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Overall, this interview has shown that there are many issues that need to be kept in mind when

conducting interviews. Factors to take into account can be divided into three groups:

1. Pre-interview preparation;

2. During the interview;

3. Post-interview reflections.

In order to prepare for the interview, we discussed the overall interview objective or aim. Next, we
felt that we had to develop an interview protocol. Developing suitable interview questions took some
time as we decomposed our overall aim into parts to generate specific interview questions.
Conducting the interviews was a relatively smooth process overall as we were well prepared going
into the interviews. Another issue that has come to mind is whether to provide consenting interviewee
a list of the interview questions before an interview. In this way, they have some way of preparing for
the interview and can already come up with some data or responses to give. Because sometimes
when you asked a question on the spur of the moment you might not come up with all the answers
on the spot. However, if you have some time to think over the interview questions, you may come up
with richer answers during the interview. Hence, we presented the Interview questions to
Mr.Govindasamy before the actual interview. It allowed him to have a better perspective of what the
interview is all about. Based on this observation I see that a major issue when doing interviews is
making sure that your interviewee understand and do not misinterpret your questions. Another
observation is that sometimes you need to let the interviewees talk if they want to talk as they may
reveal some important information in their stories.

Other than that, Body language and external environmental factors are important issues to take note
of when conducting interviews. I found that it is not just the words said but also the way they are said,
the tone of the voice and the disposition of the interviewee that all provide meaning and context, and
therefore help with interpretation.

However, there were some challenges we had to face before and during the interview. First and
foremost, we couldn’t fix a date for the interview session to be carried out since Mr.Govindasamy was
very busy with his NGO meetings and pharmacy work but we didn’t give up,we tried to contact him
and Whatsapp him.Finnaly we managed to fix an appointment with him by the help of his NGO
member. Overall the interview session went so well, he did apologise to us for not responding to us
earlier because of his busy schedule. Despite all that,we learnt new things that day,and now I have
more interest to become the part of the NGO activities and be a good volunteer in future.

Last but not least,I would like to thank Madam Nora for guiding us for this assignment and for making
us a better person.Thank you.

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