationGeophysicists

All rightsreserved.This bookor partshereofmaynot be reproduced
in anyform withoutpermissionin writingfrom
the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America

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This projectwas supportedby the CanadianSocietyof ExplorationGeophysicists

throughthe CSEG Superfund,andthe Natural SciencesandEngineeringResearch
Council of Canada.Eileen Blackmorehelpedto prepareand compilethe manu-

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Adaptedto NewExplorationTargets
D. Eaton, B. Milkereit, and M. Salisbury

Part I: PhysicalRockPropertiesand Geophysical

1. The AcousticPropertiesof Oresand HostRocksin HardrockTerranes
M. H. Salisbury,C. W.Harvey,andL. Matthews
2. Geophysical
for ElasticProperties
in Hard Rock:A Tutorial
D. R. Schmitt,C. J. Mwenifumbo,
K. A. Pfiug,andL L. Meglis

Part II' SimulatingElasticWavesin the Hardrock Environment 43

3. Influence
of Massive
Based on Elastic-Wave Kirchhoff Modeling
G. J Clarke and D. W. Eaton

4. 3DModeling
of Seismic-Wave
to Mineral Exploration
R. W. Hobbs

5. ElasticSeismic-Wave
On theRoleof Composition
and Shape
T. Bohlen, C. M•iller, and B. Milkereit

Part III: RegionalSeismicReconnaissance

Studies 91

6. Experiences
overGraniticRocksin Sweden
C. Juhlin and H. Palm

7. Seismic
of theManitouwadge
Belt,Ontario'A CaseHistory
B. Roberts,E. Zalesla',G. Perron,E. •4dam,L. Petrie,andM. Salisbury

8. Seismic-Reflection
Imagingof theEnvironment
aroundtheMountIsa Orebodies,
Australia: A Case Study
B. J. Drummond,•4.J. Owen,J. C. Jackson,B. R. Goleby,andS. N. Sheard

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vi Contents

Part IV: 2D SeismicImaging of Mineral Deposits 139

9. SeismicImaging of Preciousand Base-Metal Depositsin Southern Africa 141

F. Stevenson,R. M. A. Higgs, and R. d Durrheim

10. Using Surface-SeismicReflection to Profile a Massive Sulfide Deposit at Mount Morgan, Australia 157

B. d Evans, M. Urosevic, and A. Taube

11. A Comparison of 2D SeismicLines Shot over the Ansil and Bell Allard Mines in the Abitibi
Greenstone Belt 164
A. d Calvert, G. Perron, and Y. Li

Part V: Downhole SeismicImaging 179

12. Vertical SeismicProfiling at the Bell Allard Orebody, Matagami, Qu6bec 181

E. Adam, T. Bohlen, and B. Milkereit

13. Application of Downhole SeismicImaging to Map Near-Vertical Structures: Norm6tal (Abitibi

Greenstone Belt), Qu6bec 194

G. Perron, D. W.Eaton, B. Elliot, and D. Schmitt

14. Multiazimuth VSP for Rock Characterization of Deep Nuclear Waste Disposal Sites in Finland 207
C. Cosma, P. Heik]a'nen, and d Kes]a'nen

Part Vl' 3D SeismicImaging 227

15. 3D SeismicImaging for VMS Deposit Exploration, Matagami, Quebec 229

E. Adam, G. Perron, G. Arnold, L. Matthews, and B. Milkereit

16. A Review of 16 Years of Hardrock Seismicson the Kaapvaal Craton 247

C. C. Pretorius,M. R. Muller, M. Larroque,and C. Willa'ns

Index 269

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Hardrock SeismicExploration: Mature Technologies

Adapted to New Exploration Targets

D. Eaton, B. Milkereit, and M. Salisbury

INTRODUCTION enhancedelectricalconductivity,chargeability,or mag-

... the bulwarkof a continenthere laid bare, with itsproper
netization, in order to pinpoint potential targets for
soil sweptoff,'the elementalbedrock,with its hiddenriches drilling. Althoughwell suitedto shallow(<500 m) ex-
and its answersto great mysteries. plorationproblemsandreadilyadaptable(in somecases)
B. Moon, The Canadian Shield to airborneor satelliteremotesensingapplications,these
classical"hardrock"techniquesare constrainedby in-
Hardrock environmentsoccur on every continent. escapablelimitationsto their sensitivityand resolving
From modern mountain belts to ancient shield ar- powerwith increasingdepth.Theselimitationsarea fun-
eas, this geological setting is dominatedby diverse damentalconsequence of theunderlyingphysicsof these
and often stronglydeformedassemblages of igneous methods,whichultimatelyreston Laplace'sequationor
and metamorphicrocks. Suchenvironmentsare gener- the principlesof diffusion.While thesemethodshave
ally far removedfrom petroliferoussedimentarybasins been sufficient to meet the needs of industrialized nations
where seismicexplorationis commonplace--andvirtu- in thepast,recentdeclinesin basemetalreserves,caused
ally terra incognitato the vastmajority of exploration by the depletionof known shallowdepositsand declin-
seismologists. Yet, theseregionshosta substantialfrac- ing ratesof discoveryfor new deposits,will requirethe
tion of the planer'smineralwealth,providean unparal- useof deeperexporationmethods(e.g., Debicki, 1996).
leled geologicalrecordfor mostof Earthhistory,and,in Seismicmethodsoffer onepossiblesolution.
the caseof stableshieldregions,arethe focusof various For more than 70 years, seismic-reflectionmethods
nationalprogramsto find long-termstoragesolutionsfor havebeenusedwith great successto exploresedimen-
dangerousman-madewaste.As an economicforce,the tary basinsfor deep-seatedhydrocarbonreservoirs,by
impactof mining aloneis significant.For example,the mappingstratigraphicand structuraldiscontinuitiesin
combinedvalue of worldwidegold, copperand nickel the subsurface.With the exceptionof coal exploration,
productionamountedto an estimated$57.9 billion in however,seismicmethodshave had relatively limited
1999 (Table 1), representingalmost 10% of the value use in mineral explorationand otherhardrockapplica-
of worldwidecrudeoil productionduringthe samepe- tions.This hasbeen due, in part, to the relativelyhigh
hod. Explorationandresearchactivitiesrelatedtothese costof seismicmethods(a major deterrentto compre-
themesrelyupongeophysical techniquesto providecrit- hensivefield testing),coupledwith a lack of a detailed
ical subsurfaceinformationand 3D mappingcapabili- understandingof the relevantphysical-rockproperties.
ties.Improved,cost-effective geophysicaltechniques are In the 1980s two key casehistoriesestablishedthe po-
neededto map and explorethe deep structureof these tential of seismicsas a mappingtool in the hardrock
regions. environment.Green and Mair (1983) presentedseis-
Classicalnonseismicgeophysicalmethods,including mic imagesof complexfracturesystemsat a radioactive
electromagnetic,induced-polarization,potential-field, wastedisposalsitein theCanadianShield.Subsequently,
and, more recently,radiometrictechniques,have been Pretoriuset al. (1989) demonstratedtheusefulness of an
thebackboneof mineralexplorationfor decadesandthus integratedseismicandpetrophysicalapproachto image
havea moreobviousassociation, for mostgeophysicists, key geologicalstructuresfor mineralexplorationin the
with hardrocksettings.Thesemethodsexploit anoma- Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa. These case histo-
lous physicalpropertiesof mineral deposits,such as ries, togetherwith large-scalecrustalseismic-profiling

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2 Introduction

Table 1. Estimated value of worldwide production of selectedminerals and crude

oil in 1999, in $U.S.

Commodity Net GlobalProduction Unit Unit value Totalvalue(billions$)

Gold1 2540 tonnes $9,002,196 22.87

Nickel2 1120000 tonnes $7,488 8.39
3 12600000 tonnes $2,114 26.64
Oiln 29747.5 Mb/c $20,000,000 594.95
1 BasedonAmey,E. B. (2001)
2 BasedonKuck,E H. (2001)
3 BasedonEdelstein,
D. L. (2001)
4 BasedonChang(1999)andPetzet(1999)

initiatives,suchas COCORP (U.S.A.), LITHOPROBE overviewof the relevantlaboratoryandfield techniques,

(Canada),DEKORP (Germany),ECORS (France)and tutorials on physical-rock properties and borehole
AGSO (Australia),have servedas catalystsfor numer- loggingtechniquesarepresentedin Part I of the book.
ous integratedhardrockseismicinvestigationsduring In the first paper, Salisburyet al. review laboratory
the 1990s. These largely independentresearchefforts velocity and density measurements performed under
aroundthe globehaveestablished the potentialof seis- insitupressures(200 MPa) on a wide variety of rocks,
mic methodsto providestructuralimagesfor deepmin- includingboreholesamplesof oresandhostrocksfrom
eral exploration,radioactivewastedisposalsiteevalua- mining camps. S-wave velocities of ores, critical for
tion and geotechnicalinvestigations. a completeunderstandingof elastic-waveinteractions
This specialpublicationbringstogetherrepresenta- with ore deposits,are alsopresentedfor the firsttime in
tive contributions,from aroundthe world, that document this paper. Salisburyet al. showthat elasticproperties
the growingimportanceof seismic-exploration methods andacousticimpedancesof massivesulfidesare signifi-
in the hardrockenvironment.Througha compilationof cantlydifferentfrom thoseof mostcommonhostrocks.
tutorialsandcasehistoriesillustratinginnovativeappli- This implies that ore depositsshouldbe detectableas
cationsof maturetechnologiesto new targets,thisbook reflectorsor scatterers,providedthat geometricalcon-
providesan up-to-date,authoritativereferencedescrib- ditionsfor imaging(size and depthof the deposit)are
ing how seismicdataacquisition,processingand inter- met. Severalconsiderations that complicatethe analysis
pretationcanbe effectivelytailoredfor usein hardrock of reflectivity,suchas seismicanisotropyand orebody
applications.Our objectiveis to increaseawarenessof morphology,arealsoreviewed.In thenexttutorialpaper,
hardrockexplorationwithin the traditionalseismicin- Schmittet al. summarizethe petrophysicsof wireline
dustry,as well as to provide the basis for a broader loggingapplicationsin the hardrockenvironment,with
appreciationof seismicmethodswithin the mineral- illustrative examples.They note that laboratory mea-
explorationandgeotechnical-engineering communities. surements from samplesmay not be fully representative
of the physicalpropertiesof ore depositsat seismic
wavelengthscales,becauseof thepresenceof fractures,
Seismic-exploration methodsilluminate the subsur- sequently, full-waveformsonicanddensitylogsprovide
face using elastic(P and S) waves.The signalsof in- essentialin-situconstraints on elasticproperties.A prac-
terest arise from reflection,refraction and scattering titioner must be aware, however,of other effectsthat can
of thesewavesat lithologicand structuralboundaries, influencethe final interpretationwireline loggingdata.
where abrupt changesin elasticrock propertiesoccur. Despitethe diversityand sophistication of available
A soundgeologicalinterpretationof theseseismicsig- tools for seismicmodeling, wavefield simulationre-
nalsrequiresa completeunderstanding of the pertinent mainsa significantchallengein thehardrocksettingdue
rock properties(e.g., P-wave velocity, S-wavevelocity to the need for 3D modelsto accountfor out-of-plane
and density)and how they are relatedto specificrock scatteringeffects,the oftencomplexmorphologyof tar-
types,as well as how they are influencedby pressure, get features,and the stochasticnatureof background
temperature,and pore-fluid conditions.To provide an heterogeneity. Threepapersare containedin the Part II

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Hardrock seismicexploration: Mature technologiesadapted to new exploration targets 3

of this volume,describingdifferentnumericalmethods geologicalfeaturesto depthsof up to 2 km, primarily

that can be used to simulate wavefields in a hardrock for high-level nuclearwaste disposalstudies.The au-
environment.The methodstradeoffvarying degreesof thorsprovidea clearandconciseoverviewof the neces-
approximationagainstcomputationalefficiency.Clarke sarymodificationsto tailor dataprocessingtechniques
and Eaton introduce a new, fast elastic Kirchhoff tech- to hardrockterranes.In addition,they showthat fracture
niquethatcalculatesseismicwavefieldsby computingan zonesin graniticrockscan sometimesbe differentiated
integraloverthe surfaceof an elasticinclusion(suchas from dolerite(diabase)sillsbasedon the polarity of the
an ore deposit).They applythis techniqueto investigate reflectedwaves,andthat it is possibleto imagefeatures
the influenceof inclusionshapeand surfaceroughness that dip up to 60-70 ø using surfaceseismic-reflection
on the scatteredsignals.Clarke andEatonfind that flat- methods.
tened inclusionsscattersignalspreferentiallyperpen- The nextpaper,by Robertset al., describesa multidis-
dicular to the long axis of the body, and that surface ciplinary studyin the Manitouwadgegreenstonebelt of
roughness can causean objectto appearseismicallyun- northernOntario,whererecentmine closuresprovidea
detectable,even in the presenceof a large impedance strongmotivationfor developinggeophysical techniques
contrast. that can guide deep drilling programs.This area is the
In the following article, Hobbs appliesthe recently mosthighlydeformedandmetamorphosed hardrockset-
developedcomplex elastic-screenmethod to investi- tingpresentedin thisvolume,andinitial detailedgeolog-
gate scatteringcharacteristics of a massivesulfideore- ical mappingwasnecessaryto generatea workingstruc-
body containedwithin a volcanic sequencewith ran- tural model. Follow-on studiesincluded physicalrock
dom velocity fluctuations.By comparingthe computed propertyand boreholesurveys,which providedcritical
responsefor 3D surface-reflectionseismic data and acousticpropertydatafor the main lithologicalunits.In
3-component vertical-seismic-profilingdata, Hobbs addition,3D forward modelingprovideda framework
showsthatimagingof smallore depositsin a stochastic for surveydesignandinterpretation.A programof three
mediummay be problematicusingsurfacerecordings. intersectingseismicprofiles was acquiredto delineate
On the other hand,he finds that P- and S-wave energy key marker horizons.Roberts et al. show that seismic
recordedby vertical seismicprofilescanbe usedreliably geometriesfrom thisprogramare consistentwith the re-
to detectsuchfeaturesat rangesof over 1 km. gional structuralmodel. Severaldeepboreholes,drilled
In the next paper,Bohlen et al. describethe first ap- to testhigh-amplitudeseismicanomalies,confirmedthe
plicationof 3D viscoelasticfinite-differencemethodsto interpretationof themain contactsbut did not encounter
forward modeling problemsin a hardrocksetting.By massive sulfides.
modelingthe full wave equation,this approachreveals Drummondet al. invokethe mineral-systemconcept,
thatlargeoredepositsleadto a strongandcomplexscat- which recognizesthat ore depositionrequiresa fluid
teringresponsethat is dominatedby shear-waveevents. source,a migrationpathway,and a trap as a framework
They find that the directivity imposedby the shapeof for seismicinterpretationin mineral exploration.This
an ore depositis a first-ordercharacteristicof the scat- innovativeapproachwas applied to investigatestruc-
teredwavefield,asa consequence of amplitudefocusing tures that controlled the location of silver-lead-zinc and
phenomena.Compositioneffects,however,provide an copper orebodiesat the Mount Isa mine in northern
importantsecondarysignal,sincethe FD modeling in- Australia.The ParooFault, a reflectivemarkerthat rep-
dicatesthat the first arrivalphasereversalsoccuralmost resents the structural lower limit of mineralization in the
irrespectiveof shape.Thispotentialto infer composition area,was the primary targetfor seismicimagingrather
fromphase-reversal observationsis encouraging,sinceit that the mineralizationitself. Detailed mappingof this
supportsthepossibilityof distinguishing scatteringfrom fault providesimportant structuralconstraintsfor ex-
oresfrom othertypesof scatteringthat can complicate ploration.Furthermore,the alterationhalos aroundthe
seismic records in hardrock environments. copperorebodiesseemto be broad enoughto form a
PartIII of thisbookdealswith regionalseismicrecon- likely target.
naissance studies in hardrock environments. In the first In Part IV, Stevenson et al. document a diverse set
paperof this section,JuhlinandPalm summarizeresults of successful case histories in which seismic methods
from five site investigationsin Swedenwhere seismic- have been used for precious- and base-metalexplo-
reflectionprofiles have been used to image important ration in hardrock settingsof southernAfrica. In the

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4 Introduction

WitwatersrandBasin, reflection seismologyhas been closerto thetargetzone.Adam et al. presentresultsfrom

instrumentalin severalrecent major gold discoveries, two vertical seismicprofile (VSP) surveysacquiredin
by allowingArcheanmarkerhorizonsto be mappedat thevicinityof a 1-kmdeepvolcanogenic massivesulfide
depth and thus enablingthe position of gold-bearing depositin northwesternQuebec.In thecaseofa borehole
reefsto be inferred. High-resolutionvibroseismethods intersectingthe deposit,strongscatteredP- andS-waves
have also been usedin the BushveldComplex,a giant were observed.In the caseof a nearbynonintersecting
ultramafic intrusion estimated to contain about 70% of borehole,however,no prominentscatteredeventsfrom
the world'sreservesof platinumgroupelements.In this the ore zone were evident. Adam et al. reconcile their ob-
case,theapplicationsof seismic-reflection
areto identify servationswith numericalmodeling,which showsthat
different"reef" facies,andto mapthe extentof a mine- while strongscatteringoccurs(asexpectedfromthesig-
planningproblemreferredto as potholes(areaswhere nificantimpedancecontrastof the ore depositrelative
the platinum-bearingreef crosscutsits own unlithified to the hostrocks),seismicamplitudesdecreaserapidly
footwalland occursunconformablyat a lowerhorizon). with distanceand exhibit strongvariationswith offset
Stevenson et al. also describe a new subsurface borehole and azimuth.Using so-calleddownholeseismicimag-
technique,calledmine seismicprofiling,andpresentre- ing (DSI) techniques, Perronet al. focusonproblemsas-
sultsfrom seismicsurveysfor base-metalexplorationin sociatedwith subsurface mappingin structuralsettings
Namibia. where featuresof interest(e.g., shearzones,lithologi-
The nextpaperin thispart,by Evanset al., documents cal contacts)are subvertical.The DSI methodcombines
an experimentalsurfaceand upholeseismicsurveyde- multioffset,multiazimuthVSP dataacquisitionwith var-
signedto delineatea deepdepositnearthe now-depleted ious3D seismicimagingtechniques.This approachwas
Mt. Morgan gold mine in Queensland,Australia. The usedto processandinterpretmultioffsetVSP datafrom
data were acquiredin a challengingnear-surfaceenvi- a boreholenearthe (abandoned)Norm•tal Zn-Cu mine
ronmentcontainingmine tailings and abandonedmine in northwesternQuebec.The resultsof this studyen-
infrastructure.Specialacquisitionandprocessingtech- abledmappingof the volcanicunits of the mine up to
niques, such as the use of extreme staticsand VSP- 500 rn awayfrom the borehole,as well as imagingof a
derivedvelocities,yieldeda seismicimagethat suggests tabulargabbroicintrusionthat cutsacrossthe dominant
that the depositmay be more extensivethanpreviously geologicstrikedirection.
thought.Clearly,old mine workingsrepresenta hostile MultiazimuthVSP surveyshavebeena partof Finnish
settingfor surfaceseismicsurveys.Calvert et al. com- site surveyinvestigationsfor safe disposalof radioac-
pare 2D seismicprofiles acrossAnsil and Matagami, tive wastesincethe mid 1980s.Cosmaet al. providea
two of the most importantmining campsin the Abitibi comprehensive review of the techniquesused in these
greenstonebelt of northern Quebec.The many avail- surveys,with the objectivesof detectinghydraulically
ableboreholesin theseregionsprovideexcellentsubsur- transmissive zones(normallyfracturezonesandfaults)
facecontrolfor the interpretationof seismicreflections. and determiningtheir geometry.The core of the pro-
Calvert et al. showthat it is sometimespossibleto map cessingschemefor these data is the so-calledimage
synvolcanicfaultingin orderto providedrillingtargets. point (IP) transform,a versionof the radontransformin
The interpretationof theseseismicprofilesis compli- which summationis performedalonghyperbolicpaths
cated,however,by the pervasivepresenceof mafic sills. that correspondto the time-depthfunctionsof possible
In addition,oneseismicline recordeda strongreflection reflectors.Thisapproachfacilitatestheapplicationofco-
from the top surfaceof a volcanogenicmassivesulfide herencyfiltersto enhanceweakreflections,andefficient
orebody,but the characterof the reflectionis similarto separationof interferingreflections.The processingand
othereventsreflectedfrom nearbymafic sills. interpretationmethodsare illustratedusing examples
In PartV, boreholeseismicstudiesarepresented.Cer- from two sitesin Finland, showinga good correlation
tainhardrockenvironments areparticularlyproneto dis- betweenprominentseismicreflectorsandhydrogeolog-
tortionsof the seismicwavefieldcausedby near-surface ically significantzones.
layers.This is oftenthe casewherea highly attenuating, Part VI of this volume contains case histories
low-velocitylayer of variablethickness,suchas glacial of 3D seismic surveysfor deep mineral exploration
till, overlieshigh-velocitybedrock.One way aroundthis (Canada) and mine development(South Africa). The
difficulty is to useboreholesin orderto place sources, 3D seismic technique involves data acquisition on
receivers,or both, beneaththe near-surfacelayer and an areal grid, followedby specializedprocessingand

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Hardrock seismicexploration: Mature technologiesadapted to new exploration targets

interpretationmethodsthat exploit the method'scom- as appliedto dataacquisitionin more familiar set-

plete spatialsamplingof the wavefield.By virtue of its tings,mustbe revisedand amended
uniquevisualizationand subsurfacemappingcapabil- 2) As a result of the high velocities that pre-
ities, 3D seismicshas had a profoundand lasting im- vail in hardrockenvironments,high frequencies
pact on oil and gas explorationin sedimentarybasins (> 100Hz) are neededto ensureadequateresolu-
(Weimer and Davis, 1996). Few nonhydrocarbon3D tion of thetargetsof interest,be theyfracturezones
seismicsurveys,however,havebeenreportedin theliter- for radioactivewastedisposalinvestigations, or ore
fora20-km23D depositsin mineral exploration,etc.
dynamitesurveyat the Matagamimining camp,in the 3) Forward modeling is essentialto decipher the
northernAbitibi belt of Quebec.The surveyobjectives (sometimescounter-intuitive)scatteringresponse
wereto determinetheseismicresponse of a typicaldeep- from hardrocktarget zones.Familiar tools of the
seated(1 km) volcanogenicmassivesulfidedepositand trade,suchasray tracing,maynot be adequatefor
to map a key stratigraphicmarkerhorizon.The survey manytypesof problemsfacedin this environment
wassuccessful in mappingthe main markerhorizonand 4) In the absenceof pronouncedstratifiedreflectiv-
imagingthe Bell Allard orebody,in the form of a 100-m ity, robustprocessingsequences, includingcareful
wide zone of high seismicamplitudes.Pretoriuset al. statics,surface-consistent deconvolutionand dip
presentan overviewof pioneeringlessonslearnedby moveout,mustbe developed
Anglo American Corporationthrougha uniquelysus- 5) Unusualphysicalrock propertiesmustbe consid-
tainedprogramof seismicacquisitionon the Kaapvaal eredfor datainterpretation
Craton since 1983, to assistgold mine planning and 6) As evidentfrom thiscollectionof papers,apparent
development.Among the most importantlessonsare differencesof opinion exist concerningthe value
waysto improvethe cost-effectiveness of dataacquisi- of seismicmigrationas an aid to interpretation;in
tion throughdynamicin-fieldmonitoringof dataquality caseswhere isolatedscatteringbodiessuchas ore
andreductionof arraysizes;emphasisonfield staticsand depositsare of paramountinterest,it is advisable
surface-consistent deconvolutionduring data process- to make extensiveuse of unmigrateddata (in ad-
ing; andan integratedapproachto geophysicalmapping dition to migratedsections)to pinpointdiagnostic
and interpretationof the orebodyand its hoststratigra- diffractionresponses
phy.This unrivaledperspectiveis complemented by an
illustrativecasehistoryof 3D seismicsurveysfor gold The guidingprinciplein all of theseconsiderationsis
mineplanningin the WitwatersrandBasin,at Vaal Reefs the needto allocatetime andresourcesfor testing(both
no. 10 shaft. in dataacquisitionandprocessing)in any new hardrock
In the petroleum industry,seismicmethods,partic-
ularly 3D techniques,are recognizedas proven (and
Deep explorationof the hardrockenvironmentspells exceptionally cost-effective) technology. Experience
excitingnew opportunitiesfor the seismic-exploration clearly shows,however,that the cost of deep seismic
industry. The experienceof researchgroups around surveysis considerablyhigher than the cost of tradi-
the world suggeststhat "off-the shelf" seismicsources tional geophysicalmethodsusedin mineralexploration,
(vibroseisand impulsive),sensors,and moderndigital mine planning,and geotechnicalstudies.Thus,to eval-
recordingequipmentdo not requireany specialadapta- uatethe utility of seismictechniquesfor theseapplica-
tion to thehardrockenvironment.However,thissettingis tions,its potentialbenefitsmustbe weighedagainstthis
an extremelychallengingdataacquisitionenvironment, relativelyhigh costprior to the acquisitionof the seis-
andtypicalcharacteristics of seismicdata,includinglow mic surveys(Eatonet al., 1997). Moreover3D seismics,
signal-to-noise ratios,powerfulsource-generated noise, arguablythe most desirableapproachin the hardrock
discontinuous reflections,and scatteringof seismicen- settingwherea fully comprehensive prospectevaluation
ergy imposespecialrequirementsfor data processing is desired,falls on the extremeendof the costspectrum.
and interpretation.Specificpointsto emphasizeare Severalpapersin this volumeaddressthis issue.Adam
et al. notethatthe costper squarekm of 3D seismicsur-
1) For seismic-reflection
studies,high-fold datasets veysin remoteareasof northernQu6becis comparable
are essential; rules of thumb for minimum fold, to drilling two 800-m deep boreholes.Pretoriuset al.

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6 Introduction

convincinglydemonstrate the value of 3D seismicfor high-qualitylithologicalandgeophysical

logsfrom the
goldmine planningin the WitwatersrandBasin.Never- shallowcrystallinecrust.
theless,thereis a needto seekimprovements to existing
methodologiesto reducefield costs,in order to bring REFERENCES
them into alignmentwith budgetallocationsfor such
activities. Amey,E. B., 2001, Gold FactSheet,U.S. GeologicalSurvey,Mineral
The technologicalrisk of seismicsin mining explo-
Chang,T, 1999, Worldwiderefiningcapacitycreepsupward,most
ration is also subjectto considerableuncertainty.Re- growth in Asia-Pacific:Oil and Gas Journal,97, No. 51, 84-85.
sultsto-date indicatethat reflectivitycharacteristics of Debicki, E., 1996, MITEC's Exploration TechnologyDivision:
the crystallinecrustdiffer in fundamentalandimportant Helpingreversethetrendof decliningmineralreservesin Canada:
waysfrom reflectivityin sedimentarybasins,impacting CIM Bull., 89, 53-59.
many aspectsof seismicsurveydesign.For example, Eaton,D. W., Milkereit, B., andAdam,E., 1997,3D seismicexplo-
ration, in Gubbins,A. G., Ed., Geophysicsand geochemistry at
acousticimpedancevariationsin sedimentarybasinsare
the millenium:Prosp.and Devel. Assoc.Can., 65-78.
largelycontrolledby velocitychanges,whereasdensity Edelstein,D. L., 2001, Copperfact sheet:U.S. Geol. Surv.,Mineral
and velocity can vary independentlyin hardrockset- CommoditySummaries.
tings.Furthermore,reflection-coefficient powerspectra Green, A. G., and Mair, J. A., 1983, Subhorizontalfractures in a
derivedfrom boreholelogs suggestthat the reflectiv- granite pluton: Their detectionand implicationfor radioactive
wastedisposal:Geophysics,48, 1428-1449.
ity of the crystallinecrustmay be depletedin the seis-
Milkereit,B., andEaton,D., 1998,Imagingandinterpreting theshal-
mic bandwidth(<500 Hz) relativeto sedimentary basins low crust:Tectonophysics, 286, 5-18.
(Milkereit and Eaton, 1998). Another prime considera- Kuck, P. H., 2001, Nickel fact sheet: U.S. Geol. Surv., Mineral
tion is the relationshipof lithologyto elasticproperties CommoditySummaries.
for rock typesrelevantto mineral explorationand the Moon, B., 1970. The Canadian Shield: Natural Science of Canada
hardrockenvironment. Thisareaof studyis onlystarting
Pretorius,C. C., Jamison,A., Irons,C., 1989, Seismicexplorationin
to be investigated (e.g., Salisburyet al., 1996),yet virtu-
the WitwatersrandBasin,Republicof SouthAfrica: Proceedings
ally everynewhardrockstudyareabringsto light unan- of Exploration'87, OntarioGeol. Surv.,Spec.Vol. 3, 241-253.
ticipatedphysicalpropertyrelationships. Consequently, Pretzet, A., 1999, Decline in world crude reservesis first since '92:
we wouldlike to stressthatanyreliableexplorationpro- Oil and Gas Journal, 97, No. 51, 94.
gram for the shallowcrystallinecrustmust utilize and Salisbury, M. H., Milkereit,B., andBleeker,W., 1996,Seismicimag-
ing of massivesulfidedeposits:Part I. Rock properties:Econ.
integrateboreholegeophysicaldata.We alsorecognize
Geol., 91, 821-828.
thatadvancement of seismic-imaging capabilitiesanda Weimer,P.,and Davis, T L., 1996,Applicationsof 3D seismicdata
betterunderstanding of high-frequencywave propaga- to explorationandproduction:AAPG Studiesin Geology,No. 42
tion requireaccessto a muchlargerdatabaseof modem, and SEG GeophysicalDevelopmentsSeries,No. 5.

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Part I

Physical Rock Properties and


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Chapter 1

The Acoustic Properties of Ores and Host Rocks

in Hardrock Terranes

MatthewH. Salisbury,Craig VL/.

Harvey, and Larry Matthews

ABSTRACT 1) Acousticimpedancecontrastsand signal-to-noise

Compiled laboratorymeasurementsof the densities ratiosare generallylow in hardrockenvironments,
(p) and compressional(V•) and shear (Vs) wave ve- causingreflectionsto havelow amplitudes
locities of common rocks demonstrate that the veloc- 2) Hardrock terranes often display much greater
ities of silicate rocks increasewith density along the rangesin lithology,metamorphism,and deforma-
Nafe-Drake curve as the rocks become more mafic tion than sedimentarybasins,causingreflections
and increasein metamorphicgrade. Reflection coeffi- to be laterally discontinuousand more difficult to
cientscalculatedfrom impedancecontrastsbetweenfel- interpretin termsof lithologyand structure
sic and mafic rocks and other common lithologiesin 3) Finally, economic incentivesfor seismic explo-
hardrock terranes often exceed 6%, the estimated min- ration in thesesettingshavebeen limited because
imum value required to give strong reflections.This economictargetssuchasmassivesulfidesare diffi-
cult to detect due to their small size and because the
finding is consistentwith observationsof deep struc-
ture and stratigraphyin high-gradeterranesusingseis- capabilitiesof alternativegeophysicaltechniques
mic reflection.Sulfideslie far to the right of the Nafe- (e.g., aeromagnetic,electromagnetic,inducedpo-
Drake curvein a largevelocity-densityfield controlled larization,andradiometricmethods)havesufficed
by mixing lines connectingindividual sulfide miner- to meet industrydemands
als and their hosts.The elastic propertiesand acous- High-resolutionseismicmethodshaveseveraldistinct
tic impedancesof massivesulfidesdiffer significantly advantagesoverconventionalsurfaceexplorationmeth-
from thoseof mostcommonhostrocks,suggesting that ods,however,includingtheir relativelyhighresolutionat
large massivesulfidedepositsshouldbe detectableas depthandtheir apparenteaseof interpretation.Interestin
reflectorsor scatterers
usinghigh-resolutionseismicre- hardrockseismicexplorationhasincreaseddramatically
flection techniques,a prediction confirmedby recent in recentyearsfollowing major advancesin the acqui-
VSP, 2D and 3D MCS surveys in Canada. Labora- sition and processingof seismicdata (e.g., Enachescu,
tory measurementsof acousticvelocities under in-situ 1993);thesuccessful multichannelseismic(MCS) imag-
conditionsprovide the basis for the interpretationof ing of deep crustal structure by programs such as
seismicrefraction and stackingvelocities in terms of DEKORP, COCORP,BIRPS, and LITHOPROBE (e.g.,
lithology. Barazangi and Brown, 1986; Matthews and Smith,
1987); andrecentdeclinesin basemetal reservescaused
by the depletionof known shallowdeposits(Debicki,
1996). For example, high-resolution2D surveyshave
Seismicreflectionhas been the explorationtool of beenusedto delineatedeepstructureandstratigraphyin
choicefor the petroleumindustrysinceits first success- mining camps (Wu et al., 1995; Goleby et al., 1997;
ful commercialapplicationalmost75 yearsago, but it Stevenson and Durrheim, 1997; Adams et al., 2000;
has only been systematicallyusedin hardrockterranes Robertset al., thisvolume),to delineateknownorebod-
for the pastseveraldecadesandits usehasbeenlimited ies (Salisburyet al., 1997), and to identify faults and
primarilyto basicresearch.Thereare severalreasonsfor acquifersin hardrock terranes (Juhlin and Palm, this
this: volume). Similarly, VSP (vertical seismic profiling)

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
10 Physical rock properties and geophysicallogging

surveyshavebeenusedto delineatesteeplydippingore Depth (km)

12 18
bodies (Eaton et al., 1996; Adam et al., this volume) ] [ [ [

andto identify fracturezonesin potentialnuclearwaste 0.3

disposalsites(Cosmaet al., this volume).Finally,high-

resolution3D MCS surveyshavebeenusedextensively
in South Africa to map gold-producinghorizons for 0.2

mine planningandproductionpurposes(Pretoriuset al.,

1997, this volume) and to explorefor massivesulfides 0.1
in Canada(Eaton et al., 1997; Milkereit et al., 1997).
Although the resultsof most reflectionsurveysare
visually suggestive,to interpret any of them in terms
of lithology and structurerequiresa knowledgeof the
physicalpropertiesof rocks and the limits of seismic Massive
methods.The purposeof this chapteris to providean 6.5

overviewof the acousticpropertiesof rocksanda review

of the waysin whichthey canbe usedin the geological
interpretationof seismicdata.



While many factorsinfluencethe strengthof seismic

in acousticimpedancebetweenlithologies,where the
acousticimpedanceZ of a rock is definedas its P-wave
5.5 i i i i [ i
Z- Vpp. (1) 0 200 400 600

Forthe simplecaseof two lithologiesin contactalong
a planar surface,the reflectioncoefficientR (the ratio Fig. 1. Vp versuspressureto 600 MPa (18 km equivalent
of reflectedto incidentenergy)for a normal-incidence depth) for a typical silicaterock and a massivesulfide
P-wave is equalto (dry samples).The calculatedreflectioncoefficientR be-
tweenthe two lithologiesshowsalmostno variationwith
Z2 - Z1 VP2P2- Vp,Pl pressure.
- = , (2)
Z2 q- Z1 VP2P2
q- Vp,pl
whereZ1, pl, and Ve1 are the impedance,density,and to hydrostaticconfiningpressuresof up to 1 GPa using
compressional-wave velocity,respectively,of the upper the pulsetransmissiontechniqueof Birch (1960, 1961;
medium;Z2, P2,and Ve•arethecorresponding parame- Christensen,1985) and the resultshavebeen compiled
tersfor the lowermedium;andequation(2) is the Zoep- for comparisonwith refraction,reflection,and logging
pritz equationfor P-wavesfor the caseof normal inci- data (Christensen,1982; Salisburyand Iuliucci, 2000).
dence.In practice,a planarsurfacewhichreflectsaslittle As canbe seenin Figure1, whichshowsVe versuspres-
as 6% of the incidentenergy(R --0.06) can be read- sure to 600 MPa for a fairly typical silicate rock and
ily detectedby the seismic-reflectionmethod(Salisbury a massivesulfide,Ve increasesrapidlywith pressureto
et al., 1996).In general,thisrequiresan impedancecon- about200 MPa in responseto the closureofmicrocracks
trastofabout2.5 x 105g/cm2s.
whether andgrainboundariesandthenincreases moreslowlyand
any two lithologiescan generatesignificantreflections linearly in responseto the intrinsicelasticpropertiesof
only requiresa knowledgeof their densitiesandveloci- the constituent minerals of the rocks.
ties,andthustheir impedances,at appropriatepressures. To facilitate predictionsof seismicreflectivity and
Since the early 1960s laboratorymeasurementsof the interpretationof seismicdata in hardrockterranes,
Ve, Vs, and p have been made on thousandsof rocks the averagecompressional-and shear-wavevelocities

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Acoustic properties of ores and host rocks in hardrock terranes 11

Table 1. Acousticpropertiesof commonigneousand metamorphicrocksat 200 MPa and room temperature.

Density Vp Vs Poisson's Acoustic
Rocktype g/cm
3 km/s km/s ratio impedance*
Quartzite 2.57 4- 0.12 5.48 4- 0.57 3.55 4- 0.41 0.14 4- 0.07 14.1 4- 2.1
Granite 2.66 4- 0.05 6.03 4- 0.23 3.50 4- 0.23 0.24 4- 0.04 16.0 4- 0.9
Granodiorite 2.69 4- 0.07 6.04 4- 0.35 3.41 4- 0.21 0.27 4- 0.02 16.2 4- 1.4
Quartz-mica schist 2.79 4- 0.07 6.22 4- 0.11 3.55 4- 0.17 0.26 4- 0.04 17.4 4- 0.8
Felsicgneiss(amphibolitefacies) 2.73 4- 0.07 6.14 4- 0.17 3.55 4- 0.16 0.25 4- 0.03 16.8 4- 0.9
Felsicgranulite 2.70 4- 0.06 6.17 4- 0.11 3.49 4- 0.09 0.27 4- 0.02 16.7 4- 0.7
Metapelite 3.10 4- 0.11 7.09 4- 0.36 3.99 4- 0.21 0.27 4- 0.01 22.0 4- 1.9
Intermediategranulite 2.79 4- 0.11 6.31 4- 0.20 3.53 4- 0.14 0.27 4- 0.03 17.6 4- 1.3
Metagabbro(greenschistfacies) 2.91 4- 0.09 6.55 4- 0.30 3.69 4- 0.11 0.27 4- 0.01 19.1 4- 1.5
Gabbro 2.94 4- 0.09 6.91 4- 0.22 3.72 4- 0.18 0.29 4- 0.02 20.3 4- 1.3
Mafic granulite 3.03 4- 0.17 6.78 4- 0.27 3.56 4- 0.22 0.31 4- 0.02 20.5 4- 2.0
Anorthosite 2.80 4- 0.10 6.73 4- 0.31 3.61 4- 0.20 0.30 4- 0.02 18.8 4- 1.5
Amphibolite 3.05 4- 0.10 6.99 4- 0.24 3.75 4- 0.21 0.30 4- 0.02 21.3 4- 1.4
Pyroxenite 3.27 4- 0.04 7.63 4- 0.15 4.19 4- 0.27 0.28 4- 0.04 25.0 4- 0.8
Peridotite/dunite 3.28 4- 0.04 7.94 4- 0.23 4.33 4- 0.18 0.29 4- 0.02 26.0 4- 1.1
Eclogite 3.43 4- 0.09 7.86 4- 0.28 4.34 4- 0.16 0.28 4- 0.02 27.0 4- 1.7
Serpentinite 2.59 4- 0.09 5.46 4- 0.55 2.69 4- 0.44 0.34 4- 0.03 14.1 4- 1.9
After Holbrooket al. (1992)
* x 10s g/cm2s.
on V?.

and densitiesof commonrocksare presentedat a stan- (Z = 20 x 105g/cm2s)

dard confiningpressureof 200 MPa (the crackclosure in contactwith felsicrocks(a findingconfirmedby many
pressure)androomtemperature in Table1 andFigures2 reflectionsurveys)andfreshultramaficrockswill reflect
and3. Alsoshownforeachrocktypearetheaverageval- againstany lithology.
ues of the acousticimpedanceZ and Poisson'sratio •r As canbe seenin Figure3, shear-wavevelocitiesin-
(seeTable2). Thedatain Table1havebeenadaptedfrom creasewith densityalonga trendwhichis similarto that
Holbrooket al. (1992), with the velocitiesrecalculated for V•, but the trenddisplaysseveralsignificantdiffer-
to 200 MPa assuminga Vp versuspressuregradientof ences:
(1) SinceV•, • Vs•/3 formostrocks,therangeof
+0.04 km/s/100MPa and a Vs versuspressuregradi- velocitiesand impedancesfor Vs will be much smaller
ent of about+0.02 km/s/100MPa. For pressures below thanthatfor V•,.(2) While V•, • Vs•/3 formanyrocks,
200 MPa, largernonlinearcorrectionswouldhaveto be severalimportantrock typesdepartsignificantlyfrom
appliedbecauseof the effectsof microcracks. thispattern.In particular,quartz-richrockshaveanoma-
As canbe seenin Figures2 and3, the averageveloc- lously high shear-wavevelocitieswhile thoseof mafic
ities of the commoncrystallinerockstend to increase granulitesare anomalouslylow.
with densityalong the well known Nafe-Drake curve Finally,it shouldbepointedoutthatwhile V•,, Vsand
(Ludwigetal., 1971).Closeinspection showsthattheve- many of the dependentelasticconstantsare quite sen-
locities and densities increase as the rocks become more sitiveto pressure,R andty are relativelyinsensitivebe-
mafic or increasein metamorphicgrade.Thus,serpen- cause their calculation involves ratios of velocities which
tinites,kimberlites,andmetasedimentary rockhavethe tendto risetogether(Figure 1). Thus,valuesof R andty
lowestvelocitiesanddensities, followedin orderby fel- calculated from stable velocities measured at 200 MPa
sic igneousandmetamorphicrocks,intermediatemeta- will be reasonablycorrectthroughout thecrust.In prin-
morphics,thengreenschist, amphibolite,andgranulite ciple, a gabbrosill in contactwith rhyolitewill be just
faciesmaficrocks,andfinally,pyroxenites, peridotites, as reflective at the base of the crust as at the surface.
andeclogites.If linesof constant
acousticimpedance are
superimposed on Figure2, it can be seenthat Z varies THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES
fromabout12.5to27.5x 105g/cm2s
and it is immediatelyobviouswhich pairs of litholo-
giescangiveriseto strongP-wavereflectionsif the ge- To this point, we have discussed
the acousticprop-
ometry is appropriate,since an impedancedifference erties of common crystalline rocks, but systematic
of at least2.5 x 10s g/cm2s
is required.
Thusgranites measurementsof Ve, Vs, and p have recently been
will not reflectagainstgranodiorites,
mostmaficrocks completedfor massivesulfides(Salisburyet al., 1996)

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12 Physicalrock properties and geophysicallogging

covalentbondingand a crystallographicstructuresi-
200MPa milar to that of diamonds.
Examinationof Figures4 and5 showsthatthe sulfide
field can be further divided into subfields in which the
densitiesand velocitiesare controlledby simplemix-
ing linesbetweenthe propertiesof the end-membersul-
fidesandtheir silicatehosts.Thusrockscomposedof a
mix ofpyrite andfelsicgangueincreasein velocitywith
increasingdensity,while orescomposedof sphalerite,
chalcopyrite, or pyrrhotiteandtheir associated gangue
mineralsactuallydecreasein velocitywith increasing
densityandgrade,a resultwhichseemscounter-intuitive
but whichis consistent with the time-averagerelation-
%,%,. :• .... ,.• ".... '..... _ ship of Wyllie et al. (1978).
If linesof constantacousticimpedancearenowsuper-
imposedon Figures4 and5, it is clearthatmanysulfide
• • "•.. -%• "...... oresshouldmakestrongreflectorsagainstmostcommon
silicaterocks,and somewill reflectagainstalmostany
hostif thedepositmeetsthegeometricconstraints for de-
tection(seebelow). For example,massivesulfidescom-

•o• .........
posedof anymix of sphalerite,chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite,
........ pentlandite,andbornitewill haveanimpedanceof about
// ......... 22 x 10sg/cm2sandwillmakeastrongreflectoragainst
any likely silicatehost excepthigh-grademafic rocks,
Density(g/cm3) and massivepyrite will reflectagainstany silicatehost
rock. It is alsoclearthatmetamorphicgradecanhavea
Fig. 2. Vp versusdensity at a confiningpressureof
200 MPa for commonhardrocks.Ellipseshaveareascor- stronginfluenceon the reflectivityof an oredeposit.For
respondingto standarddeviationsof densityand veloc- example,pyrite convertsto pyrrhotiteat high metamor-
ity in Table 1 and major axessubparallelto Nafe-Drake phic grades.Thus a pyrite-richore would be reflective
curve(light grey).Lines of constantacousticimpedance in a greenschist faciesmafic settingbut wouldbecome
are superimposedfor reference;an impedancediffer-
ence of 2.5 x l0 s g/cm2s causesa reflectioncoefficient, invisiblein the granulitefaciesasthe pyrite convertsto
R -- 0.06, theminimumrequiredto givea significantre- pyrrhotitewith an impedancesimilarto that of gabbro
flection.Heavydashedarrowshowseffectof fracturewith
10% water-filledporosityon impedance.
using the same techniquesand the results have an
importantbearingon seismicprospectingfor economic To interpretseismicdatain termsoflithology,several
sulfidedeposits.As canbe seenin Table3, andFigures optionsare available,dependingon the type of databe-
4 and5, the sulfideslie far to theright of theNafe-Drake ing considered.In principle,refractiondata (and sonic
curvein a velocity-densityfield controlledby the end- logs) from either soft or hardrockterranescan be in-
memberpropertiesof pyrite, pyrrhotite,chalcopyrite, terpretedsimplyby comparingthe refractionvelocities
and sphalerite(pentlandite,bornite,and galenaare not with thevelocity-densityfieldsshownin Figures2 and3
usuallypresentin largevolumes).As discussed by Birch andnotingwhichrocktypeshavethe samevelocityafter
(1961), manyof the differencesin velocitybetweensili- adjustingfor confiningpressure.Similarly, reflection
caterocksandhigh-densityoressuchassulfidesaredue datacanbe interpretedin principleby superimposing in-
to differencesin meanatomicweight,but someare due tervalvelocitiesor impedancestacks,ratherthanrefrac-
to variationsin bondingand crystalstructure.The low- tion velocities,on the velocity-densityfields.While this
velocity sulfides,for example,displaypartial metallic will be easierto do for sedimentarybasinsthanhardrock
bonding,whereaspyrite, which has an extremelyhigh terranes, because reflections in hardrock environments
velocity(8 km/s)anda densityof 4.9 g/cm3, displays tend to be discontinuous and the data more difficult to

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Acousticpropertiesof oresand hostrocksin hardrock terranes 13

Table 2. Dependent elasticconstantequations.

Elasticconstant Units Symbol Equation
Poisson's ratio cr = 0.5 -
(Ve/Vx) 2 - 1

Bulk modulus


Shear modulus


(km/s)2 • = V•2
- 5V•
constant GPa X = p( V•2- 2V•)
AfterBirch(1961);p -- density
3, Ve = compressional
V$ = shearwavevelocityin km/s.

stack,theuncertaintiesin the absolutevaluesof physical

will beconsiderably
determined from refraction.
An important issue that must be confrontedin
the interpretationof seismicdata is the problemof
nonuniqueness. As can be seenin Figure2, refraction
4 velocities can be used to make a crude assessment of
lithology,but detailedassessments areoftenimpossible
becauserefractionaveragesover large volumesof the
crustandbecausemanyrocktypescandisplaythe same
velocity.A compressional wavevelocityof 5.5 km/s,for
example,couldrepresent eitherquartziteor serpentinite,
while a velocityof 7.0 km/sprobablyrepresents a mafic
rock of some flavor, but could also be causedby an
anorthosite,amphibolite,or metapelite.This ambiguity
can often be reduced,however,if more informationcan
be broughtto beanFor example,if both Vp and Vs are
known,quartzitescaneasilybe distinguished from ser-
2.5 3.0 3.5 pentinitesbecausequartz-richrockshavemuchhigher
3) shear-wavevelocities.The interpretationof reflection
Fig. 3. Vs versusdensityat a confiningpressureof data suffersfrom similar problems.In the absenceof
200 MPa for commonhardrocks.Ellipseshaveareascor- velocityinformation,the presenceof a reflectionon a
to standard
of densityandvelocity seismicrecordonlyinformsusthattwo lithologieswith
in Table1 andmajoraxessubparallel
to theNafe-Drake animpedance
>2.5 x 105g/cm2s
curve.Linesof constant
reference.Colorsare as in Figure2. posedat a certainlocationin the crust,with the depth

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14 Physicalrock properties and geophysicallogging

Table 3. Acoustic properties of common sulfidesat 200 MPa.

Density Vp Vs Poisson's Acoustic
Mineral g/cm3 km/s km/s ratio impedance
• Ref.

Pyrite 4.91 7.99 4.94 0.19 39.2

Sphalerite 4.07 5.44 2.80 0.32 22.1
Chalcopyrite 4.28 5.12 2.49 0.35 21.9
Pyrrhotite 4.71 4.60 2.73 0.23 21.7
Pentlandite 4.68 4.56 2.95 0.14 21.3
Bornite 5.07 4.40 2.07 0.36 22.3
Galena 7.51 3.69 2.11 0.26 27.7


i i i i i i


'/'g •'-. Sph
' Cpy,,
Ga n"•

/ '"'-.. /

6- '.....
--- oB

Fig.4. Vp-density
at 200MPasuperimposed
sihcate rocks shown in Figure 2. Also shown are lines of constantacousticimpedancefor felsic
(Z = 17.5x 105g/cm2s)
andmaficrocks(Z = 20 x 105g/cm2s)
requiredto makea strongreflection.Colorsas in Figure2, Abbreviations'Py, pyrite; Sph,sphalerite;Cpy,
chalcopyrite;Po,pyrrhotite;Bo, bornite;Pn,pentlandite;Ga, galena;g, gangue.Colorsasin Figure2.

specifiedin units of time. If the reflectionis spatially versals.The mosteffectiveway to reducethe ambiguity
extensive,the two lithologiesalmost certainly lie on inherent in the interpretationof reflection data is to
the Nafe-Drake curvebut their positionon the curve is constrainthe resultsin terms of known geology.Since
not fixed,eventhoughtheir separationcanbe estimated the compositionand metamorphicgrade of the upper
from relative amplitudeanalysisand the presenceof crustis oftenknownfrom surfacemapping,it is usually
velocity inversionscan be determinedfrom phasere- possibleto dismissmanyrock typeson theNafe-Drake

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Acoustic properties of ores and host rocks in hardrock terranes 15


Mixed sulfides


Po Gao•

..... Z• 10.... øBø

2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0


Fig.5. Vs-density
at 200MPasuperimposed
sircate rocks shownin Figure 3. Lines of constantacoustic•mpedanceare shownfor reference.Colors as
in Figure 2, Abbreviations:Py, pyrite; Sph, sphalerite;Cpy, chalcopyrite;Po, pyrrhotite;Bo, bornite; Pn,
pentlandite;Ga, galena;g, gangue.Colorsas in Figure2.

curve from consideration.For example, if the country or tectonized,and even some primary igneous and
rock has been pervasively metamorphosedto the sedimentaryrocks, displaypronouncedseismicaniso-
greenschistfacies, two thirds of the velocity-density tropy,defined(in %) as
fields in Figures2 through6 can be deleted,including
all of thefieldswithZp > 20 x 105g/cm2s,
making rmax- rmin
A= x 100. (3)
the problemmuchmoretractable. Vmean


V•, canvary with directionin suchrocksby asmuch
as20%, dependingon the directionof propagationwith
While the physical properties of rocks are gener- respectto tectonicfabric or preferredcrystallographic
ally consistentwith the detectionof strongreflections orientation(Vs canvaryby similaramounts,butdepends
from deep structuresand ores in MCS surveysand a on the vibrationdirectionas well as the propagationdi-
quantitativerationaleexistsfor the interpretationof re- rection).For example,while granites,basalts,andeclog-
flection,refraction,and loggingdata in termsof lithol- itesare almostalwaysisotropic,V•, canvary from 8.1 to
ogy,thereareotherconstraints andcomplications which 8.8 km/sin a tectonizedperidotite,dependingonwhether
mustbe takeninto accountwheninterpretingsuchdata: the propagationdirection is parallel to the preferred
olivine crystallographica or b direction (Christensen
Anisotropy andSalisbury,1979). Similarly,V•, canbe up to 1.9 km/s
While many rock types are essentiallyisotropic, fasterparallel to foliation than it is normal to foliation
somerockswhich have been stronglymetamorphosed in felsic gneissesand schists(Fountain et al., 1990).

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
16 Physicalrock properties and geophysicallogging

If foliation is tectonicallyinduced,it can causestrong can cause reflectors to become contorted and discon-
reflectionsin the absenceof any compositionalchange. tinuousand even economicore depositscan be small
Thus autoreflectivitycausedby straightrockscan well relative to seismic wavelengths.As summarizedby
explainthereflectivityof manydeepfaults(Hurichand Salisburyet al. (1996), thefactorscontrollingtheresolu-
Smithson,1987). tion of seismicreflectionarethe diameter(d), thickness
(t) and depth(z) of the target,the averagevelocity (v)
Fractures and Attenuation of the formation,andthe dominantfrequency(f) used
in the survey.The minimum vertical thicknesstminthat
Fractureshave two principle effectson seismicre- canbe resolvedby reflectioncanbe estimatedfrom the
flectivity:First, by reducingthe acousticvelocityand quarter-wavelength criterion(Widess,1973), where
densityof a medium,theycancausea significantreduc-
tion in its acousticimpedance.Using the time-average
relationshipof Wyllie, for example,it canbe shownthat tmin:
4f' (4)
the introduction of a fault with 10% water-filled fracture
porositywill causea 16%reductionin impedanceat the In addition,the smallestdiametertargetthat can be
contactwith the countryrock, evenif alterationeffects resolvedasa planarsurfaceis governedby the diameter
alongthe fault areignored(Figure2). This is morethan df of thefirstFresnelzone,where
enoughto causea reflectionand can easilyexplainthe
reflectivityof shallowfaultsin hardrockterranes.Sec-
ond, fractures cause attenuationof seismic waves and (5)
a reductionin the signal-to-noise
level, makingdeeper
reflectors more difficult to detect.
Thus, the resolutiondecreaseswith depth and in-
creaseswith the dominantfrequencyemployedin the
Water Saturation
survey.To put this in perspective,if the averageP-wave
velocityof the formationis 6 km/s,it shouldbe possible
To facilitatethecomparison of datafromdifferentlab- with unmigrateddatato resolvea targetwhich is 15 m
oratories,thevelocitiespresentedin Figures2 through5 thick and >_350m acrossat a depthof 1 km usinga
are for dry samples,althoughrockvelocitiesareknown centerfrequencyof 100 Hz, and a body about 500 m
to vary with watersaturationandcrustalrocksareoften acrosscan be resolvedat a depthof 2 km. It should
saturatedin situ.As shownby Nut andSimmons(1969), be notedthat after successful 3D migrationthe lateral-
if the pore pressureis low, saturationcausesVp to in- resolutionlimit theoreticallyapproaches the Widesscri-
crease toward intrinsic values because it increases the terion[equation(4)], butin the caseof small,point-like,
rigidity,but it hasrelativelylittle effecton Vs.Thus,the scatteringobjectsit may not alwaysbe possibleto dis-
principaleffectof saturationat low pressures is to par- cernsmallscattering bodiesin the presenceof noise.
tially compensate for the effectsof microcracks.Satura- While smaller bodies than those discussed above can
tion reducesattenuation,but otherwisehasa negligible be detectedby seismicmethods,the simpleimpedance
effecton intrinsicreflectivitybecauserock velocitiesin criteriafor reflectionbeginto break down as the target
hardrockterranestend to rise togetherwith increasing becomesa scatterer,rather than a reflector, and startsto
saturation. shedsomeof the incidentenergyforward,muchof it as
convertedS-waves.Althoughscatteringcan be caused
by anychangein elasticityacrosstheboundarybetween
two rock types,numericalmodelingsuggests thatwave
Wehavethusfar onlyconsidered reflectionsfromcon- conversion andscatteringarequitesensitiveto the shape
tinuous,planarreflectorssimilarto thosefoundin sedi- of the body andto changesin Poisson's ratio acrossthe
mentarybasins.While suchreflectorsarefrequentlyob- interface(Bohlenet al., this volume;Clarke and Eaton,
servedin hardrockterranes,it is necessaryto examine thisvolume).Sincemassivesulfideswith similaracous-
the limits of resolution of the seismic reflection method tic impedances candisplaya widerangeof Poisson's ra-
in both the vertical and horizontal directions in order to tio values(Figure6), it is likely thatamplitudevariations
determinewhatcanandcannotbe imaged.Thisispartic- with offset(AVO) andotherdifferencesin the scattering
ularly importantsincemetamorphismand deformation of seismicwavesby oredeposits will eventuallybe used

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Acoustic properties of ores and host rocks in hardrock terranes 17

200MPa _
//•x, xAnorthositeoBo
- ! x•• Ma•ic 'Cpy
_ •x•/J
h /•fmafi'c
- Felsic • xpo• []Ga


.10 uartzite

R =0.06


20 30 40
Zpx 105g/cm2s
Fig. 6. Poisson'sratio (o') versusP-waveacousticimpedance(Z) for commoncrystallinerocksand sulfide
minerals.Colors as in Figure 2, abbreviationsas in Figure 5. Black bar correspondsto the impedance
differencerequiredto makea strongreflection(R = 0.06).

to estimatetheir compositions.Given the economicim- greenschistfacies(Adair, 1992), while laboratoryphysi-

portanceof massivesulfides,this is a subjectof much calpropertiesstudiesshowthattheaverageimpedanceof
current research. themaficrocks(about17.5x 105g/cm2s)
higherthanthatof the felsicrocksbecauseof retrograde
metamorphism(Salisbury,1997).Massivesulfidesin the
area,however,displaymuchhigherimpedances because
From the analysispresentedabove,it is evidentthat of their high pyrite content,suggestingthat they should
seismicrefraction and reflection data as well as log- be strongreflectors.Thus the country rock shouldbe
ging datacan be qualitatively,and in many cases,quan- essentiallytransparent, makingthe campan ideal envi-
titatively interpretedin terms of lithology in hardrock ronmentfor seismicprospecting,a predictionconfirmed
terranesthrougha comparisonwith laboratorydata on by logging, VSP, and 2D seismicreflectionprofiling
the acousticvelocitiesand impedancesof rocks at ap- over the Halfmile Lake deposit.Encouragedby these
propriatein-situ pressures.An excellentdemonstration results,Noranda recently conducteda full 3D seismic
of both the interpretationprocessdescribedaboveand reflectionsurveyin the area and identifiedtwo promis-
the potentialimportanceof high-resolutionmultichan- ing reflectors.Drilling showedthat one was causedby
nel seismicsurveysin hardrockseismicexplorationis anisotropyin straightrocks along a fault zone, a fac-
providedby a seriesof reflectionstudiesrecentlycon- tor not originally considered,but the secondproved
ductedby Norandaandthe GeologicalSurveyof Canada to be a large, previouslyunknownmassivesulfide de-
at the Halfmile Lake Cu-Zn deposit in the Bathurst posit lying down-dip from the Halfmile Lake deposit
campin northernNew Brunswick.Mappingin theregion at a depth of 1300 m (Figure 7). Although the deposit
showsthat the countryrocksconsistof metasediments, was pyrite-rich and thus subeconomic,this represents
rhyolites, basaltic andesites,and gabbros,all in the the first discoveryof a massivesulfidedepositthrough

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
18 Physicalrock properties and geophysicallogging

h. frail:
ß .

le ,.'es


3-D acoustic
impedan e -•rget

Fig. 7. Cross-section
through3D seismicreflectioncubeat Halfmile Lake, Bathurstcamp,New Brunswick,
showing3D imagesof a massivesulfidedepositdiscoveredat a depthof 1300 m by seismicreflectionand
shallowerdepositsknownfrom previousmappingand drilling.No verticalexaggeration.

the useof seismicreflectiontechniques(Gingerichet al., and assistance in these studies. K. Hale assisted in the
2002). preparationof the figures.
In the precedingdiscussion,we concentratedon the
seismicexplorationfor ores as an exampleof the new
interestbeing shownby industryand the researchcom- REFERENCES
munity in hardrockseismology,but as many papersin
Adair, R. N., 1992, Stratigraphy,structureand geochemistryof the
this volumeattest,high-resolutionseismicmethodsare
Halfmile Lake massivesulfide deposit,New Bnmswick: Expl.
also being used extensivelyfor other purposes.As the Mining Geol., 1, 151-166.
needfor high-resolution dataat depthincreasesandfur- Adams,E., et al., 2000, A review of high resolutionseismicprofil-
ther advancesare made in the acquisition,processing, ing acrossthe Sudbury,Selbaie,Norandaand Matagamimining
and interpretationof seismicdata, it seemsalmostin- camps:Can. J. Earth Sci., 37, 503-516.
evitablethat high-resolutionseismicimagingwill play Barazangi, M., and Brown, L. D., Eds., 1986, Reflection seis-
mology;The continentalcrust:Am. Geophys.Union, Geodyn.
an increasinglyimportantrole in mapping,exploration, Ser., 14.
and delineation in hardrock terranes.
Birch, F., 1960, The velocity of compressionalwaves in rocks to
10 kilobars,1: J. Geophys.Res., 65, 1083-1102.
•1961, The velocity of compressionalwaves in rocks to
10 kilobars,2: J. Geophys.Res., 66, 2199-2224.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Christensen,N. I., 1982, Seismic velocities, in Carmichael, R. S.,
We wish to thank R. Iuliucci at the Dalhousie/GSC Ed., Handbook of physical propertiesof rocks, Vol. II: CRC
High PressureLaboratoryfor hisassistance
in measuring --1985, Measurementof dynamic propertiesof rocks at ele-
the acousticpropertiesof sulfidesand Noranda, Inc., vatedtemperatures and pressures:Am. Soc.for Testingand Ma-
FalconbridgeLtd., and INCO for their encouragement terials,Spec.Tech.Pub.,869, 93-107.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Acoustic properties of ores and host rocks in hardrock terranes 19

Christensen,N. I., and Salisbury,M. H., 1979, Seismicanisotropy Maxwell, A. E., Ed., The sea,Vol. 4: JohnWiley & Sons,Inc.,
in the oceanicuppermantle:Evidencefrom the Bay of Islands 53-84.
ophiolitecomplex:J. Geophys.Res., 84, 4601-4610. Matthews,D. H., andSmith,C., Eds., 1987,Deepseismicreflection
Debicki,E., 1996,MITEC's ExplorationTechnologyDivision:Help- profilingof the continentallithosphere:Geophys.J. Roy. Astr.
ingreversethetrendof decliningmineralreservesin Canada:CIM Soc., 89.
Bull., 89, 53-59. Milkereit, B., Berrer,E. K., Watts,A., and Roberts,B., 1997, Devel-
Eaton,D., et al., 1996, Seismicimagingof massivesulfidedeposits, opmentof3D seismicexplorationtechnologyfor Ni-Cu deposits,
Part III: Borehole seismicimaging of near-verticalstructures: SudburyBasin, in Gubins,A. G., Ed., Proc. of Exploration97:
Econ. Geol., 91,835-840. 4thDecennial
Eaton,D. W., Milkereit, B., andAdams,E., 1997, 3D seismicexplo- Assoc. of Can., 439-448.
ration,in Gubins,
A. G., Ed.,Proc.of Exploration
97:4thDecen- Nur,A., andSimmons,G., 1969,Theeffectsof saturation onvelocity
nial Internat.Conf. on Mineral Expl., Prosp.andDevel. Assoc.of in low porosityrocks:Earth andPlanet.Sci. Lett., 7, 183-193.
Can., 65-77. Pretorius,C. C., Trewick,W. F., andIrons,C., 1997,Applicationof
Enachescu, M., 1993,Amplitudeinterpretation of 3D reflectiondata: 3D seismicsto mine planningat Vaal Reefs gold mine, number
The LeadingEdge, 12, 678-683. 10 shaft,Republicof SouthAfrica, in Gubins,A. G., Ed., Proc.of
Fountain,D., Salisbury,M. H., andPercival,J., 1990, Seismicstruc- Exploration
ture of the continentalcrust basedon rock velocity measure- Prosp.andDevel. Assoc.of Can., 399-408.
mentsfrom the Kapuskasinguplift: J. Geophys.Res., 95, 1167- Salisbury, M., and Iuliucci, R., 1999, Geological Survey of
1186. Canada/DalhousieUniversityrock propertiesdatabase:http://
Gingerich, J. C., Matthews, L. W., and Pleshko, M. J., 2002,
The developmentof new explorationtechnologiesat Noranda: Salisbury,
M. H., etal., 1997,Physicalproperties andseismicimaging
Seeingmorewith hyperspectral anddeeperwith 3D seismic:CIM of massivesulfides,in Gubins,A. G., Ed., Proc.of Exploration97:
Bull, 45 (1058), 56-61. 4thDecennial
Goleby, B. R., et al., 1997, Structurallycontrolledmineralization Assoc. of Can., 383-390.
in Australia--How seismicprofilinghelpsfind minerals:Recent Salisbury,
M. H., Milkereit,B., andBleeker,W., 1996,Seismicimag-
in Gubins,
A. G., Ed.,Proc.of Exploration
97, 4th ing of massivesulfidedeposits:Part 1. Rock properties:Econ.
DecennialInternat. Conf. on Mineral Expl., Prosp.and Devel. Geol., 91, 821-828.
Assoc. of Can., 409-420. Stevenson,
F.,andDurrheim,R. J.,1997,Reflectionseismics
for gold,
Harvey,C., 1997, Shearwave velocitiesof sulfide-bearing
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blagesas determinedfrom high pressurelaboratorymeasure- in Gubins,A. G., Ed., Proc.of Exploration
97:4 thDecennial
ments: M.Sc. thesis,Dalhousie Univ. Internat. Conf. on Mineral Expl., Prosp. and Devel. Assoc. of
Holbrook,W. S., Mooney,W. D., and Christensen, N. I., 1992, The Can., 391-397.
seismicvelocitystructureof the deepcontinentalcrust,in Foun- Widess,M., 1973, How thin is a thin bed?:Geophysics,
38, 1176-
tain, D. M., Arculus,R., and Kay, R. W., Eds., Continentallower 1180.
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Hurich, C. A., and Smithson,S. B., 1987, Compositionalvariation enigmaticSudburystructure:J. Geophys.Res., 100, 4117-4130.
and the origin of deepcrustalreflections:Earth and Planet. Sci. Wyllie, M., Gregory,A., and Gardner,G., 1978, An experimental
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Ludwig, J., Nafe, J., and Drake, C., 1971,Seismicreflection, in media:Geophysics,23,459-493.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Chapter 2

GeophysicalLogging for Elastic Properties

in Hard Rock: A Tutorial

DouglasR. Schmitt,C. donathonMwenifumbo,KarenA. Pfiug, and Irene L. Meglis

ABSTRACT provideadditionalcomplementaryinformationin aid of

the detection of massive sulfide orebodies needs to be
Contrasts in the elastic-wave velocities and densities
of rocksarethemostimportantphysicalpropertiesinflu-
Much of the technical expertise developed in
encingthe overallseismicresponseof an orebody.The
petroleumexplorationcanbe directlyappliedto seismic
wavevelocitiesdependon the in-situelasticproperties,
which in crystallinemetamorphicandigneousrocksare investigations
of themetamorphiccrust,butthereremain
controlledby mineralogicalcontent,damage,stress,in-
situfractures,pressure,andsaturation.The elasticprop- turesin metamorphicterranesare oftensteeplydipping,
makingimagingof suchstructuresfrom the surfacedif-
erties of core samplesof rocks at standardconditions
ficult. The dimensions of the orebodies themselves are of
usuallywill not be representativeof thosefor the same
materialat depthwithin the earth.Elastic-waveandden- the sameorderas the illuminatingseismicwavelengths
and many economicbodieswould thus tend to scatter
sity geophysicalwireline logsprovideimportantinfor-
mation to constrainthe in-situ elasticproperties,but a seismicenergyinsteadof specularlyreflectingit. The
geologicstructurescan be considerablymore hetero-
practitionermustbe awareof whateffectscaninfluence
thefinalinterpretationof thelogs.Twoexamplesof com- geneousand three-dimensionaleffectswill contribute
to the observedwavefield.Despitethis increasedstruc-
bineddensityandfull waveformsoniclogshighlightthe
utility of suchlogs in delineatingmassivesulfideore- turalheterogeneity, therangein seismicvelocityfor most
bodiesand the use of suchlogs to estimatethe in-situ metamorphicrocksis lessthan is encounteredfor lay-
eredsedimentsandvariationsin densitymaybe of more
elasticimpedances neededfor modelingof the seismic
wavefield. importancein controllingthe contrastsin the seismic
impedancebetweenunits (see Salisburyet al., 2000).
Finally, it is likely that in-sire fracturingandjointing at
shallowdepths(<400 m) mayplay a moreimportantrole
Traditionally, active seismic-explorationmethods in seismologicalstudiesof the metamorphiccrust.
have not been employedin the searchfor basemetal As notedabove,nonspecularscatteringof seismicen-
deposits.The reasonsfor this vary. For one, airborne ergywill be particularlyimportantin the discrimination
electromagnetic andmagneticmethodsareproventools of base metal orebodies.Scatteringof seismicenergy
for economicallyprospectingrelatively large areas. from complexorebodiesis describedin numerouspub-
Surface-seismictechniques,which were developedfor lications(seeEaton, 1999,for a reviewof thistopic),but
use in primarily flat lying sedimentarybasins,are rel- it is crucial to note that the observedseismicresponse
atively expensiveand do not have the spatialresolu- will dependin part onthecontrastin seismicimpedance,
tion to imagetypicalbase-metaldeposits.Finally,there whichfor isotropicmaterialsis simplytheproductof the
was insufficientinformationregardingthe contrastsin velocity and the density.Geophysicalwellborelogging
the elasticpropertiesbetweenoresandtheir usualhost methodsare an importantcomponentof determiningor
rocksto warrantthe useof seismictools.Today,mostof constrainingthesephysicalproperties.
the near-surfacebase-metaldepositshavealreadybeen Geophysicallogsgenerallyaid geologicdescriptions
found and future developmentsmust seekever-deeper of formationsby measuringthe in-sirephysicalproper-
orebodies.As such,the potentialof seismicmethodsto tiesat thewellboreandby accuratelylocatingthe spatial

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Geophysicalloggingfor elasticproperties in hard rock 21

variationsin theseproperties.The purposeof thisreview The velocitiesof compressional

(V•,) and shear(Vs)
is to focuson the role of densityand sonicloggingin wavesarealsoof fundamentalimportance.In thisreview,
providingthe informationrequiredfor the modelingof the rocks will be assumedto be elasticallyisotropic;
seismicresponsesin supportof seismicexplorationin underthis condition,the compressional (longitudinal)
metamorphicterranes.There are numerousborehole wavevelocity is
surveying, electromagnetic,magnetic, electrical, and
radioactive methods that also are used in base-metal
exploration;thesewill not be describedhere and the
readeris insteaddirectedto additionalresources(e.g.,
Hallenburg, 1984; Tittman, 1986; Ellis, 1987; Timur, andthe shear(transverse)wavevelocityis
• 4 p

1987; Killeen et al., 1996; andHearstet al., 2000). This

contribution consists of a review of the fundamental
tors controllingthe elasticpropertiesof metamorphic
- V/-•, (3)
rocks, a compilationof the propertiesof the common whereK and tx are the bulk and shearmoduli, respec-
constituents of such rocks and their associated ore min- tively. These formulasare derivedand the moduli de-
erals, andabriefdiscussion ofhowthein-sire properties fined in numeroustexts(e.g., Lay and Wallace, 1995).
dependon compositionand micro-crackporosity.The Equations(2) and(3) might suggestthat the greaterthe
physicalprinciplesusedto acquireboth sonicand den- densityof the rock,the lowerthe velocity.However,ex-
sity logsare describedin detail as well as the practical cept for the caseof galena (Table 1), denserminerals
concernsto be addressedin the analysisand interpre- are alsousuallylesscompressibleand more rigid such
tation of suchdata in the crystallinerock context.Two that sulfide ores have seismic velocities similar to other
examplesof combineddensity/sonic logging,to produce silicate-based rocks(e.g.,Ludwiget al., 1970;Gebrande,
a calculatedlog of the elasticimpedance,concludethe 1982; Salisburyet al., 1996).
Constituent Properties
The mineralogicalcompositionis the mostimportant
Overview factor in determiningthe overall elasticpropertiesof
metamorphicrocks. This contrastswith many of the
A petrologistdescribesa metamorphicrock largely
moreporoussedimentary rocksin whichsuchproperties
on thebasisof its mineralogicalcomposition.This same
are controlledby the porosity,the mineralsthemselves
rock, however,can havea wide rangeof elasticproper-
often being of secondaryimportance.In this context,
ties that dependsignificantlyon other extrinsicfactors
the intrinsicelasticpropertiesof the void-freemineral
suchasin-sirestressandporefluidpressure.The factors
assemblage providea usefulupperlimit for benchmark
affectinga rock'selasticity,from its constituentminer-
comparisons.Such intrinsicpropertiesin turn depend
als to the influenceof the pore structure,will be briefly
directly on the propertiesof the constituentminerals.
considered here.
The densities and wave velocities of the most common
Beforeproceeding,it is appropriateto review a num- of thesemetamorphicmineralsandbrines,alsolikely to
ber of basicprinciplesregardingelasticproperties.The
be encounteredin metamorphicenvironments,are pro-
theleast vided in Table 1. The methods used to determine such
introduction.The bulk massdensityof a given rock is propertiesare describedin Schrieberet al. (1973) and
All geologicmineralsare elasticallyanisotropic;the
p- • •p,,
(1) velocitiesof the compressionalandthe two shearwaves
will depend stronglyon the direction of propagation
where (I)i and pi are, respectively,the volume fraction throughthe mineral. An in-depth discussionof veloc-
anddensityof eachof the M differentminerals,fluidsor ity anisotropyis beyond the scope of this presenta-
voidsconstitutingthe rock. For metamorphicrocksthe tion (Babuska and Cara, 1991) and only maximum,
total porosityis usuallysmall (< 1%) and,for purposes minimum, and mean values of the velocity are pro-
of determiningthe density,may oftenbe ignored. vided in Table 1, where available. In some cases,values

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22 Physicalrock propertiesand geophysicallogging

Table 1. Elastic-wavevelocitiesof commonconstituentsof metamorphicrocks.

Density V?max V? min V? Mean Vsmax Vsmin VsMean
Mg/m3 (km/s) (km/s) (km/s) (km/s) (km/s) (km/s)
• 3.15 8.13 6.18 6.81-7.036 4.6 3.37 3.72-3.826
s 3.120 7.90 6.01 6.93 4.35 4.15 3.79
• 2.56 8.15 5.10 6.006 4.96 2.14 3.266
Albite• 2.61 7.26 5.31 6.066 4.63 2.59 3.356
5 2.56 8.20 4.31 6.41 4.85 2.34 3.52
Anorthite6 2.76 7.056 3.806
5 2.765 8.61 5.87 7.27 5.02 2.91 3.94
5 2.57 7.84 4.31 6.14 4.43 2.30 3.36
! 2.66 7.00 5.36 6.036 5.06 3.35 4.096
6 2.533 6.80 6.59 6.635 4.043
Biotite• 2.89 7.80 4.21 5.136 5.06 1.34 2.986
Muscovite6 2.831 5.81 3.36
Muscovite5 2.844 8.12 4.53 6.63 5.04 2.37 3.89
6 4.318 8.516 5.256
Sp3)s 4.160 8.58 8.52 8.53 4.83 4.72 4.76
Pyroxenesand Olivines:
6 3.300 7.10 4.12
s 3.198 8.41 7.46 8.10 5.09 4.46 4.88
s 4.002 7.03 5.83 6.60 3.84 3.15 3.64
s 3.33 9.46 7.86 8.84 5.66 4.25 5.11
s 3.221 10.91 7.88 8.66 5.66 4.55 5.06
s 4.380 7.79 6.17 6.87 4.22 2.72 3.48
Sulfides and Sulfates
Pyrite• 5.013 8.4 7.78 7.916 5.66 4.7 5.066
Pyrites 5.016 8.48 7.76 7.91 5.71 4.57 5.06
2 4.63 4.68
s 4.088 5.59 5.00 5.50 3.30 2.13 2.89
2 4.06 5.36
Galenas 7.597 4.09 3.50 3.71 2.60 1.74 2.13
Barite3 4.4806 4.346 2.266
Barites 4.470 4.89 4.01 4.43 2.78 1.64 2.34
Gypsum s 2.317 6.66 4.62 5.34 3.57 1.86 2.73
Magnetite3 4.97 7.416 4.26
Magnetites 5.206 7.44 7.26 7.37 4.28 4.05 4.19
Calcite6 2.710 6.66 3.39
Calcites 2.712 10.32 5.56 7.71 7.60 2.67 4.85
Dolomites 2.795 10.53 5.46 7.65 7.45 2.62 4.92
Graphite 2.260 21.66 4.00 15.97 13.95 0.36 9.82
Halites 2.163 4.76 4.40 4.55 2.90 2.43 2.63
s 1.987 4.51 3.65 4.02 2.91 1.78 2.30
Water3 STP
Pure 1.00 1.470 0
Brine, 200,000 ppm 1.146 1.689 0
Brine, 100,000ppm 1.073 1.585 0
Ice I (270 øK)S 0.9175 5.09 3.74 4.18 3.83 1.80 2.44
Air • STP 0.00122 0.33145 0
a monominerallic
of randomly
to Simmons
in Bass(1995),theelastic
constants used are those at standard conditions.

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Geophysicalloggingfor elasticproperties in hard rock 23

providedfrom laboratorymeasurements of monominer-

alic samplesare contrastedwith Voigt theoreticalesti-
matesfor the samematerial calculatedusingthe min- /INorite
eral's completeset of elastic stiffnesses(Bass, 1995). //Amhiboite
The meanvaluesin Table 1 are the isotropicvelocities
presumedfor a void-freeaggregateof the mineralcom- /Geiss
posedof randomlyorientedcrystals(e.g., Simmonsand /Marble
Wang, 1971); for a polycrystallinesamplewith a single
anisotropiccomponent,the Voigt (V) boundsare given
by • •'•---•- Basalt

1 •Edabase
Kr* - 5(A+ 2B), • Rhyolil:e
and Gal>bro• •
1 • [ )iorite
!x•- •(A- B+ 3C), • G•'anite
2 2.5 3 3.5 4
,4-- •(Cllq-C22
q-C33), (4) Densityg/cm3
1 Fig. 1. Density of some igneous and metamorphic
hostrocks(from compilationsof Hallenburg,1984 and
B-- •(c12
c31), OlhoeftandJohnson,1989).

1 minerals
C-- 5(c44
-•-c66), (seeSalisburyet al., 2000); therecanthusbe a very large
contrastin the densityof an orerelativeto thatof thehost
and the variousco representthe elasticstiffnesses
Voigt'sabbreviatednotation(e.g., Watt et al., 1976) as
Mixing rules are also employedin determiningthe
providedin Bass(1995). Oncethesebulk andshearmod-
overallelasticpropertiesof the rock, but in polyminer-
uli are determined,the correspondingcompressional-
alic rocks,they may only be determinedwithin certain
and shear-wavevelocitiesare easily calculatedusing
theoreticalbounds(seeWatt et al., 1976 for an extensive
equations(2) and (3). In reality, however,the mineral
discussion). The generalformsfor the lower(Reuss,R)
grains in many metamorphicrocks producea texture
andupper(Voigt, V) boundsfor theaveragemodulusM*
(foliation and lineation) causedby preferentialalign-
(eitherK or ix) of a compositeofn isotropiccomponent
ment duringdeformation;this preferredorientationof
the minerals accordingto their crystallographicaxes
resultsin an anisotropicrock (Brace, 1965; Kern and
Wenk, 1990; Siegesmundet al., 1993; and Mainprice
and Humbert, 1994).
<M*<•-• Mi--M•,i=1

Intrinsic Rock Properties
where Mi is eitherthe bulk or shearmodulus(K or
Most metamorphicrocksarean aggregateof minerals of theithphaseand• is thevolumefractionof that
suchasthosein Table 1, andthe simplemixing rule of phase (Voigt, 1928). The actual modulus falls within
equation(1) adequatelydescribes their density.A given theseboundsandHill (1952) employedtheir geometric
type of rock, however,can still have a wide range of mean. The estimatecan be improvedby use of the
modal compositionsand densities.The densitiesof a Hashin-Shtrikmanbounds,but further improvements
numberof igneousand metamorphicrocksare shown requireconsiderationof the actualshapeof the crystals
in Figure 1. Note that the densitiesof the sulfide ore (see Watt et al., 1976). When the elasticmoduli of the

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
24 Physicalrock properties and geophysicallogging

a) 100 GranulitE
Serpent nite
• 80

'• 70 Kv 1
Sch st
60 Gneis•
s0 Di..base
• 40
30 .... Basalt
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Volume Fraction Quartz

b) 7000 Glbbro



I E__;•:
•;'2• ;•?_5•.;J
3.5 4 4.5

5000 Sheor-wove velocity km/s


4000 Granultte._
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Se•
• __
Volume Fraction Quartz
•_ _ • •-_ "
Fig.2. (a) Voigt(V) andReuss(R) bulk(K) andshear(ix)
moduliversusquartzvolumefractionfor a hypothetical .•neiss • _
rock composedof a mixture of quartz and hornblende.
(b) Voigt(V) andReuss(R) compressional-wave
shear-wave(Vs) velocitiesversus
(Ve) and
quartzvolume fraction
for a hypotheticalrock composedof a mixtureof quartz B; LSalt
and hornblende. While a common mineral in the crust,
quartzis unusualin that its bulk modulusis lessthan its
shear modulus. Plroxenit
mineralsdo not differ substantially,as is oftenthe case ,• . Granit :,
for metamorphicrocks,the two boundsare relatively
close.For example,both boundsyield nearlythe same 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
shear modulus for a hypothetical isotropic mixture
of quartz and hornblende(Figure 2a), while the bulk Compressional-wove velocity km/s
moduli differ by, at most, 16%. Similarly,the bounds Fig. 3. Intrinsiccompressional
on the shear-wavevelocity(Figure2b) calculatedfrom for commonigneousandmetamorphicrocks;summary
equations(1) and (3) differ insignificantly,while those valuesfrom compilationsin Schon(1996).
for the compressional wave velocity vary at most by
4.6% for a rock with 44% quartz.
Theseestimatesarein relativelygoodagreementwith for a givenrocktypeappearto be largeandtheresultsof
the observedrangeof intrinsicvelocitiesfor crystalline Figure3 shouldbeusedcautiously, asoftencompletede-
rocksassummarizedin Figure3 andaspresentedin nu- tails on how the velocitywasmeasuredin eachrock are
merouscompilations(e.g.,Carmichael,1989;Gebrande, not providedand couldbe contaminated by microcrack
1982; Salisburyet al., 1996; Schon,1996). The ranges porosity(Rasolofosaonet al., 2000).

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Geophysicallogging for elastic properties in hard rock 25

Influence of Crack-like Porosity a) 55

There is a wealth of theoretical studies on the influ-
enceof crack-likeporosityon thephysicalpropertiesof •45
• c=lmm
K = 55 Gpa
t-t= 33 Gpa
elastic materials (e.g., Walsh, 1965; Andersonet al., • 40
1974; O'Connell and Budiansky,1974; Hudson, 1981;
• • = 0.25
Hudson,1990).The self-consistent approachto comput- • 30
ing effectivemoduli is often usedfor two-phasecom-
-• 25
positesin whichthe minorphaseis in the form of dense
m 20
inclusions(O'Connell & Budiansky,1974). The effect
of a singleisolatedinclusionis computedby considering 15
it to be embedded in a material with the effective moduli
'200 '400'600'800'1000
of the composite,ratherthan in the major phase.This b)
problemhasbeen solvedfor severalspecificinclusion 6

geometries andisusedto modelthepropertiesof cracked

solidsby allowing the minor phaseto be an empty or
fluid-filledvoid. The propertiesof crackedsolidsare of .• 5
interestbecause,while typicalcrackporositiesfor crys-
tallinerocksmaybe ontheorderof 1% or less,thissmall
volumefractionof crackscanhavea dramaticimpacton
the rockproperties.
The effective moduli are a function of the uncracked
solid matrix properties,the density or abundanceof m2
voids,thecracksizeandthecrackaspectratio(aperture/ o ' 200 ' 400 600 800 1000
• = n(c3),charac- Number of Cracks / cm3
terizesthe crackpopulationin termsof boththe density Fig. 4. Influenceof crackdensityon (a) the effectivebulk
(n) of cracksandtheir radius(c). (K) andshear
For rockswith dry circularcracksthe effectivebulk andshear(Vs) wavevelocities.The hypotheticalrockhas
modulusK' is givenby intrinsic(crack-free)moduli K = 55 GPa,Ix = 33 GPa,
ando-- 0.25; thecrackradius(c) is assumedto be 1 mm.

K'--K 1+•- • • • , (6) couplingacrossthe crack. Consequently, if the cracks

representonly a smallvolumeof the solidthe effective
bulk modulus can be taken to be the same as that of the
andthe effectiveshearmodulusIx' is
uncracked matrix:

K'-- K. (8)
Ix'-Ix1q-• i5•
7•'5 • , (7) However the effective shear modulus is reduced from

where cr=(3K - 2tx)/2(3K + Ix) is the Poisson'sratio that of the uncracked solid:
of the uncracked solid.
An illustrativeexampleof howthecrackdensityinflu- 32 - -1
showsthat crack-likeporosityhasa large effect on the
rock properties.Accordingto this theory,one hundred The porosityof metamorphicrocksis generallysmall
percm3 withradiiof 1 mmwill lowerthecom- (<1%) anddifficultto measureusingconventionalmeth-
pressionalwavevelocityby over 10%. ods (Schmitt and Li, 1995). This porositymay further
In the presenceof fluids within the crack porosity, be characterized
ascrack-likewith openaperturesmuch
bulk strain associated with closure of cracks is inhib- smallerthan their lengths.This smallporositycan es-
ited to a greaterdegreethan strainassociated
with shear sentiallybe ignored for purposesof determiningthe

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
26 Physical rock properties and geophysicallogging

a) 4 0.5



Fig. 5. Idealizedmicrocrackof total lengthto. Crack is 0.2

closednear its tips.

