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The Paws Herold

Editors : Emily Lawson and Madison Adrian 10/14/19

How Lizzo went from underground phenom to Detroit’s Champions

rising pop star By: Raegan Majcher
By: Emily Lawson September 19th Detroit’s Youth Choir
Group, DYC, took 2nd place in “America’s
Got Talent” finals. Even though they did not
Lizzo the phenomenal actress is rising to the top take home the $1 million dollar prize, they are
right now. Lizzo started as a normal singer who had still Detroit’s champions. The group decided to
one or two songs. As she started learning more and perform the song “Can’t Hold Us” which
more about song writing she came out with more earned them the big golden buzzer by Terry
and more songs. Lizzo has many songs her most hit
Crews back in August. They added a little twist
songs are: Truth Hurts, Juice, Tempo and Boys.
Lizzo has stayed on the top 50`s hits for about 15 with different lyrics and some choreography.
weeks almost catching up to old town road. Their parents, who had no idea what the
Butler, Bethania. ​How Lizzo went from underground phenom to performance would be like, were so proud.
rising pop star.​ newsela, 2019, LaToya Elliott told Channel 4 News,​"I was just
floored by my son's performance and how well
I​, Yale bulldog. ​Yale spirit bulldog.​ 2017, he did and how well the kids did, it was just
​Spider Season wow.”
8th Anniversary of the attacks of 9/11
​By: Raegan Majcher The Detroit Youth Choir homecoming
​By: Audree Walker
celebration was Friday, September 20th at
On September 11, 2019 Americans young and old If you have been outside a lot lately,
Campus Martius. It honored the 52 students,
paid a tribute to those who lost their lives, 18 years you may be noticing a lot of spiders right now.
music director Anthony White, and the Detroit
ago on September 11,2001. On Wednesday It’s not because their population is growing,
Youth Choir community. There they were
September 11, 2019 people remembered those who which many people think, it’s because it’s
presented with the key to the city from Mayor
died from the terrorist attacks on 9/11/01. Nearly spider season! Spiders can be seen the most in
Mike Duggan. Since Duggan became mayor in
3,000 people were killed and most people still the late summer, early fall because it is mating
2014, only Big Sean, Berry Gordy, Aretha
grieve to this day. On that day, two planes flew into season for males. So if you come across more
Franklin, Stevie Wonder, and Lily Tomlin have
the world trade center. Donald Trump had placed a spiders than usual outside, they are probably
received keys to the city so it was a huge honor
wreath at the Pentagon where the third plane hit for matured males in search of a mate.
for the kids. They also received a huge surprise
the ones who were lost their lives that day. You may come across some house
on Friday. A group of Detroit-based
spiders in the early fall that have migrated in
Human bodies can move after decomposing
foundations and members of the business
your home, but they are not necessarily
By Laila Manning community announced a $1 million
outdoor migrants seeking a place to stay warm
You may believe that the way a body is found is how the endowment to recognize the DYC. As the
during the winter. Spiders are considered
body was just before it died well then you'd be wrong endowment grows, grants will allow the
cold-blooded creatures since they don’t have
because research at ​Central Queensland University in organization to serve youth to further its
Australia says a body can move during decomposition. A
the mechanism or structure to regulate body
purpose to provide positive youth development
human body was donated for research say A man who temperature. When it’s cold, some spider
including training in vocal performance arts
died of natural causes had died and what they found after species go through a process of cold hardening along with mentorship and building life skills.
surprised them. The researchers recorded his body's full to survive the winter. Others seek shelter in
Mayor Mike Duggan said, “Thanks to these
decomposing and they found that his body moved. The piles of rocks, leaves, or wood. They then
generous funding partners, the Detroit Youth
researchers say that they laid his arms aside his body and enter a slowdown state called diapause. In
at one point between the research his on arm flung to the diapause, spiders are not completely inactive.
Choir and the rest of America can see just how
other side. Detroit shows its support for its young people.”
They awake on warmer days to hunt and feed
Cohut, Maria. ​MNT home,​ edited by Carolyn Robertson, 17 Sept. 2019, on any insect prey that may be active during
this time. So, you are more likely to find
spiders outside then inside your home during
the early fall season.

