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Books to consult:

1. Saifur's math
2. Saifur's Geometry
3. GMAT official
4. Mentors' guide

1. GMAT official
2. GRE big book
3. Saifur's analytical
1. GRE big book

IBA BBA / MBA Admission test এএ এএএএ এএএএএএএএএ এএএএ এএ এ এএএ

এএএএএএএ এএএএএ এএএএএ 1.Gre Bigbook 140/-taka 2.Official Gmat Review
14th Edition 150/-taka 3.Barrons Sat 28th Edition 280/-taka 4.Nova Math Bible
100/-taka 5.Cliffs Toefl Grammar Edition 60/-taka 6.Barrons Toefl Grammar
Edition 60/-taka 7.Dreams Barrons 800 High Frequency vocabulary with Bengali
Meaning 150/-taka 8.Word Smart I&II 60/-taka 9.Dreams Math From Hell by Asif
250/-taka 10.Dreams Puzzle From Hell by Asif 250/-taka 11.Achilles Puzzle 240/-
taka 12.Achilles Vocabulary 240/-taka 13.Manhattan Sentence Correction 120/-
taka 14.Veritas Sentence Correction 150/-taka 15.Power score Critical Reasoning
130/-taka 16.Aggarwal Quantitative aptitude 160/-taka 17.Saifurs Math 230/-taka
18.Saifurs MBA এএএএএএ এ এএএএএএ 250/-taka.19.Saifurs Fill in the Blank
220/-taka.20.Saifurs Analogy 160/-taka 21.Saifurs Writing&Translation 250/-taka
22.Saifurs Newest Grammar 180/-taka 23.Saifurs Geometry 150/-taka 23.Aristotle
Sentence Correction 250/-taka 24.Aristotle Critical Reasoning 250/-taka
25.Manhattan Gmat Strategy Guide 0-5 190/- 26.Ultimate Gmat Grammar 130/-
taka 27.Gmat club 700-800 Level Math with Solution 250/-taka. 28.1000 Sentence
Correction practice Question 150/-taka.IBA Preparation এএ এএএ এএ এএএএ
এএএএএ এএএএ এএএএএএএ এএএএ Grec Publications এএএ এএ এ এএ এএ
এএএ এএএএএএএএ এএএএএএএ এএএএএএএএ এএএএ এএএএ এএএএএএ
এএ এএএএএএএএএএএ

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