• lO
overall rock density,but it doeshave a substamialin- 0

fluence on the overall rock velocity (e.g., Feves and -0.1

Simmons,1976). The elasticmoduli, and consequently, -{1.2

theseismicvelocitiesof rocksarestronglydependenton 14 -0.:5

the confiningstressesapplied(e.g., Nur, 1971; Carlson -0.4

and Gangi, 1985). Such"microcracks"are prevalentin 16
metamorphicrocks,both within the mineral grainsand 0- i00 :b0 '00........ ..... ioo 0
especiallyat the boundariesbetweendifferent grains
(Kranz, 1983). Their lengthsare typically lessthan the
characteristicgraindimensions withintherock,andthey
havevery smallaperturesof at mosta few Ixm.A given
rock will have a distributionof cracksof differing di- '• 3550
mensions(Simmonset al., 1974; Doyen, 1987, Wong
etal., 1989).Theyareproducedby stress-caused changes
in temperature,release of confiningpressureduring
drilling andpossiblyduringunloadingof the crust,and
damagedue to incipientfaulting. To somedegree,we
may expect many crystallinerocks, especiallywithin
the upper few kilometersof the crest, to containsuch
cracks, which will in turn influence the overall seismic
propertiesof the medium(Hajnal et al., 1983; Katsube
and Mareschal, 1993). m ............
2bO .... "6
The influenceof microcrackporosityis furthercom-
plicatedby the fact that the aperture,and resultingef- Pressure(MPa)
fectiveradius,of a microcrackis sensitiveto confining
Fig. 6. Shear-wavetransittime (a) andvelocity(b) versus
stress.A microcrackis highly compressiblein the di- hydrostaticconfiningpressurefor a typical sampleof
rectionperpendicularto its plane. The effectivelength metasedimentaryrock. Color scale indicates relative
of an idealizedcrack (Figure 5) consequently changes amplitudesof the recordedwaveforms.
with confiningstressand a perfect crack has a well
definedpressureat which it completelycloses(e.g.,
Simmonset al., 1974). Although few cracksare ideal phicrocks,with a rapidincreasein velocityat low pres-
(e.g.,Mavko andNur, 1978),the effectivelengthof mi- sureswhich becomeslinear at pressuresin excessof
crocracksin rocksdecreases with pressure,with the re- •200 MPa. At low confiningpressuresmuch of the
sultthat the elasticmoduli of a typical crystallinerock microcrackporosityremainsopen,loweringthe veloc-
increasewith pressure.Becauserocks containmicro- ity. The microcrackporosityprogressivelydiminishes
crackswith a distributionof lengths,the stress-strain with pressure,however,and the velocity increasesuntil
curvesfor suchrocksare highly nonlinear.This nonlin- the bulk of the microcracksare closed.At thispointthe
earityis apparentwhenvelocityis measuredas a func- velocityapproaches that expectedfor the crack-free,in-
tion of confiningpressure(Meglis et al., 1996) as in trinsicmineralmatrixalone(Figure7). Furtherincreases
Figure 6 which showsthe transittime and velocityof in velocitywith pressurearedueto the closureof the re-
shearwavestravelingthrougha typical metasedimen- maining microcracksand to a gradual increasein the
tary rockin a laboratoryexperimentto a confiningpres- elasticmoduliof mineralswith pressure.Typically,the
sureof 300 MPa. The velocity versuspressurecurve elasticmoduliincreasewith confiningpressureat a rate
in Figure 6b is quite characteristicof most metamor- of 4-6 MPa/MPa for K and 1-3 MPa/MPa for Ix. As

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Geophysicallogging for elastic properties in hard rock 27

influencethe velocity of the rock near a wellbore and

complicatesthe comparisonof sonicloggingresultsto
in-sire seismic velocities.
Implications for Logging Measurements
To reiterate, the observedvelocity of a metamor-
/ phic rock will dependon a varietyof factorsincluding
mineralogicalconstitution,the existenceof pore flu-
ids, and microcrackporosity.The fact that microcrack
dependentaddsadditionaluncertaintyto in-sirelogging
measurements.It is thus difficult to interpret a given
observedvelocity directly in terms of lithologyin the
absenceof othergeologicinformation.
Pressure One of the importantreasonsfor loggingwells is to
obtaina measureof the in-sireproperties,in particular
Fig. 7. Effectsof confiningpressureon elastic-waveve-
locitiesin crystallinerock.Dashedlineindicatesexpected the wave velocitiesand densities.The complexelastic
poreandcrack-freeintrinsicvelocitywhichdepends only behaviorof metamorphicrockscomplicatesthis deter-
on mineralogicalcomposition. At sufficientlyhighpres- mination,because,as will be discussedlater, the depth
sure, the crack porosityis closedand the two curves
of investigationof the sonicloggingtool may at most
be a few cm from the wellbore wall. This zone is sub-
ject to substantial
concentrationsof in-sirestresses,both
the moduliof the constituentmineralswill only change at the bottom of the hole during drilling (e.g., Li and
very little overtherangeof pressures expectedin theup- Schmitt,1998) andalongthe walls (e.g., Hiramatsuand
per partsof the crust,the observedvelocitiesare nearly Oka, 1962; Peskaand Zoback, 1995). The stresscon-
constantonce the pressuresare sufficientto closethe centrationscan be quite complexif the wellboreis not
microcracks.It is difficultto determineat whatpointthe alignedwith a principal stressin the earth. However,
intrinsicvelocityis actuallybeingmeasured,with some the simplestcasein which two of the principal stresses
workersapplyingpressures up to 1 GPaonrocksamples in the earth, S• and Sh, are perpendicularto the well-
in order to ensurethat the microcracksare completely boreaxisis worthmentioning.Forthisconfiguration, the
closed.The attenuationof transmittedelasticwavesmay magnitudeof the circumferential"hoop"stressrr00(r,0)
provide one criterionfor indicatingwhen an intrinsic varieswith azimuthrelativeto directionof thepredomi-
measurementof velocity has been made in the labora- nantcompressive stressS•; thecompression isamplified
tory (Molyneuxand Schmitt,1999). and diminishedat pointsperpendicular(0 = 90ø, 270ø)
The sampleshownin Figure 6 was cycledto a maxi- andparallel(0 = 0ø, 180ø)to thisazimuth,respectively.
mumconfiningpressurenear300 MPa andthenreturned This stressconcentrationis describedby (Kirsch, 1898):
to roompressure.The velocityversuspressurecurvefol-
lows a nearlylinear path on initial decompression and 2b2
becomesnonlinearbelowapproximately120 MPa. One *00(r,
0)- (S•+ Sh)
--(S•- Sh)-•-cos(20),
further point to note is that within the linear regime,
the velocitiesobtainedon decompression exceedthose where S• and Sh are the greatestand least compres-
at corresponding pressures duringinitial pressurization. sive stresses,
respectively,r is the radial distancefrom
For example,at a confiningpressureof 200 MPa, the the wellbore axis, and b is the wellbore radius. These
velocityduringpressurization is morethan 15 m/s lower concentratedstresseshave two importantimplications
than that on decompression. This hysteresisin the ob- that can affect measurements of elastic-wave velocities.
served velocities is another indication of the nonlinear First,if the stresses
are sufficientlylarge,the zoneswith
elasticbehaviorof rocks,the implicationsof which are concentratedstressescan be damagedto the point of
only now being investigated(e.g., Guyer et al., 1995) failure,whereuponwellborebreakoutsareformedat az-
andarebeyondthe scopeof thisreview.This effectmay imuthson the wellborewall perpendicularto the stress

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28 Physicalrock properties and geophysicallogging

(e.g., GoughandBell, 1981) andtensionfracturingcan betweenanomalouslylow zonesof Vp and Vswith high

evenoccurundercertainconditionsat azimuthsparallel concentrationsof macroscopicfractures.In additionto
to crH.Aside from the physicalchangesto the wellbore the overallchangesin the elasticpropertiescausedby
shapeand the corresponding errorsthis may introduce the fractures themselves, increased alteration and mi-
in the measurements of elasticwave velocity,the mate- crocrackingnearthe fractureswasalsoinfluential.These
rial near the wellborewall may be seriouslydamaged resultswere further confirmedin the Cajon Passwell-
due to the introduction of new microcracks and will bore (Moos, 1988) where fracturezoneswere found to
have a lower velocity than might normallybe expected substantiallyinfluencethe observedvelocities,making
in-sire (e.g., Winkler, 1997). Second,if the materialis Vsobservations difficult(BartonandMoos, 1988). Jones
not severelydamaged,the stressconcentrations may in- and Holliger (1997) and Holliger (1996) suggestedon
duceanisotropyin the elasticpropertiesand velocities the basis of a lack of correlation between the mechanical
aroundthewellbore(Schmittet al., 1989;Winkler, 1996; logsandthenaturalradioactivitylogthatin theKTB hole
Winkler et al., 1998) which couldbiasnormal soniclog rapid fluctuationsof velocity over rangesof lessthan
measurements to highervaluesthanmight be expected '• 100 m areprimarily a consequence of fluid-filledfrac-
in-situ. tureporosityanddo not dependon petrology.Finally,in
Macroscopicfracturesalso have a significantinflu- a comparativestudyof VSP andsoniclog observations,
ence on the in-sire elastic wave velocities as measured Moos (1984) found slightly greater seismicvelocities
with soniclogs.There are numerousstudiescomparing alongmostof the lengthof a 860-m well drilledthrough
soniclog valueswith high quality but spatiallyaliased a fracturedgranodioriteformationnearthe SanAndreas
laboratorymeasurements andwith surfaceandwellbore fault. The importantpointto recognizeis that caremust
seismictestssuchas thosepresentedelsewherein this be exercisedin the interpretationof log velocitiessince
volume.The differingstudiesdo not necessarilyarrive both microscopicand macroscopicfracturingcan have
at the same conclusions. a substantialinfluenceon the in-sirevelocities.The log
A subsetof the comparisons betweenlaboratoryand interpretermayneedto accountfor thiswhenattempting
sonic log velocitieshas been carried out in relatively to determinethe overallimpedanceof a formation.
unfracturedcrystallinerock formationsandhaveshown
that in-sire velocities exceeded those measured in the
laboratory,this discrepancybeingattributedto the pres- DENSITY LOGGING
ence of water in the microcracks(Simmons and Nur,
Elemental Mass and Density
1968) or drilling-inducedmicrocrackdamagein cores
retrievedfrom greatdepths(WangandSimmons,1978). In orderto understandhowloggingtoolsmaybe used
Salisburyet al. (1994) found goodagreementbetween to determinedensitiesin crystallinerocks,it is neces-
sonic logs and laboratorymeasurementsof the rock saryto reviewthe atomicstructureof theelementsandto
intrinsic velocity in the Sudburystructurethat could describethe physicsof •/-ray scattering.Massdensityis
be used in modeling the expectedseismicresponse primarilydependentonthenumberof atomspackedinto
(Milkereit et al., 1994). a givenvolumeof material.Eachatomconsistsof a nu-
A different situation occurs in fractured formations. cleuscontainingN neutronsand Z protonssurrounded
StiermanandKovach(1979) observeddifferencesof as by a cloudof Z electrons,where Z is the atomicnum-
muchas2 km/s betweenintactrock samplesandin-sire ber. The massesof neutronsand protonsdiffer by less
soniclog velocitiesin a granodioriteto a depthof 700 m than 0.14%, and both are '• 1836 times that of the much
nearthe SanAndreasfault in California. Sjogrenet al. lighterelectronmass;electronsdonotcontributesignif-
(1979) andHajnal et al. (1983) bothfoundlow-velocity icantlyto the overallmassof an atom and for the pur-
zones at seismicand sonic frequenciesto depthsof posesconsideredhere may be ignored.Atomic masses
'•30 m in metamorphicandigneousrocksthatcorrelated are often representedin terms of the atomic-massunit
well with fracturesfound in the core samples.Ultra- (amu),definedas1/12themassof thei2c atomwhich
soniclaboratorymeasurements on corresponding intact is 1.6605402x 10-27 kg. Themasses
of a protonand
samplesyielded significantlylarger velocities(Hajnal a neutron are 1.0072766 amu and 1.0086652 amu, re-
et. al., 1983). This further suggeststhat the low in-sire spectively.The amu is a convenientunit becauseit also
velocitieswerea consequence of near-surface fracturing. represents
themassin gramsof 1mole(Avogadro's num-
Using ultrasonicboreholeteleviewerimagesand sonic ber,NA= 6.022x 1023)of particles.
logs,Moos andZoback(1983) foundstrongcorrelations A of an elementdependsfor themostpart on the simple
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Geophysicalloggingfor elasticproperties in hard rock 29

Table 2. Physicalproperties of various elements,metamorphic minerals and rocks important in 3t-'Ylogging.

or Atomic
Weight Z/A Ratio Bulk Apparent
Formula (amu)1 (amu-1) Density(Mg/m3)1 Density(Mg/m3)2
Hydrogen H 1.00794 0.9920
Graphite C (Graphite) 12.011 0.4995 2.281
Oxygen O 15.9994 0.5000
Sodium Na 22.98977 0.4784 0.97
Magnesium Mg 24.305 0.4937 1.74 1.73
Aluminum A1 26.98154 0.4818 2.70 2.60
Silicon Si 28.0855 0.4984 2.281
Sulphur S 32.06 0.4990 2.076
Chlorine C1 35.453 0.4795
Potasium K 39.0983 0.4859 0.86
Calcium Ca 40.08 0.4990 1.52
Titanium Ti 47.9 0.4592 4.5
Kamacite(or-Iron) Fe 55.847 0.4655 7.873
Cobalt Co 58.9332 0.4581 8.9
Nickel Ni 58.7 0.4770 8.910
Copper Cu 63.546 0.4563 8.932
Zinc Zn 65.38 0.4588 7.14
Lead Pb 207.19 0.3957 11.342

Albite (Low) NaA1Si308 262.23 0.4885 2.621 2.56
Orthoclase KA1Si308 278.33 0.4958 2.571 2.55

Quartz SiO2 60.085 0.4993 2.648 2.65

Biotite K(Mg,Fe)3A1Si30lo(OH)2 0.4900 2.90(2.65-3.1) 2.84
Muscovite KA12A1Si3Olo(OH)2 398.3 0.4966 2.834 2.91
Pyrite FeS2 119.98 0.4850 5.010 4.91
Pyrrhotite Fe7S8 647.44 0.4812 4.628 4.40
Sphalerite ZnS 97.434 0.4720 4.097 3.78
Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 183.51 0.4751 4.180 3.99
Galena PbS 239.25 0.4093 7.614 6.14
Miscellaneous min.
Magnetite Fe304 231.54 0.4774 5.200 4.95
Olivine (Fosterite) Mg2SiO4 140.70 0.4892 3.227 3.23
Calcite CaCO3 100.90 0.4996 2.7106 2.71
Serpentine Mg3Si205(OH)4 277.1 0.5062 2.625 2.23
Chlorite (MgsA1)(A1Si3)Olo(OH)2 555.8 0.5056 2.640 2.74
Barite BaSO4 233.40 0.4454 4.467 3.96
Water STP
Pure H20 18.0154 0.5551 1.00 1.11
Brine, 200 000 ppm 0.5401 1.146 1.238
Brine, 100 000 ppm 0.5476 1.073 1.175

1 FromSmythandMcCormick (1995)andgeneral
2 FromHallenberg

sum of the massdue to the numberof neutrons(N) and crystallinerocks if some simplifying assumptionsare
protons(Z) andwhenreportedin unitsof amus,is often made.Specifically,if oneis ableto measurethe number
nearly an integer(Table 2). Deviationsfrom the integer of protonsin a givenvolume of the material(the proton
value are due to consumptionof somemassin binding density,
the nucleustogetherand becausethe numbersreported from
in Table2 representthe weightedaverageof the masses np
of isotopesof a given elementasthey occurin nature. p- (11)
For densitylogging,it is usefulto considerthe ratio
Z/A betweenthe atomicnumberand the atomicweight if the atomic number to atomic weight ratio, Z/A, is
as this holdsthe key to estimatingthe massdensityof known in moles/g.
Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
30 Physical rock properties and geophysicallogging

50 H

• 40 0.7

• 30 mn

Z 20 Na Mg K Mn Cu
A1. S 0.3
. Si 0.2
10 - O Mg
ii I•l
0 H
20 30 40
II Illill IllIll

Illll IllIll


IllIll II


Atomic number Z
Atomic number
Fig. 9. Z/A ratio versusatomic number.Heavy line in-
Fig. 8. Neutron numberN versusatomic number Z for dicatesZ/A--0.5. The commonrock and ore-forming
theprincipleisotopeof theelementsbelow Z -- 40. Filled elementsare shownwith filled symbols.Lead (Z --82)
symbolsindicate common rock and ore-forming ele- is not shownbut has a Z/A ratio significantlydifferent
from 0.5 as indicated in Table 2.

Photoelectric effect
N = Z for mostofthe lighter(Z < 20) rock-forming
elementssuchas O, Si, A1, Mg, and Ca (Figure 8). This ße- Ejected
interestingfeatureof the periodictable allowsfor sub- photoelectron
Low energy
stantialsimplificationin the use of equation(11) when y-rays

loggingin low porositycrystallinerocks.Consequently,

one expectsthe Z/A ratio in theseelementsto be close
to 0.5 (Figure 9). This will also be true for any com-
poundsformedfrom theseelements,includingmostof Medium energy Deflected
the commonrock-formingminerals.In the contextof ),-rays ),-ray

low porositymetamorphicrocks,thismeansthatthe ap-

parentdensity, e-
Compton scattering
Pe-- (0.5g/mole)
np (12)
Fig. 10. Gamma-rayinteractionswith matterto produce
the low-energyphotoelectriceffectandmoderate-energy
providesa reasonableestimateof the bulk massden- Comptonscattering.
sity in the absenceof exactknowledgeof the chemical
compositionof the rock. The apparentdensitiesfor a
numberof mineralsare givenin Table2. Thusin order PhysicalBasis of Gamma-Gamma
Density Measurements
to determineor at leastestimatedensity,it is necessary
to determine
npis Density loggingrelies on the mannerin which high-
difficultto measuredirectly.However,the electronden- energy electromagneticradiation (•/-rays) is scattered
sity,he, is muchmore easilydeterminedusingscattered within a material. There are three main processes
•/-rays, andbecausean electricallyneutralatomhasthe throughwhich •/-rays interactwith matter:photoelec-
samenumberof electronsasprotons,neis a directproxy tric absorption,Comptonscattering,andpairproduction
for np in equation(12). (Figure 10). Eachprocesspredominates overa different

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Geophysical logging for elastic properties in hard rock 31

Fields of Gamma-Ray Interactions Neither of theseprocessescan easilyprovideinforma-

tion aboutthe massdensity,andin densitylogging,such
lOO I i i I I I I I [ I
•/-ray energiesare to be avoided.However,the spec-

_---.Pb(82) i i i•i trum of the fluorescenceproducedby reabsorptionof
the ejectedelectronsby other atomsdoesprovideuse-

/ ful informationaboutthe chemicalcompositionof the
materialand is exploitedin spectral•/-•/ logging(e.g.,
Dominant Bertozzi et al., 1981).
._(2 4O
. In Comptonscattering,an intermediateenergy•/-ray
E zn (30) is deflected,or scattered,by an atomic electron.Part
o •Cu (29)
Ni (28) Compton of the energygoesto the recoil-electronthat is ejected
Scattering and travelsthroughthe medium ionizing other atoms.
Si(14) • Dominant ThisprocessemitsX-rays.The scattered photonis again
o subjectto Comptonscattering,sometimesa numberof
O.Ol 0.10 1.00
times, continuallylosing kinetic energysuchthat it is
Gamma-ray Energy (MeV)
eventuallydestroyedby photoelectricabsorption.The
Fig. 11. Atomic numberversusgamma-rayenergyplot secondaryphotonsare scatteredin all directionswith
showingregionswherephotoelectriceffect(left of curve differingprobabilitiesand with differingenergies(e.g.,
D) andComptonscattering(fight of curveD) dominates. Ellis, 1987).Theprobabilityof scatteringdependsonthe
D representsthecurvealongwhichthereis anequalprob-
abilityof photoelectric
effectandComptonscatteringoc- chanceof encounteringan electronalong the photon's
curring(Davisson,1965). WLand W• aretypicalspectral path,whichin turn dependson the electrondensityne of
ranges,usedin theGSC spectral•/-•/logging tool.Forele- the material.Obviously,the higherthe electrondensity,
mentstypicallyfoundin crystallinerocksandbasemetals
(exceptPb), Comptonscatteringis the dominantinterac- the greaterthe chancethe photonwill be absorbedand,
tion occurringin W•. Photoelectriceffectdominatesfor conversely,the attenuationof the •/ radiationindicates
base metals with Z > 28 in Wz. the electrondensity.As notedabove,the electronden-
sity ne is the sameasthe protondensityn•, whichin
turn dependson the overallbulk densityof the material.
•/-ray energyband (Figure 11), but only the Compton Froma knowledge
of n•, thedensitycanthenbe deter-
scatteringeffectisusefulin densityloggingasit provides mined from equations(11) or (12). Thus the processof
a measureof the electrondensityof the material. Pair Comptonscatteringprovidesa usefulmechanismfor the
productionoccursat the highestenergieswhena photon determinationof bulk density.
(> 1.022 MeV) interactswith the electricfield arounda Compton scattering predominatesat intermediate
nucleusandis destroyedto producean electron-positron •/-ray energies and low atomic numbers. Gamma-
pair.The positronis soonannihilatedby interactionwith gammaloggingrelieson the fact that the probabilityof
an electron,resultingin the emissionof two 0.511 MeV Comptonscatteringof the •/-ray is nearly independent
photonswhich can be detectedbut containvery little of the atomsthemselves.Consequently, if the materialis
informationaboutthe densityof the material. irradiatedwith •/-rays with energiesbelowthatrequired
Photoelectricabsorptionis a quantum mechanical for pair-productionand only thosescattered•/-rays re-
effect.Lower-energy•/-rays haveenergiesequivalentto turned to the detectorwith energiesabovethat of the
thediscretebindingenergiesof orbitalelectrons.A •/-ray photoelectricrangearemeasured,thenthe countingrate
with energy exceedingsuch a level may be absorbed will be determinedsolelyby he. Since Z/A is closeto
by collisionwith an electron,with someof the energy 0.5 in mostcases,the countrate is controlledprimarily
being usedto eject the electronfrom its orbit and the by the bulk densityp of the material.Hence, measure-
remainderprovidingthe lone electronwith additional ment of ne providesa relatively accuratebulk density
kinetic energy.This electrontravelsthroughthe mate- throughthe useof equation(12). Furtherdetailedinfor-
rial but will eventuallyjoin anotherionized atom with mation on •/-ray scatteringis found in Ellis (1987) and
the emissionof a lower energyX-ray. Sincethe proba- Tittman (1986).
bility of photoelectricabsorptionfor a photonof energy Figure 12 showsthe periodictable. In hardrockand
E is proportional
to ZS/E3, thismechanism
predomi- base-metal sulfide environments,minerals that form the
natesat low •/-ray energiesandhighatomicnumbers(Z). hostrockconsistmainlyof relativelylow-atomicnumber

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
32 Physical rock properties and geophysicallogging

H H He

LJ Be B C N O F Ne

Na Mg AI SI P S Cl Ar
11 12 13 14 16

K Ca
Sc Ti V Cr
'Mn ' ICo ' ' "' I
ß : ' •
Ga Ge As Se Br Kr

Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe

Fr Ra Ac Th Pa U

Fig. 12. Periodictable of the elements.The mostcommonconstituents of the rock-formingmineralsare

highlightedin yellow while the metallicelementsin the mostimportantsulfidemineralsare highlightedin

elements(Z = 10 to 26; e.g., silicatesand carbonates countrate in W/• overthe countrate in WL (SGG Ratio)
comprisingmainly A1, Fe, Mg, Ca, K, Na, C, and O), providesa measureof the averageatomicnumberof the
whereasthebase-metalsulfidesconsistof relativelyhigh rock.
Z elements(Z = 26 to 82; e.g. Cu, Zn, Fe and Pb sul-
fides and/or oxides). The high Z elementswithin the
sulfidesraisethe densityof the rocks.Thus basemetal Logging Tool
sulfidesare evident as zonesof anomalouslyhigh val- The •/-•/ densityprobe measuresthe bulk densityof
ues on densitylogs. On the plot of atomicnumber(Z) therock surroundingthe borehole.The probecomprises
versus•/-ray energy(Figure 11), regionsin whichphoto- a radioactivesource(370 MBq Cobalt-60) and a cae-
electricabsorptionandComptonscatteringpredominate sium iodide [CsI(TI)] or sodiumiodide [NaI(TI)] scin-
are indicated.The two •/-ray energywindows(denoted tillation detector.Gamma-raysfrom the sourceinteract
W• = .05 to .10 MeV and W/• = .20 to .50 MeV) that with the rock around the borehole and some are scattered
areusedin spectral•/-•/logging toolsare alsoindicated backtowardthe detector.Figure 13 showshow the den-
in Figure 11 to showthe fieldsof•/-ray interactions.The sity loggingmeasurementsare acquiredin a borehole.
curveindicatesanequalprobabilityfor eitherinteraction A 6øCo-source
emits•/-rays(1.17and1.33MeV) that
(i.e., for Si, photoelectricabsorptionand Comptonscat- undergophotoelectricabsorptionand Comptonscatter-
tering are equally likely for a •/-ray of energybetween ing in the rock mass.The detectorcountsthose•/-rays
.04 and .05 MeV). that are backscattered towardthe probe and sortsthem
For mostrock-formingelements,Comptonscattering into an energyspectrum.Sincethe probabilityof Comp-
is the only significantinteractionoccurringin the spec- ton scatteringis proportionalto the rock density,density
tral rangeW/• and,therefore,the W/• countrateprovides canbe determinedfrom the •/-ray countrate in a suitably
a measureof therock density.If Z/A is assumedconstant chosenenergywindow.
(whichis a goodapproximationfor mostrocks),thenthe The •/-•/density probeusedto pr6videdensitylogsis
rock densitycan be computedfrom the W• countrate. a spectraltool (spectral•/-•/: SGG) whichrecordstheen-
Note that Pb, which has a very high atomic number of tire backscattered•/-ray spectrumover an energyrange
82 and a Z/A ratio that deviatessignificantlyfrom 0.5, from 0 to 1 MeV. The densityand SGG ratio logs are
is moreproblematicbecausephotoelectricabsorptionis derivedfrom thesebackscattered •/-ray spectra.Density
the dominant interaction for Pb over the W/• window. At information is determined from the count rate in an en-
the lowerenergiesencounteredin WL,photoelectricab- ergywindowabove200 keV,whereasinformationonthe
sorptionbecomesincreasinglyimportant,andthe count effective atomic number is derived from a ratio of the
rate in this window contains information about the den- countratesin an energywindow above200 keV and an
sity and atomic number of the rock. The ratio of the energywindow below 200 keV. Typical backscattered

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Geophysicallogging for elastic properties in hard rock 33



300- ORE

100 -

/•- •'•"J - • 0
•' 0 200 400 600



Fig. 13. Schematicof a •/-densityloggingtool. Left panelshowsthe configurationof a typical loggingtool

in thewellbore.
200 keV to 500 keV are usedto infer •n-simdensity.

•/-ray energy spectrarecordedby the SGG probe in calibration sources(these have •/-ray peaks at 81.0,
countryrock and ore and the energywindowsusedfor 356.0, 661.6 keV) to energycalibratethe probe. The
densitymeasurements are shownin Figure 13. 6øCo-source
is screwed
ontotheendof theprobeand
An example of a densitylog througha massivesul- the hole is logged.The probeis removedfrom the hole,
fide depositin New Brunswickis given in Figure 14. the6øCo-source
is removed
This log highlightsthe large differencesin densitybe- with the Cs and Ba sourcesis repeated.
tweenthe massivesulfideorebodies(Pb-Zn sulfidesand
pyrite)andtheirsilicatehostrocks(predominantlymeta- Data processingprocedure. The two calibration runs
morphicruffsandmetasediments). In this case,the true recordedbeforeand after loggingare usedto determine
lithology is known from geologicanalysisof the cores the true energycalibration(about 1 keV/channel).Us-
from the wellbore.
ing the correctenergycalibration,a log of the sum of
the countsin a •/-ray energywindow,the densitywin-
Density Logging Procedure, Processing dow(W•r = 200-500 keV; Figure 13), wherethe Comp-
and Calibration ton scatteringprocessis the main •/-ray interactionwith
Density loggingprocedure. Density logging measure- the rock mass(Tittman and Wahl, 1965; Bertozzi et al.,
ments are generally acquired at logging speeds of 1981) is computedfrom the spectraldata.If densitycali-
9 m/min duringthe down-runand 6 m/min on the up- brationsarecardedoutseveralmonthsprior to the actual
ran. Data arerecordedeverysecond.The followingrep- field data acquisition,correctionsare made to the den-
resentsthe standardGSC loggingprocedures. sity window countrate to accountfor the decayof the
Depth is measuredfrom when the top of the cable 6øCo-source.
Thedensitylog(in counts persecond)is
headis at the top of the casing.The lengthof the probe, converted
to a logofthedensity
(in g/cm3)asdescribed
from the top of the cablehead to midway betweenthe
sourceand the detector,is addedduringprocessing,so
the sampledepthis consideredto be midway between Densitycalibration. The densitycalibrationprocessin-
the sourceand detector.The probe is stabilizedin the volvesthe conversionof the countratesin the density
hole for about 30 minutes (to reach the borehole fluid window to true formation or rock densities. The Geo-
temperature).The probeis thenremovedanda 1-minute logical Survey of Canada(GSC) calibratesits spectral
spectrumis recordedwith cesium(Cs) andbarium(Ba) •/-•/ density logging tools in density models and test

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
34 Physical rock properties and geophysicallogging

Density to a plot of count rates in this energywindow versus

coredensityto obtainthecalibrationequation.However,
3) thetheoreticalrelationshipbetweenmeasuredcountrate
and densityis exponentialand dependson the ratio of
atomic number(Z) to atomic weight (A) (Pickell and
Heacock, 1960; Tittman and Wahl, 1965; Borsaru et al.,
1983). For mostrocks,the atomicnumberis fairly low
(Z < 20) and the Z/A ratio is roughlyconstantat about
0.5 (Hallenburg,1984).Rockformationscontainingsig-

jTuff nificant amountsof basemetal sulfideminerals,however,

haverelativelyhigh effectiveatomicnumbers(Z > 26)
withZ/A ratios<0.5 anddensities
>4.0 g/cm3.In these
cases,the assumptions of a lineartool responseandcon-
stantZ/A ratio are not valid, and the methodsnormally
Pb-Zn Sulfict's used for calibratingthe densityloggingtools result in
densitiesthat are underestimated. It is possibleto im-
provethe densityestimatesin high-density/high-Zma-
Pyrite terial by incorporatinglower energygamma-rays(i.e.,
Wz) in the calibrationequationand calibratingin holes
that intersectsuchhigh-density/high-Zmaterial (Pflug
et al., 2000).
Other factorsthatmay affectthe accuracyof the den-
Met sediments sity measurements includetemperaturevariationsin the
hole and variationsin boreholediameter.Temperature
variationsin the hole may create a drift in the detec-
tor response.Althoughthis is accountedfor duringthe
energycalibrationprocessing,it is an "average"for the
entire hole.


Principles of Sonic Logging

A soniclogprovidesa measureof thein-situcompres-
Fig. 14. Exampleof a densitylog througha sequenceof sionalor shear-wave velocityof thematerialsurrounding
massivesulfidesat the Stratmatdeposit,New Brunswick. the wellbore.In principle,measuringthis velocity sim-
ply reducesto determiningthetraveltimeAt of anelastic
boreholesat its Bells Cornerscalibrationfacility near wave travelingbetweena transmittingacousticsource
Ottawa(Killeen, 1986; Schocket al., 1991). The models T and a receiver R, separatedby a known distance1
(1.63-2.50g/cm3) and (Figure 15). Ideally,this tool wouldbe pulled up along
the test boreholesintersectsandstone,dolomite, gran- the central axis of the wellbore such that T and R are
(2.30-3.05g/cm3).Thesedensities equidistantfrom the walls of the hole. The transmitter,
are fairly representativeof unmineralizedsedimentary, usually made of either magnetostrictiveor piezoelec-
metamorphic,andigneousrockscommonlyencountered tric materialsproducingfrequenciesin thebandbetween
in the mining industry. 20 kHz and40 kHz, introducesan acousticpulseintothe
The standardmethodof calibratingdensityprobesas- fluid within the wellbore (usually water in crystalline
sumesa simplerelationshipbetweenthe formationden- rocks). The acousticpulsesradiate throughthe water
sity and the count rate in the densitywindow. In the as P-waves to the borehole wall where some of the en-
densityrange encounteredin the Bells Cornersholes, ergy is convertedto S-waves.In crystallinerocksboth
the tool responseis fairly linear.A straightline is fitted the compressionaland shearwave velocitiesare often

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Geophysicalloggingfor elastic properties in hard rock 35

P S Tube

,.r Ittt1


T= (T2- T1)
= Interval traveltime


Fig. 16. Determination

of transittimesusinga dualre-
craversoniclog configuration.
Fig. 15. Schematicof sonicloggingtool with a single
transmittingsourceT and a singlereceiverR in a well-

well in excessof theP-wavevelocityof water(Table 1). thereciprocalvelocityor slownessA T/Ax of theforma-

Consequently,critically refractedP- and S-headwaves tion (wherex is the spacingbetweenthetworeceivers)is
propagatethroughthe rock alongthe wellborewall and plottedversusdepth.This procedurestill doesnot com-
leak back into the wellbore fluid as P-waves that are de- pletely accountfor errors introducedwhen the tool is
tectedby the receiverR. T and R mustbe far apart for misalignedwith thewellbore.To overcomethisproblem,
thesehead waves to be detected.Further, for the transit evenmoresophisticated "compensated" systemsinclude
times and the velocitiesto be properlydetermined,the upperand lower transmittersand two pairs of receivers
transittime delaysthroughthewatermustbe considered (e.g., Ellis, 1987). The log providesthe averagetransit
(e.g.,Ellis, 1987).Thisisnotnecessarily straightforward, time of the upgoingand downgoingpropagationpaths
especiallyif thetool is not centeredor is poorlyaligned, in muchthe sameway that reversedseismicrefraction
and consequently, this simpleconfigurationis not often tests are carded out.
used. Suchtools generallyprovideonly a measureof the
Most conventionalsonicloggingtoolsattemptto cir- transit times of the first P-wave arrivals. However, the
cumventthis difficulty by using multiple transmitters ßcylindricalfluid-filled wellbore is a good waveguide
and receivers.The total transit times T• and T2 for each that supportsnumerousdifferent propagationmodes
receiverin Figure 16, for example,sharethe sameto- (Hearstet al., 2000). In additionto thecriticallyrefracted
tal time delay Tw introducedby the double transit of P-wavesrecordedby mostlogs,thereare alsocritically
the wave through the wellbore fluid. The difference refractedS-waves,trappedinterfacialtube-waves(i.e.,
AT --T2- T• is the transittime. In conventionallogs, Stoneleyinterfacialwaves),pseudo-Rayleigh wavesand

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36 Physical rock properties and geophysicallogging

leaky P-waves(fully reflectedcompressionalreverber-

Transit time - far receiver
ations)propagatingalong the wellbore.These features
are seen in the waveformsof Figure 16 in which the _,
o Time (Its)
initial, low amplitudeP-wave arrival is followed by a o

higheramplitudeS-waveandfinally,a slowpackageof o

interferinginterfacialand trappedmodes.
The P-waveand S-wavelogsare of the greatestinter-
est herebecausethey are directindicatorsof the elastic
propertiesof the rocksthroughwhich they travel. How-
ever, the more complex wave packet that follows the
S-wave arrival (Figure 16), hereafterreferredto as the
tube-wave,is importantfor two reasons.First, because
componentsof the tube wave result from trappedreso-
nant modesof the wellbore,thesewavescan propagate
long distanceswith little attenuation,and they are of-
ten of much greateramplitudethan the two-bodywave
arrivals.The sensitivityof the tool mustbe adjustedto
accountfor the variationin signalstrengths.Second,the
wave packetis sensitiveto openmacroscopicfractures
and joints intersectingthe wellbore and large changes
in its charactermay be usedto detectfracturedzones.
Sincefracturesthemselvescanhavea seismicresponse, -:. - t- ..,
knowingabouttheir existenceis important.
With typical soniclogs,all amplitudeandtransittime
information for the S-wave and tube wave are lost. Full-
waveformsoniclogscircumventthisby providinga con-
tinuousimage of the completeset of sonicwaveforms
acquiredduringlogging.This has great advantagesbut P-wave Tube-wave
comes with the cost that substantial volumes of data must S-wave
be transmittedalong the length of the wireline, stored
Fig. 17. Exampleof full waveformsoniclog from a well-
and displayed,and must often be manuallyinterpreted. bore drilled throughmetamorphicrock. Colors indicate
However,thesedisadvantages are more than offset by relative amplitudesof differentarrivals.These increase
the additional information obtained about the formation. from low amplitudeP-wave arrivals throughstronger
S-wavearrivalsto high-amplitudetubewaves.
An exampleof a full-waveform soniclog is shownin
Figure 17 where the waveform recordedat each depth
by the far receiveris shownas a functionof time, with frequencyof about28 kHz. The receiverseparationis
the amplitudeproportionalto colon The coherencyof 30 cm. The probediameteris 45 mm to permitoperation
the different arrivalswith depth is readily apparentin in BQ (60-mm diameter)or largerholes.The measure-
sucha displayandallowsfor muchmoreaccuratedeter- ment processis describedin more detail in Pflug et al.
minationof transittimes than might be possibleby ex- (1994).
aminationof individualtraces.This is particularlytrue The mostlabor-intensive partof processingfull wave-
for the low amplitudeP-wavearrival. form data is repicking the P-wave arrival times. Since
the algorithmsthat are availablefor automaticallypick-
ing the P-wavearrivaltimesdo not work very well in all
Full-Waveform Sonic Data: P-, S-, instances,thesearrivaltimeshaveto be repickedmanu-
and Stoneley-Waves
ally in noisy sectionsof the loggingdata.This involves
Acousticvelocitymeasurements aremadewith a full- lookingat severalthousandwaveforms.Figure18 shows
waveformacousticvelocityprobesimilarto that shown P-wavevelocitylogsat threestagesof editing.The first
schematicallyin Figure 16. The probeconsistsof a sin- logontheleft is therawvelocitylogasdeterminedby the
gle transmitterand two receiversoperatingat a center automaticpickingalgorithmusedby thedataacquisition

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Geophysicallogging for elastic properties in hard rock 37

Vp - raw Vp- auto repicking Vp - final VDL- Far Receiver

(km/s) (km/s) (km/s) 8 Time(ps) .-

_ _--

Fig. 18. Sonic compressional-wave velocity determinationat three stagesof editing. Leftmostpanel, raw
velocitypicks.Middle panel,velocitiesafter automaticpicking of waveforms.Right panel,velocitiesafter
manualinteractiveediting.Visual displaylog (VDL) at far right showsfull waveforms.

software.This algorithmpickstheP-wavearrivalat each I,,,,111111111,,,,,,I,,,,,,,I,l,,•,,,,,,l•,,,,,,•,l,•,,,,,,,I

receiver when the signal crossesa preset threshold.

Noise at the beginningof the waveform,causedby the
probe bumping along the boreholewall, often causes Far

false triggering,resultingin spikeson the velocity log.
Also, if the recordedsignalis weak, the first arrival may
be correctlypicked on the near receiver,while a later
cyclein thewaveformmaybe pickedon the far receiver.
This situationis knownascycleskipping(seeFigure19).
The nextlogto theright is thevelocitylog asdetermined •ickedtrav•time
by a programthat automaticallyrepicksthe P-wavein-
terval traveltimesby crosscorrelatingthe near and far
receiverwaveforms(see Scott and Sena, 1974, for the
algorithm).Despitethe improvementof thevelocitydata

from the old algorithmto the crosscorrelation algorithm, ........
the dataare still noisy.The velocity log on the far right
......... ! ......... I
is the final velocity log after manualeditingof individ-
ual traveltimes.Manual editing, in this case, involves 100 200 300 400 V500 600
viewing individualwaveformpairs and slidingthe near Time gs
receiver waveform relative to the far receiver waveform
Fig.19. Example
of errorintraveltimes
until the first arrivalsoverlap(visual crosscorrelation). skipping.

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38 Physicalrock properties and geophysicallogging

Density Velocity Impedance VDL-Farreceiver

Geology (g/cm
•) (km/s) (km/s
•) o Time (!•s)






Massive Sulfides

Talc-Carb Rock

RhyoliteLapilliTu . ; •.•
Mafic/RhyoliteLapilliTuff •.


Fig. 20. Density,compressional-wave
andfull waveformsoniclogs
from Hole 4509, Kidd Creek mine, Ontario.

EXAMPLES distinctionwould be even greaterif the sulfide den-

sitieswere correctedfor Z/A. As a consequence, the
Massive Sulfide Body
higherdensitycausesthe seismicimpedanceat vertical
Figure 20 showsthe massdensity,P-wavevelocity, incidence,
calculatedacousticimpedance,andfull waveformsonic
logsacquiredin hole4509 attheKidd Creekcopper-zinc
mine near Timmins, Ontario, Canada. This is one of the I--oVa, (13)
Hole 4509 intersects semimassive to massive sulfides of the sulfidesto be largerthanthatof their silicatehost
from about 505 m to 515 m. The velocity correlates rocks.This aids the detectionof suchbodiesby seis-
well with lithology in the hole but cannotbe used to mic techniques becausetheaverageacousticimpedance
distinguishthe sulfidesfrom the mafic volcanicrocks in thesezones(18x105g/cm2s
(e.g., basalts).The averagevelocitiesfor the volcanics higherthan the acousticimpedanceof the enclosing
range from 5.3 km/s to 6.8 kin/s, while that of the rock(about16x 105g/cm2s).
semimassiveto massivepyrite averages6.0 km/s. In this would result in a strongP-wave reflectioncoef-
contrast,asidefrom a narrow zone of tuff at greater ficient (R > 0.08) from an interfacebetween silicate
depth,the densityof the sulfidessubstantiallyexceeds rocksand ores,a valuelargeenoughto causestrong
thatof the surrounding metamorphichostrocksandthe reflections.

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Geophysical logging for elastic properties in hard rock 39

Density Velocity Impedance VDL- Farreceiver

•) Fractures (km/s) (km/s
•) o Time
o !

Diabase Dyke
Felsic Tuff




M. Sulfides

M. Sulfides•
Argillite• o c:) cD

M. Sulfides

M. Sulfides


Fig. 21. Geology,density,fracture locations,compressional-wave

velocity, acousticimpedance,and full
waveformsoniclog for the Stratmatmain zonedeposit,Hole St221.

Influence of Fractures CONCLUSIONS

Figure 21 showsa typical responseof density and Density and sonicloggingare importanttools to aid
acousticparametersin a massivesulfideenvironment. in the descriptionof the physicalpropertiesof rocks in
The data were acquiredat the StratmatMain zone, a the immediatevicinity of drillholes.The sonic logs in
massive Pb-Zn-Cu sulfide deposit in central Canada particularprovidean estimateof the in-situvelocitythat
with veryhighimpedances (I = 20-25x 105g/cm2s). is otherwisedifficultto estimatefrom coresamples,due
Also shownin the figure is a fracturelog determined to the wide variety of extrinsicfactorsthat may influ-
from drill-core information illustrating the effect of ence the elastic propertiesof rocks. Similarly, density
fractureson the densityand sonicvelocity.Fractures,in logscanprovidean accuratemeasureof in-situdensities
general,lower both the observeddensityand velocity for mostcommonrocks.Thesetwo parameterstogether
(Timur, 1987). Their existence is also noticeable in providethe informationrequiredto carry outthe seismic
the quality of the sonic log. In particular, fractures modelingusedin the assessment of seismicprospecting
lower the compressionalwave velocity and inhibit the for ores.
propagationof shearwaves.The amplitudesof all three
modes are similarly reducedwith the Stoneleymode
being reducedbecauseenergyis partitionedinto fluid
motion in fractures(Paillet, 1980); taken together,this The authors thank Ms. Gloria Reese for her assistance
information can indicate the existence of fractures.
in the preparationof thismanuscript.

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4O Physicalrock properties and geophysicallogging

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Part II

Simulating Elastic Waves in the

Hardrock Environment

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Chapter 3

Influence of Morphology and Surface Roughness

on the SeismicResponseof Massive Sulfides,
Based on Elastic-Wave Kirchhoff Modeling

Gregoryd. Clarke and David W.Eaton


In orderto interpretscatteredseismicwavefieldsand Laboratorystudies(Salisburyet al., 1996, 1997) show

optimizethedesignof seismicsurveysfor thecrystalline that massive-sulfide oresare characterizedby high val-
crust,accurateand efficientforwardmodelingtoolsare uesof acousticimpedancerelativeto manytypicalhost
required.Most currentlyavailablemethodsare limited rocks.On thebasisof traditionalmeasuresof reflectivity,
to acoustic(e.g., existingKirchhofftechniques),weakly suchas normal-incidenceplane-wavereflectioncoeffi-
heterogeneous (e.g.,Born), layered(e.g.,reflectivity,ray cients,this propertyof massive-sulfidedepositsmakes
methods),and/or smoothlyvarying (e.g., ray method) them potentiallyobservableseismictargets.Recentre-
media. Other forward-modelingtechniques,such as sultsfrom borehole(Salisburyet al., 1997;Adam et al.,
3D finite difference methods, do not suffer from such 1996; Eatonet al., 1997; Perronet al., this volume),2D
limitations,but are very computationallyintensive.In (Milkereit et al., 1996;Stevenson et al., thisvolume),and
this studywe describea new,elasticformulationof the 3D seismicsurveys(Adam et al., 1997; Milkereit et al.,
classicalKirchhoff method,a computationallyefficient 1997; Gingerichet al., 2000) confirmthat ore deposits
integralapproachto simulatefar-field scatteringin het- representprominentseismicscatterers(in this chapter,
erogeneous media.Insightconcerninglocalizationof the the term scatteringis consideredto include reflection
scatteringresponseon the surfaceof the scatteringbody aswell asdiffractionprocesses). However,the observed
is providedby a surface-excitationfunctionthat arises directivity and characterof the scatteredsignalsfrom
naturallyin the mathematicalformalism.Using a suite thesemorphologicallycomplexbodiesare not compat-
of examplesthat representgenericorebody-likeinclu- ible with simplemodelsof point-like omni-directional
sionsof variousshapes,we illustratethistechniquewith seismicdiffractions(Eaton, 1999). Moreover, ore de-
a series of numerical tests. We also consider the influ- positsarerarelythe only sourceof seismic-wavescatter-
ence of surfaceroughnesson the amplitudesof scat- ing in the hardrockenvironment(e.g., Calvertet al., this
teredelasticwaves.Our resultsshowthat: (1) the shape volume).Effectiveforward-modelingtoolsaretherefore
of an inclusion(i.e., flattenedversusequidimensional) neededin orderto gaina betterunderstanding of scatter-
plays a significantrole in the directivity of backscat- ing phenomenain a rangeof realisticscenarios,and as
tered waves, with the largest amplitudesincreasingly a complementaryapproachto the interpretationof mi-
concentratedin the specularscatteringdirectionas the gratedseismicimagesfor characterizingthe shapeand
degreeof flatteningincreases;(2) the local radius of compositionof targetbodies.
curvatureof the scatteringsurfacestronglyinfluences The hardrockenvironmentdiffers from sedimentary
the relative contributionsof P- and S-wave scattering, basins,thegeologicalsettingofprimary interestfor most
with a relatively greaterproportionof S-waveswhen seismicexplorationstudies,in a numberof fundamental
the radiusof curvatureis small; (3) surfaceroughness ways. In particular,hardrockterranesexhibit a greater
exerts an important influence on the scatteredsignal, degree of intrinsic structuralcomplexity,albeit with
and can evencausean objectto appearseismicallyun- weakerparametercontrasts(Milkereit andEaton,1998).
detectable,despitethe presenceof a large impedance Most currentlyavailableforward-modelingmethodsare
contrast. limited to acoustic(e.g., existingKirchhofftechniques),

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46 Simulating elastic wavesin the hardrock environment

weaklyheterogeneous (e.g., Born), layered(e.g., reflec- In the first sectionbelow, we outline the theoreticalba-
tivity, ray methods),and/or smoothlyvarying (e.g., ray sisof our method.Importantdetailsof our implemen-
method) media and so are not ideally suitedto han- tationof this mathematicalformalismare presentedin
dle the weak but complex3D heterogeneitythat char- the next section.In our approach,we approximatesur-
acterizesthe crystallinecrust.The elasticphase-screen facesof arbitraryshapeusinga triangulartessellation
approach(Hobbs, this volume) is well suitedto mod- scheme.In contrastwith previousKirchhoff methods
eling narrow-aperturetransmissionof wave energyin (e.g., Bleistein, 1984), we considercontributionsfrom
highlyheterogeneous media,butthe applicabilityof this internally refracted/reflectedwaves in additionto the
approachfor backscatteredsignalsis not well estab- backscattered signalfrom the illuminatedregionof the
lished. Finite-difference(FD) methods(Bohlen et al., surface.Forward-modeling testsare performedfor a
this volume)yield completerepresentations of the seis- suiteof geologicmodelsthat are broadlyrepresenta-
mic wavefield for virtually any geological scenario, tive of varioustypesof ore deposits.Next, we evaluate
but are computationallyintensive.This paperdescribes the influenceof surfaceroughnesson the amplitudes
an efficient elastic-waveKirchhoff modeling method, of scatteredelasticwavesby computingthe scattering
which, in principle, can accommodateheterogeneous response of quasi-planarsurfaceswith sinusoidaldepth
modelsof comparablecomplexityto the othermethods, variations.Thisinvestigation of surfaceroughness
andyieldsfar-fieldresultsthat are very closeto the FD tivatedby the recognizedimportanceof thisparameter
solutions. from observations usingseafloorsonar(Stanton,1984)
For simplicity,this studyis concernedwith the rela- andgeoradar(Jezeket al., 1992).
tively simplecaseof elastic-wavescatteringfrom an in-
clusionof arbitraryshapein an otherwisehomogeneous
medium.This scenariorepresents a first-orderapproxi-
mationto hardrocksettingsof practicalinterestin which This sectionprovidesa brief summaryof the theo-
thebackgroundvelocitiesarenearlyconstant.The com- reticalbasisfor an elastic-Kirchhoffmethodproposed
plexmorphologyof oredepositsprecludestheuseof an- by Eaton and Clarke (2000). For a rigorousdevelop-
alyticmethodsto solvethe scatteringproblem,because ment of the theory, the reader is referred to Pao and
thesemethodsare limited to a few simplegeometrical Varatharajulu(1976). Exceptwherespecifiedotherwise,
shapes(e.g., KorneevandJohnson,1993). Previousim- vectorsare denotedby boldfacedlowercaseletters,sec-
plementationsof Kirchhoff methods(e.g., Hilterman, ond rank tensorsby boldfaceduppercaseRomanlet-
1970; Haddonand Buchen,1981; andBleistein,1984) ters, and tensorsof rank three or higherby boldfaced
dealwith the acousticcase,andthusdo not adequately capitalGreekletters.Quantitiesassociated with the ray
handle elastic-wave interactions at material discontinu- segmentfrom the sourceto the scatteringpointareindi-
ities.Forexample,Hilterman(1970) discusses reflection catedby the • (tilde) overscript,while quantitiesasso-
processes for geologicsurfacesof variouscurvatures by ciatedwith the ray segmentfrom the scattering pointto
makingestimatesusingan acousticform of Kirchhoff's the receiverare indicatedby the ^ (hat) overscript.See
waveequationandcomparingthemwith acousticphys- Figure 1 for an illustration of the scatteredwavefield
ical models.Haddonand Buchen(1981) combinean geometry.Here, we use the term scatteredwavefieldin
isochronalparameterizationof the controlsurfacewith a general sensethat includes the diffracted,reflected,
Kirchhoff'ssurfaceintegralrepresentation of the scalar convertedand transmittedwavefieldsarisingfrom the
wavefieldto obtaina highly efficientmethodfor com- interactionof an incidentwave with a heterogeneous
putingsyntheticseismograms by convolutionof a sur- region.
face weightingfunction(surface-excitationfunctionin The Kirchhoff formula (or Helmholtz formulain the
our terminology)with the time-derivativeof the source frequencydomain)represents thewavefieldat anypoint
function. in a continuousmedium,basedonknowledgeof certain
Thepurposeof thischapteristo extendpreviouslyde- wavefieldparameterson a controlsurface.The formula
velopedKirchhoff methodsto the elasticcase,thus ac- is derivedusingthe divergence theorem(seeBleistein,
countingfor elastic-waveinteractionsat materialbound- 1984), and provides,in the absenceof singularitieson
ariesof arbitraryshapeand compositionaldifference. the controlsurface,an exactanalyticrepresentation of
Ourgoalis to achievea betterunderstanding
of theseis- the scattered wavefield. If the control surface is chosen
mic expressionof ore depositsin a hardrocksetting. to coincidewith the boundaryof an inclusion,thenthe

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Influence of morphologyand surface roughnesson the seismicresponseof massivesulfides 47

P-S, Receiver
+f [if(x)- n(x')ßEø(xIx')
%•, S-P,S-S) .• •© - T'(x')ßn(x').Gø(xIx')]d•/. (2)
wavefield--% • • '•
In equation(2), T representsthe stressdyadic associ-

,•• ••• atedwiththeparticledisplacement
u, Go is theelasto-
dynamicGreen'sdyadic for particle displacementand
E0 is theassociated
stress.A very similar expressionappliesto the inter-
nally refractedwavefieldwithin the inclusion(Pao and
Varatharajulu, 1976).Onlythescattered wavefieldu' and
the associatedstressfield T' on the boundaryof the in-
clusionarerequiredto computethe final result,because
in the absenceof externalsources,the integraloverthe
controlsurfaceof the incidentwavefieldis zero (Paoand
Fig. 1. Geometry of scatteredwaves from a surface
element d•/ of the surface F, boundingan inclusion Equation(2) can be simplifiedby making a seriesof
of arbitraryshape. high-frequencyapproximations.The Green'sfunctions
Goand•0 canbeapproximated
usingraytheoryif the
velocitygradientsin the backgroundmediumare weak,
Kirchhoff (or Helmholtz) formula providesa powerful
generallya reasonable approximationin a hardrockenvi-
mathematicaltool to link physicalprocesses
on the sur-
face of the inclusion with far-field observations. For sim- ronment.By substitutingexpressions for ray-theoretical
amplitude(A) and traveltime(-r), and reflectioncoeffi-
plicity,it is usefulto beginwith themorefamiliaracous-
cientsfor all combinationsof wave-types(P-P,P-S, S-P,
tic form of the Helmholtz formula for the wavefield,
S-S), a decompositioninto four wavetype-specific inte-
u(x, to)externalto a closedcontrolsurfaceF (Bleistein,
gral equationsfor elastic-wavescatteringis obtained:

- u(x)
Ix')_ G(x
Ix')an J d•/. u'j(x,
f(t- xPP)wPe(x')]

(1) -Jt-
f(t- 'I'PS)wPS(xt)]
In equation(1), G(x[x') is the Green'sfunction (im-
pulseresponseof the medium)and n(x) is the outward- +fr[8t
f(t- ,Se)wSe(x')]
pointing unit normal to the surface F. This formula
shows that knowledge of the wavefield and its nor- +fr[8tf(t
- xSS)wSS(x')]
mal derivativeon the surfaceof an inclusion,together
wheref(t) denotes
function.In addition,wee
with knowledgeof the impulse-response operatorfor the
representsa surface-excitation
functionfor P-P scatter-
medium,are sufficientto computethe wavefieldat any
ing, and is givenby
externalpoint in the medium.The formulais nonlinear,
pp ~ p P ',p
however,sinceit requiresa priori knowledgeof the total w•- R [Agi na•i•,-•4ikl'lkq•ij.P].(4)
wavefield(incidentplus scatteredcomponents)on the
surface of the inclusion.
In thisequation,Ree denotes
the effectiveP-P scat-
tering coefficient,g denotesthe polarizationvector for
The elasticcaseis morecomplicatedthanthe acoustic
the respectivewave types,and the dyadics4>and • are
case,becausewe needto accountfor both stressand dis-
given by
placementcomponents onthesurfaceof theinclusion,as
well as their normal derivatives.Pao and Varatharajulu %-xøa/•(a•)•g•+•ø[(a,•)dg•+(a•)•g,l, (5)
(1976) derived the following Helmholtz-type equa- and
tions for the scattered wavefield external to a closed
surface: - + + (6)

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48 Simulating elastic wavesin the hardrock environment

Expressionsfor surface-excitationfunctionsfor other

typesof scattered
form to equation(4). In principle,the effectivescatter-
ing coefficientsfor eachscatteredwavetypeare chosen
to satisfythe conditionsof continuityof displacement isochrons - constant)
and stressat the surfaceof the inclusion.In our imple-
mentation,R•'•',Res,Rs•', and Rssare obtainedfrom
the Zoeppritzequations.As discussedin the next sec-
tion, thesescatteringcoefficientsaccountfor multiple
waveinteractionswith the scatteringsurface,as well as
obliquitybetweenthe scatteredray andthe correspond-
ing ray that satisfiesSnell'slaw.
FollowingHaddon and Buchen(1981), we note that
the integralequation(3) canbe recastasconvolutions if
a particular2D parameterization of thecontrolsurfaceis
adopted.One of the two variablesof integrationin such
a parameterizationis chosento be parallel to surface
isochrons(i.e., lines of constanttwo-way traveltime).
The resultingreformulationof the integralequations,
as a convolution of the time-derivative of the source
waveform with a surface-excitationfunction, lends a
particular clarity to their interpretation.Namely, for
specifiedacquisitiongeometry,the surface-excitation
functionexpresses theway in whichan objectis "seen" Fig. 2. Tessellationof the scatteringsurfaceof arbi-
at a distanceby thesourceandreceiver.In theexamples traryshapeintotriangularelementsd•/, showingsurface
isochrons(contoursof equaltwo-waytraveltime).
givenbelow,we showhow the surface-excitation func-
tionprovidesinsightsconcerning thespatiallocalization
of contributions from differentparts of the scattering theverticesof triangularsurfaceelements,resultingin a
surface. tessellationof the boundaryof the inclusion(Figure2).
This representationof the surfaceis well suitedto the
methodof isochronalintegrationdevelopedby Buchen
andHaddon(1981). Thus,a triplet of nodalindicesde-
scribeseachsurfaceelement.The indexingof coordi-
We havedevelopedan elasticKirchhoffmodelingal- natesin this form allowscomplexsurfacesto be repre-
gorithmcalledkmod3d,basedon equations(3) to (6) sented,the catalogueof which is sometimesreferredto
above.In our algorithm,a user-suppliedgeometrical asan adjacencymatrix (Mortenson,1997). The internal
surfacedefinestheshapeof theinclusion.Strictlyspeak- elasticproperties,nodecoordinates, andadjacencyma-
ing, the surfacemustbe closed,with the sourcesexter- trix for eachsurfacearecontainedwithina user-supplied
nal to the inclusion.Receiversmay be placedwithin file thatis accessedby theprogram.
or outsidethe boundaryof the inclusion.In practice, One of the featuresuniqueto this implementation
it is possibleto modelan opensurface,providedthat comparedto thoseof previousworkersis the ability
the surfaceextendsfar enoughbeyondthe limits of to accountfor internallyreflectedand refractedwaves.
the source-receiver arraysothat contributions from the For example,Haddonand Buchen(1981) and Bleistein
edgesarrive at the receiversafter the maximum time of (1984) employtheconventionthatonlythoseportionsof
the syntheticseismogram. Theoretically,the far sideof the scatteringsurfacewhichare illuminatedby boththe
the inclusioncan thenbe consideredas a hemisphere source and receiver are used in the evaluation of the sur-
of arbitrarily large radius, for which the Sommerfeld faceintegral.A limitationof thisapproachis thatit fails
radiationconditionsapply.Surfacesare represented in to account for the contribution from the far side of the
three-dimensional spaceby a seriesof discreteCarte- inclusionin the computationof the backscattered sig-
siancoordinates, callednodes.The nodescorrespond to nal. Comparisonswith FD results(seeBohlenet al., this

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Influence of morphology and surface roughnesson the seismicresponseof massivesulfides 49

volume) reveal that, due to interferencewith the scat-
teredsignalfrom the fully illuminatedregion,this con-
tributionfrom the far sideis importantfor caseswhere
inclusionshave dimensionsthat are small comparedto
the Fresnel radius.
To accountfor contributionsfrom all partsof the sur-
face, the traveltime to each node on the surface is com-
putedby allowing the incidentwave to seek any path
throughthe inclusion,and invokingFermat'sprinciple.
Oncethetimesaredetermined, theray-theoryamplitude
for each surfacenode is evaluatedbasedon the prod-
uct of a geometricalspreadingterm and a viscoelastic
(constantQ) attenuationterm. To computethe effective
scatteringcoefficientsrequiredfor thesurface-excitation
function,our computationschemeis basedon a subdi-
visionof the scatteringsurfaceinto four regimes,based
on the number of interactions of the incident/scattered
rayswith the surface(Figure3). The four regionsare in-
dexedasfollows:(1) a fully illuminatedregionthathas
a "directline of sight"to both the sourceand receiver;
(2) a partly illuminatedregionthat hasa line of sightto Areaof Areaof surface
the sourceonly; (3) a partly illuminatedregionthat has surface illuminatedby
illuminated receiver
a line of sightto the receiveronly; (4) a "dark" region
by source
thatis illuminatedby neitherthe sourcenor the receiver.
Forregion1, the incident/scattered raypathinteractswith Fig. 3. Subdivisionof the scatteringsurfaceinto four
the surfaceonly once,andthe effectivescatteringcoef- regimes:
a regionilluminated
a regionillu-
minatedby thereceiver,a regionilluminatedby both,and
ficientsare determinedusingonly the reflectioncoeffi- a darkregionilluminatedby neither(seetext for details).
cients.Forregions2 and3, theincident/scattered raypath Sample
a raythatreflects
intersectsthe surfacetwice. At bothpointsof intersec- port•onof the surfaceand,thus,intersectsthe boundary
tion, the ray is transmittedacrossthe surface;therefore, of the inclusionin threeplaces.
theproductof theplane-wavetransmission coefficients. EXAMPLES
Forregion4, the incident/scattered ray intersectsthe sur-
facethreetimes andthe effectivescatteringcoefficients Influence of Scatterer Shape
are determinedusingthe productof two transmission For this study,we havedesigneda suiteof four mod-
coefficientsanda reflectioncoefficient(Figure3). els to representgenericorebody-likeinclusions.Three
A user-suppliedset of source-receivercoordinates of theseshapesexemplifyend-memberoredepositmor-
definesthe surveygeometry.Our implementationeffi- phologies(for a discussionon ore depositmodels,see
cientlyhandlesarbitrarysource-receiver configurations, Lydon, 1984). Each model is constrainedto have the
includingzero-offsetanddownholereceiverarrays.The same estimatedtonnage(6 Mt), density,elastic-wave
free-surfaceeffect(Eaton, 1989) is modeledfor sources velocity,andaveragedepthastheBell Allard Southore-
at or nearthe surfaceby accountingfor reflectionampli- body (BAS), a well-studiedZn-Cu ore depositlocated
tudesandphasechangesin the emittedP and S waves. in Matagami,Quebec(Adam et al., this volume).These
For the examplesconsideredbelow, typical run-times parameterswereselectedbecauseBAS providesa good
range from 1 to 4 secondsper trace on a PentiumIII- exampleof a deep,but economicallyviable,oredeposit
500 MHz systemwith 256 Mb RAM. This technique for which seismicmethodsmight providea useful ex-
is thereforea relativelyfast methodcomparedto other plorationtool. BAS itself embodiesthe fourth model.
numericalschemesfor simulatingwavefieldscattering The velocitiesand densitiesof the backgroundmedium
in a hardrocksetting(Hobbs,this volume;Bohlenet al., and ore (inclusions)are basedon averagevaluesfor the
this volume). Matagamicamp,andaresummarizedin Table1. The first

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50 Simulating elastic waves in the hardrock environment

Table 1. Elastic parameters for forward-modeling andincorporatesufficientangularapertureto assessthe

directionalcharacteristicsof the scatteringresponse.
Medium Irp(m/s) Its(m/s) p (kg/m3) In the followingexamples,all seismograms havebeen
scaledidentically,exceptthatthe amplitudesin the scat-
Background 6000 3000 2700
Ore (inclusion) 5500 2750 4300 tered wavefield-onlyfiguresare amplified to twice the
valuesin the full wavefieldfigures.This amplification
factorpermitsweakerscatteredsignalsto be identified
Table 2. Dimensions of inclusions. and interpreted.It shouldbe notedthat the modeledre-
sponsefor observationpoints inside the inclusiondif-
Lengthor Width or Thicknessor
Shape Figure diameter(m) diameter(m) diameter(m) fers in amplitude and characterfrom the responseat
neighboringexternalpoints. This differencearises,in
Sphere 4 69.4 69.4 69.4 part, becauseour algorithmdoesnot includewavesthat
Lens 5 438 219 43.8
Disk 6 562 562 5.6 haveundergonemultiple internalreflections,which are
likely to be significantfor internal observationpoints.
In addition,far-field expressionsare used to represent
inclusionis a sphericalbody, representativeof equidi- the backgroundGreen'sfunctions,whereasreceiversin
mensionaldepositmorphology.The secondinclusionis closeproximityto theboundaryof the inclusionaresitu-
designedto representlenticularoredepositswith moder- atedin thenearfield.Consequently, althoughthefar-field
ate dip, andcanbe thoughtof asa smoothrepresentative (i.e., more than a wavelengthawayfrom the boundary)
from the morphologicalclassto which the BAS deposit responseis consideredaccurate,the modeledresponse
belongs.This shapewas constructedusingintersecting, for observationpointscloseto the boundaryof the in-
mirror-image parabaloids.The third shapeis that of a clusion,andparticularlyfor pointsin the interior,should
thin disk, and is intendedto be representativeof strati- be regardedasapproximate.The simulatedresponsefor
form deposits.The dimensionsof thesethreesimplein- interior points is neverthelessuseful, since it provides
clusions are summarized in Table 2. The center of mass a kinematic link between backscattered and forward-
for eachscatteringbody was at (0,0,1000 m), and,with scatteredwaves.In all VSP figures,we indicateinterior
the exceptionof the sphericalbody, all are dipping to- receiverpositionsclearly.
ward the north (positivey direction)at 45ø. Sincethese In the first example,we considerthe simulatedscat-
four examplesall have the same composition,we are teringresponsefor a sphericalinclusion.Figures4a and
attemptingto isolatethe effectsof depositmorphology b depictthe surface-excitation functionfor P-P andP-S
on the scatteringresponse.For a discussionon the influ- wavetypes,respectively,for a singlereceiverlocation.
ence of compositionon scatteringresponse,the reader The asteriskindicatesthe positionof the receiverused
is referredto Bohlenet al. (this volume). to computethesesurface-excitation functions.The parts
Forwardmodelingtestswere performedusing a ver- of the surfacethat make largecontributionsto the scat-
tical seismicprofiling (VSP) survey geometry,similar teredsignalsareshownin white.Note thattheregionsof
to that usedfor previousboreholeseismicsurveysdis- maximum contributionto the scatteringresponsecoin-
cussedby Adam et al. (1996) and Eaton et al. (1996). cide with the first Fresnelzone, which is centeredon the
Figures4-7 (a, b) provide illustrationsof the model- specular(ray-theoretical)scatteringpoint. In the caseof
ing geometryusedin our study.We havesimulated214 thesphere,theFresnelzonefor P-P scatteringoccupiesa
downholereceiversat 5-m intervals, startingat 200 m smallerareathanthe Fresnelzonefor P-S scattering.Re-
depthand endingat 1200 m. The boreholeis confined flectionsfrom the front andback facesof the sphereare
to the yz-plane and plunges at 70ø toward the south, evidentin the computedseismograms (Figures4c andd)
passingthroughthe centerof massof each respective as distinctarrivalsthat mergewith increasingdistance
scatteringbody. An explosivepoint sourcewas simu- from the sphere.The S-P and S-S scatteredphaseshave
latedon the surface,at x = 0, y = 414, 50 m northof the relatively large amplitudescomparedwith the P-P and
boreholecollarusinga Ricker waveletwith a centerfre- P-S phases.
quencyof 50 Hz. The free-surfaceeffect (Eaton, 1989) In the caseof a lenticularscatteringbody,we observe
hasbeenaccountedfor in modelingthe source-radiation a slightlylargerFresnelzonefor bothP-P andP-S wave
pattern.Thesesurveygeometriesand scatteringbodies types(Figures5a andb). Comparedwith the spherical
are broadlyrepresentativeof a range of deposittypes, inclusion,thisenlargementin theFresnelzonesreflectsa

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Influence of morphologyand surfaceroughnesson the seismicresponseof massivesulfides 51

o d • d o
.• ß

;;. -%..

(s) •w!l

>' z >' z

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52 Simulating elasticwavesin the hardrock environment

: .

"•,1i 0


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Influence of morphologyand surfaceroughnesson the seismicresponseof massivesulfides 53

greaterareaof constructiveinterferencesurrounding the Stanton(1984) andJezeket al. (1992) relatethe level

ray-theoreticalscatteringpoint. The VSP seismograms of roughness to the wavelengthof the sourcefrequency
(Figures5c and d) showreflectionsfrom the front and usingthe criterion
back facesthat merge over a short distanceinto a sin-
gle event.In comparisonwith the previousexample,the
2< 1, (7)
amplitudeof P-P and P-S scatteringis larger in rela- where k = 2•r/wavelengthis the angularwavenumber,
tion to the S-P and S-S modes. The surface-excitation and rr is the rms surfaceroughness. For this study,we
functionfor a thin disk (Figures6a and b) revealsfur- haveuseda constant sourcefrequency of 50 Hz, yielding
ther enlargementof the P-P and P-S Fresnelzones.The a P-wavelengthof 120 m for a backgroundvelocityof
exaggeratedflatteningof this scatteringbody empha- 6000 m/s. Based on the above criterion, sinusoidalsur-
sizesthe mirror symmetryof the P-S surface-excitation facescharacterizedby small roughnesscorrespondto
(Figure 6b) relative to the plane containingthe source peak-to-peakfluctuations of lessthan30 m. In compar-
and receiver. The VSP seismogramsin this case ison, the BAS model contains undulations of 20-60-m
(Figures6c and d) revealrelativelylargeP-P wave am- amplitude,and25-75-m wavelength. By modelinga sur-
plitudes,as well as scatteredsignalsfrom the edge of facewith similarproperties anddimensions totherough-
the body. nessof BAS, we attemptto quantifythe effectof surface
The surface-excitation functions for the BAS model roughness on elasticscattering,by comparingthe scat-
(Figures7a and b) imply a remarkablyweak P-P con- teredamplitudesto thosefrom a "smooth"interface.
tributionto the scatteredsignals,with a significantly In thefollowingexamples,weutilizeorthogonalzero-
greaterdegreeof P-S scatteringindicatedby lighterar- offsetsurveylineswith a receiverspacingof 2 m, to sim-
eas on the surface of the inclusion. This observation is ulateunmigrated,high-resolution,surfaceseismicpro-
consistentwith theVSP seismograms (Figures7c andd), files. The sourcewavenumberk and the wavelengthof
whichreveala complexcodawith strongS-wavescatter- theundulations (60 m) areheldconstantin eachexample,
ing and extremelyweak P-waveresponse.Thesechar- thusisolatingthe effectsof the peak-to-peakamplitude
acteristicsof the scatteredsignalsare distinctfrom the of the roughness. Figure8a showsthe P-P scatteringre-
scatteringcharacteristics of the simple shapesconsid- sponseof a smoothplanar interface,providinga refer-
eredabove.Sincethe volumeandelasticparametersfor enceplot for the subsequent figures.As in the previous
all of these models are the same as BAS, we attribute models, the impedancecontrastacrossthis interface
thesedifferencesto the complextopologyandundulat- is equivalentto BAS, yielding a normal-incidenceP-P
ing surfaceof theBAS orebody.We aremotivatedby this reflectioncoefficientof 0.19. Figure 8b exhibitsthe ef-
observation to considerexplicitlythe effectsof surface fect of undulatinginterfacetopography,with a north-
roughnesson scatteredsignalstrength. southstrikedirectionand30-m amplitude,on mutually
perpendicularseismicprofiles.A significantreduction
in amplitude(•,78% loss) is apparentfor profilesori-
ented both parallel and perpendicularto the strike of
In this section,we model the seismicresponseof a the undulations.Surprisingly,when 30-m undulations
quasi-planarsurfacein orderto investigatethe effectsof occurin bothdirectionscreatingan egg-cartontopogra-
surfaceroughness on scatteringamplitudes.In addition phy (Figure8c), the apparentamplitudeloss(•,58%) is
to the simulatedresponseof theBAS orebodydescribed lesssignificantthan in the caseof a singlesetof undu-
above,this avenueof investigationis motivatedby pre- lations.On the otherhand,when a singleset of north-
vious studiesof surfaceroughnessin sonar(Stanton, southstrikingundulationswith an amplitudeof 60 m
1984) andground-penetrating radar(Jezeket al., 1992) is modeled (Figure 8d), the amplitudeloss is •,87%,
applications.In theexamplesbelow,we approximatethe whereasforperpendicular 60-mundulations (Figure8e),
interfaceby assigninga sinusoidalvariationto an oth- we observenear-completedestructiveinterferencewith
erwiseflat planarsurface.In the presentstudy,we limit •,94% amplitudereduction.Theseexamplesshowthat,
ourdiscussion to P-waveamplitudes.Thesepreliminary despitethepresenceof a significantimpedancecontrast,
observations formpartof an ongoing,morecomprehen- destructive interference can all but eliminate reflections
siveinvestigation of the consequencesof surfacerough- from a roughinterface.The degreeof interferenceap-
nesson elastic-wavescattering(for both P-wavesand pearsto be relatedin a nonlinearfashionto peak-to-peak
S-waves). amplitudeof the surfaceroughness, andis alsosensitive

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54 Simulating elasticwavesin the hardrock environment

0 •

>" z >" z

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Influenceof morphologyand surfaceroughnesson the seismicresponseof massivesulfides 55

{•} •W!.L
(s)aWLL I

, •-, ,•
(w) qldao (w) q•daa

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56 Simulating elastic wavesin the hardrock environment


a) 0.2




• - _

-•o •:4 '-•':- Z7'•_.-• ?'

e) Nothing
(m)- ,:?':•- Easting
Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Influenceof morphologyand surfaceroughnesson the seismicresponseof massivesulfides 57

to the presenceof morethanonesetof surfaceundula- scatteredsignalsareprogressively focusedin the specu-

tions. lar (ray-theoretical)directionasthe degreeof flattening
is increased. The local radius of curvature of the scatter-


ing surfacealsoinfluencesthe relativecontributions of
P- and S-wavescattering,with a relativelygreaterpro-
Motivatedby recentfieldandlaboratorystudiesonthe portionof S-wavescattering whentheradiusof curvature
detectionof massivesulfidedeposits,we havedeveloped is small(e.g.,sphericalinclusion)ratherthanlarge(e.g.,
a new elastic-wavemodelingtechniquebased on the disk-shaped inclusion).Motivatedby the comparatively
Kirchhoffintegralrepresentation of the scatteredwave- weak and complexseismicresponseof the Bell Allard
field. Our algorithmcansimulatethe far-fieldscattering model, we have shown that destructiveand construc-
response of aninclusionof arbitraryshapeandcomposi- tive interferencephenomenadue to surfaceroughness
tion in an otherwisehomogeneous medium.Calibration can substantiallyinfluencethe amplitudesof scattered
of this methodusinganalyticalscatteringsolutionsfor P-waves.In casesof extremesurfaceroughness(60-m
a sphere(Clarke,2000) showsthat,in the far field,our peak-to-peakamplitudein the casestudiedhere), even
Kirchhoff integralyields accurateamplitudeinforma- objectswith a large impedancecontrastmay become
tion for the leadingpart of the scatteredP-waveform. effectivelyundetectable. More work is neededto char-
This techniqueis particularlywell suitedfor surveyde- acterizemore fully the influenceof surfacetopography
signapplicationsandgeometricalinterpretation, in sit- on scatteredelastic signals,includingthoseof both P-
uationswhere a complexscatteringbody or roughsur- waves and S-waves.
face is incorporatedinto the model. In comparisonto
niquessuchasthisarevery fast,providedthattheback- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
groundmediumcanbe treatedashomogeneous. In cases Thisresearchwasconductedasa partof theDownhole
wherethebackground mediumcannotbe regardedasef- SeismicImaging Consortium.Funding for this work
fectivelyhomogeneous (e.g., seeHobbs,this volume), was providedby the Natural Sciencesand Engineering
or where subtlewaveformdetailsor multiple scattering Council of Canada.
areconsidered important,thenother3D modelingtech-
niquesmaybe preferable.
The focus of the presentstudy is the influenceof REFERENCES
shapeon the scatteringcoda, includingthe effectsof
Adam, E., Milkereit, B., Arnold, G., and Pineault,R., 1996, Seismic
surfaceroughness. Using a suiteof modelsto represent response
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syntheticseismograms for a downholeseismicimaging 637.

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with the inclusionthatcanbe obtainedfrom the analysis
Assoc. of Can., 433-438.
of surface-excitationfunctions,which are a by-product Bleistein, N., 1984, Mathematicalmethodsfor wave phenomena:
of our computationaltechnique.Our resultsshowthat Academic Press Inc.
the shapeof the inclusionplaysa significantrole in the Buchen,P.W., andHaddon,R. A. W., 1981,Isochronalintegrationof
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Identificationof seismicsources--Earthquake orunderground ex-
plosion:Proc.NATO AdvancedStudyInstitute,373-381.
Fig. 8. (a) Seismicresponseof a smoothplanar surface. Clarke,G. J.,2000, Simulating3D elastic-wave scattering
White lines showthe orientationsof two orthogonalpro- sive sulfideore depositsusing the Kirchhoff integralmethod.
filesusedin this study.Zero-offsetreceiversare located M.Sc. thesis,the Universityof WesternOntario.
at the free-surface,
with the scatteringinterfaceat a depth Eaton, D. W., 1989, The free-surfaceeffect: Implications for
of 400 m. (b) Scatteringresponsefor north-southstrik- amplitude-versus-offset inversion:Can. J. Expl. Geophys.,25,
ing undulations,with a peak-to-peakamplitudeof 30 m. 97-103.
(c) Scattering
response for two setsof undulationswith a
peak-to-peak amplitudeof 30 m. (d) Scattering response -- 1999,Weakelasticscattering frommassivesulfideorebodies:
for north-southstrikingundulations, with a peak-to-peak Geophysics,64, 289-299.
amplitudeof 60 m. (e) Scatteringresponse fortwosetsof Eaton,D. W., and Clarke, G., 2000, A Kirchhoffintegralmethodto
undulations with a peak-to-peakamplitudeof 60 m. modelelastic-wavefield scatteringfrom an inclusionof arbitrary

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Abstracts, 2472-2475. 11, 195-202.
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Part III. Borehole seismic imaging of near-vertical structures: opmentof 3D seismicexplorationtechnologyfor Ni-Cu deposits,
Econ. Geol., 91,835-840. Sudburybasin,in Gubins,A. G., Ed., Proc. of Exploration97:
Eaton,D. W., Milkereit, B., andAdam, E., 1997, 3D seismicexplo- 4thDecennial
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65-78. shallowcrust:Tectonophysics, 286, 5-18.
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of new explorationtechnologiesat Noranda: Seeingmore with deposits:Part II. Reflectionseismicprofiling:Econ. Geol., 91,
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Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Chapter 4

3D Modeling of Seismic-WavePropagation Using

Complex Elastic Screens,with Application to
Mineral Exploration
R. W. Hobbs

ABSTRACT the lithosphere.Another characteristicof theseprofiles

The interpretationof seismicimagesgeneratedfrom is the pervasiveincoherentbackscattered energy,which
data acquiredover hardrockenvironmentsis difficult. is testamentto the heterogeneous nature of basement
Unlike imagesfrom sedimentary rocks,theimagesfrom rocks.Detailed mappingof this type of rock (Holliger,
1996 and 1997; Levander et al., 1994a) show that the
crystallineor metamorphosed rocks are often domi-
nated by apparentlyincoherentscatteredenergywith crystallinerock fabric can be describedas a stochastic
medium with some characteristiclength scale.Hence,
only sparsecorrelatableevents.Previous attemptsto
model the seismicresponseof suchtargetshave been the propagatingwavefieldwill encounterscatterwith a
varietyof sizes:from thosethat are significantlysmaller
largelyin two dimensions becauseof limitationsin com-
thana wavelength;to thosewith lengthscalesof similar
puter resources.A new approachto generateaccurate
size that will react stronglywith the wave to produce
syntheticdatafor three-dimensional modelsovercomes
many of the currentrestrictions.The complexelastic- backscatteredenergy (Raynaud, 1988; Smith, 1994);
screen method is both fast and accurate for model- to bodieswith a size significantlylarger than a wave-
lengthwhichwill producediscretereflections.Attempts
ing reflectionand vertical seismicprofile (VSP) data.
The code is used on models of a massive sulfide ore- to model thesedata(Levanderet al., 1994b;Frenje and
Juhlin,1998)produceresultsthataresimilarin character
body, 370 m x 160 m x 30 m, containedwithin a vol-
to real seismicdata.It is againstthisbackgroundof per-
canic sequencecharacterizedby randomvelocity fluc-
tuations. Both 3D surface reflection seismic data and vasivescattering,or"noise,"thatthemineralexploration
3-componentVSP data are synthesized.The results geophysicistmusttry to identify and quantifymassive
showimagingthroughmigrationof surface3D data is mineral ore deposits.The impedancecontrastsbetween
anorerich in sphaleriteandchalcopyriteanda mafichost
problematicbecauseof the relativelysmallsizeof these
ore bodies,whereasthe scatteringof P- and S-waveen- rock give reflectioncoefficientsaround0.1 (Salisbury
et al., 1996). However,these depositsare structurally
ergyrecordedontheVSPs is shownto be a morereliable
and can be usedto detectore bodiesat rangesof over complex in three dimensions,so, unlike sedimentary
lkm. strata,thesebodiesare not expectedto produceclean
specularreflectionsthat can be readily tracedthrough
a 3D volume. In suchsituations,the seismicsignature
of the orebodymay be subtleand standardsurface3D
reflectionimaging, as developedby the hydrocarbons
Over the past 30 years extensiveresearchhas been industry,may not be the most appropriatemethodfor
undertaken into the nature of the continental crust and exploration.Therefore,the mineral industrymay have
lithosphericmantle (e.g., Snyder and Hobbs, 1999). to use other seismicexplorationmethodsto maximize
Many of these2D seismicreflectionprofilescrossareas the likelihood of detectingore bodies and train their
wherebasementrockscrop out on the surface.Someof interpretersto differentiatethe seismicsignatureof an
the profilesyield spectacularimagesto depthsof over orebodyfrom the backgroundnoise.Also, it is unlikely
40 km revealingdiscretezonesof reflectorsthroughout that migration or inversionwould be effectivein this

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60 Simulating elastic wavesin the hardrock environment

situationsincethe size of the targetbody is generally and Hudson (1998) and cast as a geometricproblem
small and the signal-to-noiseratio is likely to be poor. yieldinga simplerderivationof the samesetof govern-
Consequently, interpretationof the finalmigratedimage ing equations.In principle,the complexelasticscreen
requirestheidentificationof pointscatterers, ratherthan approximationstatesthat wave propagationthrougha
themoreeasilyrecognizeddiffractionhyperbolas,in the heterogeneous volumemay be approximatedby propa-
presenceof high noiselevels. gationthrougha homogeneous volumewith a correction
A fundamentalstartingpoint is to examinethe scat- for propagationdelay and scatteringat one of the faces
tering characteristics
of known ore bodies.This infor- of the volume.Implementationof the methodrelies on
mation can then be usedby the interpreteras reference two assumptions, two physicalprinciples,andonemath-
points from which to predict what can be expected ematicaltrick to simplify the problem.First, I assume
from differentgeologicalandacquisitionscenarios. This narrow angle scattering,i.e., scatteredenergycloseto
is a complex 3D problem. Ray tracing codes, e.g., the directionof propagation.Althoughthis approachis
RAYINVR (Zelt andEllis, 1988), arenot appropriatefor bestsuitedto simulatethe responseof scatteringbodies
thistype of problem,whereasfull wavefieldcodessuch that do not havelarge dips,it is worthnotingthatmod-
as 1D codes(Fuchs and Miiller, 1971) and 2D codes eling work by Korneevand Johnson(1993) showsthat
(Levander,1989) have restricteduse becausethey ig- scatteringfrom roughly equidimensionalinclusionsis
nore the 3D structure.This leads us to require a 3D narrowly focusedaroundthe propagationdirectionfor
codethat canmodelbothtraveltimeandamplitude,and wavelengths smallerthanthe sizeof the scattering body.
be of directuseto aninterpreterto modelthesameband- Secondly,I assumea local Born approximationthat im-
width as achieved in the field. plies weak scattering,and in any given subvolumeof
Field data acquiredusing small explosivecharges the model,a wavemay only undergoa singlescattering
in a hardrock environment shows that a bandwidth of event.This is not a majorrestrictionsincethewholedata
50-300 Hz can be achieved(Juhlin and Palm, 1999). volumemay be brokeninto an arbitrarynumberof sub-
The high frequenciesbecomea major barrier for 3D volumesthat adequatelysamplethe medium.Hence, it
finite-differencecodes(Bohlen et al., this volume) for is possiblethatthe energymayundergomultiplescatter-
realistically sized models becausethey require a fine ing as it traversesthe model. The physicscomesin the
spatialsamplingto avoiddispersionof the propagating form of Snell'slaw which definesthe refractionangleat
wave.An alternativemethodis requiredthat avoidsthe a velocityboundary,andthe Zoepritzequationsthat de-
costlyoverheadof finite-differencecodes,yet canaccu- scribethepartitioningof theincidentenergybetweenthe
rately computea seismogramfor specificcaseswhere reflectedand refractedphasesat an impedancebound-
the forward- and back-scattered wavefield lies close to ary for both P- and S-waves.By invoking the small-
the directionof propagation(Aki and Richards,1980; angleapproximation,I need only computevaluesfrom
Raynaud,1988), which is the case for most commer- theZoepritzequationsat closeto normalincidence.The
cial seismic-reflectionmethods.We presenthere a new mathematicaltrick is usedto movethewavefieldthrough
methodthat fulfills the requirement,using a computer themodelby transformingthe waveintothe Fourierdo-
codethat is both compactand efficient,enablinglarge main, sothatpropagationbecomesa simpleadditionto
andcomplex3D modelsto be evaluatedon a competent the phaseterm that is both propagation-angle and fre-
workstation or PC. quencydependent.
The firststagein implementingthemethodisto divide
the modelvolume into a seriesof subvolumes by means
of a setof parallelboundariesorthogonal to theprincipal
direction.Subvolumesin which the elasticparameters
are uniform may be large with the boundarieswidely
The complex-elasticscreen(Wu, 1994)is a modeling spaced.Where there is a high level of complexityin
schemefor forwardpropagationin 3D elasticmedia.The theelasticparameters, the subvolumes needto be small
methodis notnew to seismologyandhasbeenusedasa with the boundariescloselyspaced(Wild et al., 2000).
migrationmethodfor acousticdata(Stoffa et al., 1990). Theseboundariesform the complex-elasticscreenson
The rigorousmathematicalderivationfrom first prin- whichthe calculationstake place.For eachsubvolume,
ciplespresentedby Wu (1994) was revisitedby Wild the equations

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3D modeling of seismic-wavepropagation using complex elastic screens 61

y, z, to) (Adametal., 1997).The orebodyis approximately370 m
long and 165 m wide with an averagethicknessof 30 m.
= F-• e•t•:'•-•'Tax
2 2 F[Pfe(y,
y,z,to) It is buried 1000 m below the surface. The host rocks for
the orebodyare rhyolitesand gabbros.The sulfideore-
+ pSe.
ty,z)u.s(x,y,z, }, (1) body consistsof pyrite and sphaleritewith minor chal-
and copyriteand pyrrhotite.If the contactis assumedto be
smoothwith two half-spacesaboveandbelow,then one
y, z, to) wouldexpecta plane-wave,normal-incidencereflection
coefficientof 0.14 (Salisburyet al., 1996). However,as
= F-1{eU'k•-k2
raxF[j tY,z)u.S(x•
rpSS, ,Y,z,to) the surfaceof the orebodyis roughandthe body is thin,
the energyreturnedmay vary significantlydue to the
+ Pjes
y,z,to)]}, (2) effectsof interferenceand scattering.Both surface3D
describe the process. Looking at equation (1): andVSP surveyshavebeenacquiredin the area.The 3D
u•'(xj,y, z, to)istheincident ona subvolume surveycovered
P-wave anareaof 20 km2 with 1900receivers
of themodel
j; pj•eis thespatially and 956 dynamiteshots.After processingto a stacked
variant correctionfor propagationdelay and the con- section,the 3D datashowa diffractionhyperbolathat is
version factor for P- to P-wave scattering;similarly interpretedasoriginatingfromtheorebody(Adam et al.,
forpfe(y,z)uS(xj , y,z,to)whichdescribestheincident 1997). An exampleof VSP datafrom this areais shown
S-wave that traverses the volume and is converted to in Eaton (1999).
P-waveenergy.The sumof thetwopossiblesourcesof P- These two acquisition scenarios are tested here
waveenergyaretransformedinto Fourierspace(F) and (Figure 2). The first is a surface3D survey covering
thenphaseshiftedby a term that is an angle-dependant an areaof 4 km2 usinga regulargridof 1681single-
functionthatpropagatesthe wavefieldby a distanceAx, componentvertical geophoneswith a 50-m spacingin
the width of the subvolume. The inverse Fourier trans- both inline and crossline directions, with 25 P-wave
form(F -•) returns to spatialcoordinates point sourceson a 500-m grid. The areal coverageis
at the outputface of the currentsubvolume,ready for shadedgrey on Figure 2. The secondis a seriesof
inputintothe next subvolumeof the modelboundedby 3-componentVSPs (vertical seismicprofiles)spacedat
screenj + 1. The samedescriptioncan be usedto de- 500 m alonga line throughthebody(numbered1 to 5 on
codeequation(2) for S-wavescattering. Figure2), with onesourcepointat the collarof the VSP
The schemeabove is used to propagatethe wave- directlyoverthe body (#3) and the secondat the collar
field forward throughthe model (Figure 1). The oper- of VSP #1, 1000m awayfromthebody(Figure3). Both
atorspjee(y,z), etc.,incorporate
ofthe datasetsare acquiredwith andwithouta heterogeneous
backscatteredenergythat canbe savedat eachscreenas backgroundof scatterersto simulateother scatteringin
the forwardwavepassesthroughthemodel.The compu- the hostvolcanicsequence.
tationof thebackscattered
signalis thensimple.Starting Three completerunswere madefor boththe 3D and
with a zero wavefield for both P- and S-waves at the base VSP surveys:the first ran, with an orebodyhaving a
of the model,the wavefieldis passedback throughthe compressional-wave velocityof 6000 m/s, a shear-wave
model accordingto equations(1) and (2), but as each velocityof 3464m/s,anda densityof 4500kg/m3 in
screenis encountered,
the savedlocalbackscattered sig- a homogeneoushost rock with a compressional-wave
nal is added into the total wavefield so that when the field velocity (Ve) of 6000 m/s, a shear-wavevelocity of
reachesthe surface,it has "collected" all the backscat- 3464m/sanddensity
of2900kg/m3(Figure4); thesec-
teredenergywith the correcttravelpathsandscattering. ond ran, with the sameorebodybut with the hostrock
defined as a 3D self-similar medium with a Gaussian
probabilitydensityfunction(Frenje and Juhlin,2000).
The correlationlengthis 120 m with a standarddevia-
tion of 2% and Hurst numberof 0.1 superimposedon
The Bell Allard deposit is a massivesulfide ore- a backgroundvelocity of 6000 m/s, shear-waveveloc-
body locatedin an Archean volcanic sequenceat the ity and densityvary accordingthe relationshipsabove;
Matagami mining camp in the northeastof Canada and the final run with a heterogeneous
hostrock, as in

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62 Simulating elastic wavesin the hardrock environment

Save outputwavefield

/thi•Sthe• NO

Initialize wavefields to
zero at top of model
and inject source

Sum forward scattered

Apply phaseshiftin
move wavefield to
next screen
Apply phaseshift in
move wavefield to
next screen

Save backscattered
Apply correction wavefield for
to phasedelaysand current screen
Add backscattered
wavefield for current
screen to wavefield

Sum forward scattered


Apply correction
to phasedelaysand

Initialize wavefield
to zero at base of

Fig. 1. Flow diagramshowingthe operationof the complex-screen

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3D modeling of seismic-wavepropagation using complex elastic screens 63

9O ß ß ß ß

•4 - section
B 7O

#3 '

1000 m

lO 30 70 90

Crossline number

Fig. 2. Surfacelayoutof the 3D model. The shadedarearepresentsthe coverageof the 3D surfaceseismic

datawith a receiverspacingof 50 m anda shotspacingof 500 m (diamonds).The largediamondsshowthe
locationof computedVSPs (#3 and #4) for shotsat locations#1 and #3. The vertical sectionslabeledAA
andBB are shownin Figure3. The orebodylies at the centerof the model directlyunderVSP location#3.

the secondrun, with the standarddeviationin velocity samplesin eachdirection.The positioningof the screens
increased to 5%. in theverticaldirectionvarieswith depth.The top 800 m
The physicalparametersof the model are specified is sampledevery 100 m, then from 800 m to 1160 m,
on a 20 x 20 x 10 m three-dimensionalgrid (Figure 3). screensareplacedevery10m. The orebodyispositioned
This is then horizontallysliced,in depth, into volumes in the centerof the modelat an averagedepthof 980 m.
of varying thicknessaccordingto the conditionsof the The P-wave point sourcefunctionis zero-phase,has a
complex-screenmethoddescribedabove.The shotsand flat frequencyspectrumof 0.1-400 Hz and generates
the receiversneed not be located on a node point of energyoutto 60ø from thevertical.The top surfaceis an
the grid as the wavefieldis fully definedon any given absorbingboundary.The codeis run on an Ultra Sparc
screen,making it possibleto interpolateaccuratelythe 333 MHz workstationwith 512 Mb memoryandtypical
wavefieldat anyspecifiedpoint.The edgeof themodelis run times for each shotare 2.8 CPU hrs. For the VSP, the
boundedby a 160 m wide attenuationzone to minimize parameterizationis similar exceptthat there is a screen
wrap-aroundeffects.Any part of the wavefieldentering every 10 m andthemodelsizeis increasedto 256 by 256
this zone is systematicallyreducedin amplitudewith a samplesto minimizeboundaryeffectnoise,asdiscussed
Gaussianweightingfunctionwhichdecaysfromunityto above.A VSP simulationtakes29 hrper shotonthesame
1/1000 towardsthe edgeof the box. Thoughvery effec- workstation.
tive for thenormalincidencesimulations,thisboundary
conditiondoesleave a small amountof energythat ap- 3D Results
pearson the VSP records.When theseeffectsbecome
serious,they can be further reducedby increasingthe Figure5 showsthreeof the shotgathers,onefrom the
sizeof the model,increasingthe width of the absorbing model without scatterers in the host rock and the oth-
boundaryor by increasingthe numberof screens. erswherethe scatterersare present.The datahavebeen
For the 3D surfacesimulation,the model is sampled filtered by a zero-phaseband-passfilter (50-150 Hz)
every 20 m in the two horizontal directionswith 128 and have been 3D binned then stackedand migrated

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64 Simulating elasticwavesin the hardrock environment

Section AA
to identify the lower frequencydiffractionscausedby
#1 #3 #4
the orebody,but when the standarddeviation is in-
I ! creased to 5%, identification of the diffractions caused
I t
I ! by the orebodyis no longerpossible.There is a high
! ! frequencycomponentin the scatteringevident on all
500 -
three shotgathersthat maybeattributedto the orebody.
However,this characteristicis not a reliable diagnos-
! I
tic for analyzingfield data where the real scattering
..c: lOOO -
may not fit with the simplemodel chosenhere. Stack-
ing the datain the 3D volumeyields a more encourag-
ing resultfor the weakerscatteringhostrock. Figure5
1500 -
showsa verticalslicethroughthe stackedvolumealong
sectionAA. The high-frequencycomponentis lost but
the presenceof the orebodycanbe detectedby thepres-
2000 i i i ence of diffractionhyperbolas.Again, identificationof
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Inline number
the orebodyin the strongerscatteringhostrock is diffi-
cult;the strongerdiffractionsat 350-370 mscanbe seen
Section BB buttheirorigincanonlybe confirmedby referenceto the
#3 otherstacks.Three-Dmigrationof the stackvolumecol-
lapsesthe diffractionsbut givesa very disjointedimage.
This image is the sameon all of the migratedsections
shownin Figure 5. Migration has further increasedthe
500 -
amplitudeof the signalfrom the orebody,but the poor
lateral coherencymakesit difficult to interpret.
The roughsurfaceof theorebodyproducesa complex
..c: lOOO - interferingdiffractionpatternthat is bestvisualizedas
time slicesthroughthe 3D stackvolume(Figure6). This
showsthe shift of the centerof the diffractingbody to
1500 - higherinline numbersat longertraveltimesbecauseof
its dip.

