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Republic of the Philippines

State Universities and Colleges

Buenavista, Guimaras

Philosophy of Education

Kenneth Roy B. Montehermoso Wilson F. Tocino , Ph.D.

Reporter Professor
How can an Understanding of Difference Between Truth and Opinion Lead Us to Wisdom ?
An uderstanding of facts and the means to distinguish one from the other can further improve
our understanding and appreciation of varied views and ideas.
The ability to understand truth goes hand in hand with holistic perspective and enables us to
make wiser decision , especially in choosing the ideas which we find acceptable .
An individual cannot live his or her life just agreeing with everybody he or she meets
Each individual’s point of view is unique but it should be based on sounds and reasonable
ideas and views.
TRUTH in General Perspective :

 It is something proven by facts or sincerity

 Mathematical or logical set containing all the elements that make a given statement of
relationships true when substituted
 It is something that that is always true no matter what the circumstances
 A truth is something that is believed to be true
 Conformity
Truth according to Philosophers :
Plato - according to him there are two worlds called DIVISION LINE :
1. World of Forms and Ideas
a. Real and always changing
2. World of Shadow
a. Before we enter our knowledge is perfect
“ To say what is that it is not , or of what is not that it is , is false, while to say of what is that is , and
of what is not that it is not , its true. “
- Truth is the a relationship between the statement and the way the world is
“ I know nothing ”
- Wisdom can be achieved if we admit that our knowledge is not sufficient
- Truth can be achieved through DIALECTICS
discourse between two or more people holding different points of view about a subject to
establish the truth through reasoned arguments (Collaboration)
Descartes “ I think therefore I am ”Cogito, ergo sum
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras

- He could not doubt that he himself existed , as he was the one doing the doubting
• A statement that shows what person thinks , feels , or believe
• A personal claim
• Someone’s perspective and judgment
• Depends to someone’s culture and background that varies from one person to another
1. Marcoses are not entitled to the of moving forward to and forgetting the past because of
the pain inflicted by the Martial Law .
2. K to 12 Curriculum is becoming a burden that a prospect of improvement to the education.
3. Same sex marriage should be passed to become a law .

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