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Developmental Neurorehabilitation

ISSN: 1751-8423 (Print) 1751-8431 (Online) Journal homepage:

The functional effect of segmental trunk and head

control training in moderate-to-severe cerebral
palsy: A randomized controlled trial

Derek John Curtis, Marjorie Woollacott, Jesper Bencke, Hanne Bloch

Lauridsen, Sandy Saavedra, Thomas Bandholm & Stig Sonne-Holm

To cite this article: Derek John Curtis, Marjorie Woollacott, Jesper Bencke, Hanne
Bloch Lauridsen, Sandy Saavedra, Thomas Bandholm & Stig Sonne-Holm (2017): The
functional effect of segmental trunk and head control training in moderate-to-severe
cerebral palsy: A randomized controlled trial, Developmental Neurorehabilitation, DOI:

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Published online: 03 Jan 2017.

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The functional effect of segmental trunk and head control training in

moderate-to-severe cerebral palsy: A randomized controlled trial
Derek John Curtisa,b,c, Marjorie Woollacottd, Jesper Benckea, Hanne Bloch Lauridsena, Sandy Saavedrae,
Thomas Bandholmb,f,g, and Stig Sonne-Holma,h
The Gait Analysis Laboratory, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Hvidovre University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark; bPhysical Medicine &
Rehabilitation Research–Copenhagen (PMR-C), Copenhagen, Denmark; cInstitute for Physical and Occupational Therapy, The Faculty of Health and
Technology, Metropolitan University College, Copenhagen; dInstitute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA; eDepartment of
Rehabilitation Sciences College of Education, Nursing & Health Professions, University of Hartford, Hartford, CT, USA; fDepartment of Physical and
Occupational Therapy, Hvidovre University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark; gClinical Research Centre, Hvidovre University Hospital, Copenhagen,
Denmark; hDepartment of Orthopedic Surgery, Hvidovre University Hospital, Copenhagen, Denmark


Purpose: To determine whether segmental training is more effective in improving gross motor function Received 14 April 16
in children and young people with moderate-to-severe cerebral palsy than conventional physiotherapy. Revised 7 November 2016
Methods: Twenty-eight participants were randomized to a segmental training or control group. Accepted 23 November 2016
Outcomes were Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM), Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory KEYWORDS
(PEDI), Segmental Assessment of Trunk Control (SATCo), and postural sway at baseline, at primary Cerebral palsy; motor skills;
endpoint (6 months), and at follow-up (12 months). Results: There were no significant differences in postural balance; physical
either GMFM, PEDI, or SATCo scores at primary endpoint or follow-up. There were significant reductions therapy modalities
in anterior–posterior head angular sway and trunk sway in the segmental training group at primary
endpoint but not at follow-up. Conclusion: Segmental training was not superior to usual care in
improving GMFM. Improvements in head and trunk sway were greater in the segmental training
group at primary endpoint but not at follow-up.

Motor development in children with cerebral palsy (CP) can One potential training intervention that can be used for this
be delayed and limited by reduced strength, coordination, group of children is targeted training.11 This training technique
abnormal muscle tone together with sensory, and cognitive has been developed and used clinically for 18 years with promising
disabilities. One object of physical therapy is to stimulate the clinical results. There is, however, little published evidence of its
motor and sensory systems in very specific ways to help the efficacy. The best evidence published to date is a case series of six
child to compensate for their disability. Interventions such as children with CP aged from 2 years and 5 months to 7 years and 5
strength training, balance and functional training have been months without independent sitting balance, who were studied
widely used for children with CP to improve motor function under a random order of three conditions: targeted training, sham
by impacting impairments such as spasticity, reduced postural targeted training, and treatment as usual.12 The attainment of
stability, reduced strength, reduced range of motion, and independent sitting balance and the Segmental Assessment of
reduced endurance. These factors are significantly related to Trunk Control (SATCo) test13 were used as the outcome mea-
motor function in CP.1,2 Further to this, a recent study has sures. All six children showed an increase in their movement
shown a close relationship between segmental trunk and head control and attained independent sitting balance within 12–25
control and gross motor function and functional mobility in weeks. The study concluded that targeted training may be an
children and young people with CP.3 effective means of promoting movement control and functional
Published studies concerning the training of trunk and ability. This study used the children as their own control but had
head control illustrate a number of different approaches. few participants, and the intervention length and time of assess-
Some studies have investigated the effect of passive interven- ment were not standardized.
tions such as splinting with lycra suits4 or trunk braces5 or The aim of this study was, therefore, to determine whether
functional electrical stimulation (FES).6,7 Other studies have segmental training is more effective in improving gross motor
investigated active interventions such as using vibration8 or function in children and young people with moderate-to-
introducing instability during activity9 or introducing novel severe CP compared to conventional physiotherapy. Gross
activities using virtual reality gaming.10 The more specific motor function was chosen as the primary outcome as this
active training methods are often limited to children with was considered to be the most clinically relevant outcome
better motor function or better cognition. Specific training when comparing the effects of conventional physiotherapy
of children with moderate-to-severe CP is more challenging. and segmental training.