​Blind man saves his disabled son after Hurricane Dorian strikes the Bahamas
By:Laila Manning
Brent Lowe is a 49 year old blind man that lives in the Bahamas with his son. His son is 24 and has cerebral palsy. When hurricane Dorian blew Brents
roof off his house all he knew was that his son and him had to get to safety. Because his son could not walk or wheel himself through the storm his dad, who is
blind and can’t see at all,put him on his shoulders and used his hands to navigate them through the storm. Lowe found his way to the nearest standing building
while holding onto neighbors for support as he carried his son through water and wind that reached 220 miles per hour that day. Brent Lowe did what he had to do
to get his son to safety and he did he saved his son!
Thompson, Dillon. "Hurricane Dorian rescue: Blind father in Bahamas saves disabled son by carrying him through water." ​AOL.COM​, 6 Sept. 2019,
Amazon Rainforest
By: Kaylin Welch The Amazon Rainforest is on fire! The fires are even worse than before and it has spread.
There has been 74,155 fires just in 2019. That's about an 84% increase over last year at this time.
The effects of the fires are being felt across Brazil. Parts of Brazil are covered in smoke. “​In the
state of São Paulo, heavy smoke caused the sky to go black and blocked the sun on Monday.
Other Brazilian states have declared the situation an emergency. One state has been put on
“environmental alert.” Says Allison Singer. This is very sad because it is destroying the land and
also killing many animals or demolishing their habitats. Usually they only see these types of fires
in very dry years, This is record breaking that it is burning this bad and especially because this
year was a not dry season and it just shows that deforestation is increasing.
Singer, Allison. ​Forest On Fire​, Time For Kids,

Haddad, Ken. ​​, 11 Sept. 2019,

Freedman, Joanna. ​Amazon Rainforest Burning At Record Rates And

Is Visible From Space​. 2019, , pretty 52.

What Did The Newspaper Ask To The Ice Cream? What Is The Scoop?
By Jacalynn Pung
Next time you go to the grocery store and are walking through the ice cream aisle you might happen to see some insect ice cream. Insect ice
cream is an idea from Gourmet Grubb, in Cape Town, South Africa they incorporate insect milk into their Ice Cream. The packaging is very fancy
and it looks like it is meant to be with the other products at the store.
Leah Bessa completed her masters degree in food science. She set out to invent insect ice cream. She co-founded Gourmet Grubb. The
company aims to change everybodys’ feelings about bugs. They think that they can do this by putting bugs into food that people can’t resist.
Gourmet Grubb only has 3 ingredients, flavorings ( like cocoa or chai spices), honey, and the company’s top secret ingredient, Ento Milk. Ento Milk
is made with black soldier fly larvae. Ento Milk is about five times higher in protein than cow milk. It is also lactose free and contains plenty of
minerals. These insects are grown on a farm and are cleaned and sterilized before they are used in your ice cream.
Most people think that eating bugs are disgusting. It makes them feel like they want to up chuck. But there are no insect body parts in the ice
cream. “We use a milk we developed from insects,” Bessa said. They use honey to sweeten it and natural ingredients to flavor it. Leah Bessa says
that the ice cream tastes delicious. Lots of other people enjoy it to. There was a taste test and most people liked Gourmet Grubbs insect ice cream
more than other companys’non-bug ice cream.
Bug ice cream isn’t just an interesting idea. The population of people on earth is growing fast and there will be more people to feed. But bugs
can help with that. Right now bug ice cream is just a novelty not just a regular thing. But, Gourmet Grubb wishes to change that. They hope that
insect ice cream could be a normal treat that people don’t feel disgusted about. Maybe, someday it will be.

Chandler, Nathan. "Insect Ice Cream Could Be Coming To Your Grocery Store." ​Newsela,​ Newsela, 22 Aug. 2019, Pocock, Courtney. "30 Ice Cream Puns." ​everydayknow​, everydayknow, 27 Mar. 2019,​Gourmet Grubb has pioneered insect ice cream, using its special EntoMilk​. 2019, Newsela. 

