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Krishnaiyan Thulasiraman University of Oklakoma |. Graph Theory: Basic Concepts and Results I. Graphs and Electrical Networks Ill, Loop and Cutset Systems of Equations CIRCUIT THEORY is an important and pertaps the old- est branch of electrical engineering. A circuit is an inter connection of electrical elements: passive elements such, as resistances, capacitances, inductances, active clements, and sources (or excitations). Two variatles—namely, volt- age and current variables—are associated with each circuit element. There are two aspects to circuit theory: analysis and design. In circuit analysis, we ure interested in deter- mination of the values of currents and voltages in different elements of the circuit, given the values of the sources or excitations. On the other hand, in circuit design, we are interested in the design of circuits, which exhibit certain prespecified voltage or current charactersitics at one or ‘more parts of the circuit, In this chapter, we wilt confine our discussion to certain aspects of cireuit analysis. ‘The behavior or dynamics of a circuit is described by three systems of equations determined by Ohm's laxe, Kirchhoff's voltage law, and Kirchhoff’s current law. Ohm's law specifies the relationship between the voltage and current variables associated with a circuit elemem. ‘This relationship is not specified for independent sources, ‘Also, this relationship could be linear or nonlinear: If the relationship is linear, then the circuit element is called a linear element; otherwise, it is called a nonlinear element. Accircuitis linear it contains only linear elements besides independent sources. Kirchoff’s voltage specifies the de- pendence among the voltage variables in the circuit, and Poop el Maal Lice ond Tena Tink i, Ylune 2 apc SUE hy caine Pen ll ego reeibeso sy For ese Circuit Theory Kirchhoft’s current law specifies the dependence among the current variables in the circuit. The systems of equations determined by the applica- tion of Kirchboff’s voltage and current laws depend op the structure or the graph of the circuit. In other words, they depend only on the way the circuit elements are intercon- nected. Thus, the graph of a circuit plays a fundamental role in the study of cireuits. Several interesting properties of circuits depend only on the structure of the circuits. ‘Thus, the theory of graphs has played a fundamental role ‘in discovering structural properties of electrical cirguits. In this chapter we shall develop most of those results that form the foundation of graph theoretic study of electri- cal circuits, A comprehensive treatment of these develop- ments may he found in Swamy and Thulasiraman (1981). Alltheorems in this chapter are stated without proofs. Our discussion here follows closely our development in the Graph Theoretic Foundation of Circuit Analysis chapter in Chen (2001). 1, GRAPH THEORY: BASIC CONCEPTS AND RESULTS Our development of graph theory is self-contained, except for the definitions of standard and elementary results from, set theory and matrix theory. 832 + Graph: A gruph G=(¥, £) consists of two sets, a finite set V=(uL. v2, ..., v,) of elements called ver- tices and. finite set E =(e), €2, ....e,) ofelementscalled edges. Directed and undirected graph: If the edges of G are identified with ordered pairs of vertices, then G is called a directed of an oriented graph: is called an undirected oc an unoriented graph. Graphs permit easy pictorial representations. In a pictorial representation each vertex is represented by a dotand each. edge is represented by a line joining the dots associated with the edge. In directed graphs, an orientation or diree- tion is assigned to each edge, Ifthe edge is associated with the ordered pair (v;, v,), then this edge is oriented from v; to v;. Han edge ¢ connects vertices v, and v;, then it is denoted by ¢= (ay, vj}. In a directed graph, (v;, v,) refers to an edge directed from (vy, vj}. A graph and a directed graph are shown in Fig. 1. Unless explicitly stated, the term “graph” may refer to a directed graph or an undi- rected graph. « End vertices: The vertices v; and vj associated with aan edge are called the end vertices of the edge. « Parallel edges: All edges having the same pair