CONTACT Derek John Curtis Institute for Physical and Occupational Therapy, The Faculty of Health and Technology, Metropolitan
University College, Sigurdsgade 26, DK-2200 Copenhagen, Denmark.
© 2016 Taylor & Francis

Methods tested using passive range of motion tests with the subject
Trial design
The study design was an assessor-blind randomized con-
trolled superiority trial of targeted trunk control training
compared to conventional physiotherapy, with outcome Testing took place in the pediatric physiotherapy department
assessments before training start (baseline), and 6 (end of and movement laboratory of a regional hospital.
training, primary endpoint) and 12 (follow-up) months after
the baseline assessment. The study was approved by the
Capital Regional Committee on Health Research Ethics, pro-
tocol number H-2-2009-124 and the Danish Data Protection The reporting of the interventions below follows the better
Agency 2010-41-5009. The trial was registered with reporting of interventions: template for intervention descrip- (identifier NCT01357954). The reporting tion and replication (TIDieR) checklist and guide.19
of the study follows the CONSORT reporting guidelines for Segmental training group: Participants allocated to the
parallel group randomized trials.14 Written informed consent segmental training group replaced their usual physical therapy
was obtained from the parents and informed consent obtained with a system of training known as targeted training.12 They
from the participants in this study. trained head and trunk control using this system for up to a
half hour, 5 days a week for a period of 6 months. A published
algorithm was used to guide decision-making in this training
Sample size intervention.11 Training was carried out either at home by the
Sample size estimation was carried out using G*Power 3.115 parents, if they chose to do this, otherwise in the school or
and was based on a minimum clinically important difference kindergarten setting by a combination of staff and physical or
of three and a half GMFM points16,17 and an estimated occupational therapists. The equipment which was used is
standard deviation of three GMFM points in the primary illustrated in Figure 1. The segmental training group returned
outcome based on unpublished pilot data from the to conventional physiotherapy in their usual special physical
University of Oregon. To achieve 80% power of detecting a therapy clinic, school, or kindergarten during the follow-up
difference with 95% confidence with a two-tailed test, a sam- period.
ple size of 12 participants in each group was required. Conventional physiotherapy group: Participants allocated
to the conventional physiotherapy group continued with their
usual physiotherapy during the intervention and follow-up
Randomization periods. Physiotherapy for this group consisted of a range of
interventions that were not standardized—but reflected clin-
Randomizing was carried out in two groups of 14 participants. ical practice—including strength training, passive stretching,
Participants in each group were listed in a rank order strati- functional training, and balance and coordination training.
fied according to GMFCS and then age. The ranked list was These interventions were carried out by the child’s own phy-
then split into seven blocks each with two participants by siotherapist in their usual special physical therapy clinic,
pairing adjacent participants from the list. Each participant school, or kindergarten.
in the pair was then randomly assigned to the segmental Training log books were issued to both groups to monitor
training or conventional physiotherapy group using a compu- compliance and intensity of training for the two groups. Both
terized random number generator by an independent groups continued with their usual occupational therapy and
researcher. recreational activities during the study period.