Review on When Through Deep Waters

By: Rebecca Lasky

The book ​When Through Deep Waters​ is written by Rachel Dekker. The main characters are Alicen, her daughter, her mother. The book is
about how this single mom lives in California with her five year old daughter . Alicen the mother visited her childhood home with her best friend
and she started to zone out at random points when talking or seeing ghosts. Her best friend thought it was normal for her to do this but then
something tragic happened to her while up north but she suffered a lot but she pulled through slowly . I love this book because of how she words the
sayings. She uses words that you would never think of that you would even think of to use .
​ Plastic-free, zero-waste shops hope to Plastic food packaging was the second most
help the environment common beach plastic
Teens Are Missing Out On The Real World By: Josie Brinker By:Brianna Bower
By: Rebecca Lasky
The way humans buy and consume food
Katerina Bogatireva had always
is having such a tangible impact on the oceans.
Spending time with friends and family is very noticed a need of change in the way we use
Nine of the Ocean Conservancy’s top 10 items
important in a teens life. If they are on social media plastic​ always brought her reusable bags to
retrieved from its annual beach cleanups are
often (Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook,etc) then this the grocery store. She also avoided single-use
related to food and drink. Food packaging is
could cause loneliness and suicidal thoughts or plastic bottles.
the second most common trash item collected
actions. Loneliness is not an age thing, it’s She decided to create a business with zero
during the groups annual beach cleanups in
generational. The percent of highschool seniors who packaging ​ now, four years later, she owns a
2018. And now for the first time plastic forks,
said they often feel lonely increased from 26%in 2012 grocery store called Precycle.Opting to avoid
knives, and spoons have made the list. That is
to 39% in 2017. The increase of loneliness might come packaging entirely can be particularly
according to the group's new report.
from how teens are spending their nights and how difficult, Bogatireva says. When she decided
More than 3.7 million individual
much time they spend with their friends and even time to reduce her own contributions to landfills,
wrappers collected. There was more than just
out of the house instead of in the house talking to their she found that she had to cobble together her
food packaging. There was also straws, stirrers,
friends and not outside going out late to hang out with shopping trips. She was stopping at multiple
cutlery, bottles and caps, grocery bags and
their friends. Most of the time what cause sucide is stores and farmers markets to find the items
other plastic bags, lids, cups and plates. The
loneliness. she needed without the plastic. Precycle grew
teens are missing out on the world in front of them ,​ 4 Apr. 2019, only exception is cigarette butts, they contain
out of that hassle, officially opening its doors plastic filters and they have remained the No. 1
in December 2018. The goal was to make it
item for years. "Cigarette butts are a separate
easier for consumers to choose packaging-free
issue and they win the race every year," says
options.Ever since the opening big brands like
George Leonard. He is the Ocean
starbucks are trying to get rid of plastic
Conservancy's chief scientist. In 2018 the
straws.Now many people are celebrating
cleanup crew also drew more than a million
recalling everywhere.
people for the first time. They collected more
monitor, christian s. ​Plastic-free, zero-waste shops hope to
help environment​, edited by newsela staff, newsela, 24 Apr. than 23.2 million pounds of trash. They
2019,​/. cleaned beaches in more than 120 nations. And
they cataloged nearly a million separate items.
U.S Military Tries out Fish as Underwater Spies
By:Brianna Bower
This was done by creating a snapshot of nearly
everything humans make and use. The cleanup
Hedgecoe, Sara. ​Newer phones​. 2018, The U.S military are trying out fish as collection included more than 69,000 toys,
64&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjr5saE9tXkAh more than 16,000 appliances, a chandelier, an
underwater spies to monitor human activity.
e&ssui=on#imgrc=YBgGf7Me8agham:. These spies look for other countries underwater artificial Christmas tree, a garage door, and a
drones, large nuclear submarines and other cash register​. ​The organization is conducting
Death by Diet Soda vehicles, they say the fish may be able to find an extended analysis of data, looking for global
By:Katie Honeycombe them. The research organization is called patterns that could inform the effort to keep
Persistent Aquatic Living Sensors (PALS). Many
plastic trash out of the oceans, Leonard says.
A new study shows that people who drink marine animals respond to changes in the water
What struck Leonard about the 2018 cleanup
artificially sweetened drinks were 26% more likely to around them. They respond to sights , sounds and wasn’t the volume of items retrieved-more
even chemical shifts. Schools of black sea bass
die prematurely than those who rarely drink sugar free people on the beach collected more trash-but
change their behavior when disturbed by
beverages. After this study people started spreading what the volume of people turning out to pick it
underwater vehicles. “The PALS program was
rumors that people who drank diet soda were more developed to leverage the great sensitivity that up says about the issue of plastic pollution.