2000 ß .• i i i i i • • • VSP Results

lO 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

Crossline number
Two VSPs for two shotsarepresented.One VSP (#3,
Fig. 3. Sectionsthroughthe 3D volume showingthe Figure 1) penetratesthe orebodyand the other(#4) is
locationof the modeledorebodyand its relationshipto 500 m away along the sectionAA. The shotsare lo-
the VSP boreholes//3and//4 (dashedlines)and shotsat cated at the collars of borehole #3 and borehole #1,
locations #1 and//3. The box on section AA shows the
location of the stackedsectionsand migrated images 1000 m apart.The point sourceproducesP-wavesonly
shownin Figure5. with a limitedaperture,givinga sphericalwavefrontout
to 40ø decayingto zero amplitudeat 60ø. Simulations
were conductedwith the orebodycontainedin a homo-
assuminga velocity of 6000 m/s. The selectedshot geneoushostrockandthe two scatteringhostmediums,
lies directlyabovethe orebodyand on the receiverline described above. The data are filtered between 50 and
that extendsalong the sectionAA (Figure 3). The top 150 Hz. All of the sectionsare plotted with a constant
boundaryof the reflectedarrivalsfor the nonscattering scalingto enabledirect comparisonof results.For the
host rock caseis determinedby the orebody,whereas shot at borehole//3, the VSP in borehole//3 shows a
for the scatteringhostrock this boundaryis set by the strongdowngoingwaveon the verticalcomponent with
top of the scatteringvolume at 800 m depth (266 ms little directdowngoingenergybeingrecordedon either
at normal incidence). When there is a 2% standard of the horizontalgeophones(Figure 7). With the in-
deviation in velocity of the host rock, it is possible troductionof scattering,both scatteredP- and S-wave

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3D modeling of seismic-wavepropagation using complex elastic screens 65



Gabbro Magnetite


5% 2%• Basalt
• O
ß Modeled
Modelled Chalcopyrite
5000 host rock


2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500

Fig. 4. A summaryof thephysicalparameters at Bell-Allard afterAdam et al. (1997). The blackdotsshowthe
P-wave/density relationshipsfor oreminerals(Salisburyet al., 1996) andthe shadedareasshowlaboratory
measurements for typicalhostrocksfoundnearthe orebody.The opensquareshowsthephysicalparameters
for the modeledorebody.The filled squareshowsthe physicalparametersfor the homogeneous hostrock,
the errorbarsrepresentthe variationin P-wavevelocityanddensityintroducedinto thehostrock to simulate
scatteringwith a 2% and 5% standarddeviation.

downgoingenergy is observed.For the homogeneous scatteringmodel,higheramplitudearrivalsfrom the ore-

hostrock,upgoingenergyis recordedon all threecom- body.The radial componenton VSP//4 is lessaffected
ponentson VSP//3, with the highestamplitudeson the by local scatteringand showsupgoingenergyscattered
vertical.For VSP//4, upgoingenergyscatteredfrom the by the orebody.The groupvelocity for this energy(ar-
orebodyis seenon both the vertical and radial compo- rowedin Figure7), is closeto 6 km/s. The syntheticsfor
nentsbut not on the transversecomponent.Note that the homogeneous hostrock casecanbe usedto identify
the eventsdo not merge with the downgoingwave as which parts of the wave are associatedwith the ore-
the orebodydoesnot intersectthis borehole.The intro- body as marked on the figure. However,without this
duction of scatterers in the host rock has two effects. prior knowledgeunambiguousinterpretationwould be
First, it producesa continuouslevel of backscattered difficult.
energy down the VSP. Secondly,P- to S-wave scatter- For the shot at borehole#1 (Figure 8), downgoing
ing closeto the sourceproducesa strongdowngoing energyis detectedon both the vertical and radial com-
S-wave which is seen best on the radial component; ponentson all the VSPs. This energy doesnot start at
S- to S-wavescatteringis recordedas later arrivalson zero time becausethe shotis 1000 m awayfor VSP//3
all three components.Thirdly, as more energyis scat- and 1500 m away for VSP//4. The low-amplitudear-
tered in the overburden,less energyreachesthe level rivals at zero time and depthare due to aliasingof the
of the orebodyand, for a velocity perturbationof 5% highestsourcefrequenciesleakingawayfrom the source
the orebody,is indistinguishablefrom the background injectionpoint. The late downgoingarrival seenon the
scattering.The vertical componentfor this shot shows vertical and radial componentson VSPs//3 and//4 at
the combination of scattered wavefield due to local het- a depthrangeof 500-1000 m and a traveltimeof 500-
erogeneitiescloseto the boreholeand, for the weaker 600 ms is dueto reflectionof thedowngoingwaveby the

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66 Simulating elastic wavesin the hardrock environment

homogeneous sigma= 2% sigma = 5%

:.i-•i•lI i•iii i.l,.'•lq•;
l•i•{• •11' :•l,iiiiiii•I
' "I',: ,, ,i•11111
shotgather E i i i


"" 350


• i i ,ii iill"Ji•i;:

10 50 90
lnline number

Fig. 5. Examplesfrom the modeled3D surfaceseismicreflectiondata set. Three typesof data are shown
along sectionAA (Figure 3): a shot gather for the shotdirectly over the orebodyand receiverline, with
tracesplotted at their mid-point location;a sectionfrom the 3D stackedvolume; and a sectionfrom the
3D migratedimage.For eachdatatype, resultsfrom the threesimulationsare shownfor the homogeneous
host rock model and for two host rocks that include scatterers with a 2% and 5% standard deviation. The
backscatteredarrivalsfor the homogeneous hostrock caseare all from the orebody,whereasfor the other
casesthe additionaleventsare due to scatteringin the hostrock. The stackedsectionand migratedimage
locationis shownas the box on sectionAA in Figure3.

edgeof the model,whichis not completelyattenuatedby DISCIJSSION

the boundarycondition.However,theseartifactsdo not
Implications for Detection of Orebodies
detractfrom the main conclusionspresentedhere. For
by SeismicMethods
the homogeneous hostrock, the upgoingenergyis most
significantonVSP #3, whichintersectsthe orebody,with For the seismicdetectionof orebodiesto be recog-
energyon the transversecomponenttoo. Scatteringby nized as a viable method, it must be shown to be ac-
the orebodyis also detectedon VSP #4. Measurements curatein its interpretationand economicalto perform.
of groupvelocity showthat energyis being scatteredby The modelingpresentedhereshowsthat,giventhe likely
the orebodyasboth compressionalandshearwaves.The physicalparametersof the volcanichostrock and ore-
VSP recordswith a scatteringhostrock are particularly body,it is likely that thesebodiescan be detected.
interesting.The scatteringof energyinto the transverse The 3D seismicreflectionmethod,as usedby the hy-
componentof VSP #3 is dominatedby the orebodyir- drocarbonindustry,may provideusefulinformationfor
respectiveof the host rock and, for this geometry,is the detectionof orebodieswithoutthe needto drill deep
diagnosticof the presenceof a small body with a large holes for down-holepulse EM or VSPs. The ability to
impedancecontrastsuch as an ore deposit,as are the detecttheseorebodiesis criticallydependenton the na-
higheramplitudeupgoingarrivalsobservedon the ver- ture of the hostrock. If it is only weakly reflectiveand
tical componentof VSP #3. When the VSP recordis a the orebodyhasa high impedancecontrast,thenthe ore-
further 500 m from the shot(VSP #4) the combination body shouldbe visible on shot records.As scattering
of the vertical and radial componentsshowsa charac- in the hostrock increases,stackingof the 3D data im-
teristic pair of P- and S-wave arrivals (arrowedradial provesthe signal-to-noiseratio and again will help to
componentson Figure 8). Again this signatureis robust detectthe presenceof an orebodyas shownby Adam
evenwhen the hostrock has 5% heterogeneity. et al. (1997) for real data. However,the effectiveness

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3D modeling of seismic-wavepropagation using complex elastic screens 67

Inline number Inline number Inline number Inline number Inline number
lO 50 90 50 90 50 90 50 90 50 9C

ß 50-
homogeneous ,_•.•


sigma = 2%

sigma- 5%

300 ms 320 ms 340 ms 360 ms 380 ms

Fig. 6. Time slicesthroughthe 3D stackedvolumefor the homogeneous model.Note the progressivemove-
mentof the locusof scatteringto higherinline numbersaspredictedby the geometryof thebody shownin
Figure 3.

of stackingcan be compromisedby an inaccurateve- detectionof scatteredenergyon thesehorizontalcom-

locity model or errors in the near-surfacemodel used ponentscould be consideredas a diagnosticsignature
to derivestaticcorrections.Further,the presenceof lat- of an ore depositand evenwith significantscatteringin
erally continuousreflectorsmay disguisethe scattering the hostrock, an orebodywill still producedetectable
from the orebody.As in the hydrocarbonindustry,3D energy on the horizontal components.The synthetics
surfaceseismicreflectionsurveysmaybebestusedto de- showthat, besideswhere the borehole intersectsthe ore-
terminethegrossgeometryof thesubsurface andto track body,significantenergycanbe detectedover500 m from
key horizonswhereorebodiesmayhaveformed.The dis- the orebodywith shotsthat may be over 1000 m away.
advantageof surface3D is that it is an intensivemethod In fact, it appearsthat the chancesof detectingan ore-
involving a large field crew and accessto a seismic body are improvedif the shotis not directly abovethe
processing facility. body, as then the interactionof the incidentwave and
The alternativemethod presentedin this chapteris the orebodycan producesignificantscatteringin both
the use of 3-componentVSP records.The complex3D P- and S-wavesthat is significantlyabovethe modeled
geometryof the orebodiesmakesthem efficientscatter- noise level. The resultspresentedhere are consistent
ers of seismicenergy in all directionsas both P- and with modelingand datapresentedby Eaton (1999) that
S-waves.In particular,energyscatteredout of the plane showedthat shapeand dip of the scatteringbody had a
of the propagationdirectionappearson adjacenthor- significanteffectontheabilityto detectthem.The detec-
izontal geophonesin both the radial and transverse tion of shear-waveenergyis key to the likely successof
directions.For the homogeneoushost rock case, the the method,asthe shearenergyseemsto be lessaffected

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68 Simulating elasticwavesin the hardrock environment

homogeneous sigma= 2% sigma= 5%

VSP number #3 #4 #3 #4 #3 #4
Receiverdepth (m) 0 500 1000 500 1000 500 1000 500 1000 500 1000 500 1000

'•' 200

vertical '•• 400



'B' 2OO

radial '-'
.-- 400


• 200

transverse .• 400

Fig. 7. VSPsat locations/½3and/½4for a surfaceshotat location½½3.

The threecomponents of the geophones
are shownfor eachof the simulationswith a homogeneous, 2% and5% standarddeviation.Upward-traveling
energyon the VSPs in the homogeneous hostrock are dueto the orebody.The upgoingP-waveenergyon
VSP ½½4 is shownby anarrowontheradialcomponents for eachsimulation.Also notethedowngoingS-wave
from near sourceP- to S-waveconversionson the simulationswith heterogeneous hostrock, which is best
seenon the radial and transversecomponents.

homogeneous sigma= 2% sigma= 5%

VSP number #3 #4 #3 #4 #3 #4
Receiverdepth (m) 0 500 1000 500 1000 500 1000 500 1000 500 1000 500 1000

•' 200

vertical '•
.• 400

,. .'•ii!il
i"' !')i'l!ii'ii'•:•,,
..- ':'!i!j!i,½.,.,•
...• ............
........... ,.•,
-- ,................
....... •.•
._E 4OO
..-.•'%,., .-:;;..,.:•...-•
ß ......... ."-•i:::
.... ½•,.'
.•"• •;;:........• ._•;!':•:,• •'- .•1;•i,!:
•$ ....... f!i•:::. • ;?...?;:::'..
..... :. .1•½::!i:•,:•:'
,,. •' .• :!i•
!., ......:::'.'

• 200

transverse ._ • 400

Fig. 8. VSPsat locations½½3and½½4 for a surfaceshotat location½½

1. The threecomponents of the geophones
are shownfor eachof the simulationswith a homogeneous, 2% and5% standarddeviation.Upwardtraveling
energyon the VSPs in the homogeneous hostrock are dueto the orebody.The upgoingP-waveand S-wave
energyon VSP ½½4 are shownby a pair of arrowson the radial components for eachsimulation.The high-
frequencydispersive waveseenon theverticalandradialcomponents startingat 0 ms is causedby aliasl'ng
of the sourceenergyand is an artifactof the modeling.

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3D modeling of seismic-wavepropagation using complex elastic screens 69

by scatteringnearto theboreholecontainingthereceiver REFERENCES

array.Themodelingsuggests thatit shouldbepossibleto Adam, E., et al., 1997, Seismic explorationfor VMS deposits,
detectsufficientlylarge orebodies,suchas Bell Allard, Matagami,Qu6bec,in Gubins,A. G., Ed., Proc.of Exploration97:
usinga sparsegridof VSPsandshotsevery500-1000 m. 4thDecennial
Assoc. of Can., 433-438.
Aki, K., andRichards,P. G., 1980, Quantitativeseismology:
W. H.
Freeman and Co.
Modeling by the Complex-ScreenMethod Eaton, D. W., 1999, Weak elastic-wavescatteringfrom massive
sulfideorebodies:Geophysics,64, 289-299.
The resultspresentedhere show that the complex-
Frenje,L., and Juhlin,C., 1998, Scatteringof seismicwavessimu-
screencode is a fast and efficient methodto compute latedby finitedifferencemodelingin randommedia:Applications
syntheticseismograms for complex3D models.It is im- to the Gravberg-1well, Sweden.Tectonophysics, 293, 61-68.
portantto be awareof the potentialstrengthsand lim- 2000, Scatteringattenuation:2D and 3D finite difference
itationsof the code. Its prime advantagesare that it is simulationsversustheory:J. Appl. Geophys.,44, 33-46.
computationally compact,it canmodelthefull wavefield Fuchs,K., andMiiller, G., 1971, Computationsof syntheticseismo-
gramswith the reflectivitymethodandcomparisonwith observa-
for highly complexelasticmodelson a workstationor
tions:Geophys.J., 23, 417-433.
competentPC and it can computethis for a frequency Holliger, K., 1996, Upper-crustalseismicvelocityheterogeneityas
rangethat is comparableto that recordedin the field. Its derivedfroma varietyof P-wavesoniclogs:Geophys.J.Internat.,
resultsare limited by two approximations.The narrow- 125, 813-829.
anglerestfictionmeansthat the codeis best suitedfor --1997, Seismicscatteringin the uppercrystallinecrustbased
near normal incidence seismic reflection; however, the on evidencefrom soniclogs:Geophys.J. Internat.,128, 65-72.
Juhlin,C., andPalm,H., 1999,3D structure
below•vr6 Islandfrom
code can also computeVSPs, but someenergywill be high-resolutionreflectionseismicstudies,southeastern
lostwhenthe scatteringangleis large.This angleis fre- Geophysics,64, 662-667.
quencydependentandis determinedby the k-filter used Korneev,V. A., and Johnson,L. R., 1993, Scatteringof elastic
to preventaliasingduring the propagationstep in the wavesby a sphericalinclusion--I. Theoryandnumericalresults:
Fourierdomain.Thismayappearto be a majordisadvan- Geophys.J. Int., 115,230-250.
Levander,A. R., 1989, Finite-differenceforwardmodelingin seis-
tage, but modelinghas shownthat scatteringbecomes
mology, in James, D. E., Ed., Encyclopediaof solid earth
highly directionalaroundthe principlepropagationdi- geophysics:Van NostrandRheinhold,New York, 410-431.
rectionwhenthe incidentwavelengthis smallerthanthe Levander, A., et al., 1994a, Stochasticcharacterisationand seismic
size of the scatterer(Korneevand Johnson,1993). The responseof upperandmiddlecrustalrocksbasedonthe Lewisian
effect of the secondassumption,single scattering,can gneisscomplex,Scotland:Geophys.J. Internat.,119, 243-259.
Levander,A., et al., 1994b,The crustasa heterogeneous"optical"me-
be minimizedby the appropriateselectionof screenlo-
cations within the model.
dium,or "Crocodilesin themist":Tectonophysics, 232, 281-297.
Raynaud,B., 1988, Statisticalmodelingof lower-crustalreflections:
The compactnatureof the complex-screen codewill Geophys.J., 95, 111-121.
enableit to be loadedontoa portablenotebookcomputer Salisbury,M. H., Milkereit, B., andBleeker,W., 1996,Seismicimag-
and taken into the field to test modelsagainstreal data ing of massivesulfidedeposits:Part I. Rock properties:Econ.
and,perhaps,to changethe proposedshotor V SP loca- Geol., 91, 821-828.
Smith,S. K., 1994,Assessing the qualityof deepseismicdata:Ph.D
tionsand thusoptimizethe work plan to focuseffort on
thesis,Universityof Cambridge.
likely targetsas they are detected. Snyder,D., and Hobbs,R., 1999, The BIRPS Atlas II: A secondde-
cadeof deepreflectionprofiling:Geol. Soc.London,3 CD-ROM.
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55, 410-421.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Wild, A. J., Hobbs,R. W., and Frenje,L., 2000, Modeling complex
media:An introductionto the phase-screen method.Phys.Earth
The author wishes to thank A. Wild and J. Andriatsito-
Plan. 120, 219-225.
hainafor helpingto developthecodeusedhere;L. Frenje Wild, A. J., and Hudson,J. A., 1998, A geometricalapproachto the
whoprovidedthedatafor generatingthe scatteringin the elasticcomplexscreen:J. Geophys.Res. 103, 707-726.
hostrock;the DSI consortiumat the GeologicalSurvey Wu, R.-S., 1994, Wide-angleelasticwave one-waypropagationin
heterogeneous mediaandanelasticwavecomplex-screen method:
of Canada who providedthe motivation and data for
J. Geophys.Res., 99, 751-761.
this work; and K. Holliger, D. Eaton, and M. Salisbury Zelt, C. A., and Ellis, R. M., 1988, Practicaland efficientray trac-
for theirconstructive
reviews.CambridgeEarth Science ing in two-dimensional mediafor rapidtraveltime andamplitude
number: 6062. forwardmodeling:J. Expl. Geophys.24, 16-31.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Chapter 5

Elastic Seismic-Wave Scattering from Massive

Sulfide Orebodies: On the Role
of Composition and Shape
ThomasBohlen, ChristofMiiller, and Bernd Milkereit

ABSTRACT as ambiguousand ineffective,due to a generallack of

We studythe influenceof compositionand shapeof understandingof how observedwavefieldcharacteris-
tics correlatewith subsurfaceand in-situ physicalrock
massivesulfideore depositshostedin crystallinerocks
on the full scatteredwavefieldthrougha seriesof nu- properties.
Laboratoryinvestigations haveshownthat strongcon-
merical modeling experimentsbased on the 3D elas-
tic finite-difference(FD) method. Ores consistingof trastscanexistbetweenthe elasticpropertiesof massive
sulfideoresandtypical crystallinehostrocks(Salisbury
the end-membersulfidemineralspyrite, sphalerite,and
et al., 1996). Direct observationsof seismicscattering
galena,which spanthe full range of observedveloci-
ties and densitiesin ore rocks, as well as gabbro in- from deepmassivesulfideore depositsindicatea com-
plex responseand havebeen identified,for example,in
clusions,are investigatedfor six differentshapeswhich
boreholeseismicrecordings(Adam et al., this volume),
representthe complexmorphologiesoftenobservedfor
ore deposits.Three-D FD modelingrevealedthat large 2D surface-seismic studies(Calvert and Li, 1999), and
3D seismicsurveys(Milkereit et al., 2000) in Canada.
ore depositslead to a strongand complexscatteringre-
Thesemeasurements indicatethat seismicscatteringby
sponsethat is dominatedby shear-waveevents.Scatter-
ing frommassivesulfidescannotbe describedaccurately ores may give rise to pronouncedamplitude-variation
with offset(AVO) andamplitude-versus-azimuth trends.
by the widely usedBorn approximation.The shapeof
Full wavefield seismic modeling will provide a bet-
the oremainlycontrolsthe directionaldistributionof the
ter understandingof the observedtrendsand may lead
scatteredwavefield. The directivity imposedby shape
is a first-order characteristicof the scatteredwavefield, to more effective design, processing,and interpreta-
tion of 3D seismic surveys for mineral exploration.
whereascompositioneffects are of secondaryimpor-
tance.Amplitude focusingcausedby the shapeof the In addition,it providesthe kernel for the inversionof
depositmay leadto very strongamplitudevariationwith seismicamplitudes.
For any inhomogeneousmodel, the term scattered
offset/azimuthtrends. Therefore, the interpretationof
amplitudevariationwith offset/azimuthvariationsalong wavefieldhereindenotesthe differencebetweenthe en-
scatteringhyperbolasis highly ambiguouswithout de- tire wavefieldand a so-calledreferencewavefield.The
tailed prior knowledgeof the inclusionshape.The FD latter corresponds to the casewherethe targetbody is
absent.This definition for the scatteredwavefield, which
modelingshowedthatthe firstarrivalphasereversalsoc-
cur almostirrespectiveof shape.If observed,they may hasits rootsin perturbationtheory,includessignalsthat
serveas a diagnostictool to classifythe compositionof
are scatteredin any direction, including forward and
back-scattered signals.It shouldbe notedthat forward
the scatteringobject.
andback-scattered signalsarenotmathematicallyequiv-
alent to familiar notions of reflected and transmitted
waves,which are typically definedfor the specialcase
of plane wavesincidenton a planar interface.
In mineralexploration,massive-sulfideorebodiesare Exact solutionsfor scatteringproblems are known
traditionally a target of electromagneticor potential- for only a few types of shapes,e.g., sphericalinclu-
field techniques.Seismic methodsare often regarded sions(Korneev and Johnson,1993a). Thus, asymptotic
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Elastic seismic-wavescattering from massivesulfide orebodies 71

solutionsare commonlyused to predict the main fea- SMALL INCLUSIONS

tures of the scatteredwavefield from more complexly (RAYLEIGH SCATTERING)
shapedbodies.Recently,approximatemethodsbasedon Seismic-wavescatteringby small crystallineinclu-
the Born approximationhavebeenusedto explainthe sionscan be describedby the Rayleigh scatteringthe-
observeddirectivityof scatteredwavesfrom deep de- ory. An inclusioncanbe assumedto be smallwhen the
positsin termsof the shapefactor,which dependsonly averagesize of the scatterer(L) is much smaller that
on the shapeof the inclusion(Milkereit et al., 2000; the wavelength(X) of the incidentwave, i.e., L/X << 1.
Eaton, 1999). However,it is not yet clearto what degree
Grittoet al., (1995) showedthatthe errorof theRayleigh
this approximationis valid. Therefore, full amplitude scatteringtheory is less than 5% if L/X is less than
modelingof the seismicscatteringresponseof ore de- 0.17. Thus,for a typicalP-wavelengthof 100 m in crys-
positsremainsimportant.In additionto thisuncertainty, talline environments, Rayleighscatteringtheorycanbe
the low signal-to-noise ratio of seismicdatafrom crys- appliedto inclusionswith diameterslessthan approx-
talline terranesmakesit imperativeto determinethe di- imately 17 m. Such small ore bodieswould be of no
agnosticcharacteristics of scatteringfromorebodiesthat commercialinterestbut canbe regardedasbeingpart of
distinguishthem from sourcesof coherentnoisesuchas
a biggerinclusion,aswill be discussed in the following
reflectionsfrom mafic sills or fractures.Surveydesign, section.
processing, andinterpretation needto be tunedto the an-
ticipatedresponseof potentiallyeconomicore deposits.
In thischapterwe investigate theinfluenceof thecom- Scattered Amplitudes of P-P and P-S Waves
positionandshapeof smallandlargeorebodiesthrough In thissectionwe analyzethe influenceof composition
a seriesof numericalmodeling experimentsbasedon on the amplitudesof displacementof scatteredP-waves
the 3D FD method.Besidea typicalgabbro,the sulfide andconvertedS-waves.We comparelow-frequencyfor-
mineralspyrite, galena,and sphaleriteare usedas end- mulasderivedfor a spherewith the commonlyapplied
membersto studythe influenceof composition,because Rayleigh-Bornapproximation(Gubernatiset al., 1977a;
theyspanthe full rangeof observedvelocitiesanddensi- Wu, 1989; Eaton, 1999). The low-frequencysolutions
ties of ore rocks.Massivesulfideore depositsoften are for a sphere,which are valid for arbitrarystrongcon-
of complexshapebecausetheir rheologyis generally trastsin material properties,were derivedby Korneev
moreplasticthanthe surroundingrocks.This motivated and Johnson(1993a,b; 1996).
us to consider3D inclusionsof differentshape:a point Figure 1 showsthe influenceof compositionon the
scatterer,a sphere,a lens,a dike, a fractal shapedbody, displacementamplitudesof scatteredP-P waves(a) and
andthe Bell Allard orebody.The aim of thischapteris to convertedS-waves(b). In the following we refer to
investigatethe separateinfluenceof shapeandcomposi- these functionsalso as "compositionfactor" for P-P
tion on the full scatteredwavefield,andthusto providea and P-S waves,respectively.Solid lines correspondto
frameworkfor the futureinterpretationof seismicscat- the analytical solution obtained for a sphere in the
tering from massivesulfidedepositsin the crystalline long-wavelengthlimit (equation(22) of Korneev and
crust. Johnson,1993b), whereasthe Rayleigh-Bornapproxi-
In the firstpart of the paperwe analyzethe influence mations[equation(2.11) ofGubematis et al., 1977; see
of the compositionof small inclusionson the observed also equations(9) and (10) of Wu and Aki, 1985] are
scatteredamplitudesusing Rayleigh-scattering theory. indicatedby the dashedlines.The elasticparametersfor
In this contextwe also investigatethe accuracyof the the typesof inclusionsconsideredare listedin Table 1.
widelyusedBornapproximation for Rayleighscattering, The scatteringangle 0 in Figure 1 denotesthe an-
by comparingit to low-frequencyRayleigh scattering gle betweenthe incident P-wave and the direction of
solutionsderived for a sphere.In the secondpart we the scatteredwave. The forwarddirectioncorresponds
extendour analysisto largerinclusionswith a diameter to 0 = 0 ø and the backward direction to 0 = 180 ø. From
of approximatelyone wavelength(Mie scattering).We Figure 1 it is obviousthat a variation in the composi-
considereffectscausedby scatteringfrom largebodies tion affectsthe amplitudeof displacementof the scat-
with differentshapesandcompositionin orderto assess tered P- and S-waves.Generally,the scatteredP-waves
the relativeimportanceof shapeversuscompositionin show minimum displacementamplitudesat approxi-
controllingthe full wavefieldscatteringresponseof ore mately0 - 60ø-100ø,i.e., more-or-lessperpendicularto
depositsin a crystallineenvironment. the incidentdirection,and maximum amplitudesin the

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72 Simulating elastic wavesin the hardrock environment

RayleighScatteringP-P Table 1. Average P-wave velocity (o•), S-wave velocity

• Pyrite (13), and density (p) for the five types of inclusions and

i •..............
• !Sphalerite
.. the crystalline background medium considered in this
+ Galena

study (Salisbury et al., 1996; Schbn, 1996).

[] Gabbro
4> Quartzite
o•[m/s] [3[m/s] p[kg/m3]
Pyrite 8040 5140 5020
Sphalerite 5500 2680 4080
Galena 3650 1990 7560
Gabbro 6200 3300 3000
Quartzite 4000 2560 2600
Background 6000 3000 2700

in which the receiversare lying more or lessperpendic-

ular to the incident direction will tend to be dominated
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

a) Scatteringangle (deg.) by the convertedS-waves.The overallamplitudesof the

P-P andP-S wave scatteringresponsedoesnot constrain
•1. ß i ! ! ii i ...... i .......
the composition,sincethe total scatteringamplitudeis
proportionalto the volume of the inclusion(Korneev
3- • Sphalerite and Johnson,1993b).
"ø'&• • Qua•ite
Accuracy of the Born Approximation
Elastic-wavescatteringby small inclusionsis often
describedby the Rayleigh-Bornapproximation.Exam-
ples are the estimationof the seismicattenuationfrom
coda waves (Sato, 1984), the classificationof the in-
fluenceof the compositionon the scatteredwaveampli-
tudes(Wu andAki, 1985),andtheanalysisof the scatter-
ing characteristics of massivesulfideorebodies(Eaton,
0 • 40 • • 1• 120 1• 1• 180
1999). The validity of the Born approximationfor the
b) Scafferingangle (deg.)
different scatteringsituationshas been investigatedby
Fig. 1. Far-fieldscattering
patterns(compositionfactors) severalauthors(Gubernatiset al., 1977b; Hudsonand
of P-waves(a) andconvertedS-waves(b) fora smallinclu- Heritage, 1981; Korneev and Johnson,1993b; Gritto
withradiusof 5 m) in a crystalline
medium. et al., 1995). The validationconditionsfor the Rayleigh-
Solidhnescorrespond to the low frequencysolutionfor
a sphere,dashedlinesto the Rayleigh-Bornapproxima- Born approximationare rather complicatedand de-
tions.Plotsshowvariationsin amplitudeof displacement pend on the elasticparametersof both the background
versuscomposition(seeTable1). Incidentwaveis a plane medium and the scatterer.Generally,the Born approxi-
P-wave(centerfrequency50 Hz) propagatingin the for-
warddirection(0 = 0ø).The dashedcurveswerealsoob- mation for Rayleighscatteringis valid if the contrastin
tainedand discussedby Eaton (1999). the materialsis small. In the following, we will investi-
gatethe accuracyof the Born approximationin estimat-
forward(0 = 0ø) andbackward(0 = 180ø) directions.In ing the radiation patternsfor high-contrastinclusions
thelatterdirectionsthe scatteredS-wavesgenerallyhave (Table 1) in crystallinehost rocks, suchas orebodies,
zero amplitudes.In comparisonwith the P-waves,the which are targetsfor mineral exploration.For compar-
S-waveamplitudesof displacementare relativelyhigh ison with the anlayticalsolutionsfor the small sphere
when the scatteringsignal deviatesfrom the incident in the long-wavelengthlimit (Figure 1, solid lines) we
direction.The overall displacementamplitudesof the plottedthe scatteringpatternscomputedwith the Born
2m3times approximationin Figure 1 asdashedlines.The compar-
strongerthantheP-P amplitudeswhereO•o and[3odenote isonrevealsthatthe Born approximationis significantly
the backgroundvelocitiesof the compressionalwaves in error when there is a large contrastin the velocity
and shearwaves,respectively[seeequation(22) of Ko- (pyrite, quartzite),but seemsto be quite accuratefor
rneev and Johnson,1993b]. Therefore,VSP recordings largedensitycontrasts(galena).

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Elastic seismic-wavescattering from massivesulfide orebodies 73

The relativeamplitudeerrorof theRayleigh-Bornap- velocityanddensitycontrasts,no phasereversalwill be

proximationaveragedover all scatteringangles(0ø to observed.
180ø) is shownas a continuousfunction of P-wave ve- Figure 3 showsthe variationof phasereversalposi-
locity and densityof the inclusionin Figure2 for P-P tionsasa functionof P-wavevelocityanddensityonly.
scattering(a) and P-S scattering(b). The error pat- Note that the phasereversalpositionalso dependson
terns for the scattered P-waves and converted S-waves the S-velocityof the inclusion.For the computationof
are very similar.For crystallinehostrocksa perturba- the isolines,we assumeda constantod[3-ratioof two.
tion in seismicvelocity leads to a much larger error The patternchangesfor otherratios.For example,gab-
than a perturbationin density.A domainwith small er- bro showstwo phasereversals(not shownin Figure3)
rors (lessthan 2%) can be observedfor perturbations if we assumethe elasticparametersfor gabbrolistedin
lying betweenthe parametersof the crystallineback- Table1 (seealsothe solidcurvefor gabbroin Figure1).
ground(square)and galena.In this area the inclusions
have approximatelythe sameimpedance(dottedlines)
as the backgroundmedium. Therefore,the Rayleigh- LARGE INCLUSIONS
Born approximationis most accurateif the velocity (MIE SCATTERING)
and/orimpedancecontrastis small.However,in orderto In the previoussectionwe showedthat the compo-
avoidinaccuracies,we suggestusingthe analyticallong- sition has a significantinfluenceon the displacement
wavelengthformulasfor the sphere,which are mathe- amplitudeand phaseradiationpattern for point scat-
maticallyvery similarto theweak-contrast
Bornapprox- terers.In this sectionwe extendour analysisto larger
inclusions,with a diameterof approximatelyone com-
pressionalwavelength.Suchlargebodiesrelativeto the
First-Arrival Phase Reversals wavelength, thatfall withinthe so-calledMie scattering
regime,are of specialeconomicalinterestin mineralex-
For an incidentplaneP-wavethe amplituderadiation ploration.In ordertounderstand andclassifysomeof the
patternof the scatteredP-wave[P-P compositionfactor, typicalfeaturesof thefull wavefieldscatteredat largein-
seeequation(22) of Korneevand Johnson,1993b] is a clusions,we performa seriesof numericalexperiments
quadraticfunction of cos0, where 0 denotesthe scat- basedon a 3D viscoelasticfinite-differencealgorithm.
tering angle. The compositionfactor may thus exhibit In particular,we investigatethe relativeimportanceof
zero,one,or two zerocrossings at real-valuedscattering the shapeand compositionof the scatterer.
angles(seeFigure l a). Each real-valuedzero crossing
corresponds to a phasereversalof the scatteredP-wave.
We have analyzedthe sensitivityof the phase-reversal Full-Wavefield Modeling
position(scatteringangle0) with respectto the compo- Some full-wavefieldforward modelingstudieshave
sitionby computingthe zero crossingsof the P-P com- been carried out to analyze the Mie scatteringre-
positionfactor.Isolinesof the scatteringanglesfor the sponseof isolatedobjectsusingdifferentmodelingtech-
firstandsecondphasereversalsare shownin Figure3a niques (Bostock, 1991; Bostock and Kennett, 1992;
and 3b, respectively.The patternshownin this figure KomeevandJohnson,1993a;Liu andWu, 1994; Dong
revealsthat a singlephasereversaloccursfor a broad and Rector, 1995; Imhof, 1996; Benites et al., 1997;
range of elastic perturbations.If observedin seismic Yomogidaet al., 1997; Eaton, 1999). In this studywe
recordings,it may serve as an indicator for the com- use the 3D viscoelastic finite-difference method for
positionof the inclusion.Note, for example,thatpyrite this purposefor the first time. Our FD algorithmis a
and quartziteinclusionsdo not showa phasereversal, 3D extension of the 2D viscoelastic and elastic finite
whereassphaleriteproducesa phase reversal.In the algorithmsdescribedby Robertsonet al. (1994) and
caseof weak impedancecontrasts,the phasereversal Levander(1988), respectively.The FD programsolves
occursmainly in the backwarddirection([0[ > 90ø).In the velocity-stressformulation of the 3D viscoelastic
this directionthe impedancecontrastbetweenthe scat- wave equationon a staggeredgrid (Bohlen, 1998). The
terer and the crystallinehost rock can be determined accuracy
relativelywell. In the caseof positivedensityand ve- in space
andof 2ndorderintime[O(4,2,)].
locityperturbations, thephasereversaloccursmainlyin Finite-differencemodelingis commonlyregardedas
theforwarddirection([0[ > 70ø).Generally,for negative a realistic modeling method for arbitrarily complex

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74 Simulating elastic wavesin the hardrock environment


! !

Background ., Sphalerite ,.

;> 4 •'-•0'.,Quartzite

• 31
2 •

a) I 2 3 4 õ 6 7 8

! !


'Background ß

ß ,.

•s'"•'•' 0 Quartzi "" ,.


b) • • 3 4 õ $ 7 8
Fig. 2. Error of the Rayleigh-Bornapproximation
for (small)inclusions
of variousvelocitiesanddensi-
in crystalline
Ot2/•2-- 3. Theisolines
tive error (averagedoverall scatteringangles)in percent;(a) error for P-P scattering,(b) error for P-S
scattering. Dottedlinesarelinesof constantacousticimpedance.

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Elastic seismic-wavescattering from massivesulfide orebodies 75


. . "',,, '•.Pyrit


• Gabbr. -,. ß
' .

• •[ ",. •• Sphalerite "-,-.

E a[
Quart ---_•
'"""-.. -'••ø•,"'••"-.•,Gooalena-

1 2 3 6 7 8
a) n [kg/m•]
10 ! ,

• 8
'-..• •Pyrlte "...,,.
• 7

• 6 • Gabbro '.,,
.,,, ß
,..,. --,-..
• 4 'a.Quartzite --..,.. --. ß

• 3 ".,,.. '"........... Galena.

, - .....

I I I I I 'i ......... ,,
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
b) Density
Fig. 3. The labeledisolinesshowthe scatteringdirection(0) of the first-arrivalphasereversalas a function
of inclusionP-wavevelocityanddensity(o•/[3= 2.0 assumed); (a) Firstzerocrossingof theP-P composition
factor [equation(22a) of Korneevand Johnson,1993b], (b) secondzero crossing.For a broadrange of
perturbations, a singlephasereversaloccurs.If observed,it may help to classifythe type of the inclusion.
Dotted lines are lines of constantimpedance.

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76 Simulating elastic wavesin the hardrock environment

........ ! .... ! ...... ! ......... 1 ............ ! ...... ! ..... ' ....... i ............ ! ............ i ........

• • ,,•,

• •' ,,••.... vi•co•

p Z' ..." ...... •D•D v??•,•i• I
lO-" Z/' ........

Model sizein eachdimention[m]


// .,,-',,'.............

;.... , 3• ,
200 400 600 8(X) 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000

b) Model size in eachdimention[m]

Fig. 4. Computationalrequirementsfor an 0(4,2) staggeredgrid 2D/3D elastic/viscoelastic
finite difference
algorithmasa functionof modelsize.Requirementswere estimatedfor a dominantfrequencyof 50 Hz and
a typical crystallinerock (o•- 6 km/s, [3- 3 km/s); (a) CPU-time per secondof seismicwavepropagation
time (CPU with a performanceof 1 Gflopsassumed).(b) memoryrequirements(8 bytesper float).

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Elastic seismic-wavescattering from massivesulfide orebodies 77





-SO0 -1000 X (m)

Y (m)

Fig. 5. Three-D model of an inclusion(black) embeddedin a homogeneous crystallinebackground.See

Table 1 for inclusionand hostrock properties.The inclusionis a 400 m x 100 m x 200 m paraboliclens
centeredat a depthof 500 m. The long andintermediateaxeslie in thex-z (sagittal)plane.The long axis
dips45ø in the directionof positivex.

models.Inaccuracies,i.e., numericalgrid dispersionand 3D Finite-Difference Results

grid anisotropy,may occurif the spatialand temporal
The large scatterer,which we investigatefirst, is the
samplingis not fine enough.For our 0(4,2) scheme,
lens-shaped3D inclusionshownin Figure5. The inclu-
h mustbelessthatX•
/6and sion is a 400 m x 100 m x 200 m paraboliclens. The
theminimum shearwavelength
withinthe centerof the paraboliclensis centeredat (0,0,-500)m.
model. This guaranteesthat the error due to numerical The long and intermediateaxeslie in the x-z (sagittal)
dispersionis smallerthan $ percent(Robertsonet al., plane. The long axis dips 45ø in the directionof posi-
1994). The 3D FD algorithmis stableprovidedthe time- tive x. The shot and receivers also lie within the vertical
stepAt fulfills the criterion sagittalplane of the lens, 10 m below the surface.The
explosivesourceis locatedat X =-300 m. The source
At < signal is a Ricker wavelet with a center-frequencyof
- 7•-•otmax
' 50 Hz. The 3D modelwas discretizedwith a grid spac-
ing of 5 m, the time stepAt was0.375 ms.A free surface
whereotmaxis the maximumP-wavevelocitywithin the conditionwasappliedat the top of the model.The elas-
model(Blanch, 1995). tic parametersusedfor this model are givenin Table 1.
Based on the stability criterion for an FD simula- A similar model was also investigatedby Eaton (1999)
tion, we plottedthe computationalrequirementsof elas- usingthe Born approximation.
tic/viscoelastic0(4,2) staggered-gridfinite-difference The scattered wavefield is defined as the difference
schemes for 2D and3D inclusionmodelsin Figure4. We between the total and the incident wavefield. In order
seethat the requirementsincreaseapproximatelyexpo- to obtainthe scatteringresponsefrom the inclusion,we
nentiallywith the size of the model, but are feasibleon subtracted the incidentwavefield(directarrivalsandthe
modernsupercomputers. For example,3D elasticmod- groundroll) from the total wavefield.This procedureis
eling of a crystallinecubewith 2-km sidesrequiresap- explainedin Figure6. The resultingsyntheticdifference
proximately60 hoursof CPU-time and one Gigabyte seismograms showthe seismicresponseof the inclusion
of memoryfor one secondof seismicwavepropagation and its modificationsby the earth'ssurface.
time (singlevector-processor, CRAY T94). We are cur- One of the advantagesof the FD methodis the abil-
rentlydevelopinga parallelversionof the FD program ity to saveparticlevelocity for any numberof pointson
andfoundthattheCPU timecanbesubstantially reduced the grid and for all discretetime-steps.A particularly
by distributingthe work on severalprocessors usingthe informativeway to view wave propagationand to dis-
Message-Passing Interface(MPI). tinguishP- and S-wavesis to apply spatialdivergence

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78 Simulating elastic wavesin the hardrock environment

Y [m] Y [m] Y [m]

-300 0 300 -300 0 300 -300 0 300

0.i , , 0.i , ,
O.2 0

O. 0.3 0

O. 0.4 0.
VVith scatterer Without scatterer Difference
Fig. 6. The pure scatteringresponse(right) is obtainedby subtractingthe finite differencesimulationfor a
homogeneous crustwithoutthe inclusion(middle) from a simulationwherethe scattereris included(left).
The inclusion(lens)is locatedat Y = 0 rn and500 rn belowthe surface(seeFigure5). Seismograms shown
are normalizedon maximumamplitudes.

and curl operatorson the particle velocities(Morse and shear-waveenergy(Figure 8, T = 0.23 s), whichpropa-
Feshbach,1953). In order to preservethe phaseof the gatesbackwardto the surface.
resultingP- and S-energyfield,the energyvaluesat each Due to the direct interactionof the explosivesource
grid point are multipliedwith the signof the divergence with the free surface,a strongdirect S-waveis emitted.
andcurl operators(Doughertyand Stephen,1988). Such The direct S-wave has approximatelyfour times more
snapshots of the scatteredcompressional andshear-wave energythan the direct P-wave (E • 400%). High am-
energywithin the verticalsagittalplanethroughthe lens plitude direct S-wavesare generallyobservedin VSP
areshownin Figures7 and8. Note thatthesnapshots plot recordingsin crystallinerock. The high energyof the
the spatialdistributionof scatteredenergy,which can- direct S-waves leads to strong scatteredS-S waves
notbe directlycomparedwith the scattereddisplacement (E•300%), which mainly propagate downward
amplitudesdiscussedin the first part of the paper.We (Figure 8, T = 0.18 s).
assumethat the lens consistsof sphalerite(see Table 1 As canbe expectedfrom the snapshots, seismograms
for the materialpropertiesof the inclusionandthe back- recordedat the surfaceshowa complexwavefielddue
ground).For comparison,the energyof the snapshots to the interferenceof multiple scatteredand converted
was normalizedto the incidentP-wave arriving at the waves (Figure 9). One can clearly distinguishP-wave
lens. from S-waveeventsby their different apparentveloci-
From Figure7 we seethat the P-P energy(E • 30%) ties.We observenot only P-P and S-P scatteringmodes
is mainly scatteredin the forward direction.The back- (earlyarrivalsin the seismograms), but alsoP-S andS-S
scatteredP-P energyis just roughly 3% of the incident modes(late arrivals).Except for the very first arriving
P-wave energy.In contrast,the maximum S-P energy P-P mode most other modes interfere with each other,
(E • 4%) propagates horizontallyin the downdipdirec- whichmakesthe overallpictureevenmorecomplicated.
tion. The S-S energy(Figure8) generatesa complicated Late arrivingwavesare dominatedby multiplescattered
patternof S-S-P waves(Figure7, T > 0.2 s). shearwaves(Figure9a).
The snapshotsof the scatteredshear-waveenergy The goodagreementbetweenthe 3D FD resultsand
(Figure8) showthatthe convertedS-wave(P-S) mainly the corresponding2D FD simulation (Figure 9b), in
travelsperpendicular to the incidentdirection.Although which the wavespropagatewithin, and only within, the
theinclusionis large,thisagreeswith theRayleighscat- vertical sagittalplane (x-z plane) throughthe lens, re-
teringtheory (Figure lb). The energyof the converted veals that the main eventsare generatedand traveling
S-waves(Em 10%) is significantlyhigherthantheback- within this plane. The multiple scatteredshear-wave
scatteredP-P waves(Em 3%). The interferenceof the eventsfor X < 0 (Figure 9a) are generatedout of this
P-S waveswithin the lensleadsto a strongfocusingof plane.Figure9c showsresultsof the very fastprogram

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Elastic seismic-wavescattering from massivesulfideorebodies 79

T=0.1 s (Emax=0.0739) T=0.11 s (Emax=0.1409) T=0.12 s (Emax=0.2104) T=0.13 s (Emax=0.2707)




T=0.14 s (Emax=0.3298) T=0.15 s (Emax=0.3752) T=0.16 s (Emax=0.3606) T=O.17 s (Emax=0.3110)




T=0.18 s (Emax=0.2582) T=0.19 s (Emax=0.1739) T=0.2 s (Emax=0.1039) T=0.21 s (Emax=0.0827)




1'=0.22 S (Emax=0.0447) T---0.23s (Emax=O,,0439) T=0.24 s (Emax=O.0369) T=0.25

s (Emax=O.0351)



1'=0.26 s (Emax=0.0569) T_-0.27s (Emax=OX1688) T=0.28

s (Emax=O.0792)
s (Emax=0.1114)




6OO .

-4,00 -200 0 20• 400-400 -200 0 200 400-400 -200 0 200 400-400 -200 0 200 4OO
X[m] X[m] X[m] X[m]

Fig. 7. Three-D FD snapshotsof scatteredcompressional wave energywithin the verticalsagittalplane

lensshownin Figure5. Emaxgivesthemaximumenergyof eachsnapshot.
The energyof the incidentcompressional wavearrivingat the inclusionis one.For display,snapshotsare
normalizedandscaledby a factoroften. Symbolsdenotetypesof scattered waves,for exampleP-S' incident
P-wave-scattered S-wave.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
80 Simulating elastic wavesin the hardrock environment

T=0.1 s (Emax=O.0556) T=0.11 s (Emax=O.O•l) T=0.12 s (Emax=O.0917) T=0.13 s (Emax=O.0904)

T=0.14 s (Emax=O.0959) T=0.15 s (Emax=0.1161) T=0.16 s (Emax=0.2071) T=0.17 s (Emax=0.7019)


.• P-S
T=0.18 s (Emax=l.1987) T=0.19 s (Emax=l.6868) T-_0.2s {Emax=2.1443) T=0.21 s (Emax=2.4695)

20O S-S .P-S

E •



T=0.22 s (Emax-_2.7532) T=0.23 s (Emax=2.&•71) T=0.24 s (Emax=2.9188) T=O.25

s (Emax=2.8550)




T=0.26 s (Emax--2.9273) T=0.27 s (Emax=3.0977) T=0.28 s (Emax-_3.2143) T=0.29 s (Emax=3.3210)



ß ...

-400 -200 0 200 400-400 -200 0 200 400-400 -200 0 200 400-400 -200 0 200 40O
X[m] X[m] X[m] X[m]

Fig.8. Three-DFD snapshots

of shear-wave
bya sphalerite
Emax givesthe maximumenergyof eachsnapshot. Energyof the incidentcompressionalwavearnwngat
the inclusionis one.For display,snapshots
arenormalizedandscaledby a factorof ten.

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Elastic seismic-wavescatteringfrom massivesulfideorebodies 81

a -1000 -500 x0 500 1 ooo




P-S focusing
b) -1000 -500 XCml0 500 1000

(•\ X [m]
J -1000 -500 0 500 1000

Fig. 9. Syntheticseismograms (verticalcomponents of particlevelocity)for surfacereceiversalongthe

x-axisoverthesphaleritelens(inclusion geometryasin Figure5). Resultsof differentmodelingalgorithms
arecompared: (a) 3D FD,(b) 2D FD,(c) BMOD3D(Eaton,1997).Fora bettercomparison, a 3D geometrical
spreadingcorrectionwasappliedto (a) and(c) anda 2D correction to (b).

BMOD3D (Eaton, 1997) which is basedon the Born multiplescatteringin theBornapproximation, theresults
approximation. Recemly,the programwasusedfor the agreebetterwith the2D FD method,whichalsoneglects
interpretation of scatteredeventsfrom massivesulfide out-of-planescattering.The numericalresultssupport
ores(Milkereit et al., 2000; Adam et al., this volume). the empiricalinvestigationby Eaton(1999) whichindi-
AlthoughtheBornapproximation istheoretically invalid catethat the Born approximation in the Mie scattering
in thissituation(Eaton,1999),themainwavefieldagrees rangehasabroaderrangeof applicability thancanbeex-
quitewell with the FD results.Due to the omissionof pectedfrom theory.However,the resultsof BMOD3D

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82 Simulating elastic wavesin the hardrock environment

a) Gabbro
(Emax=0.107) 13) Sphalerite (Emax=0.330)

80O 80O
-4O0 -20O o •o •o -4OO
C) Galena
(Emax=0.522) Pyrite (Emax=0.417)

,,•.. loo

-400 -200 0 200 ZlO0 -ZlO0 -200 0 200 400

X[m] X[m]

Fig. 10. Finite-differencesnapshots at T -- 0.14 s of compressional

wavesscatteredat thelensfrom Figure5.
Plots showa variationof composition:(a) gabbro,(b) sphalerite,(c) galena,(d) pyrite. The dashedline
indicatesthe directionof the incidentP-wave.Maximum energy(Emax) was normalizedon the incident
P-waveenergyarrivingat thelens.Fordisplay,snapshots arenormalizedandscaledby a factoroften. White
arrowsin (a), (b), and (c) pointto phasereversalsof the scatteredP-wave.

differ significantlyfrom the 3D FD computationsfor wards),whereasa significantportionof the scatteredP-S

someimportantprimary events,for examplefor P-P. wavespropagatein thedirectionperpendicular to thein-
cidentray,back to the surface.This agreesqualitatively
with the resultsobtainedfor point scatterers(Figure 1b).
Influence of Composition However,the shapeof the inclusionalsohasa strongim-
We investigatedthe influenceof the compositionof pact on the directionalvariationof scatteredenergy,as
largeinclusionson the scatteringwavefieldby compar- will be discussedin the followingsection.
ing FD simulationsfor different compositions.The Due to the smallcontrastof the gabbroinclusion,the
shape of the scatterer(lens) and the arrangementof scatteredenergyof P- and S-wavesis relativelyweak,
sourceandreceiversareshownin Figure5. In Figures10 i.e., approximately10% scatteredP-waveand 3% scat-
and 11 we comparesnapshots of scatteredP- andS-wave tered P-S wave energyrelative to the incidentP-wave.
energy,respectively, for differentsulfideminerals(spha- In contrast,the sulfide minerals, which have a larger
lerite, galena,pyrite) and a typical gabbro.The corre- contrastin the elastic properties,generatea stronger
spondingelasticparametersare listedin Table 1. scatteringresponseof compressional waveswhich ex-
For the compositionsconsidered,the P-waves are ceeds30% of the incidentP-wave energy(Figure 10).
mainly scatteredin the incident-raydirection (down- The P-S energy(Figure 11) is strongestfor galenaand

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Elastic seismic-wavescattering from massivesulfide orebodies 83

a) Gabbro (Emax=0.034)
b) Sphalerite (Emax=0.096)





x[m] x [m]
Galena (Emax=0.206) d) Pyrite
loo lOO

', .
-- .•, .

"( •

. .

-. ....... .

o 2oo 4o0 -4o0 -2o0 o 2oo •

X [m] X [m]

Fig. 11. SameasFigure10 but scatteredshearwavesare shown.

pyrite (20% and 45%) due to the large S-waveveloc- eventsarriving later than the first main event, i.e., the
ity contrastof theseminerals.The compositionseems P-P wave. Theselater events,e.g., P-S and S-P,change
to constrainsignificantlythe developmentof the wave- significantlyin amplitude for the different composi-
field within the inclusion,especiallythe innerwavefield tions.Galena,for example,showsvery pronouncedP-S,
of S-waves(Figure 11). Differencesin the innerwave- S-P, and S-S events and seems to generate strong
field lead to amplitudevariationsof later arrivals,i.e., reverberations,whereaspyrite and gabbro show more
of the P-P coda, in seismicrecordings.This is quan- pronouncedsingle-scattered events.The amplitudedis-
tified in Figure 12 which showsseismogramsof the tributionobservedin all seismograms has a tendencyto
backwardscatteredwavefield (vertical componentsof be higher in the downdipdirection.This effect is most
particle velocity) recordedat the surfacefor the same reasonablyexplainedas a shapeeffect.The influenceof
compositionsinvestigatedin Figures 10 and 11. The compositionon the P-P-wave amplitudevariationwith
seismograms were correctedfor geometricalspreading offset(AVO) is shownin Figure 13. The AVO behavior
andnormalizedto theirmaximumamplitudes.The com- of the P-P wave varies significantlywith composition.
plexity of the scatteredwavefieldis resembledby the The observedAVO trendsare very similarto the trends
seismograms. It showsdifferentdynamiccharacteristics obtainedfor point scatterersin Figure 1a.
due to the diverse compositionsof the scatterer.The In the first part of the paper we investigatedthe in-
kinematicbehavioron the otherhand is comparablefor fluenceof compositionon the scatteringangle of first
each example. The seismogramsreveal that the com- arrivalphasereversalsusingtheRayleighscatteringthe-
positionhas a strongeffect on the amplitudesof the ory.Rayleighscatteringtheorypredictsa phasereversal

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84 Simulating elastic wavesin the hardrock environment

X (m) X (m)
-2000 - 1000 0 1000 2000 -2000 -1000 0 1000 2000
•max=0(•14 , 0. '
0.2 0.

•0.3- •-0.


0.5" O. i ! ,

X (m) X (m)
-2000 -1000 0 1000 2000 -,,?.0
O0 -1000 0 1000 ,2000
0.1 o
Amax=0.03 A•"max'"=o:
..... '
0.2 o



Fig. 12. Finite-differencesyntheticseismograms (verticalcomponentof particlevelocity)showingthe in-
fluenceof the composition on scatteringfrom a largelens(inclusiongeometryas in Figure5). (a) gabbro,
(b) sphalerite,(c) galena,(d) pyrite. Seismograms-sectionswere correctedfor geometricalspreadingand
of eachsection
the incidentP-waveamplitude.

at a scatteringangle of approximately92ø for galena, centerof the inclusionbut will lie at the areasof strong
74ø for sphalerite,two phasereversalsat 58ø and 77ø curvaturefirst reachedby the incidentP-wave.The FD
for gabbro and no phasereversal for pyrite (see zero- modelingthus suggeststhat the predicationsof phase
crossingsof the P-P compositionfactor in Figure l a). reversalsobtainedusingRayleighscatteringtheorymay
In the vicinity of thephasereversalslocationsthe wave- alsobe applicableto largerobjects.
field is relativelyweak sincephasereversalscorrespond The phasereversalsobservedin the snapshots lead to
to zero crossingsof the P-P compositionfactor.A phase significantpolarity changesin surfaceseismicrecord-
reversalpositioncan be identifiedby analyzingthe po- ings (Figure 13). In the case of gabbro,only one of
larity along the scatteredP-wavefront(Figure 14). A the two reversalspredictedby Rayleigh scatteringthe-
phasereversaloccursat locationswherethe polarity of ory can be observedin a distanceof X • 500 m. The
the wavefrontswitchesfromplusto minusor vice versa. other lies outsidethe assumedreceiver line, i.e., it would
The P-wave snapshotsfor the lens show phase rever- be observedin a distancelarger than 2 km from the
salsfor gabbro,galena,and sphalerite(white arrowsin ore.

Figure 10), whereasthe snapshotfor pyrite showsno re-

versal.The correspondingscatteringanglesagreequite
well with the Rayleigh theory, if we assumethat the Influence of Shape
corresponding scatteringcenter,i.e., the positionwhere In this sectionwe investigatethe influenceof struc-
the incidentray and the scatteredray intersect,lies at tural complexity (shape) of the inclusionon the scat-
the upperapexof the lens.Generally,for largecomplex tered wavefield. Figures 14 and 15 show snapshots
shapedobjectsthe scatteringcenterwill not lie at the of compressional-wave energyand shear-waveenergy,

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Elastic seismic-wavescattering from massivesulfide orebodies 85

a. 0 500 1000 1500 2000

0 , = , =


0 500 I 000 I 500 2000

o i i i l


(• 0 500 1000 I 500 2000

o ' ' ' '

.•_ 0.10

500 1 000 1 500 2000

Fig.13. Zoomof theP-Pwave(radialcomponent

of particlevelocity)scattered
atthelensin Figure5. Plots
showthe P-P-waveamplitudevariationwith offset for the compositionsgabbro(a), sphalerite(b), galena
(c), andpyrite (d). For display,seismograms
were reducedwith 6 km/s. Note the phasereversalfor gabbro
at X• 500 m, sphaleriteat X • 1500 m, andgalenaat X • 650 m. Pyrite showsno reversal.

respectively,for six sphaleriteinclusionswith different compositionof theinclusion.Forlargebodies(b-e) most

shapes:(a) pointscatterer(smallsphere),(b) spherewith of the P-P energyis scatteredin the forwarddirection
a radiusof 69.4 m, (c) a bodywith a very complexshape, (downwards),whereasfor the Rayleighscatterer(a), the
(d) a lens,(e) the Bell Allard orebody(Adam et al., this maximumP-P energypropagatesbackwards.Thus,the
volume) and (f) a dike. Inclusionsb-f occupyapprox- dominantforwardscatteringfor largebodiesis mainly
imately the samevolume. It is obviousfrom the snap- causedby shapeeffects.For the largebodies(b-e), we
shotsthat the shapeof the scattererhas a dominantim- observestrongamplitudefocusingof P-S wavesinside
pact on the radiationpatternof the scatteredenergy.In the body (Figure 15). Theselocal areaswith highly fo-
otherwords,the shapeof largescatteringobjectsmodu- cusedshear-wave energyinsidethe inclusionact assec-
latesthedirectivityof the scatteredenergy,but asshown ondarysources.The emittedP- andS-energypropagates
above,the net relative scatteredenergyand the angu- back to the surface,causinglocalizedhigh amplitudes
lar patternof polarity reversalsis still controlledby the in surfaceseismicrecordings(Figure9a).

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
86 Simulating elastic wavesin the hardrock environment

Sphere (Emax=0.702)
a) •oo Poinl
(Emax=O.043) b) /
700 /

1100 11oo

1200 12oo

1300 1•oo

-200 o 200 40O -200 0 200

X[m] X[m]
Fractal inclusion (Emax=0.256) Lens (Ernax=0.270)
c) EO0
/ d) /
/ /





1300 13•0

1• -200 0 200 -200 0 200

x[m] x[m]
Dike (Emax=O.207)
e) .o Bell
(Emax=0.302) f)
// -:.

1 lOO

12OO 1200

1•o -2oo o 2o0 40o 14oj• -•00 o •00 •o

x[m] X[m]

Fig. 14. Finite-differencesnapshotsat T = 0.24 s of scatteredcompressional wavesfor six sphaleritein-

clusionswith differentshapes.The dashedline indicatesthe incidentray direction.Emax is the maximum
energyof the snapshot normalizedto the energyof the incidentP-wave.Note the singlephasereversal(white
arrow) occurringat a scatteringangleof approximately76ø irrespectiveof the shape.

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Elastic seismic-wavescattering from massivesulfide orebodies 87

Sphere (Emax=0.569)
7oo / 700

11oo 11oo

1200 12D0

1300 1300

Lens (Emax=0.210)

12•0 1200

1•oo 13oo

1-4!• -200 o 2(•0 •00 1% -200 o 2o0 4oo

X[m] X[m]

e) • Bell
/ •') eoo Dike

11(x) •- 11oo -


-2O0 0 200 • 1-4!• -200 0 200 •0

X[m] X[m]

Fig. 15. Snapshots

of scatteredshearwavesfor six sphaleriteinclusionswith differentshapes.Comparewith
Figure 14.

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88 Simulating elasticwavesin the hardrock environment

All six sphaleriteinclusionsgeneratea singlephase havingdetailedinformationaboutthe shapeof the in-

reversal in the scattered P-P events (see white ar- clusion.Phasereversalsaremorelikely to be observedin
rowsin Figure 14). The locationof the phasereversal theforwardscatteringdirection.Therefore,VSP acquisi-
showssomespatialvariation,because thecorresponding tion geometriesarefavorablefor theirdetection.During
P-P scatteringoccursgenerallynot at the centerof the processingand removalof the direct waves,the phase
inclusionsbut at the sideswith strongcurvatureat the informationof the scatteredsignalsmustbe preserved.
topof eachbody.If wemeasure thescatteringanglefrom The FD modeling showsthat the coda of the scat-
thesescattering centers,thephasereversalliesatapprox- teringresponsefrom small and largeorebodiesembed-
imatelythe sameposition,i.e., 0 • 74ø, for all bodies. dedin a homogeneous background will be dominatedby
This procedureis illustratedin Figure 14e. The angle shear-waveevents.Becauseof the smallerwavelengthof
agreesquite well with the Rayleighscatteringtheory S-waves,seismicmigrationof thehigh-amplitudeshear-
(Figure l a). The phasereversalscatteringsingleseems wave eventsshouldlead to an improvedimageof large
to be independent of theshapeevenfor largeinclusions. inclusions.The backgroundmodelsconsideredin this
studycontainno small-scalerandomvariationsin the
elasticpropertiesas are often observedfor crystalline
host rocks. Small-scaleinhomogeneitiesmay lead to
Theoreticalinvestigations for smallinclusions(diam- a greaterdissipationof S-wavesthan P-waves.Thus,
eterlessthan 17 m) in crystallinehostrockshaveshown S-waveoverP-wavescatteringfrom oresmay not be as
that, dependingon the composition, the amplitudesof pronouncedin seismicobservations.
scatteredP-P andP-S wavesshowsignificantamplitude
variationwith angle(AVA) variations.For smallinclu-
sions,theamplitudesof scattered convertedshearwaves ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
are strongest perpendicularto the directionof the inci- This modelingstudywas inspiredby the work of the
dentP-wave.The overallP-S convenedwaveamplitudes DownholeSeismicImaging(DSI) Consortiumfor Min-
aregenerallyhigherthanthe amplitudeof theP-P wave. eral Exploration.We thank Erick Adam, Greg Clarke,
High amplitudesof P-S convertedwavesarealsoob- David Eaton, and Richard Hobbs for discussion.We
servedin the 3D FD simulationsfor large objectswith arealsogratefulto Matt Salisbury,David Eaton,andR.
different shape.Generallythe modeledscatteringre- GerhandPratt for their thoroughreviews,whichhelped
sponsefrom largemassivesulfideorebodiesconsisting to improvethe paper.FD modelingwasperformedon
of pure sphalerite,galena,or pyriteis quitestrong.The the CRAY SVI supercomputer at Kiel University.
scatteredenergyfor P-P and P-S convertedwavesex-
ceeds25% of the incidentP-wave energy.Most of this
energyis directedin the forwarddirection(downwards). REFERENCES
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scatteredwavefield,whereascompositioneffectsare of
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Dougherty,M., and Stephen,R., 1988, Seismicenergypartitioning Levander, A., 1988, Fourth-order finite-difference P-SV seismo-
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221-240. 1241.

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Part III

Regional SeismicReconnaissanceStudies

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Chapter 6

Experiences from Shallow Reflection Seismics

over Granitic Rocks in Sweden

ChristopherJuhlin and Hans Palm

ABSTRACT seismic-reflectionexperimentsover crystalline rocks

since 1984. Most of theseexperimentshave been car-
Seismicimaging of the shallowcrystallinecrust in
graniticareashasseveralimportantapplications.These ried out on a crustalscale (50 or 100 rn spacingbe-
include mineral prospecting,nuclear waste disposal, tweengeophones), but a numberof thesehavealsobeen
high-resolutionsurveys(5 or 10rn spacingbetweengeo-
groundwaterstudies,and regionalgeologicalmapping.
Granitic rock is generallyseismicallytransparentif it phones)where the targetshave been in the upper few
kilometers of the earth. In those areas where we have
has not been subjectedto tectonicforces.For instance,
focused on the more shallow crust we have often had
extensionaltectonicsmay resultin the intrusionof sys-
tems of dolerite sheetsinto the granitic rock, whereas accessto boreholesfor controlof our interpretations.
Site characterizationfor disposalof radioactivewaste
compressional tectonicsmay resultin ductile shearing
or brittle faulting.A dolerite/graniteinterfaceprovides in crystallinerock is one researchfield where we have
a high impedanceboundarythat is often laterallycon- devoteda largeportionof ourtime in ourhigh-resolution
tinuousovera largearea. Shearzonesandbrittle faults studies.The SwedishNuclear Fuel and WasteManage-
in graniticrock appearto havea lesserimpedancecon- mentCompany(SKB) plansto storehigh-levelwastein
trastandtheinterfacemaynotbe aslaterallycontinuous. crystallinerock at about500 rn depth(SKB, 1992). An
However,if careis takenin the acquisitionandprocess- importantaspectof locatingthe repositoryis the iden-
tification of pathwaysfor radionuclidetransportin the
ing, it is possibleto image featuresat shallowdepths
in graniticrocks,suchas water-bearingfracturezones. eventof canisterleakage.Regionalwater-bearingfrac-
Five case histories from Sweden show how the seismic ture zonesare likely candidatesfor potentialtransport
reflectionmethodhassuccessfully imagedimportantge- pathways.Surfacereflectionseismicsurveysshouldbe
ologicalfeaturesat depthsof lessthan2 km. From these anidealtool for identifyingsubhorizontal fracturezones.
casehistorieswe concludethat: (1) in somecasesit is Althoughnot coveredin thischapter,the seismicreflec-
possibleto differentiatefracturezones from dolerites tion methodhasprovento be an effectivetool for char-
in graniticrocksbasedon the polarity of the reflected acterizingcrustal structurein gold provinces(Swager
waves,(2) surfaceseismic-reflectionmethodscanimage et al., 1997). Many of the resultsreviewedhereare also
featuresdippingup to 60-70 degrees,(3) importantpro- relevanttowardsthis application.
In this chapterwe will briefly reviewresultsfrom five
cessingstepsare choiceof frequencybandto process,
staticcorrections,and DMO, and (4) 3D effectsneedto areasin Sweden(Figure 1), all of which are locatedin
be consideredin any interpretation.The examplespre- granitic environments.Three of the surveyswere car-
sentedhere are mainly related to site localization for ded out usingwhat is generallyconsideredto be high-
high-levelnuclearwastedisposal,but the methodsused resolutionparameterswith stationspacingsof 5 or 10 rn
are highly relevantfor mineral explorationin hardrock (Table 1). The other two surveyswere of a more re-
environments. gionalcharacter.Theselattertwo havebeenincludedin
thisreviewsincetheyprovidegoodimagesof featuresat
depthsof lessthan2 km, e.g., depthsthat are of interest
for mining.All of the casehistoriespresentedherehave
The Geophysicssectionof the Departmentof Earth beenpublishedpreviously,but we take this opportunity
Sciencesat Uppsala University has been carrying out to summarizetheseresultsalongwith somepreviously

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
94 Regionalseismicreconnaissance

28 ø

36 ø
20 ø
I'• SiljanRing

I'• DalaSandstone øo

• FinnsjOn oJo
•? o oooo
o o -• in

• .

• SWShearzones
,I o

Platformcover .[-•] SouthSvecofennian

Caledonides '• Archaean Karelian
'W•Sveconorwegian 1 Archaean
• TIB 1 Archaean
. [-• Granulite
• Fault
• NorthSvecofe•ian • T•st
• CentralSvecofe•ian •Normal fault
Fig.1. MapoftheBalticShield
et al. (1992).

Table1. Acquisition
TheSiljanand•vrii areas
Area Siljan Finnsj6n DalaSandstone SWshear
zones •vr6
Dateacquired Win/Fall1985 Summer1987 Fall1988 Summer1996 Fall1996
type Split/end-on End-on End-on End-on/shoot End-on/shoot
through through
Numberof channels 96/120 60 60 140 105
Nearoffset(m) 200/150 100 60 75 20
(m) 50 10 10 25 5/10
Geophone type Single
28Hz Single
28Hz Single
28Hz Single
28Hz Single
Shotspacing (m) 200/150 10 10 100 5/10
Charge type 5/10kgdyn. 50g dynamite 200g dynamite 1kgdynamite 100g dynamite
Nominal charge depth
(m) 10 2-4 2-3 3 2
Sample rate(ms) 1/2 1 1 2 1
length (km) 25/16 1.7 2 17 1/1

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Shallow reflection seismicsover granitic rocks in Sweden 95




Fig. 2. Seismicsectionover the Gravberg-1boreholewith the locationof dolerite sills thicker than 3 m
plottedat their corresponding two-waytraveltimes.Gap in the sectionshowslocationof the borehole,with
thicknesses of sillsindicated.FromJuhlin(1990).

unpublishedresultsfrom two of the areas.We alsosum- holes(both drilled to ca. 7 km) within the Siljan Ring
marizeour thoughtson what are the mostimportantas- area resultedin the identificationof the origin of seis-
pectsof the acquisition,processing,and interpretation mic reflectionsin graniticrocks and the calibrationof
of high-resolutionreflectionseismicdataon crystalline impact mechanicsmodels(Juhlin and Pedersen,1987;
rocks. Juhlin 1990; Juhlinand Pedersen,1993; Papasikasand
Juhlin, 1997). A seriesof high-amplitudereflectorsare
REVIEW OF RESULTS presentbelowthe siteof the Gravberg-1deepborehole.
Although the Gravberg-1boreholewas drilled almost
Siljan Ring entirely in granite, it occasionallypenetratedsubhori-
Seismicdatawereacquiredin the Siljan Ring impact zontal sheets of dolerite. These dolerite sheets have a
structureas part of the Swedish State Power Board's high velocityand densitycomparedto the surrounding
DeepEarthGasResearch program(Bod•nandEriksson, granite(6.5 km/sand3.0 g/m3 versus6.0 km/sand
1988). The combination of numerous seismic lines 2.65g/cm3) andproducestrongreflections
(a total lengthin excessof 100 km) andtwo deepbore- Subhorizontaldoleritesare also presentin the bottom

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
96 Regional seismicreconnaissancestudies

20 40 60 20 40 60 20 40 60 20 40 60 20 40 60
0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

.... ......
., ....... ...... ...
•, '

• ••,•
'','I', .,,•'
,• •• ,•,•.,,
., ,¾•},,%•9:.,½,*
,•", ..• • '•
"," "' •,,•-•,.:•?..•.,.•
,"• ............
'"''"• ,':•'.
,.. ..

•a '•'•
•"••"••;•:"2"115,';"•••••1•-•'•••••1;:." - "• """'••':•••'•

20-40 Hz 30-60 Hz 50-100 Hz 90-180 Hz Raw

Fig. 3. Variousfrequency
bandsof a •pical shotsectionfromtheDala Sandstone

part of the Stenberg-1boreholeand,eventhere, are the end of the profile. Correlationof the surfaceseismic
sourceof high-amplitudereflectionsthat are observed data with the core data showsthe layeredreflections
on the surfaceseismic(PapasikasandJuhlin,1997). In in the upperca. 200 ms (500 m) to correlatewith the
addition,a reflectordippingat about30ø canbe traced Precambrian sedimentary rocks,whilethedippingevent
downto • 1 s two-waytime (3 km depth)whereit inter- at ca. 250 ms (700 m) on the easternendof theprofile
sectsthe Stenberg-1borehole.A low-velocityfracture originatesfrom a fracturezone (Juhlin et al., 1991).
zoneisfoundatthisdepthanda thermalanomalyassoci- This fracturezonecontainshighly alteredrock andhas
atedwith the fracturezoneindicatesit to bepermeable. a significantlylowervelocitythanthe surroundingrock
Increaseddrilling fluid resistivityandtemperatureover (5.0 km/s versus6.0 km/s).No hydraulicconductivity
it indicatethatwaterwasflowingintotheboreholeat the information is available from the borehole. Waveform
time of logging. analyses andmodelingindicatethedeepersubhorizontal
event at ca. 700 ms to originate from a dolerite sill
Dala Sandstone
(Juhlinet al., 1991).
A 2-km long profile of Dala Sandstonewas made The reprocessedstackedsectionshowsmore detail
to test the capability of the seismicmethod to detect thanthepreviousprocessingin Juhlinet al. (1991). This
fracturezonesthatcouldcontainmineralization(Juhlin is due to use of a time-variantband-passfilter, better
et al., 1991). Precambriansedimentaryrocks overlie staticcorrections,moredetailedvelocityanalysesanda
granitic rock in the area of the profile. The data set differentchoiceof mutes.After migration(Figure5), the
showedtheimportanceof retainingthehighfrequencies baseof thesedimentaryrocksshowsanantiformalstruc-
in the data acquisitionand processing(Figure 3). A ture locatedjust westof the borehole.A west-dipping
reprocessedstackedsection is shown in Figure 4. reflector in the basement intersects the base of the sed-
The upper 200 ms has a clear subhorizontallayered imentaryrocksat the easternend of the antiform.This
structure,whereasthereflectedenergybetween200 and reflectoris parallelto andlocatedabout200 rn abovethe
650 ms originatesfrom west-dippingstructures. At ca. fracturezoneidentifiedin theborehole(FZ in Figure5).
700 ms a strongsubhorizontal reflectionis presentwith It is likely that this reflectoris also a fracturezone and
associated diffractions. In order to calibrate the seismic movementsalongit in a compressional regimeresulted
results,a 723-m deepboreholewasdrilledontheeastern in the developmentof the antiform.

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Shallow reflection seismicsover granitic rocks in Sweden 97

w E








0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

Fig. 4. Reprocessed
stackedsectionof the Dala Sandstone

Finnsj6n Early work in Canadashowedthatreflectionseismics

One of the concernsof SKB in locating a disposal is one geophysicalmethod that is well suited for de-
sitefor high-levelwasteis thepresenceof subhorizontal tection of fracturezones(Mair and Green, 1981). With
fracturezonesthroughwhichgroundwatercanmigrate. thisbackground,an attemptwasmadeto imagea known
These subhorizontal fracture zones are difficult to de- fracture zone with high hydraulic conductivityat the
tect by surfacegeologicalmapping.Low sonicveloci- Finnsj6nstudysite(Juhlin,1995). The zonedipsgently
ties, densities,andresistivitiesaretypicalpropertiesfor to the west at depthsof 100 to 400 m. The initial pro-
the subhorizontal,and even the more steeplydipping cessingof the data failed to image this fracturezone.
fracturezones.They vary in thickness(width) from a few However,after reprocessing, a clearimageof the gently
metersto over 100 rn and are generallymore hydrauli- dippingfracturezonewasobtained(Figures6 and7). In
cally conductivethan the surroundingrock (Ahlbom addition,severalotherreflectorswere imagedin the re-
et al., 1992). The lower seismicvelocityand densityof processed section,bothgentlyandsteeplydippingones.
theseszonesimply theyshouldhavea negativereflection It is likely that the sourcesof thesereflectionsare also
fracture zones.
coefficient at normal incidence.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
98 Regional seismicreconnaissancestudies

w E




.... .,,.,....,.d•..,...,,
• ' .. "• ': ';"
ß -,,-,.q.,,._
'',.. •..• •"""' .... "'-": ....
.,.,.,,,,,.... --'-"'
•,• --'=.
''__4,,I...e•"r ,,., . ,. '- ...;..
..,..,...-- q•...,.h. ",•_' -- ' ......
. "'"'
' '""'"
. .. :""
4.'"' t _. , o .,,•'
ß ,,•.• .q,
. ""-11....
, - •-Hq[,,. •, . - ,,n-,,,
_-,.I-.._ j.....,,, - ,,I,_"4 - 4ß",.q-.. d.n
ß". - ,I.,.t,m,
.._ . -"' q[,
. ,, ,.,..,,,.--- " o"".,
.d. i dld4-•

.... . ..,,." d.dI"
• I["J•[Im44'amq [, ! 'q.• I]!-q•,.!
ß .qltm. ß d4 i ß ,•, allql1-1*'" .m, m, k '1. dq ' ß. ddq. .•4 .qnjld•
Pd'i• I ' .ß
q'h,•_ . ii '" ' •'"' "q "- .q4-.d,I-,q,.. l•,q .. , dl 4" .,..I - ,.ø,,..4
,. ' ....... . 4.-d•1' ' , ,' '. ' . . ß ,,4."
'"' ,p,d
30ß -•.•
- .
I ',4.......
.--.,,, ß -d-"'
i ß .... d
i I I

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

Fig. 5. Migratedreprocessed
sectionwith geological
coreinformation fromthe boreholesuperimposed.
B--base of sedimentaryrock, FZ--fracturezoneidentifiedfrom drilling,D--interpreteddoleritefrom
polarity analysis,and C--borehole.


Avr8 crossinghigh-resolutionseismicreflectionlines, were

Reprocessing of the Finnsj6ndatasetconfirmedthat acquiredin October1996 in orderto (1) testthe seismic
reflectionseismics is a viablemethodfor locatingsub- reflectionmethod for future site investigations, (2)
horizontalfracturezonesin crystallinerocks.Therefore, map knownfracturezones,and (3) addto the Swedish
database of reflection seismic studies of the shallow
furthertestingwascarriedoutby SKB andUppsalaUni-
on•vr6 island
8).Two,ca.1-kmlong, crystallinecrust.The data clearlyimagethreemajor

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Shallow reflection seismicsover granitic rocks in Sweden 99


o 4o 80 120 160 200 240 280


',,•., ..,.,.,,,.
0,1- :.;•.'•:,• :;;•,,. :.',.".•-,,,...•;,;,•
n•';;q''•";• ........"'',..'T"'•;;,
0,2- ;• •,,•:;,, .>....•..'":2.,-.•.,'•'•.';•
•:,- •;•;
0,3- •, .,,:..,,:•,.
•., ,,•.,•,';.•
,,,;•. '";• ';.,. :.=......•.•
• ,"",•;::C•,,":.'"'••.-:: :..,',:;:2"'•,
"-.,:5;.,•..'*',.;•,-,':'-; ':: :',,"•"

0.4- '-., .,:,••;-.•.,

,,. ,,,.-. ,y.,•.•.,•,•,,,.,'• •. ,.•;:

;:.. •.,..;-.:,:,..,,•,,;
......... ,•;.,,.;•,,
0,5 I I

200 180 160 140 120 1 O0 80 60

Fig. 6. Stackedsectionfrom the Finnsj6nprofile.

dippingreflectorsandonesubhorizontal onein theupper shouldbepossibleto reducethe chargesizeandthe shot-

200 ms (Figure 9). The dippingones(south,east,and hole dimensionsand still imagethe uppermost1500 m
northwest)intersector projectto the surfaceat or close of crust.The reducedshot-holedimensionwould signif-
to wheresurface-mapped fracturezonesexist(Figure8). icantlyreducethe costof the seismicsurvey.In orderto
Three-D effects are clearly apparentin the data and test this hypothesis,a 290-m long test profile was shot
onlywherethe profilescrosscanthe true orientationof along part of Line 1 (Figure 8). Recordingwas done
the reflectingeventsbe determined(Figure9). To orient in parallel on thirty 28 Hz and thirty 60 Hz singlegeo-
and locate all events observedon the lines requires phonesspacedat 10 m. Twosetsof thirty shotswerefired
acquisitionof 3D data. ReflectorB in Figures8 and 9 alongthe line. The firstsetconsistedof 7 gramsin a sin-
(the south-dippingreflector)dips parallel to the plane gle 12mm wide, 60 cm deepshotholeandthe secondset
of the north-southrunning Line 2. It can, therefore, consistedof 14 gramsdistributedevenlyin two 12 mm
be migratedproperlyand correlateswith the top of a wide, 60 cm deep shotholes.All holeswere made by
heavilyfracturedinterval observedin boreholeKAV01 a Hilti TE 55, a 6-kg electriccombi-hammerhandheld
at ca. 400 m (Figure 10). Likewise, a subhorizontal drillingmachine.All the shotholesweredrilleddirectly
reflectionat ca. 60 ms (reflectorD in Figure 10) can into bedrock.Total drilling time for eachshothole was
alsobe migratedproperlyand it also correlateswith a approximately10 min. To be ableto comparethe results
known fracture zone in borehole KAV01. fromthe smallchargetestlineswith the datafrom Line 1
in Juhlin and Palm (1999), which was recordedwith
5-m sourceandreceiverspacing,decimationof thelatter
Small-Source Test
datawas necessary.However,it is insufficientto com-
Four moderatelydipping reflectorswere imaged at pare only the samesubsurfacecoverage;the sameshot
later timesfrom 700 to 1400 ms (distancesof 2 to 4 km andreceiverpositionsneedto be compared.Due to ac-
fromthe survey).The observation of strongsignalpene- quisitionlogistics,it wasnot possibleto useexactlythe
trationto thesedepths(or equivalentdistancesif the re- sameshotpointlocationsonthesmallchargetestlinesas
flectionsare from out-of-plane)led us to the idea that it were usedon Line 1. Instead,to producethe decimated

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100 Regional seismicreconnaissancestudies

w KR11 E

KFi07 cDpBFi01
KFi06 HFi01
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280


E 0.4




200 180 160 140 120 1 O0 80 60

Zone 2 • Zone 6
Zone 5 ,• Zone 9
Fig. 7. Migratedsectionfrom the Finnsj6nprofilewith fracturezonesfrom boreholesalongthe profile
superimposed. Fracturezones2, 5, 6, and9 havewidthsof 100,
5, 5, and50 m, respectively.
are25, 8, 0.006, and0.05 m/s x 10- (Ahlbomet al., 1992).Modifiedfrom Juhlin

Line 1 stack,shotsandreceiverswere limited to the CDP data.Figure11b showsthe Line 1 datawhenonlythose

interval 100 to 212, and only every otherreceiverwas shotsandeveryotherreceiverwhichfall withintherange
includedin theprocessing. No othershotpointwascho- of the small chargetest data are includedin the pro-
sensincethiswouldhaveleft gapsin the stackedsection cessing.AdjacentCDPs havebeensummedto givethe
making comparisonwith the test seriesdifficult. After same CDP spacingas in the test. The differencebe-
decimation,the datawereprocessedin a similarmanner tween this decimated stack and the full fold stack is
asthe smallchargetestdatawith minormodificationde- striking.Figure11c showsthe samedataasFigure1lb,
pendingon datacharacter(Table 2). However,the fold exceptthat the data have been processedin a manner
is still higheron the decimatedLine 1 stackthanon the similar to that for the test data as shown in Table 2.
smallchargeteststacks. The smallchargetestdata stackedsectionsfor boththe
Figure 11a showsthe completestackedsectionfrom 28-Hz geophones(Figure11d) andthe60-Hz geophones
Line 1 withoutDMO. The framedareacorresponds to (Figure11e) showa muchclearerimageat 300-450 ms
that portion which is coveredby the small chargetest (ca. 900-1350 m) than the decimated Line 1 stack
Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Shallow reflection seismicsover granitic rocks in Sweden 101

2000 3000 4000 5000


C '-'60 ø



Fig.8. Location
on•vr6 Islandandthesurface
A, B, andC asdetermined
from projectionsto the surfacein Figure9. Locationof the smallsourcetestprofileis alsoshown.Modified
from Juhlinand Palm (1999).

(Figure 1l c). Above 300 ms, the two imagesare com- sincethe acquisitiongeometriesdiffer somewhat.How-
parable,with theLine 1 decimatedstackprobablybeing ever, in the upper 500 ms (ca. 1500 m) the data are of
somewhatbetterdue to the higherfrequencycontentof comparableor betterquality than the decimatedLine 1
the 100-gram sourceon Line 1. This apparentparadox data. Single 7-gram chargesresultedin poorer images
of the larger chargesproducinghigher frequenciescan than the 14-gram chargedata.
be explainedby intrinsicattenuationwherethe high fre-
quenciesof the small chargesare so weak that they get
dampedto below the noise level in the upper 300 ms. Polarity
Below450 msthedecimatedLine 1 stackis alsosuperior A diagnostictool to evaluatethe sourceof a reflection
to the smallchargetestdatastacks.The 60-Hz, 14-gram is to studythe polarity of the reflectedwave relativeto
testseriesgivesthe bestoverallstackedsection.It is di- the firstarrivalon shotgathersthathavehad onlyminor
rectly comparablewith the 28-Hz, 14-gramseriessince processingapplied(Juhlinet al., 1991). Two shotsfrom
the sameacquisitiongeometrieswereusedfor bothdata Line 2 on *vr6 Island were selectedwhere reflectors
sets.A direct comparisonwith Line 1 is not possible B and E in Figure 10 are clearly observed.Reflecting
Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
102 Regional seismicreconnaissancestudies

W Line1 (CDP) E
40 80 120 160ß


-•' :' •-'•'

- -- '•.... •
-• -..

"• "•i' :'"''•" "

A ...