Participants Outcomes
Participants were enrolled through contact with pediatric Outcome measures were administered at baseline, primary
physical therapists working in a large regional hospital and endpoint, and follow-up. Baseline characteristics recorded
special physical therapy clinics, schools, and kindergartens included age, gender, Gross Motor Function Classification
within the region. To be included participants had to have a System (GMFCS) level, and primary motor disability.
diagnosis of CP classified as levels III–V of the Gross Motor Outcome measures were selected to determine the effect of
Function Classification System (GMFCS),18 be aged between 2 the intervention on body structure and function level and
and 15 years, and have trunk or head postural control deficits. activities level of the International Classification of
Volunteers were excluded if they had contracture or joint Functioning, Disability and Health for Children and Youth
deformity inhibiting a neutral vertical trunk or head posture, (ICF-CY).20 A review article by Ketelaar et al. (1998) identi-
had undergone surgery or received a change in medication fied the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM) and the
affecting their motor function in the preceding 6 months, and Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI)21 as the
were due for surgery or change in medication affecting their only two evaluative assessment measures that fulfilled the
motor function during the 12-month period of the study or if criteria of reliability and validity with respect to responsive-
they were unable to train five times a half hour each week for ness to change.22 A later study concluded that both the PEDI
a period of 6 months. Joint deformity and contracture were and GMFM were responsive to change in motor ability over

Figure 1. Targeted training equipment used to train a child (a) learning head control, (b) learning mid-thoracic control, and (c) lower lumbar reactive control (with
the use of a rocking base).

time in 55 children with CP aged 2–7 years, but mostly in The PEDI test self-care and mobility domain question-
children under 4 years.23 naires were sent to the participant’s guardians prior to their
The primary efficacy outcome that was chosen for this test visits, and the guardians had the option of self-adminis-
study was the change (from baseline) in gross motor function tering the test or completing it on the test day. The scaled
at the primary endpoint. Due to the reported reliability, valid- scores for the self-care and mobility domains were calculated
ity and responsiveness, the GMFM-66 was selected as the and used in the analysis. The Danish translation of the PEDI
primary outcome measure. We chose to use the GMFM-66 test was used in this study.26,27
Item Set (GMFM-IS)24 approach, which reduces number of The SATCo test13 was selected as it is the only published test
items and time required to complete the test. The GMFM-IS that can determine trunk postural control on a segmental basis
and GMFM-66 have a high absolute agreement with an ICC and was administered to the intervention group as part of the
of 0.994 (95% CI 0.993–0.996) at a single measurement and an intervention. The relative reliability of the SATCo test has been
ICC of 0.92 (95% CI 0.89–0.95) across repeat measurements reported as good in children with neuromotor disability (ICC
in a population of 227 children and young people with all 0.80–0.82), and the concurrent validity with the GMFM dimen-
levels of GMFCS.24 A later study including 26 children with sion B was also good (Pearson correlation 0.731–0.833).13 The
CP showed the GMFM-IS to have a high level of concurrent SATCo test was administered in accordance with the published
validity to the GMFM-66 (ICC 0.994 95%CI 0.987–0.997) and test guidelines13 and recorded using video cameras recording
a high test–retest reliability (ICC 0.986 95%CI 0.969–0.994) sagittal and frontal videos by a single tester who was not
with a standard error of measurement (SEM) of 1.91 points.25 blinded. The videos were scored after completion of the study
The GMFM-IS was administered at the hospital physical by two experienced pediatric physical therapists who routinely
therapy department by a single experienced physical therapist use the test and were blinded to the participant allocation and
who was blinded to group allocation. The test was video the test chronology. A consensus meeting was held to resolve
recorded. When the study was completed, the three record- any score differences between the scorers.
ings for each participant were scored by another experienced Static sway kinematics were captured in a biomechanical
assessor blinded both to the group allocation and chronology gait laboratory using a Vicon 612 eight-camera system (Vicon
of the tests. Motion Systems Ltd., Oxford, UK) sampling at 100 Hz. The

