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Name : Sari andestiyani hariadi

Class : Dik 16 regular b

Nim : 2161121039

A. Teachers
1. The teacher guides the students fully to form the Pancasila development human
2. Teachers are honest and professional to implementing the curriculum in
accordance with the needs of students
3. The teacher makes a good communication especially in obtaining information
about students
4. The teachers create an atmosphere in school life and maintain relationships with
parents as well as possible for the interests of students
5. The teachers maintain good relations with the community around the school and
the wider community for educational purposes
6. The teacher tries to develop and improve the quality of his profession
7. The teacher creates and maintains good relations between fellow teachers based
on the work environment or in the overall relationship
8. Teachers maintain, foster, and improve the quality of professional teacher
organizations as a means of service
9. Teachers carry out all the provisions that constitute government policy in the field
of education

B. Doctor
1. Every doctors must uphold, live and practice the doctor's oath
2. A doctor must try to carry out his profession in accordance with the highest
professional standards
3. In doing his job, a doctor must not be influenced by something that results in the
loss of professional freedom and independence
4. Every doctor must refrain from self-praise.
5. A doctor only gives a statement and opinion that has been verified by himself
6. Every doctor must always remember the obligation to protect the lives of human
7. Every doctor must keep everything he knows about a patient, even after the
patient's death
8. Every doctor must take care of his health, so that he can work well
C. Lawyers
1. Independence
The lawyer is independent in executing his obligations and he should not let any
influence from third person or his personal interests or third person’s interests to
influence him in executing his obligations to the client. The lawyer is obliged to
not allow any violation of his independence and not to violate his professional
principles in order to please anyone, even his client.
2. Confidence
There must be a relation of confidence between the lawyer and his client, and this
could be achieved only if the lawyer has a personal dignity, honor and integrity.
These traditional values are also professional obligation for the lawyer.
3. Reliability
The reliability is primarily and fundamental right and obligation of the lawyer
because the basic of the lawyer profession enable him to be informed for some
information that the client would not reveal to any other person.
4. Inappropriate professions
By this principle the lawyer restrain himself from executing other professions or
activities, or acquiring a status of subject which are not connectible with the legal
profession and are violating his dignity, integrity, independence etc.
5. Personal advertising
The lawyer cannot advertise himself or look for a personal publicity on an
inappropriate manner. Publishing lawyer’s basic information on his personal web
site on the Internet as: name, surname, address, telephone number, field of
activity, without announcing the price of the services and lawyer’s personal and
professional qualities. It is prohibited announcing on his web site the names of the
clients that were represented by the lawyer.
6. Client’s interest
The lawyer is required to act in the client’s best interest and he should put that
interest before any other.
D. The characteristics of a job are called professional
1. Having high ability and knowledge
2. Have a code of ethics
3. Having high professional responsibility and integrity
4. Having a soul of community service
5. Become a member of the organization from his profession

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