0.3 --•-

Fig.9. Timesections
halfofLine1 andthenorthern
halfofLine2 on•vr/5Island
viewedfromthe southeast.
ReflectionsA, B, andC projectto the surfaceasshownin Figure8. FromJuhlin
and Palm (1999).

events from these discontinuitieswere aligned and fluid filled fracture zones. Therefore, it is likely that
stackedand then comparedwith syntheticmodelsfor reflectorE originatesfrom a localizedflat lying layer
positiveandnegativeimpedance contrasts(Figure12).In of mafic rock while reflectorB originatesfrom a dip-
themodeling,thederivativeof a 150-HzRickerwavelet pingfracturezone.The latterinterpretation is consistent
was used as the source. This source wavelet closely with the observation that reflector B can be correlated
matchesthe first arrival in the shot gathercontaining with a regionalsouthdippingfracturezone(Figure 10).
reflectorE. Noise from forwardscatteringor wide angle ReflectorslabeledE in Figure 10 appearto be similar
reflectionsdistortsthe first arrivalin the shotgatherfor to the onethe polarityanalysiswasperformedon, and
reflectorB; however,the initial shapeof the first arrival probablyalso originatefrom localizedflat-lyingmafic
is similarto thesourcewaveletusedin themodeling.The sheets.
syntheticmodelsthatbestmatchtheobservations arefor
a 10m or lessthick,high-impedance layerfor reflectorE SW Shear Zones in V•rmland
anda 10-m-or-lessthick low-impedancelayerfor reflec-
tor B. In graniticenvironments, high-impedance gen- Seismic-reflectiondatawere acquiredalonga 17-km
erally impliesmafic rocksand low impedanceimplies longprofilein theeasternfrontalpartoftheSveconorwe-

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Shallow reflection seismicsover granitic rocks in Sweden 103

0 80
CDP 160
0 • •
KAV01 (m)
40 80 120 160







40 80 120 160

Fig.10. Migratedsection
fromLine2 on•vr6 Islandwiththelocation of majorhydraulically
zonesin boreholesshown.Reflections
A andB projectto thesurface
asshownin Figure8. Reflector
D is
subhorizontaland correlateswith increasedhydrauhcconductivityin the KA V01 borehole.ReflectionsE
may originatefrom mafic lensesin the granitichostrock. From Juhlinand Palm (1999).

gian orogen,southwestern Sweden,over a geologically west and becomingprogressivelysteepertowardsthe

inferredfan-like structure.Imagingdepthsrangedfrom east,reachingsubvertical,andthendippingto thewestin
a few hundredmetersdownto depthsof approximately the east,this geometryprovidesan excellenttestsitefor
10 km. Deformational fabrics within the fan-like struc- investigatingwhat dipscanbe imagedwith the seismic-
ture dip approximately15-40øE in the westernpart of reflection method using standardacquisitionparame-
the profile and 60-80øW in its easternpart. With the ters. The maximum apparentdip of structuresimaged
potentialreflectinghorizonsgently eastdippingin the is on the orderof 60-70 ø (Figure 13). Sincethe seismic

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104 Regional seismicreconnaissancestudies

Table 2. Main Processingstepsfor small chargetest data

graniticrock and are subhorizontalto gently dipping.
on Avrii island.
Thefracturezonescontainfluids,andthusrepresent low-
1 Read SEG2 data impedancelayersin the granitichostrocks.They canbe
2 Add geometry subhorizontal to steeplydippingand are generallyless
3 Trace edit
4 Pick first break laterallycontinuous thanthedolerites.Polarityanalyses
5 Refraction statics of the seismic reflections is one method to differentiate
6 Band-passfilter 70-140-300-420 Hz, 0-200 ms;60- betweendoleritesand fracturezonesin graniticrocks,
120-300-450 Hz, 100-400 ms; 50-100-300-450 Hz,
300-600 ms; providedthe dataare of high enoughquality.
7 Velocityanalysis
8 Residual statics
9 Split datainto subsetsfor 28 resp.60 Hz. Acquisition and ProcessingStrategies
10 Sort to CDP domain
11 AGC: 100 ms window Several factors determine how shallow in the crust
12 NMO
13 Stack:5% alphatrimmedmean
specificfeaturescanbe imagedwith the seismicreflec-
tion method. Some of the most importantacquisition
parametersare stationand sourcespacing,number of
profile runs nearly perpendicularto the regionalstrike channels,andsourceandgeophonecoupling.Although
it is now clear that the seismic reflection method can be
of the geology(Figure 14), theseapparentdipsareclose
to the true dipsof the reflectors.Reflectionsfrom these appliedto problemsin many geologicalenvironments,
structures only stackat highNMO velocities.Due to the one of the main objectionsis still the cost of the sur-
irregularshootinggeometryit wasnot possibleto apply vey.All of the shotholesfor the surveyspresentedwere
DMO to these data. drilled with costly,truck-mounted,large drilling rigs,
A bivergentgeometryis observedin the seismicdata exceptfor oursmallchargetestsurveys
on •vr6 Is-
with the centralaxis situatedapproximately8 km east land.However,thesetestsshowedthatit shouldbe pos-
of a major fault [ProtogineZone (PZ) in earlierstudies, sibleto acquirecomparabledatafor theupper1500rn at
i.e., Gorbatschev,1980; Larson et al., 1990]. The sur- muchlowercostusingsmallchargesin narrowshallow
shot holes in favorable environments. A full-scale test
face structuraldatapredictthe hinge axisto be located
about3 km farthereast.Despitethis discrepancy, there of the small chargesource,consistingof two ca. 2-km
is good generalagreementwith the structureinferred long profiles,is currentlybeing conductedcloseto the
from the surfacedata (Figure 14). The imageobtained •vr6 Islandtestsite.Asidefromusingsmallcharges,
from the reflection seismic data establishes that the fan- we recommendthe followingacquisitionparametersfor
hardrock environments:
like structureis a major, upper crustalfeature.These
resultsin combinationwith previousdeepseismicdata ß Singlegeophones ratherthanarrays
sets(Juhlinet al., 1989; Dahl-Jensenet al., 1991) have ß Shotspacingequalto receiverspacing
beenusedto constrainthe tectonichistoryof the area ß Recordingof long offsets
(Juhlinet al., 2000). ß Digging to bedrockif soil coveris lessthan 0.5 m

There are two reasonsfor using single geophones

DISCUSSION rather than arrays. First, static correctionshave been
shownto vary widely from stationto stationalongour
Sourcesof Reflectivity
profiles.A shiftcorresponding to closeto the dominant
In granitic-rock-typeenvironmentsin Sweden two wavelengthof the datafrom onestationto the nextis not
predominantsourcesof seismicreflectionsare found, uncommon.If arraysare used and spreadout over the
dolerite intrusions and fracture zones. Dolerites were stationspacing,thenthe summationof signalsfrom the
founddirectlyin thedeepwellsin theSiljanimpactstruc- individualgeophones will resultin a significantlossof
ture and are inferredto be presentat depthin the Dala verticalresolution.Secondly,to a lesserextent,horizon-
Sandstone area. Similar subhorizontal reflections have tal resolutionwill alsobe lostwhenarraysareused.This
also been found below the Bothnian Sea which were maybelessof aproblemfor thecurrentstateof study,but
alsointerpretedashavingtheir originfrom doleritesills in thefuture,horizontalresolutionwill alsobeimportant.
(Babel WorkingGroup, 1991;Riahi and Juhlin,1996). By having shot spacingequal to receiverspacingand
high-impedance layersin thehost singlegeophones, anybiasof shootingupdipor downdip

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Shallow reflectionseismicsover granitic rocks in Sweden 105

100 200 300








100 200 300 100 200 100 200 100 200 100 200

(a) (b) (c) (d)(e)

Fig.11. (a) Stacked
from•vr6 IslandLine1 without
Line 1 usingthesameprocessingparameters asin (a). (c) Decimated
sectionfromLine 1 using
in Table2. (d) Twenty-eight-Hz geophonestacked
parameters in Table2. (e) Sixty-Hzgeophone
in Table2.

on structuresis removed.In addition,there will be a suf- the nature of the reflectors. Maximum offsets of twice
ficient numberof tracesat shortoffsetsin the CDP gath- the targetdepthare not unreasonable
in the crystalline
ersto enableimagingof the shallowest
features.With a environment.
limited numberof channels,thereis a trade-off between Analysesof signalqualityas a functionof bedrock
maximizingthe recordingoffsetandensuringadequate depthshowthatgeophones placedonsoilcoverlessthan
horizontalresolutionby selectinga smallstationinterval 0.5-mthickrecordveryringydata.Geophones placedon
to preventaliasingof source-generatednoise.However, deepersoilcoverdonothavethisringyresponse, nordo
we haveoftenexperienced that we recordthe bestdata geophonesplacedin drilledholesonbedrock.Therefore,
on relativelylongoffsets.This maybe dueto the pres- wenowremovetheuppermost soilcoverbeforeplanting
enceof lesssource-generated noiseat longoffsetsor to geophones if thesoilcoveris lessthan0.5 m thick.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
106 Regional seismicreconnaissancestudies

•,) 90 100 110 90 1 O0 1 10 B

(:D o.1


b) 10 2O 3O lO 2O 30 E -- o • o E •



Fig. 12. Polarityanalysesof reflectorsB (a) andE (b) in Figure10. Panelsare,fromleft to right,alignedfirst
arrivalson thosechannelswherethereflectionis clear,stackof alignedfirstarrivals,alignedreflection,stack
of aligned
fora negative
(a) anda positive
contrast(b), wherelayerthicknessis givenin (b). SI--single interface.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Central axis from seismic
Central axis from geological map
PZfault • 800•'
900 CDP
,I, ooo

W ( 5 km E
Fig. 13. Stackedsectionfrom the SW shearzoneprojectin Viirmland.The centralaxis will shift somewhat
to the eastafter migration.Modified from Juhlinet al. (2000).


',X,• "•, '•i " :,• ';:• '• ' • •:'t

-•'-• .... '...... •T• '%/';. -- - ......' , •' • , , •':' ;•',:d.-'..' r •" •'

• - • -•;,.'-•'•,'.':>'-
:' •7•..•.-
....• • •.-'_._•'-•<r'
• ' '•; -:•:.. . '. -.'- -2•';•,•;.,--.•L-
•-,•.-,":'; •, •'•-•C-.•

• '••C;•- "•' -:.'•?

• ".."-'.f'?•::•'•-:'.•'•:'--'•:;•-
•'•--• ••;-•G- .•?-?-.":;'Y'"•:>'
•' I I s••al =a •
................... •>-:•----"•-'•:•-'.-<•;:•; ........-"-•••••--:•; ..... -..•:- '-II !i•ltltl

---• :?•--.:-'
:• ,-:-'"•..•,:•>•-.-•:-' ':,:-•:-.'--_,,
-s•:,,•. ;• '-•-' •:---•:-;_•/.---,.- II

-•"••::•;.•:•;•- ;.... '-- '---?'-."•"•s;::-d-•-:'2•;•
....5•-'•'•; •- ..... I I .........

•"•- I:•J/:•'-'••..•2:
';:-•-•..... ,
I .... :--•-'• i ':-"
..... ' I
--' :•:--'-'
200 400 600 800 1000 1½00CD P
Fig. 14. Migratedline drawingfromthe SW shearzoneprojectin Viirmlandjoinedwith the surfacegeology.
From Juhlinet al. (2000).
Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
108 Regional seismicreconnaissancestudies

Processingis an importantcomponentof a seismic the polarity of the reflection.Important for acquisition

survey.Improperlyprocessed datacanmaskimportant of seismic data in the hardrock environment are use of
features.Reflectionsfrom fracturezonesare generally singlegeophonesto increaseresolution,densesource
not continuousand canbe missedif large staticcorrec- spacing,and good contactwith the bedrockfor both
tionsarepresentor incorrecttemporalfiltershavebeen sourcesand receivers.Standardprocessingsteps,such
applied.Reflectionsarriving after the first arrival but as refractionstaticcorrections,detailedvelocity analy-
beforethe direct S-wavecan generallybe processedif ses,choiceof band-passfilter, and spectralwhitening,
good staticcorrectionsare calculatedand the correct shouldbe done carefully.After thesehave been done
band-passfilter is used.Spectralwhiteningwill gener- properly,DMO and migration can improvethe image
ally improvethe data quality further.After the direct significantly.Three-D aspectsneed to be considered
S-wave arrival it may be difficult to extractreflected when interpreting2D lines in the hardrockenviron-
P-waveeventsif the dataare of poor quality.However, ment. Many of the reflectionson the sectioncan be
if the data have similar bandwidth from trace to trace, from out-of-the-planeof the profile. If properacquisi-
velocityfilteringcanbe appliedsuccessfully. Velocity tion, processing,and interpretationare used,then seis-
filteringgenerallyperformsbestin the receiverdomain mic imagescan be obtainedwhich are highly useful
sincethe traceto tracecoherencyis generallygreaterin for nuclearwastedisposalsite localizationandmineral
this domain and the static corrections are less variable. exploration.
We havealso foundthat DMO •an greatlyimprovethe
seismicimagequality,but careis requiredto ensurethat
the acquisitiongeometryis asregularaspossiblegiven ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the conditions of the terrain.
The SwedishNuclear Fuel and Waste Management
3D Considerations The GeologicalSurveyof Sweden(SGU) fundedthe
acquisitionandprocessingof the SW shearzoneproject.
As can seenin Figure 9, significant3D structureex-
C. Juhlin is fundedby the SwedishNatural Sciences
istsbelow•vr6 island.Single2D profilesshouldbe
interpretedwith caution.Detailed predictionsshould
onlybe madealonga profilewherecrosslineinforma-
tionis available,particularlyif thesepredictionsareused REFERENCES
as the basisfor drilling recommendations. The strike
of the gently dippingtarget fracturezone at Finnsj6n Ahlbom,K., et al., 1992,Finnsj6nstudysite.Scopeof activitiesand
main results:SKB TechnicalReport, TR-92-03.
(Figures6 and7) wasconstrained by drilling;otherwise BABEL WorkingGroup,1991,Reflectivityof a Proterozoicshield:
it is a primeexampleof a reflectionthatmayappearsub- Examplesfrom BABEL profiles acrossFennoscandia: Meiss-
horizontal,butactuallyoriginatesfroma steeplydipping ner,R., Ed., in Continentallithosphere:Deep seismicreflections:
structurefrom out-of-the-planeof the profile (Zaleski AmericanGeophysicalUnion, 77-86.
et al., 1997). The mismatchbetweenother reflections Bod6n,A., and Eriksson,K.-G., Eds., 1988, Deep drilling in crys-
talline bedrock,Volume 1: The deep gas drilling in the Siljan
in Figure7 andfracturezonesobservedin boreholesat
impactstructure,SwedenandAstroblemes: Springer-Verlag.
the siteis mostlikely dueto out-of-planeeffects,rather Dahl-Jensen, T, Dyrelius,D., andPalm,H., 1991,Deepcrustalseis-
thanerrorsin migrationvelocitiesor processing. If the mic reflectionprofilingacrosstwo majortectoniczonesin south-
smallchargemethoddescribedin this paperprovesvi- ern Sweden:Tectonophysics, 195, 209-240.
able then it may be possibleto acquire3D data, or at Gorbatschev, R., 1980, The Precambriandevelopmentof southern
Sweden: GFF, 102, 129-136.
least numerous2D profiles, in important areasto re-
Juhlin,C., 1990,Interpretationof the reflectionsin the SiljanRing
moveanyambiguities priorto drillingand/orexcavation area based on resultsfrom the Gravberg-1borehole:Tectono-
in the crystallineenvironment. physics,173, 345-360.
--1995, Imagingof fracturezonesin the Finnsj6narea,cen-
tral Sweden,usingtheseismicreflectionmethod:Geophysics, 60,
Juhlin,C., Dyrelius,D., Lund,C.-E., andPalm,H., 1989,Crustalre-
Primary sourcesof reflectionsin graniticrock are flectionsunderneathLake Vfinern,Sweden:Geophys.J.Internat.,
mafic sheets or lenses and fracture zones. In some cases 99, 567-578.
it is possibleto distinguish
betweentheseby analyzing Juhlin, C., Lindgren,J., and Collini, B., 1991, Interpretationof

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Shallow reflection seismicsover granitic rocks in Sweden 109

seismic reflection and borehole data from Precambrian rocks in Mair, J. A., and Green,A. G., 1981, High-resolutionseismicreflec-
the Dala Sandstonearea, central Sweden: First Break, 9, 24- tionprofilesrevealfracturezoneswithina "homogeneous" granite
36. batholith: Nature, 294, 439-442.
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high-resolutionreflectionseismicstudies,southeastern Sweden: thecentralpartofthe SiljanRing impactstructurebasedonresults
Geophysics,64, 662-667. from the Stenberg-1borehole:Tectonophysics, 269, 237-245.
Juhlin,C., and Pedersen,L. B., 1987, Reflectionseismicinvestiga- Riahi, M., and Juhlin, C., 1996, Reflectivitycharacteristicsof the
tionsof the Siljanimpactstructure,Sweden:J.Geophys.Res.,92, crustfrommodellingrefraction/wide-angle andnormal-incidence
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F6reningensi StockholmF6rhandlingar,115, 151-158. Swager,C. P., Goleby,B. R., Drummond,B. J., Rattenbury,M. S.,
Juhlin,C., Wahlgren,C.-H., and Stephens,M., 2000, Seismicimag- andWilliams P.R., 1997, Crustalstructureof granite-greenstone
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333. dikesin an Archeanterrane:Geology,25, 707-710.

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Chapter 7

SeismicExploration of the Manitouwadge

GreenstoneBelt, Ontario: A Case History
Brian Roberts, Eva Zaleski, Gervais Perton, Erick Adam,
Larry Petrie, and Matt Salisbury

ABSTRACT of the main cornactsimaged in the synform,but the

The Manitouwadgegreenstonebelt in the Archean amplitudeanomalieswere found to correspondto am-
SuperiorProvinceof Northern Ontario, a highly de- plitudefocusingartifactsalongseveralhigh-impedance
formed and metamorphosedremnant of supracrustal contacts, ratherthanmassivesulfidesashoped.Thiscase
rocks, has been a focus of mining activity since the history demonstrates that the use of seismic-reflection
1950s.However,knowneconomicmineraldepositshave technology, whereappropriateand logisticallyfeasible,
beenfully exhausted, providingimpetusfor the applica- can be a significantaid in mineral exploration,both
tion of geophysicaltechniquesthat can guide further for the delineationof key markerhorizonsand,poten-
explorationfor deeporebodies.A multidisciplinaryap- tially, for direct detectionof massivesulfidedeposits.
proachwas adoptedin which the groundworkwas laid
for usingseismictechniques to imagekeyhorizonsofthe
major structure,the Manitouwadgesynform,at depth.
The use of seismic-reflection techniquesas an explo- Beginningin 1995,the GeologicalSurveyof Canada,
rationtoolin crystallinerockswith a complexgeological in collaborationwith Noranda Inc., undertook an inte-
settingis unconventional. Detailedgeologicalmapping gratedgeophysicalstudyof the Manitouwadgegreen-
wasusedto generatea workingmodelof the subsurface stonebelt (MGB). The broadgoalsof thisprogramwere
geometry.This was followedby physicalrock property to advanceour understandingof the subsurfacegeo-
andboreholestudies,whichprovidedthe acousticprop- logyof theMGB andto establisha casehistoryto foster
erties of the main lithologicalunits. Three-D forward the technologytransferof seismicmethodsfor mineral
modelingusingthe Born approximationconfirmedthat, exploration.Three seismicprofileshavebeenacquired
given the working geologicalmodel, reflectionsfrom acrossthe major structure,the Manitouwadgesynform
the main contactsshouldprovidea frameworkfor the (Lines 1, 2, and3; Figure1). Twolines(1 and3) provide
interpretationof the observeddata. north-southprofiles of the synform and they are con-
A seismicprogram consistingof three intersecting nectedby an east-westline (line 2). Althoughseismic
2D, high-resolution,reflectionprofilessuccessfully im- line 1 extendswell north into the QueticoSubprovince
agedseveralimportanthorizons.The top of thevolcanic (Figure 1), this chapterwill concentrateon the seismic
sequence in whichtheknownmineraldepositsarehosted data within the Manitouwadgesynform, the focus of
canbe broadlyimagedthroughoutthe subsurface extent explorationactivity.The northernhalf of line 1 hasbeen
of the Manitouwadgesynform,providingsomeguide- described previouslyby Zaleskiet al. (1997), wherethey
linesfor exploration.There is alsoan indicationthatthe correlatednumeroussubhorizontaland dippingreflec-
Geco mine horizon, which is host to the known mineral tions to reflected refractions from subvertical diabase
deposits,canbe imagedwith theseismicdata,thusdefin- dikes.
ing tighter guidelineson where further explorationis A number of factors in the MGB make it a favorable
warranted.Severaldeepholesweredrilledsubsequently environmentfor seismictechniquesaimed at regional
in orderto bothconfirmtheinterpretation
andinvestigate reconnaissance and direct detection of massive sulfide
a numberof high-amplitudeanomaliesobservedin the bodies.The belt is host to major volcanogenicCu-Zn
seismicdata. The drilling confirmedthe interpretation deposits,includingNoranda'sGecomine, which had a
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Seismicexploration of the Manitouwadge greenstonebelt, Ontario 111

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112 Regional seismicreconnaissancestudies

total lifetime productionof nearly60 Mtonnes.All the confidencethat key horizonsshouldbe detectablewith
knowneconomicdepositswere foundin the 1950s,on seismictechniques.The objectivesof the seismicpro-
thebasisof surfaceexposure andgeophysical anomalies gram were to determinethe subsurfaceareal extentof
(magneticand electromagnetic) associatedwith near- key marker horizonsthroughoutthe synform, provid-
surfacesources.The mappatternof the MGB is largely ing depthcontrolon the subsurface extentof the Mani-
determinedby a late fold, the Manitouwadgesynform, touwadgevolcanicrocksand,additionally,to searchfor
that plungesshallowlytowardthe east (Zaleski and high-amplitudeeventsthat may indicatethe presence
Peterson,2002). Within the Manitouwadgesynform, of massivesulfides.The Geco orebodyhad an average
surfacemapping,down-plungeprojection,and drilling thicknessof 20 m anda strikelengthof 740 m. The core
data suggestthat the favorablehorizonfor mineraliza- of the orebodyconsistedof massivepyrite (10-60%),
tion hasa considerable subsurface extentat depthsfeasi- pyrrhotite (5-30%), sphalerite(5-30%), chalcopyrite
ble for present-day miningmethods,but out of reachof (2-25%), and galena (trace), consistentwith high-
conventionalgeophysicalmethods.However,the high impedances(Friesenet al., 1982). The detectionof a
metamorphicgrade (upper amphibolitefacies) of the similarhigh-impedance orebodywithin theMGB, while
MGB represented an additionalfactorof unknownsig- possibleand desirable,wouldbe unlikely with a broad
nificance. scale,2D seismicprogram.
The multiphaseseismic-exploration programinclu-
ded subsurfaceprojectionof mappedsurfacegeology, GEOLOGICAL SETTING
comprehensive physicalrock propertystudies,forward
modeling,designof an appropriateseismicsurveyto The MGB is a highly deformedremnant of upper
image structuresand contactsat depth, acquisitionof amphibolite-faciessupracrustalrocks in the volcano-
high-frequencyseismicprofiles acrossthe MGB, and plutonic Wawa Subprovinceof the Archean Supe-
integrationof seismicwith drill-hole and geological rior Province,immediatelysouthof the major tectonic
data. Interpretedresultsindicateseismicmethodsare boundarywith themetasedimentary-migmatitic Quetico
a valuabletool for imagingkey horizonsthroughoutthe Subprovince(Figure 1, top left inset). The granulite-
synformand for deepmineralexplorationin generalin facies,orthopyroxene-in isogradlies immediatelyto the
the Manitouwadgearea. northof the subprovince boundary.The MGB comprises
a single mafic-to-felsicvolcanic succession,approxi-
mately2720 Ma in age,thatincludesa largesynvolcanic
trondhjemitebodyin the coreof the Manitouwadgesyn-
The Manitouwadgesynformplungestowardthe east- form (Zaleskiet al., 1999) (Figure1). The felsicvolcanic
northeastat approximately25ø. The volcanicsequence rocks are intercalated with iron formation and associ-
andassociatedfavorablehorizon("Gecomine horizon") ated volcanogenicmassivesulfidedeposits.A unit of
lie at relativelyshallowdepths(< 3 km) overa consider- orthoamphibole-bearing
rocks,interpretedas the meta-
ablearea.The objectivesof thepreliminaryphasesof the morphic equivalentof a zone of Fe-Mg synvolcanic
programwere to determinewhetherthe geologicalset- alteration, follows the contact between mafic and fel-
ting wasappropriatefor seismicmethods,giventhatthe sic rocks and the margin of the trondhjemite(Zaleski
useof high-frequency, high-resolutionseismicreflection andPeterson,1995). The Fe-Mg alteredrockslie strati-
profilingin high-grademetamorphicrockshada limited graphicallybeneath(structurallyabove)theknownmas-
andunproventrackrecordat the time. In one study,Wu sivesulfidesdepositsand,togetherwith theirassociated
et al. (1992) demonstrated that,with carefulprocessing, rocks,are looselyreferredto asthe Gecomine horizon.
they were able to image a fault that separatesthe high- The volcanicrocksare overlainby greywackeswhich,
graderocksof theKapuskasing zonefromthelow-grade in thepresentconfiguration,lie in an earlyrefoldedfold
Abitibi greenstonebelt. However,the potentialuseful- (D2 Agam Lake syncline)alongthe southernlimb of
nessof the seismictechniquefor mineral exploration the Manitouwadgesynform.Within the Manitouwadge
was uncertain. synform,additionalzonesof maficrocksknownas the
At Manitouwadge,detailedgeologicalmappingand Dead Lake suite, comprisean enigmaticpackageof
structuralanalysiswere used to constraina working interleavedfoliatedgabbro,diorite, and layeredmafic
modelof thesubsurface geometry(ZaleskiandPeterson, to intermediaterocks,as well as magnetite-garnet-rich
1995;PetersonandZaleski, 1999) andthephysicalrock rocks (Zaleski and Peterson,1995). The MGB is en-
property,drillhole,andforwardmodelingresultsgaveus velopedby foliatedmultiphasedioriticto graniticrocks
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Seismicexploration of the Manitouwadge greenstonebelt, Ontario 113

of the Black Pic batholith,alsoinvolvedin folding.The distinctgroups.The mafic-intermediatevolcanicsand

relatedLokenLake plutonis outlinedby the Dead Lake Fe-Mg alteredrocks,alongwith anymaficplutonicrocks
suiteandtrondhjemitein the coreof the Manitouwadge occupya region(groupA in Figure2) of distinctlyhigher
synform. Ve-densitythanthat of the felsicvolcanicandplutonic
The 2720 Ma volcanic rocks of the MGB have un- rocksandmetagreywackes (groupB in Figure2).
dergonehigh-grademetamorphism and four phasesof Velocity and densitylogswere obtainedin two deep
ductiledeformation.The east-northeasterly
plungingD3 drill holes to compare impedancesmeasuredin the
Manitouwadgesynformforms the major regionalfold lab with in-situcontinuousobservationsat macroscopic
and dominates the MGB and Black Pic batholith. The scale.Figure3 displaysthe densityandvelocitylogsfor
axial surfacedipsmoderatelytowardthe south(Zaleski drill-hole GS93-1, locatedoff the southernend of line 1
and Peterson,1995). Earlier D2 deformationproduced (Figure 1). The hole intersecteda thick unit of subvol-
foldsandthedominantregionalfoliationandminerallin- canictrondhjemite(•-1470 m) beforeenteringthe base
eation(Zaleski et al., 1999). A schematiccross-section of the overturnedvolcanicsection,represented by mafic
acrossthe Manitouwadgesynform(Figure 1, top right andorthoamphibole-bearing (Fe-Mg altered)rocks.The
inset)showstheD2 Agam Lake synclineprojectedasan calculatedimpedanceandcorresponding syntheticseis-
isoclinalfold thatrepeatsthe correlativeinnerandouter mic tracesindicatethatthereis ajump in the impedance
volcanicbelts aboutmetagreywackes alongthe south- at the top of the volcanicsequencewhereit is in contact
ern limb of the synform(Petersonand Zaleski, 1999). with trondhjemite.A compleximpedancefunctionbe-
The supracrustal sequenceis thickestin the hinge re- low thatlevel is a consequence of the heterogeneousna-
gion of the Manitouwadgesynformand it is attenuated tureof thisdeformedvolcanicsequence.Densityspikes
towardsthe north as strainincreasesand the sequence within the volcanics can be related to mineralized zones
is invadedby intrusions(Zaleski and Peterson,1995). and layersparticularlyenrichedin garnet and/or silli-
Towardthe north, the structuralgrain is progressively manite.Densitytroughstypicallycorrespondwith peg-
tightenedandtransposed into steeplydippingeast-west matites.The trondhjemiteandotherfelsicplutonicrocks
trendstypical of the Wawa-Queticoboundaryand the structurallyoverlyingthe volcanicunitsshouldbe seis-
Queticosubprovince. mically transparentexceptfor low-impedancefracture
Metamorphic grade increasestoward the north zones.

such that the Manitouwadge metagreywackeshave Sincereflectioncoefficientsof 0.06 andgreatershould

sillimanite-biotite-garnetassemblages characteristic
of generateobservablereflections(e.g., Salisburyet al.,
upperamphibolitefacies,withoutevidenceof melting, 1996), the physicalrock propertystudiesindicatethat
whereasthe Quetico metagreywackesare migmatitic. the MGB should be moderatelyto highly reflective
The dominantD2 fabrics in the MGB are defined by (Table 1). With the exceptionof contactsbetweenmafic
high-grademineralsand folded by D3 structures,in- units and iron formation or Fe-rich Dead Lake suite
dicating that peak metamorphismwas broadly syn- rocks(reflectioncoefficientof 0.02), contactsbetween
chronouswith D2 deformation(Zaleski and Peterson, the major lithologicalunits presentin the MGB gen-
1995). erate absolutereflectioncoefficientsof 0.06 or greater.
Mafic-felsic contactsshouldbe markedby strongsemi-
continuousreflections,making the Geco mine camp
andManitouwadgesynforma goodlocationfor seismic
mappingof stratigraphy andstructureat depth.However,
At theGeologicalSurveyof Canada,laboratorymea- while the impedancecontrastis important,the seismic
surements of compressional wavevelocity(Ve) andden- responseof the volcanicsequenceis alsovery muchre-
sity weremadeat elevatedpressures(200 MPa, approx- latedto the thicknessof individuallithologicalunits,the
imately equivalentto 7-km depth) on a representative sharpness of their contacts,the presenceor absenceof
suite of ore and host rock samplesin order to deter- high-impedancemineralslike pyrite or magnetite,and
mine the impedancecontrastsand estimatedreflection the lateralcontinuityof the deformedvolcanicstratigra-
coefficientsat contactsbetweenmajor lithologicalunits phy(e.g.,PerronandCalvert,1998). Significantconcen-
(Figure 2). With the exceptionof sulfidesamplesand trationsof massivesulfidesmay appearas bright spots
somesamplesfrom iron formationand the Dead Lake alongmafic-felsiccontacts;however,interferencewith
suite,we seethat mostpointsclusteralongor near the the seismicresponseof the contactmay preventtheir
Nafe-Drake curve. However,thesesamplesdefine two detection.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
114 Regional seismicreconnaissancestudies

rocks ß Mafic-intermediate
Metagreywacke ß Fe-Mgalteredrocks
Sil-Ms, Sil-Crdschists(alteredrocks) , Iron formation& DeadLake suite
Mafic plutonicrocks,Diabase + Massive& disseminatedsulfides
Felsicvolcanic/subvolcanic rocks(incl. trondhjemite)
[ • Silicate
200 MPa • Sil © Sulfide

,'•'©Cpx ....

"-.. Ccp

/'•'••'""'-.. '""--..........•.P
2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 2. Averagecompressional
wavevelocity(Vp) versusdensityfor Manitouwadge
samplesat 200 MPa,
withlinesof constant
(Z) sup.
mon silicatemineralsandvaluesfor commonsilicateandpure sulfideminerals.Minerals:An--anorthite,
Sd•silliminite, Sp---sphalerite,
se&ments,SERP•serpentinite, F•felsic, M•mafic, UM--ultramafic.

FORWARD MODELING is importantin understanding

theseismicresponse of the
variouslithologicalcontacts,and the role of the struc-
In order to model the reflectivityof the MGB, syn- tural geometryof the Manitouwadgesynform.The syn-
thetic seismicreflectionmodelswere generated,based theticdataconstrainsthegeologicalinterpretationof the
onthelabmeasurements, loggingresults,andsubsurface observeddata, rather than attemptingto reproduceit.
projectionof theknowngeology.The forwardmodeling On the otherhand,comparingthe syntheticdatawith the

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Seismicexploration of the Manitouwadge greenstonebelt, Ontario 115



600 •







2.0 2.5 3.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 10 15 20 0 2 4 6

3) Vp(km/s) Impedance Synthetic
Fig. 3. Densityand sonicvelocitylogs for drillholeGS93-1, and calculatedimpedances
and synthetic
seismogram producedusinga centralfrequencyof 50 Hz.

observedseismicdata will help refine the geological there are many pitfalls associatedwith interpreting
model. The 3D forward modelingis also very useful eventsthat are actuallyreflectionsfrom contactsnot in
for displayingthe apparentdip that one can expectto the planeof the 2D line.
observe on 2D seismicprofiles•ffectively, a slice For the purposeof modeling,the MGB was repre-
through3D structures.However,2D seismicprofiling sentedas three layers,comprising;(1)the Black Pic
does not image complex 3D structuresproperly,and batholithand plutonicrocksinsidethe Manitouwadge

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116 Regional seismicreconnaissancestudies

Table 1. AveragereflectioncoefficientsbetweenManitouwadge lithologicalunits,

basedon lab measurements.Where applicable,the range of coefficientsfor each
contact is shown in brackets.

Iron formation
Felsic to & Fe-rich Dead
Lithology intermediate Mafic Lake suite
Massivesulfides 0.18 (.16-.20) 0.08 (.07-.09) 0.06
Iron formation 0.12 (.10-.14) 0.02 (.01-.03) -
Mafic rocks 0.10 (.07-.13) - -






SP 2100 2000 1900 1800 1700 1600 1500 1400
Inner mafic contact


Outer mafic contact


IIIIm" 0 0.5 1.0 1.5


Fig. 4. A 2D sectionthroughthe 3D model of the Manitouwadgesynformalong the southernhalf of

line 1 (a), andthe syntheticseismicsection(b) generatedby the programBMOD3D (Eaton, 1996) (vertical
exaggeration is 1'1, assuminga velocityof 6.0 km/s). Shotpointnumbersmatchthosefor line 1 in Figure6a.
(inunitsof gm-km-cm-3-s
-1) isindicated

synform(LokenLake pluton),(2) dominantlymaficvol- To perform the modeling, we used a Born scatter-

canic rocks (inner volcaniccontactwith trondhjemite ing algorithm(Eaton, 1996). This approximationtreats
andoutervolcaniccontactwith the Black Pic batholith), the earth as the superpositionof a smoothlyvarying
and (3) greywacke,tonalite and felsic volcanicrocks backgroundmedium and short-wavelengthperturba-
but omitting interlayerediron formation (Figure 4a). tions.The contactsof the geologicalmodelneedto be

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Seismicexploration of the Manitouwadge greenstonebelt, Ontario 117

Table 2. Seismic-acquisitionparameters.
Line 1 Lines 2 & 3

Line length 20 km Line 2 - 22.5 km, line 3 - 12.5 km

Number of channels 480 360
Recordlength 3s 3s
Samplerate 1 ms 2 ms
Filters 160 Hz high cut 164 Hz high cut
Shot interval 40 m 80 m
Receiver interval 10 m 20 m
Nominal fold 60 30
Geophones/group 9 over9 m 6 over2m
Geophonetype Mark ProductsL 10 Spike(14 Hz) Mark productsUM2-A Spike(10 Hz)
Spreadtype Symmetricalsplit spread Symmetricalsplit spread
Outputformat SEGY SEGY
Sourcetype Dynamite,0.34 kg Dynamite,0.34 kg & conecharges

representedon a discrete3D grid,whichpresentedprob- affect the quality of the final section.The goal was to
lemsfor theManitouwadgemodelbecauseof the folded select parametersthat would make the survey more
overturnedcontacts.To producethe 3D griddeddata cost effective, but generateresults of similarly high
set,the contactswere split into segmentswithin which quality.The testsindicatedthat doublingthe shot and
contactdepthwas a single-valuedfunctionof surface receiverspacingand decreasingthe samplerate would
position,eachsegmentwasgriddedindependently, and not adverselyaffectthisprofile.Thus,lines2 and3 were
the results were recombined. A 2D seismic model was recorded with a 20-m receiver interval, an 80-m shot
generatedfor the southernpart of Line 1 usinga Ricker spacing(30 fold), and a samplerate of 2 ms (Table 2).
sourcewavelet(Figure4b). The syntheticmodel shows The drilling of shotholesin remoteareasis a significant
that the inner and outermafic contactsshouldappearas costin acquiringseismicdata for mineral exploration.
gently dipping synformalreflectionsthat surfacenear By increasingthe shotspacing,manymorekm couldbe
stations1480and 1350,respectively. The innervolcanic addedto a seismicprogramfor the samebudgetwithout
contactproducesa higheramplitudereflectionthenthe impairingdataqualityandtargetresolution.
outer contact. The contact between the metasedimen- For line 1, we useda dynamitesourcein drilled shot-
tary horizon(compositemetagreywacke-tonalite-felsic holes for the entire line. On the eastern and northern ends
unit) andadjacentmaficvolcanicsshowsup asa wedge- of lines2 and3, respectively, drillingwasnotfeasibledue
shapedzone with high-amplitudescatteredarrivalsat to swampyterrain. In theseareas,cone-shapedsurface
the nose of the recumbent fold structure. chargeswereused.The resultwasvery poor dataqual-
ity, dueto the reducedamountof energybeingfocussed
downwardsby the chargesandpoorgeophonecoupling
SEISMIC DATA ACQUISITION along theseparts of the lines. Data quality along the
line segments wheredrilledshotholes wereusedwasex-
The seismicdatawereacquiredin twophaseswith the cellent. It is clear that without shotholesdrilled, in or
secondphase(lines2 and3) designedto follow-upafter nearbedrock,seismicreflectionprofilingis not a viable
processing andanalysisof line 1 data.Line 1, acquired techniquefor mineral explorationin the hardrockenvi-
in 1995, crossesthe Manitouwadgesynformand the ronment.
Wawa-QueticoSubprovinceboundaryat a high angle
(Figure 1). Lines 2 and 3 were acquiredin the fall
of 1996. Line 2 follows the axial surface trace of the
synform,and line 3 is 9-km eastof line 1 and roughly
parallel to it. Table 2 summarizesthe acquisitionpa- Processingfollowed a conventionalsequencewith
rameters.Line 1 wasacquiredwith very high-resolution specialattentiongivento somekey stepswhicharecrit-
parametersto maximize the potential for imaging the ical to producinga high qualitystackedsectionin crys-
key horizons.Prior to the secondphaseof acquisition, talline rocks.The key processingstepswere; (1) refrac-
testswere performedon line 1 data to determinehow tion statics,(2) coherentnoiseremoval,(3) front mute,
decimatingthe data,both spatiallyand in time, would (4) velocityanalysis,(5) dipmoveoutcorrection(DMO),

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118 Regional seismicreconnaissancestudies

Table 3. Processingsequence-ManitouwadgeLine 1. Table 4. Processingsequence-Manitouwadge

Lines 2 and 3.
1) Geometryapplication,firstbreakpickingandtrace

editing. 1) Geometryapplication,firstbreakpickingandtrace
2) Refractionstatics - Fathom, Green Mountain editing.
Geophysics 2) Refractionstatics - GLI3D, Hampson-Russell
- 400 m datum, 5650 m/s - 340 m datum,1 layermodel,
replacement vel 5650 m/s replacementvel
3) Spectralbalancing - 35 to 165 Hz, 25 Hz window 3) 2D spatialfiltering - 7 samplemedianfilter at 3250 m/s
4) Front mute - mute 35 ms afterfirstbreakpick dip (shear-waveremoval)
5) CDP gather - nominal fold 60, maximum 4) Air blastattenuation
fold 115 5) Deconvolution - minimum-phasespikingdecon,
6) NMO correction - constantvelocity,55% stretchmute 100 ms operatorlength
Brute Stack 6) Band-passfilter - minimum-phaseOrmsby
band-pass,10-30-130-150 (Hz)
7) Velocityanalysis - Constantvelocitystacks
7) Frontmute - mute 35 ms after firstbreakpick
Conventional Stack - nominal fold 30
8) CDP gather
8) Residualstatics - Surface consistent,.2 to 1.3 s 9) NMO correction - constantvelocity,70% stretch
window mute
9) DMO - Dip moveoutcorrectionusinglog Brute Stack
stretchapproach 10) Velocityanalysis - Constantvelocitystacks
10) Velocityanalysis - Constantvelocitystacks and semblanceanalysis
DMO Stack Conventional Stack
11) F-X decon - Wiener Levinson(ProMAX) 11) Residualstatics - maximumpowerautostatics
12) DUO - Ensemble DMO in T-X domain
12) Migration - Kirchhoff depthmigration
(ProMAX), intervalvelocities 13) Velocityanalysis - Constantvelocitystacks
derivedfrom velocityfunction and semblanceanalysis
defined above. DMO Stack
14) Band-passfilter - minimum-phaseOrmsby
band-pass,10-30-110-120 (Hz)
15) F-X decon - Wiener Levinson,
15 traces, 500 ms window
and(6) migration(Tables3 and4). Althoughprocessed 16) Migration - Kirchhoffdepthmigration,
with differentsoftware(ProMAX for lines2 and3, IN- max dip 60ø, interval
SIGHT for line 1), the basicprocessing stepsweresim- velocitiesderivedfrom velocity
function defined above.
ilar; however,stricterquality controlon the input shot
gathers wererequiredfor lines2 and3 duetothedifficult
surfaceconditions.Processing flowswereattemptedthat
bothincludedandcompletelyremovedthe low S/N shot water table. Seismicwavestravel slowlythroughover-
gathers,but, in the end,the dataat the endsof lines2 burden,especiallydry overburden, and are consistently
(east)and3 (north)appearto containno usefulseismic fastin bedrock.Therefore,alongthe lengthof a receiver
signal. spread,a variationin the traveltimesto the receiversis
The processing of seismicdatafrom crystallineenvi- typical, and is relatedto the thicknessof the overbur-
ronmentsis a specializedtask,andthe differencesfrom den layer and water table at each location.This static
the processing strategyusedby contractors for seismic correctionis vital in obtaininga good seismicimage.
data acquiredin sedimentarysettingsfor hydrocarbon Staticswere calculatedusingthe Fathompackagefrom
explorationhavebeendocumented by a numberof case GreenMountainGeophysics for line 1 andGLI3D from
histories(e.g.,Wu et al., 1995;Adamet al., 1997;Perron Hampson-Russell for lines2 and3. Reliablefirstbreaks
andCalvert,1998) andsummarized nicelyby Milkereit are criticalto a goodstaticssolution,so the first-break
et al. (1996) and Milkereit and Eaton (1998). The dif- pickingwasdoneverycarefullyby examiningandtuning
ferencesare not so much in which stepsare used,but all the automaticallygeneratedpicks.The staticssolu-
in whereoneputsthe emphasisto achievethe bestpos- tion was calculatedusinga singlelayer model with a
sibleresults.Four suchprocessingstepsare described typicaloverburden velocityof 1800m/s, anda replace-
below. mentvelocityof 5650 m/s.

Refraction-Static Corrections Noise Removal

The Canadian Shield typically has ground condi- The eliminationof source-generated noiseis critical
tionsthatvary frombedrockexposedat surfaceto vari- becausein the crystallineenvironmentwe are dealing
ablythick overburden
andan unpredictable depthto the with low reflectioncoefficients(in the orderof 5%) and,

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Seismicexploration of the Manitouwadge greenstonebelt, Ontario 119

Offset(m) Offset(m)
3521.0 2923.0 2328.0 1736.0 1154.0 580.0 41.0 3521.0 2923.0 2328.0 1736.0 1154.0 580.0 41.0

Fig. 5. Exampleof raw (a) andprocessed (b) partial shotgather(half of the receiverspread)from line 2
demonstrating the removalof varioussourcesof coherentnoisefollowingthe applicationof deconvolution,
band-pass filtering,andwindowedmedianfilter.The arrowsindicatenumerousreflectionson theprocessed

thus,a low S/N ratio (Milkereit and Eaton, 1998). In a on Figure 5a) while retainingall the wide angle near-
dynamitesurvey,the typical sourcesof coherentnoise surfacereflectionsthat follow closely after the first
on the recordedshotgathersare air blast,groundroll, break.Also, if the firstbreakis improperlymutedat far
and shear-waveenergy(Figure 5a). For line 1 we uti- offsets,then artifactsmay be introducedinto the stack
lized spectralbalancingwhich effectivelyreducedthe sectionwell below the top 100 ms. We have used an
contributionof the coherentsource-generated noiseand algorithmwhich appliesa top mute to the shotgathers
improvedthe temporalresolutionof the databy com- from 0 s to a predefinedtime after the firstbreakpick.
pressingthe sourcewavelet. A different strategywas We selecteda time delay of 35 ms following the first
employedwith lines 2 and 3 becauseof unsatisfactory breakin orderto removejust the high-amplitudepart of
resultswith the spectralbalancingavailablein ProMAX. the refractedP-wave(Figure5a). Also importantis the
Deconvolutionandband-passfilteringremovedmostof stretchmute that is appliedfollowingthe NMO correc-
the groundroll and dispersiveenergyfrom the shear tion. After testinga full rangeof valueson brute stacks,
wave,buttherestillremaineda relativelystrong,butdis- a stretchfactorof 55% (anytracesegmentsstretchedby
crete,refracted shear-wavearrival. In order to remove as more than 55% are muted) was selectedfor line 1 and
much of this as possiblewe applieda windowedme- 70% for lines 2 and 3.
dianfilterwhichselectivelyremovesarrivalswith a spe-
cificvelocity(4-3450m/s, asmeasuredon shotgathers). DMO and Migration
Strongenergytravelingat that velocity shouldbe much
At Manitouwadgethe complexgeologicalenviron-
reduced(Figure 5b). This processremovedmostof the
ment generatesreflectionswith variousdips. The dip-
noise,and it was anticipatedthat the DMO correction
would attenuate the remaining coherent shear-wave ping eventsare typically related to dipping contacts/
faults or diffractions from structural discontinuities
and high-impedancescatterers.In applyingthe normal
moveoutcorrectionthereis, in general,no velocityfunc-
Front Mute
tion that will simultaneously
optimizestackingof both
In high-resolutiondatait is particularlyimportantto dippingand subhorizontalevents.The dippingevents
removethe firstbreakenergy(labeledrefractedP-wave stackat anomalouslyhighvelocities.To circumventthis

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120 Regional seismicreconnaissance

DMO isusedtocreateaneffectively
zero-offset Inner Volcanic Contact
sectionin which dippingeventswill stackat realistic Beneaththe Dead Lake suite,a gentlydippingreflec-
velocities(Deregowski,1986). Prior to DMO a veloc- tivepackageprojectsto surfaceexposures ofmaficrocks
ity functionis definedbasedon the optimalstacking onthenorthernlimb of theManitouwadgesynformnear
velocities for subhorizontalfeatures, then a full velo-
station1450 on line 1 (reflectionV on Figures6 and7).
city analysisis performedfollowingthe applicationof Frommappinganddrillholedatawe interpretthetop of
DMO. Finally,Kirchhoffdepthmigrationwas applied thispackageasthecontactbetweenthetrondhjemiteand
usingintervalvelocitiesobtainedfromstacking-velocity the inner volcanicbelt, labeledon the syntheticsection
analysis.In additionto the well knownbenefitsof mi- asthe InnerMafic Contact(Figure4). It appearsthatthe
gration,this stepyieldeddepthsectionsthat couldbe dip of the northernlimb of the Manitouwadgesynform
compareddirectlywith the drillingresultsandthe geo- isrelativelyuniform,sincethedipandextentof thiscon-
logicalmodel.However,as expected,scatteringbodies tactremainsuniform aswe moveeastalongthe synform
within the sectionwere too smallto be well resolvedby (Figures6a andb). On line 3 the dataqualitydecreases
the migratedimages. to thenorth,but we suggestthatreflectionV mayproject
to the surfaceoutcropof the volcanicrocksnearstation
INTERPRETATION 330 (Figure 1).
A primeobjectiveof theManitouwadge seismicpro-
gramwasto improvethe geologicalmodelof the sub- Volcanic Sequence
surfaceManitouwadgesynformby broadlymappingthe
Once into the deformed volcanic and sedimentary
majorhorizons.Controlby deepdrillingis only avail- package,it is apparentfrom the geologicallogsof deep
able alongthe westernpartsand southernlimb of the drillholesthat the map unitsdefinedfrom surfacemap-
synform,promptedby surfacemineraloccurrences. In
pingwill be very difficultto extrapolateacrossthe syn-
modelsof the 3D structureof the synformbasedon sur-
formusingthe seismicdata.The metavolcanic rocksof
facemapping,the detailedshapeanddepthof the syn- the inner and outer volcanic belts have variable thick-
form, particularlythe volcanicsequence that is known nesses of mafic and felsic units with considerable local
to hostsulfides,was only approximated. By accurately
heterogeneityin the volcanicstratigraphy,
constrainingthe depthto the prospectivemining hori-
degreeof alteration,andamountofinterlayeredironfor-
zon, the seismicdatahavethe potentialto definewhere mation and/or minor sulfide mineralization. Consider-
furtherexplorationand drilling make economicsense.
able lateral variation in the units can be expected.In
The shallowlevels of the Manitouwadgesynform are
additionto the strongreflectionsproducedby the con-
clearlyimagedby theseismicdata(Figures6 and7) and
tactsdescribedabove,we alsoobservestrongreflections
confirmthispart of the geologicalmodel.Additionally, at some of the mafic-felsic contacts within the volcanic
the smallapparentdipsobservedalongline 2 (Figure7)
aspredictedby the rockproperties.Drillhole
provideconfidence thatthe2D interpretation
isvalidand GS97-421 is located at the intersectionof lines 1 and 2,
structuresarebeingimagedin theplaneof theprofile.As
andthemaficto felsictransitionatapproximately1800m
elaboratedbelow,we obtainedseismicimagesfor some
ismarkedby a reflectiononbothlines(reflectionmarked
key geologicalunits.
F in Figure8). Also, at drillholeGS97-425alongline 2,
Dead Lake Suite we observea strongreflectionat 1150m, generated at a
felsiclayerwithinmaficmetavolcanic rocks(Figure8).
Reflectionsfrom the Dead Lake suitedefinethe gen- However,it appearsthatthesereflectionsarenotlaterally
tly dippingnorthernlimb of theManitouwadgesynform extensive,probablydueto variationsin the sharpnessof
(reflectionD on Figure6a). The high-amplitudereflec- the mafic to felsic contact and the local thickness varia-
tions and lateral extent of the Dead Lake suite make it a
tionsof thefelsicunits(reflectionF onFigures6a and7).
seismicmarkerthroughoutthe westernpart of the syn-
form. Fartherto the east,aswe seein the data from lines
Geco Mine Horizon
2 and 3, the reflectionsfrom the Dead Lake suitebecome
weakerand semicontinuous. We interpretthis changein Orthoamphibole-cordierite-gamet-gneiss,
part of the
characterto layersthat are becomingtoo thin or being Geco Mine horizon,lies strucmrallyabovethe known
disruptedby intrusions(Figures6b and7). mineraldeposits.Surfacemappingand drill datashow

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Seismicexplorationof the Manitouwadgegreenstonebelt, Ontario 121

GS97-420 GS97-421 GS97-423

SP O0 2000
I 1900 1800 1700 1600x•
1500 1400 I I





0 0.5 1.0 1.5
i 1

A- Line 1
i i i


S LUr2 N
SP 783 759 734 709 684 660 635 604 581 557 533 507 482 457 433 407 381

• e . •'•' • 3""•'' •I '•"'•

•fi• -•;:• ' ' I•,• "9• • •)'•le •'•t,••:'• •, '•lt,•,i •'• ,.• • •;,•'•)•"•'•:•5•••• '•',•n• ., •t•' e c ,it .....•).'•,•,•z• •'l,•,0-%r• • "ß • •2 •
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..t '•.'.':-Fi ,,• ß•-'"",½':.:•;.,':.;m•.
•o,••. ,;•,r•;:,• :•3. ' :.,•':, '.w•,,
•F' •':•'.•'•' ',v,,.::'.,':27,.'.•,;"•
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•;•;•'•,,• ,,x.)•,•,'?•,,•,,' ...• :rr•.•.

:• ',3•,•.•..W•'•:•4,, •,' •'•}"•"•.'•.

'"'•,,',•'"'l•,,, r' '.. • •,*,u,.•.r%',,>l
.''• ' .-,".,•.' %!•:
,',0',,"'•'•..:,:' ',•"5• '.,,,,. ',.•,,'./a..
,u,•r; ',.•',;$, • "•,,* ,''., u•,•.' ",'•.'',o'.•,•.:.•.•:

• .........,•:,,
•,........ •.... .,.•,:•,
•.......• ......
'.:,•,, .• •,,.•.,.... . • ,, •,. •,•.,,•..,

""- 2 ......
•..... • 'g.,•
.... •.e,•,:
•,,•.' .• ....... %...... 'w•,
•'., •""•• ' •........ , ;•.•..... :.,.?•• "'•,'e•• ....
• ...... .•'."; .....

Fig.6. Cross-sections oftheManitouwadgesynform: depthmigrated seismicsections

of line1 (a) andline3 (b).Alsoshownarethelocations
of deepdrillholesandthecrossline
strikingline2. SeeFigure8 forenlarged imagesof thedrillholelithologies
data.Reflections aremarked as;D•Dead Lakesuite,V•top of thevolcanic sequence, F•mafic-felsic
contact,G•Geco mine horizon,andare •rther describedin the text.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
122 Regional seismicreconnaissancestudies


w I GS97-421 E
SP 10331008 983 955 930 905 881 856 831 802 777 753 728 703 678


1.0 •'• ','•,-%

v-', "•%'
) "••'•u"""k.•;,
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'•"•']110•n• ,•,r•r,,½e,;.•o"'•-- %,,•>,•,•
,..t.,• ,.,•,.,,•,,•• ........

W LINE3 GS97-425 E
SP 628 603 578 55 529 501 4-76 4-52 4-27 4-02 328 29,9 275



,•, 1.5

a= :2.0

• 2.5




Fig. 7. Depthmigratedseismicsectionfor line 2. The line is shownin two parts,displayedat the samescale
as Figure 6. The arrow indicateswhere the overlappingparts are joined. Also shownare the locationsof
deepdrillholesand the intersectionswith lines 1 and 3. See Figure 8 for enlargedimagesof the drillhole
lithologiesandthe corresponding seismicdata.Reflectionsare markedas in Figure6.

that this unit forms a semiconformable sheet near the rock types to the Geco mine horizon, but at variable
stratigraphicbase(overturned)of the synvolcanictrond- depths,both relative to the contactwith trondhjemite
hjemite(Zaleski and Peterson,1995). The trondhjemite and within the volcanic sequence.Matching the seis-
contactis a complextransitionzoneof septaof variably mic datato the geologicallog from drillholeGS97-421
altered,mafic metavolcanicrocksand orthoamphibole- indicatesthat a strongreflectionis generatedat or near
bearing,Fe-Mg altered rocks interlayeredwith trond- contacts between felsic volcanic rocks and the mafic and
hiemite at a variety of scales.Deep drillholes along Fe-Mg alteredrocks(Figure 8). The reflectivitymay be
line 1 (GS97-421 & GS97-423)intersectedcomparable enhancedby small amountsof pyrite as encounteredin

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Seismicexploration of the Manitouwadge greenstonebelt, Ontario 123

N s w E
line 1 line 1 line 2 line 2

.[---,• Felsic
• Hbl-BtGneiss
[ ]Felsicgneiss
[ ]Pegmatite
• Disseminated

Fig.8. Summary
GS97-423,421,and425 overlainonthemigrated
data.Lines 1 and2 areshghtlyshiftedwith respectto eachotherdueto the differentprocessing datumused
for eachline (400 m for line 1,330 m for line 2). G -- Gecomine horizon.F = mafic-felsiccontact.

drillholesGS97-421 and 423. Pyrite has an extremely 684; however,it cannotbe unambiguouslytraced far-
high impedance(Figure 2) and can affect the reflection ther to the north (Figure 6b). A possibleinterpretation
response evenwhenpresentin smallamounts(Salisbury for line 3 that would be consistentwith the geometry
et al., 1996). This reflection(G on Figures6 and 7), observedon line 1 is thatG shallowsrapidlyto thenorth
althoughnot alwaysstrong,canbe followedalongline 1 and is relatedto a weak south-dippingreflectionpack-
parallelto reflectionV asit approachesshallowerlevels agethatflattensnearstation381, wherewe observesome
(Figure6a). In drillholeGS97-423 thisunit is intersected strongreflectionspriorto the regionof poordataquality
at approximately900-m depth,so a reasonablecorrela- (Figure 6b).
tioncanbemadebetweenholesGS97-421and423 along
line 1.
Seismic Scatterers
As we tracereflectionG eastalongline 2 (Figure7)
it appearsto increasein depthsignificantlyandin drill- Drillholes GS97-423 and GS97-425 were drilled
hole GS97-425, it may be as deep as 2.5 km or ap- by Noranda at locationswhere anomalousamplitudes
proximately1.5 km belowthe structuraltop (abovethe occurredat or nearthe top of the interpretedinnermafic
stratigraphicbase as definedby the trondhjemitecon- contact.These anomaliescould potentiallybe caused
tact) of the volcanicsequence.On line 3, reflectionG is by significantamountsof disseminated or massivesul-
alsoclearlyobservedat depthbetweenstations557 and fides. However, in neither case were any significant

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
124 Regional seismicreconnaissancestudies

•. > -'_--.
;;t;: ½?:':
'*',• '

m- - ;CO.: -:: -' ': '.', .;;-

::-;"•'•; ,- >•;---L',_/¾:;/;:.':.;-
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o o
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o o õ• o o

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Seismicexploration of the Manitouwadge greenstonebelt, Ontario 125

amounts of sulfides intersected.In drillhole GS97-423, 1800 m. The seismicprofileswere able to contributea
the trondhjemite-mafic volcaniccontactappearsto be degreeof precisionand accuracyto the positionof the
particularlysharpand, thus,well focusedseismically. marker contactsthat was not attainableby the geolog-
Also, somelocal occurrencesof pegmatitewithin the ical model alone. These refinements are favorable for
maficrocksare addingto the generallyhigh-impedance explorationin that they indicatethe hostrocksfor min-
contrasts(Figure 8). Drillhole GS97-425 intersectsa eralizationmay lie at accessibledepthsovera wider area
thick zone of the Dead Lake suite at 700 m causing thanoriginallypredicted.
the first large reflectionresponse,and the other high- Severallocal amplitudeanomalieswere identifiedon
amplitudereflectionsareat thetopof themaficvolcanic the seismicdatawhichprovidedinterestingdrilling tar-
sequencenear 1 km depthand at a felsic volcanicin- gets in previouslyunknownregionsof the synform.
terlayerat 1150m (Figure8). Numerousoccurrences of Unfortunately,where drilled, theseanomalieswere not
pyriteandmagnetitebetweenthedepthsof 1 and 1.5km relatedto massivesulfides,but insteadappearto be gen-
contributeto the impedancecontrastsbetweenlayersin eratedby particularlystrongfocusingof seismicenergy
drillhole GS97-425. alongsomehigh-impedance contacts,contributedto by
reflectivepegmatitelayers.In future studies,it may be
possibleto distinguishthesetypesof featuresfrom ore
depositson the basisof scatteringcharacteristics (see
Integrated studiesin the MGB have shown that Bohlen et al., this volume). With the depthresolution
high-resolutionseismic-reflection data, constrainedby andstructuralframeworkprovidedby the seismicdata,it
physicalrockproperties, modeling,andgeologicalanal- mayhavebeenpossibleto utilizeothergeophysical tech-
ysis,cansubstantially increaseourunderstanding of the niquesto scanfor anomalies.In fact, a follow-uppro-
MGB and its potentialfor subsurfacemassivesulfide gram of magnetotelluric(MT) measurements was con-
accumulations.By utilizing three intersecting2D seis- sideredbut not completeddueto budgetaryconstraints.
mic lines and a limited numberof deep drillholes,we The MT techniqueis a potentiallypowerfulexploration
have demonstrated that the subsurface structure of the tool for conductivebodies,but lacksdepthcontrol.With
Manitouwadgesynformcanbe broadlyimaged,provid- a known depth to the prospectivehorizon, MT could
ing a frameworkfor deepmineralexplorationprograms. haveprovento be an effectivetechniqueto complement
The seismicdata can be effectively interpretedwithin resultsfrom the seismicprogram.
the constraintsof known surfacegeologyand drillhole If a strategicseismicprogramwas to be attempted
informationto yield a coherentpicture of key geolog- at Manitouwadgefor mineral exploration,3D seismic
ical units within the synform(Figure 9). Of particular methodsshouldbe consideredin order to better image
importanceis the inner volcaniccontactwhich forms the detailedstructuresin their true orientationand,po-
a structuralfloor to the plutonicrocks.Sincethis con- tentially,to directlydetectmassivesulfides.The chal-
tact definesthe uppermostlimit for potentialmineral lengesof acquiringhigh-qualityseismicdata in crys-
deposits,where it occursat depthsbelow which the talline rock terranesare significant,however,and the
exploitationof an ore depositis uneconomical,no fu- techniquecannotbe usedas an explorationtool in all
tureexplorationis warranted.Additionally,a packageof environments.A careful step-wiseapproach,as was
reflectivity apparentlyassociatedwith the Geco mine performedin this study,is recommended to maximize
horizonappearsto be a regionalmarker,and is inter- the chances of success.
pretedto extendto shallowlevels(< ! km depth)near
much of the north limb of the synform.However,the
horizonappearsto deepensignificantlyto the eastalong
line 2 (Figure 9). Bemd Milkereit was responsiblefor the multidisci-
Interpretationof the seismicdatahasrefinedthe geo- plinary approachappliedto this studyand the concept
logicalmodelfor theManitouwadgesynform.The shal- of utilizing seismicmethods.Virginia Peterson(North
lowingof theprospective horizonto thenorthpreviously Carolina University) contributedsignificantlyto the
wasnot well constrainedfrom surfacegeology,andthe structuralanalysisandsubsurface projectionduringand
depthto the contactbetweentrondhjemiteandthe inner afterhertenureasa post-doctoral
volcanicbelt at the deepestpart of the synformis now acquisition wasfundedby Noranda,Inc. andtheOntario
estimatedto be 1300m, whereasthemodelhadpredicted GeologicalSurvey.The seismicdatawere acquiredby

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
126 Regional seismicreconnaissancestudies

EnertecGeophysicalServicesInc., supervised by Larry Friesen,R. G., Pierce,G. A., and Weeks,R. M., 1982, Geologyof
Matthews(NorandaInc.) andthe boreholeloggingdata the Gecobasemetaldeposit:Geol.Assoc.Can., SpecialPaper25,
by the Mineral ResourcesDivision of the GSC. This
Milkereit, B., et al., 1996, Seismicimagingof massivesulfidedepo-
report follows a confidentialityperiod, during which sits,Part2: Reflectionseismicprofiling:Econ.Geol.,91,829-834.
Norandahasbeengenerousin givingpermissionto dis- Milkereit, B., andEaton,D., 1998,Imagingandinterpretingtheshal-
playthedataatvariousforums.The 3D geological model low crystallinecrust:Tectonophysics, 286, 5-18.
was constructedby Lise Desjardins,and David Eaton Perron,G., andCalvert,A. J., 1998, Shallow,high-resolution seismic
generatedthe syntheticsections.Historicalinformation imagingat the Ansil miningcampin the Abitibi greenstone belt:
on the discoveryandmineralogyof the Gecominewere Peterson,V. L., andZaleski,E., 1999, Structuralhistoryof the Mani-
obtainedfrom discussionswith Hugh Lockwood.Dave touwadgegreenstone beltanditsvolcanogenicCu-Zn massivesul-
Forsythprovidedvaluablesuggestions thatimprovedthe fidedeposits, Wawasubprovince, south-central
manuscript.DiannePaul(GSC) didmuchof the drafting Can. J. Earth Sci., 36, 605-625.
on Figure 1 andAzad Rafeek (GSC) provideddrafting Salisbury,M., Milkereit,B., andBleeker,W., 1996, Seismicimaging
of massivesulfidedeposits,Part 1: Physicalrockproperties:Econ.
supportfor a numberof the other figures.Geological
Geol., 91, 821-828.
Surveyof Canadacontributionnumber1999295. Wu, J., Mereu, R. F., andPercival,J. A., 1992, Seismicimageof the
IvanhoeLakefaultzonein theKapuskasing uplift of theCanadian
REFERENCES Shield:Geophys.Res. Lett., 19, 353-356.
Wu, J., Milkereit, B., andBoerner,D., 1995, Seismicimagingof the
Adam, E., et al., 1997, Seismic explorationfor VMS deposits, enigmaticSudburyStructure:J.Geophys.Res.,100, 4117-4130.
Matagami,Quebec,in Gubins,A. G., Ed., Proc.of Exploration97: Zaleski, E., et al., 1997, Seismicreflectionsfrom subverticaldiabase
Internat.Conf.onMineralExpl.,Prosp.andDevel. dikesin an Archeanterrane:Geology,25, 707-710.
Assoc.of Can., GEO F/X, 433-438. Zaleski, E., and Peterson,V. I., 1995, Depositionalsettingand de-
Card,K. D., and Ciesielski,A., 1986, Subdivisionsof the Superior formationof massivesulfidedeposits,iron-formation,andasso-
Province of the Canadian Shield: GeoscienceCan., 13, 5-13. ciatedalterationin the Manitouwadgegreenstone belt, Superior
Christensen, N. I., 1982, Seismic velocities, in Carmichael, R. Province,Ontario: Econ. Geol., 90, 2244-2261.
S., Ed., Handbookof physicalpropertiesof rocks:CRC Press, -2002, Geology, Manitouwadgegreenstonebelt and the
1-228. Wawa-Queticosubprovince boundary,Ontario:Geol. Surv.Can.,
Deregowski,S.M., 1986,WhatisDMO?: FirstBreak,4, No. 7, 7-24. Map 1917A.
Eaton, D. W., 1996, BMOD3D: A programfor three-dimensional Zaleski,E., andPeterson, V. L., 2001, Geologyof theManitouwadge
Geol.Surv.Can., greenstone belt and the Wawa-Queticosubprovince boundary,
Open File 3357. Ontario:Geol. Surv.Can., Map 1917A, scale1:25 000.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Chapter 8

Seismic-ReflectionImaging of the Environment

around the Mount lsa Orebodies, Northern
Australia: A Case Study

B. J. Drummond,A. J. Owen,J. C. Jackson,B. R. Goleby,and S. N. Sheard

ABSTRACT encouraging,
thealterationhalosaroundthe copperore-
The mineral-system concept,namely,thatoredeposi- bodiesseemto be broadenoughto form a likely target.
tion requiresa fluid source,a migrationpathway,and
a trap, providesa frameworkfor the strategicuse of
seismic-reflectionimaging in mineral exploration.A
casestudyinvolvingthe imagingof structuresthat are Golebyet al. (1997) usedthe conceptof mineralsys-
believed to have controlled the location of orebodies temsto simplifytheir approachto usingseismicimag-
at the Mount Isa mine in northern Australia demon- ing for mineraldeposits.This is becauseorebodiesoften
stratedthe efficacy of seismictechniquesin imaging haveirregularshapes,with surfacesthat are smallcom-
the mineral trap stageof mineral systems.At Mount pared to the diameterof the first Fresnelzone for the
Isa, silver-lead-zinc orebodies are strataboundwithin frequencieslikely to be returnedfrom the uppercrest,
the Urquhart Shale.Copperorebodieslie deeper,also particularlyin regionswhere deep weatheringattenu-
within the Urquhart Shale.Both typesof orebodieslie ateshigherfrequencies. A mineralsystemcanbe defined
abovethe Paroo Fault, which separatesthe Urquhart simplyin termsof the sourceof a mineralizingfluid,its
Shalefrom the underlyingEasternCreekVolcanics.Be- migrationpathway,and the mechanismthat causesthe
causeit represents the structurallowerlimit of mineral- fluid to depositthe orebody.
izationin thearea,theParooFaultwastheprimarytarget Goleby et al. (1997) determinedthat fluid sourcere-
for seismicimagingratherthatthe mineralizationitself. gionswouldbe difficultto differentiatein seismicdata.
The interpretationof the first line (line 2) was aidedby However, they were able to use severalcase histories
theresultsfrom deepdrilling.The seismicdatamapthe to demonstratehow seismictechniquescould be used
positionof the Paroo Fault at depth.In the west, the for imaginglikely fluid pathwaysand the environment
ParooFaultis subverticalandtruncatesthe strongcon- aroundorebodies,i.e., elementsof thetrappingsystems.
tinuousreflectionsfrom the Urquhart Shale.However, One of their casestudiesshowedthe structuresimaged
at depth,the eastwarddip of the ParooFault decreases near the Mount Isa mine in northern Australia. In this
andthe seismicdataappearto map a zone in which the chapter,that studyis developedfurtherto demonstrate
UrquhartShaleis altered.The top of the alterationhalo thatseismicimagingfor mineralexplorationcanbe suc-
may be as distinctivea reflectionmarker as the Paroo cessfulif the imagingeffort is directedat the environ-
Fault reflector marker. Seismic data were also recorded ment of the ore deposit,and particularlythe structures
fartherto the north (line 3), wherelittle deepdrill con- that appearto controlthe mineralization,ratherthanthe
trol exists.There,the seismicdatapredictthatthe inflec- orebodyitself.
tion on the Paroo Fault from subvertical in the west to The Mount Isa Mine has been a major producerof
moregentlyeast-dippingoccursat a greaterdepth.The silver,lead,zinc and copperfor over70 years.The ore-
structurescontrollingthe lowerlimits of mineralization bodiesat the mine havebeenextensivelystudiedusing
appearto plunge to the north. In this casestudy,seis- a multitudeof geologicaland geophysicaltechniques.
mic reflectionimaginghasbeenparticularlyeffectivefor Perkins(1984) summarizedearly ore genesismodels,
imagingthe structures aroundtheorebodies.Evenmore and a number of studies have described the surface and

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128 Regional seismicreconnaissancestudies

downholegeophysicalresponseof the orebodies(e.g., in terms of the structures that controlled the mineraliza-
Fallon and Busuttil, 1992; Fallon et al., 1996; Jackson tion. It also showedthat alterationzones(i.e., zonesof
et al., 1996). secondarymineralsformedin countryrockasa resultof
The mine lies on the east side of the north-south trend- hydrothermalprocesses) aroundtheorebodies(Heinrich
ingMountIsaFault.TheHilton andGeorgeFisherMines et al., 1995) andassociated faults(JonesandNur, 1984)
(Ag-Pb-Zn) to the north lie in the samehostrocksand maybe suitabletargetsfor seismicimaging.Suchzones
are also adjacentto the Mount Isa Fault, as are several of alteration tend to be much more voluminous than ore
prospectsboth southand north of the mine, suggest- depositsper se. The work also supportedpreviousob-
ing that they may be part of the samemineral system. servations thatthe highreflectivityof a fault impliesthe
However,despitethe wealth of knowledgedefiningthe occurrenceof a fluid pathway.The interpretationwas
mineral systemsin the area of the mines, only limited then extrapolatedto a secondline farther north, where
quantitativeknowledgeexiststo depthelsewhere.Struc- no deepdrilling hasbeenundertakento definethe struc-
tures thoughtto control mineralization,suchas faults ture at depth.
andbasementramps,are not well definedawayfrom the
The Ag-Pb-Zn orebodiesat the Mount Isa Mine are
conformable with the steeply west-dippingUrquhart Stewartand Blake (1992) providean imroductionto
Shale. Cu orebodiesare also hostedby the Urquhart the extensiveliteratureon the geologyof the Mount Isa
Shaleasa metasomaticreplacement,but occurat greater Inlier. The inlier is a zoneof Proterozoicrocksthatcrop
depthsthantheAg-Pb-Zn orebodies.The dominantcon- out alongthe boundarybetweentwo mega-elements--
trol onorefluid focusingandalterationisthe"greenstone the North Australianmega-elementto the westand the
contact"or Paroo Fault, which separatesthe Urquhart North Queenslandmega-elementto the east(Figure la;
Shale from the underlying Eastern Creek Volcanics. Shawet al., 1996). Mega-elementsare regionsconsist-
The Eastern Creek Volcanics consist of metabasalts in- ing of a numberof provincesthatamalgamated andthen
terbeddedwith quartzitesand minor schists.The Paroo actedas a singletectonicunit. The inlier hasthreemain
Faultthereforerepresentsa first-orderdiscontinuitybe- elements(Figure lb). The Western and EasternFold
tweentwo formationswith probablecontrastingseismic Belts,consistingof foldedandmetamorphosed volcanic
impedances. It thereforeappearedto representa suitable and sedimentaryrocks,are separatedby the Kalkadoon
targetfor seismicimagingand,if imagedwouldprovide LeichhardtBelt, believedto representthe basementto
importantinformationfor future copperexplorationin the fold belts. Deformation within the fold belts was the
the region. responseof the volcanicand sedimentaryrocksto rela-
In 1994,theAustralianGeodynamicsCooperativeRe- tive lateralmotionof the mega-elements
to the eastand
searchCentre (AGCRC), throughthe AustralianGeo- west.

logicalSurveyOrganisation(AGSO), undertooka mul- The Mount Isa orebodiesare in the WesternFold Belt,
tidisciplinaryprogramof studiesalong the Mount Isa on the westernsideof a strucmrallycontrolleddepocen-
Transect.The transectcorridorboundeda 250 km long ter calledtheLeichhardtRiver FaultTrough(Figurelb).
deep seismicreflectionprofile orientedapproximately The UrquhartShale,which hoststhe orebodies,is part
east-west about 22 km to the south of the Mount Isa of the Mount Isa Group, which lies eastof the Mount
Mine (Drummondet al., 1997). M.I.M. ExplorationPty Isa Fault (Figure 1c). Its equivalentwest of the Mount
Ltd, the explorationarm of the mine operator,Mount Isa Isa Fault is calledthe McNamara Group.Thesegroups
Mines, took the opportunityofferedby havingthe crew lie stratigraphicallyabovethe HaslingdenGroup,which
in the regionto recorda seriesof high-resolutiontest contains the Eastern Creek Volcanics.
seismic lines north of the mine. The aims were to test Seismicdata from the regional deep seismicline to
the efficacyof the seismicreflectiontechniquein the the southof the Mount Isa Mine providea regionalcon-
mine environment,and to image and definebasement text (Figure 2; Drummond et al., 1997; see Figure lc
structuresthat could be targetsfor exploration.In this for location). They show the meta-sedimentaryand
casestudy,we presenttheresultsof imagingfrom two of volcanicrocks of the WesternFold Belt to be steeply
theselines. In the first line, the interpretationwas con- west-dipping,andprobablyextendingunderthe areally
trolledby deepdrilling undertakenprior to the seismic extensiveSybellaGranitein the westof the region.The
survey,andit waspossibleto interprettheseismicimage regional seismicdata showthe Mount Isa Fault to be

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Seismic-reflectionimaging around the Mount Isa orebodies 129

139o20 ' 139ø30 ' 139ø40 '

139 ø 140" 141ø

0 50 km
! ................

+ + Mt Isa F au it


4- +- 4-. -..I- + +

granite (mostlyHastingtonGp)

[•] FOLD
BELT 'Younger
Mt !sa Gp (east of Mt !sa Fault) and
McNamaraGp (West of Mt Isa Fault)
Belt (basement)

Geological • Seismicreflection
profile • Mine
boundary O 10km
............ Fault • Refraction blast site ' ...... -•

Fig. 1. (a) The MountIsaregionformstheboundarybetweentheNorth Australian(NA) andNorth Queens-

Isa mine. Heavy linesshowthe positionof the regionaland four higherresolutionseismiclines.The solid
partof the regionalline showsthepositionof Figure2. M--Mount Isa Mine; D--Doolan's Hope Prospect,
H--Hilton Mine.

west-dipping,andto penetrateto at leastthe middlecrust zone of reflections between the Adelheid Fault and the
(Drummondet al., 1997). It hasno intrinsicreflectivity, Mount Isa Fault are interpretedto be S-wavesfrom the
and is interpretedfrom truncationsand changesin the Adelheid Fault.
trends of reflections from the Eastern Creek Volcanics. The Mount Isa mine has 28 known mineable silver-
The seismicdataimply a reversesenseof movementon lead-zincorebodiesextendingover a strike length of
the fault. In contrast,the AdelheidFaulthashigh intrin- 3.5 km and to a depth of 900 rn (Sims and Bartrop,
sic reflectivity,includingstrongshear-wavereflections. 1993). Perkins(1984) drewa numberof east-westcross-
From this, Drummond et al. (1997) inferred that the sectionsof the mine, and thesewere summarizedby
AdelheidFault,andnottheMountIsa Fault,wasa major Fallon et al. (1996). Figure 3 is basedon their sum-
pathwayfor fluid migrationwithin the LeichhardtRiver marized cross-section. Mineralization occurs in the
FaultTrough,and,therefore,a moreimportantstructural Urquhart Shale east of the Mount Isa Fault, and above
componentof the mineralsystem.The westerlydipping the ParooFault. The Urquhart Shale dips steeplywest

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130 Regional seismicreconnaissancestudies

MT ISA Fault



o 2krn
• • V/H = 1

Fig. 2. Unmigratedseismicdatafromtheregionalseismicprofilesouthof MountIsa, fromDrummondet al.

(1997). The interpretationis modifiedfrom MacCreadyet al. (1998) and showsthe structuralsettingof the
Western Fold Belt. ECV--Eastern Creek Volcanics.

at 600-70ø. It is pyritic and dolomitic, and the silver- eventthat producedmost of the folds in the mine area
lead-zinc orebodiesoccurin the top 600 m of the unit. (Perkins, 1990). The geometry of the Paroo Fault is
They are stratiform,and occuras galenaand sphalerite complex,with a dip rangingfrom subverticalto hori-
with associated pyriteandpyrrhotite(SimsandBarttop, zontal (Figure 3), from evidencewithin the mine itself
1993). that this fault generallyappearsto plunge gently to the
Copper mineralizationalso occursin the Urquhart north.
Shale, along a 4-km strike length and to depths of
1500 m. It was formed by a metasomaticreplacement
systemlocatedgenerallybelowthe lead-zincorebodies.
The contactbetweenthe Urquhart Shale and Eastern Data were recordedusingan explosiveenergysource
Creek Volcanics, the Paroo Fault, is consideredthe mas- shot into a 120-channelarray. The array interval was
ter fault thatcontrolledtheflow of copper-beatingfluids 40 m with the shotinterval nominally 240 m. Seismic
andalterationin the area(SimsandBartrop, 1993). The data were recordedover a 20-s recordinglength at a
alterationsystembroadly consistsof an outer dolomi- 2-ms samplerate. A conventionalprocessingsequence
tized zone with an inner silicified core, with the richest wasusedwith additionalemphasisconcentrating on de-
chalcopyritemineralizationabuttingthe EasternCreek terminingoptimumstaticcorrections(removalof near-
Volcanics and the Paroo Fault. The "silica-dolomite" surfacevariation) and velocity corrections.Advanced
alteration and copper mineralizationare believed to processingtechniqueswere also tried (e.g., DMO, f-k
have formed during D3 deformation,the deformation filtering),howeverimprovementswere not significant.

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Seismic-reflectionimaging around the Mount Isa orebodies 131

Distance(m) E
I•00 1500 2000 2500

• Siltstones


-. l Ii
, ;;:." / t1 [:;• / t /Native Bee
Creek.... L •/:• 5' ] -S•]}•tone
Volcanoes• • • i /.:'•t 67 ! -• 1500

body Lead/zinc ore body

.Fig.3. Cross-section
fromFallonet al. (1996)sothatzerodepth
is now at the seismicdatum.Basedon Perkins(1984).

Dynamite was the preferred energy sourcefor the high dip where sourcearraysmight have introduceda
high-resolutionstudy conductedin the vicinity of the dip filter. Geophonestringswere also limited to short
mine. Groundroll in the shallowpart of the seismicsec- arraysfor this reason.
tion can be a problemwith shallowor surfacesources Figure 4 showsthe amplitudespectrumfor the first
in regionswith a thick weatheredzone,or regolith,asin secondof trace 6 of a 120-channelspreadfor a typical
the Mount Isa region.Experienceon the regionaltran- blast; i.e., it is an outer trace, which would have mini-
sectto the southhad shownthat chargesplacedat 40-m mum source-generated
noise.Velocitiesin theregionare
depthor greaterwereconsistently belowweathering,and approximately
6000ms-•, sothisrepresents
producedlittle groundroll. They also actedas a point flectedfrom above3000 m, well within the targetdepth.
source,an importantconsiderationin regionsof very A 16-Hz low-cutfilter in the recordingsystem,chosen

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
132 Regional seismicreconnaissancestudies

100 200

Fig. 4. Amplitudespectrumfrom a testblast.Energypeaksbelow50 Hz, reflectingattenuationin the thick
regolithcoverthroughoutthe region.

to suppress stronglow-velocitysource-generated noise, ParooFaultmightreachalonglines3 and4 to the north.

definedthe low-frequencycutoff. Most of the useable Beyondtheinflectionin theParooFaultwhereit changes
energyfalls in the range 16-70 Hz, althoughenergyis from subverticalin the westto east-dipping,it extends
consistently abovebackgroundnoiseto beyond150 Hz. eastwards for a lateral distance of about 1000 m. The
The backgroundnoiselevel is definedby the spectrum Fresnel-zone calculationwasthereforeencouraging, and
beyondtherecordingsystemantialiashigh-cutfilternear althoughnot an indicationof resolution,providedconfi-
180 Hz. Higher frequenciesin the regionare attenuated dencethat if an impedancecontrastexists,thenthe spa-
by the thick regolith,andan addedadvantageof usinga tial extentof thefault faceis sufficientto permitimaging
buriedexplosivesourcewasthat the energyhad to pass of the easternpart of the ParooFaultasa dippingreflec-
throughthe regolithonly once. tion segment.It is understoodthat it wouldbe unlikely
No robustforwardmodeling,suchas the calculation to image detailedmorphologyof the ParooFault, par-
of syntheticseismograms, was undertakenprior to the ticularlyif the expectedimpedancecontrastbetweenthe
survey,mainly becauseof uncertaintiesin the geologic Urquhart Shale and the EasternCreek Volcanicswere
model and a lack of robustphysicalpropertymeasure- present.At higherfrequencies andshallowertargets,for
mentsfor the rock typespresent.Consequently, mod- example160 Hz and a depthof 1000 m aswouldbe ex-
eling was restrictedto estimatesof horizontal,vertical, pectedneartheminealongline 2, Fresnelzonediameters
and dip resolutiononly. are as small as 200 m. These estimatessuggestedthat
Figure5 is a plot of the diameterof the first Fresnel the seismicmethodcouldprobablydetectthe geometry
Zone for the frequencyrange20-160 Hz for targetsat of the Paroo Fault.
depthsupto themaximumlikely depthof theParooFault Vertical resolution was not considered an issue in re-
in the region.For the worstcasescenario,at the lowest solvingthe boundarybetweenthe UrquhartShaleand
frequenciesand targetsat a depthof 2000 m, Fresnel the EasternCreekVolcanics,becausethiswasexpected
zone diametersare of the order of 1000 m. The depth to be an abruptdiscontinuity.
The copperorebodiesand
of 2000 m was the greatestconceivabledepththat the the alteration halo around them were also considered a

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Seismic-reflectionimaging around the Mount lsa orebodies 133




11•! •
Fig. 5. Diameterin metersof the firstFresnelzonefor reflectorsat the rangeof depthslikely in this study,
andfor frequenciesobservedin the amplitudespectrumin Figure4.

possibletarget.Suchorebodies,if present,couldbe up pointsof equalimpedance.Reflectionsarisewhenrocks

to 200 m thick, which is far greaterthan the minimum of differentimpedancesarejuxtaposed.Salisburyet al.
thicknessrequiredfor detection(20-35 m for dominant (1996) estimatedthat an impedancecontrastof at least
frequenciesup to 50-70 Hz andthe velocitieslikely to 0.06 (the contrastbetween mafic and felsic igneous
be encountered).The strataformAg-Pb-Zn orebodies, rocks) would be requiredto createa reflectionwith a
however,werenotprimarytargets,andwerenotconsid- sufficientsignal-to-noiseratio to be of use in a mining
ered in vertical resolution terms. setting.Hencea reflectionshouldbe recordedfrom sed-
Whenplanningthe survey,little wasknownaboutthe imentaryrocksjuxtaposedagainstmaficrocks.
seismicimpedancesof the mineralizedzones.Physical The resultsof Salisburyet al. (1996) showthat chal-
propertymeasurements were availablefrom the mining copyritehas an impedancesimilarto mafic rocks,and
company,but the seismicvelocitieshadbeenmeasured that pyrite has an even greaterimpedance.We plotted
at zero or at elevateduniaxial pressure,and were not thevaluefor galenain Figure6 by adjustingthevaluefor
thoughtto be as representative as measurements made galenaat 600 MPa in Figure1 of Salisburyet al. (1996)
at elevatedhydrostaticconfiningpressures.Subsequent to 200 MPa using an estimateof OV•,/O P = 2.45 x
to the seismicfieldwork, Salisburyet al. (1996) pub- 10-4 km.s-l.MPa-1 (whereVp = seismiccompres-
lishedphysicalpropertymeasurements for a numberof sional wave velocity and P = pressure)inferred for
minerals common in sulfide ores. Their results are sum- massivesulfidesfromtheirFigure2. We addeddolomite
marizedin Figure 6, which plotsthe velocity at which from the summarytables of Christensen(1989). The
seismicwavestravel in a numberof differentrock types additionof pyrite, chalcopyrite,and dolomiteto a host
as a functionof rock density.The fieldsoutlinedin this sedimentaryrock can increaseits impedanceto values
grapharethoseof Nafe andDrake for commonsilicate similarto thosefor maficrocksif theyareaddedin suffi-
rocks(Ludwig et al., 1971). The dashedlines connect cientquanity.This meansthat,if the boundarybetween

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
134 Regional seismicreconnaissancestudies

2 3 4 5 õ 7 8

Fig. 6. Seismicvelocity/densityrelationsat 200 MPa confiningpressurefor rockstypicalof theMountIsa
environment,basedon Salisburyet al. (1996, Figures1 and 3). FieldslabeledSED--sediments,SERP
serpentinizedrocks,F--felsic igneousrocks,M--mafic rocks,andUM--ultramafics, definetheNafe-Drake
curveof Ludwiget al. (1971).Minerals:
fromSalisburyet al. (1996);dol•dolomite is fromthecompilation
of Christensen
linesof equalacoustic
thata difference
in impedance
-3 isrequired
a reasonable
(R = .06)relative

the Urquhart Shaleadjacentto the ParooFault contains dip of the shales.In this chapter,we presentthe results
copperalteration,as in the mine to the south,then the of the two-dimensional data sets from lines 2 and 3.
expected impedance contrast across the Paroo Fault
betweenthe UrquhartShaleandthe EasternCreek Vol-
In addition, this expectedimpedancecontrastwill be
Line 2
lower for raypathstraveling parallel to the foliation
within the Urquhart Shale becauseof the effects of Figure7a showsa predictedgeologicalcross-section
anisotropy.Vp is commonlymuchfaster(15%) parallel basedon drillinganddownholeelectromagnetic sound-
to foliationin shalesthanit is normalto foliation(M. H. ingwithin a 200-m wide corridorcenteredonline2. This
Salisbury,personalcommunication).Alternatively,the geologicalcross-section isbasedonJacksonetal. (1996,
EasternCreek Volcanicscould have low impedances Figure6). The positionof the ParooFaultat depth,as
if they are at greenschistfaciesand are rich in chlorite well as zonesof anomalouscoppermineralizationand
(M. H. Salisbury,personalcommunication). The pyrite itsassociatedalterationlying abovethe fault,aredefined
and galenapresentin silver-lead-zincorebodieswould from surface drillholes. The dot shows where the bound-
causemineralizedUrquhartShaleto havea higherimpe- ary betweenthe UrquhartShaleandthe SpearSiltstone
dancethantheunmineralizedUrquhartShale.Therefore is definedin the cross-section by underground drilling
the silver-lead-zincmineralizationmay have a notice- fromwithinthemine.Apartfromsurfaceoutcrop,thisis
ableeffecton the reflectivityof the UrquhartShale. theonlypositionwherethisboundaryis knownwith any
The positions of the seismic lines are shown in certainty.Drillhole RW794WD1 passedfrom Eastern
Figure 1c. Four seismiclineswere recorded.Line 1 was Creek Volcanicsthroughanhydriteinto the Urquhart
orientedalongstrike,andwaspositionedto determineif Shale, and therefore does not define the boundary
basementstructureschangedepthalongstrikebetween betweenthe UrquhartShaleandthe SpearSiltstonewith
the Mount Isa Mine and the Hilton Mine. Lines 2, 3, and anycertainty.Thus,theboundaryin Figure7a is inferred
4 werediplines.Fortheselines,therecordingspreadwas at depth.Jacksonet al. (1996) projecteda numberof fea-
extendedto the west of the targetzonesand the record- turesmappedundergroundin the mine north onto this
ing timeswere extendedto accountfor the steepwest section. The Racecourse Shear is known in the mine

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Seismic-reflectionimaging around the Mount lsa orebodies 135

A and also from surfacemapping, and is subvertical.A

D•ilho,'e fold is shown where the Racecourse Fault crosses the
0500 11000 11500 12000
boundarydrawn betweenthe Urquhart Shale and the
SpearSiltstone;this is alsoinferredfrom observations
in themine.Otherfeaturesprojectednorthfromthemine
includethe numbers8, 12, and 14 orebodyhorizons,in-
500 cludinga changein theirdipsfrom steeplywest-dipping
to less steeplywest-dippingwithin 200-300 m of the
Paroo Fault.

1000 The uninterpreteddataareshownin Figure7b andthe

interpretationis shownin Figure7c. The interpretedpo-
sitions of the Paroo Fault and boundaries between strati-
Native graphicunitsaremarkedin Figure7c asdots.The depth
• •" ß Bee 1500
Eastern•,•{• •/' Siltston axisfor the seismicsectionsin Figures7b andc hasbeen
scaledsothatthe deepestdrill intersection,on reflection
vo,a.,. P2, lies at the depth shownin Figure 7a. This implied
eu• Qu,r•z
L ,• 8.maka.
near6000ms-•, whichisconsistent
with that observedin the uppermostsecondof two-way
B Line 2
w E traveltimeon the regionaltransect.
Station number
2120 2110 2100 2090 2080 2070 2060 2050 2040 2030 2020 The interpretationis consistentwith the observations
o., ,I i . I ,,, I I I ,m { {, { { o made from drilling and surfaceoutcrops,but differsin
L.,• ,-'*,."4,'."'.'.,-..,:•....... ." ß
'* •-" I;':
'•"' .....
' .... ,'
. ß "'
' ,,,•,".
..... i a numberof ways from the predictedgeologicalcross-
".':'."'' " :"' ' ',,,'"*''.,'•' ",.. I
I:: , ,,,'•* .,, '•,,
.' ...... .... *, ..... ø........'- •,....... ,,',.-.. ! sectionin Figure7a. The outcroppositionsof the three
. ,•.,..,.,,.-..
.,.... / :. -:,., .,'.....,,
r.P ;,,'v,•,•,
....' -•.:;,,"
•'.,' ßß/ ",•.
' •, ..•-i;2'..•,,"•-.
' '...,..'
'.,'., .'.' •/..,b•'-',' ..:','"'"'
ß1' J
,e#. ! sedimentformationsimmediatelyeastof the Parooand
I,,' ' "" .... '-.-",•"•,. .... .,.,,',, -,, ,.,•' ,••"., .....r' ,a'/'. ,. I•'"*"',• ...•,•i E Mount Isa Faultsare shownin Figure7c. The SpearSilt-
•' J-'•...... ,." ,"..,F'"'"' r .' ,*.,",'"'•', ,•'/,•', """ ,;•.N.. ' '', ----
stoneis mostlynonreflective.In contrast,the Urquhart
•. I
•• '.,"', {'l
l:"... :,.,
• I'"';
west-dipping.The boundarybetweentheUrquhartShale
and the SpearSiltstonecanbe projecteddowndip as a
strongreflectionthat passesthroughthe dot indicating
0.5H'"'•-. the positionof the boundarydefinedin Figure 7a by
;;. '•,1 drillingand.interpolated
I!•, ',"-,.-
4 .,-,,
,,., ' .•• • •,' . _', •....f*,' "., ,,..'1 notrequirethe fold shownonthisboundaryin Figure7a.
I-:"......• ..*".,.,"......• ;t'•'....,•'•t..• •";.-•. ,• ' .,, ,';
" ' ,'" ' ,,,'•.....
."• ,' , ,,.
""'••ll("* '"• '" , •11• , 'iw ,F ii,,•
• ,, •, •" " d "" . •,'•,•)-
*'"" , .'•
[ ...........
..,- .'....,- .....
,...., ',.'.:-- ß,,. ',='.,d•ooo The uppermostpart of the seismicsectionwas heav-
Racecourse shear
ily mutedduringprocessing, but neverthelessshowsthe
C •t is.F.ulti j!........i_
,!,, i [ i i ! i 1_ i
o , ,., ' l
UrquhartShaledippingsteeplyaspredictedby Jackson
et al. (1996). The heavy muting removedmuch of the
ßtt' •'.,:•"?,,-,..-,**.".
!/ , Sh'al,'/." .,,';--.,. unwantedsurfacewavesbut retainedgood signalfrom
the dippingstructures.At depth,the dip becomesless
' Pl
of the RacecourseShear,and is particularlyclear in the

Fig.7. (a) Predictedgeologicalcross-section alongLine2

basedonJackson et al. (1996); (b) uninterpreted
seismicreflectionsection;(c) interpretedsection Dots
showintersections of drillholeswith geologicalbound-
..... .,.,,,,.,,.,,,.._,, , ........,.2.•.. ,.., ....,,,,,'"I ariesin the plane of the section,from (a). BQF•Buck
I '• '"'r',r . • ,,,,"?'
"'"-..,•/ . U',..,' '% ""/' '" '/' I QuartzFault.P1, P2, and P3 are interpretedParooFault
I .,.,..----
,•," '-.'". -,. _,••' , -,/ .-',.,*".p'•;, -"",,.,,,,.
r•..•' ",, ,. I reflections,A-A'•interpreted top of the alterationzone,
,, *"' ..../ t,,;,.......'
'..•• .... .,'.'","1
•ooo R•west-dipping reflection,H•subhorizontal energy.
V/H = 1; (b) and(c) arethe samescaleas (a).