participants were seated on a height-adjustable bench with achievement of a goal set at baseline using a modified Goal
their knees and hips at right angles, hands free of their bodies Attainment Scale (GAS). The ultrasound assessment was in the
and the bench, and foot contact with the floor. The strapping majority of cases impossible as it required the children to lay
system described in the guidelines for the SATCo test was prone and relaxed. This was extremely difficult for the group of
used to stabilize the pelvis. A trunk support device consisting children included in this study, so this outcome measure was
of adjustable rear, side, and front supports mounted on a solid abandoned. The GAS scores are not reported as the goals
height-adjustable pillar was then used to support the partici- chosen by the parents, and therapists for the children were too
pant firmly directly beneath the trunk segment that was to be varied to allow for meaningful reporting in connection with the
tested so that the free portion of the body above the support focus of the study which is gross motor function.
was able to come to a neutral vertical posture
A video screen was positioned at a height corresponding to
their eye level when sitting with an upright posture to ensure Results
that the child looked ahead. The trial continued until 30
seconds of static sitting was captured. Study flow and characteristics
Trunk sway amplitude and velocity in the anterior–poster- A total of 28 participants were included in the study between June
ior (AP) and mediolateral (ML) directions were calculated 2010 and May 2012. Fourteen of the participants were rando-
from the transverse plane movement of a marker attached to mized to the segmental training group and 14 to the conventional
the spinous process of C7 in relation to the marker mounted physiotherapy control group. The characteristics of the partici-
on the trunk support adjacent to the spine. Head sway and pants included in the study and the participants included in the
kinematics were calculated using a published protocol.28 analysis of the primary outcome at primary endpoint are detailed
Sway was measured with separate trials for all segmental in Table 1.
levels of the trunk and continued until the trunk support was Figure 2 shows the flow of participants through the study. No
as low as the participant could manage. Prior to the study, participants were lost in the segmental training group. In the
repeatability was determined for a sample of 20 healthy children conventional physiotherapy group, one participant withdrew
using the same protocol. Children under ten years showed a low immediately following allocation to this group, a further two in
typical error of measurement (TEM) for angular AP head sway the intervention period, one participant was lost in the follow-up
of 1.2° and angular ML sway of 0.7°. Trunk AP amplitude and period, and one was not tested at the end of the study. Reasons for
velocity had a SEM of 3.0 mm and 4.1 mm/s, and trunk ML the losses are detailed in the flow chart (Figure 2). Participants in
amplitude and velocity had a SEM 3.2 mm and 4.4 mm/s, the segmental training group trained an average of 84(SD 39)
respectively. Children ten years and over showed even better minutes per week during the intervention period and the conven-
repeatability with angular AP head sway of 0.4° and angular ML tional physiotherapy group received their usual physical therapy
sway of 0.1°. Trunk AP amplitude and velocity had a SEM of with an average of 77(SD 44) minutes per week. In the follow-up
2.5 mm and 0.5 mm/s, and trunk ML amplitude and velocity period, participants in the segmental training group trained an
had a SEM 0.7 mm and 0.3 mm/s, respectively. average of 72(SD 30) minutes per week and the conventional
physiotherapy group trained an average of 84(SD 46) minutes
Statistical methods per week. There was no significant difference in the total training
times between groups either during the intervention or follow-up
Data were tested for normal distribution using a Shapiro– (p = .689 and .587, respectively). Conventional physiotherapy
Wilk test. Independent samples t tests were used to determine recorded in the training log books for the children included in
differences in change scores between the segmental training
group and the conventional physiotherapy group during the
intervention period (primary endpoint) and the for the entire Table 1. Characteristics of participants included in the study and in the analysis
of the primary outcome (GMFM) at primary endpoint (6 months).
study period to follow-up for data that were normally distrib-
Primary outcome and
uted. A Mann–Whitney U test was used for the same compar- Baseline endpoint
isons between the ordinal data for the two groups. These Segmental Segmental
analyses were performed as intention to treat, using mono- training Control training Control
tone multiple imputation to impute missing values. (n = 14) (n = 14) (n = 14) (n = 10)
Trunk sway was analyzed for the trunk support level Age at baseline (SD) 8 years 5 8 years 6 8 years 5 7 years
months (4 months months (4 4
determined by the SATCo test at baseline for each participant. years 0 (4 years years 0 months
Statistical analysis was performed using IBM© SPSS© months) 7 months) (4 years
Statistics version 19. A p-value of less than 0.05 was consid- months) 3
ered statistically significant. Sex (female) 3 7 3 6
III 2 (14%) 3 (21%) 2 (14%) 2 (20%)
Deviations from the approved protocol and trial IV 4 (29%) 2 (14%) 4 (29%) 2 (20%)
V 8 (57%) 9 (64%) 8 (57%) 6 (60%)
registration Primary motor disability
Spastic 7 (50%) 9 (64%) 7 (50%) 7 (70%)
The following outcomes were listed in the approved protocol Dyskinetic 7 (50%) 5 (36%) 7 (50%) 3 (30%)
and trial registration: Change from baseline in thickness of the Ataxic 0 0 0 0
erector spinae muscles measured with ultrasound and degree of