likely to die earlier than people who drank regular organisms have in the ocean to changes in the “Volunteerism is alive and well,” he says.
soda. It turns out that these rumors were right a study environment,” says Lori Adoranto. She is the “And the growing outrage about oceans is a real
published in JAMA of international medicine, they're manager of the program. It is being administered motivator.”
study showed that people who drink both sugary and by the federal Defense Advanced Research
Projects Agency (DARPA). Parker, Laura. "Plastic food packaging was second most
artificially flavored drinks have a better likelihood of common beach trash in 2018." ​Plastic food packaging
dying at a young age, but people who drink sugar free Most underwater spying is done with was second most common beach trash in 2018​, edited by
sonoar. However, enemies can detect sonar pings. National Geographic, Newsela, 20 Sept. 2019,
beverages have an even better chance. The people who
And sonar sensors are expensive and difficult to
drink sugary drinks aren't consuming as many
install. Some must remain close to ship or power Is There Aliens In Area 51?
chemicals than people who drink diet sodas and
sources. The Navy primarily uses underwater
sugar-free beverages. spying technology to protect high-value assets, Are there aliens in area 51? the answer is no. Area
such as ports and aircraft carriers. Living 51 is a military base in Rachel Nevada. The man
Jacobs, Andrew. ​The new York times ,​ 6 Sept. 2019, organisms are self powered. They can sense who started it all is Matty Roberts. He thought it
visual, magnetic and chemical cues as well as would be a funny joke but then realized that the joke
sounds. “This gives you a lot more flexibility in turned into much more. The Facebook post read
how you would observe things in the ocean,” says “Storm Area 51, they can’t stop us all” one person
Adornato. commented on the post saying “Distraction ... well
By Jeniffer Liebler
played, government.” In 2 days 40 people took the
Wilkinson, Allie, and Scientific American. "U.S. military
group tries out fish as underwater spies." U.S. military
ball and ran with it.“it spread like wildfire,” he told
Detroit Zoo welcomes brothers ​Nikolai and group tries out fish as underwater spies, edited by CNN. More than 2 million people signed on to the
Aleksei, into the zoo. Detroit Zoo redesigned and Allie Wilkinson and Scientific American, Newsela, 29
facebook event. his inspiration for the idea was
Apr. 2019,
expanded the habitat for the three tigers living there listening to a Joe Rogan podcast interview that was
Nikolai, Alesksei, and the female Kisa . The Zoo conducted with Area 51 expert Bob Lazar, also with
wanted to make the habitat as close as possible to the A Canine Politician filmmaker Jeremy Corbell. For anyone that is not
tigers natural habits. The zoo provided the tigers a By Dominic Simpson familiar with Area 51 theory, Bob Lazar is a
waterfall, trees, rocks, and a "catnip cave." The tigers Idyllwood, California. In a fundraiser well-known Area 51 theorist. Roberts is planning a
are Amur tigers, also known as the Siberian tigers. The for an animal shelter, mayor maximus real-life festival called Alien Stock in las Vegas. Its
mighty-dog mueller the first was elected into
zoo has no doubt that the tigers will love and enjoy the office as the mayor of the small, californian a 3-day festival starting September 20 through the
space, and all the room that the tigers can use to play. town. Max the first sadly passed on during his 23. There are no aliens in area 51. Or is there…
The zoo has made a space where the tigers can hop second term, and he did not have any puppies,
onto a car/rover for pictures. The car will be heated which prompted an international search for
during the winter so the tigers will have a good spot to max’s relatives. The current mayor, Max the
play. The tiger habitat is across from the Red panda second, was found in the very same county! Schools are trying a different approach to help kids
habitat at the zoo. The zoo Hopes the tigers will enjoy know the danger of vaping
In Ohio, Max the first also had relatives, so
By:Madison Adrian
their new home. Mikey and Mitzi are now deputy mayors who
There are reported deaths due to vaping.
Haddad, Ken. ​​, 11 Sept. 2019,
work security for the mayor, protecting him Many young teens and adults have been hospitalized from things like aggressive dogs. Most for the nicotine that you inhale when you vape.
controversy about his rule is very small, but Schools are trying to stop the problem before it
an unleashed dog at a county fair was reported happens.​Many administrators were surprised
A Children’s Book made by a Vice President’s famous attacking the mayor, grabbing his neck. The when vaping started to become popular several
bunny. canine criminal was apprehended, and years ago. They tried to address the issue with
By: Madison Kolman officials are looking in to see if this was an various approaches.​ They tried many policies
Marlon Bundo lives in Washington D.C.and he ill-fated attempt on the mayors life. Phillis such as suspending students and teaching kids
is very popular. He goes to see the President for Mueller, Max’s human companion (and chief the danger of vaping and what it can do.The
Capital and Lawmakers for work. Marlon is a bunny/ of staff) says “ it made max very afraid of schools say that not starting is easier than
rabbit. He is a real pet of the Vice President Mike other dogs for about a year, but he’s pretty quitting.
Pence and his wife, named Karen. He is awesome and much over it.”. "Vaping is not safe ." ​newsela,​ 12 Sept. 2019,