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
136 Regional seismicreconnaissancestudies

reflectormarkingthe boundarybetweenthe SpearSilt- would also containcoppermineralizationin the lower

stoneandtheUrquhartShale.The decreased dipat depth partcloseto theParooFault.We attributethereflectivity
is consistent
with thatinterpretedby Jacksonet al. (1996) patternto a numberof factors.First,the top of the zone
in the few hundredmeterslying abovethe ParooFault. (A-A') probablycorresponds the top of the dolomiteal-
The seismicdatashowthat this inflectionpoint extends teration,and the resultingimpedancecontrastwith the
to much shallowerdepths. UrquhartShale.The weakreflectivityinsidethezonein-
Reflections within the Native Bee Siltstone are less dicatesa lossof impedancecontrastbetweenpackages
continuous,of lower amplitude,and appearto dip less of rockswithin theUrquhartShale,whichwe attributeto
steeplyto thewestthanthosein theUrquhartShale.The alteration,possiblemineralization,anda subsequent loss
boundarybetweenthe two unitsis difficultto interpret of reflectionamplitudewithin the UrquhartShale.The
with any certainty.It is drawnin Figure7c wherethe weakerthananticipatedreflectionat thebaseof thezone
steeperdipsof the UrquhartShaleabuta zoneof shal- maybedueto thejuxtapositionofchalcopyriteandpyrite
lowerwest-dippingreflections,typifiedby the reflector mineralization across the Paroo Fault from the Eastern
R. The boundaryis thereforeinterpretedto be slightly Creek Volcanics. Reflections inside the zone, and sub-
higherin thesectionthanshownin thepredictedsection parallel to A-A', P1, and P2, may indicateincreasing
in Figure 7a. levelsof alterationwith depth.
The western, subverticalpart of the Paroo Fault is
interpretedin the seismicdata from the truncationsof
strongsubhorizontalenergy(labeledH) in the left of PREDICTIONS
the section, and from the lowermost extent of reflec-
Line 3
tions from the Urquhart Shale,particularlyat andjust
below the boundarywith the SpearSiltstone.The east- In Figure7, drilling controlwasusedto constrainthe
ern, lesssteeplyeast-dippingpart of the ParooFault is interpretationof the seismicdata for line 2. The inter-
not a clear,singlereflection,aswouldbe expectedfrom pretationof the seismicdata was then usedto extend
an abruptdiscontinuity betweena shaleanda maficvol- and modify the inferred geologicalcrosssection.This
canic rock. With the advantageof drilling control,the hasgivenusthe confidenceto interpretdatafromline 3,
positioninferredin Figure7a canbe interpretedas two whichhasonly limited drill control.
offset,concave-upwards reflections,markedP 1 and P2 Uninterpreted data from line 3 are shown in
in Figure7c. WhereasFigure 7a showsthe ParooFault Figure 8a. The outcroppositionsof the Paroo Fault
traceto be continuousandsinuousthroughthiszone,the and the four formations east of the fault are shown in
seismicdata couldbe interpretedto showit to be dis- Figure8b. The positionsof the boundaries betweenthe
continuous,and perhapsfaulted.However,suchdetail Magazine Shaleand the Kennedyand SpearSiltstones
maybe at thelimit of resolutionof thedata,asdiscussed wereprojecteddowndip, usingintersections in a shal-
abovefor Figure5. Jacksonet al. (1996) inferredthatthe low well for control.The positionsof the intersections
ParooFaultwouldbe cutby theBuck QuartzFault,asin were projectedonto the time sectionand are shownas
the mine to the south,but the seismicdata suggestthat dots.Apart fromveryhigh-amplitude reflectionsof lim-
it may extenddeeperand fartherto the east,as another ited lateralextent(S) in Figure8b, thereflectionswithin
concave-upwards reflector(P3). the siltstonesare relativelyweak, aswouldbe expected
A zoneof weak reflectionswith severaldip directions from the resultsfrom line 2 (Figure 7). The reflections
lies abovethe Paroo Fault, between the P 1 and P2 reflec- showdipsto the westconsistent with thoseobservedin
tionsand anothereast-dippingreflectionlabeledA-A'. the limited surfaceoutcropand from expectations from
In this zone, weak reflectionsthat appearto be down- shallowdrilling,aswell asfromobservations withinthe
dip continuations of reflectionsfromtheUrquhartShale nearbymineandline 2. The strongreflectionsmarkedS
interferewith reflectionsthat are east-dippingand sub- appearto be confinedto the SpearSiltstone;theircause
parallel to A-A', P1, and P2, probablyas the result of has not been resolved.
out-of-planeeffectsin the 2-D section.This regioncor- Reflectionsfrom within the UrquhartShaleare strong
respondsto the zonepredictedby Jacksonet al. (1996) at depth(e.g., near U, Figure 8b), but are disruptedin
to contain dolomite alteration in the upper part and theupperpartof the section(D, Figure8b). Thepoorre-
alteration that is more silica-rich in the lower part. It flectivitynearD may be dueto preferentialweathering

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Seismic-reflectionimaging around the Mount Isa orebodies 137

Line 3
w Line3
Station. number
w Paroo Fault
! Station
3100 3090 3080 3070 3060 3050 304.0 3030 ,3020 3010 3•00 30•0 :meo :m?o •060 30•0 •040 :m30 •0:20 .30•0

' t, ,,', ,• ., ß


3000 1 3000

Fig. 8. Uninterpreted(a) and (b) interpretedmigratedseismicreflectionsectionsfrom Line 3. Dots show

intersectionsof drillholeswith geologicalboundariesin the plane of the section.P4 and P5 are interpreted
Paroo Fault reflection.U--Urquhart Shale. S--high amplitudereflectionsof limited lateral extent, D--
disruptedreflectionswithin UrquhartShale.Vertical scale= horizontalscale.

and leachingof the Urquhart Shale. This has been ob- Shale.It is subverticalfor at least500 ms two-waytime,
servedby drilling and is consistentwith lower veloci- or approximately1500 m. It can then be interpretedto
ties determinedby first breaksin the shotgathersfrom dip eastastwo concave-upwards reflections(P4 andP5),
the reflectiondata. The dips of the Urquhart Shale are as in Figure 7, where it reacheddepthscloseto 2000 m
less steep at depth (near U, Figure 8b), as observed (700-800 ms TWT). This is deeperthan observedon
in the Mount Isa mine and along Line 2. The lower line 2, suggestingthat the ParooFault andthe boundary
boundaryof the UrquhartShaleis not clear in the shal- with the EasternCreek Volcanicsmay plungeto greater
lower part of the sectionwhere the shale displaysdis- depthsnorth of the mine.
rupted reflections(D, Figure 8b). It is interpretedat
depth where the strongwest-dippingreflectionsof the
Urquhart Shale truncatemore gently east-dippingand
subhorizontal reflectionsfromunitsstratigraphicallybe- Seismicdata from line 2 can be usedto map the po-
neath and to the east of the Urquhart Shale (see also sition of the Paroo Fault at depth, and suggestit may
Figure 7). extend deeper and farther to the east than predicted
The positionof the ParooFault can be interpretedin by Jacksonet al. (1996). The Urquhart Shaleprovides
Figure8b fromtruncationsin thereflectionsfrom all four strongcontinuousreflectionsthat are clearly truncated
sedimentarypackages,and particularly the Urquhart in the westby the ParooFault.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
138 Regional seismicreconnaissancestudies

At greaterdepths,wherethe UrquhartShaleis highly draftingthe figures.We alsothank Matthew Salisbury

altered,the top of the alterationhalo may be as distinc- and Dave Eaton for criticallyreviewingthe manuscript
tive a reflection marker as the Paroo Fault, and if im- andfor offeringseveralvaluablesuggestions.
aged,will definethe thicknessof the zone of alteration
abovethe ParooFault.The UrquhartShaledipssteeply
west,aspredictedby mappeddipsat the surfaceandob-
servedfarthersouthin the mine, but the dip shallowsto Christensen, N. I., 1989, Section VI. Seismic velocities: in
the west,probablycontrolledby the RacecourseShear. Carmichael,R. S., Ed., Practicalhandbookof physicalproper-
The shallowerdip in the west is consistentwith that ties of rocks and minerals:CRC Press,431-546.
Drummond, B. J., et al., 1997, Crustal-scalestructuresin the Protero-
drawnin the stylizedcross-section of theorebodiesin the
mine within several hundred meters of the Paroo Fault zoic Mount Isa Inlier of northAustralia:Their seismicresponse
andinfluenceon mineralization:Tectonophysics, 288, 43-56.
(Figure 3) and inferred in this regionby Jacksonet al. Fallon,G. N., andBusuttil,S., 1992,An appraisalof thegeophysical
(1996). effectsof the MountIsa orebodies:Expl. Geophys.,23, 133-140.
Similarreflectivitypatternsareobservedfarthernorth Fallon,G. N., Andrews,P.,Jackson,J. K., andBartrop,S. B., 1996,
on line 3. There, the inflection of the Paroo Fault from Drillhole electromagnetic
surveyingin the mine environment:
Expl. Geophys.,27, 67-75.
subverticalin the west to more gently east-dippingin
Goleby,B. R., et al., 1997, Recentcasehistories:Seismicprofiling
the east is interpretedto occur at a greaterdepth.The and structurallycontrolledmineralizationin Australia.How re-
structurescontrollingthe lowerlimits of mineralization gionalseismichelpsfind minerals,in Gubins,A. G., Ed., Proc.of
thereforeappearto plungeto the north. Becauseof the Exploration
high electricalconductivityof the alterationminerals, Prosp.and Devel. Assoc.of Can.,409-420.
many of theseinterpretationsare testableby high reso- Heinrich,C. A., Bain, J.H. C., Mernagh,T P.,andWyborn,L. A. I.,
1995, Fluid and masstransferduringmetabasaltalterationand
lution magnetotelluricsounding.The ultimatetest will coppermineralizationat Mount Isa, Australia:Econ. Geol., 90,
comethroughdeepdrilling. 705-730.
Nevertheless,the resultsfrom this case study con- Jackson,J. C., Fallon,G. N., and Bishop,J. R., 1996,DHEM at Isa
firm that seismic-reflection imaging can play a useful Mine: Expl. Geophys.,27, 91-104.
part in mineral exploration.It has beenparticularlyef- Jones,T, and Nur, A., 1984. The nature of seismicreflectionsfrom
deepcrustalfault zones:J. Geophys.Res.,89, 3153-3171.
fective for imaging the structuresthat are believedto
Ludwig, J., Nafe, J., and Drake, C., 1971, Seismicrefraction:in
havecontrolledthe migrationof the mineralizingfluids Maxwell, A. E., Ed., The sea,Volume4: JohnWiley and Sons,
that formed the copperdeposit.The stratigraphicunits Inc., 53-84.
can be differentiated,even thoughthey are now meta- MacCready,T, et al., 1998,A frameworkfor overprintingorogens
morphosed.Evenmoreencouraging, thealterationhalos basedon interpretationof the Mount Isa deepseismictransect:
Econ. Geol., 93, 1422-1434.
aroundthe copperorebodiesseemto be broadenough
Perkins,W. G., 1984,Mount Isa silica-dolomiteandcopperorebod-
to form a likely target. ies; The resultof a syntectonichydrothermalalterationsystem:
Econ. Geol., 79, 601-637.
--1990, Mount Isa copperorebodies:in Hughes,F. E., Ed.,
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Geology of the mineral depositsof Australia and Papua New
Guinea: Austral. Inst. Min. Metall., 935-941.
The fieldworkwasfundedby M.I.M. ExplorationPty
Shaw,R. D., et al., 1996,Guideto usingtheAustralianCrustalEle-
Ltd, the AustralianGeodynamicsCooperativeResearch mentsMap: Austral.Geol. Surv.Organ.,Record1996/30.
Centre (AGCRC), and Australian Geological Survey Sims,D. A., andBartrop,S.B., 1993,Explorationin a maturemine--
Organisation(AGSO). We thankthem for their permis- The Mount Isa Mine strategy:Internat.Min. Geol.Conf.,Austral.
sionto publishthe results.The projectwas undertaken Inst. Min. Metall., 25-29.
as part of a broaderregional study of the Mount Isa Salisbury,M. H., Milkereit,B., andBleeker,W., 1996,Seismicimag-
ing of massivesulfidedeposits:Part I. Rock properties:Econ.
Inlier by the AGCRC. BJD, AO, andBRG publishwith Geol., 91, 821-828.
the permissionof the Chief ExecutiveOfficer of AGSO Stewart,A. J., and Blake D. H., 1992, Detailed studiesof the Mount
and the Director of the AGCRC. We thank Joe Mifsud for Isa Inlier: Bur. Min. Res. Austral. Bull. 243.

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Part IV

2D SeismicImaging of Mineral Deposits

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Chapter 9

SeismicImaging of Preciousand Base-Metal

Deposits in Southern Africa

RichardM. A. Higgs,andRaymondJ. Durrheim

ABSTRACT explorefor gold,platinum,andbasemetaldepositsin

hard rock environments in southern Africa. The method
Reflectionseismologyhas beenwidely usedto ex-
plore for gold, platinum,and base-metaldepositsin hasalsoprovenusefulformineplanningpurposes, such
southernAfrica, and for mine planningpurposes.The asthepositioningof shaftsandtunnels.Theverticalseis-
geologicalstructureof theWitwatersrandbasinhasbeen micprofiling(VSP)methodhasbeenmodifiedto image
mapped,enablingareaswheregold-bearing reefsoccur the rock aheadof miningusingboreholesdrilledfrom
at mineabledepthsto be identified.Within the Bushveld mine galleries.Acquisitionandprocessing parameters
Complex, seismicstratigraphictechniqueshave been havehadtobeadaptedto thesenewapplications. Several
usedto distinguishareasof "pothole"reef, that may casehistoriesillustratetheuseof reflectionseismology
in the hard rock environment.
present mining difficulties, from areas of "normal"
platinum-bearingMerensky Reef. The mine-seismic-
profiling (MSP) method,which makes use of sensors GOLD EXPLORATION,
deployedin boreholes drilledfrommineworkings,has WITWATERSRAND BASIN
beendevelopedto delineatestructures thataretoo small
to be detectedfromthesurfacebutmaypresentmining Goldwasdiscovered in Archeanconglomeratesnear
problems.Reflectionseismology hasalsobeenusedto Johannesburgin 1886,andsincethentheWitwatersrand
explorefor basemetal depositsassociatedwith buried Basin(Figure1) hasproducedalmosthalf thegoldever
paleokarst featuresin northernNamibia.Lastly,reflec- mined,worldwide.During the 1930s,the gravityand
tion seismologyhas been used to map the downdip magneticmethodsprovedvery successful
in locating
extensionof massivesulfide"shoots"at OtjihaseMine new gold-beatingstrataconcealedbeneathcoverrocks.
in the MatchlessAmphiboliteBelt of Namibia. However,thesepotentialfieldmethods areunabletomap
thestructureof deeplyburiedstratain detail,andtheim-
plementationof reflectionseismicmethodsin 1982 ini-
INTRODUCTION tiateda newphaseof exploration(CampbellandPeace,
1984;Durrheim,1986;Pretoriuset al., 1989;Campbell,
SouthAfricais endowedwith greatmineralwealth.It 1990;CampbellandCrotty,1990;Durrheimet al., 1991;
of gold,platinumgroup Campbell,1994;De WetandHall, 1994;Pretoriuset al.,
minerals,manganese,and chromium,while its reserves
of coal, diamonds,zinc, lead, and iron are rankedin the
The targetsof Witwatersrandbasinexplorationare
top ten. Geophysical techniqueshavecontributedsig- thegold-anduranium-beating
strataor "reefs
"1 which
nificantlyto the discoveryof someof SouthAfrica's crop out alongthe northernrim of the basin,but which
majormineraldeposits.Gravityandmagneticmethods aremostlycovered unconformably bythepredominantly
wereusedin the 1930sand40sto tracethegold-bearing volcanicVentersdorp Supergroup andby the dolomitic
horizonsof the Witwatersrand Basinbeneathyounger rocks,shales,lavas,andquartzitesof the TransvaalSe-
strata.Basemetalexploration boomedin theearly1970s, quence.The reefsaregenerallylessthan 1-m thick,and
andwasfollowedby a coalboomin the late 1970sand
early 1980s.The reflectionseismicmethodwasfirstused 1Inthecontext
ofminingin South
to explore for hydrocarbonson the continentalshelf term"reef" refersto gold-or platinum-beatingstrataand
to marinecarbonate reefsin bothcomposition
in the early 1980s,and shortlythereafterwas usedto and form.

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142 2D seismicimaging of mineral deposits


© Kombat
© Otjthase Bushyeld


Fig.1. Mapof southern
in thispaper.

do not havea significantacousticimpendance contrast SincePretoriuset al. (thisvolume)providea detailed

relativeto the enclosingquartzites(with the exception description
of theuseof reflectionseismologytomapthe
of the Ventersdorp ContactReef, which lies immedi- Witwatersrand Basin,thisapplicationis onlybrieflydis-
atelybeneatha thick succession of basiclavas).Fortu- cussedhere.The seismicvelocities(>6 km/s) and den-
arisefrommarkerhorizons aboveand sities
belowthereefs,allowingthe geologicalstructure to be arehigherthanthosecommonly encountered in conven-
mapped. Thereflectionseismicmethodisusedto search tionalseismicexplorationforhydrocarbons,andthishas
for horstsand anticlinesthat might bring the reefs to to be takenintoaccountduringacquisitionandprocess-
mineabledepths(miningcurrentlytakesplaceat depths ing. Reflectionsarereliablyobtained,
greaterthan3 km); grabens, synclines andthrustfaults reflectioncoefficientsare relatively low, becauseatten-
that mighthavepreservedthe reefsfrom erosion;and uationis alsogenerallylow.Very few multiplereflec-
subsidiary basinsor extensionsof thepresentlyknown tionsappearto bepresentontherecordsin spiteof clear
basin. primaryreflections.
Thisis probablydueto thelow re-
surveyshavecontributed tothedis- flection coefficients,and the fact that there is no gen-
coveryof majornew depositssuchas SouthDeep,con- eral decreasein reflectioncoefficients,in contrastto the
tiguousto theWesternAreasGoldMine andreputedto situationgenerallyfoundin youngsedimentary basins.
be one of the largestknownunexploitedgold deposits The groundroll velocityis oftenhigh(about3000 m/s
on Earth (Haslett,1994),andthe SunProject,a major with a dominant frequency of 10-15 Hz) where
newgoldfieldin theBothavilleGap--a namegiventothe Precambrian stratacropout,andconsequently, vibrator
areaby earlierprospectors
whohadconcluded thatthere andgeophone arraysdonotalwayssuppress groundroll
was no "entrypoint" for gold into the Witwatersrand effectively.
Lastly,thenormalmoveout ontheCMP gath-
Basin in this region(Gray et al., 1994; Tuckeret al., ers is small due to the high velocities,restrictingthe
1994). sensitivityof velocityanalysis.

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Seismicimaging of preciousand base-metaldepositsin southernAfrica 143

ß $

........ .• . ...,,. --• •-.,.• :-, --•. ,.,.• ,•..,.•-..-,....,•,•-,,,•-,_.r,.• •,,...... •.-,..,:'-.' .•:.•, .,, , :,....-• • ,.... •.-,.•. ,,,•.,,-,-. •.,...,,.,•.-• .,. -o• -., -.,.,-....•.,,-

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-_%-'•_'•.•,wc.•.-•.•--":_•..,- -- -,•,.,•;..• •. '.----..;-:%*:
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- -,•r,.•:½•_._
• • 2.,' •'-,.•
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.•' -.. '- _ .. ,'-•'-'.•.' :-%:.:'.,....: ,.:,. :7.... '"' .-'%%-,.,f-'.:.' ,.: .....
• --. ..-'•:=-..•-•...:-',.,,",•,,-:....:,
:.::-' ......:,,: :.z.:-,'.t::
::.....,:.-..::..': :.•.... . :..•.',::.
blW o km 10 SE

Fig. 2. Unmigratedseismicsectionacrossthenorthwestern
marginof theWitwatersrandBasin.X--reflectors
within the BasementComplex,W--base of Dominionor WestRandGroup,V--base of VentersdorpSuper-
group,T--base of TransvaalSequence.Vertical= horizontalscale.

A typical seismicsectionfrom the northwesternsec- Ventersdorplavas preservedgold-bearinggravel beds

tor of the WitwatersrandBasin is shownin Figure 2. up to 5 m thick that were depositedon the paleosurface.
The acquisitionand processingparametersare listed The TransvaalSequenceoverliesthe VentersdorpSuper-
in Table 1. The geologicallymappedcontactsbetween group.The dolomiticrocksat the baseof the Transvaal
formations were projected downdip to identify the Sequencegive rise to low-amplitudereflectionswith
reflectionsmarkingtheseinterfaces.Wherepossible,the poorcontinuity,althoughthecontactwith theunderlying
interpretationwasconstrained by drillholeinformation. Ventersdorplavasis markedby a strongreflection.The
The seismicstratigraphyof the Witwatersrandbasin is upperpart of the TransvaalSequencecomprisesa suc-
described from the basement to the surface. The base- cessionof quartziteand shaleformations,which give
ment granite is generally seismicallytransparent,al- rise to strongcontinuousreflections,dividedby a seis-
thoughcontinuouszonesof strongreflectionsoccurin mically transparentandesiticlava formation.
someareas.The alternatingshales,lavas,and quartzites
of the overlyingDominion andWestRand Grouprocks
giveriseto strongcontinuousreflections.The quartzites
of the Central Rand Group and the basaltic lavas of MERENSKY REEF, BUSHVELD
the VentersdorpSupergroupare essentiallyseismically
transparent,although the unconformablecontact be- The 2.1 Ga BushveldComplexis a largeigneousin-
tweentheseunits is markedby a strongreflection.The trusion, roughly oval in shapewith an east-westaxis
gold-bearingconglomeratehorizonswithin the Central of about400 km (Figure 1). It is estimatedto contain
Rand Group cannotbe detecteddirectly,becausetheir about 70% of the world's reservesof platinum group
acousticimpedanceis similar to that of the enclosing elements(PGEs) and substantialreservesof chrome,
quartzites.The only orebodythat can be mapped di- copper,nickel, and vanadium.The ore mineralsoccur
rectly lies at the base of the VentersdorpSupergroup in bandswithin the layeredpyroxenites,anorthosites,
and is known as the VentersdorpContact Reef. The norites, and gabbrosthat constitutethe bulk of the

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144 2D seismicimaging of mineral deposits

Table 1. Witwatersrand basin reconnaissancesurvey (recorded in 1983).

Instrument Sercel SN338/B538HR HR
Channels 48
Filter Lo-cut out
Hi-cut 62.5 Hz, 24 dB/Octave; 125 Hz, 72 dB/Octave
Samplerate 4 ms
Recordlength 32 s (27-s sweep,5-s listen)
Station interval 50m
CDP interval 25m
Sourcearray 3 vibratorsin a line, 25-m spacing
8 sweepsper VP, 6.25 m move-upbetweensweeps
Sweepfrequency 11-48 Hz, VPs 100-466 and 570-713
11-70 Hz, VPs 467-569
Geophones GSC 20D 10 Hz
Receiverarray 4 stringsof 9 geophones
in two rowsover 100 m, geophoneintervalof 6 m
Spread End on: near offset -- 150 m, far offset = 2500 m
1. Demultiplex With crosscorrelation andspectralwhitening
2. Edit Noisy traceedit
3. Statics Weatheringstaticsapplied
4. f-k filter Full fan taperedf-k filter full on at 2000 m/s for CDPs 100-1099 and 3000 m/s for
CDPs 1100-1358.
5. Scale Sphericaldivergencecorrectionapplied
6. Statics Data correctedto floatingdatumusingelevationstatics
7. Deconvolution Minimum-phasepredictivedeconvolution
Operatorlength= 160 ms, gap= 24 ms
8. Scale Traceequalization,1000-mswindow and incrementof 1000 ms
9. Sort Crooked line sort
10. NMO Revisedvelocitiesderivedfrom functionstacksandgathers
11. Statics Data correctedfrom floatingdatumto regionaldatum
12. Autostatics Surfaceconsistentautomaticresidualstaticsapplied(Maximumstatici 20 ms)
13. NMO Revisedvelocitiesderivedfrom functionstacksandgathersappliedwith 130% stretchmute
14. Autostatics Surfaceconsistentautomaticresidualstaticsapplied(Maximum statici 20 ms)
15. Autostatics CDP consistent automaticresidualstaticsapplied(Maximum staticß 12 ms)
16. Stack Nominal 2400% stackwith 50% mute compensation
17. Filter Spacevariantband-passfilter applied0-5000 ms
CDPs 100-850 and 1058-1358, 8-14 45-50 Hz
CDPs 851-1057, 8-14-70-75 Hz

intrusion. The seismic-reflection method was introduced mine planning.Potholesare roughlycircular in shape,
followingthesuccess ofthe methodin theWitwatersrand andmayvary from 1Osto 100sof metersin diameterwith
Basin, and has proved useful both for exploration depthsof upto 100m. Thereis generallya closerelation-
and for mine planning(Campbell, 1990; Durrheimand shipbetweenreef thicknessand the abundanceof pot-
Maccelari, 1991; Odgerset al., 1993; Campbell,1994; holes,with a pronouncedtendencyfor reefsto become
Davisonand Chunnett,1999). thinneradjacentto potholes(Viljoen, 1994). There has
In thiscasehistory,we describetheuseof theseismic- been considerabletheorizingconcerningthe origin of
reflectionmethodto map slump structuresknown as potholes.Oneview isthatpotholesdevelopedbecauseof
"potholes"that disruptthe main platinumorebody,the a densityinversionwherea heavypyroxeniteor chromi-
Merensky Reef. Potholesoccur when the reef cross- tite layer was positionedabove a lighter, partly con-
cuts its own unlithified footwall, with the result that solidated,anorthositefootwall. The lighter rocks were
the reef occursunconformablyat a lowerhorizon.Pot- locally mobilizedand becamebuoyant,"floatingoff"
holespresentminingdifficultiesdueto a suddenchange and mixing with the pyroxeniticliquid of the succeed-
in the dip of the strata,a changein the composition ing unit (Hahn andOvendale,1994).
of the hanging-and footwall strata,an increasednum- Northam Platinum Mine is situated in the north-
bersof joints andfractureswhichmay be filled by talc, westernlimb of the BushveldComplex.The principal
serpentine,or chlorite,andthe appearanceof crosscut- orebody is the PGE-enrichedMerensky Reef, which
ting pegmatiteveins.Priorknowledgeof the locationof dipsto thesoutheastat20øat depthsbetween1400rnand
the potholesis thus extremelyimportantfor effective 2500 m, andis disruptedby largepotholes.The totalPGE
Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Seismicimaging of preciousand base-metal depositsin southernAfrica 145

reserveis estimatedto be481 Mt • 7.7 g/t. The "normal" Table 2. BushveldComplex high-resolutionsurvey
reef is a pegmatoidalfeldspathicpyroxenitesandwiched (recorded in 1987).
betweentwo thin chromititelayers,and variesin thick- Acquisition
nessfrom 2.5 rn to a few centimeterson the edgeof the Instrument Sercel 338 HR
Channels 96 + 5 aux
potholes.A "contact-type"reef, which is presenton the Tape format SEG-B 1600 BPI uncorrelated sum
peripheryof the potholesand representsthe transition Filter Hi-cut 125 Hz, 72 dB/Octave
Lo-cut 24 Hz, 12 dB/Octave
betweennormal and "pothole-type"reefs,truncatesthe 2 ms
footwall succession.In its typical form it is a silicate Recordlength 24 s (22 s sweep,2 s listen)
contactor a single chromitite layer a few centimeters Correlation Zero phase
Gain constant 42 dB
thick.A pothole-typereef commencesat thepointwhere
Energy source FailingY1100 vibrators
the contactreef settleson to a pseudomarkerlayer,and Sweep 30-120 Hz linearupsweep
is termed either "first-orderpotholereef" or "second- Sourcearray 4 vibrators,10-m spacing
8 sweepsper VP, 3.125-m moveup
orderpotholereef" dependingon the footwall rock. A betweensweeps
"lens-typereef" occurswheretherehasbeenincomplete Geophones SM4U 10 Hz
removalof the sequencebetweenthe normal Merensky Receiverarray 24 geophonesin threerows,center
weightedarray(12, 8, 4)
Reef andthe pseudomarkerlayer(Viljoen et al., 1986). 2.27-m in-line spacing,3-m
The first geophysicalsurveysto be conductedat crosslinespacing
Station interval 25m
the Northam PlatinumProject (in 1983) were a high- 1287.5 - 112.5 - 0 - 112.5 - 1287.5
resolutionaeromagneticsurveyand a gravity survey.
The physicalpropertiesof boreholecoreweremeasured
1. Demultiplex With crosscorrelation
and spectral
to assistin the interpretationof the magneticand grav- whitening
2. Edit Noisy traceedit
ity surveys.The densitycontrastsbetweenthe principal
3. Statics Weatheringstaticsappliedto floating
unitsof the layeredigneouscomplexsuggested that the datum
reflectionseismicmethodcouldbe usedto map the ge- 4. f-k filter Full fan taperedfilter, full on at
2500 m/s
ologicalstructure.Reflectionseismicsurveyswere con- 5. Scale Whole traceequalizationand
ductedin 1985 and 1986. The quality of the seismic sphericaldivergence
imagewas foundto be stronglydependanton the near- 6. CDP Sort
7. NMO Velocities derived from function
surfacerocktype.It wasfoundthatthezonesurrounding stacksand gathers
the MerenskyReef (the explorationtarget)consistently 8. Statics First passsurfaceconsistent
residual statics
producedclearreflectionsbeneathareaswherethe Main
9. NMO Revisedvelocityfunctionapplied
Zone croppedout, while poorer resultswere obtained 10. Mute PickedT-X mute applied
in areaswhereNebo Granite or Upper Zone magnetite 11. Statics Staticsappliedto regionaldatum
12. Statics Secondpasssurfaceconsistent
gabbrocroppedout. It is thoughtthat the largenumber residual statics
of magnetitebandsoccurringin theUpperZone absorbs 13. Statics CDP consistentstaticsapplied
muchof the higherfrequencyenergy. 14. Stack Nominal 2400% stackwith root (N)
The objectiveof theseismicsurveydescribedherewas mute compensation
15. Migration f-k migration
to mapthedifferenttypesof MerenskyReef. The acqui-
sition and processingparametersare listed in Table 2.
Preliminarymodelingstudies(Figure3a) indicatedthat stationintervalto 25 m, andby shorteningthe lengthof
thedifferentreeftypescouldonlybe distinguished if the sourceand receiverarraysto approximatepoint sources
reflectionscontainedsignificantenergyat frequencies andreceiversascloselyaspossiblewhile still attenuating
above 100 Hz. Vibroseis was found to be a cost-effective groundroll througharrayfilteringeffects.The signal-to-
source for the field conditions and met the technical re- noiseratiowasimprovedby increasingthesweeptime to
quirementsfor the survey,includingthe ability to tai- 22 s (with 2-s listeningtime) andby usingan additional
lor the sourcefrequencies.Comparedto earliersurveys vibrator.Fiveprofilestotaling30 line-kmweresurveyed.
conducted for structuralmapping,theverticalresolution The processingsequencewas similar to that used for
wasimprovedby increasingthebandwidthof the sweep the earliersurveys,with the exceptionthat all processes
(to 30-120 Hz). The relativelyhigh frequency(30 Hz) that modify the shapeof the wavelet(e.g., spikingde-
usedat the startof the sweepwaschosento mitigatethe convolution)wereexcluded,and spectralbalancingwas
effectsof strongsource-generated noise (i.e., ground addedto enhancethe high-frequency contentof the sig-
roll). Lateral resolutionwas improvedby reducingthe nal, therebyassistingin the identificationof reef types.
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146 2D seismicimaging of mineral deposits



Fig. 3 Syntheticseismograms andfield resultsfor (a) "normal"and(b) "pothole"MerenskyReef (M). The

singlesyntheticseismogram hasbeenreplicatedto yield a reflectorwith a dip similarto the field data.There
are subtledifferencesin the seismicsignatureof the normalandpotholereef zonesowingto differences
in the propertiesof the footwall rock. Normal reef givesrise to a set of severalparallel peaks,while the
signaturefrom potholereef is undulatingin characterandhasfewerprominentpeaks(compareFigure3b).

The geologymappedin severalboreholeswasof cru- may presentmining difficulties and may also be the
cial importancein determiningthe seismicsignatureof locusof mining-inducedseismicity.Abrupt variations
the different reef types (Figure 3a). An example of a in the attitude of the reef are frequentlyencountered
seismicsectionis shownin Figure 3b. Normal, first- whenminingthe VentersdorpContactReef. Thesevari-
orderand second-order potholereefswere successfully ations are loosely termed "rolls." Rolls are the result
identified.Lens and contactreefs were lessclearly im- of topographicvariationsof the palaeosurface, marking
aged,butby combininggeologicalreasoningwith a close the transitionfrom terraceto slope,or from channelto
inspectionof the seismiccharacterwithin areasof pot- overbank.Thesefeaturesareparticularlyhazardousdur-
hole reefs, their existencecould be inferred. The inter- ing mining. Potholespresentsimilar difficultieswhen
pretationof the five seismiclines was combinedwith mining the platinum-bearingreefs of the Bushveld
boreholedatato producea map showingthe distribution Complex. It is desirable,particularlywhen mining at
of the differentreef types.This informationwasusedto great depth,to have foreknowledgeof thesestructures,
improvethe estimatesof orereservesandto planmining and,where possible,to incorporatethem in stabilizing
operations. pillars.
The seismic-reflectiontechniquehasbeenadaptedfor
usewithin minesto map the geologicalstructurewithin
MINE-SEISMIC-PROFILING (MSP) a few hundredmetersof existingexcavations.The mine-
seismic-profiling(MSP) techniquemakesuseof a long
When mining the tabularreefs of the Witwatersrand borehole(typically200 m) to deploythe receivers,plus
basin,dikesand faultswith throwsassmall astwo meters severalshortboreholes(typically 1.5 m) drilled into the

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Seismicimaging of precious and base-metal depositsin southern Africa 147


0 km 1

Fig. 3b. Seismicsectionfrom Northam PlatinumMine showingthe identificationof differenttypes of

Merensky Reef: First order potholereef, M1-M2; Contactreef, M2-M3; Normal reef, M3-M4. Vertical
scale = horizontal scale.

wall of a tunnelfor anarrayof pneumatichammerswhich has been used in MSP surveysto date in order to re-
serveasenergysources(Figure 4). The receiverconsists ducethe weightof the tool andthe lossincurredshould
of a setof directionalaccelerometers in a Gal'perincon- a probe get stuck in the hole. The probe is incremen-
figuration.The receiverholesarenotnormallyfilledwith tally shiftedalong the boreholeto simulatea stringof
water,soa retractablepneumaticpistonthat clampsthe receivers.Providedthat the boreholeis in good condi-
tool in the boreholeis usedto achievegood coupling tion andthe probeis properlyclampedandorientatedat
of the sensorsto the rock. A specialtool (the "borehole eachstation,the recordeddataaccuratelyrepresentsthe
crawler")was developedto aid the deploymentof trans- wavefieldalongtheborehole,andfull advantagemaybe
ducers in boreholes inclined above the horizontal. As it takenof vectoralprocessingtechniques.
is deployedin a long borehole,the receiveris remote The undergroundmining environmentpresentssig-
from the most seriouseffectsof wavesscatteredby the nificantchallenges:opportunities to deploysourcesand
excavationand the severeattenuationcausedby stress- receiversmaybe severelyrestricted,limiting the volume
fracturedrock aroundthe tunnelsand stopes.While it that canbe imaged;the mining operationmay generate
is commonpracticein the petroleumindustryto use a high levelsof seismicnoise;the zone of stress-induced
stringof sensorsfor VSP surveys,allowing simultane- fracturesthat surroundsdeepexcavationscausesdistor-
ous recordingat severalpoints, only a single receiver tion and attenuation of seismic wavefields and makes

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148 2D seismicimaging of mineral deposits


Source •, Receiver


25 - 200 m


Fig. 4. Diagramillustratingapplications
of the mine-seismic-profiling
(MSP) techniqueto imagereflectors
nearworkingsin deepmines.Sources arelocatedin theminegalleriesandreceiversin boreholes
thegalleries.Raypathsareindicatedschematically; (a) two-dimensional
view,(b) three-dimensionalview.

it necessaryto drill boreholesfor both sourcesand drilledfrom mineworkingsto mapthe orebodyor detect
receivers;boreholediametersare generally48 mm or fluid-filledfissuresareoftenorientatedsubparallelto the
less,limiting the size of geophysicaltools;difficulties strata,anddifferentprocessingmethodsarerequired.
may be encounteredwhen drilling boreholesinto the A surveyconductedin the DurbanRoodepoortDeep
highly stressedabutmentsof excavations; andthe bore- Gold Mine, some 30 km west of Johannesburg, is an
holesmaycloseasa resultof thestressbeforea geophys- example.The objectiveof the surveywasto delineate
ical surveycanbe conducted.If the boreholeis roughly a small fault believed to disrupt the Main Reef. The
perpendicularto the strata,the surveyconfigurationis receiversweredeployedin two existingexplorationbore-
similarto that of a conventionalvertical seismicprofile holes,drilled from a tunnel situatedabout25 m beneath
(VSP) conductedfrom a surfaceborehole,and similar the reef horizon.The reef has a local dip of 23ø to the
processingstrategiesmay be employed.This is often southeast. The boreholes,30 m and62 m in length,were
not the case for MSP, becauseexplorationboreholes drilledupwardfromthe samepointin thetunnelandin

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Seismic imaging of precious and base-metal depositsin southern Africa 149

s I i I i i J i t i I '

- s3 s4 -

\ 600 • I I i I I I I I
-20 0 +20 +40
\ -40
-"' S1s2 Horizontaldistance (m)


Fig. 5. Ray-tracediagramshowingthe reflectionpointson the targethorizonsfor the far sourcesS1 and S4

in a 3D view (a) and a strikesection(b).

the sameverticalplane,approximatelyperpendicularto high amplitudeof the S-wavestendto obscurereflected

the reef plane,with the resultthat the surveyconfigura- P-waves),and the orientationof any reflectoror struc-
tion is essentiallyan upside-downVSP. The boreholes tureof interest.Foursourcepositionswereselected,with
intersectthe Main Reef, which occursin a sequenceof the reflectionpointsforminga 50-m line, approximately
predominantlyquartziticrocks.Minor amountsof dike parallelto strike(Figure 5).
and fault material were also observed in the borehole The wavefieldswere decomposedinto three compo-
core. nents:motionin the verticalplanethroughthe borehole
Ray-tracemodelingwas carded out to determinethe andperpendicularto the dip direction(the longitudinal
sourcelocationsthat wouldprovideoptimalcoverageof component),motion in the vertical plane throughthe
thetargethorizon,takingintoaccountfactorssuchasthe boreholeandparallelto the dip direction(firsttransverse
angle of incidenceon the targethorizon (a large value component),andmotionin thehorizontalplaneandpar-
causingadditionalcomplicationswith regardto reflec- allel to strike (secondtransversecomponent).The di-
tion coefficients,wave-modeconversion,andgeneration rect P-wave energyis concentratedin the longitudinal
of headwaves),the interval betweenthe arrival at each andsecondtransverse component.Modeledarrivaltimes
receiverof the P-wavereflectedfrom the targethorizon for the direct P- and S-waves, and P-wave reflections
and the direct S-wave (the complexwave motion and from the Main Reef (M) and an interface(N) about8 m

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150 2D seismicimaging of mineral deposits





10 2o 3o 4o 5o

Fig. 6a. Recordsectionfor sourceS2 showingthe transverse componentparallelto strikeof the filtered
returning(reflected)wavefield.The receiverspacingis 0.5 m.

abovethe Main Reef are superimposedfor reference werejointly interpretedto establishthe positionof the
on the recordsectionsusingP- and S-wavevelocitiesof fault disruptingthe reef.
5900m/s and3650m/s,respectively (Figure6). Velocity The reliable detectionof structuresthat disruptthe
andfrequencyfilteringwasappliedto reducethe S- and reef (suchasdikes,rolls, andfaultswith throwsassmall
tube-wave reflections and to enhance reflections from as2 m) priorto thedevelopment of cross-cuts
horizonswith a dip of 20ø to 50ø. Correlationwith the is critical for safe and profitablemining of the deep
boreholecorehasmadeit possibleto identifythe likely gold-bearingreefsof theWitwatersrandbasin.Borehole
originof thereflectionsobservedon eachrecordsection, radarhasalsobeenappliedto the problemof detecting
viz., a dike, the Main Reef horizon, and a fault zone. The geological structuresahead of mining, successfully
recordsectionsfor eachsourcelocationandcomponent imagingtheVentersdorp ContactReefat a rangeof over

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Seismicimaging of preciousand base-metal depositsin southernAfrica 151





10 2o 3o 4o 5o

Fig.6b. Recordsectionfor sourceS2showingthelongitudinal
of thefilteredreturning(reflected)
wavefield.The receiverspacingis 0.5 m.

80 rn (Trickettet al., 2000). It is believedthat MSP and activitiesin southernAfrica. Large parts of Namibia
boreholeradar will be complementarytools for map- arecoveredby recentsandsandcalcrete.Consequently,
ping geologicalstructuresaheadof mining,the choice geophysical techniquesare requiredfor mineralexplo-
oœmethod usedwill dependonthepropertiesof thetarget ration.Two areaswith proveneconomicbasemetal de-
horizon and hostrock, and the orientationofboreholes. positsarethe Otavi MountainlandnearTsumebandthe
MatchlessAmphibolite Belt (Figure 1). The problem
of delineatingkarstfeatureson the contactbetweenthe
BASE-METAL EXPLORATION, NAMIBIA carbonate and elastic formations in the Otavi Mountain-

The successof reflectionseismologyin delineating land is analogousto the mappingof potholes.A trial
potholesin the Merensky Reef led to the conjecture surveywascarriedout to testthe viability of usingthe
that the method might be useful for other exploration reflectionseismicmethodto searchfor synsedimentary

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152 2D seismicimaging of mineral deposits

Table 3. Base-metalsurvey,Otjihase mine, Namibia (recorded 1988).

Acquisition Similarto the BushveldComplexhighresolutionsurvey(seeTable2)
1. Demultiplex With crosscorrelationand spectralwhitening
2. Edit Noisy traceedit
3. Scale Whole traceequalizationand sphericaldivergencecorrection
4. Statics Gardner-Leclercfield staticcorrectionsappliedto floatingdatum
5. f-k filter Fantaperwith 3500 m/s cutoff
6. NMO VelocityanalysisandNMO correctionappliedto shotrecords
7. Summation Weightedsumin ratio 1:2:1appliedtraceby traceto improveS/N
8. NMO removal
9. CDP sort
10. Deconvolution Minimum-phasepredictivedeconvolution: 160-msoperatorand 156-msgap
11. Scale Postdeconvolutiontraceequalizationapplied
12. NMO NMO correctionappliedto CDPs
13. Mute Mute appliedto removelong offsetNMO-stretcheddata
14. Statics: Tracescorrectedfrom floatingdatumto regionaldatum
15. Statics Surface-consistent
residualstaticsprovedineffectivedueto low S/N, but CDP consistentresidual
16. Stack Nominal 24-fold stackwith 50% mute compensation
17. Migration f-k waveequationmigrationwith intervalvelocityof 4500 m/s
18. Whitening Spectralbalancingof 25-120 Hz range
19. Coherency Enhancementof dipsin the range0.7 to 1.3 ms/trace

fracturesystemslinked to basementfaulting.A second and extendsto a depthin excessof 1500 m, narrowing

casehistorydescribestheuseof reflectionseismologyto with depthandtransgressingthe strata.Thepipeis filled
map the downdipextensionof mineralized"shoots"at with feldspathicsandstoneoriginatingfrom the overly-
the OtjihaseMine in the MatchlessAmphibolite Belt. ingMuldenGroupanddolomitebrecciafromtheOtavi
The acquisition and processingparametersfor the Group.The high-gradeoreis generallyfoundaroundthe
Otjihasemine survey are listed in Table 3. They are peripheryof the pipe, with irregularveinsandpodsto-
typicalof theparametersusedfor basemetalexploration wardsthecore.Tsumebmineis nearingtheendof itsre-
in Namibia. serves,whichtotaledsome22 Mt • 11.9%Pb,4.8% Cu,
and4.3% Zn (Lombaardet al., 1986). KombatMine is
Tsumeb, Tschudi, and Kombat Surveys, situated further south near the southern limit of the Otavi
Otavi Mountainland
Mountainland.The KombatCu-Pb-Agorebodiesarelo-
The Tsumeb and Kombat ore depositsare among catedbelowa monoclinalflexurein thecarbonates (Innes
the most importantmineral depositsin Namibia. The and Chaplin, 1986). The orebodiesare discretepods,
Tsumeb Pb-Cu-Zn orebody is a polymetallic pipe- with typical dimensionsof 100 rn x 100 rn x 50 rn and
like depositlocatedwithin the moderatelyfolded,pre- totalsize,includingpastproduction,of 8 Mt • 2.5% Cu,
dominantlydolomitic successionof the Otavi Group 1.9% Pb, and 19 g/t Ag.
(Lombaard et al., 1986). The pipe is associatedwith The Otavi Mountainlandhas been extensivelyex-
a paleokarstfeatureat the interfacebetweenthe clastic plored for orebodiessimilar to Tsumeb and Kombat.
Mulden Groupandthe dolomiticOtavi Group.Synsedi- Youngerclastic sedimentsof the Mulden Group con-
mentaryfracturesystemslinkedto basementfaultsacted ceal the potentialhostrock, the dolomiticformationof
as conduitsfor mineral-richhydrothermalfluidswhich the Otavi Group, over a broad area making it attrac-
chemicallyerodedthe limestonehostrock of the Otavi tive to use geophysicalmethodsto probe beneaththe
Group and depositeda wide rangeof lead and copper cover.Magneticandelectromagnetic methodshavebeen
minerals.The body is roughlyelliptical in plan (about usedto explorefor Kombat-typemineralization(Lubbe
150 rn x 70 m), with the long axis orientedeast-west et al., 1994) becauseremanentlymagnetizedpyrrhotite
parallelto the strikeof the sedimentarystrata.In cross- within the Mulden Groupgivesrise to significantmag-
section,the pipe dips steeplysouthwardfrom the sur- neticanomalies,andFe/Mn assemblages associatedwith
face,parallelto the dolomitestrata,to a depthof about Kombat-typeorebodiesproducesmalldeviationsin the
600 m. At thispointthe orebodybecomesnearlyvertical magneticfield. Deep electromagneticsoundingswere

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Seismicimaging of precious and base-metal depositsin southern Africa 153

o km 1

Fig. 7. Seismicsectionfrom the Tsumebarea. Mineralizationoccursin paleokarstfeatureswithin the

dolomiticrocksof the Otavi Group.In thisarea,thepotentialhostrock is concealedby clasticsedimentsof
the Mulden Group.The contactbetweenthe Otavi andMulden Groupswasmappedin an attemptto locate
these features. Vertical • horizontal scale.

then usedto locatethe positionof the monoclinalflex- Two profiles were surveyednear Tsumeb in June,
ure to siteexplorationboreholes.However,theability of 1988. The seismicsectionsshowa strongpersistentre-
magnetic,electrical,andelectomagnetic methodsto ex- flection at the Otavi/Mulden contact(Figure 7). Other
plorebeneaththe Mulden Groupis consideredto be lim- persistentreflectionswithin the Otavi Groupwere used
ited becausethe ore is generallynonmagnetic,substan- to mapfaultswhichcouldhaveactedasconduitsfor hy-
tial oxidationhasoccurredfrom the surfaceto a depthof drothermalfluids. This trial surveydemonstratedthat
400 m, and pyrite and pyrrhotiteare ubiquitouswithin the reflection seismic method is capable of detect-
the Mulden Groupsediments.Fuller (1977) investigated ing paleokarsttopographyalong the interfacebetween
the use of the gravity methodto detecta Tsumeb-like the Mulden and Otavi Groups at depthsin excessof
orebodyconcealedbeneathcoverrocks.The feldspathic 300 m.
sandstoneand dolomitic brecciafilling the pipe has a A trial surveywas also conductednear the Tschudi
negativedensitycontrastcomparedto the dolomitichost deposit (25 km west of Tsumeb), and provided rea-
rock, while the metal sulfide depositshave a positive sonableevidencethat no pipe-like featurescomparable
densitycontrast.A Tsumeb-likepipe buried at depths to the Tsumeborebodyexist beneaththe surveyarea.
of 100 and 200 rn would give rise to gravity anomalies This surveyalsodetectedblockfaultsbelowtheMulden
with peak amplitudesof 0.10 and 0.076 mGal, respec- Groupthatcouldhavebeentheconduitsfor mineralizing
tively.A 0.10 mGal anomalywasconsideredmarginally fluids.
detectablewith very careful observationsover flat ter- A trial seismic-reflection
surveywas alsoconducted
rain with minimal geologicalnoise.Physicalproperty near the Kombat Mine where the dolomitic rocks of the
measurements, however,indicatedthat the Otavi Group Otavi Group and the clastic sedimentsof the Mulden
rockshaveP-wavevelocitiesbetween3800 m/s (highly Group are folded into a narrow,deep,doublyplunging
fracturedandaltereddolomite)and5130 m/s (unaltered synclineapproximately50 km in length.This was the
dolomite), while the averagevelocity of the Mulden leastsuccessfulof the trial surveys.The steeplydipping
Group sedimentsis 3360 m/s. The reflectioncoefficient sides of the syncline were not well imaged, but one
of the targethorizon(the Otavi/Muldencontact)is esti- potentiallyusefulresultdid emerge:it appearsthat the
matedto be relativelyhigh,rangingfrom 0.1 to 0.2, sug- horizonformingthe trap for the mineralizingfluidsis at
gestingthatreflectionseismologycouldbe usedto map a shallowerdepththanwaspreviouslythought,opening
the Otavi/Mulden contact and search for karst features. up new areasfor exploration.It was recommendedthat

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154 2D seismicimaging of mineral deposits

existing gravity and magnetic data be reinterpreted Major normal faultinghas subdividedthe Main Shoot
usingthe structuralconstraintsprovidedby the seismic intodiscreteorebodies.Surfacediamonddrillingis nor-
survey. mallyusedto delineatetheoreshootsandto providein-
formationon major faultingand footwallelevations.In
certainareas,poorgroundconditions rendereddrilling
Otjihase Mine, Matchless Amphibolite Belt
difficultandcausedsignificantdelaysto mining.A re-
The MatchlessAmphiboliteBelt is a 350 km long flectionseismicsurveyto map the structureof the ore
northeast-trending belt in the centralNamibian Damara shootswasproposed, becauseinformationwasurgently
Orogen consistingmainly of marie lavas and meta- neededfor planningpurposes.
intrusiveswith associatedmassive sulfide deposits Seismicmodelingwascarriedout aspart of the fea-
(pyrite, pyrrhotite,chalcopyrite,and sphalerite)within sibility study.The densitycontrastbetweenthe ore-
the schistsof theKuisibFormation(Smalley,1988).The bodyandcountryrockwasestimatedto be greaterthan
sulfidelayer is an excellenttargetfor electromagnetic 0.35g/cm
3.It wasinferred
surveysdue to the high resistivitiesof the surrounding ducea significant reflection,andthatit wouldbepossible
Kuisib Formationschists,the lack of conductiveoverbur- to mapthebroadoutlineof thedepositandfaultswith a
den,andthe integrityof the semimassive sulfidebodies. throw greaterthan 15 m.
A magnetitequartzitehorizonassociated with the sulfide A reflection-seismic survey,consistingof four pro-
layeris usedto rank the conductivityanomalies(Lubbe files totaling 10 line-km, was conductedin 1988. The
et al., 1994; CampbellandMason, 1979). selectionof 24-foldcoverage provedto be optimisticas
The Otjihasedeposit,which is situatedabout30 km thesignal-to-noise ratiowasreduced bynoiseemanating
eastof Windhoek,consistsof four subparallelpencil- from mining operationsandvibrationsinducedin a wa-
shapedmineralizedshoots.Only the Main Shootis be- terpipe.Carefuleditingof noisytracesandweightedav-
ing mined. It is typically 250 m wide and 5 rn thick, eragingof adjacenttracesobtainedan optimumimage.
andhasa provendown-plungeextentin excessof 4 km, The Main Shootgaverise to a recognizablereflection
reachingdepthsgreaterthan 1 km below the surface. (Figure8). While faultingof the ore zonewas clearly

0 meters 200

Fig. 8. MigratedseismicsectionfromtheOtjihaseMine.TheMain Shootof themassive sulfideorebodyis

directlymapped(indicatedby "S"onthesection),
showing disruptions
dueto faulting.Verticalm horizontal

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Seismicimaging of preciousand base-metal depositsin southernAfrica 155

visible, it wasnot possibleto discriminatebetweendif- muchexperiencehasbeengainedregardingmethodsto

ferent facies within the ore zone. optimizethe imagingof the subsurface.

The gold-bearingreefs of the WitwatersrandBasin The authorsthankthe management of Gold Fieldsof
are usuallylessthan two metersthick and, exceptfor SouthAfrica Ltd. and the sponsorsof the DEEPMINE
the VentersdorpContactReef that is situatedimmedi- CollaborativeResearchProgrammefor permissionto
atelybeneatha thick lavaformation,cannotbe detected publishthe resultscontainedin thispaper.
directly by the reflection seismicmethod. Reflection
seismologyis usedto map markerhorizonsthat enable
the reef positionto be inferred,and to seek structures REFERENCES
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SouthWest Africa/Namibia: in Anhaeusser,C. R. and Maske, S., Prosp.andDevel. Assoc.of Can., 399-408.
Eds., Mineral depositsof southernAfrica: Geol. Soc. S. Afr., 2, Smalley,T J., 1988, A geneticmodel for part of the Matchless
1798-1805. Amphibolite Belt and its explorationsignificance:Extended
Lombaard, A. F., Ghnzel, A., Innes, J., and Krhger, T. L., Abstract,Geocongress '88, Geol. Soc.S. Afr., 563-566.
1986, The Tsumeblead-copper-zinc-silver deposit,SouthWest Trickett,J. C., et al., 2000, Proc.8th Internat.Conf.on Ground
Africa/Namibia, in Anhaeusser,C. R. andMaske, S., Eds., Mineral PenetratingRadar (GPR2000), 23-26.
depositsof southernAfrica: Geol. Soc.S. Africa, 2, 1761-1787. Tucker,R. F., Schlegel,G. C.-J., Wagener,J. H. F., andGray,N. K.,
Lubbe,B. L., Krhger,T L., and Symons,G., 1994, Geophysicalex- 1994,The SunProject-II. Scientificandtechnological innovations
plorationtechniques employedby Gold FieldsNamibiain search in a Witwatersrandexplorationventure, in Anhaeusser,C. R.,
for base metals and some explorationresults, in Anhaeusser, Ed., Proc. XVth CMMI Congress:SAIMM SymposiumSeries
C. R., Ed., Proc. XVth CMMI Congress:SAIMM Symposium S14, 3, 103-116.
Series S 14, 3,243-246. Weder, E. E. W., 1994, Structure of the area south of the Central
Odgers,A. T. R., Hinds, R. C., and Von Gruenewaldt,G., 1993, Rand Gold Mines as derivedfrom gravity and vibroseissurveys,
Interpretationof a seismicreflectionsurveyacrossthe southern in Anhaeusser,C. R., Ed., Proc.XVth CMMI Congress:SAIMM
BushveldComplex:S. Afr. J. Geol., 96, 205-212. SymposiumSeriesS14, 3, 271-281.
Pretorius,C. C., Jamison,A. A., and Irons, C., 1989, Seismic ex- Viljoen, M. J., 1994, A review of regionalvariationsin faciesand
plorationin the WitwatersrandBasin,Republicof SouthAfrica, grade distributionof the Merensky Reef, WesternBushveld
in Garland, G. D., Ed., Proc. Exploration 87, 3rd Decennial Complex,with somemining implications,in Anhaeusser,C. R.,
Internat. Conf. on Geophys. and Geoch. Expl. for Minerals Ed., Proc. XVth CMMI Congress:SAIMM SymposiumSeries
and Groundwater:Spec. Publ., Ontario Geol. Surv., 3, 241- S14, 3, 183-194.
253. Viljoen, M. J., et al., 1986, The Union Sectionof Rustenburg
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Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Chapter 10

Using Surface-SeismicReflection to Profile a Massive

Sulfide Deposit at Mount Morgan, Australia
B. d. Evans, M. Urosevic, and,4. Taube

ABSTRACT pipe-like mass consistingmainly of massivesulfides

The Mount Morgan mine, 36 km southwestof (MS) and lesserassociatedstringermineralizationlo-
Rockhampton,Queensland,Australia produced over catednearthe surface(Taube,1986). Newly discovered
8 Moz of gold from 50 Mt of ore during its 109-year suboregrademineralizationconsistsof two horizonsof
life. A massivesulfide(MS) deposit,of potentialeco- strata-boundmassivesulfidesoverlyingstringerminer-
nomic proportions,exists600-m southof and beneath alization(Slag Heap andCar Parkbodies),600 m south
the mined-outorebody.Drilling to datehas indicateda of, and beneaththe original deposit.The mineralized
complexnorth-southtruncatedellipsoidalshape,with stratigraphyis boundedby two major faults,the Invoka
Fault to the west and the Linda Fault to the east. The
sedimentarydepositsand volcanicrocksoverlyingthe
mineralbody.Due to the substantialdepthof the deposit original interpretationfrom drillhole data is shownin
Figure2, in which the shallowestsectionof the MS de-
(300 m at its shallowestpoint), and its relativeposition
within a major fault block, the applicationof conven- positis shown.The depositappearsin a seriesof fault-
tional potential-fieldmethodshas failed to adequately controlledsteps,with dikespassingthroughit. In order
describethe shapeandlocationof the deposit.A 500-m to obtainan imageof the deposit,a 500-m long seismic
long experimentalseismicline and five upholesurveys line wasrecordedoverthe deposit,asshownin Figure 1.
wererecordedoverthe deposit.Line recordinginvolved
drillingindividualholesfor eachof thegeophonespikes
anduseof small charges.The processingsequencewas SEISMIC LINE SIGHTING
standard,exceptthat extremestaticcorrectionswereap- An initial site visit confirmed that to record a seismic
plied, and the data were imaged better using vertical line overthe deposit,the only straightline of sightwas
seismicprofiling and core-derivedvelocitiesin the mi- throughbuildingsand over old workings.The mine is
gration. The result was a seismicsectionthat imaged classifiedby the AustralianNational Trust sinceit was
themineralbody,consistent with knowngeology.In ad- one of the original 1890 gold-rushminesin Australia,
dition, the seismicdata indicated that the extent of the so buildingscould not be disturbed.The line conse-
orebodyis greaterthanthat previouslypredicted. quentlypassedadjacentto an operatingpower substa-
tion, througha workshop(wherethe concreteslabfoun-
dationscausedconcernfor providinggood geophone
response),and eventuallyterminatedon the banksof
The Mount Morgan gold mine is situatedon the New an openpit. The mine was operatedas a touristvenue
EnglandFoldBelt, 36 km southwestof Rockhampton,in with occasionaltour busescomingand goingacrossthe
Queensland,Australia(Figure 1). The originallymined line. The minehadbeensopoorlyadministeredoverthe
mineralization occurred in the Middle Devonian Mount yearsthat acidhad enteredthe mine-sitesoil and could
Warner Volcanics, an acid volcanic-sedimentaryse- be seenfuming to the atmospherefrom opendrillholes
quencewithin the Calliope VolcanicArc (Barker et al., duringthe cool temperaturesof early morning.
1997). The open-cutmine was situatedwithin a roof The seismicline passedover terrain with strongto-
pendantof the aboverocks within the Late Devonian pography.Apart from the line traversingtwo 100-year
Mount Morgan Tonalite.The orebodywas an irregular old mine slagheaps,it passedup the screeslopeof one

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158 2D seismicimaging of mineral deposits


Fig. 1. Locationmap for Mount Morgan.

Seismicreceiver line--appmx 600 m.

West Seismic section--500 m East



Drill hole




400 m

Fault Linda Fault


Fig. 2. OriginalMS interpretation


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Using surface-seismicreflectionto profile a massivesulfidedeposit 159

bare slagheapat an angleof 45 degreeswith a change the MS sequence,severalotherrockswill alsogive rise

in elevationof some 60 m. The other slag heap was to P-wavereflections.For example,the strongacoustic
equallysteepbut coveredin vegetation.The line passed impedancecontrastbetweenthe bandediron formation
acrossa sealedmineroadandalongthesideof aNational (BIF) andthe MS suggests a strongreflectionshouldbe
Trust house.Drilling resultsand the resultinggeologi- observed at the BIF/MS contact.
cal model of the depositshowthat severalsignificant
It is likely that the structuralcomplexityis far greater
thanthatproposed.The steepdip of theMS depositsug- Prior to the seismicrecording,in order to obtain a
gestedthat shotsmight haveto be fired awayfrom the betterunderstanding of anyraypathproblemsin areasof
location of the MS if reflections were to be received.
steepdip, ray tracingwasperformedfor a reversedver-
Consequently,ray tracing was required to confirm tical seismicprofile (RVSP) surveywhichwasplanned
for the site.The geologicalmodelwas drawnusingthe
interpretationfrom recovereddrill whole core. It was
clear that the steepdip to the east of some45ø meant
CORE ANALYSIS that most of the receivers must be offset some distance
Previouswork by Salisburyet al. (1997) has shown to the east of the mineralized zone in order to record re-
that MS depositscan causeseismicreflectionsif the flectionsfrom the dippingbody.This situationis shown
acousticimpedancecontrastbetweenthe ores and the in Figure4. The shotfired at the baseof the boreholeat
host rocks is sufficientlylarge. This provideda per- 250 m is shownasshot1. Thisgenerates reflectedenergy
suasiveargumentfor initially testingwhole core from arrivingat locationsmarked1. In the caseof a shotfired
five Mt. Morgan boreholes.The resultsof sonicveloc- at a depthof 200 m (shot2), the reflectedeventswould
ity and densitytestingare shownin Figure 3. In Fig- arriveat locationsmarked2, generallyto the eastof the
ure 3b, the acousticimpedances of the BMS, SMS, BIF, depositand the Linda Fault. Theseresultsindicatethat
and MS units showthat there is a strongacousticcon- the seismicline mustbe positionedaboveandto theeast
trast,with valuesof acousticimpedance(Z) changing of the deposit,awayfrom the mine site. Consequently,
by asmuchas5000. Therefore,we expectedthereto be the seismic line was drilled and loaded some 100 m fur-
goodreflections.In additionto the goodreflectivityof thereastthanwouldnormallybe expected.Thistookthe

5'5] xx•
o x• ••o MScp'
• 4'5] • • BIF• 1 •
• 4

• 3.5
• 3

3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000

Veloci• (m/s)

Fig. 3. Graphof densi• versuscompressional-wave

5 2
veloci•, determinedfrom wholecore.Contoursof
(Z) inunitsof x 10 gm/cm.sshowthatt•e Mt. Morgan
MS deposits
differ•om thehostrocks(trianglesymbols)andsoshouldbe detectableusingseismic-reflection
BMS denotes bandedminesequence; SMSdenotes semimassivesulfide;BIF denotes
MSshdenotesmassivesulfidefromtheslagheapsite;an• MScp denotesmassivesulfidefromthecarpark

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160 2D seismicimaging of mineral deposits

w E




400 m

Linda Fault
Invoka Fault

Fig. 4. Ray tracingshowedif shot1 wasfired into the receiverline, the arrivingrayswouldbe sprayedto
the eastof the MS, with someexamplelocationsbeingshownwith receiversat positions1, with shot2 just
50 rn shallowin the sameboreholeproducinga similarresult.The ray tracingthereforeindicatedthat the
receiverline mustbe positionedto the easternside,ratherthanoverthe deposit.The rockunitsarethe same
as in Figure2, but havebeensimplifiedto assistin the clarity of the raypaths.

seismicline somedistanceawayfrom the deposit,into The shot-holedepthwasvariable,sincethefundamen-

vegetatedterrane. tal requirementwasto drill into freshrock. This resulted
in shotsbeingloadedasshallowas 1.9 rn andasdeepas
28.9 rn where the hole passedthroughthick slag. Shot
SEISMIC DATA ACQUISITION holeswere missedon screeslopesand insideone large
When drilling shotholescommenced,greatdifficul- workshopdue to the inability of the rig to get inside
tieswereexperienced.Someof the slagheapslopeswere (plus the heritage nature of the buildings). Since core
far too steepfor drilling andconsequently
were missed. measurements showedthe rock to be fairly competent,
When drilling into the car-parkslagheap,it was noted it was decidedto use small 150-g primersin 2-inch di-
that there was a very high downholeexotherm,which ameterholes.Sincetherewere large gapsin the line, it
was due to a continual near-surface chemical reaction. was decidedto try to overcomelost coverageby double
Within metersof the surface,the groundhadthe form of loadingeachshothole. Shotswerethusdoubleloadedin
softtoffee,wherethe slagwouldin-fill shortlyafterdrill holesgreaterthan5 rn in depth,andthebottomshotwas
rodremoval.Thereforeit wasdecidedto putPVC tubing detonated first.Shotswereseparated by atleastonemetre
down eachhole in the slag,and to load the explosives of stemmingandtheholeswerefilled to thesurfaceto en-
just prior to the time of recordingthe data.It was not sureasmuchenergyaspossiblewasretaineddownhole.
known whether the exotherm would melt the base of the The geophonestationsthatweresitedin theworkshop
PVC pipe, but certainlya line of steamplumesgreeting concretepad amountedto about 10% of the line length.
the crew on two mornings,was an eerie sight. The power substationwas shut down while recording

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Using surface-seismicreflectionto profile a massivesulfidedeposit 161

Table 1. Surface-seismicrecording parameters. weatheringthickness,its constitution,and scattering.

Shot station interval: 10m Thesefactorsresultedin poor data quality,as shown
Shotdepthand chargesize: Variable, 1.9 to 29 m in Figure 5a). Shots in the slag heap producedlow
usingK-primers(150 g) frequencynoisy recordswhich were of poor quality.
Receiver station interval: 5m
Receiver station: Single28 Hz geophone Shotsin freshrock wereof the bestquality,while shots
No. of recordingchannels: 96
in virgin soil (off the mine site to the east)showedac-
Recordinginstrument: DAS- 1, 24-bit
Sampleinterval: 0.25 ms ceptablequality.The mostdifficultproblem(apartfrom
Recordlength: 400 ms thegapsin shotcoverage)wasto computeaccuratestatic
Averagefold: Variable 6 to 24
corrections.However,mostof the staticproblemswere
readilysolvedby carefulpickingof thefirstbreaks.Sub-
data,so a separategeneratormountedon the back of a sequentcomputationof therefractionstaticsproduceda
utility truck was usedfor powerwhen geophonespike satisfactorysolution(Figure 5b). However,after initial
holeswerehanddrilled alongthe seismicline. processing,the poorestquality shot recordsstill con-
The seismicrecordingparametersare summarizedin tained somereflectionenergy.An examplefor a shot
Table 1. The full receiverline was600 rn in length.The fired overthe slagheapafter high-passfiltering(above
recordingcommencedin the eastwith an off-endrecord- 200 Hz with a slopeof 24 dB) is shownin Figure5c).
ing spread,and the spreadwaspushedto the westuntil After recordingthe reflectiondata, four RVSP sur-
it cameto the end of the westernpart of the line. Then veyswere recordedin openholescloseto the shotline.
the shotswererolled-through,givingthe maximumfold In addition,a singleboreholesurveywas attemptedin
possibleafter allowing for shortgapscausedby scree one relativelydeepborehole.This requiredshotsto be
slopesandbuildings. placedbeneatha downholereceiverstringcontaining12
geophones,which would be retrieved after each shot.
After firing the first shot,the boreholecollapsedandthe
recordings,only a few shotscouldbe fired in eachbore-
hole beforethey collapsed.Nonetheless,boreholedata
Considerable elevationdifferencesoccurredalongthe wereanalyzedandusedlaterasa guidefor velocityanal-
line (see Figure 2), as well as extremevariationsin the ysisandmigration.

Time (s)




a) b) c)
Fig. 5. Shotrecordat variousstagesof processingwith (a) fielddata,(b) afterapplicationof refractionstatic
and(c) after200 Hz high-pass filtering.Receiverspreadlength480 rn dependent upontopography.

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162 2D seismicimaging of mineral deposits

Table 2. Data-processingparameters. Dikes

FI F2 F3 'Depth
1. Refractionstatics(datum260 m, DRM method) 0.0
2. Amplitudecompensation, filter, deconvolution,andf-k
3. f-k fan filter application 100
4. Predictive deconvolution
5. Butterworthband-pass
6. Velocityanalysis
7. Residualreflectionstatics(surfaceconsistent) 200
8. Velocity analysis
9. ConstantvelocityDMO (V = 5000 m/s)
10. Stack 300
11. Depth migrationusingcoreand RVSP velocities

Time (s)
20O 220 2gO 260 280 gO0 320 340 g60 g80
]28 0 252 ½ 37• 6 SO0 ß


Fig. 7. Depth-migratedsectionusingcoreandRVSP ve-

locities.Major faults(yellow)anddikes(blue)weretrans-
formedfrom the mine plan. A numberof'otherdikesand
faultsare suggested in the data.

provideda very simplemethodof depthmigrationand

an imageconsistent with expectations.
runs basedon the stackingvelocitiesdid not produce
0.3 satisfactoryresultsor match the boreholeinformation.


0.4 Figure 8 showsthe first (depth)derivativeof the data

from Figure 7. The derivativesare sometimesused in
Fig. 6. DMO-stack,500-m long,at thefinal stageof time
high-resolutiondata analysisto enhancestructuralde-

tails. When a derivativeis performed,each trace in a
sectionis differentiatedfrom sampleto sample,andthe
The final processingflow is summarizedin Table 2. outputis a higher frequencysection.A secondderiva-
A relativelygoodqualitytime stackwasproducedusing tiveof a sectioncanalsobeperformedonhigh-resolution
thissequence (Figure6). Most of theimprovements were seismicdata, which resultsin the equivalentof a very
achievedby accuratestaticsandhigh-passfiltering.Sev- high-passfilter. It is clear that the seismicdepth sec-
eral prominentreflectionscanbe seento the left half of tion now resemblesthe mine interpretation,with reflec-
the figureanddeeperin the sectionto the right. tionssteppingfrom westto eastandbreaksbetweenre-
The acquisitiongeometryin this high-velocityenvi- flectionpackagesat the positionsof known faults and
ronment,togetherwith the low fold andrelativelypoor dikes.
signal-to-noise ratio,did not allowaccuratestackingve- The seismicsectionsof Figures7 and 8 suggestthat
locity estimates.Instead,we usedmeasuredcoresample shallow faults cut down throughthe upper sedimen-
velocities,calibratedagainstsparseRVSP data points tary sectionand into the top of the massivesulfideore-
to producethe final depthsectionusingpoststackdepth body. The two major faults•the Invoka (F1) and the
imaging(Figure7). Despiteitslimitations,thisapproach Linda (F3) faults•are reasonablywell positionedon

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Using surface-seismicreflection to profile a massivesulfide deposit 163

West East heaps,whichoverliea massive-sulfide deposit.Coretest-

ing followedby ray tracingwas requiredto designthe
experimentbeforerecordingcommenced.The datawere
Fault Fault Depth
(m) migrated using core and RVSP velocities.The result-
ß- o.................... i?-' _ •'• ß '•'"' * ...... •.... "' 0.0
ing depthsectionis consistentwith knowngeology.The
l-. strongreflectionsin the seismicdata suggestan exten-
sion of the massive sulfide to the east of Linda fault.
• - '- - "• .... 100

Subsequent to this survey,drilling showedthat the cen-

tral orebodyto the southdippedand was thinnerthan
• ' .... ..
* "' 200 expected,and this reducedconfidencein the economic
significanceof the deposit.
When recordingover a steeplydippingcomplexge-
ological structuresuchas this, three-dimensionalseis-
mic recordingis required.Unfortunately,a 3D survey
400 would be very difficultto conductat this site,giventhat
buildingsand old workingspresentedseriousproblems
to evena simple2D experimentalline. However,good
seismicresponseof the MS body is certainlyencourag-
ing for the futureapplicationof seismicmethodsat this
.... 600 location.
The companycontinuesto explore along the Dee
mountainrangeandis planningfurtherseismicinvesti-
gationswhile waitingfor an improvementin commodity
Possible MS across the fault prices.
Fig. 8. Migrated(derivative)section,500-m depth,used
to enhancethe reflections.Labeling is the same as in
Figure 7. A continuationof the MS depositacrossthe
major fault is suggested
by the data.Red amplitudesin- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
The authorswould like to thank Perilya Mines Pty.
the section. MS has been recovered from drill core in Ltd. for allowing the release of these data, and ac-
the samelocationas a high-amplitudereflectionshow- knowledgethe othermembersof the seismiccrew--Jon
ing a steppinganomalyto the westernhalf of the line. CockerandMiroslavBrajanovski--fortheirhelpduring
Figure8 indicatesa packageof high-amplituderefle- a trying survey.
ctionsbeneaththe locationof the MS, which couldsig-
nify thetopof theMS, with a blockofringy databeneath
it. Thisblockis apparentlycontinuous acrossthe section REFERENCES
to theLindaFaultwhereit dropsdown100 rn to a depth
Barker, R. M., et al., 1997, New insightsinto the geologyof the
of 400 m. The final interpretation,includinga possible northernNew Englandorogenin theRockhampton-Monto region,
extensionof theMS depositacrossthefault,is shownin CentralCoastalQueensland: Progress reportontheYarrolproject:
this figure. QueenslandGov't Min. J., 98, No. 1146.
Salisbury,M. H., et al., 1997,Physicalpropertiesandseismicimaging
of massivesulfides,in Gubins,A. G., Ed., Proc.of Exploration97:
CONCLUSIONS 4thDecennial
Assoc. of Can., 383-390.
methodswere appliedin a mine en-
Taube,A., 1986. The Mourn Morgan gold-coppermine and envi-
vironmentin which old slagheapswere both an opera- ronment,Queensland:A volcanogeniemassivesulfidedeposit
tionalanda geophysical
problem.Smallshallowcharges associated
with penecontemporaneousfaulting.Econ.Geol., 81,
were usedto recorda shortsectionof line overthe slag 1322-1340.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Chapter 11

A Comparison of 2D SeismicLines Shot

over the Ansil and Bell Allard Mines
in the Abitibi Greenstone Belt

A.d. Calvert, G. Perron, and Y. Li


Volcanogenicmassivesulfidedepositshost a major Archeart-agegreenstonebelts hosta significantpro-

proportionof the mineralreservesof the Abitibi green- portion of the world's mineral resourcesand, as a re-
stonebeltof OntarioandQuebec,andaretypicallyfound suit,havebeensubjectto intensegeologicalstudy.The
at thecontactsofbimodalvolcanicsequences. A number ArcheartAbitibi greenstonebelt, which straddlesthe
of shallowpenetration,high-resolution 2D seismiclines borderof theCanadianprovincesof OntarioandQuebec
wereshotacrossminingcampsin theAbitibi greenstone (Figure 1), is the world's largestgreenstonebelt, and
beltbetween1990and 1993by theCanadianLithoprobe hasproducedmajor amountsof copper,zinc, lead,gold,
programin collaboration with theminingindustryin or- and silver.Most mineralproductionhasbeenfrom vol-
der to determinewhether it is possibleto image this canogenicmassivesulfide(VMS) orebodies,which in
volcanicstratigraphy. Numerousboreholesare present the Abitibi belt are usually found at the contactsof
in mining campsandthey canprovideimportantlitho- bimodal volcanic sequences.A classicexampleis the
logicalconstraintson the originof the observedseismic alternatinglayersof rhyoliteand andesitefoundin the
reflections,particularlywhengeophysical logsare also Ansil mining camp located in the southernpart of
available.Potentially,seismicreflectionsurveyscanhelp the Abitibi belt. Traditionally,mineral explorationin
optimizefuture explorationdrilling programsby map- the Abitibi has employedelectromagnetic surveysand
pingtheextensionof volcanicunitsbetweenandbeyond extensivedrilling programsbasedon a probablegeo-
existingboreholes,andby directdetectionof amplitude logicalmodel.This approachhassuccessfully identified
anomalies associated with massive sulfide mineraliza- manyof the shallower(<1000 m) orebodiesandmapped
tion. By comparing2D seismiclines shotover two of the volcanicstratigraphyof severalmining camps.In
the most importantmining campsof the Abitibi belt, a maturecamp,extensiveexploitationinfrastructureis
Ansil, andMatagami,we showthatreflectionsfromvol- usuallypresent,and this can make the productionof
canichorizonswithin an Archeartgreenstoneterraincan deepermineraldepositseconomicif the costof finding
sometimes,but not always,be recorded.Interpretation themis not excessive.Denselyspaceddrillingbecomes
of synvolcanic faultingcanbe madewherethe volcanic prohibitivelyexpensiveat large depths,and within the
contactsareimaged,but the interpretationis oftencom- Abitibi belt, surfaceelectromagneticsurveysareusually
plicatedby the pervasivepresenceof mafic sills. The consideredto yield useful informationonly at depths
seismicline shotat Matagamirecordeda strongreflec- shallowerthan 500 m. Thus an alternativegeophysical
tion from the top of the Bell Allard orebody,but it is approachthatwhich canmap targethorizonswithin the
similarin amplitudeto reflectionsrecordedfrom nearby volcanicstratigraphyat greaterdepthsand identifythe
mafic sills.The orebodyis locatedwherefaultinginter- likely locationsof orebodiesis necessary.
sectsa rhyolite-basaltcontact,and suggests that high- Over recentyearsinteresthas grown in the use of
amplitudereflectionslinked to faulting in the under- seismic reflection methods in hard rock environments.
lying rhyolitemay providesuitableexplorationdrilling Much of this interesthas focusedon crustal-scalepro-
targets. filing, but in Canadaa numberof shallowpenetration,

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Comparison of 2D seismiclines 165



Of nine essentiallysimilar bimodal volcanicsucces-

$6ø11 sionsfoundacrossthe Abitibi greenstonebelt, only four
host significantVMS deposits.Furthermore,within a
54ø m
singlevolcanicsuccession, most of the VMS deposits
tend to occur at only one stratigraphichorizon, rep-
resentingonly a small part of the total volcanic edi-
, fice. The actual location of individual VMS lensesap-
pears to be structurallycontrolledby the underlying
horizon(Lydon, 1984). The Ansil and Matagami min-
ing camps are located in quite different parts of the
Abitibi greenstonebelt (Figure 1), and are separatedby
46 ø ZYU._S• at leastone major collisionalsuturezone (Calvert and
Ludden,1999), suggesting thattheir respectivevolcanic
sequences originatedin quitedifferentgeographicloca-
90 ø 87 ø 84 ø 81 ø 78 ø 75 ø 72 ø 69 ø 66 ø
tionsduringthe Late Archean.Althoughthe geologyof
Fig. 1. Locationof theAnsilandBellAllardmineswithin the two mining campsis quite differentin detail, they
the Late ArcheanAbitibi greenstonebelt. do possesssomeimportantfeaturesin common.Both
campsare coredby a major intrusion,which has been
high-resolutionseismiclines, funded by Lithoprobe, interpretedasthe magmachamberfrom whichthe over-
government agencies,
andtheminingindustry,havealso lyingbimodalvolcanicsequences wereerupted.In both
been shotacrossmining camps.In mining camps,nu- camps,maficsills,whicharenowexposedatthesurface,
merous boreholes are available to constrain the seismic extensivelyintrudedthe volcanicstratigraphy.Litholo-
interpretation,and they are particularlyuseful if geo- gies identifiedat Matagami are in generalmore mafic
physicallogshave also been recorded.In the Abitibi, than those found at Ansil.
wheremuchmineral explorationfocuseson the identi- The NorandaCentralVolcanicComplexis the largest
ficationof massivesulfidedeposits,there is significant of the volcanic complexesin the southernpart of the
interestin determiningwhetherseismicreflectionsur- Abitibi greenstonebelt. Numerousvolcanogenicmas-
veyscanbeusedto mapthecontacts withinthebimodal sive sulfides have been identified within the Central
volcanicstratigraphywhichrepresentimportantexplo- VolcanicComplex, with most being found within the
ration targets.Furthermore,physicalproperty studies bimodal andesite-rhyolite
Mine Seriessuccession.
showthat massivesulfidesare characterizedby anoma- Mine Series rocks, which are consideredto form a ho-
lousP-wavevelocityanddensityvalues(Salisburyet al., moclinalsequenceup to 3 km thick, lie to the east,and
1996), and it is possiblethat massivesulfide orebod- stratigraphicallyabove,the 15-km-wide Flavrian plu-
ies canbe detecteddirectlyusingseismicmethods.The ton (Figure 2). The pluton is contemporaneous with
objectiveof this chapteris to assessthe practicalityof the Mine Seriesrocks and is believedto representthe
mineralexplorationin the Abitibi greenstone belt using magmachamberfrom whichthe Mine Seriesvolcanics
seismic-reflectionmethodsby comparingthe resultsof were erupted. U-Pb zircon dating suggeststhat the
high-resolution seismiclinesshotacrosstwo of themost 15-20-km-wide, subaqueous Noranda shield volcano,
importantVMS miningcamps,bothcharacterized by a which is now represented by the Flavrianplutonandas-
bimodal volcanic succession. One seismic line was shot sociatedvolcanics,may haveevolvedover only 3.5 Ma
over the now-abandoned subsurface Ansil mine work- between 2701.5 4-1 Ma and 2697.9 + 1.3/-0.7 Ma
ings;anotheralmostdirectlyabovethe recentlydiscov- (Mortensen, 1993a). Five cycles of volcanism have
ered6 million tonneBell Allard massive-sulfidedeposit beenrecognized(Spence,1967;deRosen-Spence,1976;
locatedin the Matagamiminingcamp.In particular,we Kennedy,1984) with the third (the Mine Series)being
considerhoweasyit is to distinguishsuchsmallsubsur- associatedwith a periodof subsidence that wasparticu-
face targetsfrom otherseismicsignalsrecordedin this larly conduciveto the formationof VMS deposits,per-
hard-rock environment. haps due to the creationof ring fracturesaroundthe

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166 2D seismicimaging of mineral deposits

•+ -F -F

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Comparison of 2D seismiclines 167

volcano(GibsonandWatkinson,1990). Most of the ore- Key Tuffite(Jenney,1961). SeveralVMS depositshave

bodiesare relatively shallow,being locatedat the con- been locatedaroundthe southwestern edge of the Bell
tacts of the Amulet and Waite Andesites with the Waite River intrusion.Most of the depositsoccurat the strati-
Rhyolite.The deeperAnsil mine deposit,whichformed graphiclevelof theKey Tuffitehorizon,andindicatethat
duringa periodof volcanismandsubsidence, wasfound formationof the orebodiesis linked to the underlying
later duringthe developmentof the area, and is located WatsonLake group.MacGeehanet al. (1981) andPichb
in the northernpart of the Mine Series.The exploita- et al. (1990) havesuggested that metalsmay havebeen
tion of the Ansil mine is now complete,and the under- leachedfrom submarinebasalts,and subsequently pre-
groundworkings,whichhavebeenback-filled,are now cipitatedat the overlyingsiliceousmffite, with the fluid
presumablypartially flooded,rubble-filledcavities.The circulationdrivenby heatfrom the deeperBell River in-
total Mine Seriessequencereachesa maximum thick- tinsion.The Bell Allard depositwas locatedby drilling
nessof about2.5 km and has an easterlydip of 30-50 andboreholeelectromagnetic surveys;it lies at a depth
degrees,resultingin the surfaceexposureof the various of 900-1150 rn beneaththe main highwayto the town
volcanicstrata(Figure2). The Lake Dufault plutonlies of Matagami (Figure 3). With an estimatedsize of over
to the southeastof the surfaceexposureof the Mine Se- 6 000 000 tonnes,the depositis the largestidentifiedon
riesvolcanicsandis the secondlargestplutonwithin the the southern flank of the Galinbe anticline.
NorandaCentralVolcanicComplex;the plutonis inter-
pretedto be a postvolcanicunit that cross-cutsthe lo-
cal stratigraphy.
Numerousdikesandsillsof gabbroand
dioritearefoundwithin thevolcaniccomplex,represent-
ing about20% of the surfacerocks.The westernbound- ArcheanVMS depositsareconsideredto haveformed
ary of the Flavrianpluton at its northernmostexposure in a subaqueous settingin muchthesamewaythatminer-
is definedby the Hunter Creekfault, oneof a numberof als areprecipitatedat hydrothermalventson mid-ocean
faults that trend southwest to northeast across the area. ridges today.The idealized VMS depositcomprisesa
The Bell River intrusion(Freeman,1939), which un- concordantlensof massivesulfideconsistingof greater
derlies the town of Matagami, is one of a number of than 60% sulfideminerals(Sangsterand Scott, 1976)
mafic-ultramaficlayeredcomplexesfound in the north- that overliesa stringerzone of vein-typesulfideminer-
ernmostpart of the Abitibi greenstonebelt (Figure 3). alizationcontainedwithin a pipe of hydrothermallyal-
Associated granophyric rocks have been dated at teredrock (Lydon, 1984). The uppercontactof themas-
2724.64-2.5 Ma using U-Pb methods (Mortensen, sivesulfidelensis usuallyextremelysharp,butthelower
1993b). The Bell River Complex stratigraphicallyun- contactis usuallygradationalinto the stringerzone. A
derliesa suite of bimodal volcanicrocks;the deepest single depositmay consistof severalmassivesulfide
volcanicunit, the WatsonLake Group,is largelyfelsic, lenses,and an examplefrom the Isle Dieu mine in the
andis overlainby the intermediateto mafic rocksof the Matagamicampis shownin Figure4. The Isle Dieu de-
WabasseeGroup(Roberts,1975;BeaudryandGaucher, positconsistsof two lenses,eachof whichoverliestwo or
1986). Rhyolitesof the WatsonLake group have been more stringerzones.The stringerzone is consideredto
shownto have an age similar to that of the Bell River representthe conduitthroughwhichmineral-richfluids
mafic intrusion,and it hasbeen suggestedthat the Bell circulated,and the sulfidelens itself representsthe ac-
River intrusion representsthe magma chamber from cumulationof sulfidesprecipitatedfrom the fluidsonto
whichtheoverlyingvolcanicunitswereerupted(Sharpe, the sea floor aboveand aroundthe dischargevent as
1968; MacGeehan, 1978); however,a more complex cooleroceanwater was encountered.The sharpupper
evolution,in which the Bell River units subsequently contactobservedin manydepositsis presumablylinked
intrudethe overlyingvolcanics,hasalsobeenproposed to burial of the depositin a subsequentphaseof volcan-
(Maier et al., 1996). The Bell River Complex,together ism. In many instances,a thin exhalite or tuffite hori-
with its associatedvolcanics,is consideredto have been zon is foundat the samestratigraphic levelasthe sulfide
folded into the Galinbe anticline, whose southwestern lenses,extendingawayfromthedepositasa stratigraphic
flank dipsat around45ø. On thisflank, the WatsonLake marker. This sedimentaryhorizon may have been cre-
groupcomprisesa daciteunit overlainby rhyolite,and atedby chemicalprecipitationin the waning stagesof
is separated from the overlyingbasalticWabassee group hydrothermalactivityduringvolcanicquiescence. Many
by a 1-3 m thick cherty,tuffaceoushorizonknownasthe VMS depositsexperienceddeformationthatalteredtheir

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168 2D seismicimaging of mineral deposits

•: • • ....
•:- • vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
• v

v•• .... • "• • • .......... -•

vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv • ii ß ß ß .. •
_.'-- •11• • • + ¾.•,v •vv
ß•'..'-• +++++++++++
+ + + + + + + + + + + + ++++-
+ + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + + +

+ + + + +
+ + + + + +








...................................... ..... '.-•.•...^•




Fault•v•v•vv•vvv•vvv•V•v• Bell Allard South


::v v...... . ..


........ v.... 2 km ...................... v......

