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Julie: sorry

Robin: take the stick out COMPLETELY

Julie: ok

Robin: choose right now to stop stirring

Julie: yes

Robin: don't add more fuel

i want you to be very loving to your mind and body right now
tell it everything is ok
that there is no danger
half smile
let body know it can go off high alert
poor thing is trying to help

Julie: my grandmother who is past 90 could walk three stairs yesterday.. i just cant
stop hating myself right now. ..

Robin: STOP :-)

you need to participate in this too

Julie: so sorry . yes

Robin: ok - hold it

Julie: sorry

Robin: YOU have to practice right now

Julie: yes

Robin: override your mind

Julie: yes

Robin: YOU take over

Julie: yes

Robin: let go all over


Julie: yes

Robin: FLOAT with it all

Julie: yes

Robin: and realise it will take a bit of time

Julie: yes

Robin: just keep letting it happen

don't try not to panic
u are in no danger whatsoever

Julie: yes

Robin: u just think u are

it is JUST sensations
absolutely nothing else at all
so relax in that knowledge

Julie: yes

Robin: it will only ever be sensations

Julie: yes
Robin: lots of people are going through this right now
its a very common problem
i went through it
i had all those thoughts
and fears and regrets and self doubts etc
VERY normal
and ok

Julie: yes

Robin: let yourself have them

its ok
ok smile
let go
relax stomach
allow the feelings to exist

Julie: could breath

Robin: lol

Julie: yes

Robin: keep letting go TOWARDS it all

even just a bit
u are in NO danger

Julie: yes

Robin: just sensations

nothing more

Julie: yes

Robin: breath easy

feel stomach rise and fall
drop shoulders
Julie: yes

Robin: feel yourself IN the room

feel the steadiness of the room
GROUND yourself IN that

Julie: I feel sleepy now

Robin: listen
be AWARE of the room

Julie: suddenly feeling very cold.

Robin: feel the TEMPERATURE

Julie: :-)

Robin: good - smile

drop shoulders
it will all settle

Julie: feel ok now.

Robin: just adrenaline

Julie: i am feeling ok now

Robin: :-)
ok - keep practicing

Julie: will go sleep . yes.

Robin: keep letting go

VERY important that you don't stir it up again

Julie: yes
Robin: when u start to think tell your mind u will get back to it LATER
once the pond has settled

Julie: yes

Robin: there is no big rush to think

u have lots of time

Julie: actually cant stop thinking. as if its a radio that i cannot shut off.
right now its on on one level

Robin: its ok that is fight or flight as well

Julie: but i can also practice

Robin: mind on high alert

ready for any danger
its quite brilliant
but in middle of a room we can’t see why we would feel anxious
so we panic thinking something more serious must be happening

Julie: yes

Robin: but it’s perfectly normal and ok

it just feels horrible

Julie: yes

Robin: but can NEVER EVER EVER do u any actual harm

in fact it is OPPOSITE

Julie: yes

Robin: this is all trying to help u

be kind to body
it is trying to be so nice
Julie: i am ok now

Robin: i know :-)

Julie: :-)

Robin: u just had perfectly normal panic

always feels SO worse than ever lol
but it never is

Julie: yes

Robin: u just did a flooding exercise - it was too much too soon lol
no harm done
don't worry in slightest that u did this and had panic
you just weren’t ready for it that's all
we can amend it and get back on track no problem at all

Julie: ok

Robin: so u feel sleepy

Julie: very tired

Robin: great
ok before u go - one more time
let go all over

Julie: yes

Robin: relax stomach

observe it rise and fall several times
keep your attention on it

Julie: yes

Robin: it is very helpful focus

just observe it rise and fall
Julie: yes

Robin: now allow all to be as it is

feel your feet on the ground
be aware of the room
feel the temperature
let your shoulders drop
remember its just adrenaline

Julie: yes

Robin: u stirred it up
no big deal
u did it yourself by mistake
that’s all
nothing was ever wrong
u just thought that
just FELT bad that's all
let your body know that everything is ok
no danger
false alarm
no need for any assistance
go limp
strings cut
go floppy
breathe easy

Julie: :-)
yes - yawn
Robin:: remember - catch yourself writing a big script about it
it’s a waste of time
Julie: yes

Robin: catch it and say 'stop'

Julie: yes

Robin: tell it u will think LATER


Julie: yes :-)

DIALOGUE number 5
This dialogue took place not long after Julie had tried an extreme exposure and
had gone into panic. She was feeling quite vulnerable, on edge and was being
ultra careful with her behaviour in case she triggered more panic.

Julie: i want to just keep sleeping.

not talk to anyone
not do anything

Robin: i want to suggest that you NOT be careful with yourself

just get on with it
you had a panic attack

Julie: lol i am doing exactly that... i did not even put on tv i don't see any scary

Robin: I know
so right now u make the decision to get on with your day
just do what u would normally do
don’t be careful

Julie: yes

Robin: don't watch how u walk or move etc

just let whatever is be

Julie: yes

Robin: it was JUST adrenaline

u were in no danger nor are u now
nor would u be if u had more panic
and u would just work through it again
no problem
if u feel jittery - say "it's ok to panic - it’s ok to be jittery - go ahead.."
laugh when u see yourself being very careful
Julie: i know i am much better than i used to be ..

Robin: u had a lot of panic

and simply going over the practice
and sticking with it
brought it RIGHT down
fairly quickly

Julie: yes
really quickly
my god .. how my mind worked this morning.

Robin: u got to see how u resisted practice

and how that was just a complete waste of time

Julie: i was doing everything.. panicking.. practising.. trying to observe like a script..
observing whats happening to me..

Robin: so - once u finally stuck with the practice it calmed

and that was exactly because you stopped stirring
so now you see for yourself

Julie: yes.

Robin: ironically - it was YOU causing your OWN adrenaline surge

Julie: absolutely

Robin: but also

see the truth
NOTHING bad was actually happening

Julie: yes.. i thought about that.

Robin: it just 'felt' bad

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