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Description SI UNITS UNIT 2017 8th

fc Concrete compressive strength 30 MPa
fs Steel yield strength 420 MPa
Es Elasticity modulus of reinforced steel 200,000 MPa
b 1 m
h 1.5 m
d 1.413 m
cover 0.075 m
φbending 0.9000
γ1 flexural cracking variability factor 1.6
γ2 prestress variability factor 1
ratio of specified min yield strength to
ultimate tensile strength of the
γ3 reinforcement 0.67
fr modulus of rupture 3.45 MPa

λ 1
comp. stress in concrete due to effective
prestress forces only at extreme fiber of
fcpe section 0 MPa
section modulus for the extreme fiber of
the composite section where tensile
stress is caused by externally applied
Sc loads 0.375 m3
total unfactored dead load moment
acting on the monolithic or non
Mdnc composite-section 0 kNm

section modulus for the extreme fiber of

Snc the monolithic or non-composite section 0.375 m3
Mcr 1388 kNm
Mu Maximum moment 2945 kNm/m
As Reinforcement area 65.45 cm2/m
Phi Rebar diameter 25 mm
Phi Additional rebar diameter 25 mm
s Spacing 15 cm
Distance from extreme compression to
a neutral axis (c*β1) 10.78 cm
c 12.68 cm
α1 Stress block factor 0.85
Mr 3361 KNm
Mr>Mu OK
Min(Mcr,1.33Mu) 1388 kNm
Check Mr>Mu ; Mr>Min(Mcr,1.33Mu) OK
εcl compression controlled - limit 0.0021
εtl 0.0050
εt 0.0304
εcu 0.0030
c/ds 0.0898
εcu/εcu+εcl 0.5882
Check c/ds<=εcu/εcu+εcl OK
Check Tension controlled - εt>0.005 OK
φbending 0.9000

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