......... •½•½½ 7vVV•vvvvVv••v• ...........
vvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv •vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

Wabassee Group Watson Lake Group

//• Bell
v;v•• Basalt
Mafic volcanics(Cavalier) 7::•
ß Rhyolite
Basalt (Allard River unit) Gabbro
dikes +• Olga
Rhyolite(Dumagamiunit) O Peridotite
Fig. 3. Geologicalmapof theMatagamiminingcamp.High-resolution seismicprofile93-A wasshotalong
the north-southsectionof themainhighwayoverthe southflankof the Galin6eanticline,whichis coredby
theBell Rivermaficintrusion.The Bell AllardVMS depositliesalmostdirectlybeneaththehighway.Gabbro
sills,whichintrudethevolcanicunitsof theWabassee andWatsonLake groups,areexposedacrossthe area.

originalshape.In the caseof theIsle Dieu depositshown Pyrite is the most common sulfide mineral found
in Figure4, the regionaroundthe sulfidelenseswassub- in these sulfide lenses, and is present throughout;
ject to two stagesof postburialintrusion, which were pyrrhotite,chalcopyrite,sphalerite,and galenaare also
responsiblefor the presenceof the tonaliteand gabbro commonlypresent.Concentrations of chalcopyriteand
sills.In fact, thisis the only depositon the southernflank pyrrhotiteareusuallygreatestcloseto thealterationpipe,
of theMatagamistructuresoaffected.As with mostmas- whereassphaleriteand galenatendto be more common
sive sulfide depositsin the Abitibi greenstonebelt, the at largerdistances fromthepipe.As shownby Salisbury
orebodyis locatedat the contactof a bimodal volcanic et al. (1996), all of these minerals exhibit anomalous
sequence.So the top of the WatsonLake rhyoliteshown densityand seismicP-wavevelocityrelativeto the host
in Figure 3 representsthe former seaflooronto which rockstypical of the Abitibi greenstone belt. Excluding
sulfidemineralswereprecipitated. pyrrhotite,whichhasa relativelylow P-wavevelocity,a

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Comparison of 2D seismiclines 169

+ ++++
+ + +

• •+ ++
+ +

lOO rn + +

+ +


+ + + + +

+ + + +

+ • + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + +

+ + + + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + + +


Fig. 4. Geologicalcross-section, with no vertical exaggeration,of the Isle Dieu depositlocatedto the
northeastof Bell Allard. With the exceptionof the tonaliticintrusion,this depositis typical of thosefound
on the southernflank of the Bell River complex,being locatedat the contactof the rhyoliticWatsonLake
andbasalticWabassee groups.Massivesulfidelensesarelocatedabovestringers of mineralization thatlikely
representconduitsalongwhichmineral-bearing fluidsonceflowed.

sulfidelenscomposedof a typicalmixture of the other geologicallogsto be madethroughoutthe lengthof the

sulfidemineralswouldhavea greaterP-waveimpedance borehole. The hard rock and small borehole diameter
than most common host rocks in this environment due to also permit accurategeophysicallogs to be recorded.
ofpyrite,whichhasa densityof 5.0g/cm3 Boreholesin boththeAnsil andMatagamiminingcamps
of8.1kms-1. Thisimpliesthatthe were loggedby the GeologicalSurveyof Canadawith
sharpcontactat thetop of a sulfideorebodywill strongly full waveformsonic,gamma-gammadensityandcaliper
reflectseismicwavesif thebodyis sufficientlylarge.The tools. These logs extendfrom closeto the total depth
more gradationalchangein sulfidegradeat the baseof (TD) of the boreholeto within a few metresof the sur-
a lenswouldtendto reducethe likelihoodof a strongre- face. Thus it is possibleto correlate accuratelysonic
flectionresponse.The actualseismicresponseof an ore- and densitylogswith lithologiclogsderivedfrom core
bodyis stronglydependenton its geometry,in particular descriptions.
itsthicknessandlateralextent,aswell asthefrequencyof BoreholesAN-71 from the Ansil camp and BAS-95-
seismicillumination.In the caseof the 100-200 rn long 41 from the Bell Allard area are presentedin Figures5
depositstypical of the Abitibi belt, the responsecannot and 6, respectively.Both setsof logs show the same
be predictedwithout detailedmodeling(Eaton, 1999). generalcharacter,with major changesin P-waveveloc-
ity anddensitybeingprimarilyassociated with changes
in lithology.The correlationbetweenincreasingmafic
mineralcontentandhigherP-wavevelocityand density
Unlike oil industry exploration wells, boreholes is well known for silicate rocks, and this seems to be
drilled in hard-rock mining camps are usually small the dominantcontrol on the variationspresentin the
diameter(<7.6 cm) and continuouslycored,allowing geophysicallogs. Exceptionsto this rule are a sharp

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
170 2D seismicimaging of mineral deposits

200 1-- 200 --- 200 .--- 200

400 - - 400 --_

400 ..... 400

600 _.•- 600 •---

600 ._•- 600
•_ _

E v
E - v
800 • = 800 • = 800 • = 800

1000 %. 1000 ---- 1000 1000

1200 Rhyolite
• 1200 1200 1200
1400 •-- - 1400 1400 -- - 1400 Andesite

-- _

....... ' 1600;............................
• --' 1600•,-
-• - - -
2.4 2.8 3.2 5.5 6 6.5 7 15 20 0 5

Density(g/cm3) Velocity(km/s) Impedance Trace Number

Fig. 5. Sonicvelocity,density,and impedancelogsfrom boreholeAN-71 codedby lithology.The borehole

penetratesseveraldioritesillscloseto the surfacein additionto thebimodalandesite-basalt
raphyof theMineSeries
perpartof theFlavrian
was calculatedfrom the logsusingan Ormsbywaveletwith comer
of 30,38,75,and105Hz. Impedance
x 10s g/cm2 s.

reductionin velocityanddensityassociated
with a fault 0.03-0.05 for lithologicalvariationsamongthevolcanic
zone intersected at the base of hole AN-71 and varia- units.Thus, on the basisof the boreholelogging,and
tions within a massive andesite unit between 1020 m and without any considerationfor nonplanargeometryor
1420 m in AN-71. The former is presumablylinked to interferingnoise,it wouldbe expectedthatthe mafic in-
the existenceof fractureporositywithin the fault zone, trusionswould producethe most visible seismicreflec-
while the latter is probablyattributableto unidentified tions, and that most of the contactswithin the bimodal
lithologicalvariationwithintheandesite.Fracturingalso volcanics would be visible as weaker reflection horizons.
appearsto be presentat less than 400 m depth, caus-
ing somelarge variationsin the logs. There are a few
lithologiesthatdonotshowmajordifferences in physical
propertieswhen comparedwith adjacentunits, mainly Seismicline 21-1 was shotacrossthe Ansil mining
the diorite sills within andesite in AN-71. This lack of camp in 1991, passingover the Ansil mine workings,
contrastis to be expectedsincethe lithologicalcontrast whichareno longeractive.Line 93-A wasshotthrough
is an expressionof the intrusiveversusextrusivenature the Matagamimining campin 1993, within 100-280 m
of the rock rather than its mafic mineral content. Plane- of therecentlydiscoveredBell Allard orebodyandprior
wave reflectioncoefficientsare generallyin the range to any mine development.The two seismiclines were
0.05-0.10 for contactswith the mafic sills,andperhaps acquiredusingsimilarparametersdesignedto optimize
Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Comparison of 2D seismiclines 171


lOO lOO ...... _

lOO -.• ..... 100

200 200 200 200

3OO 300 .... 300 3OO

400 400 .•.--- ,•,400 -:_-

-- •,400

500 500 -- c3 500 ..... c3 500

. .

6OO 600 .... 600 ..... 600 Felsic Tuff

Felsic Dyke
7OO 700 .... 700 --- 700

8OO 800 ...... 800 ....... 800

Diorite Dyke
900 .......................... 900 900 ' 900
2.5 3 5 6 7 15 20 0 5
3) VP(km/s) Impedance Trace
Fig. 6. Sonicvelocity,density,and impedancelogsfrom boreholeBAS-95-41codedby lithology.The
boreholeextendsthroughthe gabbrosillsandvolcanicstratigraphyof the Wabasseegroup,andterminates
within the uppermostpart of the rhyoliticWatsonLake group.The primaries-only
wascalculatedfromthe logsusingan Ormsbywaveletwith cornerfrequencies of 25, 30, 100,and 110 Hz.
x 105g/cm2 s.

imagingin thehard-rockenvironment.The seismiclines The shearwave was attenuatedby applyinga 15-trace

wererecordedwith a 240-channeltelemetryacquisition medianfilter alongthe sheararrivalin the shotdomain,
systemusing20 m (line 21-1) or 8 m (line 93-A) long and then subtractingthe resultfrom the originaldata.
linear arraysof nine 30-Hz geophones deployedevery Other prestackprocessingstepsincludedzero-phase
20 m. Two vibratorswere deployedin an eight sweep, spikingdeconvolution, two passesof stackingvelocity
20-m sourcearray;thevibrationpointspacingwas20 m. estimationplussurface-consistentresidualstatics,anda
In orderto obtainthe greatestpossibleresolution,but 200-ms automaticgain control (AGC), time-varying,
alsoto eliminateinterferinglow-frequencygroundroll, traceequalization.Becauseof thehighlyheterogeneous
a linear,high-frequency30-140 Hz, 12 s longupsweep natureof the subsurface,reflectionsand diffractionswith
was employed.The recordedvibroseisdatawere corre- conflictingapparentdipsarepresentonthestackedseis-
lated in the field. mic section.Thesearrivalswere imagedby applyinga
Bothline21-1 and93-A arecrookedprofilesandwere log-stretchdip moveout(DMO) correctionin the con-
processed in anidenticalfashionthroughto thefinalpre- stantoffsetdomain,followedby a zero-offsetStolt mi-
stackmigration.Firstbreakswerepickedandarefraction grationusinga constant
velocityof 6200 ms-j, also
staticssolutionderivedusinga generalizedlinearinver- in the constantoffsetdomain.A final velocityanalysis
sion approach.Althoughthe groundroll provedto be wascarriedout after sortingbackto commonmidpoint
negligiblewith the useof the high-frequency vibroseis (CMP) gathersin order to optimize the summationof
sweep,a strongS-wave arrival was usually recorded. the migratedconstantoffsetsections(Figures7 and 8).
Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
172 2D seismicimaging of mineral deposits

CDP 11oo lO5O lOOO 950 900 850 800 750 700 CDP

- 5OO
0.25 -

- 1000 ,-

0.50 -
- 1500

- 2000
O.75 -

CDP 1100 1050 1000 950 900 850 800 750 700 CDP
IA•,51 A•.67 I I

- 500

- 1000

- 1500

• •(© /
I -


Granodiorite Rhyolite Diorite Andesite Ansil orebody < 2% Na20

and tonalire Alteration zone

Fig. 7. Seismicsectionfrom line 21-1 over the Mine Seriesvolcanicsat Ansil (as indicatedby the thicker
line in Figure2). (a) Migrated seismicsection.The dataare displayedherewith a 0.3 s AGC. (b) Geological
cross-section derivedfrom boreholedata superimposed on the migratedsectionshownin (a). Synthetic
seismograms calculatedfrom estimatedlogsfor holesAN-51 andAN-67 havebeensplicedinto the section.
The boreholesusedto constrainthe geologicalcross-section are indicatedby verticallines. The deepestunit
is the Flavrianpluton,whichwasintersectedby the deepboreholes.As suggested by the surfacegeology,the
Mine Seriesrockscomprisea stratigraphicsuccession of alternatingrhyoliticand andesiticvolcanicunits,
intrudedby dioriticsills.

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Comparison of 2D seismiclines 173

s N
SP 3OO 35O 400 450 5OO SP


1000 Q.




SP 300 35O 400 450 5OO SP


0.2 i

1000 Q.
Gabbr'-' sills
0.4 --

Bell River,

0.6 i 1000 m


Fig. 8. Seismicprofile93-A acrossthesouthernflankof theMatagamiminingcamp.(a) Prestackmigration.

(b) Interpretation.The strongestreflectionsvisible are likely associatedwith two gabbrosill complexes
whichconvergejust to the southof the Bell Allard Sulfidedeposit(BAS). The Key Tuffitecontactbetween
the primarilybasalticWabasseegroupandthe felsic WatsonLake groupis denotedby KT. DR marksthe
approximate positionofDumagamirhyolitewithintheWabassee group.Interpretedfaultingis shownin red.
The blue horizonmay be the top of the Bell River gabbro-anorthosite.

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174 2D seismicimaging of mineral deposits

Further details of the prestack migration processing over the Bell Allard deposit,the processingflow was
and detailsof the crooked-linebinning issuesare pre- repeatedwith no AGC, but with a geometricspread-
sentedin PerronandCalvert (1998). The highly anoma- ing correctionprior to deconvolutionand a whole-trace
lous physical propertiesof massivesulfidessuggests equalizationbefore DMO correction(Figure 9). This
that sulfidemineral depositsmay be characterizedby hadthe effectof betterpreservingtherelative-amplitude
strongreflectionor diffractionamplitudes,which arenot character of the reflection data (Calvert and Li,
preservedby the time variantAGC. Thus, for line 93-A 1999).

Bell Allard VMS Deposit

S 320
I 340 3•0 380

- 500•


Base BAS


S 320 Daniel340 360 Main38O 4OO N

Splay I I Fault I I

500 m

"•'• •,. ' '•.•,','

4•/,". .. ,

Gabbro Sill

Fig. 9. Prestackmigratedprofile over Bell Allard VMS depositafter relativeamplitudepreservationThe

arrowsin the upperpanel indicatethe reflectionfrom the top of the deposit.The horizontallines mark
the depthrangeof knownsulfidemineralizationestimatedfrom drill core.In the lowerpanel,a simplified
(afterAdamet al., 1997)andthesynthetic
calculatedfrom the logsin boreholeBAS-95-41 are superimposed on the seismicdata.Blue, gabbro;green,
basalt;magenta,felsictuff or dike;red,sulfide;yellow,rhyolite;brown,mafic-intermediate dike.

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Comparison of 2D seismiclines 175

GEOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION contrastbetweenthe competentrock andthe back-filled

In a 2D seismicprofile,bothin-planeandout-of-plane
arrivalscan be accuratelyfocusedby prestackmigra- Line 93-A is characterizedby two strongconvergent
reflectivepackageswhichhavean apparentdip towards
tion processing; however,out-of-planereflectionscan
the southend of the line. Analysisof line 29-3, the first
onlybe migratedto their true subsurface positionwhen
seismicprofile shot at Matagami, suggestedthat the
crosslinedata is availableas part of a full 3D survey.
upperof thesetwo reflectivezonescorresponds to litho-
Despitethis limitation,it is possibleto makesomeim-
logical contactsbetweenbasalt, rhyolite, and gabbro
portantinferences aboutsubsurface structurein Abitibi
(Milkereit et al., 1992). The lower reflectionpackage
mining camps.Both lines 21-1 and 93-A are charac-
terizedby a backgroundof shortdiscontinuous reflec- occurswithin the rhyolitic Watson Lake group, and
tion segmentsthat are probablyattributableto coher- is interpretedas gabbrosills, which have occasionally
beenintersectedby boreholesat this stratigraphiclevel.
ent, mainly side-scattered arrivals.Many strong,more
continuousseismicreflectionsare superimposed on this Correlatingthe boreholelithologieswith the seismic
sectionleadsto the lithologicalidentificationsshownin
background, andunderstanding their originin detailre-
Figure 8b. The contactbetweenthe essentiallybasaltic
quirescorrelationof the seismicdatawith theborehole
WabasseeGroup and the largelyrhyoliticWatsonLake
Line 21-1 is orientedin the dip directionof the vol- groupis locatedat the Key Tuffite (indicatedby KT in
Figure 8b), the chertyexhalitehorizon,at which many
canic stratigraphy, as definedby drilling, althoughthe
of the area'sVMS depositsare located.The overlying
top of theFlavrianplutonprobablydipsin a moreeast-
reflections (DR) appear to be associatedwith the
erly direction.Thus a geologicalsectionthroughthe
Mine Seriescanbe superimposed on the seismicsection Dumagamirhyoliteslocatedwithin the lowerWabassee
Group.The gabbrosillsin theupperWabasseegroupare
(Figure7b) with a reasonable degreeof accuracy. There
shallowerthan the strongreflectionsexceptfor the sill
are no laterally continuousreflectionswithin the seis-
mic data at the inferred location of the contacts within intersectedby hole BAS-95-41 at 420 m, which proba-
bly is the shallowestelementof thisreflectionsequence.
thebimodalvolcanicpile. If strongreflectionswerepro-
ducedby contactsin the volcanicstratigraphy, thenthey
Although the amplitudeof the shallowestreflections
would be observedin the seismicprofile betweenCDP couldbe affectedby the lower fold, it appearsthat the
900 and 1000, but no suchreflectionsare observedabove borehole logs poorly predict the relative amplitudes
observedin the field data; the weak reflectionsbetween
0.4 s. The only possiblecandidatefor a reflectionfrom
0.2 s and 0.3 s in the syntheticseismogramare the
sucha boundaryis the set of discontinuous reflections
within theFlavrianandesitejust abovethepluton.These strongest oneson the seismicprofile.In the caseof line
93-A, faulting can be identifiedfrom discontinuitiesin
reflectionspossesstoo small an apparentdip, possibly
the observedreflectionsandis represented in Figure8b.
explainableas geologicaldip out of the plane of the
seismicline, but the reflectionsalso seem to project There appearto be at leasttwo fault systemspresent.
The lower is associatedwith faultingof the underlying
into a diorite sill identifiedin an updip boreholesug-
WatsonLake Groupand,perhaps,the deeperBell River
gestingthat this is the probableexplanationfor these
intrusion,and doesnot appearto penetratefar into the
arrivals.The highestamplitudereflectionsoccurbelow
WabasseeGroup.The upperfaultingis largelyconfined
and to the eastof the geologicalsection,and they dip
to the WabasseeGroup, but probably cuts some of
more shallowlythanthe volcanicstratigraphydeduced
the deeperfaults; however,this is difficult to identify
from drilling.As discussed in moredetailby Perronand
Calvert (1998), many of theseobservedseismicreflec- clearlyon the seismicsectionasbothsetsof reflections
tionscorrelatewith diorite-gabbro sills,andwe inferthat originateoutof the verticalplaneof theprofile.It is also
almost all of the reflections in line 21-1 have this ori- possibleto discerna concentrationof faulting around
SP 350 wherethe Bell Allard orebodyis located.
gin, explainingthe complexcrosscutting relationships
that they exhibit.Becauseof the absenceof reflections
from the volcanicstratigraphyand the complexpattern
of the sills,we areunableto infer with any certaintythe
presenceof faulting.Reflectionsareobservedfrom the
locationof the Ansil mine galleries(0.45 s at CDP 900) The Bell Allard depositlies between900 and 1150 m
andarepresumablyattributableto a seismicimpedance deep,and dipsto the southat around50 (Adam et al.,

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176 2D seismicimaging of mineral deposits

1997). Sincethe depositdipsin the directionof the seis- regionalprofiles(Calvert and Ludden, 1999). Sills are
mic profile and is only 100-280 m from the profile,its oftenmoremaficthanthe overlyingvolcanics,andusu-
positionwithintheseismicdatacanbelocatedwith some ally cut throughthem, creatingthe relatively smooth,
degreeof accuracy.Figure9a indicatesthe shortreflec- aerially extensivesurfacesnecessaryto causestrong
tion segment,whichis interpretedasbeingfrom thetop seismicreflections.Thus it is likely that most, if not
of theBell Allard VMS depositbecauseof itsappropriate all, VMS mining campsin the Abitibi greenstonebelt
positionand dip. A geologicalsectionthroughthe de- will be characterizedby strongreflectivityassociated
positis superimposed on the seismicdatain Figure9b. with sill intrusion.An importantdifferencein the seis-
No time-varyinggain other than geometricspreading mic reflectionprofiles from the two campsis the ease
was used in the processingof this displayin order to with whichthe contactsof the volcanicstratigraphycan
showmore clearly any amplitudeanomaly.The lateral be imaged.At Ansil, thereis no clearevidenceof seis-
extentof the sulfidedepositis actuallylongerthan the mic reflectionsfrom the andesite-rhyolitecontacts.At
observedreflection, and the seismicresponseappears Matagami,however,the basalt-rhyolitecontactswithin
to originatefrom the uppersurfaceof the lower,more theLowerWabasseegroupgenerateclearseismicreflec-
pyrite-richlobe of the orebody,perhapsdueto the very tions, which are continuousand can be usedto infer the
highdensityandseismicvelocityvaluesassociated with presenceof faulting in somedetail. We can presentno
pyrite (Salisburyet al., 1996). No separatereflection clear explanationfor this difference;it may be related
from the base of the depositcan be clearly identified, to more rugosecontactsat Ansil, or perhapsthe greater
andthismay be indicativeof the gradationalbasalcon- mafic contentof the volcanicpile at Matagami,which
tact inferredfrom geologicalstudies. would tend to imply that the lavasflowedmore readily
If the interpretedgabbro sills are acceptedas iso- creatingmorelaterallyextensivesurfaces.Nevertheless,
time markersat the time of emplacement,then the de- it is clear from the comparisonof the two seismiclines
formationof the lower sill complexsuggestsa normal that imaging the contactsof the volcanicstratigraphy
senseof motion alongthe fault that underliesthe Bell is necessaryto be able to map the synvolcanicfaulting
Allard orebody.This fault, which lies in the Watson whichcontrolsorebodyformation.
Lake Group couldwell haveprovidedthe conduitnec- We alsoidentify in line 93-A a strongseismicreflec-
essaryfor mineral-bearingfluids to reach the ancient tion,whichoriginatesfromnearthetop of the6-million-
seafloor.As a result,the depositionof massivesulfide tonneBell Allard deposit,but notethat its lateralextent
mineralsduringthis periodcouldhavebeencontrolled doesnot correlatepreciselywith the known size of the
by fluid flow along this fault and its associatedfrac- orebody.The lack of a clearreflectionfrom the baseof
tures,asis commonlyincorporatedinto modelsof VMS the depositis consistent with geologicalobservations of
depositformation.The concentrationof faulting inter- a gradationallower contactinto the underlyingsulfide
pretedaroundthe Bell Allard sulfidedepositis strongly stringerzones.The Bell Allard deposit,whichoccursat
indicative of such a link. the top of the WatsonLake group,appearsto be asso-
ciatedwith normalfaultingthat extendsto depthwithin
this unit, and may have providedthe conduitthrough
which hot mineral-rich fluids rose to the ancient sea
Althoughthereareimportantdifferencesbetweenthe floor. Strongseismicreflectionsfrom mafic sillswithin
Ansil and Matagami mining campsin termsof tectonic the mining camp, which are of comparableamplitude
history,the general geologicalmodel of formation is to the reflectionfrom the top of the VMS deposit,are a
similar in that orebodiesin both campsare locatedat majorlimitationon the identificationof sulfidedeposits.
the contactsofbimodal, subaqueous volcanicsequences A faultedsegmentof a gabbrosill, 200 rn in length,will
eruptedfrom a magma chamber,which is believedto appearvery similarto a massivesulfidedeposit,because
be now representedby the underlyingintrusivecom- it will alsogeneratea high-amplitudeseismicresponse.
plex. The intrusionproducesthe volcanics,andprovides On the basisof the seismicdataaloneit wouldbe very
a sourceof heat to drive the hydrothermalcirculation difficult to discriminatebetweenthe two, althoughthe
responsiblefor depositionof the VMS orebodies.The correlationof seismicamplitudeanomalieswith faulting
intrusionalso is probablythe origin of many of the in- in theunderlingvolcanicunitsmayproveto be of value.
termediateto mafic sills in the mining camp,because In short, these 2D seismicresults indicate that it is
the associatedreflectionsin the shallowcrestrarely ex- possibleto imagemassivesulfideorebodies,but distin-
tend far beyondthe limits of the camp,as indicatedby guishingore depositsfrom othershorthigh amplitude
Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Comparison of 2D seismiclines 177

reflectors, or scatterers,in the subsurfaceis more diffi- Eaton,D. W., 1999,Weakelasticscatteringfrom massivesulfideore
cult in VMS mining camps.Accuratelylocatingshort, bodies:Geophysics,64, 289-299.
steeplydippingreflectorsin the subsurfacewith a 2D Freeman, B.C., 1939, The Bell River Complex, northwestern
Qu6bec:J.Geology,47, 27-46.
seismicline relieson the line beingorientedin the dip Gibson,H., andWatkinson, D., 1990,Volcanogenic
direction,but thiswill not in generalbe true. Only a 3D depositsof the Norandacauldronandshieldvolcano,Qu6bec,in
seismicsurveycanensureaccurateandcompletesubsur- Rive,M., etal., Eds.,TheNorthwestern Qu6becPolymetallicBelt:
face imagingin complexgeologicalenvironmentssuch A summaryof 60 yearsof miningexploration:Can.Inst.Min. and
as the Abitibi greenstonebelt. Metall., Spec.Vol., 119-132.
Jenney,C. P., 1961, Geologyand ore depositsof Matagamiarea,
Qu6bec:Econ. Geol., 56, 740-758.
Kennedy,L., 1984, The geologyand geochemistryof the Archean
Flavrianpluton,Noranda,Qu6bec:Ph.D.thesis,Univ. of Western
Line 21-1 was shot by JRS Exploration Ltd. of
Lydon,J. W., 1984,Volcanogenic massivesulphidedepositsPart 1:
Calgary and line 93-A by Enertec GeophysicalSer- A descriptivemodel: Geosci.Can., 11, 195-202.
vices (Calgary) as part of the Abitibi-GrenvilleLitho- MacGeehan,P.J., 1978,The geochemistry of alteredvolcanicrocks
probetransect.The dataacquisitionwasjointly funded at Matagami,Qu6bec'A geothermal modelfor massivesulphide
by Lithoprobe,the Geological Survey of Canada,the genesis:Can. J. Earth Sci., 15, 551-570.
Minist•re de l'Energie et des Ressourcesdu Quebec MacGeehan,P.J., MacLean, W. H., and Bonenfant,A. J., 1981, Ex-
plorationsignificanceof theemplacement andgenesisof massive
(line 21-1), and NorandaMining and ExplorationInc
(line 93-A). The boreholelogswere acquiredby AECL Can. Inst. Min. Bull., 74, 59-75.
undercontractto the GeologicalSurveyof Canada.In- Maier,W. D., Barnes,S.-J.,andPellet,T, 1996,Theeconomicsignif-
met kindly made availablestratigraphicsectionsand icanceof the Bell River Complex,Abitibi Subprovince,
boreholegeologicallogs from the Mine Series area. Can. J. Earth Sci., 33, 967-980.

ShirleyP61oquin providedmanyof thedetailsof thege- Milkereit,B., et al., 1992,An application

of reflectionseismology
mineralexplorationin the Matagamiarea,Abitibi Belt, Qu6bec,
ologicalcross-sectionandmuchhelpfuladvice.Figure3 in Currentresearch,Part C: Geol., Surv.Can., Paper92-1C, 13-
is basedon a guide to the Isle Dieu mine produced 18.
by Noranda. Discussionswith John Ludden, Pierre Mortensen,J. K., 1993a,U-Pb geochronology
of the easternAbitibi
Verpaelst,Larry Matthews,Brian Hoffe, Erick Adam, Subprovince. Part1:Chibougamau-Matagami-Joutel region:Can.
J. Earth Sci., 30, 11-28.
GrantArnold, and PeterKowlaczykwere also of great
--1993b, U-Pb geochronologyof the easternAbitibi Sub-
assistance.The reprocessingof the seismicdata was
province.Part 2: Noranda-KirklandLake area:Can. J. Earth Sci.,
fundedby Lithoprobe,the Natural Scienceand Engi- 30, 29-41.
neeringResearchCouncilof Canada,and CambiorInc. Perron,G., andCalvert,A. J., 1998,Shallow,highresolutionseismic
Lithoprobepublicationnumber1171. imagingat theAnsil miningcampin theAbitibi greenstone belt:
Geophysics,63, 379-391.
Pich6, M., et al., 1990, Les gisementsvolcanog•nesdu camp
REFERENCES minier de Matagami: Structure,stratigraphieet implications
m6tallog6niques,in Rive, M. et al., Eds., The northwestern
Adam, E., et al., 1997, Seismic explorationfor VMS deposits, Qu6becpolymetallicbelt: Can. Inst. Min. andMetallurgy,Spe-
Matagami,Qu6bec,in Gubins,A. G. Ed., Proc. of Exploration cial Volume 43,327-335.
Internat.Conf.on MineralExpl.,Prosp.and Roberts,R. G., 1975,The geologicalsettingof theMattagamiLake
Devel. Assoc. of Can., 433-438. Mine, Qu6bec:A volcanogenic massivesulphidedeposit:Econ.
Beaudry,C., andGaucher,E., 1986,Cartographie
g6ologiquede la Geol., 70, 115-129.
MB 86- Salisbury,
M., Milkereit,B., andBleeker,W., 1996,Seismicimaging
32. of massivesulfidedeposits:PartI. Rockproperties:Econ.Geol.,
Calvert,A. J., and Li, Y., 1999, Seismicreflectionimagingover a 91, 821-828.
massivesulfidedepositat the Matagamiminingcamp,Qu6bec: Sangster,D. F., and Scott, S. D., 1976, Precambrianstrata-bound,
Geophysics,64, 24-32. massiveCu-Zn-Pbsulphideoresof NorthAmerica,in Wolf, K. H.,
Calvert,A. J.,andLudden,J.N., 1999,Archeancontinental assembly Ed.,Handbookofstratabound andstratiformoredeposits:Elsevier
in the southeastern SuperiorProvinceof Canada:Tectonics,18, SciencePubl. Co., Inc., 6, 130-221.
412-429. Sharpe,J., 1968,Geologyandsulfidedeposits
of theMatagamiarea,
de Rosen-Spence, A., 1976, Stratigraphy,
developmentandpetroge- Abitibi-Eastcounty:Qu6becDept.Nat. Res.,Geol.Rept. 137.
nesisof the centralvolcanicpile, Noranda,Qu6bec:Ph.D. thesis, Spence,C., 1967,The Norandaarea:Can. Inst. Mining, Centennial
Univ. of Toronto. field excursionguidebook.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Part V

Downhole SeismicImaging

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Chapter 12

Vertical SeismicProfiling at the Bell Allard

Orebody, Matagami, Qu6bec
Erick naam,
' ' ••' nomas t•onten,
"" and Bernd Milkereit

ABSTRACT studieshavetakenplacein thezinc-producing Matagami

Twoverticalseismicprofile(VSP) surveyshavebeen miningcampof northwestern Qu6bec.The firstseismic
acquiredin the vicinity of a 1-km deep volcanogenic experiment(Adam et al., 1998) demonstrated that seis-
massive sulfide (VMS) deposit in the Abitibi Sub- mic methodscould effectivelymap the deep volcanic
provinceof northwesternQu6bec.The VSP data show stratigraphy.Basedon theseresults,the GeologicalSur-
that the averageP-wavevelocityof the top 1 km of the vey of CanadaandNorandaInc. decidedto investigate
crust aroundthe orebodyis about 6300 m/s, whereas the use of seismic-reflectionmethodsto locate deep
S-wave velocities are estimated at about 3600 m/s. massivesulfide bodiesdirectly.The discoveryof Bell
The agreementbetweenthe averagevelocity derived Allard, a 6-Mt depositat a depthof 1 km, providedthe
from VSP and sonicloggingdata confirmtheir accu- researchgroupwith an ideal targetfor testingseismic-
racy.One VSP surveyintersectedmassivesulfidesand reflectionmethodsas a tool for deepexploration.Petro-
recordedstrongP-wavesand convertedS-wavesscat- physicallaboratorymeasurements of commonsulfides
tered from the ore deposit.The secondVSP survey,lo- by Salisburyet al. (1996) demonstrated theirhighacous-
catedabout200 m to thenortheastof thedeposit,imaged tic impedances.Similarmeasurements in the Matagami
a basalt/rhyolitecontact;however,no prominentscat- mining camp confirmedthat the Bell Allard deposit
tered events from the ore zone were observed. Seismic wouldcausestrongreflections(Adam et al., 1996)if the
modelingshowsthattheVMS depositsof theMatagami geometrywasappropriate.The acquisitionof a 2D seis-
miningcampgeneratestrongscatteredP- andconverted mic profile directly abovethe known deposit(Calvert
S-waves.However,theamplitudesdecrease rapidlywith and Li, 1999) revealedan anomalybelievedto origi-
distanceandexhibitstrongvariationswith offsetandaz- natefrom the sulfides.Becausethe complexgeologyin
imuth.For orebodieswith complexshapes,the optimum thearea(faulting,moderatedip,maficintrusions)might
shot locationdependson the depth,dip, and strike of generateout-of-planereflections,it was decidedto use
the targetaswell asthe receiverlocation.Largeoffsets a VSP surveyto confirmthe reflectivityof the orebody.
betweenshotsand downholereceiversmay be neces- The VSP techniquehasthe uniqueadvantageof pro-
saryto imagesuchcomplex,moderatelydippingVMS viding a direct link betweengeologicalfeaturesinter-
deposits. sectedby a boreholeand seismicdata. One VSP was
acquiredin a boreholethat penetratedthe easternpart
of the orebody (BAS-94-33f), whereasa secondwas
conductedabout200 rn away from the ore zone (BAS-
92-25). In theMatagamiminingcamp,mostoredeposits
An early applicationof VSP was to convertseismic are associatedwith an exhalitehorizon called the Key
time to depth,to supportinterpretationof surfaceseis- Tuffite.The initial objectiveof the surveywas to com-
mic data (Hardage, 1985). VSP applicationsare now pare the reflectivity of the mineralizedzone with the
quite diverse;for example,VSP techniqueshave been barren Key Tuffite. This objectivewas never met be-
usedfor imagingin areaswhereaccessfor surfaceseis- causeboreholeBAS-92-25 wasblockedabovethe target
mic surveysis restricted(GrasandCraven,1998), or to horizon.
map fault zonesin hardrockenvironments(Cosmaand This chapterpresentsan overview of the orebody
Heikkinen, 1996). Since1990,severalseismic-reflection geologyand aspectsof the VSP data acquisitionand

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
182 Downhole seismicimaging

processingat Bell Allard. A first-orderinterpretation GEOLOGICAL SETTING

of the VSP data reveals the velocity structureof the
volcanicrocksfoundat Matagami. The processedVSP Bell Allard is typical of the VMS deposit in the
section,togetherwith numericalmodelingof the orede- Matagami camp. It is locatedalong the Key Tuffite at
posit,confirmeditshighreflectivityandprovidesinsight the Watson Lake (rhyolite/rhyodacite)-Wabassee
into the use of VSP surveysas a mineral exploration (basalt/andesite)interfaceatop a synvolcanicfracture
tool. zone(Figure 1a). The depositis boundedto the southby


ß-•' •Fersoveranc:
-.. •


' iNoranda,•
e.,,: ßeVal
I:\•L • Toronto
South I'•--..._ -•'- '

_ 3•)00 •
metres . 0 50km

,•Oabbro • Perifiotite •' Previous

• Dumagaml
Basalt Diabase I-I Producing
• Watson
Rhyolite • Key
Interface [] Development
['-.] Granite
Complex 11r Undeveloped

b) A A' _1•___
._ • Gabbro
Surface _ FelsicDyke
•- .. • ............ T-•--?'?'?:'?!•
'' • Mafic

ß •'"'•''. •/ '
,I,' . ;,• ' • ;.
• •.......
/ --'r•-•-•
/ Faultl

• Wabassee intermedi

-500m " '.......
•i' ." i ' . / i / i •:•-•]Upper
%% ..' ."' //. / ' -..... , •' •_.'--4•--
] Watson
"," . / / l......... :' ' .. ß i
/ • ' ' .....
' ' ß • • Sulfides
D //,
- x
•:', i
't':' B r•er. ' i/
:. a I'..'
! . .._:Stringer
X :t• ' ,i" i Daniel
• .' ...... i i "' "Alteration
-1000m' , '-'•/;i Splay•,,'.""' io 500m
•.i Ishikawa
j ...............
Fig. 1. (a) Geologyandmineraldepositsof theMatagamicamp.(b) VerticalsectionthroughtheBell Allard
depositshowingthe main geologicalstructuresfoundin its vicinity.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
VSP at the Bell Allard orebody 183

theBorderFault,a synvolcanic fault systemoriented95ø attachedto a 1200 rn long, seven-conductor, steel-

relative to north (Figure lb). The orebodyconsistsof armoredcable.Three geophonegroupswere placedin
two lenses,andis approximately370-m long and 165-m the vicinity of the boreholecollar and datacollectedat
wide down dip along the Key Tuffite, with an overall these locations were used to correct for shot statics. The
east-westorientationin plan. Note that the orebodyis samplingrate was set at 0.1 ms and the recordlength
not orientedin the samedirectionasthe regionalstrike. was 0.5 s for BAS-94-33f and 0.6 s for BAS-92-25.
The northlensis composed primarilyof high-gradeZn- The borehole collar locations and traces for BAS-94-
rich massivesulfides(i.e., sphalerite)while the southern 33fand BAS-92-25 in relationto the orebodyare shown
lensis of lowergradeandcomprises,in part, alteration in plan view in Figure2a andprojectedon an east-west
zone mineralization. The sulfide mineralization consists sectionin Figure 2b. The shotholelocationsused for
of pyrite, Fe-rich sphalerite,minor chalcopyriteand both VSP surveysare shownin Figure2a. In borehole
pyrrhotite.The thicknessaveragesabout30 m, but can BAS-94-33fwhich intersected the deposit,a total of 154
range up to 60 rn in portionsof the southlens. The recordingswere made at variousreceiverintervalsto a
depositdips50øto 55øtowardthe southbetweendepths depthof 1075 m. A receiverspacingof 10 rn was used
of 900 and 1150 rn below the surface. A total resource for the upper 808 m, 5 rn in the 808- to 908-m- depth
in excessof 6 Mt makesBell Allard the secondlargest range,and2.5 rn from 908 to 1075rn depth.In borehole
depositdiscoveredin the Matagamimining camp. BAS-92-25, the receiverspacingwas 10 rn between113
and 465- and 5 rn from 465 to 850 m. The 5-m receiver
spacingwas chosento obtain a high-resolutionimage
of the Key Tuffiteandthe orebody,whereasrecordings
usingthe smallreceiverspacing(2.5 m) at thebottomof
The VSP shothole was located in an area of thick hole BAS-94-33f were necessarybecauseof the strong
(•40 m) glacial overburden.The sourceconsistedof electricalnoise.A blockagein BAS-92-25 at 850 rn pre-
227 g pentoliteboosters
pushedabout0.3 m intotheclays venteddatacollectionat the Key Tuffitelevel (1021 m).
at the bottomof water-filledpits,providinggoodsource In addition,a syntheticVSP was calculatedfor bore-
coupling.The downholereceiverunit consistedof three hole BAS-90-22a located 700 rn to the southeast of the
orthogonal14-Hz geophones anda wall-lockingdevice, deposit.

(b) BAS-9J-25BAS-•
?2a -94-33f



5508400 BAS-94-33f

5508200 Shothole

--• EAST

t i i i i

302600 302800 303000 303200 303400 303600 303800 302800 303000 303200 303400 303600 303800
UTM eastrag(m) UTM easting(m)

Fig. 2. (a) Locationmapshowingtheboreholesin whichVSP datawereacquiredor modeled.The outline

of theBell Allarddepositis indicated.(b) East-westsection,showingthedepthof Bell Allardandthetraces
of the boreholes.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
184 Downhole seismicimaging

DATA PROCESSING massivesulfides,while the final processedVSP section

The moststrikingfeatureof the MatagamiVSP data, from BAS-92-25 showsonly a weak reflectionfrom a
when comparedto similar surveysdonein sedimentary basalt/rhyolitecontact.
basins,is the low amplitudeof the reflections.This is
largely due to the small reflectioncoefficientsbetween Seismic-Wave Velocities
the lithologicalcontacts.For thisreason,greatcaremust
be taken during data processingto preservethe weak Velocityinformationis criticalfor the processing
surface seismic data. Velocities derived from a VSP
upgoingwavefield.Someof the processingchallenges
thatwereencountered includedthe eliminationof strong surveyare more usefulthan loggingor laboratoryde-
electricalnoiseandremovalof thedominantdowngoing rived velocitiessincethey use the same sourcetypes
energy.Tracesrecordedat the bottom of the borehole andhavethe samefrequencybandwidthassurfaceseis-
wereparticularlyaffectedby 60 Hz anditsharmonics(up mic experiments. When plottedagainsttraveldistance,
to 660 Hz) from high-voltagepowerlinesand a nearby P- andS-wavefirstbreaktimesshowa linearrelationship
transformerstation.The noiselevelwassohigh thatthe (Figure 3). The linearregressionof the firstbreaktimes
first breaks could not be identified. Such noise cannot yielded a P-wavevelocity of about 6300 m/s and an
be effectivelyremovedwith a conventionalnotchfilter S-wavevelocityof about3600 m/s. For boreholeBAS-
becauseof its high amplitudeandthe low Fast-Fourier- 94-33f, the staticshift causedby the thick overburden
was estimated at 21 ms from both the P- and S-wave
Transformresolution(2 Hz), whichresultin leakageover
a large frequencyband (•20 Hz). To preventthe loss data.Thisvalueis in goodagreementwith therefraction
of wide frequencybands,less destructiveapproaches staticsolutionobtainedfrom the analysisof the 3D sur-
(Nyman andGaiser,1983) wereappliedto theVSP data. faceseismicdatain thevicinity of the shot(Adam et al.,
The bandwidthof the signalwas determinedthrougha thisvolume).The goodfit betweenthe linearregression
seriesof band-limitedsectionsandtheoptimumseismic results(solid lines in Figure 3) and the first breakdata
image was obtainedby using frequenciesbetween30 (dots)showsthat the velocitiesare approximatelycon-
and 180 Hz. Some of the filtered traces showed minor stantin the upper 1 km of the crust.
Full-waveform sonic data were collected in borehole
delayson boththe surfacegeophones
andthe borehole
receivers. BAS-94-33fbetween47 and 1000m wirelinedepthus-
To correctfor the shotdelay,first breaksrecordedat ing a 0.1 m spacing.Full-waveformsoniclogstypically
the surfacegeophoneswere used to estimatethe shot measurethe velocity within about 1 m of the borehole
statics,which were then appliedto the downholedata. (Ellis, 1987), whereasthe velocitiesderivedfrom an off-
StrongdowngoingP- and S-waves,which partly mask setVSP surveyrepresentvelocity changesbetweenthe
upcomingevents,weresuppressed usinga medianfilter shotandreceiverlocations.Nonetheless,a linearregres-
(Hardage, 1985). Also testedweref-k filters, but they sionperformedon the cumulativesonictraveltimecurve
were not as effectiveas a medianfilter in removingthe produceda velocityonly0.1% lower(6310 m/s) thanthe
downgoingwaves.After subtractionof the downgoing averageVSP velocity,thusconfirmingthe accuracyof
waves,the upcomingwavefield is revealedand reflec- the in-situvelocitymeasurements. The goodagreement
tionscanbe clearlyidentified.A 30-180-Hz band-pass betweenthe VSP andthe averagesonicvelocitiesin the
filterandtraceenergybalancingbasedon theamplitude twoboreholessuggests thatthelateralandverticalveloc-
of thedirectP- andS-wavearrivalswereappliedpriorto ity variationswithin the Wabasseegroupare relatively
theremovalof thedirectwaves.Hence,reflectionampli- small.To comparethe full waveformsonicloggingve-
locities and the VSP data, the VSP velocities have been
tudescanbe considered astrue amplitudes with respect
to the direct waves. derivedasa functionof depthusinga linearregression of
thefirstbreaktimesfrom a 15pointslidingwindow.The
sonicvelocities(grey line) areplottedtogetherwith the
VSP velocities(blackline) in Figure4. While thetwove-
locity estimatesarein agreementin the top 500 m, there
is a largerdiscrepancy at greaterdepths.Suchdiscrep-
The datacollectedat Bell Allard werefirstanalyzedto ancieswere anticipatedgiventhe largesource/borehole
obtaina P- and S-wavevelocitymodel.Processed data collar offset(•200 m) and the 45ø stratigraphicdip in
from boreholeBAS-94-33f confirmthe reflectivityof the surveyarea.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
VSP at the Bell Allard orebody 185



BAS-94-33f BAS-92-25
S-wave = 3621 m/s S-wave = 3489 m/s

Intercept- 21.0 ms Intercept= 3.3 ms



P-wave = 6318 m/s
Intercept= 21.0 ms

P-wave = 6314 m/s
Intercept= 11.5 ms

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200


Fig. 3. VSP P- and S-wavefirst-breakanalyses.The solidlinesshowthe linearregressionresultscomputed

from the first breakpicks (dots).

Modeling the Scattering Responsefrom Bell Allard expensive, 3D finite-difference (FD) method (see
To understandthe seismicresponsefrom the Bell Bohlen et al., this volume). Becauseof its efficiency,
Allard orebody,a simplenumericalmodelwasbuilt from we used BMOD3D to computethe P-wave scattering
a set of geologicalcross-sections
throughthe deposit. responsewhen evaluatingdifferentacquisitiongeome-
The surfaceof the orebodywas interpolatedontoa reg- tries with a large number of shot-receiverconfigura-
ular 5-m grid. It was assumedthat the orebodycan be tions. The FD method was used for a direct compari-
representedas an isolatedscattererembeddedin a ho- sonof the syntheticandmeasuredscatteringresponsein
mogeneouscrest with a P-wave velocity of 6300 m/s, the nearfield(BAS-94-33f) and farfield (BAS-92-25).
an S-wavevelocity of 3600 m/s (corresponding to the The sourcewavelet used in the FD computationshas
averagedvelocitiesof the direct waves,and a density a dominant frequencyof approximately50 Hz, and
of 2700kg/m3. BellAllarditselfwasassumed
to be a was derived by averagingthe wavelets of the direct
homogeneous inclusion,consistingof sphalerite,which
has a P-wave velocity of approximately5500 m/s, an
Borehole BAS-94-33f
S-wavevelocity of 2750 m/s and a relativelyhigh den-
sityof 4300kg/m3. A direct comparisonof the vertical components
Syntheticsurveysusing the samegeometriesas the recordedin BAS-94-33f (Figure 5a) with the corre-
field experimentswere simulatedby two differentmod- sponding3D FD seismograms(Figure 5b) allows the
eling programs:the fast program BMOD3D (Eaton, first reliable identificationof strongreflectionevents
1997),whichis basedontheBornapproximation(Eaton, from the Bell Allard orebody(Figure5a).Thefirstevent
1999), and the more accurate, but computationally is a backwardscatteredP-wave which has an apparent

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
186 Downhole seismicimaging

velocity of about 6300 m/s correspondingto the

crystallinebackgroundvelocity.The secondeventis a
lOO convertedS-wavepropagatingwith an apparentvelocity
of-,•3600 m/s, i.e., the backgroundS-velocity.The
200 convertedS-wave is mainly polarized in a plane or-
thogonalto thePP reflection.The PS andPP reflections
are both recordedby the vertical componentbecause
of the complexgeometryof the orebody.Figure 5c
showsthat the syntheticamplitudesdecreaseabruptly
in the nearfield of the ore (depth 950-1000 m) and
thendecrease upwardas 1/distance,dueto geometrical
spreadingof the scatteredwavefield.

Borehole BAS-92-25

The final processedsectionfor boreholeBAS-92-25
(Figure6a) showsone weak reflectionthat projectsto
a depthof about900 m. This eventis indicatedby the
symbolRB in Figure6a. This reflectioncorrelates with
a 40-m thick rhyolitehorizon in contactwith basalts;
contactsareknownto be reflectivein this
mining camp (Adam et al., 1998). The FD synthetic
5000 5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 response fromBell Allard is displayedin Figure6b.Ob-
viouslythe scatteringresponsefrom Bell Allard was
not detected in this borehole. The maximum absolute
Fig.4. Comparison of VSPintervalvelocities (solidline)
to full-waveformsonicvelocities(greyline) in borehole amplitudesof the syntheticresponse(Figure 6c) are
BAS-94-33f. much weaker (•16 times) than thoseencounteredin

Time (s) Time [s]

Max. amplitude

a) b) c)
Fig. 5. (a) FinalprocessedVSP sectionfromboreholeBAS-94-33f.(b) Tracenormalized synthetic
of Bell Allard calculatedusinga finite-difference
(FD) method.(c) Tracemaximumabsoluteamplitude
valuesof(b). Thescattered PP-andPS-waves canbeidentifiedclearlyin themeasured
amplitudes areexpected in thenearfieldof theoredeposit, buttheyaremuchsmallerandrapidlydecay
above the ore zone.

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VSP at the Bell Allard orebody 187

Time (s) Time [s]


b) c)
Fig. 6. (a) Final processed
VSP sectionfrom boreholeBAS-92-25. (b) SyntheticVSP calculatedusingan
FD methodandnormalizedusingthe maximumtraceamplitudes.(c) Tracemaximumabsoluteamplitude
valuesof (b). Dueto geometrical
200 m awayfromtheorearemuchweakerthanthose
observeddirectlyabovethe ore in BAS-94-33f.

BAS-94-33f. This is partly due to geometricalspread- while those recorded in borehole BAS-92-25 were too
ing effects.In addition,shapeand compositioneffects low. The goodagreementbetweenthe field data andthe
may significantlydecreasethe scatteringresponsefor syntheticseismicsection(Figure 5) confirmsthat the
this azimuth.Therefore,it appearsunlikelythat a strong numericalmodel, even if it is simplistic,is sufficient
responsefrom the depositcouldbe recordedin thishole to explainthe recordedwavefieldin the vicinity of Bell
given the weak amplitudesof the syntheticresponse. Allard. The absenceof a responsefromBell Allard in the
Bohlenet al. (thisvolume)andEaton(1999) haveshown VSP from hole BAS-92-25 raisesa questionaboutthe
that a dippinglenstendsto scatterenergypreferentially optimumshotlocationto illuminatethe ore deposit:If
downdip.Consequently, the observedresponsefrom a the sourcehasbeenplacedin a differentlocation,would
dippinglens is strongerif the receiversare positioned Bell Allard have been detected in that borehole? To bet-
in the downdipdirectioninsteadof updip,asin the case ter understandthe seismicresponsefrom Bell Allard,
of the VSP in BAS-92-25. Other VSP geometrieswith severaldifferent VSP geometrieshave been simulated.
differentazimuthalcoverages maybe morefavorablefor A totalof 441shots
onan8-km2 gridhavebeenmod-
imagingmassivesulfides.Generally,theregionaldipand eledusingBMOD3D (Eaton,1997).The syntheticseis-
strike of an orebodyneedto be consideredin both the mic responses
containonly the P-wavereflectionsfrom
modelingand surveydesignfor a VSP survey. Bell Allard without direct P- and S-waves. A downhole
receiver spacingof 10 m has been used. Actual bore-
holes geometriesand locationshave been used in the
simulationsto facilitatefollow-upVSP studiesand cal-
ibrationof the modelingresults.
In the previoussections,the modelingand field re- Sincethe ability of VSP techniquesto detecta scat-
sultsfrom two VSPs acquiredin the vicinity of the Bell terer stronglydependson the amplitudeof the seismic
Allard deposithavebeenshown.SinceoneVSP recorded response,VSP modelingresultsaresummarizedby their
a scatteringresponsefrom Bell Allard, we have an in- maximumabsoluteamplitudes.Figure7 showsthe sur-
dicationof the detectionlimit of VSP surveys.Clearly, vey geometryin plan view and the modelingresultsin
the amplitudesrecordedin boreholeBAS-94-33f were terms of the maximum absoluteamplitudesof the full
strongenoughto allow the detectionof the orebody, VSP sectionsas a functionof the shotposition(stars

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
188 Downhole seismicimaging

a) 5511000

* * gel ß 1, •* * * * * * * *
5510000 25

BA'-92-2 * * * * * * * * *
20 •

8ho ole * * * * * * * * * *
. ß ß . ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß


5506000 10 •,



300000 302000 304000 306000

UTM easting(m)

b) 5511000

5510000 - 8

,•5509000 . . . . . . . . . - • BeliAllard
. . . . . -

5508000 Sho '* * * * * * * * * * •





300000 302000 304000 306000

UTM easting(m)

Fig. 7. (a) Maximum absoluteamplitudesof forwardand backscattered

wavesversusshot locationfor
VSP surveys
in borehole
for a shot
locationdowndipfrom the orebody(southeast).
The receiverlocationsare indicatedby the white line, the
(b) Maximumabsolute
of up.going
P-wavesversusshotlocationfor syntheticVSP surveysin boreholeBAS-92-25.Note differencein amplitude

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
VSP at the Bell Allard orebody 189



12 ..............................................................





200 500 700 900 1100 1300 200 500 700 900 1100 1300 200 500 700 900 1100 1300

Depth(m) Depth(m) Depth (m)

Fig. 8. (a) Syntheticresponse ofa VSP in boreholeBAS-92-25with theshotlocatedsoutheast ofthe borehole

where the absoluteamplitudeof the upgoing(backscattered) reflectionfrom Bell Allard is maximized.
(b) Syntheticresponse of a VSP withtheshotlocatednortheastof theboreholewheretheabsolute amplitude
ofthedowngoing (forwardscattered) reflection
fromBellAllardismaximized.(c) Syntheticupgoing response
of the actualVSP survey(calculatedat starnearestthe shothole).

in Figure7a) as recordedby the receiversplacedalong significantlyreduced('-,50%) for backscattered

boreholeBAS-92-25. Figure 7a showsthat the highest the amplitudesof the wavesscatteredupwardsare 60%
amplitudesare expectedfrom a shotplacedabout1 km lessthan thosescattereddownwards.For comparison,
to the southeastof the orebody.Figure8b showsa syn- themodelingresultsfor theupgoingwavefieldusingthe
thetic VSP sectionmodeledusing a shotpointlocated actualshotlocationare shownin Figure 8c. While the
in thisregion.In this case,the strongestamplitudesare amplitudesare slightlyweakerthanthosepredictedfor
expectedfor downgoing(forward)scatteredP-wavesbe- the shotlocationthat maximizesthe amplitudesof the
low Bell Allard. Theseeventsare asymptoticto the di- upgoingP-waves(Figure8a),theyaresignificantlylower
rect P-wavearrivals,and it may thereforebe difficultto thanthe maximumamplitudesof the downgoingwaves
distinguishthe two wavetypeson actualVSP sections. (Figure 8b).
Furthermore,downgoingwaves can only be recorded This studyshowsthattheshotlocationusedto acquire
at depthsbelow the target and their identificationre- theVSP datain boreholeBAS-92-25 wasnotoptimalfor
quiresa boreholedeeperthan the target.On the other imagingBell Allard. It alsoshowsthat upgoingreflec-
hand,the upgoingseismicenergyscatteredtowardsthe tions,if they were strongenoughto be observedabove
surfacewill dip in the oppositedirectionto the directP- ambientnoiselevels,shouldhavebeenrecordedby re-
wave arrivals on VSP sections,and thus, the two events ceiverslocatedin the upper900 rn of the borehole.No
can easilybe identified.Performingthe sameanalysis such events were identified in the actual dataset. Whereas
aspresentedin Figure7a, but with upgoingreflections, strongdowngoingscatteredP-wavescould have been
reveals that the shot location that maximizes the back- generatedusinga shotplaced 1 km to the southeastof
scatteredseismicenergyis different(Figure 7b). The Bell Allard, the proximityof the forwardscatteredwave
shot locationthat optimizesthe upgoing seismicen- to the downgoingP-wavemay havepreventedits identi-
ergy is about500 rn north of Bell Allard. Whereasthe fication.This hypothesis cannotbe easilyverified,how-
offsetbetweenthe optimumsourceand the targetis ever,becausethisboreholeisblockedata depthof 850m.

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190 Downhole seismicimaging


The modelingresultsfrom a small numberof bore-
Seismic-reflectionmethodsare suitedfor deepmin- holesindicatethatto assess theazimuthalrangeof scat-
eral explorationbecauseof their high resolutionand tering in VSP measurementsat Bell Allard requires
depthpenetrationcomparedto standardelectromagnetic source/targetdistancesas high as 3 km. Such large
methods.Currently,in the Abitibi belt, the mineral ex- source/target offsetsarerequiredbecauseof the moder-
plorationindustryrelies heavily on boreholeelectro- atedip (50 to 55ø) andthe depthof the orebody,whereas
magnetic(BHEM) methods(BoivinandLambert,1997) the azimuthalvariationsare causedby the obliquityof
to locate orebodies within a 150 rn distance around a the targetto the shot.In regionswherethe hostrocksare
borehole.As the explorationdepth increases,the cost acousticallyhomogeneous, usinglarge source-receiver
of boreholesalsoincreases.Enlargingthe radiusof de- offsetsmay facilitatedataprocessingby enhancingthe
tectionof ore depositsarounda boreholecouldreduce signal-to-noise ratio:directwaveswill havereducedam-
explorationcostsand the time requiredto locatenew plitudeswhereastheorebodyresponsewill beenhanced.
ore reserves. Because the attenuation of seismic waves But, if the host geologyis too complexand reflective
in the hardrockenvironmentis unusuallylow,VSP tech- suchas in the vicinity of the Bell Allard orebody,then
nologypotentiallyhasa largerradiusof detectionthan attenuationand scatteringof seismicwavesthat occurs
conventional BHEM if thetargethasa sufficientacoustic at reflectiveboundariesover large distancemay effec-
impedancecontrastwith the countryrock.To determine tivelymaskthe orebodyreflection.Our modelingstudy
the detectionradius,a modelingstudysimilarto the one suggests that a strongerback scatteredP-wavemay be
performedin boreholeBAS-92-25 hasbeenundertaken detectedin boreholeBAS-90-22a, located700 rn away
usingboreholeBAS-90-22a located700 rn to the south- fromBell Allard, thancanbe expectedin boreholeBAS-
eastof Bell Allard (Figure2). If a VSP surveyconducted 92-25, locatedonly 200 rn from the deposit(Figure 10b
in this boreholecould locate an orebodysuchas Bell andc). Our modeldoesnot includescatteringandatten-
Allard, VSP couldbecomea valuableexplorationtool. uation that is likely to occurin the rocks found in the
The receiversusedin the modelingstudywere placed vicinity of the Bell Allard deposit;however,a more re-
at 10-m intervalsbetweenwireline depthsof 100 and alisticmodel is not requiredherebecausethe synthetic
1250 m. Figure9a showsthe maximumabsoluteampli- upgoingP-wavesin boreholesBAS-90-22a and BAS-
tudesof the syntheticmodelingresultsfor the sameshot 92-25 are much weaker than those modeled for BAS-
locationusedin Figures7a andb andthesamenumerical 94-33f (Figure 10a). Becauseof the weak amplitudeof
model for Bell Allard. Figure 9b showsthe maximum the syntheticVSP fromboreholeBAS-90-22aandBAS-
absoluteamplitudesof theupgoingreflectionsfromBell 92-25 andthe barelydetectablereflectionfrom the Bell
Allard. With thisgeometry,theoptimumshotpositionis Allard orebodyin theVSP sectionof boreholeBAS-94-
about 3 km southwest of Bell Allard and from the bore- 33f (Figure 5a), VSP technologyis not recommended
holecollar(Figure9). It is interestingto notethatevenif as an explorationtool in the Matagami mining camp.
the boreholewere 700 rn from Bell Allard, the maximum However,VSP technologymay be more appropriatein
absoluteamplitudewould be expectedto be only 50% miningcampswherethehoststratigraphy is acoustically
larger than that obtainedfrom the optimum geometry homogeneous and the orebodiesproducestrongreflec-
usingboreholeBAS-92-25, which is only 200 rn from tions (i.e., where a large acousticimpedancecontrast
the orebody. existsbetweenthe targetand its hostrock). Orebodies
Theseresultssuggestthat in the caseof an orebody containinglarge amountsof high acousticimpedance
suchas Bell Allard the optimal shotlocationmay be as mineralssuchaspyriteandmagnetiteare likely to gen-
far as 3 km from the targetto maximizethe seismicre- erate strongreflections(Salisburyet al., 1996; Adam
sponseamplitude.Orebodieswith complexshapesuch et al., 1996) andcouldbe moreeasilydetectedthanthe
as Bell Allard can causestrongvariationsof the scat- sphalerite-richdepositsof the Matagamimining camp.
tered amplitudeswith offset and azimuth (see Clarke In addition,if assumptions regardingthe dip, strike,and
and Eaton, this volume, and Bohlen et al., this volume). depthof the targetcanbe made,thena simplemodeling
Thus,the optimumshotlocationvariesas a functionof study,such as that presentedhere, can help in deter-
the receiverlocationand is difficult to predictwithout mining the optimumsurveydesignand facilitatethe
the useof forwardmodeling. direct detectionof an orebody.In other cases,where

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VSP at the Bell Allard orebody 191

a) 14
5511000 -

5510000 12







300000 302000 304000 306000

UTM easting(m)









300000 302000 304000 306000

UTM easting(m)

Fig. 9. (a) Maximum absoluteamplitudesof upgoingand downgoingscatteredP-wavescalculatedfor

boreholeBAS-90-22a.The receiverlocationsareindicatedby thewhiteline, the orebodyin white,andthe
shotpoint locationsaremarkedwith stars.(b) Sameas(a) but limitedto upgoing(backscattered)

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192 Downhole seismicimaging


o i i i I i i i i i I i i i i I i i i i i





100 400 700 900 1000 200 500 700 900 1100 1300100 400 7001100
Depth (m)
Fig. 10. Comparison
of the synthetic
in boreholeBAS-94-33f(a) with the optimal
upgoing VSP response
BAS-92-25(b) andBAS-90-22a(c) at Bell Allard.Dueto
the expectedamplitudesfromBAS-92-25andBAS-90-22aaremuchweakerthan
those from BAS-94-33f.

no a priori informationis available,the VSP survey tive of the study,which was to test the reflectivityof
mayrequirea grid of shotswhichwouldmakethe VSP the mineralizedversusthe unmineralizedKey Tuffite
surveylogisticallycomplicatedas well as more costly. horizon, was not met becauseone of the boreholeswas
In sucha case,a 3D surveycouldbemorecosteffective. blocked,thesetwo VSP surveysprovideimportantin-
sightsintotheseismicsignature ofa sphalerite-richVMS
deposit.The relativelystrongamplitudeof the scattered
P-waveenergyobservedin boreholeBAS-94-33f is at-
The linear regressionsperformed on the P- and tributedto thelargeimpedancecontrastbetweentheore-
S-wave first break times for holes BAS-94-33fand BAS- bodyandthe surrounding volcanicrocks.Otherfactors
92-25 indicatethat, in the upper 1 km of the crust,the suchas the size, shapeof the depositand the Poisson's
P-wavevelocityis about6300 m/s, whereasthe S-wave ratio can also affect the reflectivity of an ore deposit.
velocityis estimatedto be about3600 m/s. The average Lithologiccontacts withinthevolcanicsequence areless
seismicvelocity estimatedfrom the VSP data is com- reflectivethan the ore-host-rockscontacts,as shownby
parableto the velocityderivedfrom the full waveform the weak reflection recorded in borehole BAS-92-25.
sonicloggingdata.The VSP datacollectedin borehole The modelingstudyusing boreholeBAS-92-25 has
BAS-94-33f confirmsthat the Bell Allard deposithas shown that, even if the shot location used to acquire
an observableseismicresponsewith clear P-wave and the VSP datawasnot optimal,the upgoingP-waveam-
convertedS-wavereflections.Whereasthe main objec- plitudesare not expectedto be muchhigherwith an

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
VSP at the Bell Allard orebody 193

optimumshotpoint.Hence,the detectionof Bell Allard REFERENCES

with receiversplacedin boreholeBAS-92-25 couldonly Adam, E., Milkereit, B., Arnold, G., and Pineault,R., 1996, Seismic
be achievedif the raw dataqualityis improvedor if the responseof the Bell Allard orebody,Matagami, Quebec:66th
deeperportionof the boreholewas accessible to allow Ann. Internat.Mtg., Soc. Expl. Geophys.,ExpandedAbstracts,
the recordingof the strongdowngoingscatteringre- 634-637.

sponse.In theMatagamiarea,theuseof VSP technology Adam, E., Milkereit, B., andMareschal,M., 1998, Seismicreflection
in theMatagamimining
asanexplorationtool appearsto be limited,becauseonly
camp:Can. J. Earth Sci., 35, 686-695.
weakupgoingreflectionsareexpectedfrom the Bell A1- Boivin,M., andLambert,G., 1997,Optimization
of VMS exploration
lard deposit.Furthermore,large shot/targetoffsetsare usingdownholeEM, in Gubins,A. G., Ed., Proc.of Exploration
requiredandthe optimumshotlocationdependslargely 97:4thDecennial
on the targetgeometryandlocation.Given that the Bell Devel. Assoc. of Can., 651-656.
Allard depositis not conformablewith the regionaldip Calvert,A. J., and Li, Y., 1999, Seismicreflectionimagingof a
massivesulfidedepositat the Matagamiminingcamp,Qu6bec:
andstrike,theoptimumshotlocationfor testingthepres- Geophysics,64, 24-32.
enceof otherdepositscannotbe identified.Nonetheless, Cosma,C., andHeikkinen,P., 1996, Seismicinvestigations for the
this studyshowsthat a completemodelingstudymust finaldisposalof spentnuclearfuel in Finland:J.Appl. Geophys.,
be an integralpart of the surveydesignprocessif this 35, 151-157.
methodis to be usedas an explorationtool. Eaton, D. W., 1997, BMOD3D: A programfor three-dimensional
seismicmodellingusingtheBornapproximation. GeologicalSur-
vey of CanadaOpenFile report3357.
•1999, Weakelastic-wave scatteringfrommassivesulfideore-
bodies:Geophysics,64, 289-299.
This researchwas partly fundedthroughan Indus- Ellis, D. V., 1987,Well loggingfor earthscientists:
Publ. Co., Inc.
thai PartnershipProgrambetweenthe GeologicalSur-
Gras,R., andCraven,M. E., 1998,Interpreter'scorner--Integrated
vey of Canada(GSC) andNorandaInc. Full-waveform workstationinterpretationofmultiazimuthoffsetVSP data--West
sonicloggingwasperformedby the Mineral Resources Texascasestudy:The LeadingEdge,17, 306-310.
Division of the GSC. Acquisitionof the VSP in bore- Hardage,B. A., 1985,Verticalseismicprofiling,PartA: Principles:
hole BAS-92-25 was fundedthroughan NSERC oper- GeophysicalPress.
atinggrantawardedto Andy Calvert.The authorsthank Nyman, D.C., and Gaiser,J. E., 1983,Adaptiverejectionof high-
linecontamination:53rdAnn.Internat.Mtg., Soc.Expl.Geophys.,
NorandaInc. for their permissionto publishthe results ExpandedAbstracts,321-323.
from this researchproject.The finite differencemodel- Salisbury,
M. H., Milkereit,B., andBleeker,W., 1996,Seismicimag-
ing wasperformedon the CRAY SV 1 supercomputer at ing of massivesulfidedeposits,Part 1: Rock properties:Econ.
Kiel University.This is GSC contribution2000158. Geol., 91, 821-828.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Chapter 13

Application of Downhole SeismicImaging

to Map Near-Vertical Structures: Norm6tal
(Abitibi Greenstone Belt), Qu6bec

G. Perton, D. W.Eaton, B. Elliot, and D. Schmitt

ABSTRACT thispotentiallyvaluabletechniqueto the miningexplo-

The downholeseismicimaging(DSI) techniqueis a ration industryis not straightforward, due to practical
recentlydevelopedapproachfor imagingthe subsurface
in the vicinity of an explorationborehole.The method explorationenvironments(Milkereit and Eaton, 1998).
combines multioffset, multiazimuth vertical seismic For example,the rock types found in hard rock envi-
ronmentsand their associatedphysicalrock properties
profiling (VSP) data acquisitionwith various3D seis-
mic imagingtechniques,and is particularlywell suited typicallyresultin very smallreflectioncoefficients
to structuralsettingsin which featuresof interest(e.g., ally lessthan 5%). In addition,the boreholesused in
shearzones,lithologicalcontacts)are subvertical.This mineralexplorationalmostalwaysdeviatesubstantially
is a typical characteristicof large parts of the Abitibi from the vertical, and the stratigraphyencounteredis
greenstonebelt, the world's largestand most produc- rarelyhorizontal.Consequently, 3D imagingof the sub-
tive Archeangranite-greenstone terrane.As an illustra- surfaceis a fundamentalrequirementfor the hardrock
tion of this technique,we apply the DSI approachto environment,and2D imagingalgorithmsarenot a real-
isticalternative(asis frequentlythe casein sedimentary
map the subsurfacearounda boreholenear the (aban-
doned)Norm6talZn-Cu mine in northwesternQu6bec. basins).
The resultsof this studyillustratethe capabilityof the In principle,seismicreflectionsare generatedwhere
DSI methodfor imagingsteeplydippingvolcanicunits there is a significantand abrupt changein acoustic
over distancesof >500 m, and for detectingout-of- impedance(theproductof velocityanddensity)between
plane high-impedancebodies.In this case,thesehigh- two rock types.In volcanicsequences, impedancecon-
impedancebodiesare Archeandiabasedikes. trastsoftenexistat lithologiccontactsbetweenmaficand
felsicunits.In addition,Salisburyet al. (1996) demon-
stratedthat a relativelylargeimpedancecontrastexists
between most massive sulfide ore bodies and their vol-
The applicationof downholeseismicimaging (DSI) canichostrocks,suggesting thatmassivesulfidedeposits
methodsto base-metalexplorationis an ongoingre- mightalsobe a potentialdirecttargetfor seismicexplo-
searchprojectat the GeologicalSurveyof Canada.The ration.The ability to map lithologiccontacts,aswell as
DSI methodhas been adaptedfrom a well-established to detectpotentialore depositsin the vicinity of a deep
techniqueknown as vertical seismicprofiling (VSP). borehole,representsa potentiallypowerfulexploration
The VSP techniquewas initially developedby the hy- tool. With thesebasic conceptsin mind, a DSI survey
drocarbonexplorationindustryto derivea detailedseis- was undertaken at the Norm6tal mine, in the Abitibi
mic velocity profile of the subsurface,often for the greenstone belt of northwesternQu6bec,to assessthe
purposeof optimizingthe processingof more complex potentialof this techniquefor mappinglithologiccon-
2D seismicprofiles.Sincethen,the VSP techniquehas tactsat depth.The volcanicstratigraphyin this region
evolvedinto a more sophisticated mappingtool, by in- is nearlyvertical in attitude,renderingsurfaceseismic
corporatingvariousmultioffsetacquisitionandprocess- methodsineffectivefor thispurpose.By usingexplosive
ing techniques(Hindset al., 1996). However,extending sourcesat three locationsand 3-componentgeophones

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Applicationof DSI to near-verticalstructures 195


I 100 km I



Fig. 1. Generalizedlithotectonicmapof theAbitibi greenstone

belt (after SpoonerandBarrie, 1993), show-
ing distributionof granitoidplutonsandundividedsupracrustal rocks.Rectangleindicatesareacoveredin
Figure2. RB denotesRousseau batholith,LB denotesLac Abitibi BatholithandN denotesthe Normbtal

lowered and clamped in an exploration borehole, are preferentiallyassociatedwith volcanic successions

direct, reflected, and scattered wave energy was containing>150 rn thicknessof felsic volcanicrocks
recorded.The objectiveof this casehistory is to doc- (Barrie et al., 1993).
umentthe acquisition,processing,and interpretationof Norm•tal domain is situated in the central Abitibi
this surveyas an exampleof the potentialutility of the greenstone beltnear49øN, 79øW. It consists
of a roughly
DSI technique. 20-km wide northwest-trendingbelt of supracrustal
rockspreservedbetweenthe latetectonic(2610 4- 1 Ma)
Lac Abitibi batholith (Mortensen, 1993) and the syn-
to late-tectonicRousseaubatholith(Rive et al., 1990).
The Abitibi greenstonebelt is the world's largest Within the Norm•tal domain, stratigraphicsequences
terrane(85 000km2),and are exposedwithin subvertical(>70 ø) panelsthat are
the most prolific greenstonebelt of any age in terms oftenoverturned(Bertrand,1969). Very steepdipssuch
of discoveredmassivesulfide deposits(Barrie et al., as these are not favorable for surface seismic methods,
1993). Supracrustalrocks,primarily greenschist-grade but are typical of most of the Abitibi Subprovincedue
metavolcanic sequences,make up about 40% of to extensivepolyphaseisoclinal folding (Rive et al.,
the terrane, with the balance dominatedby plutonic 1990). From north to south, this domain comprises:
rocks (Card, 1990). Large batholith complexes,with (1) a belt of andesiticmetavolcanicrocks;(2) a bimodal
amphibolite-grademetamorphicaureolesseveralkm (felsic-mafic)tholeiitic volcanoclasticsequence;(3) a
wide, occur in and around the metavolcanic belts belt of intermediatevolcanics(dacite), and (4) an epi-
(Figure 1). Some plutons are believed to be the ex- clasticsedimentaryassemblagewith minor amountsof
posedmagma chambersof the surroundingvolcanic iron formation (Bertrand, 1969; Simard et al., 1990;
complexes(Calvert et al., this volume). Volcanogenic Barrie et al., 1993). Throughoutthis belt, the metamor-
massivesulfide(VMS) depositsare not uniformly dis- phicgradeisuppergreenschist to amphibolite(Bertrand,
tributed;regional studiesindicatethat VMS deposits 1969). This metamorphicgradeis generallyhigherthan

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Application of DSI to near-vertical structures 197

79ø2o, w


500 rn
vvvvvvvvv ß
vvvvvvvvvvv •


.PIT 3

v• ,, ,, NORMETAL
vvvvvvvvvvv f vvvvvvv vvvvvvv
vvvvvvvvvvv• vvvvvvvvv•vvvvv, vv'•',•
.......... v• .......... x• .... •v .... •..• MINE SERIES
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv•vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv• vvvvvvvvvvv
vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv•vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvv
............... •F ........ vvvvvvvvv ...... vvvvvv .... v FELSICVOLC

NORTH MINE • vvvvv............... vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

v.... vvvvvvvvv
4 NORTH • ...................................
I • •vvvvvv .......................... vvv DIABASE DIKES
/ • •vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvv
/ / •vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv•,•-'-.,vvvvvvvvvv

/ / «vvvvvvvvvvv......v .... vvvvv
• .........
v .... v ....
1• l•vvvvvvvvv
-v.......... SULFIDES
/ • •vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvv
I • •vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvv
|• •vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvv
................................... vvvvvvvvvvv
• BVXX•7•vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvvvvvvv

Fig. 3. Geologyof the Norm6tal mine area (after Bertrand,1969), showinglocationof the boreholes
(87054, 89099, and 95-28-05) and shootingpits used for this study.A and B indicatediabasedikes of
the 2600 Ma Matachewanswarm.Boreholes87054 and 89099 wereusedfor densityloggingandborehole
95-28-05 wasusedfor the seismicsurvey.

was located approximately400-m north of borehole receiverswereloweredto a maximumwireline depthof

95-28-05, forming a plane with the receiver nearly 570 m. Althoughthiswasnotthebottomof theborehole,
perpendicularto the strike of the steeplydippingvol- this depthwas sufficientto intersectthe Mine Horizon
canicstratigraphy(Figure4). Locatedabout500-m east (Figure4). Upon completionof the survey,the blasting
of the boreholecollar,pit 3 wasusedto imagea part of pits were backfilledwith material that had been exca-
the stratigraphyapproximately250-m eastof borehole vated earlier.
95-28-05 in whichanelectromagnetic anomalyhadbeen A Bison6-channelseismograph systemconnectedto
identified.Finally,pit 1 wasplacedcloseto the borehole a laptopcomputerwasusedto recordthe seismicdata.
collarto providebetterconstraints on the seismicveloc- Only four of the six availablechannelswereused,a sur-
ities of the rock formations,sinceacousticloggingdata face channel(a geophoneplacedin the groundnearthe
werenot available.Pit 3 waslocatedin swampyground, recorder)and three downholechannels.The downhole
and filled with water naturally.Pits 1 and 2 did not fill seismictool consistedof a Geosourcesonde,housing
with water of their own accord,so stepswere taken to a set of three mutually orthogonal,14-Hz geophones
ensurethat the water in the pits was sufficientlydeep (Figure 4). The sondewas held fixed to the wall of
for seismicblasting.For eachof thethreeshotlocations, the boreholeusinga singleclampingarm. The receiver

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Application of DSI to near-vertical structures 199

a) Density b) Density
3) (g/cm




Fig.5. Density
87054(a) and89099(b).High-density
(>3.0 g/cm3)
A localhigh-density
with a thin disseminated mineralized zone.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
198 Downhole seismicimaging

Pit 3
Pit 1
BH 95-28-05 Pit 2
200rn I
'VVVVV Sonde 'North


VVVVVVVVV -+x +++x +++
VVVVVVVVV *r+x•x • +x•x •
•VVVV VVVVVVVVV + y.+ + y.+ +
VVVVVVVVV -+x +++x +++x
VVVVV VVVVVVVVV •+x•x •+• •+

. +x
+ •+ + •+
½++ -,,-
•.+x +,
•r xX •"CxX •+x x
+ •.
VVVVV VVVVVVVVVV + y.+ + y.+ +
VVVVVV vvvvvvvvvv •*½+ METAGABBRO
VVVVVV ,x. + ,x.++
VVVVVV vvvvvvvvvv

Fig. 4. Cross-section
throughborehole95-28-05, showingnear-verticalattitudeof the Mine Seriesunits.

spacingfor pit 1 was 10 m, and5 rn for pits2 and3. The pit 1 is locatedcloseto the collarof borehole95-28-05
seismicsourceconsistedof one(or two) 227 g pentolite (about80 m), the raypathsfor that surveyare virtually
boostersdetonatedusingseismic(O-msdelay)blasting parallelto the borehole.Thus,the path differencefrom
caps.In pit 3, the initial 60 shots,corresponding
to the the sourceto two adjacentreceiverscanbe regardedas
deepestreceiverlevels,were fired using two boosters. equalto the receiverspacing.On thisbasis,the average
The remainingshotswere fired with a singleboosten velocitywas estimatedusingtwo differentapproaches.
Accuratetiming of the shotswas achievedusing syn- First, a linear regressionthroughthe first-breakpicks
chronizedshootingboxes,which havevery precisein- yieldeda P-wavevelocityof 5607 m/s (Figure7a). By
ternalclockstriggeringon everyminutemark. Raw un- extrapolatingthesepicksto zerooffset,an intercepttime
filtereddatafrom blastingpit 3 are shownin Figure6. of 5.5 ms was obtained.This nonzerointerceptrepre-
In general,the dataqualityin thisareawasexcellent,as sentsa staticdelaytime at the shootinglocation,caused
evidencedby the cleanfirstbreaksandlow noiselevels. by a low-velocitylayerin the nearsurface.If a replace-
In particular,contaminationfrom 60-Hz noise is sig- ment velocity of 1500 m/s is used,the thicknessof the
nificantlylower than in otherparts of the Abitibi Belt low-velocitylayeris estimatedto be approximately8 m.
(cf. Adam et al., this volume). This value is in goodagreementwith the known thick-
ness of the overburden at the collar of borehole 95-28-05
wherethe casinglengthis 12 m. The averagevelocity
was also calculatedby taking the mean of all source-
Accurateestimatesof seismicvelocitiesare impor- to-receiveroffsetsdividedby their respectivefirst-break
tant for calibratingsubsequent
processingsteps,suchas pick times (Figure 7b). Using this method,an average
imagepoint,andCDPtrans'- velocityof 5616 m/s wasobtained.
forms.A zero-offsetsurveywasconductedfrom shoot- The zero-offsetconfiguration canalsobe usedto de-
ingpit 1 with a downholereceiverspacingof 10m. Since rive an interval velocity log from the first break pick

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Application of DSI to near-vertical structures 199

Density b) Density
3) (g/cm




Fig. 5. Densitylogsfor boreholes

87054(a) and89099(b). High-density
correspondto gabbroand diabase.A local high-densityspikeat 65 rn in borehole87054 can be correlated
with a thin disseminated mineralized zone.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
200 Downhole seismicimaging

to the gabbrointervalin the geologicallog (Figure5).

0.1 , ' a) Thisresultprovidesadditionalconstraints on thephysi-
cal rockpropertiesof the gabbrounit, andcorroborates
its potentialreflectivity.

of DSI datasetsisusuallyachievedin three
majorphases.All oftheprocessing stepsforthepit 3 data
setaresummarized in Table1.An equivalent-processing
102 148 198 249 299 350 400 451 501 552 schemewasusedforpit 2. All of theprocessingwasper-
Wireline depth (m) formedusingtheDSISoftpackage,a public-domainset
of modulesandinteractiveapplicationsdevelopedat the
' I i I GeologicalSurveyof Canada.Detailsof theprocessing
sequenceare givenin the next sections.

First,all of theinformationregardingthegeometryof
•.,,I••,"•". , , the surveymustbe transferredfrom the field notesinto
the headers of each seismic trace. Information about the

• ,,•I•'1
....."' , , ,,',,',,,' pit locations,the deviationof borehole 95-28-05 with
depth,and the wirelinedepth(depthalongthe path of
0.25 '" • ..........
the borehole)of each recordingstationwere used to
102 148 198 249 299 350 400 451 501 552 computethe coordinatesof eachreceiverlocation.The
Wireline depth (m) datawere then correctedfor the lossof high frequen-
ciesat increasingtraveltime,usinga procedureknown
asspectralbalancing.Thisprocessing algorithmhasthe
0.1 effectof flatteningthefrequencyspectrum,thusenhanc-
ing the high frequencieswith respectto the low fre-
quencies.Spectralbalancingalso acts as a band-pass
0.15 filter. The frequencyrangechosenfor this surveywas
55-250 Hz.

Down-Going Wave Removal
The next importantprocessing phaseis the elimina-
0.25 tion of the direct-waveenergy. Since the receiversare
102 148 198 249 299 350 400 451 501 552 locatedin the subsurface,they recordboth the direct
Wireline depth (m) (down-going)wavesas well as the reflectedand scat-
tered(up-going)waves.The observedamplitudesof the
Fig. 6. Raw datafrom pit 3 for the H1 (a), H2 (b), and
vertical(c) components (see Figure4). An increasein reflected/scatteredwavesareonlyabout5% of thedown-
amplitudefor the deeperlevelscorrelateswith theuseof going energy.Thus, the raw data is dominatedby the
two227gcharges, compared with one227gboosterat the directwavesthat obscurethe up-goingwavesof direct
shallower levels.
interest(Figure6). Thereareat leasttwocommonlyused
methodsfor down-goingwaveremoval.Whenthewave-
times. Interval velocitieswere estimatedusing a lo- form of the down-goingarrival (P-wavefirstbreaks)is
calized linear regressionon a nine-samplewindow similar from trace-to-trace,first breakscan be picked,
(Figure 7c). Althoughthe log is sparsebecauseof the aligned, and flattened.Then, a median filter can be
large receiverspacing(10 m), it neverthelessshowsa appliedwhich removesall energythat is not parallel
relativelyhigh-velocityzone(5.9 km/s) corresponding to the firstbreaks.The responsefrom that filter is then

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Application of DSI to near-vertical structures 201

a) c)
0.12 150
! interpolate;:l
(m/,•) i
0.1 200


ß 0.06
E 300

0.04 ....


, , ,

(s) .
0 I I

0 1O0 200 300 400 500 600 700 450

Source-receiver Offset(m)

b) 500
6000 Average'
ira/s) 0.15

4.8 5.0 5.2 5.4 5.6 5.8 6.0 6.2
•' 5800.... •'":................................
........... 0.1
IntervalP-wave velocity(km/s)

n' 5600 ß-- velocity 0.05

5400 i , i i , 0
100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Source-receiver Offset (m)

Fig. 7. Velocityanalysisfrom the pit 1 data.(a) Linearregressionthroughthe first-breakpicks,givinga

velocityof 5607 rn/s.An intercepttime of 5.5 ms at zero offsetcorresponds to a shotstaticcausedby a
near-surface low-velocitylayer(LVL). (b) AverageP-wavevelocityof 5616rn/sasdetermined by dividingthe
observed timeby thecalculated distancefromthe shot.Thisresultis in goodagreement with theregression
results.(c) Intervalvelocitylog computedusinga localizedlinearregression and a nine-samplesliding
A high-velocity
a wirelinedepthof 450m correlates
witha gabbro

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
202 Downhole seismicimaging

Table 1. Processingflow for Norm6tal pit 3 data set.

Processingstep Description

Geometry Transferinformationinto headers(X, Y, Z locationfor eachsource-receiver pair)

1 Data rotation Rotationof horizontalcomponents to maximizethe P-waveenergyon the H1 component
2 Spectralbalancing Frequencyrange55-250 Hz to enhancethe contributionof the higherfrequencies
3 Top mute Mute data(setamplitudeto zero) abovefirstbreakarrivals.This portionof the datacontains
only the backgroundnoise
4 Data flattening Flat (align)firstbreakpickson time 0.05 s. This alignsall the firstbreakshorizontally
5 Energybalancing Energybalancingto compensate shotcoupling.Eachtraceof the recordis normalized
accordingto its firstbreakamplitude
6 Trim statics Apply residualstaticsto a maximumof 16 samples.Crosscorrelation is appliedbetweenfirst
break signatures from traceto traceandthenalignedwith a time shiftno greaterthan 16
7 Median filteringP-waves Nine-tracemedianfilteringfor P wavesbasedon first-breakinformation.A running-median is
appliedhorizontallyon the dataset.The computedmediansectionis thensubtracted from
the originaldatasetleavingthe contributionof nonhorizontal events
8 Median filteringS-waves Nine-tracemedianfilteringfor S-wavesbasedon velocityanalysis(3250 m/s). This processis
the sameas for the P-wavesexceptthat the dataare alignedusinga linearvelocitymove-out
insteadof flatteningfirstbreakpicks
9 f-k-filtering f-k-filteringin subtraction
modewitha five-sample
process•s performedin 2D Fouriertransformspace
10 Low-passfrequencyfiltering Low-passfrequencyfilteringin time domain
11 Energybalancing Energybalancingof up-goingwavefield
12 Tracemixing Tracemixingusinga three-tracewindowallowingonly 12% mixingfrom neighboringtraces

subtractedfrom the raw data, and the tracesare restored by applying a suitablef-k filter, and then subtracted
to their originalpositionby applyinga time shift. The from the unfiltereddata. The parametersfor this filter
resultof this removalprocessis a DSI profile showing (i.e., the rangeof slownesses
to use)were derivedfrom
only reflectedenergy.This methodwas appliedto the multiple runs of forwardmodelingto definethe limits
Norm6talraw datafrom pits 2 and3. of physicallypossibledipsandvelocitiesconsistentwith
The approachdescribedabovewassubsequently used the surveygeometry.The resultof this processingstep
to removethe down-goingshearwaves.In many other is a sectionthat emphasizesreflectionsfrom the major
cases,however,shearwavestypicallyhavea morecom- lithologicunitsat Norm6tal(Figure8c).
be difficult. Under suchcircumstances,a different tech- Postprocessing
niquecanbe usedto alignthearrivalsbasedonvelocity
The last stagesof DSI data processinginvolve am-
information. A linear moveout, based on a theoretical
plitude recovery,frequencyanalysis,and trace mixing
S-wavevelocity,is appliedto theraw datato alignshear-
to enhancethe continuityof the reflectionsthroughout
wave first arrivals. After moveout correction, the same
the final section.Energybalancingon a shortwindow
medianfilter processappliedto P-wavesis usedfor S- around the first-break arrival times ensures consistent
relativeamplitudesfrom traceto trace.Analysisof the
Figure 8b showsthe output from median filtering,
frequencyspectrumshowedthatthe signalwaslimited
comparedto theraw datafrom pit 3 (Figure8a). Evenaf-
to a frequencybandof 55-250 Hz. A time-domainband-
ter medianfiltering,someresidualdown-goingwaveen-
passfilter was thereforeused to isolatethe dominant
ergyremainson the DSI profile.We attributethisresid-
frequencies.Finally, a mild trace-mixing algorithm,
ual energyto the fact that the median filter is effective
usinga 3-tracewindowand allowingonly 12% mixing
only for a narrowrangeof slownessvalues,while other
from eachneighboringtrace,wasappliedto the data.
typesof energybesideP- and S-wavescancontaminate
DSI recordings(for exampletube-waves).To eliminate
theseothertypesof wavesthatcontaminatethedataover SPECIALIZED PROCESSING
a broaderrangeof slowness,an f-k filter was applied.
This filter worksin the frequency-wavenumber domain, The Image-Point Transform
whereup-goinganddown-goingenergyis naturallysep- Sincethereis onlyoneraypaththatilluminatesa point
arated.The downgoingenergywasselectivelyenhanced in the subsurfacein typical DSI data sets(i.e., single

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Application of DSI to near-vertical structures 203

fold data), the signal-to-noiseratio is sometimesvery

a) low and reflectedeventslack coherency.This is espe-
cially true for data collectedin a crystallinerock envi-
ronment,wherethe averagereflectioncoefficientis only
about5%. The imagepointtransform(IPT) (Cosmaand
•1•I •I' I•' ,,11)II Ill! I
Heikkinen, 1996) is a techniqueusedfor both filtering
Illll, I I
iiii i 'l iiill' IIII1! andinterpretationof DSI datasets.Basedon the theory
of theRadontransform,theIPT involvesstackingtraces
II'!• i III,', acrossa section.In the caseof the IPT, the path along
which the data is stackedis curved in order to align
0.25 ! !

102 148 198 249 299 350 400 451 501 552 reflectioneventsproducedby a planar reflector.In the
Wireline depth (m) transformspace,the reflectingplaneis characterized by
the mirror imageof the sourcewith respectto theplane.
Thus, the stackingpath collapsesto a point (the mirror
image of the source)in the transformspace.In apply-
ing the IPT, wave energyis summedalongpathscorre-
spondingto all possiblereflectordipsanddepths.If the
observeddata containan event from an existingplane

0.2 .-,.-,•.•
0.1 .a)

102 153 208 264 314 365 415 466 516 567 0.15
Wireline depth (m)

-c) 0.2

0.15 0.25
) i,• ,; ,

.,,• , p• p •P r- • j• . p P•PPpt. • I •P• I PP I --,

[- 0.2

102 153 208 264 314 365 415 466 516 567
Wireline depth (m) 0.15 ..........
...... TOP- -
.....,,,....... ...........
....,,,,,•-•' BASEI
Fig. 8. Data from pit 3 at differentprocessingstages.
illll .......'"':';;,,,;':'""•,;•'• ...... i,,,' .......::; .... .I
(a) Raw data;(b) intermediate
processed dataafterdown- '', •..
)})' ,)iI))I).NF•)) }})11'l'111i1' "l')l ,1 }•}• I)111
after ....... .......•.••;•"..,,,, ....,.........
includinggain recovery,frequencyfilter- ,, ,,,' :,,,2,;........ "'" ..•.,),,,,•,,,,•)'":; ...... ,,,'" ...... :; ;I
g, andtracemixing. Note the residualdown-goingen- ' ))) -- )•,,,)) i,,,,

ergy (robewaves)at shallowdepthson the intermediate 0.25 '•:....." " '......... '.................
processedsection(b). The final section(c) showsgood 102 153 208 264 314 365 415 466 516 567
Wireline depth (m)

Fig. 9. Data from pit 3 (a) before,and (b) after image-

pointtransformprocessing. Note the enhancedsignal-to-
noiseratio in the IPT processed section.The threemain
reflections(top andbottomof the gabbroandthe diabase
dike) are clearlyidentifiableon this section.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
204 Downhole seismicimaging

in the subsurface,this summationwill producea coher- 70ø. The resultingsectionis a depth-offsetsectionthat

ent outputwaveform,but for all othertheoreticalplanes can be positioned next to the trace of the borehole
stackingwill resultin destructiveinterference.Thus,the (Figure 10).
IPT enhancesthe signal-to-noiseratio, providesa direct
measureof the strengthof the reflectors,and indicates
their positionin space.
To apply the IPT, a good knowledgeof the average The image obtainedfrom the 3D CDP transformex-
velocityof therockmassis needed.The averageP-wave tends more than one kilometer south of the borehole col-
velocity of 5607 m/s derivedfrom the first break infor- lar. Figure10 only showsthe first500 m, corresponding
mation from the pit 1 data was used.Figure 9a shows to the areawherewe havea goodknowledgeof thelocal
the databeforethe IPT process,and the enhancedsec- geologyto constrainthe interpretation.The imagealso
tion obtainedthroughthe inversetransformis shownin extendsto a depthof about450 m, the depthof the last
Figure 9b. This enhancedsectionwill be used as the receiver.Threemain reflectorsare evidentin Figure 10.
inputfor the next specializedprocessingstep. Workingourway downfrom theboreholecollar,thefirst
strongreflectioncorresponds to thetop of a gabbrounit.
The 3D Common-Depth-Point Transform In borehole95-28-05, the top of the gabbrounit is in
The conventionaldisplay for DSI data as a time- contactwith a rhyolite horizon. As predictedfrom the
depth section(Figure 9) is not necessarilyintuitive to physicalrockproperties(Figures5 and7), thisis oneof
the interpreter.Interpretationof sucha sectioncan lead the strongestacousticimpedancecontrastsencountered
to aninaccurateview of the subsurface,unlessaccompa- in theNorm•talminingcamp.Thiscontactisfairlylinear
niedby forwardmodelingto providefurtherconstraints. up to a depthof 200 rnwhereit appearsto be offsetto the
An alternativeto this is to reconstructan image that southby a fault. This fault alsooffsetsone of the inter-
showsthe data as a depth-offsetsectionthrough the nal reflectionsof the gabbro.At its lowerboundary,this
crust.This canbe achievedby usingthe common-depth- 100-mthick gabbrolayeris in contactwith a graywacke
point (CDP) transform (Dillon and Thomson, 1984). unit. The prominentreflectionassociatedwith this con-
The CDP transform is a mapping processin which tact can be followed away from the boreholefor more
each time samplein a time-depthsectionis relocated than 200 rn towardsthe surface.This concordantgab-
to its estimatedposition in the subsurface.This esti- bro unit is interpretedto be locally juxtaposedagainst
mated location in x-z coordinates is the CDP associ- the favorableMine Horizon (Figure3)(Bertrand, 1969).
ated with each shot-receiverpair. In one of its sim- Thus,theabilityto mapthismaficunithasa considerable
pler forms, this techniqueassumesa uniform back- mining explorationvalue. The expectedresponsefrom
ground velocity, with horizontal layering. In the case a small (relative to the seismicwavelength)massive-
of the Norm•tal survey,the constantvelocity assump- sulfideorebody,suchasmighthaveeludedpreviousex-
tion is a goodapproximation,becausecrystallinerocks plorationdrilling programs,wouldbe a high-amplitude
typically display small velocity variations.The sec- diffractionoff thiscontact.Unfortunately,sucha feature
ond condition is not met at Norm•tal, however, as lo- wasnot observedon this final section,or at the previous
cal dips range from 65 to 85ø. Hence, the approach stagesof the processing.
of Dillon and Thomson(1984) had to be modified to Also presenton this final sectionis a strongcurved
include the effects of a regional strike and steep lo- event located towards the bottom of borehole 95-28-05.
cal dips. Rather than rewriting their code to include The geologicalsection(Figure 4) showsthe beginning
strike and dip parameters,a combinationof two ro- of a thick sequenceof intermediatevolcanicrocks.This
tations of the survey coordinatesystem(one for the is a homogeneous stratigraphichorizonand shouldnot
strike and anotherfor the dip) convertsthe complex be reflective. A more reasonable alternative is that this
3D caseinto the original flat-layeredearth case.Once reflectorcorrespondsto an off-holefeature,suchasone
the CDP location has been computedin its distorted of thenumerousdiabasedikesthatfollow a trendparallel
referencesystem,the inversecombinationof rotations to borehole95-28-05 (Figure 3 dike B). Physicalrock
will put the CDP in its correct subsurfaceposition. propertystudiesat Norm•tal showthat diabasedikes
This generalizedCDP transformapproachhasbeenap- also have elevateddensities(Figure 5b). A curvedre-
plied to the data from pit 3, using a regional strike sponseis anticipatedfrom the southerntip of the trun-
angle (in mine coordinates)of N90øE and a dip of cated dike marked B in Figure 3 becausetravel paths

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Application of DSI to near-vertical structures 205


100 I


Limits of

4OO ......................Top-of-gabbro.....