cute. BOTUS, Stands for United States and the bunny. He holds no real power, quite like a

Now he has a new book for children called “Marlon british royal, as the town is really run by the
Bundo’s A Day in the Life of the Vice President.” county. But, just because he doesn't hold any Eight year old barber
political power doesn’t mean it’s an easy job. By:Breannah Drouillard He has to come out into the public every day, Neijae Graham-Henries age 8 from west
rain or sun, snow or hail, to spread happiness philadelphia, pennsylvania started cutting hair
Children practice reading with dogs, learn compassion at the age of seven, she was inspired by her
as far and as fast as possible, meeting with
By Josephine Brinker brother who didn't follow through with the
photo-taking residents and coming into
The gray and white pit bull sat in the center of academy and she took his place for a seven
homes, schools, and retirement homes. Max II
the circle of fifth graders. The dog had listened as kids month hair academy, after she was done with
also participates in community events, like the
took turns reading to him. Four year old knox is one of the academy she gave out free haircuts to those
fourth of July parade, and promoting
the “pet ambassadors” who travel to westport in need when the reporter came in she
businesses. Max also visits other states,
Academy Elementary /Middle School in Baltimore. interviewed her and the reporter asked “could i
visiting people all over.
The pups are there to listen to the kids for an effort to have about eight inches off.
Some Max supporters go so far as to
improve their reading skills and boost self-esteem. Neijae started only took 10 minutes to
enter him for higher office, like president! He
Organizers say practice reading with dogs promote interview the reporter, she sat down and cut
received some write-ins in the 2016 elections,
confidence among students who struggle with reading. about eight inches off of the reporter, the
which, although he could have ran even as a
"I was one of those kids growing up that reading out reporter was shocked by what she was seeing.
canine, the constitution requires the candidate
loud was scary for me," said Katie Flory, the When she is cutting hair she does not listen to
to be at least 35, making the possibility of
Maryland SPCA's community affairs director. "A lot the things around her, she focuses on the hair
pup presidents rather improbable. Other
of the kids here feel the same way. But with the dogs, and how she wants to cut it or how the
animals have taken office elsewhere in the
they don't have to worry about that. They're not being customers want their hair done.
u.s., like Duke the dog in Minnesota, Stubbs
judged."said Katie Flory. Less than 5 percent of
the cat, former mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska.
students at westport passed the ELA portion of the
As for max’s political party alliance, Mueller
statewide assessments last year. With the extra help of
says “I always say he’s independent, he loves
the dogs the scores went up big time.
everybody and that's why i think he’s so well
loved.”. No doubt about it, this golden
​Richmond, talia. "Children practice reading with dogs, learn compassion."
newsela,​ edited by baltimore sun, newsela staff, 20 Dec. 2017,
retriever is on his way to the white house!
Cantor, Matthew. "How a dog became mayor of a California town."
The Guardian, Newsela,