of end vertices are called parallel edges. In a directed graph parallel edges refer to edges connecting the same pair of verices a and vj the same way from v; to uv, or from u; (© For instance, in the graph of Fig. la, the edges connecting 4 and vz are parallel edges. In the directed graph of Fig. 1b the edges connecting v3 and vy are parallel edges. However, the edges connecting u, and yy are not parallel edges because they are not oriented in the same way. Self loop: Ifthe end vertices of an edge are notdistinet, then the edge is called a self loep. The graph of Fig, La has ‘one self loop and the graph of Fig. 1b has two self loops. Vy Va Vs Vs Va (a) Guevit Theay An edge is said to be incident on its end vertices. In a directed graph the edge (1, 0) is said to be incident out ‘of & and is said to be incident into v,. Vertices v; and vj are adjacent if an edge connects , and v,. * Degee: The number of edges incident on a vertex v is called the degree of v; and is denoted by du). # In-degree: In a directed graph, dje(v,) refers to the number of edges incident into vertex vj, and it is called the in-degree. # Out-degree: In a directed graph, duo(t}) refers to the number of edges incident out of the vertex vy, « Isolated vertex: [f d(v;) =0, then ; is said to be an isolated vertex. » Pendant vertex: If d(v,) = 1, then v; is said to be a pendant vertex, Aselfioop ata vertex v; is counted twice while computing d(u.). As an example,in the graph of Fig. ta, d(v.) = 3, (24) =3, and vs isan isolated vertex. In the directed graph of Fig. 1b, di, (v1) =3, and doyc (vy) =2. ‘Note that in a directed graph, for every vertex v;, EU) = din Ui) + doye¥i) ‘Theorem 1 1, The sum of the degrees of the vertices of a graph G is equal to 2m, where mm is the mumber of edges of G. 2. In a directed graph with m edges, the sum of the in-degrces and the sum of the oul-degrees are both equal tom. ‘The following theorem is known to be the first major result in graph theory. Theorem 2 The number of vertices of odd degree in any groph is even. vw Va va ve (b) FIGURE 1 (a) An undirected graph, (2) a directed graph. GreuirTheary Vs (a) 833 YM Vs Vs Vs b) FIGURE 2 (a) Graph G; {b} subgraoh G. Consider a graph G=(V", £’). The graph G’ =(¥", E') isa subgraph of Gif V' ¢ V and E’ E. Asanexample, agraph G and a subgraph of @ are shown in Fig. 2. © Path: In a graph G a path P comneeting vertices 1 and v; is an alternating sequence of vertices and edges starting at »; and ending at vs, with all vertices except vy and v; being distinct. rected path: In a directed graph a path P comnect- ing vertices v, and v, is a called a directed path from v, to ; if all the edges in P are oriented in the same direction as we traverse P from u toward u;. @ Circuit: If a path starts and ends at the same vertex, itis called a circuit « Direeted circuit: In a directed graph, a circuit in which all the edges are oriented in the same direction is called a directed circuit. It is often convenient to rep- resent paths and circuits by the sequence of edges rep- resenting them. For example, in the undirected graph of Fig, 3a, P: e,¢2,€s, €4 is a path connecting v, and vs, ¥ 4 oe Vy % &% Ye es “ue Va fa) FIGURES and C: €1, €2, €3.€4,€5,¢s is a circuit. In the directed graph of Fig. 3b, P: ¢,,¢2,e7, ¢5 is a directed path, and C: e1, €2, e7, € is a directed circuit. Note that C: 7,5. 4, €1, 7 i8 a circuit in this directed graph, although it is, not a directed cirevit. Similarly, P: es, es, ¢1 8 a path but nota directed path. Connected graph: A graph is connected if there is, a path between every pair of vertices in the graph; other- wise, the graph is not connected. For example, the graph in Fig. 2a is u connected graph, whereas the graph in Fig. 2 is not a connected graph. # Tree: A izee is a graph that is connected and has no circuits. « Spanning tree: Consider a connected graph G, A subgraph of G is a spanning tree of G if the subgraph is a tree and contains all the vertices of G. A tree and a spanning tree of the graph of Fig. da are shown in Figs. 4b and 4c, respectively. « Branches: The edges of a spanning tree T are called the braches of T. ¥ ¢: yg Vs e fer Ve 4 ‘uO Vs &) {2} An undirected graph; (b} a directed graph, ve 4 es Va, Vs 6 A & Vs, (ay y 4 6 Va, Vs 4 YM Vs (©) Gireuis Theory Va, Va