Assessed for eligibility (n=32 )

Not meeting inclusion criteria (n=2)

Declined to participate (n=2)

Randomized (n=28)

Allocated to control (n=14) Allocated to intervention (n=14)

Withdrawal immediately following allocation (n=1)

(n=13) Baseline tests (n=14) Month 0

Conventional physiotherapy Segmental training

5 x weekly
Withdrawn due to gastric pain (n=1)

Withdrawn due to unscheduled surgery (n=1)

Lost to follow-up testing due to non-compliance (n=1)

(n=10) Primary endpoint tests (n=14) Month 6

Conventional physiotherapy Conventional physiotherapy

Lost to follow up unscheduled surgery (n=1)

(n=9) 6 month follow up tests (n=14) Month 12

Figure 2. Flow of participants through the trial.

the study consisted of strength training, functional training, pas- velocity and mediolateral sway amplitude showed no statistical
sive and active stretching, cardiopulmonary exercise, and balance between group difference, but sagittal plane trunk sway ampli-
training. A typical goal for a child in the conventional physiother- tude was significantly reduced in the segmental group compared
apy group with GMFCS V was to hold their head in midline for a with the conventional physiotherapy group (mean difference
period of a few seconds, for GMFCS IV to improve eating skills in 17.2 mm 95% CI −31.6 to −2.7 mm, p = .019). Head kinematics
adapted seating, and for GMFCS III to improve walking speed or did not vary between groups with the exception of the change in
distance using their assistive device. the standard deviation in head pitch which was significantly
Mean outcomes for GMFM, PEDI and head and trunk reduced in the segmental group (mean difference −6° 95%
kinematics, and SATCo test are shown in Figure 3 and CI −11.0 to −1.0°, p = 0.017). Effect sizes for sagittal plane
Table 2. trunk sway amplitude and standard deviation in head pitch
were both large (Cohen’s d 1.1 for both outcomes).
There were no statistically significant intergroup differ-
Primary outcome
ences in the change from baseline for PEDI, SATCo, trunk
Following 6 months of training, the change in gross motor func- sway, or head kinematics at follow-up.
tion (GMFM-66-IS) of the participants in the segmental training
group was no different from the control group (mean difference
1.1 points; 95% CI–2.2 to 4.4 points). This was also the case at
follow-up (mean difference 0.1 points; 95% CI–3.6 to 3.3 points). The main finding of the present study was that segmental
training was not superior to conventional physiotherapy in
improving the primary outcome, gross motor function, at the
Secondary outcomes
primary endpoint (after 6 months training) in children and
There were no significant differences between groups in the young people with moderate-to-severe CP. Treatment effects
change in PEDI scaled scores or in SATCo scores. Trunk sway for the secondary biomechanical variables AP head and trunk



Figure 3. Figure showing means and 95% CI for (a) GFMF, PEDI, and trunk sway and (b) head sway at baseline, primary endpoint, and 6-month follow-up for the
segmental training and conventional physiotherapy groups.