Plan to Keep Teenagers Off of their Phones

By: Kaylin Welch
Teenagers are always trying to sneak onto their phones during class to text their friends or to scroll through Instagram. Apparently it can't wait
till after school. “Pew Research Center reporting that 95 percent of all teens currently have access to or own a smartphone, and 45 percent are online
almost constantly.” Says Vivian Ho. Teachers become very annoyed when they catch a student sneaking on their phone when they are supposed to be
doing work and paying attention. Most schools have banned phones or make the students keep them in their locker. At my school, we have to keep
them in our lockers or you can keep them in your pocket but they have to be powered off. More than 1,000 school districts will be using Yondr,​ ​a
pouch system that locks the phones away while in class. They are gray and green and personalized. “​Each morning when students arrive at school,
they magnetically lock their devices into their own personal green and gray pouches. They maintain possession of their pouches and devices, but they
cannot unlock them until the end of the day, when they tap them on an unlocking magnet station located throughout the school.”​ ​That's how Vivian
Ho described the procedure as on Newsela.
Ho, Vivian. ​Teenage hangups: The drastic plans to keep high schoolers off their phones,​ Newsela,
Leyba, John. ​Services like Yondr allow patrons to bag and store their cellphones during live performances and also for students to keep their phones but not use them at school​. 2019, ,

World's tiniest surviving micro-preemie goes home

By: Emily Lawson
SAN DIEGO, California- The Tiny micro-preemie was not expected to live.
May 29th 2019, The California hospital Announced that the baby girl was the world's smallest baby born. She weighed 8.6 ounces basically the size
of an Apple, when she was born in December. The girl was born at 23 weeks and 5 days in her mother's 40 week pregnancy so she came a little early.
In the video the hospital produced the mother says finding all this out and giving birth was the scariest day of her life. She is so glad her baby
is still alive. "I kept telling them she's not going to survive, she's only 23 weeks," the mother said.
But she did: the little infant slowly gained weight in the hospital's awesome care place for little newborns. After the baby turned 30 weeks old
the parents came to the decision to name their little angel Saybie. Saybie faces many challenges being a Micro-Preemie Saybie will have a hard time
eating,drinking,sleeping,growing, and walking as she ages. To conclude this beautiful article, Saybie arrived home at 40 weeks, she came home on
June 17th. Welcome home Saybie hope you grow into a beautiful blossomed little girl.
press, associated. " Health Tiny baby Saybie is beating the odds and thriving." newsela, edited by newsela staff, Newsela, 10 June 2019, Accessed 13 Sept. 2019.

Got Art?
Amanda Mackin
Do you have art you would like in this year’s yearbook? If you do, this is your opportunity! We are looking for art for the student artwork
page in the 2019-2020 yearbook. Requirements:
1) Traditional art is accepted. (On paper)
2) Must have a quality picture of the art. (Good lighting, whole artwork visible, etc.)
3) Art must be appropriate! Any inappropriate art will NOT under any circumstances be added the yearbook.
4) You cannot steal anyone’s artwork! Art must be done by a student in Yale Junior High.
5) Feel free to enter art for this occasion, for any other occasion, or even Yale themed art.
How to enter:
1) Take clear picture of art, with good lighting and making the whole piece of art visible.
2) Make sure to add who the artist is, and a description, (what is it?)
3) Email it to ​
We appreciate all the art we receive, we thank you for your time!

The Florida Cooking meeting teaches kids how to cook and set up their own company.
By: Madison Kolman

Delphine Dauphine age 10 wanted to start her own company. At 4 years old. At 7 years old she started to bake cupcakes and sell them to people
from her business. Delphine’s company/ business is called “The Joy’s Yummy Cupcakes”. She sells 200 cupcakes now on the weekends. She
makes cakes and cupcakes for birthday parties and weddings. Her friend Taylor’s is called “Taylor the Chef”. Taylor has moved on to new things.
Taylor speaks at the cook meetings, also she made a group and foundations that help people.