ex Va a Vs (b) FIGURE 4 (@) Graph Gi (0) a tree of graoh G: (¢) a spanning tree of G. * Cospanning tree: Given a spanning tree of connected graph G, the cospanning tree relative to 7'is the subgraph of G induced by the edges that are not present in 7. For example, the cospanning tee is relative to the spanning tee 7 if Fig. de consists of the edges e3, ¢6. €7- ‘* Chords: The edges of a cospanning tree are called chords. Tt can be easily be verified that in a tee exactly one path connects any two vertices. It should be noted that a tree is minimally connected in the sense that removing any edge from the tree will result in a disconnected graph. Theorem 3 Aree on x vertices has 1 —1 edges. If a connected graph G has n vertices and m edges, then the rank p and nullity 2 of G are defined as follows: eG)=n-1 HG) =m ntl ‘The concepts of rank and nullity have parallels in other branches of mathematics, such as matrix theory. Clearly, if G is connected, then any spanning «ee of G has 6=1—1 branches and ¢ =m —n +1 chords. A. Cuts, Circuits, and Orthogonality ‘We introduce here the notions of a cut and a cutset and de- velop certain resuits which bring out the dual nature of cit- cuits and cutsets. Consider a connected graph G =(V. E) with m vertices and m edges, Let V, and V2 be two matu- ally disjoint nonempty subsetsof F such that V = Vi, U Va; thus, Vz is the complement of V; in V and vice versa. ¥, and V2 are also said to form a partition of V. Then the set Great Theo y “ es Yh Vs 6 es Ys 7 Vs @ 835, Lo rst Se Vn Ye b) FIGURE § {2} Graph G; (b} cut (VY). 4) of G. of all those edges which have one end vertex im V; and the other in ¥> is called a cut of G. As an example, a graph and a cut {Vj, Vz) of G are shown in Fig. 5. The graph G' which results after removing the edges in a cut will not be connected, A cutset $ of a connected graph G is a minimal set of edges of G such that removal of S disconnects G. Thus, a cutset is also a cut. Note that the minimality property of a cutset implies that no proper subset of a cutset is a cutset. Consider a spanning tree 7 of a connected graph G. Let bbe a branch of 7". Removal of the branch b disconnects T into two trees, T; and Ty. Let Vj and V> denote the vertex sets of T; and To, respectively. Note that Vi and Vo together contain all the vertices of G. We can verify that the cut (V4, V3) is a cutsel of G and is called the fundamental cutset of G with respect to branch b of T. ‘Thus, for a given graph G and a spanning tree T of G, we can construct n— 1 fundamental cutsets, one for exch branch of 7. As un example, for the graph shown in Fig. 5, the fundamental cutsets with respect to the spanning tee P= [eis en... 86, e6] Fe Branch e1: (€1, 3, €4) Branch ¢2: (€2, €3, €4, €s) Branch eg: (es, €a, €s, €) Branch eg: (es. €:) Note that the fundamental cutset with respect to branch contains b. Furthermore, branch b is not present in any other fundamental cutset with respect to 7. Next we identify a special class of circuits of a con- nected graph G. Again, let T be a spanning tree of G Because exactly one path exists between any two vertices of T, adding achord c to T produces a unique circuit, This Gircuit is called the fiendamental circuis of G with respect, to chord ¢ of T.. Note again that the fundamental circuit, with respect to chord ¢ contains c, and chord C is not present in any other fundamental cirenit with respect to T_ Asan example, the set of fundamental circuits with re- spect to the spanning tree T =(e1, ¢2, 5, €4) of the graph shown in Fig. 5 is Chord @3; (én 1, €2) Chord e4: (e4, €1, 2, €6) Chord es: (es, €2, €6) Chord e7: (e7, €4, €6) B. Incidence, Circult, and Cut Matrices of a Graph Theincidence, circuit, and cut matrices are coefficient ma- trices of Kirchoff's equations which describe an electrical network. We next define these matrices and present some properties of these matrices which are useful in the study of electrical networks. 