sway were in favor of the segmental training with large effect and GMFM total and dimension B (sitting) score for 38
sizes. children from GMFVS I-IV. The study by Borge et al.
A recent systematic review29 identified 45 studies reporting reported a significant improvement in stabilometry measure-
13 exercise interventions aimed at improving postural control ments for 20 children GMFCS II-V who received NDT for 8
in children with CP. Of these 45 studies, only four studies that hours during a 6-week period. Hippotherapy for a group of 3
reported GMFCS levels included children in GMFCS IV and children with CP GMFCS V produced no change in their
V. These studies reported results from three interventions: sitting postural control measured using SAS or their gross
hippotherapy, hippotherapy simulator, and NDT. Of the stu- motor function using GMFM total score or dimension B.
dies investigating hippotherapy simulators, two level II studies Similarly to this study, the changes induced using the hip-
of children in GMFCS levels showed a mixed ability to potherapy simulator, hippotherapy, or NDT when measured
improve postural control. Borges et al.30 measured the effect functionally using either GMFM or the SAS showed no
of hippotherapy simulators using stabilometry (voluntary cen- change, but stabilometry showed a significant improvement
ter of pressure movement in sitting) on 20 children from in AP and ML postural control. It is clear from this review
GMFCS II-IV. Herrero et al.31 measured the effect of hip- that there are few published therapeutic methods to treat
potherapy simulators on the Sitting Assessment Scale (SAS) postural control deficits in children with moderate-to-severe
Table 2. Outcomes and changes within groups from baseline to primary endpoint and follow-up for GMFM, PEDI, and kinematics.
Change within groups
Baseline Primary Follow-up Baseline to Baseline to
month 0 endpoint month 6 month 12 primary endpoint follow-up
Outcome Segmental Conventional Segmental Conventional Segmental Conventional Segmental Conventional Segmental Conventional
measure training physiotherapy training physiotherapy training physiotherapy training physiotherapy training physiotherapy
GMFM-IS 36.6 (10.6) 35.3 (9.7) 38.4 (10.6) 35.9 (8.8) 36.9 (10.3) 35.7 (10.9) 1.8 (4.0) 0.7 (3.3) 0.3 (2.9) 0.5 (4.7)
PEDI SS SC 40.0 (10.7) 38.3 (14.5) 41.5 (10.5) 36.5 (17.4) 42.9 (11.7) 41.7 (18.0) 1.5 (4.2) −1.8 (10.2) 3.0 (4.7) 3.4 (6.3)