Flavored Vapes No More?

Amanda Mackin
Ever seen harmless sounding words on vape products? If you have, you won’t be seeing them for much longer. Michigan’s new governor has
put a ban on retail and online sales of flavored vape or e-cigarette products and the act of putting those words on any vape products for good reason.
These products are not approved by the FDA, and likely never will. Scientists have proven that there are more than 380 respiratory illnesses
linked to vaping. In the United States alone, the seventh person has died due to definite side effects of vaping, and it still hasn't been ruled out in
many more deaths.
Thus, Gretchen Whitmer states, “​As governor, my number one priority is keeping our kids safe, and right now, companies selling vaping
products are using candy flavors to hook children on nicotine and misleading claims to promote the belief that these products are safe.” She signed
two bills on June 4th, 2019. One saying it is illegal to put words including “clean”, “safe”, “harmless”, and “healthy”, on the vapes so people will no
longer be lied to. And another bill saying it is illegal to sell flavored vapes retail or online.
The ban will go into effect for six months, and is expected to be renewed after each six months until a permanent ban can be placed and put in
effect. Vape store owners or any other sellers will have fourteen days to sell all the flavored vapes in stock, any vapes in stock after that will be
confiscated and the seller will be fined $200 or six months in jail or both.
Ultimately, more states and cities are expected to ban e-cigarette products in the near future. New York was the first state to propose the ban,
and Michigan was soon following. San Francisco is one of the major cities that have banned vaping and the sales altogether. These states and cities
are setting examples for others to follow, and eventually vaping will not be a problem in children and adults.
TIMES, Michigan Joins New York in Banning Sale of Flavored E-cigarettes Amid Vaping Health Concern, by The Associated Press
Endgame Population Wipe Out
By Lydia Davies
In The Avengers Endgame, Thanos, an alien from a different planet, wipes out half of the universes life. When doing so he believes by
wiping out half of life, that the world wouldn’t be as crowded and that humans wouldn’t destroy themselves. Thanos was proven wrong by humans
having managed to match food production with population growth. By putting that into a real life situation, so many lives would be lost for over 4
years, and their would of been so many people that wouldn’t understand what would happen. Some people could get to detailed into the situation and
go crazy. Aliens would be all over the Earth living among us. Yet the thought of having real Avengers to protect our world would be cool for some
people, it would be scary for others to understand that another species of life are living with us.
Smaller species would have better chances of living than humans would. Smaller species like rats would inherit the Earth. while simply
larger species would just die out. Larger species tend to have fewer offspring and breed more slowly. Smaller species tend to breed faster in eggs
because they tend to lay more when having eggs. At the end, humans would find a way to live without half of us.

Witkowski, Sadie. "If Thanos actually wiped out half of all life, how would Earth fare?" ​​, 30 Apr. 2019

Which animals are smartest: Dogs, cats or raccoons?

By Lydia Davies
Cats represent intelligence, dogs or ​canines represent the ability to learn complex tasks, especially those that benefit humans. The raccoon has
a cat-sized brain. But it has a dog-like number of neurons. A cat has 250 million neurons in the brain. A dog has 530 million neurons in the brain.
The average human has 16 billion neurons. Raccoons are equally as smart as dogs, and the same size brain as a cat, but to answer the question,
which animals are smartest: Dogs, cats or raccoons, raccoons are equally as smart as dogs.
In total, raccoons are equally as smart as dogs, but has the same size brain as a cat, but raccoons and dogs just have more compacted neurons
than cats.

​"Science Which animals are smartest: Dogs, cats or raccoons?" ​Newsela​, 11 Dec. 2017, p. 1. ​Picture
Davis, Sara. "Raccoons." ​The Humane Society​, Washington Post, 2019,

By: Audree Walker

This September the game maker Hasbro have decided to make a new game where women have the financial advantage. This game is meant to make
people look at business differently by women stating and earning more money. Such as: men start with $1,500 and earn $200 when they pass GO!
And women start with $1,900 and earn $240 when they pass GO! The game was created because ​women are still not paid equally to men for equal

"New Ms. Monopoly game gives girls a financial leg up." ​newsela​, USA Today, 17 Sept. 2019,

Possible puppy mill?

