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Jesus is very very very famous, even until now we still learn and talk about his historical
life of how he lived and what he did before!

Christianity: world’s largest religion, more than 20,000 sects and denominations

A. Important Regions and Cities in Jesus’ time

Palestine: geographic area the Jews of new testament

Promised Land, the Holy land, land of Israel/Judah the land
Philistine: the seafaring pirates who once lived running north and south

The 3 regions that figured prominently in Jesus’ Ministry

1. Galilee: relatively rich land of fertile, rolling hills
2. Samaria
3. Judea

Sea of Galilee : provided livelihood for many fishermen

Galileans spoke Aramaic Dialect
- Jesus and most of his apostles = Galileans
- Jesus grew up in Nazareth
- Jesus’ parables originated in his keen observations of Galilean life

CANA: where Jesus performed his first miracle

BETHSAIDA: where jesus cured a blind man and walked on water
CAPERNAUM: served as the headquarters of Jesus’ Galilean Ministry

Bethlehem: the birthplace of Jesus

Bethany: home of lazarus (who he raised from d dead)
Jericho: where jesus healed the blind man and met Zaccheus (tax collector)

B. Language and Dialect

Jesus Spoke ARMAIC:

a semitic language closely related to Hebrew (Syria & Mesopotamia)

Ephphatha: be opened
Talitha Koum: little girl get up
Gethsemane: oil press
Golgotha: place of skull
C. Religious Feast and Practices of Jesus’ Time

where jesus learned his jewish religion.
Greek word — assembly
1. house of prayer, and where yahweh is worshiped
2. place of discussion for legal settlements
3. local school

the one and only temple was in Jerusalem
where the jews offered sacrifices to God
the Holy Place where Jews believed God dwelled
priests = sacrifice the unblemished lamb on daily basis

the most important Jewish feast because it celebrated the chosen people’s liberation
from Egypt.
Involved the ritual slaughter of the Paschal Lamb and eating of Seder Meal
(holy city of jerusalem)

was a feast held fifty days after passover
originally a harvest festival.

booths was a fall harvest celebration.

D. Religious Sects

priests and aristocrats who cared for temple practices and worship
71-Sanhedrin, the group that judged jesus a threat (blasphemy)

separated one, came into existence during Hasmonean Dynasty
believed a strict observance of the law
group of laymen, middle class, actively pursued holiness
SCRIBES: expert in jewish laws

apocalyptic group
believed that there will be a dramatic and catastrophic even
produced commentaries on jewish scriptures

believed in violence to overthrow their enemies
E. Infancy Narratives
no one recorded the details of the birth of jesus (Matthew and Luke)

Annunciation (ML)
jesus was born of the virgin Mary
Angel Gabriel - Marry

Birth of Christ (M)

Jesus was conceived and born during that reign of herod
Cesar Augustus: roman emperor
Narrates that Jesus was Born in Bethlehem.

Visit of Magi (M)

Magi: astrologers from the east, from Persia, Babylon or the Arabian Desert.
GOLD: worthy of a king
FRANKINCENSE: burnt in offering to God
MYRRH: ointment use to prepare a body for burial

Circumcision and Presentation in the Temple (L)

8th day after Jesus’s birth
circumcision initiated the Jewish male infant into God’s Chosen People
Simeon appears (would not die before meeting the messiah)

Jesus in the Temple

jewish males had to go to the jerusalem temple three times a year to celebrate the
pilgrim feats
12 “Son of the Law”

Baptism of Jesus
each of the four gospels uses jesus baptism as the starting point of his ministry
John the Baptist : jewish freedom

Temptation of Jesus
Jesus own tempt. help him identify with humanity
resisted the easy way out
did not follow satan lmao no

F. The Public Ministry Of Jesus

all of the gospels attest that jesus was a miracle worker

Miracles were a vital part of his minsitry
Jesus was the kingdom principal agent

Physical Healing : Body and Mental Health

Nature Miracles: mastery over elements
Exorcisms: explosion of an evil spirit
Raising from the Dead: bringing a dead person to life
G. Jesus Proclamations

The central theme of jesus’ preaching was the coming of God’s Kingdom
Jesus initiated the kingdom thru his words and deeds by sending out his disciples to
call out people

Parabole (greek): to throw bollein and beside Para

The Kingdom is here now

The kingdom is of a loving God, the father
The kingdom is for everyone
The kingdom is a free gift from a merciful god
The Church is the seed and beginning of God’s Kingdom
The Kingdom is united by the Holy spirit
The kingdom involves a life of service

H. Pascal Mystery
Passion, Death, resurrection
refers to God’s love demonstrated and communicated to us by jesus
Incarnation: God becoming human in Jesus — supreme act
Paschal = passover

PALM SUNDAY: triumphal entry to jerusalem

HOLY THURSDAY: last supper


garden of gethsemane, judah’s betrayal 30pcs of silver, and a kiss


blasphemy = punishable by death


pilate knew that jesus was innocent, but he didnt want his reputation to be ruined so
yeah death death BARABBAS!

widely used in the early centuries of the roman empire
Joseph of Arimathea : a friend, buried jesus

Mary Magdalene: jesus appeared to her

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