1. Incidence Matrix Consider a connected directed graph G with» vertices and ‘m edges and having no self loops. The all-vertex incidence matrix A. = |a;}of G has n rows, one for each vertex, and nt columns, one for each edge. The element aj; of A. is defined as follows: 1, if fthedge is incident outof the ith vertex iy = { -1, if jthedge is incident into the ith vertex , ifthe jth edge is not incident on the ith vertex ‘As an example, the A, matrix of the directed graph in Fig. 6 is given below: les Vv, Vee Va FIGURE 6 A directed graoh. a upl o 0 oo. -r wl-l 1 0 0 0 0 vy] 1 1 1 0 6 wm] 0 -1 o -1 0 wLO 0 0 1 -l 0 1 From the definition of Ao, it should be clear that each column of this matrix has exactly two nonzero entries, one +1 and one —1; therefore, we can obtain any row of Ac from the remaining rows. Thus, rank(A,) <1 An (n ~ 1)-rowed submatrix of A, is referred to as an incidence matrix of G. The vertex which corresponds to the row which is not in Ar is called the reference vertex of A. 2. Cut Matrix Consider a cut (Va, V9) in a connected directed graph G with vertices and m edges. Recall that {V,, V3) consists, of all those edges connecting vertices in V, to Vs. This cut may be assigned an orientation from V. to Vp or from V5 to V,. Suppose the orientation of (¥,, V4) is from ¥, to V,, Then the orientation of an edge (vj, w,) is said to agree with the cut orientation if v; € Vz, and vy € Vs. ‘The cut matrix Q_ = [gi/] of G has m columns, one for each edge, and has one row for each cut. The element g,, is defined as follows: 1,if the jth edge is in the fth cut and its orientation agrees with the cut orientation =1, ifthe jth edge is in the ith cut anc its orientation does not agree with the cut orientation 0, if thejth edge is not in the ith eut Each row of Q- is called the cut vector, The edges incident on a vertex form a cut. Thus it follows that the y= matrix Ac is a submatrix of Q,. Next we identify another important submatrix of Q.. Recall that each branch of a spanning tree T of con- nected graph G defines a fundamental cutset. The subsma- trix of Q, corresponding to the m ~ 1 fundamental cutsets defined by T is called the fundamental cutset matrix Q; of G with respect to T. Let bi, 2o,.... 8,1 denote the branches of 7’. Let us assume that the orientation of a fundamental cutset is cho- sen soas to agree with thatof the defining branch. Suppose ‘we arrange the rows and the columns of Q; so that the ith column corresponds fo the fundamental cutset defined by by, Then the matrix Qy can be displayed in a convenient form as follows: Qs = 10 | Ope) where U is the unit matrix of order n — 1, and its columns correspond to the branches of T. As an example, the fun- damental cutset matrix of the graph in Fig. 6 with respect to the spanning tree T = (e1.€2, es, ¢6) is given below: ees ee ee afl 0 0 0 -1 =r -1 e{O 1 0 0 <1 -1 -1 Onto 0 1 0 0 1-1 @~L0 Oo 0 1 1 1 0 Tris clear that the rank of Q is — 1, Hence, rank(Q.) = 11 3. Circuit Matrix Consider a circuit C ina connected directed graph G with 1 vertices and m edges. This circvit can be traversed in ‘one of two directions, clockwise or counterclockwise. The direction we choose for traversing C is called the orien- tation of C. If an edge e =(v,, v,) directed from v, to vj is in C and if v; appears before v; as we traverse C in the direction specified by the orientation of C, then we say that the orientation agrees with the orientation of e. ‘The circuit matrix B. = [by] of G has m columns, one for cach edge, and has one row for each circuit in G. The element b;; is defined as follows: 1, if the jth edge is in the ith circuit and its orientation agrees: with the circuit orientation —1, if the jth edge is in the ith circuit and its orientation does not agree with eireuit orientation 0, ifthe jth edge is not in the ith circuit ‘The submatrix of Be corresponding to the fundamental cireuits defined by the chords of a spanning tree T is called Great Thensy the fandamental circuit matrix By of G with respectto the spanning tree T. Let ¢1, 2. 63) «++ Gm-nt denote the chords of T. Sup- pose we arrange the columns and the rows of By so that the ith row corresponds to the fundamental cireuit defined by the chord e, and the ith column corresponds to the chord ¢, If, in addition, we choose the orientation of a fundamental circuit to agree with the orientation of the defining chord, we can write By as: Bp = (UL By] where J is the unit matrix of order m—m +1, and its columns correspond to the chords of T. As an example, the fundamental circuit matrix of the graph shown in Fig. 6 with respect to the tree T 25, 66) is given below: e1.en, es 4 €7 C1 2 ese afl 004 10 -1 BeaealO 10111 = e|Oortiio Tris clear from the above that the rank of B p i hence, rank(B,) > mi —n +1 ‘The. following results constitute the foundation of the graph theoretic application to electrical circuit analysis. ‘Theorem 4 (orthogonality relationship) |. A cireuit and a cutset in a connected graph have an. even number of common edges. 