Bottom of gabbro

500 375 250 125 0

• • Distance
Fig. 10. Final depth-offsetsectionfor Norm6tal.Dottedlinesindicatethe upperandlowerlimits of the area
imagedwith the 3D CDP transform.The full image(not shown)extendssouthfor aboutonekilometer.Note
the fault cross-cutting
the reflectorfrom the top of the gabbrounit. The reflectionfrom the bottomof the
morethan200m towards
a curved
is typical for a reflectororientedparallelto the recordingborehole.

to the dike are longerfor the shallowand deepreceiver spondingto suchreflectionspropagateeitherdownward

levels and somewhat shorter for the middle levels. The or almostparallel to the surface,and are generallynot
potential to image high-impedancebodies away from recordedusingsurfaceseismicmethods.
the borehole,illustratedby this exampleof a truncated The surveyat Norm6tal was designedto image the
diabasedike, is another useful characteristicof the DSI stratigraphy of theMine Series.Thismultioffset/azimuth
technique. designproducedan accurateimage of the subsurface
using data from pit 3. Essentialinformationaboutthe
velocity field was obtainedusinga sourcelocatednear
thecollarof theborehole(pit 1). It shouldbe emphasized
The useof the DSI techniquefor mineral exploration that physicalrock propertystudiesare also essentialto
is still at the experimentalstage.The Norm6tal survey identify potentiallyreflectiveunits at the mining camp
has shownthat this approachis well suited to image scale.Specializedprocessingtechniquessuchas the IP
the Archeanvolcaniclayeringof the Abitibi greenstone transform and the 3D CDP transform, illustratedin this
belt. Mainly composedof bimodal flows (rhyolite and study,providethe interpreterwith an accurateimage of
andesite),thesesuitesareoftenfoldedandcharacterized the subsurface.
by localsteepdips.Havingreceiverslocatedin boreholes The main lithologicalunits of the Mines Seriesat
permits reflectionsfrom steeplydipping or overturned Norm6tal have been mapped as far as 500 m away
featuresto be recordedand analyzed.The rays corre- from borehole95-28-05. A gabbrointrusion,associated

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
206 Downhole seismicimaging

with massivesulfideorebodiesin the mining camp,was Bertrand,C., 1969,Metamorphismat theNormetalMine, northwest-

imagedfor morethan200 m fromtheboreholeintersec- ern Quebec.Ph.D. thesis,Univ. of WesternOntario.
Card,K. D., 1990,A reviewof the SuperiorProvinceof the Canadian
tion towardthe surface.The resultsdid not point to any
Shield,A productof Archeanaccretion.PrecambrianRes., 48,
new deposit,but the seismicsignaturefrom the tip of 99-156.
a diabaseintrusion300 m awayfrom the receiverswas Chartrand,E, and Cattalani, S., 1990, Massive sulfide depositsin
recorded.Bothhigh-impedance orebodies andtruncated northwesternQuebec,in Rive, M., et al., Eds., The northwestern
intrusionsappearto have a similar seismicresponse. Quebec PolymetallicBelt: A summary of 60 years of min-
This suggeststhat the DSI methodhasthe potentialto ing exploration:Can. Inst. Min. Metallurg., SpecialVolume43,
imageorebodiesnot intersected
by the boreholebeing Cosma,C., and Heikkinen,P., 1996, Seismicinvestigations for the
surveyed. final disposalof spentnuclearfuel in Finland:J.Appl. Geophys.,
5, 151-157.
Dillon, P.B., and Thomson,R. C., 1984, Offset sourceVSP surveys
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS andtheir imagereconstruction: Geophys.Prosp.32, 790-811.
Fahrig,W. E, and West,T. D., 1984, Diabasedike swarmsof the
Three major Canadianmining companies(Noranda,
CanadianShield:Geol. Surv.Can., Map 1677A.
FalconbridgeLtd., and Inco Ltd.) along with scien- Hinds, R. C., Anderson, N. L., and Kuzmiski, R. D., 1996, VSP
tists from the GSC and Canadian and international interpretiveprocessing:Theoryandpractice:Soc.Expl. Geophys.
universities have combined their resources to form the Milkereit,B., andEaton,D., 1998,Imagingandinterpretingtheshal-
DSI Consortium,a five-year project to develop new low crust:Tectonophysics, 286, 5-18.
tools for deepmineral exploration.The authorswould Mortensen,J. K., 1993. U-Pb geochronologyof the easternAbitibi
Subprovince. Part2: Noranda-KirklandLake area:Can. J. Earth
like to acknowledgeparticularlythe participationof Sci. 30, 29-41.
Falconbridge Ltd. to the Norm6talproject.This study Rive, M., Pintson,H., and Ludden, J. N., 1990, Characteristicsof
was made possiblethroughthe Industry Partnership late Archaeanplutonicrocksfrom the Abitibi and PontiacSub-
Programof the GeologicalSurveyof Canada.David provinces,SuperiorProvince,Canada,in Rive, M., et al., Eds.,
Forsythand Bob Schieman(GSC-Continental Geo- The northwesternQuebecPolymetallicBelt: A summaryof 60
yearsof miningexploration:Can. Inst. Min. Metallurg.Special
scienceDivision) and the VSP crew from the Univer-
Volume 43, 65-76.
sityof Albertaassistedwith the dataacquisition.Patrick Salisbury,M., Milkereit,B., andBleeker,W., 1996,Seismicimaging
Killeen (GSC-Mineral ResourcesDivision) was re- of massivesulfidedeposits:Part I. Rock properties:Econ.Geol.
sponsiblefor the geophysicalboreholedata collected 91, 821-829.
in boreholes 87054 and 89099. Simard, A., et al., 1990, Relationshipbetween mineral deposits
and geologicdomainsof the Abitibi volcano-plutonic belt of
NorthwesternQuebec,in Rive, M., et al., Eds., The northwest-
ern QuebecPolymetallicBelt: A summaryof 60 yearsof mining
REFERENCES exploration:CanadianInstituteof MiningandMetallurgySpecial
Volume 43, 1-16.
Barrie,C. T., Ludden,J.N., andGreen,T. H., 1993,Geochemistryof Spooner,
E. T. C., andBarfie,C. T., 1993,Prefaceto thespecialissue
volcanicrocksassociatedwith Cu-Zn andNi-Cu depositsin the devotedto Abitibi oredepositsin a moderncontext:Econ.Geol.,
Abitibi Subprovince.Econ.Geol. 88, 1341-1358. 88, 1307-1312.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Chapter 14
Multiazimuth VSP for Rock Characterization of
Deep Nuclear Waste Disposal Sitesin Finland
Calin Cosma, Pekka Heikkinen, and dukka Keskinen

ABSTRACT becamean establishedtool for investigatingcrystalline

rocksat depth.
Multiazimuth VSP surveyshave been a part of the
FinnishSiteInvestigationProgramfor theFinalDisposal
of SpentNuclearFuel sincethe mid 1980s.The main INTRODUCTION
objectiveof the surveyshasbeento detecthydraulically
The Finnish Investigation Program
transmissive zones(normallyfracturezonesand faults)
andto determinetheir geometry. The FinnishSite InvestigationProgramfor the Final
The receiver tool used in these surveyscomprised Disposalof SpentNuclearFuelstartedin 1983.Fivesites
eightthree-component geophones clampedto the bore- wereselectedfroma shortlistofpotentialcandidateareas
hole.Dynamitechargeswereusedassources. The high- andpreliminaryinvestigations were conductedat these
frequencycontentof the data allowedthe mappingof sites during 1986-92. Subsequently, three areaswere
fracturezoneslessthanone-meterthick.The imagepoint selected for detailed characterization, which was con-
(IP) transformformsthe coreof theprocessing scheme cludedin 1999.The spentnuclearfuel is to be emplaced
for enhancingweak reflectedwavefieldsand for sepa- in the bedrock at a depth of 300-700 m, in canisters
ratinginterferingreflectionsfrom boundariesof vary- made of cast iron, enclosedin stainlesscoppershells
ing orientations.Polarizationanalysisappliedin image (PosivaOy, 1999).The bedrockis meantto actasoneof
pointspacelargelyavoidsproblemscausedby theinter- severalbarrierspreventingthe migrationof radioactive
ference.The VSP layout demonstratedan outstanding nuclidesto thebiosphereandprovidinga chemicallysta-
capabilityof imagingboth gently and steeplydipping ble environmentaroundthe disposalcanisters.Both of
features.Coverageanalysismethodshavebeenusedto thesefunctionsare relatedto the groundwaterflowing
predictandidentifypossibleblind zones. throughrock fractures.
Examples are given from two sites: Kuhmo- The preliminaryinvestigationswere focusedon rock
Romuvaarain easternFinland and Eurajoki-Olkiluoto featuresthat couldpossiblyjeopardizethe useof a site
in the southwest. The orientations of the fracture zones for disposalpurposes.Thesefeatureswouldincludeex-
at Kuhmo-Romuvaaraare diverse, resulting in a rel- tensivezonesof crushedrock, fracturezones,and faults.
atively complex case of seismicimaging. The major The objectiveof the detailedinvestigations was alsoto
fracturezonesat Eurajoki-Olkiluotofollow directional detect smaller scale, hydraulicallytransmissivezones
trendsanda goodcorrelationhasbeennoticedbetween (normallyfracturezonesand faults) and to determine
more pronouncedseismicreflectorsand hydrogeolog- their geometry.
ically significantzones,at both the local and the site Multiazimuth VSP (vertical seismicprofiling) sur-
scale. veys have been a part oœthe site investigationpro-
As a resultof the seismicwork performedas part of gram sinceits beginningin the mid 1980s. To date,
the Finnishsite-characterization
programfor final dis- more than 200 VSP surveyshave been carried out to
posalof spentnuclearfuel, conducted by Teollisuuden depthsapproachingor exceeding1000 m. Examples
Voima Oy (TVO) and lately by POSIVA Oy, the VSP of VSP surveysare given from Kuhmo-Romuvaara in
method,intendedoriginally as a supportingtechnique easternFinland(Anttilaetal., 1999b)andfromEurajoki-
for surfaceinvestigationsof sedimentaryformations, Olkiluoto,in thesouthwest (Anttila et al., 1999a),where

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
208 Downhole seismicimaging

Tonafire Gneiss
Mica Gneiss
,•' KR8 KR9


oL3 •L7 O

L22 •)


Fig. 1. The Kuhmo-Romuvaaratest site in easternFinland.The positionsof the sevenshotpointsusedfor

boreholeKR2 are shownas opencircles.Contoursin meters.

both preliminaryand detailedinvestigationshavebeen depth,for mappingfracturezonesand lithologicalcon-

conducted.The rock types at Kuhmo-Romuvaaraare tacts,and for determiningrock anisotropy(e.g., Rector,
tonalitesandgneisses(Figure 1) andthe orientationsof 1988;Leary et al., 1988; S611neret al., 1992;Miao et al.,
rock features are diverse at the site. The bedrock at the 1995). In most cases,the VSP methodhasbeenusedas
Eurajoki-Olkiluotositeconsistsprimarilyof migmatitic an extensionof the soniclogsor as a meansof improv-
mica gneisses(Figure2). ing the interpretationof the surfacereflectionsurveys.
In crystallinerocks,inclinedreflectorsarethe rule rather
thanthe exceptionandlargeshotoffsetsare neededfor
Vertical Seismic Profiling in Crystalline Rocks accuratelydeterminingthegeometryof featureswith di-
The VSP methodusessurveyconfigurations consist- verse orientations. Therefore, VSP has evolved into an
ing of an array of detectorsin a boreholeand one or independenttool for the 3D mappingof structures.The
severalsourcepositionslocatedawayfrom theborehole, basic reasonsfor favoring VSP as a method for deep
at various distances from the borehole collar. VSP has seismicimagingin crystallinerocksare the following:
beenwidelyusedasa meansof improvingthedepthcon-
versionof surfacereflectionsurveysin sedimentaryfor- 1. With VSP, both the sourceand the detectorscan be
mations.Many of theprocessingtechniquesusedin this placedwithin the bedrock.Thusthe lossof resolu-
contextrely on the separationof the directandreflected tion dueto near-surface
signalabsorptionis largely
wavefieldsby their slopes,which is relatively easy to avoided.Typically,frequenciesof 500 Hz andmore
achieve in the case of semihorizontal reflectors and near canbe recordedat a kilometerscale,allowingfea-
shotoffsets.VSP hasalsobeenappliedfor studyingcrys- tureslessthanmeterthickto be mappedthroughout
tallinerock, for obtainingaccuratevelocityestimatesin rockvolumes
1 km3.
Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Multiazimuth VSP for rock characterization 209

.• M•c Gne•,•/Vetned Gneis

. m 'ticGram
o ,-:L22 ' • Diabase
9 L21
0 Shotpoint
0E7 ,. L24

> ..


500 m

Fig. 2. The Eurajoki-Olkiluototestsitein southwest

Finland.The positionsof the sevenshotpoints
boreholeKR4 andthe six shotpoints usedfor KR6 are shownas opencircles.

2. Arrays of receiversplaced in vertical or steeply frequencyband,three-component directionalsensitivity,

inclined boreholes and multioffset, multiazimuth and a relativelylarge operationaldepthcombinedwith
shotsprovide a favorablegeometryfor mapping a small diameter.Practicalaspects,suchas portability
bothsteeplyandgentlydippingfeatures. in ruggedterrain,high dataproduction,andlow costare
3. Three-componentboreholedetectorsallow wave alsoto be considered.An eight-level,three-component
polarizationto be usedas an indicationof the ori- receiverchain,with a diameterof 43 mm and an opera-
entationof the reflectors.With detectorsplacedon tionaldepthexceeding2 km hasbeenbuilt to meetthese
thesurface,thepolarizationinformationtendsto be requirements. The receiversareequippedwith sidearms
lost due to near-surfacerefraction, which causesall for clamping,whichareactivatedby dcmotors,asshown
signalsto arriveat the detectorson nearlyvertical in Figure3. The distancebetweenlevelshasbeensetto
paths. 5 m, whichpermitsP-wavefrequenciesof up to 500 Hz
and S-wavefrequenciesof up to 300 Hz to be recorded
DATA ACQUISITION without spatialaliasing.Occasionally,higher frequen-
cies were recorded,in which case interlacedreadings
Equipment were taken, amountingto a level separationof 2.5 m.
The basic requirementsthat a VSP receiver tool The frequencyresponseof thetool equippedwith 40-Hz
mustmeet for crystallinerock applicationsare a wide- miniaturegeophonesis linear in the band 60-800 Hz.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
210 Downhole seismicimaging

Fig. 3. Multilevelboreholeseismicreceiverchainfor deepVSP surveyscontainingeight 3-component

modules.Eachmoduleis clampedto the boreholeby a sidearm.

An accelerometerversionof the tool hasalsobeenbuilt, problem,which can be formulatedas follows: Given a

with a frequencybandof 60-4000 Hz. linearreceiverarrayanda pointsource,cana reflection
Dynamite chargesof 35-225 g were detonatedin occurat a point P(x, y, z) if the reflectinginterfaceis a
holesat depthsvarying plane(D, 0, •)) containingP? In this formulation,D is
between 5 and 25 m. The boreholes were filled with wa- the distancefrom the origin of the coordinates,0 is the
ter beforeeachshot.A full roundof shotswasnormally dip andq>is the dip directionor azimuth.
recordedbeforechangingthe depthof the receivers,in On a plane reflector,the reflectionpoints are dis-
orderto maintainsimilarcouplingconditions.Seismo- tributedalonga straightsegmentlimitedbythereflection
graphswith 21-bit and 24-bit resolutionwere usedfor pointscorresponding to the first andthe lastdetectorsin
data recording.The trigger signalwas transmittedby the arrayor, if the reflectionplaneintersectsthereceiver
radio and/orcableto the recordingstation,which was array,by one of thesepointsand the intersectionof the
placedcloseto the boreholecollar. planewith the array.If the azimuth•) is left to vary,the
reflectionsegmentsgeneratea surfacelike the one in
Figure4a. If the distanceD alsovaries,the locusof the
The Coverageof VSP Surveys
reflectionpointsis a volume.The shapeandsizeof this
Coverageanalysisprovidesa meansfor choosinga volumedependon the dip. The coveragevolume for a
layoutthat will coverthe sitevolumeas evenlyas pos- dip of 60ø is presentedin Figure4b and c. The region
sible.The followingquestionsdefinethe scopeof the betweenthe sourceandthe receiversappearsas a blind
coverageanalysis: zone, becausereflections are not defined if the source
ß Can a volume be defined in which a structure would and the receiversare on oppositesidesof a reflecting
plane. The outer boundaryof the coveragevolume is
be detectedwith reasonablecertainty,if it exists?
determinedby the recordingtime.
ß Can unfavorablepositionsbe predicted?
ß How shoulda group of surveysbe configuredso
Figure 4d illustrateshow a site can be coveredby
that the regionof reasonablecertaintycoversmost
ten offsets.The geometryof the shotpointspreaddoes
of the investigationvolume? not needto be exactlyregular,and locationswith easy
access,thinoverburden, andcompetentbedrockarepre-
ß What can be known aboutstructuresthat escape
ferred. Note that someregionsremain uncoveredeven
detectiondueto an unfavorablesurveygeometry?
with ten shotpoints.To resolvethis problem,VSP sur-
The primarypurposeof the coverageanalysisis to de- veys are normally conductedin severalboreholes,with
limit the regionsof spacethat cannotbe probedwith eachsubsequent surveypartlyoverlapping theprevious
a given surveylayout.This is essentiallya geometrical onesbut also contributingnew informationfrom other

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Multiazimuth VSP for rock characterization 211

Fig. 4. (a) Locusof the reflectionsegmentswhenonly the azimuth4)varies.The dip 0 andthe distancefrom
the origin D are fixed.The sourcepoint is markedwith a black dot andthe receiverarraywith a thick line.
(b) The volumecoveredfrom one shotpointwhen 4) and D vary and the dip 0 is fixed at 60ø. (c) Cut view
of the coveragevolume.The light greyregionbetweenthe shotpointandthe receiverarraydepictsthe blind
zone.(d) Volumecoveredby 10 shotpointswhen4) and D vary andthe dip 0 is fixedto 60ø.

regionsof the site,until a quasi-completeanditeratively Z-component poims upwardsalong the borehole, the
validatedcoverageis obtained. radial R-componentis perpendicularto Z pointing to
the shotpointand the transverseT-componentis per-
pendicularto both.
PROCESSING OF VSP DATA The time-depth function of the wavefield propagat-
The VSP survey at the Kuhmo-Romuvaarasite ing with the velocity c is given by the hyperbola
(Figure1) in boreholeKR2 wascarriedoutin 1995using t2(•)c2_ • 2_ re2,with(re, 0,ze)being
sevenshotpoints(Cosmaet al., 1995). KR2 was drilled of theshotpoint,
[ = z - ze andthez-axisrunningalong
to a depth of 1100 rn in 1994 (Anttila et al., 1999b) theborehole.The slopeV = dz/dt is the apparentveloc-
usingstandard56-mm core drilling. The receiverinter- ity andIV[ _•c, with IV[ = c forre = 0. Reflected
val was 5 m, between40 rn and 1075 m, amountingto fieldsgeneratesimilarhyperbolictime-depthfunctions,
208 receiverstations.The surveylayoutwas optimized exceptthat the sourceis virtual, as explainedbelow.
by performinganalysesof the coverageobtainablewith As canbe seenin both Z- and R-componentprofiles
variouslayoutcombinations. in Figures 5 and 6, the direct P-wave onsetsfollow
closelythe time-depthfunctionfor c = 5850 m/s, which
indicatesthatthe velocityvariationsthroughoutthepro-
Preliminary Examination of the Data file are small. The direct P-wave onsets are weak in the
The three-component
raw datashownin Figures5, 6, T-component(Figure 7), becausethe P-wave is polar-
and 7 were obtained at Kuhmo-Romuvaara in bore- ized in the T = 0 plane.
hole KR2 from shotpointL22 (Figure 1) (Cosmaet al., A slopebreak can be seenat 440-460 m, associated
1995). The boreholedips 75ø to the west and shotpoint with threeup-goingevents,markedA, B, and C. Event
L22 has a south-southeast offset of about 200 m. The A cannotbe a P-wave reflection,becauseits apparent

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
212 Downhole seismicimaging

Traveltime (ms)
200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00



.Fig.5. Z-component
in text.

velocity is smallerin absolutevaluethan c = 5850 m/s. The absenceof tubewavesin Figures5-7 is largely
In fact, it correspondsto an S-wavetravelingwith a ve- dueto the clampedthree-component
receivers.The rel-
locity V• = 3350 m/s, which was convertedon the same ative scarceness of the direct S-wave field can be also
interfacethat generateseventC. AlthougheventB has noted.This has to do with the shotbeing fired suffi-
no apparentassociatedS-waveconversion,it can be in- cientlydeepin the bedrock.
terpretedas a P-wavereflection.As B has an apparent
velocity closeto the limit I VI = c, the reflectionoccurs Data Preconditioning
closeto normalincidenceandlittle or no energyis con-
As the very first stageof processing,
a precondition-
vertedto S-waves. Furthersupportfor thisinterpretation
ing schemeconsistingof the following steps--typical
can be found in the R-componentprofile in Figure 6,
to anyVSP processingsequence (Hardage,1983)--was
whereeventsA andC originateat the samedepth,while
eventB is slightly shallower.ForwardconvertedS en-
ergy (eventD) originatingat the samedepthas events 1. Band-passfilteringwasappliedto eliminatespec-
A and C is also noticeable. Traces of eventsA, B, and tral componentsoriginatingwith instrumentaland
C can alsobe observedin the T-componentas virtual environmentnoise,including50/60-Hz powerline
sources associated with reflectors that are not confined contamination.Filtering in the same band (or
to the T = 0 plane. This will be discussedin more de- slightlywider) was repeatedafter eachpossibly
tail below in the sectionon polarizationanalysisin IP noise-generatingoperation,e.g., medianfiltering,
space. deconvolution.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Multiazimuth VSP for rock characterization 213

Traveltime (ms)
0.00 50.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00


• 540.00


Fig. 6. R-componentraw datafrom Kuhmo-RomuvaaraboreholeKR2, shotpointL22. Seetext.

2. Medianfilters were usedto removedirect P- and conditioningwere applied,e.g., staticcorrectionsbased

S-wavesand tube waves.The pathsalong which on heterogeneous and/oranisotropicvelocitymodels.
the medianfilters were performedare determined Theeffectof thepreconditioning sequence canbe seen
wheneverpossibleby time picking.In othercases, by comparingthe Z-componentdatain Figures5 and8.
time-depthfunctionswere computedby assuming The preconditioningoperations did not makesecondary
a velocity model. wavefieldsemergeconvincinglyfrom the background
3. Deconvolutionwas performedwhen deemednec- noise,consistingmainly of noncoherentscattering.The
essary,mainly to removeringing. noncoherentappearanceis furthermore increasedby
4. Traceequalizationwasperformedat the endof the the fractureshaving very diverseorientations,which
preprocessing sequenceto compensatefor ampli- causeseventhe fairly coherenteventsto intersectand
tudelossby geometricalspreadingandattenuation. interfere.
This was doneeitherby TAR (true amplitudere- Thetaskof retrievingsecondary wavefieldsfrom seis-
covery)orby AGC (automaticgaincontrol).Inboth mic profiles in crystallinerocks can thereforebe ap-
casesthe equalizationwasdoneby the sameoper- proachedby either increasingtheir amplitude or by
ator for all threecomponents,to conservethe po- enhancingtheir coherency.Attemptingto increasethe
larization information. amplitudeby increasingthe energyof the sourcemay
meetwith onlymoderatesuccess, becausethe scattering
A thoroughcheck of the data was performeddur- noiseis shot-generated andthereforelikely to increase
ing this stageand,whereneeded,othermeansof signal proportionallywith the coherentsignal. Emphasizing

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
214 Downhole seismicimaging

Traveltime (ms)
0.00 50.00 lOO.OO 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00











Fig. 7. T-componentraw datafromKuhmo-Romuvaara

boreholeKR2, shotpointL22. Seetext.

coherencyis likely to be a more rewardingapproach. of stackingpaths,the coherencycanbe usedeffectively

Multichannelfilters based on the image point trans- to enhancetheweakreflections.Otheradvantages of the
form have been developedand are currentlyused for IP transformincludethe efficientseparationof interfer-
enhancingweakreflectionsand for separatinginterfer- ing reflectionsand the possibilityof directlyusingthe
ing events. IP transformedprofilesas interpretationtools.
In a constant-velocity
medium, a reflectionplane is
completelydefinedby the mirror imageof the source$
The Image-Point Transform
with respectto thatplane,i.e., the imagepoint,asshown
The IP (image-point) transform is a version of the in Figure9. Therefore,any time-depthfunctionassoci-
Radon transformand forms the core of the technique atedwith a planarreflectorcanbe generated by comput-
thatwe havedevelopedfor filteringcrystallinerockVSP ing the distancefrom the imagepoint to eachdetector
data.Radontransformshavebeenappliedto seismicdata anddividingby thevelocity.Therefore,theIP transform
in many ways.In most cases,a slantstack'r-p trans- turns the hyperbolicreflectionpatternsof time-depth
form is used,the apparentvelocitylimits beingvaried spaceinto pointsin IP space.
accordingto the predictedtraveltimesof the reflections. A cylindricalcoordinatesystem((, [, q•) has been
Radon transformsin which stackingpathsare not lin- usedin Figure9 in whichthe [-axis lies alongthebore-
earhavealsobeenused(Miller et al., 1987). Unlike the hole (assumedto be straight),the (-axis containsthe
'r-p transform,the IP transformstacksthe data along source$, and the angle q•is the azimuthrelativeto the
hyperbolicpathscorresponding to the time-depthfunc- I-axis. All image sourceswith the same((, [) coordi-
tionsof possiblereflectors.Due to this "natural"choice natesproduceidenticaltime-depthfunctions,because

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Multiazimuth VSP for rock characterization 215

Traveltime (ms)
150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00

: -'*[:2

• 540.00

640.00 -


840.00 ..................................... •..........................................................


Fig. 8. Z-component,preprocessed
datafrom Kuhmo-Romuvaara
boreholeKR2, shotpointL22.

the distancesfrom the imagesourceto all receiversare by replacingthe variable• with

independentof the relativeazimuthq0.This propertyal-
lows most of the computationsto be performedin two p __4•2 q_• 2. (3)
dimensions.The third dimensionis regainedat a later If the distancep from the origin is usedinsteadof
stage,when the polarizationof the data is examined.It the offset•, the transformedrepresentation will not be
shouldbe notedthattherelativeazimuthq0in (•, [, q0)is stretchedand is easier to use as an interpretivetool.
differentfrom the dip direction<bin (D, 0, <b)-Bothrep- The traveltimedoesnot dependon the relativeazimuth
resentationsuniquelydefinea plane and canbe derived <b,i.e., the locus of possibleimage pointsforms a cir-
from eachother.The time-depthfunctionof a reflected cle centeredon the borehole.The image-pointtrans-
event is
formed profile F(p, •) is obtainedby stackingin the
time-depthprofileg(z, t) alongpathscorresponding to
2--2Z[/c, all (p, •) pairswithin a selecteddomainPmin< P < [}max,
[min•< [ _<[max-Thus, all possiblepositionsand orienta-
tionsare coveredthat a reflectingplanemay have:
wheretr isthetraveltimeto thereceiverplacedat depthz,
c is the constantpropagationvelocity,and (•, [) are the r(•, p) fZmi
: ,JZmax
dz g(z, t -- tr(t•, p; z)), (4)
coordinatesof the imagesource.Equation(1) becomes
wheret•(•, p; z) is the arrivaltime corresponding
to the
planar reflectorspecifiedby p and • to the detectorat
z2--2z[/c (2) depthz.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
216 Downhole seismicimaging

d Sou'e

Image source

.... .. Rec -"

Fig. 9. Cylindricalcoordinatessystemusedin the image-pointalgorithm.

The inversetransformis constructedby integrating are enhancedwith respectto the original profile, and
alongeachpaththat receivedthe contributionof g(z, t) noncoherent noise as well as coherent events corre-
in the direct transform: spondingto other wave types are suppressed because
of their lack of coherencyalong the integrationpaths
g(z, t)- •Ht d?•r([.p- pr(z t; [)) computedfor c = 5850 m/s. The two-waytransformed
2,rc2t • • ' , , Z-componentprofileispresentedin Figure11.The con-
where vertedS-wave(eventA) hasdisappeared andseveralup-
goingeventsappear,followingthe sametrendaseventB,
Pr-- V/c2t2
--z2+ 2z[. (6) alongwith othercoherentpatternswith differentorienta-
The Hilbert transformH andthe derivativewith respect
to time are used to restorethe original signal shape,
similarlyaswith the -r-p transform.
Nonlinear Enhancement of Reflectors
The envelope,i.e., instantaneousamplitude,of the IP
transformedZ-componentprofilefrom Figure8 is pre- The generalfilteringeffectof the image-pointtrans-
sentedin Figure 10. The triangularshapeis due to the form resultsfrom the useof the actualpropagationve-
(p, [) representation,becauseI p I< •. As can be seen locity in the computationof the integralpaths.The fil-
in this figure, the amplitudeis concentratedin certain tering effectcanbe increasedby following a nonlinear
regionsof the IP space.Higher amplitudesin IP space approachinsteadof the linear integral in the inverse
canbe generated by higheramplitudes and/orhigherco- transform. For example, the amplitudesalong each
herencyalongthe integrationpath.Bothphenomenaare stackingpath can be orderedand the sum performed
indicativeof the probablepresenceof a true reflector. only for a chosensubset.A less computationallyde-
The inversetransform does not reproduceexactly mandingmethodis to computethe envelopesin the IP
the original profile. The coherentP-wave reflections transformedspaceandweightthe sumby the maximum

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Multiazimuth VSP for rock characterization 217

IC) [x 1000m]

Fig. 10. The amplitudeenvelopeof the IP transformedZ-componentprofile from Figure 8.

of the envelopealong each integrationpath. The opti- The upperpart of the profile is displayedin Figure 12a.
mum weightto be usedwith the filter dependson cer- It canbe seenthat eventB hasbecomeoverwhelmingly
tain characteristics
of the data and is decidedupon on clear, while event C has diminished. Other events seem-
a case-by-casebasis.Heavy weightingof the envelope ingly parallel to B also becameclearer,togetherwith
maxima would result in well-defined, but fewer, events, severaldown-goingeventswith oppositeslopes.Note
the fainter reflectionsbeing filtered out along with the thatwavefrontswith low apparentvelocities(in absolute
noise.Light weightingwould let throughmore events values)would be reflectedat nearly normal incidence.
but the coherencywould improveonly slightly.A fairly The relativelysmalloffsetof shotpointL22 wouldmake
safe procedurefor preventingover-processing consists them subhorizontaland appearpreponderantlyin the
of randomlyrearrangingpartsof theIP transformedpro- Z-component.EventE is interpretedasa secondarysur-
file so that causalcoherencyis destroyed.The dummy facereflectionof C (wereit a real reflection,thereflector
profileis thenrun throughthe sameprocessingscheme would haveto be abovethe ground.
as the real profile. Coherenteventsseemingto emerge
in the dummyprofileindicatethatthepowerof the filter
must be turned down. Dip Filtering in IP Space
The methoddescribedabovehasbeenappliedto en- The IP transform can also be used to enhance certain
of theprofilepresented
in Figure11. subsetsof reflectedevents,e.g.,by formingdip classes.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
218 Downhole seismicimaging

Traveltime (ms)
0.00 50.00 100.00 J 150.00 200.00 250.00 350.00

':-,, • •:-'>
• ._...
.............. .:..
.................... :i._
:- ,::•._.,
,.'.:.>•.. ::. :: ,, :-'.:..• .... ...... .
::- --•.?,.-_'/:::,,"-':.
:'..•,'-..;- •.: ,
44o.oo .: :'-':

...... •.- .............................. F ...................................

Fig. 11. Two-waytransformedZ-componentprofile.The originalProfile . beforethe transformis presented

in Figure8. The envelopeof the sameprofile in IP spaceis shown•n F•gure10. Seetext.

The relative dip in IP spaceis definedas [/p. The IP Polarization Analysis in IP Space
transformgathersthe time-depthhyperbolicreflection
The (p, [) coordinatesof the image-pointspacede-
patternsinto localized events,and reflectorswith dif-
fine two of the threeparametersneededto determinethe
ferentorientationsareimagedin differentregionsof the 3D positionof a reflector(as notedabove,the azimuthq>
transformspace.Filteringis achievedbymutingselected
relativeto the I-axis playsno role in the IP transform).
areasof the IP transformspace.For example,secondary
A straightforwardmethod for estimatingthe azimuth
surfacereflections,suchaseventE in Figure6, havetheir
is to rotateincrementallythe R and T componentsand
imagepointsabovethe[ = 0 axis(negative[ values)and
observeat whichanglereflectionpatternsdisappear. As-
canbe suppressed by blankingtheregion[ < 0. This dip-
sumingthatthe eventis a P-wave,the anglewouldgive
filteredversionof the profilein Figure 12a is presented
theperpendiculardirectionto the actualsignalpolariza-
in Figure 12b.
tion. A more elaboratetechniquerelies on solvingthe
Another example of simple IP filtering is the sup-
eigenvectorproblemto determinethe directionand de-
pressionof the up-goingsubhorizontal events,allowing
gree of polarizationwithin a time window.A filtering
a clearerview of the inclined features.The profile in
effect is achievedby projectingthe instantaneous par-
Figure 12c hasbeen obtainedfor 0 < [/p < 0.71. More
ticle motion at the time t on the averagepolarization
elaboratefilters,e.g.,with foldedboundaries,canbe ap- direction determined in a time window centered on t.
plied with similar easeto emphasizeor suppressindi-
Multiplying the projectedcomponents
by the factor
vidual or classesof reflectionevents.The intuitiverep-
resentationofferedby the IP transformgreatlyhelpsin
designingthe filters. L(t)--1- (Xl(t))
' (7)
Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Multiazimuth VSP for rock characterization 219

Fig. 12. (a)Nonlinearinverse of theimage-point transform presented in Figure10.(b) Dip-filtered

theprofilein Figure12(a) in whichall events with• < 0 in theIP representationfromFigure10weremuted.
(c) Dip-filtered
versionof theprofilein (a) whereall eventswith0 < •/p < 0.71in theIP representationfrom
Figure10 weremuted.(d) Polarization-filtered Z-component profile.Seetext.

where hl(t) and h2(t) are the largestand the second- amplitudes
largesteigenvalues determinedin therespective window, tion analysis.
wouldenhancethelinearlypolarizedevents,becausethe Figure 12d is the polarization-filteredZ-component
factorL(t) isclosetounitywhentherectilinearity ishigh profile.The polarizationfilteringwasperformedin IP
(Kanasewich,1975). spaceby solvingthe eigenvectorproblemin a window
A problemencountered whenattemptingto applypo- slidingalongp and multiplyingthe projectedcompo-
larization analysisto crystallinerock VSP data is the nentsby L(p) [seeequation(7)]. Thelinearinversetrans-
intermingling andcriss-crossing of eventsarrivingfrom formdescribed earlierwasthenappliedanddipfiltering
differentdirections.In fact,therewouldbe very few, if wasperformedto suppress the surfacemultiples.
any,time windowsin a time-depthprofile in which a Figures 12b and 12d depict the resultsof two fil-
reflectedarrivalis unaffectedby interferencewith other tering techniques,one basedon nonlinearcoherency
arrivalsandnoise.The resultis thatthepolarizationes- enhancement, the other on polarization.Both figures
timatedin time-depthspaceis generallyextremelyun- presentthe Z-component.The nonlinearfilteredpro-
stable.Polarizationanalysisperformedin image-point file in Figure 12b displaysa higherlevel of continu-
spacelargely avoidssuchproblems,becausethe hy- ity of the strongereventsat the expenseof the weaker
perbolicpatternsfrom the time-depthprofilescollapse events.Thepolarization-filtered profilein Figure12dap-
to separatelocationsin IP space.However,the polar- pearsas lessresolved,but the ratiobetweenstrongand
izationis not conserved if nonlinearfilteringhasbeen weak eventsis betterpreserved.Furthermore,the am-
performedindependently on eachcomponent,as noted plituderatio of the threecomponents is alsoconserved
in the section,Nonlinear Enhancementof Reflectors.If by the polarizationfilter, which allowsreflectionsarriv-
nonlinearfilteringis to be applied,it hasto be doneafter ing from specificazimuthsto be enhanced by looking
polarizationanalysis.Dip filtering appliedsimultane- for theirmaximumamplitudewhilerotatingthecompo-
ouslyto thethreecomponents doesnotaltertheirrelative nents.However,theamplitudesarerelativelyinsensitive

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
220 Downhole seismicimaging

Traveltlme (ms)
150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00

140.00 .


•0.00 -


740.00 -


1040.00 .......

Fig. 13. Polarization-filteredR-componentprofile.

to simplerotation,e.g.,at 4-30øoff-target,the amplitude thatthe azimuthcanbe estimatedwith a precisionclearly

of an event would still be 0.87 of its maximum. It is there- better than 4-20 ø.
fore difficult to estimatewith sufficientprecisionthe
azimuthat which a giveneventattainsits maximum.To
avoidthis difficulty,azimuthslicesaretakenin IP space INTERPRETATION
and back-transformedindependentlyto time-depth
Combining the Information of Several Shotpoints
To demonstrate
the merit of polarizationfiltering,we The azimuthestimateobtainedfor eachreflectorby
shall focus on a reflection event, which is difficult to polarizationanalysiscanbefurtherimprovedby compar-
identifydueto its low amplitudeand interferencewith ing profilesfrom severalshotpoints.To fully determine
strongerevents.Sucha barelyvisibleeventis markedas the positionand orientationof a plane,three indepen-
F in Figure 13 (the R-component).The azimuth-slicing dent parametersare needed,e.g., the triplet (D, 0, {•).
procedureis exemplifiedin Figures14. One planarreflectormust thereforebe identifiedusing
The horizontalcomponents wererotatedthrough10ø three noncoplanarprofiles. Theoretically,seven shot-
increments anda cosinebell wasappliedwith anaperture pointsforming noncollineartripletsare neededto en-
of 4-30ø. The amplitudeof eventsarrivingfrom other surethata planarreflectordoesnot fall in theblindzone
azimuths,asdeterminedbypolarizationanalysis,wasre- of at leastthreeprofiles.The numberof shotpointscan
ducedto 20%. The eventF displaysmaximumamplitude be reducedto five if the caseof a shotpointbeingcon-
in Figure 14a at 150ø. Comparisonwith the profile ro- tained in a reflectorplane is dismissedas improbable.
tatedto the directionon 170ø (Figure 14b)demonstrates However,a surveywith a reducednumberof shotpoints

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Multiazimuth VSP for rock characterization 221

a) Traveltime
0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00

•:•.•••.] • ......-•
•/ -,:::-::•:.:•4•t:.:•:....:
t.• C• -:/•.••:• •-••½.>.::
•_::•:F•• •-•....ß-.. .......•_•:• ::.,•..--.•
:._:•.......-• ,:....
• ,•:-: •- ._.-•:

• l•.• ") •-e •' •i•{:•:;iZ: --•L•-•:½•-•X•-.'-L - •: •; ' •-•-•;: .. • .._ •. - -.. t• .•. . :- ,. ß• •.. : ..,..•_.• - ...,.:.' .- .• ,-....., • ß. ' .: ß -' :.•.. : :

........ : :•:•::::::•5:•'•?••-*•:••••• :5::•:•L•t:t'

:-.•fi :••••••••.
•*c '• • ::-'-•.::•:.:": -•'•-;::::
? :' -?:•-":•"-/::'•':.-..5--%-
::'& •

Traveltime (ms)

) 0.00 50.00100.00
' ".•,-:•'
200.00 r•"50'00
' •-:':-"::-'-•
: -"'.x, '•';•-.:'
• • '-.• :-"•--".'-.:' ',....
•'• •t:': _'---•.•'
:",:•: ,':.....

............. >•.-•- :.....
......: :.:•-.: - •..-:--

Fig. 14. (a) Polarization-filtered

profile;azimuth150ø.(b) Polarization-filtered

may fall shortof correctlydeterminingthe geometryof graduallymodifiedwhile examiningthe simultaneous

the site, becauseit is also necessaryto insurethat the fit betweenthe time-depthfunctionsand candidatere-
three determinations refer actuallyto the sameplane, flectioneventsin all profiles.If recognizedassuch,con-
which becomesincreasinglydifficult as the numberof' verted(P-to-SV) eventsare alsoused.Conversionshave
reflectorsincreases.A practicalapproachto resolving a differentvariationwith dip and azimuththan P-wave
the site geometryby a multioffset,multiazimuthVSP reflectionsandthereforeaddindependentinformation.
surveyrelieson simultaneous interactivefitting among The structurespresented in Figure15wereinferredby
severalprofiles. the procedureoutlinedabove.The reflectorswere clas-
The procedureconsistsof fitting a time-depthfunc- sifiedintothreecategories: certain(I), probable(II), and
tion with an observedreflector,e.g., in profile P•. Each possible(III). Three classI featureswere found,one in-
time-depthfunctionis pairedwith a (p, •) point in IP tersectingtheboreholeat 425 m, thesecondintersecting
space,which in turn determinesthe coordinatesof the theboreholeat 1015m, andthethirdintersecting theex-
corresponding reflectionplaneexceptfor therelativeaz- tensionof the boreholeat 1380 m. The dipsof all three
imuth q•. are between35ø and45ø andthe dip directionsbetween
An estimatevalue for q• is promptedby the polar- 240ø and 260ø. Reflectorswith slightlydifferentorien-
ization analysis,thus defining the reflector plane as tationsand observedapproximatelyat the samedepths
(p, •, q•). Subsequently,time-depth functionsare de- were interpretedas substructures of the samemain œea-
rived for profiles P1, P2..... P,. Note that the coordi- tures.

nates(p, •, q•)arerelativeto theshotpoint,andthetrans- In Figure 15 the reflectorsseemto convergetoward

ferbetweenprofilesmustbedonethroughamoregeneral theborehole.This is an effectof the limitedcoverageof
coordinatesystem,e.g.,(D, 0, •). The azimuthq•is then theVSP layout.The limitedcoverage problemis avoided

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
222 Downhole seismicimaging

Romuvaara, KR2


=200 -

-400 -




7800 45ooy- North (m)
7600 7400 7200
7000 6800 6600 6400
X: East (m)

Fig. 15. Thereflecting

mappedby VSP in boreholeKR2 at Kuhmo-Romuvaara.
Boreholein red,
shotsshownin opencircles.

by conducting surveysin severalboreholes.In the case setdippingin the oppositedirectionappearsat shallow

of interpretations
usingmultipleboreholes,thetendency depthsin thevicinityof KR8 buthasnotbeendetected in
is for class I reflectors to become more obvious, at the the rest of the site. Five seismic structures meet the class I
expense of classII andclassIII reflectors.
Theinterpreta-criteria,all belongingto oneof thetwo main sets.Their
tion is doneby a simultaneous fittingprocedure,similarmeanorientationsare outlinedin Figure 16. Basedon an
to the one presentedabovefor multiple offsetprofiles independent analysisof the datafor eachborehole,the
measured in' the same hole. A site area on the order of otherreflectorspresentedin Figure 16 wereinterpreted
10km2 is usuallycovered withfiveto nineboreholes, asclassII, but their consistency with the generalmodel
arrangedso that groupsof threeor four boreholesfall tendsto increasethe reliabilityof their interpretation.
roughlyin thesameplane.Theaveragedistance between
the boreholes is 500 m.
Comparison of VSP Resultswith
The example from Figure 16 is from Eurajoki- HydrogeologicalModels
Olkiluoto(Figure2) (Anttilaet al., 1999a)andcombines
the resultsfrom two deepholes,KR4 andKR2, and two A 3D modelofthe total saltcontentofthe groundwater
shallowboreholes,KR8 and KR6 (Cosmaet al., 1996). at the Olkiluoto-Eurajokisitewasconstructed aspart of
The measurementswere done in 1995. The deep holes the detailedinvestigationof the area(PosivaOy, 1996).
weremeasuredat 5.0-m intervalsto 900-1000 m depth. The model has been basedon the electrical resistivity
The shallowholeswere drilled to a depthof 300 m and of the rock andgroundwaterinferredfrom electricand
weremainlyusedto validatetheorientationof the struc- electromagnetic surveys,thesalinecontentof theground
turespredictedby the longholes.Sevenshotpoints were watermeasuredin watersamples,andtheporosityof the
usedfor eachlongholeandsix for the shortones. rock determinedfrom logging.
Two setsof reflectorsdominatethe site, one dipping Beneaththe meteoric and sweet-waterlayers, three
south-southeast with dipsof 20 to 30ø andanotherdip- regionswereidentifiedwith increasing
TDS (totaldis-
ping more to the southeast with dips of 45 to 60ø. A solved solids) content.A sectionroughly following
Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Olkiluoto - Eurajoki

KR8 • • ......

-500 -

-1000 -


-500 0
500 1000 1500
Y: North (m)
Fig. 16. The reflectingelementsmappedby VSP from boreholesKR2, KR4, KR6, and KR8 at Eurajoki-
Olkiluoto. Boreholesin darkblue, shotslight blue.

C KR4 KR10 KR2 KR6 C'

TDS< I ga
R17B 1 g/l< TDS< 3 g/l

R20A 3 g/l< TDS< 10g/I

10.g/l< TDS< 30g/I
R20B :' 30ga< TDS< 100g•
-500 .... ' TDS> 100g/l



Fig. 17. Salinitymodelfor Eurajoki-Olkiluotosite.ThesectionC-C' (seeFigure2) roughlyfollowsboreholes

KR8, KR4, KR2, and KR6. TDS, total dissolvedsalt. Reflections(R) correspondto fracturesobservedin

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224 Downhole seismicimaging

boreholesKR8, KR4, KR2, and KR6 is presentedin step, as predictedby the VSP model of Figure 17. A
Figure 17. The depth of the layers varies strongly deepertransmissive featurewith a slightlylargerdip has
throughoutthe section,but the generaltrendfollowsthe also been identified,again, as predictedby VSP. The
directionof the fracturezones.The positionsandorien- deepestfeaturespresentedin Figure 16 do not intersect
tationsof the rock featuressuperimposed on the salinity the boreholesand thus cannotbe validateddirectly by
modelin Figure17havebeendeterminedmainlyby VSP hydraulicmeasurements.
andcross-checked by examiningtheirmatchwith zones
of increasedfracturingobservedin boreholesacrossthe
site. The fracturezonescontrollingthe salinity model
appearto correlatewith the moreextensiveand contin- The VSP geometry is suitable for mapping both
uousseismicreflectorsfrom Figure 16. steeplyandgentlydippingstructures in therock.Within
A direct validation of the model inferred by VSP the FinnishSite InvestigationProgram,VSP was orig-
has been obtainedfrom pumping testsundertakenin inally plannedto be used as a methodto confirm the
the openholesKR7 and KR8 (PosivaOy, 1996). Good resultsof boreholelogsandgeologicalcorrelation.How-
hydraulicconnectionshavebeen observedbetweenthe ever, soon VSP turned out to be main tool for determin-
deeperpart of KR8 andthe upperpart of KR4 andbe- ing the locationand orientationof the fracturezones.
tween the deeperpart of KR7 and KR4 at a depth of The main drawback of VSP is the existence of blind
350-400 m, asshownin Figure 18. The samedirectional zonesthat can preventthe detectionof significantfea-
trend continuestowardsKR2 and KR6, with a downward tures close to the sources and receivers. The extent and

•8 KRI


,/ I T> IE-5 m2/s

I IE-6 < T < IE-5 m2/s
• 1E-7 < T < I E -6 m2/s

Fig. 18. Inferred hydraulicconnectionsbetweenboreholesKR1-KR10 at Eurajoki-Olkiluotosite T,


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Multiazimuth VSP for rock characterization 225

shapeof the blind zonesdependnot only on the layout backgroundnoise.The image-point(IP) transformbe-
of the surveybut also on the geometryof the feature camethe core of the processingschemefor enhancing
itself.The surveylayoutcanbe optimizedby performing weak reflectedwavefieldsand for separatinginterfer-
analysesof the coverageobtainablewith variouslayout ing reflectionsfrom boundariesof varyingorientations.
combinations. With the IP transform,the stackingis donealongtime-
The initial surveysof the site characterizationpro- depth functionscorrespondingto wavefieldstraveling
gram were performedwith hydrophones, sincehigh- with a givenvelocity.The IP transformturnshyperbolic
frequencydata can also be obtainedwith borehole reflectionpatternsinto pointsin IP space.Noncoherent
hydrophone strings,whicharealsoeasierto deployand noiseand coherenteventscorresponding to wave types
providea higherdataproductionratethan3-component travelingwith othervelocitiesaresuppressed, whichpro-
clampedgeophones. However,thesesurveyslackeddi- ducesa filtering effect even when the two-way linear
rectionalsensitivity,whichmadeimpossiblethe useof transformis applied.The filteringeffectcanbe increased
polarizationasa filteringandinterpretation
tool.Thehy- by following a nonlinearapproachinsteadof the linear
drophonedataalsocontaineddisturbinglyhighamounts integral.The IP transformcan alsobe usedto enhance
of tube waves. To avoid spatial aliasing, the low ve- certainsubsetsof reflectedevents,e.g., by forming dip
locity of the robewavesrequiredsmall receiverinter- classes.The intuitive representationoffered by the IP
vals, which negatedthe benefitof high productivity.A transform,i.e., the fact that the reflectedenergyis con-
3-componentmultilevelreceiverchainwasbuilt to meet centratedin a small area,greatlyhelpsin designingthe
boththeneedsof processing andinterpretation,in terms filters.
of frequencyand directionalsensitivity,and the practi- The main reasonfor using 3-componentreceiversis
cal requirementsof operatingin slim deepholes,with the possibilityof using polarizationanalysisto deter-
a small surveycrew,in locationswith difficult access. mine the azimuth of the reflectors.A problemencoun-
The nearabsenceof robewavesfrom the datapresented teredwhen attemptingto applypolarizationanalysisto
hereis largelydue to the useof clamped3-component datafromcrystallinerocksistheinterminglingandcriss-
receivers. crossingof eventsarrivingfrom differentdirections.Po-
The main difficulties to overcome have been the di- larization analysisapplied in IP spacelargely avoids
versity of the orientationsof the targetsand the low suchproblems,allowingthe reflectorazimuthsto be es-
S/N ratio displayedby the reflectedevents.The rea- timatedwith a precisionof approximately4-15ø.
son for the low S/N ratio is the low contrast in acous- The reflector location determinations based on az-
tic impedancebetweenthe fracturesand fracturezones imuth estimateswere furtherimprovedby simultaneous
versusthe relatively competentcrystallinerock. Frac- interactivefitting of data from severalprofiles.The fi-
turesin crystallinerock appearasrepetitionsof similar nal interpretationhasthen beendoneby combiningall
patternsat variousscales.Featureswith dimensionssig- of the data collected in different boreholes at the site.
nificantlylargerthan the meanwavelengthwill gener- This resultedin a comprehensivegeometricalmodelof
ate coherentevents,while featuressignificantlysmaller the fracturezonesthroughoutthe site.The structuresin-
thanthe wavelengthwill producean integratednull re- terpretedfrom individualVSP surveyshavebeenfound
sponse.However,networksof fracturesandjoints with consistent with each other.
dimensionscomparableto the wavelengthare likely to The continuityand consistencyof featuresinferred
producenoncoherent scattering.
Conversely,thetaskhas independentlyfrom severalVSP surveysconstitutean
beenalleviatedby the nearlyconstantseismicvelocity internal verification of the model. However, the final
throughoutthe rockmassandby the planarnatureof the proof of the relevanceof our VSP resultscanbe found
targets. in the goodcorrelationof the morepronouncedseismic
Severalwell-establishedtechniquesusedfor VSP in reflectorsand the hydrogeologicallysignificantzones
sedimentary formations,e.g.,corridorstacking,f-k and andgeochemicalmodelsdeterminedfor eacharea.The
'r-p filtering,were droppedasunsuitablefor enhancing VSP methodhas been found effectivefor identifying
reflectorswith a wide varietyof orientations.In general, and locating those featuresthat control groundwater
commonVSP processingroutineswere deemedinsuf- flow and for predictingthe distributionof groundwater
ficient for mappingfracturezonesin crystallinerocks, salinity.
becausethey did not succeedin makingwavefieldsre- Basedon the largenumberof surveysperformedand
flectedon suchfeaturesemergeconvincinglyfrom the the ample direct and indirect verificationsof results

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
226 Downhole seismicimaging

within theFinnishSiteInvestigationProgram,themulti- Cosma,C., Heikkinen,E, Honkanen,S., andKeskinen,J., 1995,VSP-

azimuth, multioffset VSP can be consideredan effective surveyat Romuvaarain Kuhmo,boreholesRO-KR8 andRO-KR9
methodfor determiningthepositionsandorientationsof andextendedpart of boreholeRO-KR2: PosivaOy, Workreport
fracturezonesin crystallinerock. The fracturemodels --1996, VSP-surveyat Olkiluoto in Eurajoki,boreholeOL-
inferred by the VSP surveysare relevantfor predict- KR8 and extendedparts of boreholesOL-KR2 and OL-KR4:
ing thepossiblepathsof radionuclidemigrationwithin PosivaOy, Work reportPATU-96-11e.
the groundwaterand the geochemicalconditionsin the Hardage,R. A., 1983,Verticalseismicprofiling,PartA: Principles:
vicinity of a plannedrepository,thushelpingto find at GeophysicalPress.
Kanasewich,E. R., 1975, Time sequenceanalysisin geophysics:
the site the rock volumesmost suitablefor locating a Univ. of Alberta Press.
repository.The mainobjectivesof theVSP surveyscon- Leary, E C., Henyey,T. L., and Li, Y-G., 1988, Fracturerelatedre-
ductedaspart of the FinnishSite InvestigationProgram flectorsin basementrockfrom verticalseismicprofilingat Cajon
for the Final Disposalof SpentNuclearFuel canbe thus Pass:Geophys.Res.Lett., 15, 1057-1060.
considered fulfilled. Miao, X. G., Moon, W. M., and Milkereit, B., 1995, A multioffset
three-component VSP studyin the SudburyBasin:Geophysics,
60, 341-353.
Miller, D., Oristaglio,M., and Beylkin, G., 1987, A new slanton
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS seismicimaging--Migrationandintegralgeometry:Geophysics,
52, 943-964.
The authorsexpresstheir gratitudeto POSIVA Oy for Posiva Oy, 1996, Kfiytetyn polttoaineenloppusijoitusSuomen
the long-termsustainedsupportof the development that Kallioperfifin.Yksityiskohtaiset
led to the resultspresentedin thispaper.We are grateful 1996(in Finnish):PosivaOy, report96-19.
to Matt Salisbury,Dave Eaton,and BerndMilkereit for --1999, The final disposalfacility for spent nuclear fuel.
Environmentalimpact assessment report: PosivaOy, report,
valuableandconstructivecommentson the manuscript.
Rector,J. W., 1988, Acquisitionand preliminaryanalysisof ori-
entedmulti-componentmultioffsetVSP data: DOSECC Cajon
REFERENCES PassDeep ScientificDrillhole: Geophys.Res. Lett., 15, 1061-

Anttila, al., 1999a,Final disposalof spentnuclearfuel in Finnish S611ner,W., et al., 1992,VSP- A link betweenreflectionseismicpro-
bedrock--Olkiluotositereport:POSIVA Oy report99-10. filing andlithology,in Duerbaum,H.-J., Reichert,Ch., Sadowiak,
--1999b, Final disposal of spent nuclear fuel in Finnish E, andBram, K., Eds.,Integratedseismicsoberpfalz1989:KTB
bedrock--Romuvaarasitereport:PosivaOy, report99-11. Report92-5, Niedersfichsishes Landesamtfuer Bodenforschung.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Part VI

3D SeismicImaging

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Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Chapter 15

3D Seismic Imaging for VMS Deposit Exploration,

Matagami, Quebec

Erick Adam, GervaisPerton, GrantArnold, Larry Matthews,and BerndMilkereit

ABSTRACT of the primitive Archeanvolcanogenicmassivesulfide

Detectingdeep mineral resourcesin the vicinity of (VMS) deposits(Franklin et al., 1981) which account
existingmining campsis expensiveand time consum- for almost50% of the total Canadianzinc production
ing. The 3D seismicmethodis usedroutinelyin oil and (Singer, 1995). This is in contrastwith other countries
becauseonly 22% of the total world productionof zinc
gasexplorationto map deepstratigraphiccontactsand
comes from VMS deposits(Singer, 1995). Thus, ex-
structuralfeatures.Its ability to map volcaniccontacts
andthe 1-kmdeepBell Allard volcanogenic massivesul- plorationfor CanadianVMS depositsis importantfor
fide (VMS) depositwastestedrecentlyin theMatagami the Canadianeconomyandto maintainworld zinc sup-
miningcamp.The surveyobjectiveswereto identifythe plies.BecauseVMS depositsare generallysmallin ton-
seismicresponseof a VMS ore depositand to map the nage(mediansize is 1.25 Mt), mostnew depositsmust
mainlithologicalcontacts.The Bell Allard VMS deposit be locatedin the vicinity of existinginfrastructureto
appearsas a 100 m wide zone of high seismicampli- be economic(Riverin, 1999). Since the initial discov-
ery at Matagami (Mattagami Lake Mine) in 1963, ex-
tudes.The depositis underlainby a larger amplitude
anomalythat we attributeto a gabbrosill, or possibly plorationfor satellitedepositshasprogressedfrom the
to the alterationzone of the deposit.We showthat the surfaceto depthsexceeding1000m. Until now,the min-
depthof the main explorationtarget (the Key Tuffite) eral industryhasrelied heavily on deepdrilling to test
canbe identifiedon a largeportionof the seismicsurvey prospectivestratigraphysinceconventionalsurfacegeo-
area and that its southwest limit defines the location of physicalmethods(i.e., EM and magneticsurveys)are
a regionalfault (the Daniel fault). The azimuthand dip generallyonly effectiveto depthsof a few hundredme-
of a synvolcanicfault was determinedfrom amplitude tersandare affectedby the thick overburden.Giventhe
analysisof a largegabbrosill. The Matagami3D seismic small size of the depositsand the high cost of explo-
experimentshowsthatseismicmethodscanimagea deep rationfor deepmassivesulfidedeposits,alternatemeth-
VMS depositand map importantlithologicalcontacts odsof prospectingfavorablehorizonsare required.The
at a regionalscaleat a cost comparableto two 800-m SeismicTechnologyResearchProjectwas initiated by
deepboreholesper squarekilometer.When appliedin the GeologicalSurvey of Canadaand Noranda Inc. in
the appropriategeologicalcontext,a 3D seismicsurvey 1990 in responseto this need and to take advantage
hasthe potentialto assistdeepmineralexplorationand of multidisciplinarystudiesof the Abitibi Subprovince
increasethe chancesof making cost-effectivediscov- of the CanadianSuperiorProvincebeing conductedby
eries. Lithoprobe.
The 3D seismic-reflectionexperimentin the Mata-
gami districtof northernQuebecrepresentsthe culmi-
nationof a 1O-yearresearchprojectleadby the Geologi-
cal Surveyof Canada,with supportfrom three major
The Matagami mining camp was selectedfor this Canadianmining companiesand severaluniversities.
study becauseit is an important Canadian zinc pro- The experiencegainedby conductingseismicsurveysin
ducer [Canadawas the world leader in productionof severalminingcampsandin variousgeologicalsettings
this metal in 1996 (NRCan statistics)].The zinc-rich resultedin a preferred strategyto implementseismic
ore depositsof the Matagami mining campare typical methodsin supportof mineralexploration.The favored

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
230 3D seismicimaging

approachconsistsof threedistinctphases.The objective implicationsfor VMS explorationin this campand in

of the first phaseis to estimatethe acousticimpedance similargeologicalsettings.
(the productof densityand velocity) of the targetand
its host rocksby in-situ boreholeand laboratorymea-
surementson core samples.Reflectionamplitudesare
directly related to the acousticimpedancecontrastat The Matagami volcaniccomplexis locatedin the
lithologicalcontacts.A minimum contrastof 10% ap- easternpart of the Harricana-Turgeon belt of the north-
pearsnecessaryto reflectseismicwaveswith sufficient ern Abitibi Subprovince(Lacroixet al., 1990) andwas
intensityto be observedat the surface.In the second formedby two majorphasesofpredominamlytholeiitic
phase,the estimatedtargetreflectivityis verifiedby ac- volcanism.The earlyphaseproduceddacitesandrhyo-
quiringa vertical seismicprofile (VSP). In a VSP ex- litesof the WatsonLake Group(Figure1), whereasthe
periment,a shotis placed at the surfaceand the seis- youngerphase,which producedthe WabasseeGroup,
mic wavefieldis recordedat regulardepthintervalsin a was dominatedby basalticvolcanismwith subordinate
borehole.Reflectionsobservedusingthis surveygeom- felsicactivityandwasaccompanied bymafic-dominated
etry can be directlycorrelatedwith geologicalfeatures subconcordant intrusions(BeaudryandGaucher,1986;
intersectedby the borehole.If the targetreflectivityis Pich• et al., 1993).A cherty,sulfidicchemicalsediment
confirmed,a seismicline is acquiredin the third phase known as the Key Tuffite marks the contactand hiatus
to ensurethatthetargetcanbemappedfromthe surface, betweenthe two formationsand is traceablefor many
to estimateits continuity,andto determinethe optimum kilometresalongstrikeanddown-dipontheSouthFlank
acquisitionparameters(suchasfrequencycontent,fold, of the mining camp(Sharpe,1968). This thin horizon
chargesize, etc.). Only after the successfulcompletion (0.6-6 m) was depositedduringa periodof intensehy-
of the threepreliminaryphasesis a 3D surveyplanned drothermalcirculationand represents the primary ex-
using the acquisitionparametersdeterminedfrom the plorationtargetin the campbecauseit is hostto mostof
2D seismicsurvey.The 3D seismicsurveyhasthe capa- the orebodiesdiscoveredto date (Pich6 et al., 1993).
bility of mappingcomplexgeologicalstructuresin their The Matagami volcaniccomplexis boundedon the
correctposition.High-probabilitydrill targetscanthen southby immaturevolcanic-derivedclasticsediments
be established. and iron-formationof the Taibi Group acrossan im-
Twohigh-resolutionseismicprofilesacrossthe South portantstructuraldiscontinuity, andon the northby the
Flank of the Matagami volcaniccomplex acquiredin Matagami Group sedimentscomposedmainly of silt-
1990 and 1993 showed that surface seismic methods stoneand argillite with subordinategranitoid-pebble
could effectivelymap the moderatelydipping (<45ø) conglomerate (BeaudryandGaucher,1986).
SouthFlank stratigraphy(Adam et al., 1998; Calvert The volcanicand sedimentaryrockswere intruded
andLi, 1999). Theseinitial surveyswere followedby a duringseveralepisodes. The Bell Rivercomplex,which
numberof complementarystudies:(1) to definephysi- underliesand intrudesthe WatsonLake Group, is a
cal rock propertiesin the area from in-situ and labora- tholeiiticcomplexconsistingof a layeredsequenceof
tory measurements (Cinq-Mars et al., 1995; Salisbury gabbrowith stratiformmagmaticoxideconcentrations,
et al., 1996); (2) to computethe theoretical3D seismic capped by a felsic granophyricunit (Beaudry and
responseof known structures(Adam et al., 1996); and Gaucher,1986; Maier et al., 1996). This intrusionis
(3) to establishoptimalseismicacquisitionparameters. thoughtto be synvolcanicin age and may have been
A decision
wasthenmadetocarryouta20-km23D seis- the heat sourcefor the hydrothermalactivityobserved
mic-reflectionsurveyto coveranareaof the SouthFlank withintheoverlyingvolcanicsuccession (Sharpe,1968;
overlyingthe newly discovered Bell Allard deposit.The MacGeehan,1978; Maier et al., 1996).
primary surveyobjectiveswere(1) to useBell Allard as The volcanic rocks of the Matagami complex are
a benchmarksurveyfor theseismicdectectionanddelin- foldedintoanopen,gentlynorthwest plungingstructure
eationof VMS deposits;(2) to locateotherdepositswith known as the Galin6eanticline(Sharpe,1968). Rocks
similar seismicsignatureswithin the surveyarea;and on the southlimb of the anticline,wherethe studyarea
(3) to provide operationalmodels for costingfuture is located,are weakly deformedand metamorphosed,
surveys.Here we detail the processingand interpre- anddip approximately 45øto the southwest (Pich• et al.,
tation of the 3D seismicsurveyin Matagami and the 1993). The north limb stratigraphyis subverticaland

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
3D seismicimaging for VMS deposit exploration 231

•.•.- -..-,•
,.'.• '

• - - ,•'LacMaffagami
'' •rchan Wes• • ' ";• ............ •

• .•"•- •t{• • Ch•bouamau•

I Line29-3 %/ ,' ', •'orcfi• Noranda • / •
I ß I BellAllard. • I l
3D5URV ' ValdOr
GRID•--M• --•0,t•-• • ,. •
o _

• Peridotlte • Previous producer
I--'-! Dumagami Rhyolite
Diabase I'-I Producing Mine
!----I Wabassee Basalt
• Key Tuffite Interface 1
!'---I watsonLakeRhyolite Development Project
• BellRiverComplex liiiil 2Dseismic "k Undeveloped Deposit
• Granite

Fig. 1. Geologyand mineral depositsof the Matagamicamp showinglocationof 2D seismicprofilesand

3D seismicsurveyarea.

has been segmentedinto a numberof distinctlozenge- overliesa discordantpipe, or conduit,hostingmassive

shapeddomainsseparatedby zonesof coalescingdefor- to stringer mineralization (Figure 2). The deposit is
mation(Pich• et al., 1993).On thesouthlimb,theDaniel boundedto the south by a synvolcanicfault system
reversefault,a family of northwesttrending,moderately (Border Fault) oriented095ø relative to north. The ore-
to steeplynortheastdipping structures,has thrust the body consistsof two lensesandis approximately370 m
southlimb stratigraphyandthe Bell River Complexover long and 165-m wide down dip along the Key Tuffite
the WabasseeGroupvolcanics(Pich6et al., 1993). Es- interface,with an overalleast-westorientationin plan.
timatesof vertical displacementacrossthe structureare Note that the depositorientationis quite differentfrom
variable,but rangeto more than 1000 m (unpublished the regional strike of the lithologicalunits. The north
Norandainternalreports). lens is composedprimarily of high-gradeZn-rich mas-
sive sulfideswhile the southernlens is of lower grade
and composed,in part, of conduit-typemineralization.
General Deposit Geology Sulfide mineralizationconsistsof pyrite, Fe-rich spha-
Bell Allard is a typical Matagami camp SouthFlank lerite, minor chalcopyrite,and pyrrhotite. The thick-
VMS deposit.It is locatedat theWatsonLake-Wabassee nessesaverageabout 30 m, but can range up to 60 m
interface atop a synvolcanicfracture zone character- in portionsof the southlens.The depositdips 50 to 55ø
ized by classichydrothermalalteration.A weaklytrans- towardsthe southbetweendepthsof 900 and 1150 m
posedconcordantlensof sulfidemineralizationdirectly below the surface.A global resourcein excessof 6 Mt

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
SW Gabbro
Surface BAS-94-32 BAS-93-30 BAS-94-39 OR-88-7 Felsicdike
Mafic and
intermediate dikes

Main Formation
fault Tuffite
-500m Upper
- 1000m WatsonLake
-1000m Ishikawa >90%
splay 500m

Fig. 2. Verticalsection(section62) throughthe Bell Allard depositshowingthe main geologicalstructures

found in its vicinity.

-. ß
-. i -. ß
i . .
i i i

ß .

- ß
• ß

'" .
" -.

' • .
"'. "-. 30 -.

-. \ " '--. 28 "'.... ß

ß. -.... '... '-. -..
'""- • '"'-. 26 -- "--.. Magnetite
.. " • "'• • ß - -... '- -.
x 24 " ß-..•.. .;.-. -.. ß .

+ ß '.. .... • .. -


'-. 0•:'•
2•2'. , -•..',.,...,
, . ....

-. •
'• •
• %
•• • '"'*• '•'
•, "/ •"'
• • '•.."• '"'•,?
. '"
"-.. _
'"'-...... '"-.
. .

.... '16
.. ß '"-.
.. ß"•"'"
'Ch • •Sp'hal
erite '"
..... ""'-...... ""
'-... ß -.
..... , .

.. -..
14ß-.. '- ... ....... alcopyrit •, .....-.. ... .. .

. ... ..

I • ....
ß Massive
Basalt • -


ß Massive
O Lithological
...... ..... •


Fig. 3. In-situP-wavevelocitiesanddensitiesfrom logginghole 94-33fand massivesulfidesin hole 94-26a;
ellipsesshowrangeof loggingvalueslying within one standarddeviationof the mean for eachhostrock
Laboratorydatafromdrillcoreandhandsamples fromBellAllardandIsle-Dieuorebodies.
volcanic unitshaveacousticimpedancesof lessthan22 Gg/m2s(heavydashed line)whilesulfides
acousticimpedancesabove22 Gg/m2s. Densities
andP-wave velocities
forcommon minerals
are shownfor referenceby largedots(Salisburyet al., 1996). Isoimpedancecontourlines(in units
of Gg/m s) are
overlainto helpestimatereflectioncoefficients
betweenrockunits.An impedancedifference
of 2.5 Gg/m s is sufficientto causea strongreflection.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
3D seismicimaging for VMS depositexploration 233

makes Bell Allard the secondlargest depositdiscov- SEISMIC DATA ACQUISITION

ered in the Matagamimining camp.The 1994 produc- Oncethe seismicgrid wascutandthe shotshavebeen
tion decision was based on a drill-indicated reserve
preloadedat Matagami, the seismiccrew layed out the
of 3.2 Mt grading 13.77% Zn, 1.50% Cu, 43.45 g/t receivers,acquiredthe seismicdata, and removedthe
Ag and 0.76 g/t Au (unpublishedNoranda internal equipmentover a period of 10 days in April 1996. A
reports). total of 956 shots(Figure4) were recordedwith a 2048
channel capacity seismographin less than 36 hours.
A state-of-the-art,24-bit acquisitionsystemwas used
in anticipationof a relativelylow signal-to-noise(S/N)
The physicalrock propertiesof the main lithologi- ratio comparedto thosetypical of oil and gas environ-
cal units are summarizedin Figure 3, where ellipses ments. Significantefforts were made to achievegood
are centeredon the median densityand P-wave veloc- shotandreceivercoupling:(1) shotchargeswereplaced
ity values for a particular host rock type. Salisbury ascloseaspossibleto the overburden/bedrock interface
et al. (1996) suggestthat somesulfidescommonlyas- (15-m averagedepth)to maximizeseismicenergypene-
sociatedwith VMS deposits(e.g., pyrite) have high trationand minimize source-generated noiseand,(2) at
acousticimpedances.In-situ and laboratory measure- each receiver station, about 1 to 1.5 m of snow had to be
mentswere conductedto verify if thesefindingswere removedto allow the placementof geophonesdirectly
applicableto the sulfidesof theMatagamiminingcamp. on the groundsurface.The surveytookplaceduringthe
P-wave velocities and densities were obtained for the springthaw and temperatureswere below the freezing
host rocks from full waveform sonic and densitylog- point at night but well abovefreezing during the day;
ging in hole 94-33f and velocity logs were obtained thus,the geophoneswere frozeninto the groundin the
through100 m of massivesulfidesin borehole94-26a. morning,providingexcellentreceivercoupling.In gen-
The densities of the ores were determined from lab- eral,the topographyof the 3D grid wasgentlewith bogs
oratory measurementson split core samples.Labora- in someareasand a densespruceforestand clear-cutin
tory densityand P-wave velocity measurementswere others.The maximumelevationon the gridwas296.8 m
also determinedfor selectedcore and hand samplesof above sea level and the maximum elevation difference
massive and disseminated sulfides and host rocks from was only 40 m.
the Bell Allard depositand the neighboringIsle-Dieu Intotal,20km2(4 x 5km)of3D seismic
mine. Reflectionamplitudesare proportionalto the re- quiredaboveandaroundtheBell Allard deposit(Figures
flection coefficient, which in turn is a function of the 1 and 4). The seismicgrid was positionedto providea
impedancecontrastbetweenlithologies.As a rule, an good image of the Key Tuffite, to record the seismic
of 2.5 Gg/m2sis generallysuf- responseof Bell Allard, and to identify other possible
ficient to causea strongreflection.Thus for example, drill targetsto the southeastof Bell Allard. The sur-
rhyolitein contactwith a gabbroor a sulfide/magnetite- vey is a typical full-range 3D seismic survey as de-
rich lenswill generatestrongreflections.Figure3 clearly scribed by Stone (1994). The receiver lines are ori-
shows that the P-wave velocities and densities of the Bell entedperpendicularto the regionalstrike and the shot
Allard orebodycontrastwith thoseof the surrounding lines are layed out in the oppositedirection.The dy-
volcanicunits.The highestimpedancevaluesare found namite shots(0.34 kg of pentolite)were recordedby
for pyrite-rich sampleswhile most (95%) of the vol- up to 1900 receiverslocated along 19 receiver lines.
below22 Gg/m2s.This The 50-m shotspacingand 40-m receiverspacingused
study suggeststhat a strongacousticimpedancecon- for the survey yielded a 25- by 20-m subsurfacebin
trastexistsat the contactbetweenthe Bell Allard deposit size. The shot- and receiver-linespacingcontrolsthe
andits hostrocks.Pyriteandmagnetitehavethe highest fold and the offset distribution in each common mid-
acousticimpedancevalues; hence, these two noneco- point location.Use of a large numberof receiversin-
nomicmarkermineralsprobablycontrolthe reflectivity creases the fold and the shot-receiver offset. Record-
of Bell Allard. While size and shapealso affect the re- ings at large source-receiveroffsetscan be particularly
flectionamplitude,theexistenceof a significantacoustic useful to image steepdips in complex geologicalset-
impedancecontrastat the targetis absolutelynecessary tings or where the velocity gradientis weak or absent,
for its detection. as well as in areaswhere source-generated noise is a

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
234 3D seismicimaging







300000 302000 304000 306000

UTM easting (m)

Fig. 4. Shot(largedots)andreceiver(smalldots)positions of the 3D surveywith inlineandcrossline

Thelocationsof geologicalsectionsandthedifferentseismic traverses
through theseismic
volumeare indicated.The outlineof the orebodyis indicatedin black.The collarandtraceof borehole
BAS-94-33f in whichloggingwasperformedare alsoshown.

Table 1. Data acquisition parameters. of a typicalshotgather(Figure5b,shotat station14125)

Source Information clearlyindicatesthat frequenciesas high as 160 Hz
Energysource 0.34 Kg of Pentoliteat 15 m average wererecorded, andalsoshowsthedominance of a high-
Source interval 50 m amplitude,low-frequency (<30 Hz) component mostly
Sourceline spacing 400 m associated with groundroll and S-waves.Fourmajor
Receiver Information sources of ambient noise were identified on the seismic
Geophonetype 10-Hz Mark ProductsUM-2-A grid duringdataacquisition: (1) drillingandblasting
Groupinterval 40 m
Geophonelayout 6 in a 1-mlineararray in the Bell Allard shaft;(2) trafficalongHighway109
Line spacing 250 m (Figure1); (3) electrical
noisearoundahigh-voltage sub-
Acquisition System stationandpowerlineslocatedwithin the surveyarea;
Instrumentation GEO-X Aram 24
and (4) mining activitiesat neighboringinstallations
Pre-ampgain 36 dB
Fieldfilter 164-HzHigh-cut (Isle Dieu mine and concentrator at MattagamiLake
Recordlength 3s mine). The productionshaft,which was being exca-
Samplerate 2 ms
vatedto extractthe ore from the Bell Allard deposit,
wasin progressat a depthof 60 rn by mid-April, 1996.
Mining activitiesassociatedwith the Bell Allard shaft
problem.The acquisitionparametersare summarizedin wereintermittent--sometimes unnoticed (e.g.,whilece-
Table 1. menting),sometimesaffectingabout 100 receiversta-
Analysisof the raw shotgathersin the field showed tionsaroundtheshaft(e.g.,duringthedrilling).Receiver
thatthe datawereof goodqualitywith clearreflections, line 29 waslocatedvery closeto the shaft,and,on some
despitethepresence of highlevelsof source-generated occasions, more than 50 receiversalongthis line were
and culturalnoise(Figure5). The amplitudespectrum affectedby activitiesin themineshaft.As an example,

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
3D seismicimaging for VMS depositexploration 235

29101 29126 29151 29176 31101 31126 31151
33101 33126 33151 33176 35101 35126 35151 35176

?0.4 ": .:•;•:,"t::•,d';•',
' ' •,'½"
:.i•, ] ' '
•'• ........ , , •. ß':•, ' ,, ....;•-:,' ........ -, '- •.,).,r
'," •"'-• . . 0.6
.,,......',.... ..... ,,.. ,,... - .4.

Line 29 Line 31 Line 33 Line 35

1 km

C) Bell
Allard Bell
•• Receiver
d) NE •.,•-
• Receiver
29101 2•I:•261:29151 29176 29101 29t•_/•_•...._,•
29151 29176
-10 - I ,,,•:,•:J',,-•,;•
• • 0.4
...... •,'4',,','$:,
-20 -
,, '•••••••;;,
-30 -

-40 -

-50 -

-60 I I I I I I I I I
0 50 1 O0 150 200 250
,,. t• :;.',t,,
•':";• ' ...• .....,.;•
Frequency (Hz)

Raw • km Filtered
Fig.5. (a) Receiverlines29, 31, 33, and35 fromrawshotgather14125.TheBell Allardorebody is located
directlybeneathreceiverline29. (b) Amplitudespectrum of tracesshownin (a). (c) Receiverline 29 from
raw shotgather8109is affectedby electricalnoiseandminingactivitiesin theBell Allardmineshaft.(d)
Sameas(c) afterapplyinga 30-Hzhigh-pass filterandremoving60-Hz noisewith anadaptivefilter.

duringthe shotat station8109 (Figure5c) receiverline receiver stations were used. A minimum of 1700 re-
29 wascontaminated by drillingandelectricalnoise.Af- ceiversper shotwas considerednecessaryto obtaina
tertheapplicationof 30-Hz high-pass andadaptivefilters high-qualityseismicimage.
(Figure 5d), most of the coherentnoise was removed
from the shot gather.Traffic along Highway 109 was
intermittentand only affecteda few tracesat a time; it
did not necessitatetrace editing.A high-voltagepow- It is now widely acceptedthat data acquiredin
erline and substation are located within the 3D seismic hardrockenvironments posedifferentchallengesfrom
grid andelectricalnoise(60, 120, and 180 Hz) affected datacollectedin sedimentaryenvironments (Milkereit
receivergroupsthat were locatedcloseto theseinstal- and Eaton, 1998), largely becauseof the high veloc-
lations,but wasremovedwith an adaptivefilter (Adam ities and relatively low reflectivities encounteredin
andLanglois,1996)(Figure5d).A nearbymine(•2 km crystallinerocks.Thethicklow-velocityoverburden that
from the surveygrid) andthe concentrator locatedabout is in contactwith unweathered high-velocitybasement
1 km awayfrom the surveyareadid not stopproduc- rock is responsiblefor large staticcorrections,severe
tionduringthe seismicexperiment.To helpcompensate high-frequency attenuation,and multiplewaveconver-
for the high levelsof culturalnoise,a largenumberof sions.Imagingthe high-velocitybasementitself with a

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
236 3D seismicimaging

resolutioncomparableto that of oil and gasexploration Table 2. Processingsequence.

surveysrequiresthe useof high frequencies(> 100 Hz). Electrical noise removal Adaptivetime domainfilter
Crystalline rocks are also generally characterizedby Geometry 25 x 20 m subsurface bins
Trace editing Bad shots are excluded
a smoothlyvarying, low-amplitudevelocity gradient; A=A,t
True amplituderecovery
hence,seismicraypathsare almoststraight.Thus, for a Spikingdeconvolution Minimum phase,100 ms
single sourceposition,a significantlygreater segment window, 1% noise
of the reflector is illuminated if the receivers extend out Band-pass Ormsbyminimumphase
10-20-130-150 Hz
to long offsets.Consequently, to image steeplydipping Gain AGC 3000 ms
First break mute Linear ramp between30 and
structures,recordingsat largesource-receiver
offsetsare 50 ms below first breaks
useful.Another complicationis causedby the generally Refraction statics
low reflection coefficients encountered in hardrock -First break picks Automatic (neuralnetwork
environments(< 10%) comparedto thosein sedimentary -Datum 300 m above sea level
basins.To compensatefor the low-reflectivity,high-fold -Correction GLI3D (Hampson-Russell)
Surface consistent Method: Maximum stack
and high-fidelity recording systems must be used. residual static power
Nonetheless,somedataprocessingstepsare simplified corrections Maximum shift: 10 ms
in the hardrockenvironment.Becausethe velocity field Window: 0.1-1.2 s

does not vary significantly,detailed velocity analysis Unmigrated Stack

DMO corrections
is not as importantas it is for processingof data from
Stackingvelocity Constantvelocity stacks
sedimentarystrata. The applicationof imaging algo- analysis
NMO corrections 6100 m/s 50% stretch allowed
rithms [dip moveout(DMO) and migration] is greatly
Scaling 500 ms (AGC)
simplified.While the differencesin the velocity fields Stack 0.0-2.0 s, 150 ms (AGC)
betweencrystallineand sedimentaryrockshavea direct Band-pass Butterworth25 (40 dB slope)
impact on data acquisition,they have an even more -80 Hz (20 dB slope)
profound impact on data processing.Ignoring these
Migrated stack
fundamentaldifferenceswhendesigningseismicsurveys Prestackmigration Equivalentoffset,full aperture,
and whenprocessingdata can only lead to failure. In 20-m bin size, maximum
offset 10 km
processingseismicdata from the crystallinecrust, the Stackingvelocity analysis Semblance and constant
most important step is the determinationof accurate velocity stacks
refraction-basedweathering static corrections,while Scaling 500 ms (AGC)
Stack 0.0-2.0 s, 150 ms (AGC)
detailedvelocity analysisandresidualstaticcorrections Band-pass Butterworth25(40 dB slope)
generallyprovide minor improvements.As is the case -80 Hz (20 dB slope)
for data acquiredin any structurallycomplex sedimen-
tary setting,the focusingsteps(DMO, migrations)are
On the migratedstack,circularanomalies(diffractions)
crucialto imagingdippinglithologicalcontacts.
are collapsedto a small arealocatedat the apexof the
Data processingof the 3D Matagamidatasethasben-
diffractionhyperbolaand the anomaliesare smallerin
efitedfrom the experienceof processing2D seismicdata
size than on the unmigratedstack.On the otherhand,
in the area since 1990 (Milkereit et al., 1992; Adam et
the migratedstackprovidesthe best3D imageof litho-
al., 1998; Calvert and Li, 1999). The processingflow
logical contactsand faults at their true subsurfacelo-
(Table 2) used for the 3D seismicdata is very similar
cation.In the following section,emphasisis placedon
to the one appliedto the 2D data. The exceptionis the
the staticcorrectionproblemand the imagingof dip-
lack of cross-dipcorrections,a key processingstepfor
ping contacts.Inline 161 was chosento illustratethe
crooked2D lines,but not requiredhere.
effect of thesemost importantprocessingstepsbecause
The unmigratedstackis usedto identify the scatter-
it exhibitsshallow,deep,dipping,and subhorizontal re-
ing responsefrom local high acousticimpedancebodies
suchas ore depositsor faulted gabbrointrusions.The
circular anomalies observed on time slices that are asso-
Refraction-Static Corrections
ciatedwith thistype of targetaremostdistinctiveon the
unmigratedstack,while reflectionsfrom other targets The computationof an accuraterefractionweathering
are unfocusedand do not appearat their true positions. staticsolutionis by far the most importantprocessing

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
3D seismicimaging for VMS deposit exploration 237

SW Crossline NE sw Crossline NE
1 20 40 60 80 1 O0 120 140 160 180 I 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
0.0 I


0,2 I
I I•.fl.•/l•l•,.•.•.•!/•
I I / I I iI
• "•:•;:½3;;•:•

,•, 0.4-

• 0.5-
ii.....• •.'!?'i,
0,6 I 't•,,-.,,".-,
r•.... •-'-

"'":':•,"":'i,!½l•..•'•i' ß •:, ;i
,'. •,I.•,'(.::•'
,-•.,.: '"•i•


1.0-- J With
residual static corrections

a) 1km b)
Fig. 6. (a) Inline 161 without refractionstaticcorrectionsapplied. (b) Inline 161 with GLI3D refraction

step.Processingof 2D seismicdatafrom the Matagami reflectionsbecome visible at depth (between 0.7 and
area (Adam et al., 1998; Calvert and Li, 1999) has 0.8 s on Figure6b), as do weak reflectionsfrom 0.2 s.
shown that static correctionsobtainedfrom the gen-
eralized linear inversemethod(Hampsonand Russell,
1984) improvedsignalcontinuityandthesignal-to-noise
ratio.The refraction-static
correctioncomputedwith this In areaswhere lithologicalcontactsare dipping,the
methodresultedin accuratelong and shortwavelength imaging step (e.g., DMO, migration) is crucial for ob-
solutions.About 35 500 first break picks, or 4.7% of taining enhancedreflectionsfrom thesecontacts(com-
the total, were automaticallyrejected by the software pareFigures6b and 7a). For thesetwo sections,the pro-
after the first iteration because the times were inaccu- cessingflow and stackingvelocity are the same,apart
rate. Overburdenvelocitieswere extractedfrom uphole from the imaging operator(DMO). When the seismic
times and the overburden velocities derived from these dataarestackedusingthecorrectintervalvelocity,there-
values resulted in a better static solution than when a con- sultingseismicsectionsemphasizethe reflectivityfrom
stantvelocitywasused.After five inversionsand short- subhorizontalgeologicalstructures(Figure 6b). Higher
wavelengthstatic calculations,the averageerror was stackingvelocitiesare necessaryto allow dipping re-
3.55 ms, which is quite acceptableconsideringthat the flectionsto stackcorrectly.DMO correctionsallow both
samplerateis 2 ms. The maximumtotal refractionstatic dippingandsubhorizontal eventsto stackusingtheback-
correctionwas 88 ms in the northernportionof the grid groundintervalvelocity(Figure7a). After correctingfor
wherethereis a thick layerof dry sand.In comparison, DMO, reflectionsare imagedmore clearly,but they are
themaximumelevationcorrectionwasonly 14 ms,more not at their true subsurfacelocations. Hence, DMO is a
than six timessmaller.Figure 6 showsthe effect of re- partialmigrationprocessthateventuallyproducesa zero
fraction statics on the stacked section ofinline 161. With- offset section.A migrationcan later be appliedon the
out staticcorrections,the sectionexhibits little reflectiv- DMO stackto collapsediffractionhyperbolasandmove
ity and the only noticeablereflectionis at 0.75 s below reflectionsto their true subsurfacepositions.In theory,
crossline60. After applyingrefractionstaticcorrections, for a constantbackgroundvelocity,DMO followedby

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
238 3D seismicimaging

poststack migrationshouldproducethe sameresultsas
a) 0.0
20 40 60 80 1O0 120 140 160 180 200
a prestackmigration.Importantdifferencesin the final

'.I /,l,
••,• migratedstacks(Figures7b and 7c) are probablydue
to the implementationof eachalgorithm:the commer-
cial DMO implementation(Figure 7b) usedgavelittle
controlon the choiceof parameters(i.e., operatoraper-
ture, bin size, offset range),while the in-houseimple-
0.4 mentationof theprestackmigration(Figure7c) allowed
muchmore flexibility.The key differencebetweenthe
unmigratedandmigratedsectionsis the appearance of
diffractionhyperbolas andthedetectionof pointscatter-
0.7 ers(e.g., orebodies).
The diffractionfrom a dippinglenshastwo character-
istic features:(1) an amplitudeanomalydown-dipand
0,9- (2) a polarityreversal(with respectto the polarity of
With DMO co•ectJons the normal-incidence polarity)that dependson the lens
shapeandcomposition (seeBohlenet al., thisvolume).
Detectingthis complexdiffractionresponseis a pro-
b) 20 40 60 80 1 O0 120 140 160 180 200
cessingchallenge.A full prestackmigrationeffectively
collapsesthe diffractedenergy,but thesecharacteristic
,• ' '•,'•"-;•l ' '•.• ' • r•,,• ";.•, '
variationsof amplitudewith azimuthare lost. In addi-
tion, migrationof a diffractionresponse thatcontainsa
0.3 polarityreversaloverawell-definedazimuthalrangewill
,,•ff',' •'•1,•'•• '• ••'• producea seismicamplitudeanomalythatisweakerthan
0.4 one obtainedfrom migrationof a diffractorof equiva-
0.5 lent absoluteamplitudethat doesnot exhibita polarity
reversal.Sincethe amplitudeanomalyis necessarilyre-
strictedto a relativelysmallrangeof offsetandazimuth,
0.7 migrationof thediffractionhyperbolacaneffectivelyav-
eragethestrongamplitudeanomalyof theDMO section,
andthushinderdetectionof the anomalyin themigrated
0,9- ,.';•,.%,;.
;•,•...................... seismicvolume. Therefore,partial prestackmigration
posmtackmigration techniques, suchasDMO, arebestsuitedto preservethe
diffractionhyperbolagenerated by anorebody.Fromthe
c) 20 40 60 80 1O0 120 140 160 180 200 explorationpoint of view, the zero-offsetstackedsec-
tion is more appropriatefor detectingmassive-sulfide
0,1- depositsbecause(1) the diffractionpatternis larger,
(2) the amplitudesare often stronger,and (3) the
amplitudevariationwith azimuthanomalycanprovide
0,3- someinformationaboutthe lens geometry.
Whereasfull prestackmigrationmight not help in
the directdetectionof ore deposits,it imagesstructures
andstratigraphy thatdefinethehostgeologicalenviron-
ment.Prestackmigrationby equivalentoffset(Bancroft
etal., 1998)wasapplied
ona 10-km
2 subset
of the3D

Fig. 7. (a) Inline 161with dip-moveout corrections.
Sameas (a) but with poststack phaseshiftmigrationfol-
lowedbyFX deconvolution. (c) Inline 161afterequivalent
1.0 With
p•estack offsetprestackmigration.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
3D seismicimaging for VMS deposit exploration 239

surveythat includesthe Bell Allard deposit.Whereas automated.Other important contactsand structures,

the DMO seismicsection(Figure7b) hasamplereflec- suchastheKey TuftiteandtheDaniel Fault,couldnotbe
tivity in the depthof interest(0.2-0.4 s), the reflection directly associatedwith a reflectionand requiredmore
characteris homogeneous and horizonsare difficult to detailedinterpretationin orderto identify them. Locat-
follow acrossthe section.In sucha heavilyfaultedarea, ing the depthandlateralextentof the Key Tuffitewasan
this stackedvolume is quite difficult to interpret.The importantobjectiveof the 3D seismicproject.In partic-
prestackmigratedversionof inline 161 (Figure 7c) is ular,theDaniel fault intersects
the Key Tuffiteat a depth
superiorto the poststackmigratedsection;it has more of about 1.4 km and the sequencedeepenssignificantly
detail and reflections can be correlated across the sec- to the west of the fault. The location of where the Daniel
tion. From this improvedsection,severalfaultscan be Fault intersectsthe Key Tuffite is a key elementwhen
inferred by locating small offsetsalong the main re- planninga deepexplorationprogram.During the inter-
flections.These resultsdemonstratethat full prestack pretationprocess,the boreholeinformationwasusedto
migrationcan be a valuableprocessingtool, with the validatetheinterpretation,to identifyreflectivecontacts,
potentialto greatlyimproveand facilitatestratigraphic andto refinethe accuracyof the interpretation.
and structuraldatainterpretationin crystallinerocks. Gabbrosills are reflectivein the WatsonLake Group
where they are juxtaposedwith rhyolites and rhyo-
dacites;howeverthesegabbrosarepoorreflectorsin the
INTERPRETATION basalt-dominated WabasseeGroup. Hence, the seismic
responseof a gabbrosill cuttingthroughthe Key Tuffite
Reflectionsfrom Regional-Scale will appearasa strongreflectionstoppingabruptlyat the
Lithological Contacts
Key Tuftite,just like anunconformity.Rhyolitehorizons
Within the seismicdata volume, some continuousre- do not crossthe Key Tuffiteandare alwaysconcordant.
flectorssuchasthe gabbrosandthe upperrhyolitehave Thesecriteria,in conjunctionwith availableboreholein-
been imagedlaterallyfor severalkilometers.Mapping formation(whitedotsonFigure8), wereusedto interpret
thesehorizonswas straightforwardand could even be and pick the Key Tuftite (Figure 8) from the migrated

o% oE--,' •-'* o
o o

¸ ¸





Daniel fault
--• 1400

301500 302500 303500 304500 305500

UTM easting

Fig. 8. Interpreteddepthto Key Tuffitefrom the 3D depth-migrated

seismicdataset.The blackdotsindicate
the positionsof shotsandreceiverswhile thewhite dotsareboreholelocations.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
240 3D seismicimaging

3D seismicvolume.The southwestern limit of the Key generatedusing the Born approximation(compare

Tuffite marks the interpretedlocation of the Daniel Figures9b and d) (Eaton, 1996). The goodmatch be-
Fault within the 3D surveyregion. The black dots on tweenthe sectionssuggests that the seismicresponseis
Figure 8 indicatethe sourceand receiverlocationsof generatedat the base of the Bell Allard deposit.Be-
the seismicsurvey.The Key Tuffitecouldnot be picked causethe upper part of the depositis sphalerite-rich
reliably on the southeastern
and northwesternedge of (low impedance), it may not be reflective and only
the surveybecauseof the low fold, but the Key Tuffite the deep pyrite and magnetite-richzones appear to
pickedoveranareaof6.6km2,between be reliably imaged. This observationis in agreement
depthsrangingfrom 130to 1440m. SincetheKey Tuffite with physicalrock propertystudieswhich predictthat
is not characterized
by a singlereflector,the Key Tuffite pyriteandmagnetite-richoreshavethe highestacoustic
depthuncertaintyis about 100 m and probablylarger impedances(Adam et al., 1996; Salisburyet al., 1996).
near the edgesof the surveyarea. The locationof the Migrated image.--To comparethe seismicsignature
Daniel fault is well defined due to the clear truncation with borehole-derivedgeologicalsections,a matching
of reflectors. geological section (marked section 69 on Figure 4)
throughthe depositwas superimposedon the seismic
datain the vicinity of the deposit(Figure 10b). To pro-
Imaging the Bell Allard Deposit vide the context for the detailed section, a seismic tra-
Unmigratedimage.--The Bell Allard ore depositis versethroughthedepositwhichextendsacrossthewhole
located between 900 and 1150 rn from the surface and seismicvolume (Figure 10a) was extractedfrom the
boreholecontrolexistsin the vicinity of the depositto 3D seismicvolume.On this section,the alterationpipe
depthsof about 1250 m. At an early stageof datapro- doesnot underlie the massivesulfidesand the stratig-
cessing(brute stack with refraction static corrections raphyis simple.This sectionalsoexhibitsthe strongest
applied),a zone of anomalousamplitudein the vicin- seismicresponseassociated with the top of the massive
ity of the known ore depositwas identifiedat 400 ms sulfides(on crossline144 at 0.31 s on Figure 10b). The
(• 1200 m). This anomalywas still presentafterthe ap- maximum amplitudeof the reflectoralong the Upper
plicationof DMO correctionsbut was lessobviousbe- Rhyolite (Figure 10b) is 30% lower than the one asso-
causeof the enhancedreflectivityfrom dippingreflec- ciatedwith Bell Allard. The amplitudeanomaly50 ms
tions.The anomalyhasa lateralextentthat corresponds belowBell Allard is 43% higher.The compositionof the
well with the areaoccupiedby Bell Allard andwith the massivesulfidesat Bell Allard (largely sphalerite)and
baseof the low-grademassivesulfidelens.However,it the smallsizeof the depositcomparedto theunderlying
is also only tensof metersaway from a knowngabbro anomalycanperhapsexplainthis difference.
intrusion. Discontinuitiesin the basalt/rhyolitesequenceabove
In orderto interpretthe seismicdatabetter,a compar- the massivesulfidesindicatethe presenceof faults.The
ison betweenthe 3D seismicdata and the syntheticre- high-amplitudeanomalylocatedbeneaththeBell Allard
sponseof a Bell Allard modelwasmade.In time slice,the depositappearsto be fault-boundedandmaycorrespond
modeledBell Allard seismicresponseappearsas a dis- to the alterationpipe of the Bell Allard depositor it
tinctivecircularanomalywith amplitudevariationwith may correspond to theregionalscalegabbrointrusionin
azimuthvariations(Figure9a). The positionof Bell A1- Figure 11. The Daniel Faultis interpretedto lie wherea
lard corresponds with the centerof the circularanomaly. suddenbreak in reflectivityoccurs(Figure 10a). Using
Figure9b showsanunmigratedsyntheticsectionthrough the availableboreholeand geologicalinformation,the
a 3D cube structuralstackalong a north-southtraverse seismicdata appearsto be properlycalibrated,and the
(markedA-A • onFigure10a)throughtheBell Allardde- prestackmigrationperformedwith a constantvelocity
posit. The correspondingseismicsectionshowssouth- of 6.1 km/s producesa reliableseismicimagethat cor-
dippingreflections(markedR on Figure9d) originating relateswell with the availablegeologicaldata.Discrep-
from rhyolite/gabbro andrhyolite/basaltcontactswithin anciesbetweenthe dip of reflectors,the fault locations,
theLowerWabasseeGroup,aswell asa distinctdiffrac- and the contactsinterpretedon the geologicalsection
tion hyperbola(D on Figure 9d) at the Bell Allard lo- are attributed to the limited number ofboreholes used to
cation. Note that the highestamplitudesoccur on the derivethe geologicalsection(red lines on Figure 10b).
southernflank of the hyperbolaand that the sameam- Usinga differentmigrationvelocitymay alsoaffectthe
plitudevariationsare observedon the syntheticsection dip and locationof the reflections,but a more detailed

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
3D seismicimaging for VMS deposit exploration 241

1 km Bell Allard

i i
120 160 200
_• 200
b)A ,I, 0.0


E bottom
120 120

3000 1.0

45OO 1.5

1500 m

C) 1km Crossline d) Bell

1 120 160 2OO
200 0.0 •

160 160

120 • 120

40 "•

1.5 • • 4500

1500 m

Fig. 9. (a) Unmigratedsyntheticresponseof the Bell Allard depositin plan view at 410 ms and (b) along
a north-southtraversecoincidentwith Highway 109 and directlyabovethe Bell Allard deposit.(c) DMO
resultsfrom the Matagami3D datafor the sametime sliceas (a) and (d) the corresponding traverseshown
in (b).

velocityanalysisandupdatedgeologicalcross-sections compositionof the alterationzone is still largely un-

will be requiredto establishtheresolutionof the method known.Our observations of the 3D seismicdatasuggest
in this environment. that sphalerite-richmassivesulfidezonesdo not gener-
The Bell Allard depositconsistsof two distinctlenses atethe strongestreflectionsin the Matagami3D stacked
underlain by an alteration zone. The mineralogy and volume, probablybecauseof their small size and low
gradevary significantlythroughoutthe orebodyandthe acousticimpedancecontrastrelativeto their hostrocks.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
242 3D seismicimaging

SW Crossline NE
100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200
0.0 I I I I I I I I I 0

0,1.,. - 300

0.2 m - 600

0.3 E
- 900

0.4_ 1200
0.5.,, - 1500

0.6. - 1800

0.7_ 2100

135 140
• 150 155

E .;•..::::.:•..
• ..•-•..•. ......