PEDI SS SC-CA 29.6 (20.2) 28.6 (22.0) 30.2 (20.0) 27.1 (23.3) 31.1 (20.6) 28.2 (24.2) 0.7 (7.2) −1.5 (8.4) 1.5 (13.5) −0.4 (8.9)
PEDI SS Mob 26.0 (15.1) 24.3 (17.3) 26.8 (14.4) 25.3 (20.0) 28.8 (15.9) 25.4 (20.0) 0.9 (8.4) 1.0 (7.6) 2.8 (9.0) 1.1 (6.4)
PEDI SS Mob-CA 29.2 (18.3) 23.7 (22.8) 30.3 (20.0) 22.8 (26.5) 25.0 (19.5) 23.0 (25.3) 1.1 (12.6) −0.9 (6.6) −4.2 (17.2) −0.6 (5.8)
Trunk AP amplitude 23.2 (14.1) 8.5 (6.5) 17.7 (8.9) 20.2 (15.4) 14.1 (10.3) 10.1 (6.7) −5.5 (15.1) 11.7 (11.5) −9.1 (20.0) 1.6 (10.8)
Trunk AP velocity 19.5 (10.1) 10.1 (5.9) 18.5 (12.1) 16.3 (9.5) 18.5 (13.7) 14.7 (10.7) −1.0 (13.8) 6.2 (7.4) −1.0 (18.6) 4.7 (13.0)
Trunk ML amplitude 8.2 (5.7) 5.3 (4−3) 9.1 (6.9) 9.6 (10.2) 11.9 (8.5) 10.8 (8.0) 0.9 (9.2) 4.3 (7.5) 3.3 (11.0) 5.5 (5.9)
Trunk ML velocity 12.6 (6.2) 7.2 (5.0) 12.5 (7.2) 11.4 (7.6) 17.3 (11.7) 14 (13.0) −0.2 (9.2) 4.2 (6.0) 4.7 (11.7) 6.8 (10.8)
Mean head pitch 6.3 (8.2) −3.1 (6.0) 5.2 (19.7) 0.7 (13.7) 5.4 (13.4) −12.3 (12.13) −1.1 (19.5) 3.8 (11.8) −0.9 (12.6) −9.2 (9.7)
SD head pitch 8.3 (4.8) 4.8 (2.1) 6.1 (2.7) 8.7 (5.7) 12.1 (11.7) 8.3 (7.4) −2.1 (4.6) 3.9 (5.3) 3.9 (11.2) 3.5 (7.0)
Mean head roll 2.6 (10.6) 8.2 (12.9) 2.0 (11.5) −3.4 (9.2) 8.0 (18.3) −7.4 (12.6) −0.6 (10.2) −11.7 (19.0) 5.4 (19.8) −15.6 (18.7)
SD head roll 6.3 (3.3) 4.6 (4.3) 6.8 (6.7) 4.8 (4.1) 6.8 (7.3) 7.5 (6.8) 0.5 (7.0) 0.1 (2.9) 0.5 (6.6) 2.9 (6.8)
Mean head yaw 1.4 (17.8) −0.2 (6.2) −1.6 (10.0) −3.5 (3.2) −2.5 (12.0) 7.8 (8.6) −3.0 (19.5) −3.3 (8.6) −3.8 (27.2) 8.0 (10.0)
SD head yaw 9.0 (5.8) 4.5 (3.3) 7.6 (4.8) 4.0 (3.2) 10.3 (7.1) 8.3 (10.0) −1.3 (5.3) −−0.5 (4.4) 1.3 (3.7) 3.8 (10.6)
SATCO Static 2 (1:4) 1 (1:4.5) 2.5 (1:4.25) 1 (1:4.25) 2.5 (1:4) 2.5 (1:4) 0 (−0.25:0.25) 0 (0:0) 0 (−1:1) 0 (0:0)
SATCO Active 1 (1:3) 1 (1:3) 2.5 (1:5) 1 (1:2.5) 2.5 (1:4) 1 (1:2.5) 0 (0:0.25) 0 (0:0) 0 (0:1) 0 (0:0)
SATCO Reactive 3 (1:4.5) 4 (0.75:5) 3 (2:4) 5 (1:6) 3 (2:4) 3 (3:5) 0 (0:1) 0 (−0.5:1) 0 (−1:0) 0 (−2:0)
GMFM-IS = Gross Motor Function Measure Item Set, PEDI SS = Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory scaled score, SC = self-care, Mob = mobility, CA = caregiver assistance, AP = anterior–posterior, ML = medial lateral, SD
= standard deviation. SATCo = Segmental Assessment of Trunk Control. GMFM and PEDI are measured in points, amplitude in mm, velocity in mm/s, pitch, roll and yaw in degrees and SATCo in control level. Values are mean
(SD) except SATCo which is median (quartiles).