2. If cireuit and a cutset in a directed graph have 2k common edges, then k of these edges have the same rel- ative orientation in the circuit and the cutset, and the re- maining & edges have one orientation in the cirenit and the oppostite orientation in the cutset. ‘Theorem 5 If the colurnns of the circuit matrix 8, and the columns of the cut matrix Q, are arranged in the same edge order, then BQ. Theorem 6 Rank(B,) =m —n-+ 1 and rank(Q.) Note thatt follows from the above theorem that the rank of the circuit matrix is equal to the nullity of the graph, and the rank of the cut matrix is equal to the rank of the ‘graph. This result, n fact, motivated the detinitions of the rank and nullity of a graph 837 CG) ——__ y+ —_ r ——> FIGURE 7 A notwork element with reference convention. Il. GRAPHS AND ELECTRICAL NETWORKS: ‘An electrical network is an interconnection of electrical network elements suchas resistances, capacitances, induc- tances, voltage and current sources, etc. Each network cle- mentis associated with two variables, the voltage variable, v(t) and the current variable i(f). We also assign reference directions to the network elements (see Fig. 7) so that f(f) is positive whenever the current is in the direction of the arrow, and u(¢) is positive whenever the vollage drop in the network element is in the direction of the arrow. Replac- ‘ng each element and its associated reference direction by a directed edge results in the directed graph representing the network. For example, a simple electrical network and the corresponding directed graph are shown in Fig. 8 ‘The physical relationship between the current and volt- age variables of network elements is specified by Ohm's law, For vollage and current sources, the voltage and cur- rent variables are required to have specified values. The hinear dependence among the voltage variables in the net- ‘work and the Tinear dependence among the current vari- ables are governed by Kirchoff's voltage and current laws. Kirchoff’s Voltage Law (KVL): The algebraic sum of the voltages around any circuit is equal to zero, Kirehoft’s Current Law (KCL): The algebraic suro of the currents flowing out of a node is equal to zero, Asan example, the KVL equation for the circuit t, 3, 5 and the KCL equation for vertex b in the graph of Fig. 8and Circuit 1,3,5 Vertex & rtm tes=0 shtitis=0 Itcan be easily seen that KVL and KCL equations for an clectrical network N can be conveniently written as: Ack =0 and BVe where A, and B, are, respectively, the incidence and circuit matrices of the directed graph representing NT, and Ve are, respectively, the column vectors of element currents and voltages in NV, Because each row in the cut matrix Q can be expressed as a linear combination of the rows of 4 @ FIGURE 8 (a) An electrical network N; (bj directed graph representation of N. the mattis, im the above we can replace A. by Q.; thus, we have KCL: Q.h=0 KVL: B,¥, =0 Thus, KCL can also be stated as: The algebraic sum of the currents in any cut of 4 is equal to zero. Ifa network NV hax 1 vertices and m elements and its graph is connected, then there are only (n —1) linearly independent cuts and only (m — n+ 1) linearly indepen- dent circuits. Thus, in writing KVL and KCL equations we need to use only 8s, fundamental circuit matrix,and Q ;, a fundamental circuit matrix, respectively. Thus, we have KCL: @/h=0 KVL By¥.