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Heat Transfer

Module 5

Boiling and condensation

Course Instructor
Assistant Professor (Sr.)
School of Mechanical Engineering
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore

MEE 2005
• The change of phase from vapour to vapour state is known as
Correlation for filmwise condensing process [HMT data book, pg no 148 ]

a. Film thickness for laminar flow vertical surface,

δx = [(4 μ k x (Tsat - Tw)) / (g hfg ρ2)]0.25

δx - Boundary layer thickness, m
μ - Dynamic viscosity of fluid, Ns/m2
k - Thermal conductivity of the liquid, W / mK
x - Distance along the surface, m
Tsat - Saturate temperature, oC
Tw - Surface temperature, oC
g - Acceleration due to gravity, 9.81 m/s2
hfg - Enthalpy of evaporation, J/kg
ρ - Density of fluid, kg/m3
Correlation for filmwise condensing process [Contd ]

b. Local heat transfer co-efficient (hx) for vertical surface, laminar flow

h x = k / δx

c. Average heat transfer co-efficient (h) for vertical surface, laminar flow

h = 0.943 [(k3 ρ2 g hfg) / (μ L (Tsat - Tw))]0.25

The factor 0.943 may be replaced by 1.13 for more accurate result as
suggested by Mc Adams

=> h = 1.13 [(k3 ρ2 g hfg) / (μ L (Tsat - Tw))]0.25

d. Average heat transfer co-efficient for Horizontal surface, laminar flow

h = 0.728 [(k3 ρ2 g hfg) / (μ D (Tsat - Tw))]0.25

Correlation for filmwise condensing process [Contd ]

e. Average heat transfer co-efficient for bank of tubes, laminar flow

h = 0.728 [(k3 ρ2 g hfg) / (μ N D (Tsat - Tw))]0.25

f. Average heat transfer co-efficient for vertical surface, turbulant flow

h = 0.0077 (Re)0.4 [(k3 ρ2 g) / (μ2)]0.333

g. For Laminar flow,

Re < 1800 where Re = 4 m / P μ, P – Perimeter

h. For turbulant flow,

Re > 1800

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