By Jeniffer Liebler
Help Me Hank talked to Jodie Blankenship about her puppy that she got from the Novi petland that sadly passed away. Jodie had said “
During the day he would just slump over.” Novi has had many investigations due to the fact that many puppies purchased from Novi have died.
Many vets can give info about checking puppies and their living conditions,getting reviews from people who have gotten puppies before from the
person or facility.
Many puppies bought from Novi start showing signs that they are sick a few weeks after they are purchased. The sicknesses and other
deformities vary between liver disease respiratory system and many others. When Help me hank and the Detroit news went in with secret cameras
to see what condition the puppies were in they found many dead puppies on the floor of the cage and in the back of the building. As stated earlier in
this article, you should always check the background of the animals and how they are cared for before buying. It is also a good idea to have your vet
look over your new pet and give them all the shots possible to make them healthy.

Adorable Raccoon Gets Stuck in Sewer

By Jacalynn pung

The emergency call was first answered shortly after 10 am on August 1. The firefighters dashed to get all suited up for the emergency
rescue at the residential area in ​Newton, Massachusetts. “We sent our rescue company,”said the Captain of the Newton Fire Department told the
Washington Post. “ They have the tools and knowledge for freeing people in things.” but this time they weren't going to save a person they were
going to save a ... raccoon. The caller a bicyclist traveling to work found a raccoon trapped in an uncomfortable position. Its head was wedged in one
of the tiny squares in the sewer grate. The firefighters thought that the problem could be easily and quickly solved with soap and water but it turned
into a 2hr long problem“ Works 99% of the time,” said the captain. The poor raccoon was too scared to move. An ambulance nearby stopped to help
and wrapped the raccoon in bandages. the idea they had was that the bandages would make him skinnier but once again that did not work. So the
firefighters called for help. The animal control officer arrived soon and a veterinarian came along with him. The firefighter captain gave the raccoon
medicine which helped calm the small animal down then the raccoon stopped fighting them and they freed it.

A raccoon stuck in a sewer grate in Newton, Massachusetts​. 2019, Newsela, Newton Massachusetts.

Scientists teach rats to play hide and seek

By Remy Kook
Researcher Brecht Burgdorf conducted an experiment to see if he could teach six rats to play hide and seek. He covered a large room with
cardboard like a mase and put small containers to be hiding spots for the rats, some were clear and some where opaque . The game of hide and seek
started when Brecht put a rat in a small box in the middle of the room, this rat was the seeker. When one of the rats were the hider, Brecht would
crouch down by the box to indicate that he found them. The rats quickly learned to play the game, Brecht didn't give food as a reward for when they
did it right because some rats will do complex tricks just for the food reward at the end.
Chiu, Allison. "Freeing a raccoon that got its head stuck in a sewer grate." ​Newsela​, Newsela, 13 Aug. 2019,

Researchers come face to face with a huge great white shark

By Remy Kook

Ocean Ramsey a shark researcher and conservationist encountered a 20 foot shark on Tuesday January 15 ,2019. The shark was found near a
dead whale in Hawaii. Ramsey believes that sharks should be protected and not feared because humans are not on their menu but they sometimes
mistake humans as their normal prey . In Hawaii there is no law for protecting sharks so Ramsey is taking her encounter as an opportunity to get
legislation to protect sharks in Hawaii. The shark is one of the biggest great white sharks ever recorded because their populations are decreasing so
Jones, Caleb. ​newsela ​, Associated Press,

My Thoughts:

It took us awhile to get the 1st edition of ​The Paws Herald out to you all. But that is because we wanted to make it perfect for you. We (the
yearbook/journalism) class hope you enjoy each edition throughout the year. If you ever have a special story you want us to report on please send me
an email or ask a class representative to tell your story. Thanks for reading

Mr. Lewis
The Paws Herald/​Yearbook Adviser

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