• ....
0.5 .... 1500
100 m

Fig. 10. (a) Seismicsectioncoincidentwith geologicalsection69 throughthe Bell Allard depositwhich

hasbeenextendedto the limits of the 3D stackedvolume.(b) Geologicalsectionsuperimposed on the
seismicdata.Anomalous highamplitudes arefoundat themassivesulfidelens.Discrepancies betweenthe
dip of reflectorsandthe contactsinterpretedon the geologicalsectionare attributedto the limitednumber
ofboreholes(red lines).

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
3D seismicimaging for VMS depositexploration 243

0 L• 0 L• 0
C• I'--L• • C• L• C•

• Bell A!lard

m •- al' ra'i
' or •M' fault

m Tuffite


Fig. 11. Amplitudemapof a timesliceat 400 ms(• 1200m). The locationof theinterpreted
Key Tuffiteis
witha gabbro
theKey Tuffiteovera largearea.

Local pyrite-richzonesappearto be more reflective,as lower acousticimpedancescausedby fracturesand al-

observedon Figure 10b, but they are not as reflective terationthat enhancethe reflectivityat the contactwith
asthe gabbrointrusions.The originof the largeampli- late mafic intrusions.Typical alterationzonesof VMS
tudeanomalybelowBell Allard is still unexplainedand depositsmay be largerin volumethanthe massivesul-
possibleexplanationsare givenbelow. fidezones.This characteristic potentiallymakesthema
bettertargetfor explorationprograms(Lavalli•re et al.,
DISCUSSION 1994). If the alterationzone has a significantacoustic
Alteration Zone or Gabbro Sills below Bell Allard?
impedancecontrastwith its host rock, then it is more
likelyto be imagedby a seismicsurveythansphalerite-
Strong seismic amplitudesare locatedbeneaththe rich massive sulfide zone.
Bell Allard massivesulfides.This amplitudeanomaly To resolvethe ambiguityregardingthe originof the
appearsto be fault-bounded,but boreholecontrolat this amplitudeanomalyunderlyingBell Allard, a compre-
depthis limited and the causeof the anomalyis still hensivepetrophysicalstudyof the alterationzone, its
unknown.We speculate thatthe strongreflectionscould host rocks and intrusionsmust be conducted,because
originatefrom a magneticgabbrointrusionor from the physicalrockproperties arethelink betweengeological
alterationzone. A gabbrosill hasbeenintersectedbe- and seismic data and are the key to seismic data
low Bell Allard by a few boreholes,but it is described interpretation.At present,the limited boreholecontrol
asa porphyriticgabbrothatis generallynotasreflective in the alterationzonehaspreventedthe completionof
as the tholeiiticmagnetictype. Also, if the anomalyis sucha petrophysical study.As underground accessand
causedby a gabbrosill, it not clear why the enhanced drillingresultsbecomesavailable,it will be possibleto
reflectivityis restricted
to thevicinityof theoredeposit. explainbetterthe seismicsignatureof the Bell Allard
Another hypothesisis that the alterationzone is caus- alterationpipe.
ing the anomaly.Severalgeologicalsettingsand min-
eralogicalassemblages couldexplainthe presenceof a
strongseismicreflectionpackagein the alterationpipe Is 3D SeismicExploration Cost-Effective?
of a VMS deposit.Possibleexplanationsare: enrich- The impactof 3D seismictechnologyon oil andgas
mentin pyriteandmagnetite(Lavalli•reet al., 1994)or explorationsincethe early 1980shasbeenmonumental

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
244 3D seismicimaging

(Nestvol& 1992). The extra costof acquiring3D seis- surveyareaneedsto be largerto achievea comparable
mic datacomparedto 2D datahasbeenlargelyoffsetby subsurfaceimage.In 1996, the averagecostof drilling
the resultingimproveddrilling successrate (Greenlee in Canadawas $83 000/km (statisticsfrom NaturalRe-
et al., 1994). The gradual adoption of 3D seismic sourcesCanada,1997). Thus,in the Matagamiarea,the
technologyby the oil and gas industrycan be illus- costof the 3D surveywas equivalentto more than two
trated by the annualexplorationbudgetof Shell Oil; boreholes
to theKeyTuffiteperkm2 assuming
an av-
from 1981 to 1990, Shell's 3D seismicexpenditures eragedepthof 780 m. The 3D surveyhasrevealedone
increasedfrom 5 to 65% of its total seismicbudget strongdistinctiveanomalythat correlateswith the Bell
(Nestvol&1992). In comparison, the conventionalelec- Allard VMS deposit.This anomalywouldhavebeenthe
tromagneticmethodsused by the mineral industryto primary drill target and is unique in the data volume.
locate deep (>500 m) ore depositshave been much Thus, if we assumedthat no prior drilling had been
less productivein the Abitibi belt. For example, in done within the grid, then the total cost of discover-
the Abitibi belt, only four depositsat depthsgreater ing Bell Allard would have been •$6 M (the costof
than 500 m had been discovered before 1990. On the the 3D seismicsurvey and 42 boreholesto delineate
other hand, more than 150 depositshave been found the ore). This value comparesadvantageously with the
at the surfaceor at summit depthsless than 500 m averagecostof $38 M (statisticsfromNaturalResources
(Lulin, 1990). While thesenumbersdepicta grim por- Canada)to find and delineatean economicbase-metal
trait of themineralexplorationindustry,it is importantto depositin Canada.
rememberthat, to justify undergroundproductionat The useof 3D seismicsurveysbeforedeepdiamond
largedepths,thetonnageor gradeof thedepositmustbe drillinghasseveraladvantages. It canimageflatto mod-
largerthanat shallowdepths.Consequently, thechances erately dipping (<45ø) strata at depthsranging from
of finding an economicdepositdecreaseas the depth •250 m to severalkilometers and can help establish
increases.The currentexplorationtechniquefor locat- prospectivegeologyand drilling targets.It canhelp de-
ing deepVMS ore depositsrelieson a goodgeological fine the regional geologicframeworkand thus reduce
model,drilling, and downholeelectromagnetic surveys the numberof boreholesrequiredto establishstratigra-
to locateconductivedepositswithin a 100-150 m radius phy.Finally,the drillholestargetedat seismicanomalies
aroundthe borehole(Lavalli•re et al., 1994;Boivin and will maximizethe success of downholeelectromagnetic
Lambert, 1997). However,this techniqueprovidesno surveys.If the boreholemissesthe seismicanomaly,it
drill targetbeyondthegeologicmodelof theexperienced may still be close enoughto be detectedusing down-
explorationist.Near-surfaceexplorationbenefitsfrom holeelectromagnetic surveyssincetheyhavea radiusof
inexpensivemagneticand electromagneticsurveying investigationof about 150 m. Despitetheseadvantages,
(airborne, surface,or borehole) to locate conductive thecostof 3D seismicsurveyingfor mineralexploration
bodies.In deep exploration,thesetypesof surveysare is still expectedto be higherthanit is for oil andgasex-
often limited by their small depthof penetration,poor ploration.The requirementfor high fold to compensate
resolutionat depth,or to areaswheredeepboreholesare for the low reflection coefficients in hardrock environ-
available.Thus a methodthat can fill the role of mag- mentstranslatesinto higheracquisitioncosts.Also, the
neticandelectromagnetic surveysandexploreat depths costof mobilizing a large 3D seismiccrew to a remote
greaterthan500 m in existingminingcampsis required. miningcampis significant.Thesecostsbecomelesssig-
3D seismicsurveyscanpotentiallyfulfill this role. nificant,however,if reliabledeepdrilling targetscanbe
However,their costis well abovethat of the geophys- identifiedor evenif groundcanbe excludedand shown
ical surveysthe mineral industryroutinelyemploys.In to haveno drilling targets.
1996, the total costof the Matagami 3D surveywas es-
timatedat $50000/km
2 (costs
in Canadian
dollars).And if we consideronlythe areawherethe Key
Tuffitewasmapped(6.6km2),thenthecostwasabout Seismicmethodsare effectivein mappingsubsurface
3Dseismic surveys
areless stratigraphy
in the Matagamiminingcampandcanpro-
expensivewhere the host-rockstratigraphyis subhori- vide direct detection of even small massive sulfide de-
zontalbecausethe imagedareais maximized;the bud- positswhen conditionsare optimal.The seismicsigna-
with theregionaldip,however,becausethe ture of an orebodydependson severalfactors:(1) the

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
3D seismicimaging for VMS deposit exploration 245

seismicsurveyacquisitionparameters,(2) the geometry Salisbury,TuckerBarrie,Alex Brown,andDave Snyder

and size of the deposit,(3) ore zoning (distributionof havegreatlyimprovedthispaper.The authorsthankNo-
pyrite,magnetite,and otherhigh-impedance minerals), randaInc. for supportin the developmentof the seismic
and (4) the impedancecontrastbetweenthe ore andthe projectfrom its beginningin Matagamiin 1990through
hostrock. In our case,the physicalrock-propertystudy the on-goingefforts to apply 3D seismicmethodsto
at Matagami concludedthat a strongimpedancecon- VMS environments presentedin thispaper.Seismic-data
trastexistsbetweenthe depositandthe hostrocks.For- acquisitionwasperformedby EnertecGeophysicalSer-
ward seismicmodellingof a syntheticBell Allard ore vicesLtd. of Calgary.Boreholeloggingwasperformed
depositpredicteda characteristicseismicresponsethat by the Mineral ResourcesDivision of the Geological
was confirmedby 3D seismicsurveying.Resultsfrom Surveyof Canada.GeologicalSurveyof Canadacontri-
the Matagami 3D survey suggestthat partial prestack bution 2000157.
migration techniques,such as DMO, are best suited
to preservethe diffractionhyperbolageneratedby an
orebody.The DMO stackappearsto displaythe most
characteristicresponseof the Bell Allard ore deposit Adam, E., and Langlois,P., 1996, Elimination of monofrequency
in termsof signalamplitudesand shape.On the south noise from seismic records: Lithoprobe Seismic Processing
flank of the mining camp,unitswith contrastingacous- FacilityNewsletter8, 59-65.
tic impedancesdip moderatelyto the southwest.Both Adam, E., Milkereit, B., and Mareschal,M., 1998, Seismicreflection
andboreholegeophysical investigations in the Matagamimining
the relativelylarge impedancecontrastand the moder-
camp:Can. J. Earth Sci., 35, 686-695.
atedip of theseunitsallowedthemto be mappedat great Adam, E., Milkereit, B., Arnold, G., and Pineault,R., 1996, Seismic
depthsusingseismic-reflection methods.Althoughfull response
prestackmigrationdoesnot help as much in the direct Internat.Mtg., Soc. Expl. Geophys.,ExpandedAbstracts,634-
detectionof ore deposits,it imagesthe structuresand
Bancroft,J.C., Geiger,H. D., andMargrave,G. F., 1998, The equiv-
stratigraphy that definethe geologicalenvironment.
alent offsetmethodof prestacktime migration:Geophysics,63,
Three-D seismic surveys are relatively expensive 2041-2053.
(> $50000/km2),
alternative Beaudry,C., andGaucher,E., 1986, Cartographieg6ologiquedans
to deepstratigraphic-grid
drillingto exploreprospective lar6gion
horizonsatdepthwithin existingminingcamps.Three-D du Quebec,MB-86-32.
(•50 000/km
2)where Boivin, M., and Lambert, G., 1997, Optimizationof VMS explo-
rationusingdownholeEM, in Gubins,A. G., Ed., Proc.of Explo-
the stratigraphyis flat-lying and groundsurfacecondi-
tionsare favorable.The costincreaseswith the regional and Devel. Assoc. of Can., 651-656.
dip,however,becausethesurveyareahasto be increased Calvert, A. J., and Li, Y., 1999, Seismicreflectionimaging of a
to achievea comparablesubsurfaceimage. More re- massivesulfidedepositat the Matagami mining camp,Quebec:
searchis requiredto distinguishthe acousticsignatureof Geophysics,64, 24-32.
massive sulfide bodies and their alteration haloes from Cinq-Mars,A., Mwenifumbo,C. J., and Killeen, P. G., 1995, Bore-
hole geophysicallogs from Lithoprobeprojectboreholesat Les
othernon-VMS-relatedfeaturesoutlinedby 3D surveys. Mines SelbaiesandLac Matagami,Quebec:GSC OpenFile 2813.
With progressin this areaandthe subsequent discovery Eaton,D., 1996, BMOD3D: A programfor threedimensionnalseis-
of new mineralresources,seismicreflectiontechnology mic modellingusingthe Born approximation:GSC Open File
couldbecomea routineexplorationmethodfor looking 3357.

for deeporebodiesin VMS mining camps. Franklin, J. M., Lydon, J. W., and Sangster,D. F., 1981, Volcanic-
Volume, 485-627.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Greenlee, S. M., Gaskins, G. M., and Johnson, M. G., 1994, 3D
seismicbenefitsfromexplorationthroughdevelopment: An Exxon
Thisresearchwaspartlyfundedthroughan Industrial perspective:The LeadingEdge, 13, 730-734.
Partnershipprogrambetweenthe GeologicalSurveyof Hampson,D., andRussell,B. 1984, First-breakinterpretationusing
generalizedlinearinversion:J.Can. Soc.Expl. Geophys.,20, 40-
CanadaandNorandaInc. Laboratoryrockpropertyanal- 54.
yseswereconducted by Matt Salisburyat theGeological Lacroix, S., Simard, A., Pilote, P., and DubS, L.-M., 1990, Re-
Surveyof Canada/Dalhousie UniversityHigh Pressure gionalgeologicelementsandmineralresourcesof the Harricana-
Laboratory.Constructivecommentsprovidedby Matt Turgeonbelt, Abitibi of NW Quebec,in River,M., et al., Eds.,The

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
246 3D seismicimaging

NorthwesternQuebecPolymetallicBelt: A summaryof 60 years Milkereit,B., andEaton,D., 1998,Imagingandinterpretingtheshal-

of miningexploration:Can. Inst. Min. andMet., Specialvolume low crystallinecrust:Tectonophysics,
286, 5-18.
43, 313-326. Nestvol& E. O., 1992, 3D seismic:Is the promisefulfilled?: The
Lavallibre,G., Guha, J., Daigneault,R., and Bonenfant,A., 1994, LeadingEdge, 11, No. 6, 12-19.
Chemin•es de sulfuresmassifsatypiquesdu gisementd'Isle- Pich•, M., Guha, J., and Daigneault,R., 1993, Stratigraphicand
Dieu, Matagami,Qubbec'Implicationpour l'exploration:Expl. structuralaspectsof the volcanicrocksof the Matagamimining
and Min. Geol., 3, 109-129. camp, Quebec:Implicationsfor the Norita ore deposit:Econ.
Lulin, J. M., 1990. Une analysedu developmentminier du Nord- Geol., 88, 1542-1558.
Ouestquebecois,in River,M., et al., Eds.The northwesternQue- Riverin,G., 1999, Viabilit• •conomiquedesgisementsde sulfures
bec polymetalicbelt: A summaryof 60 yearsof mining explo- massifsvolcanog•nes: Ann. Mtg., Assn.Gbol.Gbophys.Qubbec,
ration:Can. Inst. Min. Metallurg., SpecialVolume43, 17-34. Acte du Congr•s,259-262.
MacGeehan,P.J., 1978, The geochemistry of alteredvolcanicrocks Salisbury,
M. H., Milkereit,B., andBleeker,W., 1996,Seismicimag-
at Matagami,Qubbec'A geothermalmodelfor massivesulphide ing of massivesulfidedepositsPart 1: Rock properties:Econ.
genesis:Can. J. Earth Sci., 15, 551-570. Geol., 91, 821-828.
Maier, W. D., Barnes,S.-J.,andPellet,T., 1996,The economicsignif- Sharpe,J.L., 1968, Geologyand sulphidedepositsof the Matagami
icanceof the Bell River Complex,Abitibi Subprovince,Quebec: area,Quebec:QuebecDepartmentof Natural Resources, Report
Can. J. Earth Sci., 33, 967-980. 137.
Milkereit, B., et al., 1992,An applicationof reflectionseismologyto Singer,D. A., 1995,Worldclassbaseandpreciousmetaldeposits--A
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CurrentResearch,PartC, CanadianShield:GeologicalSurveyOf Stone,D. G., 1994, Designingsurveysin two andthreedimensions:
Canada, No. 92-01C, 13-18. Societyof ExplorationGeophysicists.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
Chapter 16
A Review of 16 Years of Hardrock Seismics
on the Kaapvaal Craton

C. C. Pretorius,3/1.R. Muller, 3/1.Larroque,and C. Willa'ns

ABSTRACT The availabilityof powerful3D graphicworkstations

The Gold Division of the Anglo AmericanCorpora- with surfaceand voxel visualizationcapabilitieshas
tion (AAC) commencedvibroseissurveysoverthegold- done much to enhancethe interpretationof hard-rock
fieldsof theWitwatersrandBasinin 1983.In theensuing seismicdata. Geoquest/Geovizworkstationshavebeen
16 yearsthey completedapproximately16 000 km of installedat all mine siteswith 3D seismiccoverage.The
2D seismicreflectionsurveyson the KaapvaalCraton, emphasisis on multidisciplinary,integratedinterpreta-
followedby seven3D seismicsurveysto assistgoldmine tion of thewide varietyof datasetsrequiredto imagethe
planningand development.This is one of the most ex- orebodyand its hoststratigraphywith appropriateres-
tensiveseismicprogramsconductedin thehistoryof the olution. These datasetsinclude seismic,magneticand
mineralindustry.The GeophysicalServicesDepartment gravity data, surfaceand undergroundstructuralgeo-
of AAC weretechnicalmanagerson all of theseprojects, logicalmaps,downholegeophysicallogs,oregradeand
and were responsiblefor quality controlin surveyde- sedimentological data.
sign, data acquisition,data processing,and integrated The costof seismicallyimaginga Witwatersrandgold
interpretation. orebodyamountsto lessthan 1% of the directmining
The main trend in data acquisitionhas been a mas- costs.This is phenomenalvalue and 3D seismicreflec-
sive reduction in the level of effort in the field, lead- tion is now acceptedasan essential,costeffective,plan-
ing to improvedproductivityandreducedcosts.The use ning andrisk managementtool to be usedaheadof any
of real-time quality controlsystemsand diligent bird- majornew developments ona deepWitwatersrandmine.
doggingin the field,haveplayedan importantrole in the Despitethe favorableeconomics,the initial capitalout-
dynamicmonitoringof data quality at lower levels of lay is still dauntingto a minemanagerwhohastojustify
effort. The Ongkiehonghands-offapproachto arrayde- this expenditureto his board,knowingthat the returns
will accrueovera 20-yearlife of themine andwill notre-
signwas adoptedin 1989 and the long sourceand re-
flect on the current balance sheet. There is a continuous
ceiverarraysthat characterizedacquisitionin the early
1980s were abandoned. Good static corrections have drive to reducethe acquisitioncostsof mineralseismic
emergedas one of the mostimportantfactorsinfluenc- surveys,particularlyfor shallowtargetsin the 100 rn to
ing final dataquality,and increasedemphasishasbeen 1000 rn depthrange,where most of the future mining
placedon field statics. clients(baseand preciousmetals,coal, and diamonds)
The emphasisin new seismicprocessingrouteshas will be operating.
been on betterf-k filter design,improvementsin static
solutions,routineapplicationof dip move-outanddepth
migration.The cumbersome,multiple iterationsof de-
convolutionthat were the voguein the mid 1980shave The Witwatersrand Basin is located in the center of
beenabandonedin favor of simplersurface-consistent the Kaapvaal Craton in the Republic of SouthAfrica
aleconvolution.Interactivefront-endprocessingis now (Figure 1). Auriferousconglomeratesof the Witwater-
a key componentof the batchprocessingsystem.Pro- srandSupergrouphaveprovidedabout20% of historic
cessingcostshavedeclinedrapidlyas a resultof gener- global gold production.The Gold Division of the An-
ally simplerprocessingroutesand reducedcomputing glo AmericanCorporation(AAC) commencedvibroseis
costs. surveysover the goldfieldsof the WitwatersrandBasin

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
248 3D seismicimaging

. -- . , .......... .. -....•--. '•:,• ,


.• • - - .-.-.-.-.-.-.-,- .-.-.-.-. •- • . ......... Bushveld Igneous

• •.; .... -.-.'..'.-.-.-.'.-.-,-.-. Complex
'-' ;:•Central
[•Granite Domes
28' points

/• - . •-/ - ! \ ,. •,ZIMBABWE.,
•'-• • •. •-=. i • ;' • •

j i t •!t WIT-

j• -.• • ///Z• ,
j Oj• /' •m-Bl•mfo.l•i.
• J o ••'• m-ca• Tow.

Fig. 1. Surfaceand subsurfacegeologyof the WitwatersrandBasin (modifiedafter Pretorius,1986). Insert

showsregionallocationin SouthAfrica.

in 1983, usingthe seismicreflectiontechniqueto map velopment.This is one of the most extensiveseismic

the basin structureand to determinethe depthsto po- programsin the historyof the mineralindustry.
tential gold-beatingstratabeneathgreat thicknessesof The GeophysicalServicesDepartment(GSD) of AAC
youngercoverrocks(Pretoriuset al., 1987). In the ensu- weretechnicalmanagerson all of theseprojects,respon-
ing 16 years,they completedapproximately16 000 km sible for quality controlin surveydesign,data acquisi-
of 2D seismicreflectionsurveys,followedby seven3D tion, dataprocessing, andintegratedinterpretation.Dur-
seismicsurveysto assistgold mine planningand de- ing thisprogram,the GSD, their seismiccontractors and

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
16 years of hardrock seismicson the Kaapvaal Craton 249

consultantshave seenthe reflectionseismictechnique geophysicallogs from the West Wits area is displayed
developfrom a reconnaissance mappingtool in the Wit- in Figure3. The acousticimpedancelog, syntheticseis-
watersrandBasin to a precisionaid for long-termmine mogram,and VSP resultsshowstrongreflectionsat the
planning.This chaptersummarizessome of the main baseof the Malmani Subgroupand at the base of the
lessonslearnedduringthe seismicprogram,drawingon KlipriviersbergGroup of the VentersdorpSupergroup.
pastcasehistoriesfor illustration,and speculateson fu- The latter reflectorcan be usedto map the Ventersdorp
ture usesof seismicreflectionin the mineralindustry. ContactReef (VCR) auriferousconglomerate,which is
mined extensivelyin the WitwatersrandBasin.
It is importantto note that the VCR itself is not re-
flective, but fortuitouslyoccursat a reflective contact
betweenhigh-velocity,dense andesiticlavas and un-
The WitwatersrandBasin is an early Archeanbasin derlyinglow-velocity,lessdensequartzitesof the Cen-
withanarealextentof approximately
50 000km2,con- tral Rand Group. Figure 3 illustratesthe generalprin-
tainingup to 7000 m of sedimentsof the Witwatersrand ciple that the seismic method is used to image the
Supergroup. This supergroup is subdividedintothe pre- host stratigraphyand structurein the Witwatersrand
dominantlyargillaceous,basal West Rand Group and Basin. The presenceof the (acousticallytransparent)
the overlyingarenaceousCentral Rand Group (Figure auriferousreefs is then inferred from the geological
2). The WitwatersrandSupergroupis exposedon por- model.
tionsof thenorthernandwesternbasinmarginsandasa A total of 24 deep drillholes were geophysically
collararoundthe VredefortDome (Figure 1). Elsewhere loggedto establishthe feasibilityof the reflectionseis-
it is overlainby volcanics,sediments,and intrusivesof mic method before the first vibroseis crew was mobilized
the VentersdorpSupergroup,the TransvaalSupergroup, to the Witwatersrand Basin. Since that time, acoustic
andthe Karoo Sequence,with the total coverthickness logsand/orVSPshavebeenconsidered mandatoryin all
exceeding6000 m in the middle of the basin. explorationdrillholes,to facilitate drillhole-to-seismic
Most of the goldminedfrom thebasinis containedin stratigraphic correlations.A seismicstratigraphic corre-
auriferous,paleoplacerconglomerates (termed"reefs") lation chart compiledfrom type sectionsin and around
in the2000-m thick CentralRandGroup(age2800 Ma). the WitwatersrandBasin is presentedin Figure 4 (Pre-
Since 1886, 150 gold mines have yielded more than toriuset al., 1994).
40 000 t of gold and 120 000 t of U308 at averagegrades
of 10g/t and0.23 kg/t respectively. Thesereefshavebeen
mined at depthsof up to 3500 m at the WesternUltra- TRENDS IN SEISMIC DATA
DeepLevels(WUDLS) mine,currentlythedeepestgold ACQUISITION
mine in the world.
2D Vibroseis Surveys
magneticmethodsto definedrill targetsin coveredareas. Seismic-reflectiontechniques occupy an unusual
These methodswere responsiblefor the discoveryof nichein the mineralexplorationindustry.Many mineral
severalnew goldfieldsand extensionsto mined areasin explorationmanagersstill considerthis "oilfield" tech-
theperiod 1930 to 1967 (Krahmann,1936; Roux, 1967). nologyto be too "expensive"for reconnaissance map-
The magneticmethodis usedto map severaldistinctive pingpurposes,andtoorestrictivein termsof thetypesof
magneticmarkersin the West Rand Group (Figure 2). mineralizationopento seismicimaging.Witwatersrand
Gravitylowsoccuroverlow densityCentralRandGroup (Wits) gold explorationis an exceptionto this general
rocksundercoverand can be usedto infer the presence rule. The orebodiesare tabular, and the host sediments
of thisprospectiveunit abovethe moredense,magnetic, are reflective,with low to moderatedips.This provides
West Rand Group. Integratedinterpretationof gravity, a suitablegeometry for seismicimaging. Exploration
magnetic,andseismicresultswill be discussed in a later drillholesare deeperthanthe norm (often>3000 m) and
casehistory. costlyto drill. Seismicimagingof structureand stratig-
Practical investigationof seismictechniquescom- raphypriorto sitingdrillholesbecomesa practical,cost-
mencedin 1981 with vertical seismicprofiling (VSP) effectiveoption.There are many analogiesbetweenthe
surveyssupplementedby acousticand density logs use of seismic reflection in the Witwatersrand Basin and
in numerous exploration drillholes. An example of oilfield applications.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:



11 000
Timeball Hill
Chuniespoort Malmani /
/ /
9OOO Pniel /



6OOO CENTRAL Booysens__
RAND Shale

Crown Lava.

Hill M
M +

• Shales vvvvvv,
M Magnetichorizons • Dolomite
R- Auriferous reefs
I I Arenites
Fig. 2. Lithostratigraphic
columnsin the WitwatersrandBasin.The "West"columnrefersto the WestRand
area of the basin, while "North" refersto the Central Rand area.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
16 years of hardrock seismicson the Kaapvaal Craton 251


0 25

:: :G.R.
- 1000


!vvv v vv 3OOO
[v v M_• v v vv M



Fig. 3. Geophysicalwell logsfromtheWestWits areain comparison with thegeologicalcolumn,showing

theseismicresponse of thetargetVentersdorpContactReef(VCR). (a) Syntheticseismogram,(b) acoustic
impedancelog in SI unitsand(c) transposed

The WitwatersrandBasinwasripe for theintroduction reducedby 60% between1983and 1993.Totalvibration

ofvibroseissurveysduringthegoldexplorationboomof time at anyVP (vibrationpoint)wasreducedfrom 208 s
the early 1980s.The composition andpricetagsof Wits to 72 s. At the sametime, the sweepwas tailoredto put
seismiccrewswere similarto their oilfield counterparts. thisreducedenergyintothemostusefulfrequencyband
Client geophysicists tendedto err on the conservative (10 to 61 Hz). The reducedparametershad a negligible
side and use both high effort levels,comparablewith effect on dataquality.Note alsothat effort levelswere
the oil industry,and stateof the art field techniquesfor differentiatedon an applicationsbasis, with the more
this new seismicapplication,rather than risk bad data stringenttechniquesreservedfor detailed2D surveys
quality.However,the downwardtrend in the price of [e.g.,on or closeto mines(Table 1c)].
gold sincethe late 1980splacedconsiderable pressure Symmetrical split-straddlerecording spreadshave
on miningclientsto reduceexplorationcosts.A coinci- beenroutinelyemployedsincethe mid 1980s,particu-
dent reductionin oil explorationactivity inducedseis- larly onreconnaissance surveyswherethe dip directions
mic contractorsto reduce costsas well, and contractors are unknownandvary alongthe surveyline. The offset
andclientsbegananurgentreviewof seismicrecording parametersshownin Table1 optimizevelocityanalysis,
strategiesin the WitwatersrandBasin. resolution,and fold-of-stackin the 0 to 6000 rn depth
Many of the changesin seismicrecordingsince1983 interval, which is the main interval of interestin the Wits
have thus been oriented toward improving field pro- Basin.

ductivityandreducingcosts,while maintainingaccept- The other main advancein data acquisitionmetho-

able data quality.Table 1 indicatesthat reconnaisance dologysince1983wasthe adoptionof the Ongkiehong
2D seismicproductionrates doubledand costswere "hands-off"approachto arraydesign(Ongkiehongand

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252 3D seismicimaging

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16 yearsof hardrockseismics
on the KaapvaalCraton 253

Table1. 2D seismicacquisition
parameters,1983-93(Pretoriuset al., 1994).
recording a) 1983 b) 1993 c) 1993
parameters Reconnaissance Reconnaissance
Vibrators 4x FailingBBV 4x FailingYl100 2x MertzM18
27 000 lb each 27 000 lb each 40 000 lb each
instruments SN338 SN368/I/0CS SN368/CS
Number of channels 96 120 120
Geophones Sensor
SM4 SM4 Sensor
10 Hz 10 Hz 10 Hz
QCsystem Vigil/Valid Pelton
Sweep parameters
Sweep length 26 s 24 s 18s
Sweeps perVP 8 3 4
Frequencies 10-91Hz linearup 10-61Hz linearup 20-120Hz linearup
Listeningperiod 6s 6s 6s
Sample rate 4 ms 2 ms 2 ms
Geometric parameters
Fieldspread End-on Splitstraddle Splitstraddle
x-175-4925 m 2975-25-x-25-2975 m 743.75-6.25-x-6.25-743.75 m
Stationinterval 50 m 50 m 12.5 m
VP interval 50 m 50 m 12.5 m
CMP interval 25 m 25 m 6.25 m
Vibpattern 150m linear 50m linear 12.5m linear
pattern 100m linear 50m linear 12.5m linear
Fold of cover 48 30 60
Costsand production

(km/day) 4 8 2.5
(1993USS) •$2500 •$1000 •$ 2000

Askin,1988;Ongkiehong, 1988).The longsourceand Thusthe opportunityfor generatinga longerrecord

patterns of 1983wereabandoned in favorof lin- by recorrelating againsta truncatedsweepis lostfor-
ear sourceandreceiverarraysequalin lengthto the sta- ever. In certain instances,suchrecorrelationexercises
tionspacing arandom-noise-attenuationon earlier data have revealedinterestingdeep crustal
"stackingarray"ratherthana patterndesigned for co- data that could be relevant to the basin evolutionary
herentnoiseattenuation). model.

Obviouslytherewere severaladvances in field in- The introductionof real-time GPS vibrator-position-

duringthose16 years.The main change ing systems
andfieldQC systems
from 1983 to 1993 was a switch to telemetric record- andPeltonAdvance2 assisted
the geophysicists
in mon-
ing (SercelSN 368 or equivalent)
withfieldcorrelator itoringandmaintaining
dataqualityat highproduction
(CS2502or equivalent).
Thetelemetricsystems rates.

havetheadvantage of beinglighterandlesssensitive to
noise.The seismicdataare digitizedat eachgeophone
3D Vibroseis Surveys
groupand relayedbetweenstationunitsby repeater
circuits.Signalattenuation is thereforelimitedto the The demandfor 2D seismicsurveysin the Witwa-
traceinterval.Fieldcorrelationgreatlyreducestheload tersrandBasinhasdroppedsince1993andmostof the
on the processing center,as well as reducingdown- subsequent demandhasbeenfor 3D seismicsurveys
timedueto tapechanges in therecording truck.Dump- to assistgoldmineplanninganddevelopment (De Wet
ing a 6-s correlatedrecordto taperatherthana 32-s etal., 1994;Campbell,1994;Pretorius etal., 1997).Even
uncorrelatedrecordreducedfield tape costsand tape for mine planning,wherethe seismicmethodis now
changingtimesby a factorof five. Onceagainthe firmly entrenched andin somecasesmandatory(e.g.,
emphasis wason improvedproductivity. However,one prior,to sitinga new shaft),it is clearthatthistech-
disadvantage of field correlationis that the maxi- niqueis stillperceivedasrelativelyexpensive andonly
mum recordlengthis limitedto the listeningperiod. applicableto deepgoldmines.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
254 3D seismicimaging

Table 2. Comparisonof Vaal ReefsNo. 10 shaft and Weltevreden3D seismicsurveys

Data acquisition parameters.
Vaal Reefs No. 10 shaft Weltevreden

Field crew Geoseis CGG

Instrumenttype SN368/CS2502 SN368/CS260
No. of channels 240 600
Recordlength 3s 2s
Samplerate 2 ms 2 ms
Fold 2000% 5000%

Nominal vibroseissourceparameters
Vibratortype Mertz M18 Mertz M22
Pattern 4 Vibs inline 1 Vibrator
VP interval 40 m 15 m
Array length 30 m
Sweeplength 3 x 16 s 1 x 12 s
Sweepfrequency 10-90 Hz 30-160 Hz
Grain 6 dB/octave boost 6 dB/octave boost
Taper 0.3 s 0.3 s
Nominal receiverarray parameters
Geophonetype SensorSM4 SensorSM4
Geophonefrequency 10 Hz 10 Hz
Station interval 40 m 15 m
Pattern Inline Inline
Spread 4 linesof 60 receivers 10 linesof 60 receivers

The authorshadthe opportunityto try alternative3D rock 3D survey,but more will be saidon thistopic in a
vibroseisdata acquisitionstrategiesfor relatively shal- later section.

low golddeposits(260 rn to 1200m) at the Weltevreden

gold mine in the Klerksdorpareaof the Witwatersrand
Basin.The targetherewastheVentersdorp ContactReef
(VCR) whereit represents the shallowequivalentof the
VCR imagedat Vaal ReefsNo. 10 shaft,some2 km to the 2D Vibroseis Surveys
northwest(Trewick, 1994; Pretoriuset al., 1997). Field Advancesin seismicdataprocessingsince1983 can
testsshowedthat the vibroseiseffort levelsemployedat bebroadlydividedintofourcategories: improvements in
Vaal Reefs 10 shaftcouldbe reducedby a phenomenal hardwareandsoftware;improvements in qualitycontrol
90% atWeltevredenandstillproducesuperbqualitydata procedures;improvements in the actualdataprocessing
(Table2). routes;andreductionin processing costs.
Figure5 showspartof theinterpreted3D seismiccube
at Weltevreden.This is a screen-dump from Geoquest's
Hardware and Software
3D geovisualizationmodule,Geoviz. The seismicdata
cubehasbeen"peeled"backandstrippeddownfromthe At the outset, the Gold Division's seismic team was
surfaceto revealthe imbeddedVCR surface.The strong committedto usingan in-houseprocessing facility.This
reflectionat the VCR can be clearly seenin the upper promotedcommunicationbetweenearth scientistsand
time sliceandfrontaldip sectiononthe datacube.(Note contractprocessing staffandensuredbetterqualitycon-
alsothe imagingof steeplydippingdikesin the west.) trol. In March 1983 the KlerksdorpSeismicData Pro-
Faultsas small as 8 rn couldbe detectedat depthsin cessingUnit wascommissioned, employinga PhoenixI
excessof 500 m. It is worthnotingherethatsourceeffort computerandSeismograph ServiceCorporation's(SSC)
levels at Weltevreden could be sacrificed,but shallow batch processingsoftware.This computercould pro-
fold of covercouldnot.An adequatefold of coverwith cessapproximately3 line-km of 6-s TWT (two-way-
a goodrange of azimuthsand offsetsis crucial to the time) data per day, with the acquisitionparameters
successof shallow3D seismicsurveys.This improves shownin Table 1 and the 1983 processingrouteshown
thesignal-to-noise ratioaswell asthequalityof thestatic in Table 3.
solutions.In the authors'opinion,goodstaticsolutions By 1993 the hardwarehadbeenreplacedtwice, first
arethe mostimportantingredientfor a successful hard- by VAX/MAP systemsin 1985 andthenby an IBM RS
Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
16 years of hardrock seismicson the Kaapvaal Craton 255

Surface •rid Reference

1 Drillhole wirefIame

•50m Fault
•Sm Fault
VCR surface


0 Ill I I ,.... • ._JOOOm

•'-• I I

Fig. 5. Three-Dseismicdepthcubeat Weltevredenshownwith interpretedVentersdorp ContactReef (VCR)

surface(greensurface,with sunshadingfrom the left-handsideof the figure).At its shallowestdepth,the
interpretedVCR surfaceshownis about200 rn belowthe surface,andat its greatestdepthabout800 rn below
surface.Faultsare shownasbrownsurfacesoffsettingthe VCR. A compositefault of about50 rn totalthrow
is the largestfault in the surveyarea.Eight-meterfaultsidentifiedon the sun-shaded
VCR surfaceare close
to the detectionlimit of the survey.

6000 computerin March 1992.The SSCPhoenixfamily trials, and selectingoptimal processingparametersfor

batchprocessingsystemwasreplacedby PhoenixVec- submissionto the batch processingstream.Important
tor softwareand the processingcapacityquadrupledto areasof applicationare editingof field records,check-
12 km of 6-s dataper day.Anotherextremelyimportant ing of geometryandfield statics,velocityanalyses,f-k
developmentwas the addition of a small, high-speed, filter trials, andresidualstaticanalyses.
interactivePromaxprocessingsystemas a front end to Figure6 illustratestheadvantageof incorporatingsev-
the batch processingmachine.The currentbatch pro- eral stackingvelocity analyticaltechniquesinto one in-
cessingsystemcomprisesSchlumberger/Geco-Prakla's teractivedisplayon Promax.A constantvelocitygather
Seismossoftwarerunningon an IBM RS 6000. Due to of a selectedCMP (Figure6a), is appendedto the left of
cheap,large-capacitydiscs,mostprocessingis carried a monovelocitystack(6000 m/s "brutestack")of a seis-
out discto disc.This meansthat computeroperatorsare mic line while a 4054 m/s constantvelocitystack(CVS)
largelyredundant,and thatjobs can be run unattended of the samerecordand 10 neighborsis splicedinto the
overnightand over weekends.Due to the increasedre- centerof the seismicsection(Figure6b). To the right of
liability of the computers,and the reduceduse of mov- the stackis the semblancepowerdisplay(Figure6c).
ing partsin peripherals,a permanentcomputerengineer The seismologistis able to selectany velocity/time
is no longerrequired.All of thesefactorshave further pair on the semblancedisplayand monitor coincident
reducedthe cost and increasedthe efficiency of data changesin the stack,the gather,andthe velocitymodel.
processing. Thesetechniquesareparticularlyusefulin areasof thick,
low-velocityKaroo sedimentsexhibitinga large varia-
tion in stackingvelocities.This is the casein Figure6b,
Quality Control wherethe stackingvelocitiesof the intra-Karooreflec-
The Promax software is most commonly used for tors have been overestimatedon the brute stack(hence
the absence of reflectors between 500 and 1500 ms on the
checking seismic records and geometry, conducting
Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
256 3D seismicimaging

Table 3. 2D seismicprocessingroutesand costs,1983-93.

route 1993Processing
gain removaland Demultiplex(Includinggain removaland
minimum-phaseconversion) minimum-phase conversion)
Edit/mute,floatingdatumstatics,andsourcedomainf-kfilter Edit/mute,floatingdatumstatics,andsourcedomainf-k
(restorableAGC) filter (restorable
Amplituderecovery Amplituderecovery(programmed
Source-domain deconvolution Source-domain deconvolution
Frequencyfilter andnormalization
Receiver-domainsort,f-k filter and deconvolution Receiver-domain
sort,f-k filter anddeconvolution
Trace normalization and sort into source domain Trace normalization and sort into source domain
Sourcedeconvolution,filter and normalization,receiver sort
filter andequalization(2nd iteration)
Dip moveout
Commonmidpointsort,NMO/mute, staticsto regionaldatum Commonmidpointsort,NMO/mute,staticsto regional
andresidualstatics(surfaceconsistent) datumandresidualstatics(surfaceconsistent)
Stack Stack
Migration and frequencyfilter Migrationandfrequencyfilter
Productionratefor 6 s TWT data:3 km/day Production
ratefor 6 s TWT data:12 km/day
Cost: USS 500/km Cost: USS 120/km


4054 m/s 6000
m/s 4054
m/s 6000
m/s 3000 4000 5000 6000




Fig. 6. Interactive
panelsshowingtypical2D surveydata.Simplifiedgeologicalcolumnis
shownontheright-hand side.(a) Constant
velocitygatherof a selected
CMP.(b) Monovelocitystackpanels
(7 CMPswide).Twopanelsof 6000m/sstacking velocitystraddle apanelof 4500m/s (c) Semblance

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16 years of hardrock seismicson the Kaapvaal Craton 257

6000 m/s panels).Note especiallythe improvementof As a rule of thumb, a conservativecut-off velocity

the reflector at 400 ms when stacked at 4054 m/s rather (Vc-Max) is chosenwhich representsthe apparentve-
than the brute stack estimate of 6000 m/s. locity of the shallowestevent of interestat its largest
Interval velocitiesprovide one of the major distin- anticipateddip andmaximumstackableoffset.The ac-
guishingfactorswhen comparingthe seismicresponse tual Vc is alwayskept lower than this value and gentle
of the Witwatersrand "hard" rock environment with filter tapersare appliedto preventringing. Figure 7 il-
the "soft" rock sedimentaryenvironmentsnormallyen- lustratesa typicalf-k filtering exercise.The left panel
counteredin oil exploration.Averagepre-Karoo inter- showsa split-straddleseismicrecordbeforef-k filtering.
val velocities for rocks in the Witwatersrand Basin are The refractors,groundroll, andreflectorsare indicated
6000 m/s comparedwith 2500 m/s in soft rock sedi- on this panel. The centralpanel illustratesthe process
mentarybasins.Reflectioncoefficients arealsogenerally off-k filter analysisand design.The upperdiagram(a)
lowerin theWits, hencethe amplituderatiobetweenpri- showshow dataandnoisetrainsseparatein thef-k plane
mary andmultiplereflectionsis relativelyhigh.This re- beforefiltering.Reflectorsexhibithigh apparentveloc-
suitsin low amplitudeandgenerallyunobservable mul- ities and form a "cloud" in the centerof the diagram.
tiples in the Wits Basin.This is particularlyfortuitous The coherent,high-velocityrefractorsstandout clearly
sincemultiple attenuationusingtraditionaltechniques on the flanksof this cloud,while the groundroll sepa-
employingdifferentialnormalmoveout (NMO) would ratesclearlyin the upperpart of the plot. Randomnoise
not be applicablein this situation. forms a scattered haze around the coherent noise sources
(aswell aswithin the centralzoneof reflectiondata).The
lower panel (b) illustratesthef-k filter chosenfor this
Improvements in Data ProcessingRoutes record.It rejectsthe groundroll, refractors,and a com-
A comparisonof 1983 and 1993 processingflowsin ponentof randomnoiseand gentlytapersinto the pass
Table3 indicatesthatrecentprocessing routeshavebeen zoneto protectthedata.The seismicrecordafterfiltering
simplifiedto removemethodsthat requireexcessiveef- is shownon the right. Refractorsand groundroll have
fort to produceonly moderatedata improvements.In been attenuated and the reflectors show better definition.
particular,the iterativeapplicationsof deconvolution
in Figure 8 illustratesthe benefitsof iterativepassesof
the source and receiver domain have been removed in the residual staticsand velocity analyses.The target here
latterroute.The multiple interdomainsorts,deconvolu- is the VentersdorpContactReef (VCR) auriferouscon-
tion passes,and frequencyfiltering exercisesbetween glomeratewhich occursat depthsof between3800 m
eachpass,jointly contributedan additional20% to the and4800 m on the displaypanels.The datadisplayedin
1983 processingroute, while providingonly marginal Figure8a wereprocessed in 1983with onepassof veloc-
data improvement.The emphasisin the new route has ity analysisanda poorlyderivedresidualstaticsolution.
been on betterf-k filter design,improvementsin field Figure 8b includedtwo iterationsof residualstatics
andresidualstatics,routineapplicationof dip moveout application,with a velocityanalysisfollowingeachap-
(DMO) andtheuseof programmedgainfor betterstrati- plication.Note the improvementsin the quality of the
graphicresolution. VCR andthe Black Reef (BR) on Figure8b.
F-k filteringhas alwaysbeen an essentialingredient
of Witwatersrandseismicdata processingroutes.The Reduction in ProcessingCosts
f-k filter is used as a velocity filter set to protect the
Referringto Table3, theprocessingcostsfor equiva-
signaland attenuatenoise.In early processingroutes,
lent datadroppedby a factorof four between1983 and
complicatedlozenge-shaped f-k filters were employed
1993. In 1993 money,the 1983 processingroute cost
to remove specificnoise trains. These were soon re-
approximatelyUSS 500 per line-km of 6-s TWT data.
placedby simpler,fan-shapedfilterswhichoptimizethe
The 1993routecostapproximately USS120/linekm. The
attenuationof both randomnoiseand low-velocityco-
greatlyreducedprocessing costswerea combinedresult
herentnoise(e.g., ground-roll).Occasionally,the filter
of increasedcomputingpoweranda simpler,more effi-
may be usedto attenuaterefractors,but thesehavegen-
erallyhigherapparentvelocitiesandcaremustbe taken
notto damagethesignal.Thisisparticularlyimportantat
longeroffsetson the downdipsideof the spread,where 3D Vibroseis Surveys
the apparentvelocitiesof the signalmay be as low as Many of the factorsapplicableto the processingof
those of the refractors. 2D seismic reflection data in the hardrock environment

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258 3D seismicimaging


I a)
ß 30 60 90 !_20 I AgAS Q DC Q ALIAS
30 60 90 (lS?0v
LOW•LOCI• GROU• 'ROLL: ...... :- --'-,•- .... • • 0 REFRACTORS

_.•... •.•.•_-:..

ß, ', ;•'1• BETTER DE-
.... . . . ...............

2- © oc © ^,,^s


40 •
...... J
Fig. 7. F-k filteringexercisein anareawith high-velocityrefractors.Left panelshowsa split-straddle
recordbeforef-k filtering.Refractors,groundroll, and reflectorsare indicatedon this panel. Centralpanel
illustratesthe processoff-k filter analysisand design.Upper diagram(a) showsseparationof the dataand
noisetrainsin thef-k planebeforefiltering.Reflectorsexhibithigh apparentvelocitiesand form a "cloud"
in the centerof the diagram.Coherent,high-velocityrefractorsandgroundroll (as labeled)standout from
the reflectors.Randomnoiseforms a scatteredhaze aroundthe coherentnoisesources(as well aswithin the
centralzoneof reflectiondata).Lowerpanel (b) illustratesthef-k filter chosenfor this record.Black shows
the passzone,andwhite the rejectzone,with a gentletaperbetweenthe two zones.The seismicrecordafter
filteringis shownon the right.

areequallyapplicableto 3D processing.
Dataprocessing GLI (or equivalent)staticsolutionis alsoderivedin the
operationson a typical3D surveycanbe dividedintotwo field from Vibroseisrecords,ensuringa final checkon
phases: thecruciallyimportantaspectof staticcontrolbeforethe
seismic,LVL and surveycrewsare demobilized.
1) Field QC processingconductedon siteusinga sys-
A typical, final 3D processingroute is summarized
tem such as CGG's Geovectoror Schlumberger/
in Table4. The crucial factorsare onceagainf-k filter-
ing, dip moveout(DMO), staticsand depthmigration.
2) Full 3D processingin a central data processing
Figure9 showsthe relativeimprovementof a testpanel
asit passesfrom a brutestackwith basicrefractionstat-
The emphasis in the field is on producing two- ics to a DMO-stack with full field and residual statics
dimensionalbrute stacksfor quality-controlpurposes, applied.Note the markedimprovementin sectionqual-
within a dayof completionof eachswath.Linearmove- ity after the applicationof DMO and residualstatics
out plotsare alsoproducedon a daily basisto providea (Figure 9b). The economictarget is the VCR at about
convenientQC check on shot and receiverplacement. 1.2 s TWT (approx3600 m below surface).
These proceduresensurethat potential data acquisi- Accurate3D depthmigrationis absolutelyessentialif
tion problems(e.g., geometry,statics)can be detected 3D seismicsurveysareto be appropriatelyusedfor mine
quicklyandrectifiedbeforethe crewleavesthe site.The planningand development.The benefitsof 3D depth

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
16 yearsof hardrockseismics
ontheKaapvaalCraton 259

km km

0123 0123
0 O .i . I......... ! .............................


a) b)
Fig.8. Seismic
showingtheimpro¾½mcnt indataquality
which occurs
atdepths ofbetween3800mand4800monthedisplay panels.
BR,BlackReef.(a)Dataprocessedin 1983
withonepassofvelocity analysisanda poorlyderivedresidual
of residual
witha velocity

in Figure10.Figure10ashows picktheexactpositionof thisfaultthroughout
a portionof a 2D seismiclineshotovertheVaalReefs tion,because
10 Shaft area in 1984. Note how a large, pre-Platberg topassthrough it undisturbed.
normalfault suchasfl (2000-mthrow)is not only im- to out-of-plane
agedwhereit displacestheVCR (Horizon3) butalso the section.Anotherexcellentexampleof side-swipe
whereit displaces
WestRandGroup(e.g., is thesteeplydippingfaultplanereflector,
betweenHorizons4 and 5). Howeverit is not easyto justabovetheinterpretedpositionof fl. Thisreflector

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
260 3D seismicimaging

Table 4. Typical 3-D seismicdata processingroute.

Demultiplex SEG D 6250 bpi 9-trackreelsproducedby field crew.
Geometry SEGD Reelscopiedto PhoenixVectorformat3480 cartridges. Line geometry
andfield staticsappendedto traceheaders.Tracesdroppedoutside35-1064 m
Statics Hampson-RussellGLI staticsapplied.
Airwave ProMAX Air Blast Attenuation 331 m/s.
Gain T** 1.0 sphericaldivergencecorrection.
f-k filter Full on 0-5200 m/s, fan taper 5200-9360 m/s, 500 ms recoverableAGC.
D.B.S. Predictive180-msoperator2-m/s gap.
Equalization Window near # 300-1100 ms, far # 400-1200 ms
Sort To CMP order. 20-m bin width.
Autostatics Surfaceconsistentresidualstatics.Derivedfrom 1stroundNMO correctedgathers.
NMO Velocitiespickedfrom constantvelocitystacksafterresidualstaticsandDMO.
Mute 120% stretch mute.
Equalization 500-msslidingwindow250-msmove-up.
DMO 8-ms/tracedip limits.
Stack Squareroot compensation20 fold nominal.
Phase Zero phaseconversion.
Migration One passdepthmigration.
Filter 10-20-80-90Hz band-passfilter (time domain).

a) b)



0 5km

Fig. 9. Seismicsectionsillustratingthepositiveeffectsof DMO andresidualstaticscorrectionsEconomic

targetis the VCR at about1.2 s TWT (approximately 3600 rn belowsurface).(a) Brute-stack
with basic
refractionstatics.(b) DMOstackwith full fieldandresidualstaticsapplied.TheVCR is nowclearlyimaged.

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16 years of hardrock seismicson the Kaapvaal Craton 261

a) b)
CDP NOS 900 1000

..... ---
.,. :.: i
1 Base Pniel Group •i':..•""'....•; '•'"'""?"'•-.•
'•.? ":.."'-
"•- •¾• i--.•---""
2 Base PlatbergGroup 0 500 1000 1500m
3 Base Klipriviersberg
4 Base Central Rand Group
5 Top BonanzaFormation APPROXIMATE
6 Base Bonanza Formation - = VCR REFLECTOR
fl Fault

0 I 2 3km
1:50 000

Fig. 10. (a) 2D seismicline OG-54 in the vicinityof Vaal Reef No. 10 shaftshowingdisplacementof the
VCR (horizon3) alongfault fl, and an out-of-planereflection(fpr) from the extensionof the samefault.
(b) Post-migrationdip line from 3D seismicdatacubein the samearea.Note the absenceof out-of-plane
reflections from the faults.

appearsto originatefrom a strikeextensionof fl several to this, an integrated,multidisciplinaryapproachwas

hundred meters north of the 2D section line. adoptedin the late 1980s and early 1990s. A typical
Figure10bshowsan equivalentseismicdip-linefrom 1993projectteamincludeda seismicinterpreter,poten-
a depth-migrated3D seismiccube producedclose to tial field geophysicist,
seismicline OG-54 some10 yearslater (Pretoriuset al., ogist,and a geophysicalwireline log interpreter.This
1997). The VCR is well imagedand thereare no indi- specialistteam liaisedcloselywith the regionalexplo-
cationsof residualsideswipesuchas featurefpr. A3D ration office which requestedthe survey.Geologistsin
spatialresolutionof 20 m, asdemandedandspecifiedby the regionaloffice then appliedtheir expertknowledge
the miningclients,hasbeenachievedwithin the seismic of localexplorationtargetsto theinterpretationexercise.
data cube. Althoughthe formationof a projectteam addedto the
costof surveys,theseadditionalcostsweresmallin rela-
tionto thesavingsin acquisitionandprocessing costsand
are morethanjustifiedby the improvementin interpre-
TECHNIQUES tation.The importanceof this approachis demonstrated
2D Seismic Surveys by the followingcasehistory.
The mostimportantadvancessince1983havebeenin
thefield of seismicinterpretation.During 1983,interpre- Case History- Detailed Structural Investigation
of a Witwatersrand Basin Margin
tationof seismicdatawasmainlyundertakenby contrac-
torsandin-housegeophysicists, with occasionaltechni- The followingstudyillustratesthe integrateduseof a
cal interactionwith their geologicalclients.In contrast varietyof geophysical

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
262 3D seismicimaging

a) c) d)

C•huniespoort p++ ' •+++++++++•+++•
K•lipriviersberg 3.•.,.i.++++,++++;++•
0 2 4
6 8 10 12
•roup Disa• (•)
Central Rand
Group ;•Karoo(2.60) • West
• We•Rand
• •2.70)• Basement(2.71)
.....W.R:'• ...................................................
Maganomaly .
./.•.;............. '

ßø"= Observed --= Calculated

km R KimberleyReef ]
V Volcanic
Marker ]
M Magnetic
markers ]
Fig. 11. Composite
aimedat defining
survey.(b) Detailedseismicsurvey.(c) Typeseismicstratigraphiccolumnandsimplifiedgeological column.
The targetis the CentralRandGroup.(d) Structuralinterpretationderivedfrom seismicdata.BH1 referred
to in Figure12. (e) Gravitymodelcorresponding to structuralinterpretation
shownin (d). Positionof the
magneticanomalyassociated with the WestRandGroup(WRG) is alsoshown.

phasesof investigationfor definingthe basin margin WestRandGroup.This containsseveralmagnetichori-

structureadjacentto a producinggoldfield.The primary zons (magnetite-rich shales and slates-labeledM on
purposeof the surveyswas to delineateadditionalore Figure 1l c) which are importantfor mappingWitwa-
reservesand map those structuresthat would influence tersrandsedimentsbeneathyoungercoverrocks.
futuremine planning.A compositechart(Figure 11) is A reconnaissance 2D seismicsurvey,conductedwith
used to discussthe relationshipbetweenthe different the parametersshownin Table 1, producedthe section
methodsemployedin the study.The main targetin the shownin Figure 1l a. The geologicalinterpretationof
areais the KimberleyReef (R), which occursin an ab- this section,employingthe seismicstratigraphiccol-
breviatedCentral Rand Group successionoverlyinga umn of Figure 11c andtying this to existingdrillholes,
volcanicmarker(V). is presentedas Figure 11d. This sectionoccursbeyond
The situation is summarized on the central strati- the edge of the TransvaalBasin, so the Pretoria and
graphiccolumnin Figure11c. The factthatthe volcanic ChuniespoortGroupsof the type sectionare not pre-
marker is a prominentreflector is important because servedand the Karoo Sequencerestsdirectly on the
the Kimberley Reef is seismicallytransparent(i.e., it KlipriviersbergGroup.It is to be notedhow well the re-
exhibitsno acousticimpedancecontrastwith the host connaissance line hasdelineatedthe majorborderfault
rocks).Faultson the reef can only be mappedby mon- located at 5 km on the horizontal axis which has a down-
itoring the throw on the volcanicmarker. The Central throw to the north of 900 m. This borderfault repre-
Rand Group sedimentsare unconformablyoverlainby sentsthe prospectivelimit of the KimberleyReef andit
andesiticlavasof theKlipriviersbergGroupwhicharein wasvery successfully mappedonthecompany's mineral
turn overlainby sedimentsof the Chuniespoort Group, holdingson this and adjacentseismiclines.
PretoriaGroup,andKarooSequence.Beneaththe Cen- The reconnaissance surveydid not offer sufficientde-
tral Rand Group is the predominantlyargillaceous tail on smaller faults to the north of the border fault.

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16 years of hardrock seismicson the Kaapvaal Craton 263

Thesewereaddedduringa secondphaseof 2D surveying Group shales.This is a typicalWitwatersrandsignature

which employedthe parametersshownin Table 1c and and was one of the featureswhich led to the original
produced thedetailedsectionshownin Figure11b. Small discoveryof the goldfield.
scalestructures,probablyfaults with throwsof 20 m, To supplementthe visual core logging,geophysical
couldbe accuratelymappedat depthsup to 2000 m with logs were acquiredin all of the explorationdrillholes
this technique.Detailedgravity and aeromagneticsur- on this prospect.The suite of logs included natural
veyswerealsoconductedoverthe seismicsurveyarea. gammaray, sonic,density,three-armcaliper,tempera-
The calculatedgravityresponse usingthedensitiestabu- rare,neutron,focused-electric, anddipmeter.In addition
latedin Figure 11d is comparedwith the observedgrav- to providingstratigraphic correlationsignatures anddata
ity fieldin Figure11e. The closeagreementbetweenthe for calculatingsyntheticseismograms (to aid seismicin-
observedand calculatedfieldsprovidesfurther support terpretation),the logswere usedto derivesedimentary
for the integrity of the interpretedgeologicalsection. cycleswithin the Witwatersrandsediments.
Comparisonof Figures11d and e showsthat the grav- Boreholedipmetersurveyswereusedto obtaintheex-
ity high overthe denseWestRandGroupsedimentsand tra detailrequiredin thefinal structuralevaluationof the
Ventersdorplavaswithin thebasinis displaceddowndip prospect.Use of the dipmeterdatafrom drillholeBH1
from themagneticanomalygeneratedby the WestRand is demonstrated in Figure 12. The dipsare displayedas

a) b) c)

0o 50ø 90ø Depth (m)


FAULT 601 m 601m



...................................... 630 . i

o Legend- ...................
ß- Good data quality

o-' Intermediate data


Fig.12. Dipmeter
BH1.Localityof borehole
in Figure11.(a) Stratigraphic
structural d•psdisplayedas"tadpole"plots,with thebodyof thetadpoleprovidingthe dip magnitudeand
thetail of thetadpoleindicatingtheazimuth.(b) Dipsprojectedontoa northwest-southeast planeto provide
the"stick-plot"representation of structural
andstratigraphic surfaces.(c) Dip azimuthvectorplot in plan
view.Faultinferredin the dataat 601-m depth,with a fold in the footwallof the fault.
Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
264 3D seismicimaging


20m Fault

• 200m Fault

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000m


Fig. 13. InterpretedVentersdorpContactReef surface(yellow surface,sunshadingfrom the left-handside)

shownapproximatelymidwaythroughthe 3D depthcubeat Vaal ReefsNo. 10 shaft.The 20-m fault is close
to the detectionlimit of the survey.Stratigraphysubsequently
confirmedby drillingin boreholeG40.

"tadpole"plotsonFigure12awith thebodyof thetadpole 3D SeismicSurveysat Vaal Reefs No. 10 Shaft

providingthe dip magnitudeand the tail of the tadpole
indicatingthe azimuth. The dips have also been pro- AngloGold's3D seismicsurveyshavegenerallybeen
jected onto a northwest-southeast plane to providethe interpreted on Schlumberger-Geoquest workstations
stick-plotrepresentationof structuraland stratigraphic employingthe GEOVIZ module for 3D geovisualiza-
surfacesshownin Figure 12b. tion. In order to illustratethe superbresolvingpower
The final figure to be discussedis the dip azimuth of 3D seismics,asconfirmedby subsequent miningop-
vectorplot presentedin Figure 12c.The changein dip erations, selectedresults from Vaal Reefs No. 10 shaft
azimuthsandmagnitudesfromnortheasterly, 25 degrees (Pretoriuset al., 1997) are republishedhere.
above601 m to northwesterly,45 degreesbelow this Figure 13 is a 3D representationof the VCR andfault
depthwasusedto infer the presenceof a fault at 601 m surfacesat Vaal Reefs No. 10 shaft after computeras-
depth(Figure 12a).The fault zoneis clearlyimagedasa sistedtrackingof the horizonand faultshas been con-
setof steeplyinclinedsurfacescuttingacrossthe lower ductedthroughapproximatelyhalf of the datavolume.
stratigraphicdipson Figure12b.Interpretationof the dip For illustrative purposes,the seismic cube has been
dragpatternsapproachingthe fault zone, coupledwith "peeled back" to the current inline section,revealing
observations in the drill core, suggestthat this is a nor- the orebodysurface(coloredyellow) with fault planes
mal fault with a downthrowto the northwest.Changes shadedin blue. Note how grid-shadingof the topogra-
in the stratigraphicdips from northwestthroughnorth phic surfacein Geoviz, usinga shallowsunanglefrom
to northeastwere used to interpret a drag fold in the thenorth,helpsto highlighta 20-m fault by castinga sig-
footwallto the fault (Figures12a and 12c).Once again, nificantshadowoverthe discretechangein topography.
this feature was confirmed by re-examinationof the The seismicstructuralinterpretationhas assistedthe
drillcore. mine staff in designingthe future developmentlayout

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16 years of hardrock seismicson the Kaapvaal Craton 265


pp . VCR
o -

0 50 1 O0 150 200 m LEGEND


Fig. 14. Inline extractedfrom the Vaal ReefsNo. 10 shaft3D seismicdatavolumeshowingmining con-
firmationof theseismically
ContactReef(VCR) structure
plan.Thereis verygood
agreementbetweenthe depthsof the VCR derivedfrom the seismicsurvey(red hne) andthe underground
pegs(yellow dots)surveyedin after subsequent
mining.No verticalexaggeration
in display.

for the entire life of the mine. Seismic, drillhole, un- INFORMATION ECONOMICS
dergroundsurvey,and samplingdatahavebeenmerged
into an integratedmine-modeling,reserveestimation, The previoussectionshave repeatedlyemphasized
and mine schedulingpackage.A comprehensive plan- the needfor seismicreflectionsurveysto be costcom-
ning databasehasbeendevelopedwhich is sufficiently petitive,particularlywhen comparedto more tradition-
flexible to facilitate dynamicreplanningin responseto ally acceptedsourcesof subsurfacestratigraphicand
new information. structuralinformation, notably explorationdrillholes.
Several of the smaller faults observed in the seis- Figure 15 illustrates,in schematicform, the costeffec-
mic survey were intersectedby mining operationsat tiveness of the Vaal Reefs No.10 shaft 3D seismic sur-
No. 10 shaft between 1994 and 1999, and generally vey. If eachbinnedseismictraceis consideredto be the
confirmedthe predictedstructure.One exampleis illus- equivalentof a"structuraldrillhole,"thesurveyarguably
tratedin the enlargeddip sectiondisplayedin Figure 14. deliveredspatialinformationequivalentto 12 000 sur-
On this sectionthe VCR pick, displacedby a 40-m facedrillholeson a 20- x 20-m grid,extendingto VCR
fault (F6), is displayedin red. Subsequentmining op- depths,and greater,within the area of interest.Cross-
erationshave confirmedthe presenceand throw of the sections within the seismic cube can be viewed and in-
fault, as shown by the undergroundsurvey pegs (P) terpretedin any orientation.The total surveycostof ap-
displayedin yellow, a remarkableachievement,given proximatelyUSS1 million (in 1994dollars),wouldonly
that the reflection is 1400 m below the surface at this fund about3000 m of deepdrilling, includingdeflec-
point. tions. It must be stressed here that it is not the authors'

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
266 3D seismicimaging

ingle drillhol

Seismic Cube
- 12,000 holes

>6 km


$1.0 7 million

2 km

-- 25km '•
Fig. 15. Informationeconomicsat Vaal ReefsNo. 10 shaft.The wedgecut into the 3D cubeemphasizes
fact thatthe seismicdatavolumemay be cut into at any orientationanddepth.

intentionto proposethe directreplacementof otherin- to the use of lower effort levelsand increasedproduc-
formation sourceswith seismic reflection, but rather to tivity, but the tracedensityis higher,with the resultthat
campaignfor an optimummix of informationsourcesto thecost/km
2 of imagingthesubsurface
maximizethe economicbenefitsto a mining operation. ble for the two surveys.Although it is difficult to ap-
Figure 16 comparesthe costsof 3D seismicreflection ply rules of thumb in estimatingcosts,in the authors'
for a deep Witwatersrandcasehistory (No. 10 shaft) experience,
the figureof USS160000 to 180000/km
anda shallowcasehistory(Weltevreden).The costsper wouldbe approximatelycorrectfor the data acquisition
trace are substantiallylessat Weltevreden,due mainly componentof a 3D seismicsurveyunderSouthAfrican

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
16 years of hardrock seismicson the Kaapvaal Craton 267

severalof the lessonslearnedcouldbe geneticallyap-

plied to otherearthimagingtechniques,be theygeolog-
16e ical or geophysical.
The mostimportantprincipleis that
14e themissionmustalwayscommencewith a soundunder-
standingof the physicalpropertycontrastsof both the
12e orebodyand its host rocks.In the authors'experience
10e the physicalpropertiesdatabasesfor areassubjectedto
geophysicalimagingareusuallypoor,andas a resultof
80 poor orebodycharacterization, the field techniquesse-
60 lectedare not alwaysappropriate.Fortunately,this was
not the case with the Witwatersrandseismicsurveys.
40 20m An extensiveprogramof downholegeophysical logging
20 precededthe seismicprogram,focusinglargelyon the

• 2% host stratigraphyof the auriferousdepositsas well as
on direct detection.Equippedwith this seismicstrati-
graphicdatabase,the advantagesand limitationsof the
techniquewereunderstoodfrom the outset.
Once an appropriatetechniquehasbeenselectedfor
E3Cost/trace (USS)
orebodyimaging, rigoroussurvey designis required
to achievethe desiredresolution.Temporaland spatial
ß Cost/km• (kUS$) aliasingmust be avoidedat all costs.Extensivedesk-
• Resolution (m) top designexercisesand preproductionfield trials are
1% of Mine cost routinely applied on seismicreflection surveys.This
culture of rigorousplanning is largely driven by the
Fig. 16. Relativeinformationcostsfor shallowanddeep
3D seismicsurveysin the WitwatersrandBasin. Units relativelyhigh costof reflectionseismicsurveys,partic-
of the vertical axis as shown in the label box. The costs ularly standingtime penalties(currentlyapproximately
er trace(yellowbars)for shallowsurveysare relatively US$3000/hr).The emphasis is notjust on absolutecost,
r thanfor deepsurveys,dueto lowersourceeffortand
higherproductivityresultingfrom economicsof scale, but ratheron costcompetitiveness andsuitabilityfor the
while the numberof tracesper squarekilometerare sig- job in hand.Reflectionseismicsurveysin the Wits have
nificantlyhigherfor shallowsurveys(red bars).Overall spanneda broad range of applicationsfrom reconnai-
costpersquarekilometeris thereforesimilarfor deepand sancemappingthroughdetailed2D to high-resolution
shallowsurveys(bluebars).Resolution (greenbars)refers
to theCMP bin size.Thepercen.
ta.gecostof theseismic 3D surveysfor mine planninganddevelopment.
surveyswith respectto directm•mngcostsare shownas The seismictechniqueis often selectivelyemployed
purplebars. to follow up on reconnaissance dataprovidedby other,
lesscostlymethodssuchas gravityand aeromagnetics.
surveyconditions.(Obviouslythe costsof permits,data Integratedinterpretationof all geologicaland geophys-
processing,and interpretationshouldbe addedto this ical datasetshas been an importantingredientfor the
to derive a holistic total.) As shownin Figure 16, this successfulsurveysconductedby Anglo-AmericanCor-
amountsto between1 and2% of directminingcostsand porationandAngloGoldin the WitwatersrandBasin.
representsextremelygood value for money as part of Given the relativelylow costof seismicprocessing,
the risk managementstrategyof a responsiblemining there is a growing belief in the need to produce at
operation.Note that the verticalresolutionon the shal- least two seismiccubesfor each 3D seismicsurvey:
low surveyhasimprovedfrom 20 rn to 8 m, with respect a structuralcube and a stratigraphic/sedimentological
to earlierdeepersurveys. cube. The processingroutesfor each cube can differ
substantially.The formercubeis processed to optimize
structuralresolutionat the expenseof wavelet shape.
Becausethis shapemay conveyuseful stratigraphicin-
The authorshavebeenprivilegedto participatein one formation,favorablestratigraphic(wavelet-preserving)
of the most extensiveseismicprogramsin the history processingroutesfor 3D seismicsurveysin the hard-
of mineralexploration.Froma philosophicalviewpoint, rock environmentare currentlybeingresearched.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
268 3D seismicimaging

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Onkiehong,L., 1988,A changing

in seismicdataacqui-
sition: First Break, 6, 9.
The authorsare gratefulto the Anglo AmericanCor- Onkiehong,L., andAskin,H. J., 1988,Towardstheuniversalseismic
poration and AngloGold for their permissionto pub- acquisitiontechnique:FirstBreak,6, 46-63.
lish this paper. We also wish to extend our grati- Pretorius,C. C., Jamison,A. A., andIrons,C., 1987,Seismicexplo-
tude to our colleaguesin AAC, and our consultantsin rationin theWitwatersrand Basin,Republicof SouthAfrica:Proc.
Schlumberger/Geco-Praka, CGG, and Irons Geophysi- of Exploration87, OntarioGeologicalSurvey,SpecialVolume3
(1989), 214-253.
cal for theirsuggestions andcommentsduringtheprepa- Pretorius,C. C., Steenkamp,W. H., and Smith, R. G., 1994, Devel-
ration of the manuscript.Commentson the original opmentsin data acquisition,processingand interpretationover
manuscript by reviewersMatt SalisburyandDavidEaton ten years of deep vibroseismicsurveyingin South Africa, in
are greatlyappreciated. A specialthank-youto Desiree Anhausser,C. R., Ed., 15th CMMI Congress,Vol. 3 Geology,
HenriquesandDaphneLambertfor patientandprofes-
Pretorius,C. C., Trewick,W. F., andIrons,C., 1997,Applicationof
sionalassistance in preparingthe diagramsandLeonie
3D seismicsto mineplanningat Vaal ReefsGold Mine, Number
Abrahamsfor typingthe manuscript. 10 shaft,Republicof SouthAfrica, in Gubins,A. G., Ed., Proc.of
Prosp.andDevel. Assoc.of Can., 399-408.
REFERENCES Pretorius,D. A., 1986, Compilationof the geologicalmap of the
WitwatersrandBasin, in Anhaeusser,C. R., and Maske, S., Eds.,
Campbell,G., 1994,Geophysicalcontributions to mine-development Mineral depositsof southernAfrica, Vol. 1: Geol. Soc. S. Africa,
planning:A riskreductionapproach,in Anhausser, C. R., Ed., 15th 1019-1020.
CMMI Congress,Vol. 3 Geology,283-325. Roux,A. T., 1967,The applicationof geophysics
to goldexploration
De Wet, J.A. J., Hall, D. A., and Campbell,G., 1994, Interpretation in SouthAfrica: Mining andgroundwatergeophysics, Economic
of the Oryx 3D seismicsurvey,in Anhausser,C. R., Ed., 15th GeologyReportNumber26, GeologicalSurveyof Canada,425-
CMMI Congress,Vol. 3 Geology,259-270. 438.

Krahmann, R., 1936, The geophysicalmagnetometricinvesti- Trewick, W. S. F., 1994, Explorationhistoryand, mining strategy
gations on West Witwatersrand areas between Randfontein for the VentersdorpContactReef at Vaal Reefs No. 10 shaft-
and Potchefstroom, Transvaal: Trans. Geol. Soc. S. Africa, 39, Klerksdorp Goldfield, in Anhausser,C. R., Ed., 15th CMMI
1-44. Congress,4-9 September1994,Vol. 3 Geology,67-70.

Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:

acousticimpedance, 2, 6, 9-12, 14-17, 38-39, 45, 74, diffraction,5, 45, 60, 61, 64, 96, 119, 171, 174, 204,
114, 116, 143, 159, 190,204,230,232,233,236, 236-238

241,243,249,251,262 dipmoveout
(DMO), 93, 100,104,105,108,
amplitudefocusing,3, 70, 85 117-120, 130, 162, 171,174,236-238,240,241,
amplitudevariationwithoffset(AVO), 16,70, 83, 85 245,256-258,260
amplitudeversusangle(AVA), 88 downholeseismicimaging(DSI), 4, 57, 184-236
2, 15, 17,21, 23, 28,
77, 134, 208, 213 elastic Kirchhoff method, 46
Archean,4, 61,110, 112, 141,164, 165, 167, 194-196, elasticmoduli, 22, 23, 25, 26
205,229, 249 elasticphase-screenapproach,46
attenuation,16, 27, 31, 36, 49, 63, 72, 101,118, 132, elastic-wavescattering,46, 47, 53, 72
147, 190, 213,235,253,256, 257, 260 exotherm, 160

(FD) method,3-5, 46, 48, 60, 70, 71,
filtering,119, 212
73, 76-82, 84, 86, 88, 185-187, 193
Bell Allard model, 240
forwardmodeling,3, 5, 45, 46, 50, 73, 112, 114, 115,
164-166, 168, 170, 176,
132, 190, 202, 204
195, 196, 205
Fourier transform, 202
boreholelogging,126, 170, 244
fractures,2, 12, 16, 20, 28, 36, 39, 71, 144, 147, 165,
Bornapproximation,60, 70-71, 74, 77, 81, 110,
207, 213,223,225,243
Fresnel radius, 49
bulk modulus, 13, 24, 25
Fresnelzone, 16, 50, 127, 132, 133
full-waveformsoniclog,2, 20, 36-39, 169, 184, 186,
complex-elasticscreenmethod,60 192, 193,233
compressionalwavevelocity,10,24, 37, 39, 61, 75
Comptonscattering, 30-32 Green's function, 47, 50
1, 96, 97, 103, 138, 154 ground-penetrating
confiningpressure,11-13, 26, 27
convolution,46, 48 hardrock,1-6, 9-13, 16-18, 31, 45-90, 93, 104, 108,
117, 181,190, 194, 235,236, 244, 247-268
3, 5, 33, 117,162,184,190,200,202, Hilbert transform, 216
235,236, 247, 248,254, 257-259 hydrocarbon,
1, 59, 67, 118, 141,142
deconvolution,5, 118, 119, 144, 152, 162, 171,174,
212, 213,236, 247, 256, 257 imagepointtransform (IPT), 202-204,214,219
density,2, 6, 9-16, 20-23, 25, 29, 30-34, 38-39, 49, impedance,
3, 4, 6, 9, 10-17, 20, 21, 28, 38, 39, 45,
61, 65, 72-75, 95, 97, 113-115, 133, 134, 144, 53, 57, 59, 60, 66, 73-75, 93, 102, 104, 106, 110,
145,153, 154, 159, 165, 168, 169, 171,176, 112-116, 119, 123, 125, 132-134, 136, 155, 159,
185, 194, 196, 197, 199, 230, 232, 233,249, 169-171, 175, 190, 192, 194, 196, 204, 206, 225,
262,263,266 230, 232, 233,236, 240, 241,243-244, 249,
densitylogging,28-31, 33, 34, 197 251,262
densitylogs,2, 32, 113, 169, 199,249 seismicimpedance,
20, 38, 133,175,233
Downloaded 26 Jun 2012 to Redistribution subject to SEG license or copyright; Terms of Use:
270 Index

isochronalintegration,48, 57 scalarwavefield, 46
isotropic,15, 20, 21, 23, 24 scatteredwavefield,46, 47, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 60, 62,
65, 70, 71, 77, 83, 88, 186
Laplace'sequation,1 scattering,2-5, 16, 20, 28, 30-33, 45-55, 57, 59-62,
64-67, 69-89, 102, 120, 125, 161,185-187, 190,
massdensity,21, 28, 29, 31, 38 193,213,235
massivesulfide(s),2, 3, 9-12, 16, 17, 34, 38 sedimentarybasins,1, 5, 6, 9, 12, 20, 142, 194
median filters, 213 seismicanisotropy,2
microcracks,10, 11, 16, 26-28 shallow reflection, 93-109
Mie scattering,71, 73, 81 shearmodulus, 13, 23, 24, 25
mine-seismic-profiling (MSP), 141,146-148, 151,155 shear-wavevelocity,24, 34, 61
signal-to-noiseratio (S/N), 5, 60, 66, 71, 118, 119,
Nafe-Drake curve, 9, 11, 14, 113, 114, 134 133,152, 154, 162, 190, 203,204, 225,233,
noise, 5, 9, 16, 59, 60, 63, 66, 67, 71,101,105, 237, 254
117-119, 131-134, 145, 147, 153,154, 162, 170, Snell'slaw, 48, 60
183, 184, 189, 190, 198, 202-204, 212, 213,216, soniclogging,21, 27, 34, 35, 39, 181,184, 192, 193
217, 219, 225,233-237, 253,254, 256-258 spectralbalancing,110, 119, 145, 152, 200, 202
normalmoveout(NMO), 104, 118, 119, 142, 144, 145, sphericalinclusion,50, 57
152, 236, 256, 260 Stoneleywaves,35, 36, 39
subhorizontalfracturezones,93, 97
perturbation,65, 70, 73, 75 S-wave, 4, 16, 34, 35, 45, 53, 57, 60, 61, 67, 71-73
Poisson'sratio, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 25, 192
polarity,3, 84, 85, 93, 98, 101,102, 104, 106, 108,238 3D seismicsurvey,4-6, 17, 18, 45, 66, 70, 125,
pore fluid, 2, 21 229-268
pore fluid pressure,21 trace equalization,144, 145, 152, 171, 213
porosity,12, 16, 21, 24-28, 30, 170, 222 transit time, 26, 35, 36
potentialfield, 1, 70, 141, 157 triangulartessellation,46
potholes,4, 143-146, 151, 155 true amplituderecovery(TAR), 213,236
P-wave, 2, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 34-38, 53, 57, 61, 63-65, 2D seismicsurvey,4, 17, 59, 112, 115, 117, 141-177,
68, 71-75, 77-79, 82-86, 88, 108, 119, 149, 153, 194, 230, 231,236, 237, 247, 248, 251,253,256,
159, 165, 168, 169, 181,184, 185, 187-192, 198, 257, 259, 261,262
200-202, 204, 209, 211-213, 216, 218, 221,
232,233 verticalseismicprofile(VSP), 3, 4, 9, 17, 28, 50-55,
59, 61, 63-69, 72, 78, 147-149, 155, 181-193,
radioactivewaste, 2, 5, 93 206, 207-226, 230, 249, 251
Rayleigh-Bornapproximation,71, 72, 74 vibroseis,4, 5, 145, 171,247, 249, 251,253,254,
reflection coefficient,6, 10, 12, 14, 38, 49, 53, 59, 113, 257, 258
116, 118, 142, 153,170, 184, 194, 203,232, 236, viscoelasticfinite-differencemethod,3, 73
244, 257 Voigt bounds,22-24
reflectivity,2, 6, 10, 12, 16, 45, 104, 114, 122, 125, 128, volcanogenicmassivesulfide(VMS), 4, 5, 38, 112, 164,
129, 134, 136, 138, 159, 176, 181,182, 184, 192, 165, 167, 168, 174-177, 181,182, 192, 195, 196,
200, 230, 233,236, 237, 240, 243 229-244
refraction, 2, 9, 10-13, 15, 17, 35, 60, 104, 108, 110,
118, 129, 161, 162, 171, 184, 209, 230, 237, 240, water saturation,16
258, 260
refraction static correction, 108, 118, 236, 237, 240 zero offset, 49, 53, 57, 120, 171,198,201,238
Ricker wavelet, 50, 77, 102 Zoeppritz equation,48

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