University of Santo Tomas: Spoken Word Poetry Performance Task in English 9 First Quarter

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CN: G2, B6, B17


Spoken Word Poetry

Performance Task in English 9
First Quarter

Figures of Speech used:

REPETITION - all lines starting with “I Am a…
SIMILE – 1. Like the endless echoes of our ancestors, we speak. Our plight is heard,
but never understood.

B – Benjo
Y – Arrianne
M – Miguel

I Am.

B: I am a Catholic
Y: I am a Muslim
M: I am a Protestant
A: We may be different,
A: But He, is not.

B: I am a Catholic
Y: I am a Muslim
M: I am a Protestant
Y and M: Words lots of us timidly spout when we’re asked
B: “What’s your religion?”
B: Some use religion to control people
Y: Some use religion to divide people,
M: But its real use: to unite people, not to fight people

A: You can call me this and that

A: We act as if we aren’t affected
A: Because when people say, “hey,
Y: aren’t you a Muslim?”
A: when people say, “hey
M: aren’t you a Protestant?”
A: You might as well say “hey
B: don’t you believe in a God?”
A: And we do.
A:We believe that we can achieve
spiritual equality if we just give each other a chance to breathe, minding our own
A: We believe that we are tasked at surpassing
the lack of class of these people
who act as if they don’t go to mass.

B: I am a Catholic. Sins we must not do.

Y: I am a Muslim. The five pillars, we must pursue
M: And I am a Protestant, trying to bring Him closer to you

A: We may have different beliefs

Y: But agreement is what we want to achieve.
M: Like the endless echoes of our ancestors, we speak. Our plight is heard
A: but never understood
B: We clamor for the peace we all seek
A: So all the trouble stops for good.

Y: I am a Muslim. And when I pray people think i’m dangerous

M: I am a Protestant. And when I pray, people start staring
B: I am a Catholic. And when I pray, people think I’m just religious
A:You say that we are all equal
B:But doesn’t equality demand respect?

B: Like William Shakespeare said through his work

Y and M: I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs,
dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same
weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and
cooled by the same winter and summer as a Catholic is? If you prick us do we not
bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die?

Y and M: We are Non-Catholics. We are different. And that’s alright.

B: it’s not a big reason for us to fight. So why not try and make things right?

Y: I am a Muslim. I was never taught to hate.

B: I am a Catholic. I was never taught to discriminate
M: I am a Protestant. I was never taught to judge any faith.

Y: This church work that we’re all doing,

B: It’s not for nothing.
M: It’s all for something that will make us start loving each other.

B: I am a Catholic, and I am not a bigot

M: I am a Protestant, I am not a heretic
Y: I am a Muslim and I am not a terrorist
A: No matter who we believe in, is it really that big of a deal to start hating each

B: I am a Catholic and I believe we can be united.

Y: And I am a Muslim and I believe we are equal
M: I am a Protestant and I believe we are one.
A: We love our religions, and we love people, too. If we can do both, why can’t

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