=0 We note that the KCL and KVL. equations depend only on the way network elements are interconnected and not on the nature of the network elements. Thus, several results in electrical network theory are essentially graph theoretic in nature. Some results of interest in electrical network analysis are presented in the reminder of this chapter, in the following, a network N and its directed graph representation are both denoted by N. Loop and Cutset Transformations Let 7’ be a spanning twve of an electrical network, Let I. and ¥; be the column vectors of chord currents and branch currents with respect to F. 1. Loop transformation: Les By. 2. Cunset transformation: Ve = 05% If, in the cutset transformation, we replace Qy by the reduced incidence matrix A, then we get the node trans- formation given below: 4 a V, = A'V, where the elements in the vector ¥, can be interpreted as the voltages of the nodes with respect to the reference node r. ( Note: the matrix A does not contain the row corresponding to the node r.) ‘The above transformations have been extensively em- ployed in developing different methods of network analy~ sis. Two of these methods are described in the following. Il, LOOP AND CUTSET SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS As we observed earlier, the problem of network analy- sis is to determine the voltages and currents associated with the elements of an electrical network. These voltages and currents can be determined from Kirchof’s equations and the element voltage-current (in short, » — i) relations given by Ohm’s law. However, these equations involve aa large number of variables. As can be seen from the Joop and cutset transformations, not all these variables are independent Furthermore, in place of KCL equations we can use the loop transformation which invloves only chord currents as variables. Similarly, KVL equations can be replaced by the cutset transformation which in- volves only branch voltage variables. We can take ad- vantage of these transformations to establish different sytem of network equations known as the loop and cutset, systems. Jn deriving the Joop system we use the loop transfor mation in place of KCL, and in this case the loop vari- ables (chord currents) will serve as independent variables. In deriving the cutset system we use the cutset transfor mation in place of KVL, and the cutset variables (tree branch voltages) will serve as the independent variables in this case. Consider a connected electrical network N. We assume that NV consists of only resistances (R), ca- pacitances (C), inductances (L) (referred to collectively as RCL) including mutual inductances, and independent (rest Theory voltage and current sources. We also assume that all initial inductor currents and initial capacitor volatages have been replaced by appropriate sources. Further, the volatage and current variables are all Laplace transforms of the complex frequency variable s. In N there can be no circuit consist- ing of only independent voltage sources, for, if such a circuit of sources were present, then by KVL there would be alinear relationship among the corresponding valtages, violating the independence of the voltage sources. For the same reason, in WV there can be no cutset consisting of only independent current sources. So there exists in V a span- ning trec conisining all the voltage sources but not current sources. Such a tree is the starting point for the develop- ment of both the loop and cutset systems of equations. Let T be a spanning tree of the given network such that T contains all the voltage sources but no enerent sources. Let us partition the element valtage V. and the element current vector J, a8 follows: vi h Y=] % and =| he Vy b where the subscripts 1, 2, and 3 refer to the vectors corre- sponding to the current sources, RCL elements, and volt- age sources, respectively. Let By be the fundamental cir- cuit matrix of Nand Q , the fundamental cutset matrix of WN with respect to 7. Then the KVL and the KCL equations can written as follows: vw KVL: By Ve Ir Bia 2 va | =o 0 By Bas. i Qn Qn oy] KCL: ipa oe J lon On ul|P A. Loop Method of Network Analysis # Step 1: Solve the following for the vector f; (note that 4, is the vector of currents in the nonsource chords of T). Zh= Bus — BaZ.Bul oO where Z> is the impedance matrix of RCL elements and Z; = BnZ2Bin. Equation (1) is called the loop system of equations. © Step 2: alculate J using: = Buh + Boaly Q then, Va= Zk 3) 839 Step 3: Determine ¥; and fy using the following: Vy = ~ Bile — BisVs a) b= Boh + Bal () Note that /; and V3 have specified values, since they cor respond to current and voltage sources, respectively. B, Cutset Method of Network Analysis: © Step |; Solve the following for the vector V, (note that Vj, is the vector of voltages in the nonsource branches, of T): YoVp = -Quh — OnVQnVs ©) where Ys is the admittance matrix of RLC elements and Yq = Q12¥12. Equation (6) is called the curser systent of equations. # Step 2: Calculate ¥; using: Vas Q12Vr + OnV (7) then, h=hh @) # Step 3: Determine ¥; and £; using the following: Vi = Qa Vi + On Va eo k= -Onh ~ Qvk, 10) Note that /; and V3 have specified values, since they cor respond to current and voitage sources. This completes the cutset method of network analysis. Next we illustrate the loop and cutset methods of analysis onthe network shown in Fig. 9, The graph of the network is shown Fig. 9b. We choose the spanning tree T consisting of edges 4, 5, and 6, Note that T contains the voltage source and has no current source. The fundamental circuit and the fundamental cutset matrices with respect to T are given below in the required partioned form: 123 4 5 6 FIGURE 9 A network and its graph. From these matrices we get: Bu=[0 0 -1 cres 0 ° o 1 C. Loop Method Example Edges 2 and 3 are nonsource chords. So, he [iF] A 2: = BaZpBhy “Lh 3] in Bq, (1), we get the following loop system of equations: 34 Solving for ip and is, we get: e-fiJeo(2] Using By. (2), we get: r Substituting 5 * bs =u] fs -6 Then, using V2 = Zeta, we get vs 21 vs -5 Yaa = a= ftw, bs -6 Gieui Theory Finally, from Eqs. (4) and (5) we get: Wy sb = —27/1L Js [io] = 4/11 D. Cutset Method Example Edges 4 and 5 are the nonsouree branches, so: We [i Us, w= [2 in Eq, (6), we get the following cutset system of equations: =P aIEI-[22] Solving for Vy, Substituting. From Eq. (7) we get: ws 21 w= |? fevul > a=) fait) | us ~6 Using ly =¥2Vy wwe yet: iy 7 in 3 hefif=un], is 6 Finally, using Eqs. (9) und (10), Y=) =-27/11 I= [il = 4/11 ‘This completes ourillustration of the loop and cutset meth- ods of circuit analysis, Suppose a network NV has no independent voltage sources. Then a convenient description of N with the node voltages as independent variables can be obtained as fol- lows, Let 4 be the incidence matrix of N with vertex v, as reference. Letusalso partition A as A= [An Ara], where thecolunms of Ay, and Aj correspond, respectively, tothe RCL elements and current sources. If fy and £; denote the column vectors of RCE element currents and current source currents, then KCL equations for N become: 341 Ay = Anh ‘We also have ayy where V, is the column vector of voltages of RCL elements and ¥; is the corresponding admittance matrix. Forthermoré, by the node transformation we have: Ws Aivn where V, is the column vector of node voltages. So, we get from the KCL equations: uray ve = Anh Theabove equations are called node equations. The matrix Au¥iA%, is called the node admittance matrix of N. FURTHER READING For 4 more comprehensive discussion of other devel- ‘opments in graph theoretic concepts, please consult Chen (1972, 2001), Swamy and Thulasiranan (1981), and Watanabe and Shinoda (1999). For a very good treatment of liner circuits and other releated references, see Balabanian and Bickart (1981). Mitra (1974) provides a very good early work on active networks, while Chua et al. (1987) and Hasler and Neirynck (1986) are good sources for nonlinear network theory. SEE ALSO THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES ANALOG-SIGNAL ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS « DiciTaL ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS « ELECTROMAGNETICS ¢ GRAPIL ‘THEORY © KALMAN FILTERS AND NONLINEAR FILTERS @ NETWORKS FOR DATA COMMUNICATION # POWER ELECTRONICS BIBLIOGRAPHY Balebanisn, N.. and Bickert, T. (1981), “Linear Neiwork* Matrix, (Ceveland, OF, . (1972), “Applied Graph Theory.” Nexth Holland, Chen, WK. (2001), In “Eleetrical Engineering Handbook,” Academic Press, San Diego, CA. (Chua, L.O., Desoes,C, A. and Ku E, §. (1987). “Linear and Nolinear CCucuits” MeGrsw-HHll, New York, Heslet,M,,and Neirynck, J. (1986)."Nonlineer Cieuits.* Artech Howse, Norwood, MA. Mito, 8.K. (974). “Analysis and Synthesis of Linear Active Networks” ‘Van Nostand Reinhold, New York. ‘Swamy, M.N. 8. S.,and Thutasiraman, K. (1987), "Graphs, Networks. ancl Algorithins;” Wiley-Inferscience, Wataaabe, H., and Shinoda, S, 2999}, “Soul of cirenit theory: a review fon research activities of graphs sod circuits in Fapan,” JH Trans, Circuits and Sysiems 45, 36-94,

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