CP and that the changes that are induced by the therapy are We do not at the present time know whether the
difficult to document using existing functional measurement response to targeted training is related to age, GMFCS,
instruments. and motor disability. Future studies with a larger number
The outcome measures used in the present study are designed of participants are necessary in order to quantify these
to measure the full range of motor abilities found in CP and do possible relationships using multiple regression analysis.
not measure the improved quality of an existing function such as Interventions aimed at the achievement of head control are
head control. This could indicate that future studies should pos- lengthy. Typical periods of targeted training are around 9
sibly focus on other meaningful functional changes for children months for children with deficits in trunk control and 18
such as visual function, look time, social interaction, feeding, and months for those working on head control (Dr. Penny
eye hand coordination. Butler, personal communication). Ceasing training before
All of the outcome measures were made during a single day; improvements in head control become functional is unlikely
there was therefore only one measurement session for each child to produce a lasting change when the new skills are no longer
at baseline, primary endpoint, and follow-up. The outcome mea- practiced. In this study, the intervention was stopped after 6
sures were therefore dependent upon the child’s performance on months regardless of the stage of head control that had been
that day. For healthy adults, this may produce little variation for a achieved. This comparatively short time-limited intervention
measure of motor function, but in this group of children the is unlikely to produce functional change in a child with head
parents reported varying abilities from day-to-day. Children control issues, and this could help to explain the return to
with moderate-to-severe CP experience pain more frequently baseline at the follow-up measure for head kinematics.
and with greater severity than children with mild CP32 have The link between the improvements seen in sway para-
more afebrile seizures33, more sleep disorders34, poorer respira- meters in the segmental training group in this study and
tory status, poorer nutritional status, and a greater use of resources functional improvement is tentative. Steady-state sway has
such as days in hospital, physician visits, missed school, days spent been used as a surrogate measure of postural control in a
in bed, and inability to perform usual activities.35 All of these number of studies38–40 investigating seated postural control
factors could be expected to affect motor performance. Future in children with CP. A study by Curtis et al. showed a
studies should include more than three assessments to reduce the significant and strong relationship between head and trunk
effect of day-to-day variations on the outcomes. postural control and gross motor function measured using
In this study, segmental training produced similar results GMFM and functional abilities using the PEDI test self-care
to conventional physiotherapy in the attainment of improved and mobility domains3. A number of studies have also linked
gross motor function. Segmental training is a very flexible decreased sway with increased motor function39,41,42 in chil-
therapy requiring only the equipment and a person to train dren with CP.
the child, together with a therapist who sets the equipment up In order to improve the efficacy of segmental training,
and reviews the therapy every 8 weeks. It is possible that it is possible that interactive computer play (ICP) as
segmental training could either be a supplement to existing described in the study by Barton et al.10 could be a
therapy or an alternative for children who live remotely from supplement used during the segmental training periods.
a center with qualified therapists. This could provide additional motivation for training par-
The only previous study of the effect of segmental ticipation for children with CP. A recent review43 con-
training12 included six children (aged 2 years 5 months to cluded that the body of literature evaluating ICP to
7 years 5 months) with CP using the SATCo test and a improve gross motor function in individuals with CP
functional test of individual sitting balance. Five of the six showed probable effectiveness (level B) evidence. This
children had normal head control, but all required support review identified two studies which included children in
for sitting at the start of the study. None of the children GMFCS IV and V. The first study44 showed an increase in
were independent walkers. All of the children in this study the total GMFM-88 score of 7% when using Nintendo Wii
achieved independent sitting balance within 12–25 weeks. 2 days a week for 6 weeks in a group of children who were
One of the possible reasons for the divergence between either capable of unsupported sitting or standing. The
these results and the present study is the participants. second study45 included children from GMFCS IV and V
Children in the present study are both older and have a who had achieved either independent sitting or prop-sit-
more severe form of CP. A total of 12 children from the 28 in ting. This study used a seat platform sensitive to move-
the study were working for head control and a further four ments in center of pressure coupled to a computer with
were working for upper thoracic control. As can be seen from games controlled by output from the platform. The study
Table 1, 17 of the 28 participants in this study are in GMFCS reported no change in the Chailey level of box sitting, but
category V. It can be seen from the motor growth curves36 that significant increases in a number of overall scores in the
children and young people with severe CP develop motor skills seated assessment of children with neuromotor disability
at a slower rate than that of children with moderate or mild CP. test. This study concluded that sitting activities where the
Motor development is also more rapid for younger children focus is on self-guided play could be beneficial for
and peaks for GMFCS IV and V at 6 years and 11 months of improving sitting ability. The support provided by the
age37. The potential to improve gross motor function for the segmental training equipment could allow more severely
children in the present study may therefore explain the appar- affected children to train through computer play in a
ent difference in response to the intervention between these similar way to their more able-bodied peers while training
two studies. specific postural control skills.

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